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17 May 21:17

New browser extension empowers users to fight online misinformation

Joshua Chen

define "misinformation". I am pretty sure "taiwan is an independent country" is misinformation to some and is not to some other

Most people agree that the spread of online misinformation is a serious problem. But there is much less consensus on what to do about it.
17 May 18:05

從空氣抓二氧化碳!全球最大碳捕捉工廠在冰島 一年抓下8600輛車的排碳

by 陳文姿
Joshua Chen

OP: 不過,這項技術十分耗能,降低成本仍有難度 "雖然不要使用石化能源來減少二氧化碳經濟上更簡單更便宜,但是有些人打心底不相信石化能源不好寧願花些公關費把其他人的質疑搓掉"

全球最大的直接空氣捕捉(Direct Air Capture, DAC)工廠「猛瑪」(Mammoth)8日在冰島啟用,每年可移除3萬6000噸的二氧化碳,約等於減少8600輛車的碳排。跟目前最大的同型工廠相比,足足多了八倍。 產能躍升 成本降低不易 2021年,瑞士新創公司Climeworks啟用直接空氣捕捉工廠「歐卡」(Orca)。歐卡廠位在冰島,每年可捕捉4000噸二氧化碳。捕捉到的二氧化碳交給冰島合作夥伴Carbfix進行碳封存,當年是全球最大的直接空氣捕捉與封存(
16 May 17:43

氣候變遷是薪水和退休金小偷! 2050全球人均收入少19%

by 陳文姿
Joshua Chen

看不見的手: "只要再消滅 19% 的人口,人均收入就可以持平了"

你知道嗎?氣候變遷是薪水和退休金小偷! 國際權威期刊《自然》最新研究估計,2049年氣候變遷預計將造成每年38兆美元的經濟損失。2100年,損失還可能再翻一倍。 38兆美元的損失有多大?大概是整個歐盟全年GDP的2倍多,美國全年GDP的1.5倍,或是台灣2023年GDP的近30倍。 該論文研究過去40年來氣候對全球1600多個區域的經濟影響,如年均溫的變化如何影響經濟成長率的變化,再用電腦模擬預測未來走勢。結果發現,跟「無暖化」的情境相比,26年內,
15 May 02:59

Jailed Thai activist, 28, dies after hunger strike

Joshua Chen

It would be interesting that monalisa dies after hunger strike when people finally realize they need no monalisa

Netiporn "Bung" Sanesangkhom, 28, had been accused of insulting Thailand's monarchy.
09 May 22:58

Hong Kong bans protest anthem after court case win

Joshua Chen

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution: "law is defined by people having force therefore law is always pale in the long run unless all people have right to bear arms"

The city's court has overturned a previous ruling to ban the song which was used by democracy protesters.
09 May 03:10

EU moves to give profits from Russian assets to Ukraine

Joshua Chen

Putin: this is a move towards destruction of the legal foundations of European law and international law. ''There is no law per se, anyway"

EU ambassadors have agreed in principle to use the profits from frozen Russian assets to help Ukraine.
09 May 02:55

ChatGPT maker OpenAI exploring how to 'responsibly' make AI erotica

by Bobby Allyn
Joshua Chen

OpenAI: "the actor model template will be from cartoon and never real little girls or humans. Our hope is that the child porn criminal producers can use our tool at cheaper cost and not afraid of being prosecuted anymore"

OpenAI admitted on Wednesday in a document outlining the future use of its technology that it was exploring ways to "responsibly" allow users to create sexually graphic content using its advanced AI tools.

The San Francisco-based AI juggernaut says it is re-evaluating its policies around "NSFW" content.

(Image credit: Richard Drew)

07 May 20:36

The rise of Sweden's super rich

Joshua Chen

Some data for Jul 2000 and Jul 2022
energy consumption: 2.30 EJ and 2.28 EJ
M1 money supply: 761 KM SEK and 4560 KM SEK

Why the Nordic nation, despite its reputation for social equality, has so many billionaires.
05 May 22:56

Is Zimbabwe zigzagging into further currency chaos?

Joshua Chen

Joe: "how do I know this piece of paper is backed by 1 gram of gold?"
ruler: "I say so"
Joe: "I say otherwise"

Traders suffer a case of déjà-vu as any savings are wiped out with a new currency called the Zig.
05 May 22:32


Joshua Chen


05 May 21:30

Israel raids Al Jazeera office as Netanyahu government votes to shut channel down

by The Associated Press
Joshua Chen

Foreign Press Association: Israel joins a dubious club of authoritarian governments to ban the station

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends a press conference in the Kirya military base in Tel Aviv, Israel on Oct. 28, 2023. Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that his government voted unanimously to shut down the local offices of Qatar-owned broadcaster Al Jazeera.

(Image credit: Abir Sultan)

29 Apr 19:31


by twlai
Joshua Chen

SN: "希望等他長大的時候正直的貨幣已經世界通行,要不然他看到自己仍然捉襟見肘但是不學無術繼承股票房產的同學混得比他還好一定很難過"

《如果我可以冬眠(Baavgai Bolohson/If Only I Could Hibernate)》是一部讓人看了心疼,最後卻能帶著微笑離場的電影。






《如果我可以冬眠》是一部蒙古電影,其實也是一部政治電影,然而導演Zoljargal Purevdash沒有一個字批評政府,反而是透過住在蒙古裡的男主角烏爾(Battsooj Uurtsaikh飾演)一家人看見巨大的貧富落差現況,以及不甘心被貧窮擊敗的志氣。「如果我可以冬眠。」是烏爾幼弟的一句台詞,如果他們能像熊一樣冬眠,就不怕酷寒,也不愁飢餓,因為飢寒交迫就是他們困在蒙古包裡的生活實況。動物可以一眠解千愁,凡人可以比照嗎?多卑微的問句?多無奈的歎息。



《如果我可以冬眠》是一部勵志電影,Battsooj Uurtsaikh飾演的烏爾不但極具魅力,而且極有說服力,對生活困境他沒有一字抱怨,能讓弟妹溫飽,他就有笑容;能向母親報佳音,他更像是驕傲的大哥。生命尊嚴,他身體力行,所以觀眾會認同進而欣慰同歡。

Davaanyam Delgerjargal的攝影,透過《如果我可以冬眠》見證了文明社會的傷痕;Johanni Curtet的音樂,讓《如果我可以冬眠》有如一場蒙古頌歌,嫵媚多元又能呼應角色情境,你絕對會想一聽再聽;Zoljargal Purevdash的編導功力,讓《如果我可以冬眠》成為一部認識今日蒙古,今日文明的絕佳素材。

27 Apr 21:38

UK's Investigatory Powers Bill to become law despite tech world opposition

by Connor Jones
Joshua Chen

ByteDance: "China is the role model"

Only minor changes from original proposals that kicked up privacy storm

The UK's contentious Investigatory Powers (Amendment) Bill (IPB) 2024 has officially received the King's nod of approval and will become law.…

27 Apr 21:09

How a police raid on Columbia protest ignited campus movement

Joshua Chen

SN: "could you distribute this 26B USD to all americans and let them donate to Israel army at their discretion?"
Biden: "never. people are stupid and cannot calculate for their best interest"
SN: "sure. alpha apes in charge never separate money from governments"

The university president's decision to bring in the NYPD lit a wildfire of protest over the Gaza war.
25 Apr 20:25

Huge protest in Argentina against education cuts

Joshua Chen

Money is a four letters word. One does not think so simply because someone else is paying, willingly or unwillingly.

Thousands marched in Buenos Aires on Tuesday calling on President Milei to preserve university funding.
20 Apr 21:29

After hunt for impartiality, who are the 12 Trump jurors?

Joshua Chen

By avoidance of conflict of interest, unless they don't participate the November vote, they must be partial

The five women and seven men make up a highly educated group who will deliberate on the case.
20 Apr 16:16

After their PM halts Ukraine aid, Slovaks dig deep to help

Joshua Chen

people can do whatever they see fit for their money regardless of the governments

A crowdfunding campaign to buy artillery shells for Ukraine quickly exceeds its target of €1m (£850m).
19 Apr 14:23

For more open and equitable public discussions on social media, try 'meronymity'

Joshua Chen

Economically the only solution is "post as you pay and the payment is hardly traced"

Have you ever felt reluctant to share ideas during a meeting because you feared judgment from senior colleagues? You're not alone. Research has shown this pervasive issue can lead to a lack of diversity in public discourse, especially when junior members of a community don't speak up because they feel intimidated.
17 Apr 14:39

GPS disabled as Israel raises alert over Iran threat

Joshua Chen

Iran government: "fyi. Our made-in-china drones use 北斗, not GPS"

The Israeli army also cancels leave after Iran threatens to retaliate over the killing of its general.
17 Apr 14:38

TSMC wins subsidies to expand US chip manufacturing

Joshua Chen

foreign 74.63% TSMC share holders: "the most lucrative country is TBD. Let them bid and we vote"

The US has been pushing to expand chip production, citing economic and national security risks.
17 Apr 14:38

West faces 'authoritarian' alliance, says Nato head

Joshua Chen

CIA: "authoritarian always controls information and money therefore a necessary condition to defeat authoritarian is to liberate information and money"

Nato head Jens Stoltenberg tells Laura Kuenssberg authoritarian powers are becoming more aligned.
17 Apr 14:36


Joshua Chen

只要有市場就算逮到老馬也是沒用的,AI 也應該可以做出更吸引的不是偷拍真人的影片。賺錢辛苦,想把錢花在訂閱影片或是反過來 chain analysis 偵查犯罪或是給台積電營運補貼,就看各人偏好

17 Apr 14:35

Ukraine's power plants at the mercy of Russian missiles

Joshua Chen

prepper: "energy supply shall be decentralized and mobile, like my flexible solar panels"

Russia now frequently targets Ukraine's energy infrastructure in an attempt to cripple the country.
14 Oct 16:16

BBC journalists held at gunpoint by Israeli police

A BBC Arabic team was driving to back to a hotel when they were stopped and dragged from their car.
13 Oct 16:43


by 袁慧妍
有一陣子在與同事辨識山蘇,試圖找到台灣三種山蘇中最好吃的「 東洋山蘇花 」。找尋的時候發現水泥壁面上,長著許多小小圓厚的葉子,除了小圓葉子外,也夾雜一些長條狀的葉子。我好奇道,「這會不會是山蘇的小時候啊?」打開iNaturalist查詢,搜尋結果顯示為伏石蕨,還搭配一張滿滿小圓葉子的圖片,我心想AI果然還是不夠聰明,我要查的是圖片中間長長的葉子是誰,你卻告訴我旁邊圓圓的是伏石蕨,卻不知道原來不夠聰明的是我,長長的與圓圓的都是伏石蕨的葉子啊! 當時我心想它也太無聊了吧!
13 Oct 14:36

Fresh curl tomorrow will patch 'worst' security flaw in ages

by Richard Speed

It’s bad, folks. Pair of CVEs incoming on October 11

Updated  Start your patch engines – a new version of curl is due tomorrow that addresses a pair of flaws, one of which lead developer Daniel Stenberg describes as "probably the worst curl security flaw in a long time."…

06 Oct 13:00

Mathematical bedtime stories may build better mathematical memory

Joshua Chen

The only math problem I would do is counting the number of sheep

Researchers Jayne Spiller and Camilla Gilmore at the Center for Mathematical Cognition, University of Loughborough, U.K., have investigated the intersection of sleep and mathematical memory, finding that sleep after learning improves recall.
30 Sep 10:50

Baltimore Archdiocese files for bankruptcy before law on abuse lawsuits takes effect

by The Associated Press
Joshua Chen

Baltimore Archdiocese lawyer: "there is judgement after death anyway, isn't it?"

Baltimore Archbishop William Lori leads a funeral Mass in Baltimore on March 28, 2017.

Attorneys and advocates say the church is trying to protect its assets and silence abuse victims by halting all civil claims against the archdiocese and shifting the process to bankruptcy court.

(Image credit: Patrick Semansky/AP)

30 Sep 10:48

'Sparks' author Ian Johnson on Chinese 'challenging the party's monopoly on history'

by John Ruwitch
Joshua Chen

fyi, there is a picture of 64 tank man recorded in all the chains of bitcoin

Cover of Sparks.

Xi Jinping and China's ruling Communist Party have displayed a dogged obsession with controlling the historical narrative. But there's a group of underground historians fighting back.

(Image credit: Oxford University Press)

30 Sep 03:40

Indonesia: TikToker jailed for two years over pork video

Joshua Chen

"thank God I have no religion"

Lina Lutfiawati, who identifies as Muslim, said an Islamic phrase before eating crispy pork skin.