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22 Jul 13:25

Human/House/Harvey: Denim

by Stephanie

Human, House, Harvey, denim
I’ve always been a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl.  Dresses and shorts are just fine, but you’ll rarely find me choosing those over some denim and a tee.  I’m not sure if it is my affinity for the texture, color or feel, but I love the idea of denim in every area of my life. So I’ve gathered a few denim favorites for me, my house and my pup! –Stephanie

HUMAN – When it comes to brand loyalty, I’ve always found myself drawn towards anything and everything Steven Alan.  So when I spotted these denim beauties, Pinterest, I knew immediately they had to be part of the brand’s collection.

HOUSE – Another Country always knocks it out of the park in my opinion, but they hit it out of the solar system with this sleek, denim upholstered sofa.

HARVEY – When it comes in a reversible or double sided print, I’m on board.  It doesn’t matter what it is, a two in one deal always gets me excited.  This denim and print pup bed just makes me happy!