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07 May 22:11

"Killer is Dead" Heads to PC on May 23

by Joseph Luster

As listed on the Steam page, Killer is Dead's PC arrival has officially been dated. Killer is Dead: Nightmare Edition is coming to PC on May 23, and will include a new difficulty mode and more.


The roundup of new features includes Nightmare Mode, in which enemies can only be defeated with Adrenaline Burst, Dodge Burst, and Headshots, and Final Judgment QTE finishers are unavailable. There's also a Theater Mode for watching cutscenes and getting background info on characters,


Finally, the Smooth Operator DLC pack—which comes with X-Ray glasses, costumes, and a new mission—is included and unlocked after Episode 3. 


Via Eurogamer



Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. His blog can be found at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter at @Moldilox.

07 May 22:09

Shame And Stigma: What A 3-Minute Video Can Teach Us About Anti-Choice Media

Emily Letts on CNN

Part of the past success of the anti-choice movement has been using the media to convince Americans that abortion is gross and dangerous. As Amanda Marcotte has explained, the anti-choice movement loves to focus particularly on third-trimester abortions, "because they are especially disgusting":

...and therefore make a good cudgel to attack all abortion rights. And since they are so emotionally fraught, they have a great deal of appeal to the ghouls that populate the anti-choice movement, the ones who spend obscene percentages of their lives dwelling on graphic pictures of dead fetuses.

But third-trimester procedures are only about one percent of abortions performed in the US; the overwhelming majority -- 90 percent -- occur during the first trimester, and are significantly safer and easier medical procedures. Most women can take a simple drug; if they opt for surgery, the procedure takes just a few minutes.

But conservative media and anti-choice activists have dominated the conversation about abortion, allowing myths, misinformation, and stigma to perpetuate. 

This damaging deficit of accurate information in the media prompted Emily Letts, an abortion counselor, to film her own first-trimester abortion and post the video online. As she explained in an opinion piece for Cosmopolitan, the misinformation about abortion has overwhelmed the reality, and shame and fear of the procedure makes finding the facts more difficult:

I searched the Internet, and I couldn't find a video of an actual surgical procedure in the clinic that focused on the woman's experience. We talk about abortion so much and yet no one really knows what it actually looks like. A first trimester abortion takes three to five minutes. It is safer than giving birth. There is no cutting, and risk of infertility is less than 1 percent. Yet women come into the clinic all the time terrified that they are going to be cut open, convinced that they won't be able to have kids after the abortion. The misinformation is amazing, but think about it: They are still willing to sacrifice these things because they know that they can't carry the child at this moment.

Posting a video about your abortion may seem provocative. But the video is not graphic or scary. It shows Letts' face as she softly hums to herself during the five minute procedure, quietly and calmly, and shows her speaking to the camera before and after the procedure about how she's feeling. At the end, a month after the abortion, she says she knows that it was the right choice for her, and that she wanted to share her story.

After Letts released the video of her abortion, Fox News launched a series of personal attacks on the 25-year-old, going so far as to question her mental stability. Because she tried to help other women who find themselves in similar difficult situations by accurately documenting her own personal experience, Fox's The Five described her actions as everything from a publicity stunt to genocide. Later the same night, Fox host Andrea Tantaros called her "disturbed," while Sean Hannity attacked her need for an abortion, repeatedly suggesting she could have just used birth control, and called the video "sick." Neither The Five nor Hannity actually played the full video for their viewers, which is just over three minutes long.

Letts was trying to help combat the misinformation spread by Fox News and conservative media every day about abortion, so it's unsurprising that they reacted with personal attacks on her. Conservative media have even helped manipulate mainstream journalists into parroting anti-choice lies, and have played a role in shaming women who have abortions or who support those who do. 

07 May 18:14

Regarding POWER GIRL's costume...


I guarantee that this person spends far far more money on comics than any of us and therefore takes priority

(this is also correct)

(Thanks Liz.)
07 May 14:02

Glenn Beck: Eating Filet Mignon With Villagers Is Just Like Rape

by karoli


Poor, poor Glenn Beck. It was such a burden for him to have some petit filet mignon and crab cakes with Washington DC Villagers that he came away feeling....raped. Right Wing Watch: Beck also said he went to the White House Correspondents Dinner once but will never return: “My wife and I left and said, should we go and take a shower because I feel like I’ve just been raped.” “It’s an awful, awful experience, filled with just some of the worst people ever assembled in one building.” Oh! Poor baby. Does anyone feel like his reaction is just a tiny bit out of proportion here? How is hobnobbing with the DC glitterati anything like forcible, uninvited, violent sex? I don't think I have to launch into a diatribe of how wrong that is to make the point, do I? I guess he didn't care for the Biden/Julia Louis-Dreyfus video either. Because Nazis.

read more

07 May 12:00

VIDEO: Latest "Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple" OVA Preview

by Scott Green

Detective Conan? Hayate? Silver Spoon? Only Kenichi is able to bear the responsibility of ensuring that the now decades old Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga joke about Shonen Sunday remains relevant for the modern day

While a TV edit of earlier OVAs is airing on Tokyo MX this season, a new Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple OVA is set to be released with a limited edition of the martial arts manga's 56th volume on May 16th.




The standard and limit edition covers


Some of the new end cards for the running OVA broadcast...



Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

05 May 19:26

Fox News Host Clayton Morris Wants To Know: 'Are Female Breadwinners A Problem?'

by David

As is generally the case when you have a news story entitled with an incredibly leading question, the asking of which is in effect presuming its affirmation: no.

Fox News Host Clayton Morris Wants To Know: 'Are Female Breadwinners A Problem?'

Fox News host Clayton Morris argued over the weekend that women "breadwinners" could be emasculating men by violating their "innate" biology.

On the Sunday edition of Fox & Friends, Morris asked several guests if there was a "problem" after a Pew Research Center study released earlier this month found that about 25 percent of women made more than their husbands.

"Are female breadwinners a problem?" Morris wanted to know. "Is there a problem with men earning less in the household, and do you think that it could cause big marital problems?"

After Fox Business host Kmele Foster agreed that women earning more could cause problems because it was "running against convention," Morris suggested that there was a biological reason that men should earn more money.

"Isn't there some sort of biological, innate need for me to be the caveman?" he wondered. "Go out and bring home the dinner. Is it emasculating if we don't do it?"

Kris Schoels of opined that "problems can arise" when families do not follow "traditional gender roles."

"Is there a biological need for the man to take care of the women here?" Morris asked Miss New York USA 2013 Joanne Nosuchinsky, who recommended finding a man who was not insecure about his wife earning more.

Morris then suggested that Nosuchinsky could "lose respect" for a stay-at-home dad.

read more

03 May 15:34

"gdgd Fairies" Movie Opens This Fall

by Scott Green

A year and a half after the end of their second TV series, Kaoru Mizuhara, Satomi Akesaka and Suzuko Mimori will be back as the "moe," 3DCG, ad-libbed gdgd Fairies in a movie, playing in theaters including Kadokawa Cinema Shinjuku starting September 27th. 


Season 2's Sota Sugahara will again be directing and providing character designs. Peeping Life's Ryoichi Mori teams up with that season's Cool Japan evangelist Osabe Kazuyuki on the writing. The girls of will guest star in the anime.


The movie will be playing with Narihero www, also directed by Sota Sugawara. Takuya Masumoto will be writing with Mutsumi Tamura, Yuiko Tatsumi and Maaya Uchida as Soyogi, Plato and Arisu, along with Kouji Ochiai as DT.







Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

02 May 17:31

Bill Moyers: What About Obama's Net Neutrality Promise?

by Susie Madrak
Bill Moyers: What About Obama's Net Neutrality Promise?

Yeah, once telecom lobbyist Tom Wheeler was appointed, we pretty much knew what Obama was up to. Remember, as Bill Moyers says, there's still time to speak out:

Running for president in 2007, Barack Obama pledged to keep the Internet open to all, upholding the principle of Net neutrality. Now his FCC chairman, Tom Wheeler, has introduced new rules that have caused an uproar among public interest groups and media reform advocates. They believe Wheeler’s proposed changes break Obama’s campaign promise and will allow providers like Verizon and Comcast to sell faster access to the Web to the highest bidder.

The problem, Bill Moyers says, is that “Business and government are now so intertwined that public officials and corporate retainers are interchangeable parts of what Chief Justice John Roberts might call ‘the gratitude machine.’” FCC officials, including Wheeler, transit back and forth through the revolving door between public service and lucrative private commerce, losing sight of the greater good. But there’s still time to speak up and make your voices heard.

02 May 16:05

The Show That Sexism Built: Fox Drops All Pretense With Outnumbered


Fox News' Outnumbered, which features four female anchors and one male guest in an hour-long show, is billed as "a news show first and foremost," but in its first week the jaw-dropping program has proven to be anything but.

Even before its debut, it was evident that Roger Ailes' brainchild would be incredibly sexist. The name Outnumbered alone announces that the show operates from the perspective of its sole male guest, who must inevitably feel outnumbered in the presence of four female hosts (never mind the fact that many of Fox's current programs, like Fox & Friends or The Five, feature more male hosts than female yet carry no such designation).

Outnumbered likewise doesn't depart from Ailes' trademark exploitation of Fox women -- immediately evident in the no-pants dress code thus far for female anchors, whose legs are on prominent display and nearly always crossed toward the male guest du jour, known to the Twittersphere as #OneLuckyGuy.

Before the program first aired, Jay Wallace, Fox's senior vice president for news, described the show as "a news show first and foremost," with "journalism at the heart."

Nearly all of Fox's purported news programs churn with an undercurrent of sexism. But with Outnumbered, the network drops the veil. It's more a parody of a news program, devoting the vast majority of the first week to decidedly non-news, fluff stories that highlight stereotypical altercations or disparities between the sexes. Rather than mention actual news stories that pertain to women's issues -- such as a new White House report on college sexual assault -- Outnumbered relayed George Clooney's groundbreaking recent engagement and a new plastic surgery that will enable women to better wear sky-high heels, stories built around gender stereotypes.

02 May 15:35

Meet The Glocker Moms


You have to click the link and go to the site to see the setup the NRA made of the lady mannequin in the pink shirt holding A GATLING MINIGUN

NRA swag

INDIANAPOLIS-- The theme of last week's National Rifle Association annual meeting was an odd one: maternity.

It was not an official theme in the way macho slogans like "All In" and "Stand and Fight" have formally defined recent NRA congresses. But it was a thick running thread, one that signals the quickening of a broad shift underway across the gun rights movement, from the gun makers to the grassroots.

Red schwag set the tone. At tables throughout the complex, NRA staffers handed out "I'm an NRA MOM" buttons and t-shirts. At the building's main entrance hung an enormous banner of a woman, looking a little pouty, next to a populist taunt of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who recently said he would spend big on behalf of the gun safety movement.

While it is unclear if the woman is an NRA mom, she is notably not NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre or board member Ted Nugent. The billboard captures perfectly the NRA's double-pronged messaging campaign of the moment, best summarized as "Glocker Moms against Mayor Mike."

NRA banner

For years the role of women in the politics and business of guns has been growing. We may look back at 2014 as the year it flipped. In Indianapolis, women constituted a full quarter of NRA attendees for the first time -- up to a five-fold increase over the past decade, according to the group.

The NRA is pivoting quickly to adjust, and for the first time its convention program featured two major events for women. In addition to the $250-a-plate Women's Leadership Forum Luncheon and Auction, the group held the first annual Women's New Energy Breakfast, where female gun owners and NRA moms mixed and networked over a $15 breakfast buffet.

These same women are the target of a female-oriented media push, anchored by a running NRA web series called "Armed and Fabulous." An early episode looks admiringly at the Potterfield women of the Midway ammunition empire, whose scion, Larry, is one of the NRA's biggest industry donors.

The women-and-guns motif carried over into the male-dominated dog-and-pony show known as the Leadership Forum, where 2016 hopefuls bragged about their wives' gun racks. Rick Santorum boasted that his wife owns more guns than he does, and that his five-year old daughter is already an NRA member. Indiana Governor Mike Pence talked about falling in love with his wife for her handgun. Florida Senator Marco Rubio bemoaned the paperwork required for his female staffers to carry and conceal. And after two years in which Glenn Beck delivered the keynote, this year's honor fell to the pistol-packin' Mama Grizzly, Sarah Palin.

What's going on? The modern NRA is, above all, a thinly veiled industry group. Its "mom" offensive reflects basic gun industry economics: manufacturers' continued growth depends in no small part on making up for the duck and deer hunting demographic, which has been static or declining for generations.

The industry hopes that women can be their growth market. Thus far its degree of success is anyone's guess. Anecdotal evidence and some polling shows an increase in female gun ownership in recent years. But according to the General Social Survey, the gold standard for survey research, only 12 percent of women owned guns in 2012, a lower level than in the mid-1990s.    

Whether or not there's a real demographic sea change at hand, the transformation is unfolding in the gun media, both popular and trade, where designers and analysts discuss the need for new models representing the past and future of the industry. Gun makers are rolling out more rifles fitted for arthritic fingers, as well as handguns like the Pavona pistol, "designed for the discerning woman."

02 May 14:56

CG Anime gdgd Fairies Gets Film in September

Staff & cast of surreal 2011-2013 TV anime reunite; creators also show Narihiro www short
01 May 17:28

Brian Blair talks Iron Sheik, Beefcake boating accident and other subjects

by (Dave Meltzer)

As far as trustworthiness goes: in addition to having written a book on how to properly speak carny, this man also held Florida public office

Brian Blair talks heat with Iron Sheik, Beefcake Boating Accident, Being promised the WWE Tag Titles, and more

Former WWE star, B. Brian Blair recently sat down together with Steve and the Scum on WGD Weekly for a very candid interview. Blair discussed all stops in his great career during his time on WGD Weekly. The entire interview can be heard here: 

Highlights from Blair's hour-plus long interview on WGD Weekly included:

The origins of the heat between himself and the Iron Sheik: "...It really started in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Sheik and I used to always take each other down, we could both wrestle, you know, and hook...In Hershey, he was messing around, and for some reason, he shot on me and took me down. He tried to ankle pick me and hurt my ankle, so I double wrist locked him and turned him around and he started screaming. Everybody saw that, you know, Volkoff, everybody saw him screaming like crazy, and I'm not letting go. I said, 'I'm not going to let go until you tap, so he tapped and I think that was a blow to his ego and he never liked me after that..."

The incident where Iron Sheik slapped him : "...all of a sudden out of now where, the Sheik slapped the pee out of me. I don't know why he did that, maybe he was trying to create his own angle...all these fans had paid to see this deal. I wanted to be like I always am, the consummate professional, so what am I supposed to do, beat up the Sheik right there? I'm thinking to myself, ' It's a roast for him, this is really not a good situation.' So, he kept going, then I went my way! he went his way, but believe me the heat kept escalating from there, you guys have heard it all, but I honestly think it all stems back from Hershey, Pennsylvania, and when he had to tap out..."

A first hand account of the horrific boating accident involving Brutus Beefcake: "...I was there, I remember it like it was yesterday... Beefcake knew exactly how to do what he was doing, he was even giving people instructions...Once you hook the parasail to your back, you've got to run on the beach as fast as you can, and then lift your knees up, then the sail picks you up...he made one mistake, all it takes is one mistake...for some reason, Beefcake turns to the left...she lifts her knees up and it was like a battering ram...that knee hit him right in the mouth, and he was down...I ran into the water, and I grabbed him... I pulled him up on to the shore...He was still conscious...I tapped him on his back and said are you ok...I was saying, open your mouth, open your mouth...then I realized,  his whole face from the top of his nose down was fractured, and his front teeth were on top of his bottom teeth...he could not talk, he couldn't open them...he is really lucky to be alive..."

The Killer Bees being promised the WWF Tag Titles several times but never actually getting them: "...Why it never came to fruition is beyond me...We were promised three times that we would be the champions. It was a big deal for us and every time it was like, wait, wait, the money is in the chase, let the heels have the belts...Not getting those is what made me leave, and Jimmy stayed's sad that we didn't get the belts, it really is. We deserved, them, I'm not just saying that, I know we deserved them..."

In addition to more detail on each of these topics, Brian also spoke at length about, his childhood dreams of becoming a pro wrestler, his football days at Louisville, going to Florida and training with Hiro Matsuda, meeting and working early on in his career with Hulk Hogan, his friendship with and working in the ring against Bruiser Brody, his time in Kansas City and Central States Wrestling, feuding with Jesse Ventura, his first run in WWF, working for Vince McMahon, Sr., being in the locker room with Hulk Hogan and discovering Vince, Sr. was dying, World Class Championship Wrestling and the Von Erich family, a road trip with Paul Orndorff, Tony Atlas, and Tommy Rich that turned into a brawl on the side of the road, returning to the WWF, being paired with Jim Brunzell and being named the Killer Bees, working WrestleMania 2, 3, and 4, the great tag teams of the WWF in the 1980's, working with the Hart Foundation, a Mr. Fuji rib story, an backstage dispute at WrestleMania 5 with Vince McMahon, continuing to wrestle right up through the current time on the Indys, and so much more.

WGD Weekly with Steve and the Scum interviews a different legend from “Wrestling’s Glory Days” every week as a part of their show. You can find all of their previous shows and get updates and information on upcoming programming on their Facebook page at or on Twitter @WGDWeekly. All shows are available on their YouTube channel and on iTunes.

Sent from my iPad
30 Apr 22:47

Nature Valley Granola Bar Maker Talks Favorite "Love Live" Girl and More on Twitter

by Scott Green

Granola bars tend to call hiking and other outdoor activities to mind. Conversely, anime and its fandom are easily thought of as more indoor interests. Well, brand Nature Valley spent the day on social media bridging that gap, talking Love Live, Miyazaki movies and even Legend of Galactic Heroes with the otaku of "Anitwitter!" 


More than the one off gags seen before, the General Mills snack label spent enough time chatting anime that they were getting invited to conventions by the end of the day.


which girl would you rather share a #Delicious granola snack bar with, @NatureValley?

— salamienthusiast68 (@asukalangley) April 30, 2014

@asukalangley We don't know those two gals. But we'd definitely share a #granolabar with Nagisa and Kotomi.

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014

@ER_nut That's a toughie. We love Honoka's spirit - but we also love Hanayo's origami skills. Who's your favorite?

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014

@NatureValley, which #grandola bar do you suggest me and my #husbando share?

— mass production meme (@MAYAlBUKl) April 30, 2014

@anya_fennec We just answered that one: We love Honoka's spirit - but we also love Hanayo's origami skills. Who's your favorite?

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014

@MangaTherapy We like quiet, contemplative #anime that features sweeping natural landscapes. Like Hayao Miyazaki films.

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014

We did it! RT @Crunchyroll: Would like to extend our warmest welcome to our new addition to anitwitter, @NatureValley.

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014

Dreams do come true. RT @oppibella: @NatureValley Congratulation! Welcome to Anitwiiter!

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014

Let the #NatureValley + #anime art fest begin. RT @KokoroAkechi: @NatureValley

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014

Is it true? Did all of our #anime friends on Anitwitter just follow us? Banzai!

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014

RT @KokoroAkechi: I told everyone I'd become an idol, but instead I became a granola girl. Thank you @NatureValley

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014

You guys. We're in #anime now. RT @mini_cake_: .@NatureValley

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014

Miyako is just nuts for them! @NatureValley

— Hangman (@invasionconrade) April 30, 2014

@KokoroAkechi @tohsakas We've wandered all 9 galactic kingdoms to bring you the finest oats, the purest honey and the richest peanut butter.

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014

@AnimatedInk @VamptVo Chiyo-chan. Is there really any other choice?

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014

@Cidoku We're betting on Yang Wen-Li. He has the humility to properly enjoy a #granolabar.

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014

Okay, #anime friends. We have to go home now. Until the sun sets and rises again. Good night!

— Nature Valley (@NatureValley) April 30, 2014
30 Apr 21:01

Senate Republicans Shoot Down Minimum Wage Hike

by Susie Madrak

All Democrats voted for it. Only one Republican did. That means it was 54 for, 42 against. Why is that a failure? Because everything in the Senate now requires 60 votes due to filibusters. Everything. No matter what.

(Credit: ell brown)

A united Democratic front convinced just one Republican, Bob Corker, to back the measure.
29 Apr 20:20

Paul Ryan Tells Churchgoers,”Usually When I Get Up This Early, I Get Up To Kill Something”

by karoli
Paul Ryan had a few awkward moments when he apparently forgot he was speaking in church, not at the NRA meeting.
29 Apr 18:47

COUGHLIN: The Top Moments That Define MMA (with pictures!)

by (Mike Coughlin)

The Half-Guarded Truth

By: Mike Coughlin


The Moments That Define MMA


Not much of what happens within a single game or even season really matters, to say nothing of how few instances within a sport’s entire history are truly important.  But those times when something special does take place go to defining the sport itself: Babe Ruth “calls his shot,” Lou Gehrig declares himself the luckiest man on the face of the earth, Michael Jordan sinks a game winner that crushes the Cavaliers, and Maradona scores with the help of the Hand of God.  These events are part of the myth-building process at the heart of each sport’s legacy.  Repeat something often enough and it becomes true - even if it maybe never happened, ala Ruth’s home-run, or maybe if it wasn’t nearly as important as we remember (Jordan’s shot was in a first round series).


I’m going to do this with MMA.  I’m going to ultimately fail - because it will never be complete and because it will leave off your favorite moment.  This is not a list of what should be the most important moments and fights that every fan should know.  Like Jordan’s and Ruth’s “Shots,” the story of a sport need be digestible and so fine details give way to broad strokes.  This is a scrap book of memories of half-naked men hitting each other, one made not by your grandmother but rather that cousin who un-ironically says “bro.”


They are in no particular order.



George St. Pierre begs for a title shot


There may be nothing that so captures the modern UFC: a victory by one of its greatest and most popular fighters, who is then literally on his knees begging of Dana White.  If you don’t like White, this is the image on your creepy dartboard (Wait?  Why are you throwing darts at GSP?).  So iconic is this scene that it has been repeated time and again by lesser fighters, with diminishing returns.  There was a simple honesty that comes from the non-native speaker trying to get out the necessary English to beg for something he’d actually earned.  Oh, and it worked too.  St. Pierre got that title shot, won the belt, and never lost until he eventually retired.  (ooooor he had to next fight BJ Penn, then win the belt, then he lost it, before regaining it.  But then he never lost again.  Hey, Jordan didn’t win a championship with his shot either.)

Randy Couture punches Tim Sylvia in the face


Couture was 800 years old and retired from fighting when the UFC asked him to fight one of the saddest champions men in the company’s human history: Tim Sylvia.  The referee says fight, Couture walks across the cage and just up and punches the lumbering slug in the jaw, felling him like David slew Goliath.  Everyone in Ohio (of all places) cheered and screamed and yelled and realized there was a God and He actually did care about grown men hitting each other because that was the best explanation for why something so happy was allowed to happen.  Couture would win and then defend the belt a dozen times, well into his fifties, before losing to Brock Lesnar.  He finally rode off into the sunset never again to be seen. (Or, fought a few more random fights before he and the UFC brass got into a pissing contest and now he’s persona non grata #2 - #1 is on this list too, don’t worry.)

Frank Shamrock wipes blood off his face and struts around the cage


See, here’s #1: Frank Shamrock.  Boxing has the “rope-a-dope” and MMA has this - Tito’s also an idiot, so it fits.  In defending his Light Heavyweight title, Shamrock knew he couldn’t straight up beat the bigger, stronger, and better wrestler in Ortiz.  So, Frank gambled on the one thing in his favor: cardio.  He sacrificed rounds knowing that every little movement he made required Ortiz to burn precious energy.  On the score cards, be they the actual cards or ones invented after the fact that use a 37 point scoring system no one can follow but trust us it’s better, Shamrock was losing.  THEN: Shamrock sensed his moment, exploded with energy, battered Ortiz, landing elbows and hammer-fists to the head until Big John stopped it with ten seconds left in the round.  Ortiz lost a fight that for nineteen minutes he’d been winning.  Shamrock then wiped blood from his forehead, held his hands in victory, and walked a walk that let everyone know: I was the smartest man in the cage. (Note: Zuffa Media Policy dictates that this fight never happened.  The UFC does not acknowledge the existence of one Frank Shamrock.)

Royce Gracie wins the first UFC tournament, beating every style of martial art


On one night, in November of 1993, Royce Gracie beat a boxer, a karate man, a sumo, and a street fighter, and then he tapped out Ken Shamrock in the main-event of the first ever UFC tournament.  Yes, the records books may say differently, that Shamrock was the semi-finals, that Gracie only fought three times that night, and some other nonsense, but … is that what really happened?  After all, the first UFC proved that Gracie Jiu-Jitsu was so effective that it could beat any style of martial art and that the smaller Royce could similarly beat any man, no matter his size.  Royce and Ken were the two biggest stars to emerge from that first tournament so of course they met in the finals.  Ask casual fans of the sport and they’ll tell you this is what happened.  And it was divine intervention that beat England.

Helio Gracie throws in the towel for Royce Gracie


This one definitely happened.  The Gracie legend grew over the years, including in Japan, where the first family of fighting (which would look good on a t-shirt) had an unparalleled legacy.  Those modern Gracies never lost a fight.  Ever.  Royce never lost one.  Ryan never lost one.  Royler never lost one.  Renzo never lost one.  Until Sakuraba: the Japanese pro wrestler who could actually fight and along the way became one of the best fighters on earth after beating the likes of Carlos Newton and Vitor Belfort and I italicize this for emphasis but he was so awesome and is my hero.  Sakuraba beat Royler Gracie, tossing him around, kicking him, humiliating him, until he finally locked in a shoulder-lock known as a kimura.  The referee stopped it (even though he wasn’t supposed to because the Gracies had special rules where a referee wasn’t allowed to stop a fight and in retrospect IT IS REALLY INSANE THAT ANYONE WOULD AGREE TO THOSE TERMS but: Japan!).  Not only had a Gracie lost but he lost to a Japanese.  This was a pretty big deal.


Wait.  Go back several decades.  Before the UFC.  Before Pride.  Before Japan as we know it was a country (well, it was a country, it just had less neon).  Before everything, there was a famous vale tudo fight in Brazil between the now patriarch Helio Gracie and a Japanese bad-ass named Kimura.  (Vale tudo is internet for “mixed martial arts but I sound special using the two words of Portuguese I know.”)  In that fight, Kimura beat the crap out of Gracie before eventually locking in a shoulder-lock that we now know as a - wait for it - kimura. (Also: how awesome are you that someone names a submission hold after you?  There’s no “Mr. Triangle Choke” out there.)


Come back now and not only had a Gracie lost, but he lost to a Japanese fighter in the exact same manner as before.  The Gracies had like fifty years to learn a defense.  Oops.  So, Royce was called upon to rescue his family’s honor … and to make himself a lot of money.  And, for all the talk amongst the MMA community that the one dimensional Gracies had been passed by modern fighters who cross trained and were athletic, the Brazilian clan always had a simple retort: our style works best with no time limit.  This is a neat trick because no one would ever have a fight with no time limit, because that’s crazy, and so the Gracie legacy would always be safe.  Except: Japan.  Thus, even though it was the first fight of a one-night, eight-man tournament, Royce and Sakuraba fought without time limits.  For.  Ninety. **&%$#-ing Minutes. While both men were pacing themselves, as time wore on, Gracie’s strategy of do nothing and try not to get KO’d and let the other guy wear himself out wasn’t as effective as Sakuraba’s strategy of punch and kick Royce a lot.  With Royce sitting on his stool, unable to stand, Helio Gracie threw in the towel. (It may have been Rorion, but Helio was there and it’s so much better if it’s him throwing it in.)  Sakuraba had forced not just Royce but the entire Gracie family to collectively admit defeat.

Randleman reveals Fedor to be a robot


Stoic Russian Fighter isn’t anything new.  It’s the plot of most action films from the 1980s, including the greatest Rocky ever.  Fedor beating everyone without a show of emotion played to type; violent fury contrasted with disinterested “celebration.”  Then Kevin Randleman murdered Fedor in front of tens of thousands of people.  No, not figuratively - he literally ended Fedor’s life.  He grabbed the Russian champion from behind and threw him with a German suplex that had so much murderous intent that Randleman himself was airborne for most of the move.  Up Fedor went and down he came, not on his back, but straight on his head.  Randleman himself seemed unsure of what to do next.  Surely, killing someone was enough for a referee’s stoppage.  But: Japan.  Seconds later, Fedor bucked Randleman over, locked in a kimura, and got the submission victory.  He then stood up and looked around as if he’d read about an interesting article on emerging markets in South-East Asia.  It was Arnold’s face melting away to reveal a metal skeleton (all references to bad-assery come from 80s movies).  In hindsight, none of this seems fair to Randleman.

Gabriel Gonzaga decapitates Mirko CroCop


CroCop makes his debut in the UFC after years of doing one thing: kicking people in the head.  Gonzaga was a slow moving target with an enormous skull that begged to be kicked.  The result was a foregone conclusion: round one, kick to the head: right foot hospital, left foot cemetery.  Start digging the grave.  And that’s what happened.  It was just Gonzaga delivering the kick.  It may rightfully be called the greatest knock out in the history of the sport.

Matt Hughes slams people

Lumping together two moments into one entry is cheating - but there also aren’t rules since I’m making this all up as I go along.

First:  Hughes challenging Carlos Newton for the welterweight title.  Second round and Newton locks in a triangle choke (named after the aforementioned “Mr. Triangle Choke”).  Hughes defends it by doing what someone who possesses farm-boy strength and is getting choked instinctively does: lifts up Newton, walks him around, and slams him. Down goes Newton.  Out goes Newton.  Maybe out goes Hughes from the choke.  A befuddled and dazed Hughes looks around until someone tells him that he won.  It’s rare to win a world championship while unconscious.


Second:  Frank Trigg hits Hughes in the balls.  Not on purpose - presumably - but the ref doesn’t see it and doesn’t stop the fight and so Trigg takes advantage.  He swarms the champ and punches him, and hits him, and elbows him, and beats on him, and tries but fails to choke him.  Hughes escapes, turns into Trigg, and while starting on the ground, lifts the ball-kicker above his head, rises, runs across the cage, and slams him to the mat.  Then Hughes punches him, and hits him, and elbows him, and beats on him, aaaaaand secures the choke.  Hughes was conscious for this win.


Anthony Pettis does That Kick


Anthony Pettis ran up the side of the cage with less than a minute to go in the fifth round of a fight that was even and kicked Ben Henderson in the head, winning the WEC title, and forever assuring himself a place atop every single highlight video of all time.  You will never do anything this cool in your life.


Anderson Silva actually loses - and then loses again


Final moment(s), because all lists have to eventually end.  Simple enough: the most dominant and longest reigning champion in UFC history not only loses but does so while in the midst of his trademark show-boating which directly led to his getting hit with a boulder-like punch delivered by Chris Weidman.  I watched this in Vegas at a closed-circuit location.  I saw people actually hugging and running around and screaming and high-fiving each other.  It wasn’t that Silva was some reviled figure, just that everyone in that room knew they’d just seen history.  People hug when they see history.


That is followed up five months later as the two rematched - because that’s what you do because duh.  Mid-way through the second round, Silva throws a kick.  Weidman checks it.  This has happened thousands of times in violent fighting history.  Only this time, as Silva pulled his leg back, where there was once one shin bone there were now two.  Not a hairline fracture, but a full cracking in two of Silva’s shin.  And with that, the greatest fighter many had ever known, a man to be forever remembered for his violent artistry inside the cage, lay on the ground clutching at his leg.  So terrifying was the scene that the immediate thoughts were not of his losing but of his health and long-term well-being.  He walks now, and trains, and kicks things, and may even fight again, but for that moment, everyone saw was the end of a man as he had once been.  His gifts shattered.  His future broken.  All that remained was a man alone amidst a sea of thousands: weeping.
Mike Coughlin hosts FIVE STAR RADIO.  He cries in the shower. 

25 Apr 20:48

The Money Behind Fox's Promotion Of Cliven Bundy's Battle With The Feds

Koch Brothers And Bundy

Right-wing media have been rushing to distance themselves from the Nevada rancher they've spent weeks championing after Cliven Bundy revealed his racist worldview, but two of Bundy's biggest cheerleaders -- Sean Hannity and Fox News -- have vested corporate, financial, and political interests in the promotion of Cliven Bundy's anti-government land ownership agenda.  

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy became Fox News' favorite folk hero after he refused to comply with court orders directing him to remove his trespassing cattle from public land. Hannity and many other right-wing media rallied around Bundy and his armed supporters as they threatened violence against federal law enforcement officials attempting to impound Bundy's cattle and collect the $1 million he owes in fines and fees after decades of noncompliance with the law.

Bundy has said he doesn't recognize the existence of the federal government nor its authority over the land and has attacked the federal ownership of lands as subverting Nevada's "state sovereignty." 

Hannity has promoted Bundy's anti-government rhetoric, arguing that the federal government owns far too much land and pushing Bundy's claim that not only does the federal government not have land-ownership authority but that they don't need or use the land they claim to own. On the April 23 edition of his show, Hannity attacked the government for owning too much land, agreeing with Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano that they do not have the constitutional authority to own any of the land. Throughout the land battle, Hannity continuously argued that the government is irresponsibly fighting for land they have no intended use for -- such as building hospitals, schools, or roads -- and should focus their efforts elsewhere to rapists, murderers, criminals, and pedophiles.

Bundy and Hannity's promotion of state ownership of federal lands gives airtime to an issue that conservatives have long been campaigning for but have had difficulty getting voters excited about -- an issue in line with the land  interests of the Koch brothers. Slate reported on April 23 that the Fox News corporate, financial, and political interests being served by Hannity's promotion of Bundy lie in the network's connection to the Koch brothers:

Bundy's anti-federal agenda is closely aligned with that of Charles and David Koch, major Republican donors who have been pushing for states to gain control over federal lands - so they can be sold or leased to people like the Koch brothers in deals.

25 Apr 04:42

The Conservative Media Who Brought You Cliven Bundy

After right-wing folk hero Cliven Bundy was caught on camera delivering a racist tirade, Media Matters looks back at the conservative media figures who propelled him into the national spotlight.

Right-Wing Folk Hero Bundy Caught In Racist Tirade

NY Times: Bundy Wondered If Black People Might Be "Better Off As Slaves." Bundy went on a racist rant during a recent press conference, as reported by The New York Times:

Mr. Bundy's standoff with federal rangers -- propelled into the national spotlight in part by steady coverage by Fox News -- has highlighted sharp divisions over the power of the federal government and the rights of landowners in places like this desert stretch of Nevada, where resentment of Washington and its sprawling ownership of Western land has long run deep.


He said he would continue holding a daily news conference; on Saturday, it drew one reporter and one photographer, so Mr. Bundy used the time to officiate at what was in effect a town meeting with supporters, discussing, in a long, loping discourse, the prevalence of abortion, the abuses of welfare and his views on race.

"I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro," he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, "and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids -- and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch -- they didn't have nothing to do. They didn't have nothing for their kids to do. They didn't have nothing for their young girls to do.

"And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?" he asked. "They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I've often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn't get no more freedom. They got less freedom." [The New York Times, 4/23/14]

Here Are His Biggest Fans Who Propelled Him Onto The National Stage

Hannity Promoted Bundy So Loudly, Bundy Calls Him a "Hero." Fox's Sean Hannity obsessively promoted Bundy's standoff with BLM, earning a public thank-you from the rancher during an April 21 appearance on 9-11 truther Alex Jones' conspiracy radio show. While Bundy said the men disagreed about whether armed militias are the first or last line of defense against government overreach, he said of Hannity: "He is my hero and he supported me and this movement and I appreciate and love him for it. Support him 100 percent." For his part, Jones said, "I want to commend Sean Hannity because he has been really bad on a lot of issues but he has a lot of courage doing the right thing here. So I appreciate him being supportive of this." [The Alex Jones Show, 4/21/14, via Media Matters]

Hannity Praised Bundy Because He's "Willing To Fight." Hannity invited Bundy onto the April 11 edition of his radio program, where he told Bundy that federal agents have "drawn the wrong line in the sand here," praising the rancher because he "like[s] anybody that's willing to fight." Hannity stoked fears of violence, adding, "I'm just afraid of what this government is capable of doing. I mean we saw what happened in Waco," to which Bundy responded, "We have to have faith that America will stand. You know we would never won any of these wars from the Revolutionary War on up if we didn't have faith and courage and fighting for something." Hannity later concluded, "The government needs to stand down" because "this is only a symptom of how one person, standing up to the government, I'm telling you, [it is] my opinion that this crisis could come to a head, and lives could be lost." [Premiere Radio Networks, The Sean Hannity Show, 4/11/14, via Media Matters]

Hannity Bragged About His Role Promoting Bundy And Escalating Standoff. On the April 15 edition of Hannity, the Fox host bragged about his role in escalating the standoff between Bundy and federal officers and floated the possibility that the federal government might kill the rancher:

HANNITY: I would even argue a little bit that the media coverage that myself and some other people have given to this case played a part in this because none of it made sense.


HANNITY: I would assume that as Cliven's son, you want to protect your dad. What are your plans if, in fact, they come late in the night?


HANNITY: Do you worry that, in fact, they may kill either your dad or somebody in your family? [Fox News, Hannity, 4/15/14]

Alex Jones: Bundy Is "Like Paul Revere," Making His Stand. On the April 9 edition of Jones' conspiracy theory radio program, Jones interviewed Bundy and told him, "So your bottom line, like Paul Revere, you're making your stand, you're telling folks we're being overrun by an out of control tyranny." Later, Jones speculated that if the Bureau of Land Management auctioned off Bundy's confiscated cattle, it "could turn into 1776 very quickly":

JONES: This could be how the shot heard round the world happens in this case or others that are happening. If they ever fire on innocent peaceful people trying to take stolen cattle and act like the mercenaries they are, this could turn into 1776 very quickly.

BUNDY: Yeah, and we're totally disgusted with this type of government and I don't think we the people are going to stand it, and I'm not going to stand it, I'm going to stand as long as it takes and do whatever it takes to get this --

JONES: Incredible, well we will get updates in the next few days, sir, to find out what unfolds [Infowars, The Alex Jones Show, 4/9/14, via Media Matters]

Jones: "Cliven Bundy: Domestic Patriot." Jones' posited on April 19 that Bundy is a "domestic patriot" and wrote on April 10 that Bundy is the "last man standing" in the fight against the government's attempt to "enslave us in an [United Nations] Agenda 21 future where we have no property and no rights":

Government is using environmentalism to confuse the public and the Left/Right paradigm to divide the public so they can enslave us in an Agenda 21 future where we have no property and no rights. The last rancher -- "the last man standing" -- across the Mojave Desert to the Pacific Ocean, Cliven Bundy, is in a fight for his rights and your rights against a federal bureaucracy that's out of control. [Infowars, 4/10/14, 4/19/14]

NRO's Williamson: Like Bundy, "The Law Was Against Mohandas Gandhi Too." National Review Online's Kevin Williamson defended Bundy in an April 15 post titled "The Case for a Little Sedition," writing:

Of course the law is against Cliven Bundy. How could it be otherwise? The law was against Mohandas Gandhi, too, when he was tried for sedition; Mr. Gandhi himself habitually was among the first to acknowledge that fact, refusing to offer a defense in his sedition case and arguing that the judge had no choice but to resign, in protest of the perfectly legal injustice unfolding in his courtroom, or to sentence him to the harshest sentence possible, there being no extenuating circumstances for Mr. Gandhi's intentional violation of the law.


Surely not every inch of that 87 percent of Nevada under the absentee-landlordship of the federal government is critical to the national interest. Perhaps Mr. Bundy would like to buy some land where he can graze his cattle.

Prudential measures do not solve questions of principle. So where does that leave us with our judgment of the Nevada insurrection? Perhaps with an understanding that while Mr. Bundy's stand should not be construed as a general template for civic action, it is nonetheless the case that, in measured doses, a little sedition is an excellent thing. [National Review Online, 4/15/14, via Talking Points Memo, 4/24/14]

Fox's Napolitano: Bundy Is A "Patriotic, Heroic American." Fox senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano appeared on the April 15 edition of Fox & Friends and called Bundy a "patriotic, heroic American":

NAPOLITANO: I don't know who the bad guys are. I don't know if it's the actual young troops on the ground. It's probably their civilian superiors. Look, there's a couple of problems here. One is that the BLM is not a military or a law-enforcement entity. I was shocked to see that they even have troops dressed in camouflage and with M-16s. It really looked like they were fighting a war rather than -- against a foreign invader, rather than enforcing a judgment against an American. In this case a patriotic, heroic American. [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 4/15/14]

Napolitano: Bundy Comes Off Looking Like "An American Hero." During the April 18 edition of The O'Reilly Factor, Napolitano said that Bundy "comes off looking like an American hero" because of the BLM's attempt to seize his cattle:

NAPOLITANO: But when the federal government is so heavy-handed --

O'REILLY: I know, and it's because of this Tea Party thing --

NAPOLITANO: That they lose the PR war --

O'REILLY: They got killed.

NAPOLITANO: This guy comes off looking like an American hero even though he lost the case. [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 4/18/14]

O'Reilly: Bundy "Probably Is A Hero In Many People's Eyes Because He's Standing Up Against This Colossus." During his discussion with Napolitano, Bill O'Reilly acknowledged that the law is not on Bundy's side, but added:

O'REILLY: And he probably is a hero in many people's eyes because he's standing up against this colossus that a lot of Americans think is oppressive. But here's the fact. The federal government sent more force in to handle Cliven Bundy's cows than they did to Ukraine. [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 4/18/14]

Dana Loesch: Bundy "Has Paid Fees" And What Federal Government Is Doing "Is Ridiculous And It Needs To Stop." Conservative radio host Dana Loesch appeared on the April 10 edition of Fox's The Kelly File to spin Bundy's refusal to pay federal grazing fees:

LOESCH: Well, he has paid fees, though, Megyn. He's paid fees to Nevada county, and I think what's at dispute here is BLM's management of this land.

MEGYN KELLY (host): The feds, meaning.

LOESCH: I mean, if they're going to come in and claim to be good stewards of the land and that this land is going to be beneficial to the American public, well, the American public isn't benefitting from it. He's claiming that he has title to an easement on this land, which, you know, it's all -- the devil's in the details. And maybe he does, and that's something that perhaps he and BLM can work out.

But they've approached this, Megyn, heavy-handed from get-go. And I'll tell you this. If these cattle -- BLM called them "trespass cattle." If these cattle were in this country -- if they were people and they were here illegally, the Department of Justice would be running guns to them, and the Department of Homeland Security would be driving by with free government phones and EBT cards. But, now that they're cattle, they're actually rounding them up and killing them.

He had thousands of head of cattle that's been reduced dramatically. He is the last rancher in this county because the Bureau of Land Management has used these heavy-handed tactics and has run off absolutely everybody, even those who had a valid claim to easement on this land. What they're doing is ridiculous, and it needs to stop. [Fox News, The Kelly File, 4/10/14]

Loesch: "BLM Should Either Reimburse Bundy ... Or Leave Him Alone." The next day, Loesch tweeted:

[Twitter, 4/11/14]

Fox's Starnes Warns "Americans Will Not Allow The Constitution To Be Trampled." In April 12 tweets, Fox News correspondent Todd Starnes warned that the Obama administration should pay close attention to the battle over Bundy's ranch, characterizing the Bundy family and their supporters as defending the Constitution:

[Twitter, 4/12/14, 4/12/14]

25 Apr 04:38

"Evangelion" x "Transformers" Collaboration Teased

by Scott Green

Previously the domain of fanfiction writers, according to a scan making the rounds, the worlds of Transformers and Evangelion will be merging. Details about the collaboration aren't specified, with the text instead offering a bit of hybrid mythology concerning the meeting of the Autobots and NERV, but the hobby magazine origins suggest the project relates to some EVA 01 colored Optimus Prime figure.



via @eva_fan


Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

24 Apr 18:02

Secret Recording Of Dinesh D'Souza By His Lover's Husband Might Sink Him

by John Amato
Secret Recording Of Dinesh D'Souza By His Lover's Husband Might Sink Him

Dinesh D'Souza's chance at beating his criminal case took a turn for the worse when it was revealed in the NY Times that a secret recording was made by his lover's husband which would prove he was complicit in illegally using straw donors to contribute to a 2012 New York Republican Senate campaign:

Prosecutors also said they had obtained a copy of a recording made surreptitiously last October by the husband of a woman Mr. D’Souza was involved with romantically around the time of the donations, when Mr. D’Souza was separated from his wife. In making the recording, the husband was not acting at the government’s direction, prosecutors said. The woman, Denise Joseph, was one of the alleged straw donors.

Ms. Joseph was recorded as saying that Mr. D’Souza had told her that if he were charged he might plead guilty, but would initially plead not guilty because that “gives him a window of opportunity to get his story out there,” the government said. Ms. Joseph had no comment, her lawyer said.

I sure would love to get my hands on the recording, people. It's not nice to sleep with somebody else's wife as he's finding out, but I thought Christian conservatives didn't engage in that behavior? Oh, right...IOKIYR. This destroys his case his lawyers have been making, that he's being prosecuted because he's an anti-Obama conservative.

read more

23 Apr 15:44

Happy 20th Anniversary to "Mobile Fighter G Gundam!"

by Scott Green

In 1994, to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the franchise, Sunrise kicked off the "alternate universe" Gundam series. These still featured Gundam's fundamental conflict between Earth and its orbiting colonies, but departed from the continuity of the original Universal Century with the aim of bringing new viewers into the fold. 


In April, the first of these alternate universes, Mobile Fighter G Gundam, would stake out just how far the new Gundam series would take the original's implicit real robot manifesto. Rather than boxy, industrial robots deployed by armies at war, Mobile Fighter G Gundam looked to shonen martial arts tournaments for inspiration, with extravagantly colorful national Gundams like Mexico's serape and sombrero clad Tequila Gundam, the windmill shaped Nether Gundam and Sweden's Sailormoon-esque Nobel Gundam fighting it out.


Some of the series' colorful, super robot style mecha you might remember include:


Neo America's Gundam Maxter

Neo France's Gundam Rose

Neo Sweden's Nobel Gundam

Neo Holland's Nether Gundam

Neo Mexico's Tequila Gundam


Neo Greece's Zeus Gundam

Neo England's John Bull Gundam


Neo Norway's Viking Gundam

Neo Kenya's Zebra Gundam


Neo Denmark's Mermaid Gundam

Neo Canada's Lumber Gundam


Neo Spain's Matador Gundam


Neo Nepal's Tantra Gundam



— Gやんくる (@G_yankul) April 21, 2014

勝手にタグ作ったぜ! 20年前の今日4月22日、『機動武闘伝Gガンダム』の第一話が放映されました。 それでは! ガンダムファイト、レディ・ゴー!! #Gガンダムの日

— 兄貴軍曹 (@aniki_sergeant) April 22, 2014


— ボブ@TNC (@200bob200) April 21, 2014

あ、Gガン 20周年なの!? おめでとうございます!!!!! #nowplaying 井上武英 - 君の中の永遠 / 機動武闘伝Gガンダム GUNDAM FIGHT-ROUND4

— キャプテンアメリカもちろん見たよね!? (@captain_dayo) April 22, 2014


— shi★n★go (@shingo5) April 22, 2014

流星胡蝶〝拳″ではなく〝剣″だと気付いたのは割と後の方 #Gガンダムの日

— 兄貴軍曹 (@aniki_sergeant) April 22, 2014

Gガンダム20周年おめでとうございます。 #Gガンダムの日

— 高瀬ゆうじ (@yuuzitakase) April 22, 2014

ばぁくねつ! #Gガンダムの日

— KOU@ボクが発注してオレが描く (@SESKOU) April 22, 2014

おい あんたこの男を知ってるか? ドモンの目つきの悪さがたまらんですわ♪

— 津島直人 (@naototsushima) April 22, 2014

OP曲の時のアレンビーはかわいいからフィギュア買ったけど後悔はしてない #Gガンダムの日

— 青い季節@君がいない、あの日から••• (@EndProphecy) April 22, 2014

【ドモン】Gガンダム20周年!!Gガンにはほんと色々教えてもらった。初めて観始めたガンダムシリーズでもあるので、とても思い入れのある作品!!ドモン好きだー!! #Gガンダムの日

— やざき (@yazakc) April 22, 2014

遅れちゃったけど20周年おめでとうございますー!1話のドモンくんはピザの印象が強くてw #Gガンダムの日

— もちい (@motii_senbe) April 22, 2014

では、海外の壁紙サイトにあった、ノーベルガンダムをば・・ 当時はセラムン・ガンダムとも言われてましたが、おだんご頭じゃないから、これはセーラービーナスだな(^^)。 #Gガンダムの日

— やっぱりロボが好き (@anime_popcal) April 22, 2014

#Gガンダムの日 当時は児童誌は購読してなくてそっち方面のオモシロ物件は発掘できなかったので、代わりにB-CLUB105号の逢坂浩司氏の「表紙のことば」

— ラクメキアそーさい/新井博之助 (@sousai_h) April 22, 2014

1話放送から20年目! これからも大好きな作品です(・ω<) アレンビー好きー(私のヒロイン #Gガンダムの日

— 泉水しん (@tokumeikibonnu) April 22, 2014

見よ! 東方は熱く燃えているぅぅぅ!!二十周年おめでとう! いつまでも熱いぜ!!#Gガンダムの日

— あるまじき如水 (@ARUMAZIKIJOSUI) April 22, 2014

今日はGガンの日だそうです。おめでとうございます。アレンビーちゃんを描きました #Gガンダムの日

— 犬良おう (@INuYo) April 22, 2014

バーニングガンダム!!! 7.5incダメージバージョン  #Gガンダムの日

— 高瀬ゆうじ (@yuuzitakase) April 22, 2014

#Gガンダムの日 20周年らしくてめでたい! ファイター達はいまもファイトしてるよ!闘わずにはいられない人たちだもの!

— エイジ/AG (@AGRABAH_) April 22, 2014

蛇足とは思うが最後に「知ってる人は知っている」人達の過去絵を(その1) #Gガンダムの日

— 兄貴軍曹 (@aniki_sergeant) April 22, 2014

蛇足とは思うが最後に「知ってる人は知っている」人達の過去絵を(その1) #Gガンダムの日

— 兄貴軍曹 (@aniki_sergeant) April 22, 2014

Gガンってキワモノガンダムだと思われがちだけど大体合ってると思う #Gガンダムの日

— MtU(闇) (@MtU17830715) April 22, 2014

一瞬、何故俺がこの前描いたプリキュアネタ絵がTLに?と思ってしまったww >RT

— 兄貴軍曹 (@aniki_sergeant) April 22, 2014

Gガンダムだとライジングさんが好きです(´ω`) #Gガンダムの日

— きすけ7の2号 (@7no2gou) April 22, 2014

Gガンダムの日ときいて…!佐野ガンダムは最高や! #Gガンダムの日

— 織澤あきふみ (@akifumi_onigiri) April 22, 2014

Gガンダムが20周年という事は、クロスボーンも20周年か… #Gガンダムの日

— 織澤あきふみ (@akifumi_onigiri) April 22, 2014

20年以上私の最も好きなガンダム作品であり。 そして最も好きなガンダムであるシャイニングガンダムが出てる作品。 と言うわけで久々に筆ペンかきかき。 15分もかからなかったでござる。 #Gガンダムの日

— ぺぐ(模型+ACVD) (@peg4009) April 22, 2014

@aimk2139 はて何の事やら?(すっとぼけ

— 兄貴軍曹 (@aniki_sergeant) April 22, 2014

前のアイコンシャイニング #Gガンダムの日

— 兄貴軍曹 (@aniki_sergeant) April 22, 2014


— tear (@tear0714) April 22, 2014

@f_knights そしてメカ作監の佐野さんが描いたノーベルのラインがまたエロいんですわこれが……

— 兄貴軍曹 (@aniki_sergeant) April 22, 2014

その他過去絵詰め合わせ #Gガンダムの日

— 兄貴軍曹 (@aniki_sergeant) April 22, 2014

Gガンの翌年バーチャロン発売なのでデザイン作業時期は前後してるかもしれんが、カトキハジメ氏にとってもGガンはターニングポイントになった作品ではなかろうか #Gガンダムの日

— 兄貴軍曹 (@aniki_sergeant) April 22, 2014

#Gガンダムの日 と、くりゃあわしの自信作を貼るしかあるめぇ このシーンほんと好きなんすよ…

— 琴島もときかぜ@響2/23RT (@MotokichiSsk) April 22, 2014

新年に描いたゴッドでお祝い!20周年おめでとう!!! #Gガンダムの日

— ふきん (@leeyougui) April 22, 2014

20年前の今日4/22日は機動武闘伝Gガンダムの第1話が放送した日です! 20周年おめでとうございます!!!! それでは、ガンダムファイト、レディーゴォォォォ!!!!

— なかけん/先史教 (@nakaken5_angels) April 22, 2014

マスターガンダムも大好きだけど師匠のMFはクーロン!俺は異端? BFに出て来て嬉しかったなぁ #Gガンダムの日

— 兄貴軍曹 (@aniki_sergeant) April 22, 2014

ドーモ、デビルガンダム=サン。ゲルマンニンジャです。 DG細胞滅ぶべし慈悲は無い #Gガンダムの日

— 兄貴軍曹 (@aniki_sergeant) April 22, 2014

フェニー…ガンダムローズ! #Gガンダムの日

— KOU@ボクが発注してオレが描く (@SESKOU) April 22, 2014

ガンダムローズの過去絵こんなんしか無かった…描いた当時髭男爵が流行ってたんや!(^_^;) #Gガンダムの日

— 兄貴軍曹 (@aniki_sergeant) April 22, 2014



via Yaraon

23 Apr 15:09

How Conservatives Helped Dinesh D'Souza "Get His Story Out There"

Dinesh D'Souza, the conservative filmmaker and author charged this January with violating federal campaign finance laws, allegedly said that while he might eventually admit his guilt, he would initially plead innocent because it would give "him a window of opportunity to get his story out there." Conservative media have been happy to lend him a hand in doing so.

In January, federal prosecutors announced that D'Souza was being charged with filtering excessive campaign donations through straw donors to Republican Wendy Long, a friend of his who lost her 2012 campaign to unseat Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. D'Souza pleaded not guilty to the charges.

According to The New York TimesD'Souza's lawyer is claiming that the conservative pundit is being "targeted...because of his consistently caustic and highly publicized criticism" of President Obama. (The prosecution has called these claims "entirely without merit.") The Times also reports that prosecutors claim to have a recording made by the husband of a woman D'Souza was "involved with romantically" who was "one of the alleged straw donors." According to the woman, D'Souza said that if he were eventually charged, he might plead not guilty to help "get his story out there":

Prosecutors also said they had obtained a copy of a recording made surreptitiously last October by the husband of a woman Mr. D'Souza was involved with romantically around the time of the donations, when Mr. D'Souza was separated from his wife. In making the recording, the husband was not acting at the government's direction, prosecutors said. The woman, Denise Joseph, was one of the alleged straw donors.

Ms. Joseph was recorded as saying that Mr. D'Souza had told her that if he were charged he might plead guilty, but would initially plead not guilty because that "gives him a window of opportunity to get his story out there," the government said. Ms. Joseph had no comment, her lawyer said.

Conservative media have been crucial in helping D'Souza "get his story out there" -- his allies on Fox News, talk radio, and right-wing online outlets have loudly and repeatedly claimed that D'Souza is a victim of persecution because of his political beliefs.

21 Apr 20:15

"Space Battleship Yamato 2199" Movie Scheduled for December

by Scott Green

Landmark sci-fi anime Space Battle Ship Yamato turns 40 this October. Plans to mark the anniversary have been updated with compilation movie "Recollection of the Voyage" scheduled for October 11 2014 and new anime movie "The Starfaring Ark" scheduled for December 6th. 



Elsewhere, the series exhibition with a 1/100th scale model of the titular ship has opened at the Seibu Ikebukuro Annex.

2199 原画展は明日より西武池袋別館2階にて開催!先ほど1/100ヤマトの除幕式が執り行われました。細かなディテールまで再現された本艦はファン必見!映画の続報も発表されたので詳細は後ほど公式HPで ブルマン #yamato2199

— 宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199製作委員会 (@new_yamato_2199) April 21, 2014



The earlier 2199 remake series is being released internationally through


via rollingpirahna


Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

17 Apr 03:45

Director Wes Anderson Names Studio Ghibli, "Akira" and "End of Evangelion" Among Favorite Animated Movies

by Scott Green

Time Out New York has consulted an impressive field of animation luminaries to construct a list of the medium's 100 best moviesAkira was named frequently. As were the movies of Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki in particular. A few named the works of Satoshi Kon. Masaaki Yuasa's Mind Game also got mutliple nods. However, the real interesting inclusion is Fantastic Mr. Fox director Wes Anderson's selection of End of Evangelion. 


Anderson's picks included (in alphabetical order):

  • Akira
  • The Iron Giant
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • 101 Dalmatians
  • Only Yesterday
  • Porco Rosso
  • Princess Mononoke
  • The Secret of NIMH
  • Spirited Away
  • Watership Down


Given how frequently critics have compared his movies to doll houses, maybe it needs to be said...


And, he wasn't alone. Some of the other picks that were interesting, not just naming the familiar Miyazaki classics, include...


London-based artist and animator David Blandy had a deep anime selection:

  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • Only Yesterday
  • Akira
  • Fantastic Planet
  • The Rescuers
  • Toy Story 2
  • The Secret World of Arrietty
  • Fist of the North Star
  • Barefoot Gen
  • The Jungle Book


My Neighbor Totoro is a childhood fantasy of cat buses and flying monsters, twisting together Shinto, folktales and children trying to cope with an absent mother. I could have chosen ten Studio Ghibli films and it’d still be a great list. Only Yesterday is a beautiful and understated Studio Ghibli film directed by Isao Takahata. It reminds me of a piece of French New Wave, a contemporary woman’s reminiscences about childhood set against her present life, which gains extra resonance through the fact that it is animated. Every gesture and glance is so orchestrated, yet looks so natural. Akira was the monster that made me realize that all the animation I’d loved as a child was Japanese: Ulysses 31The Mysterious Cities of GoldThunderCats…”

Experimental artist/animator Lilli Carré named:

  • Consuming Spirits
  • Fantastic Planet
  • The Adventures of Prince Achmed
  • Spirited Away
  • Grave of the Fireflies
  • Heaven and Earth Magic
  • Akira
  • Conspirators of Pleasure
  • Fehérlófia
  • Perfect Blue
Oscar winning Dutch animator/illustrator Michael Dudok de Wit chose: 
  • Bambi
  • Fantasia
  • Grave of the Fireflies
  • The Jungle Book
  • A Letter to Momo
  • My Neighbors the Yamadas
  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Spirited Away
  • Yellow Submarine
Geek favorite H.R. Giger named:
  • Chicken Run
  • Fantasia
  • Finding Nemo
  • Fritz the Cat
  • Heavy Metal
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Pinocchio
  • Spirited Away
  • Watership Down
  • Yellow Submarine
French indie animator Pierre-Luc Granjon named:
  • Spirited Away
  • Little Otik
  • Princess Mononoke
  • Tokyo Godfathers
  • The King and the Mockingbird
  • The Iron Giant
  • Kirikou and the Sorceress
  • Summer Days with Coo
  • Waltz with Bashir
  • The Triplets of Belleville
 Robot Chicken's Seth Green was surprisingly mainstream in his picks:
  • Akira
  • The Iron Giant
  • The LEGO Movie
  • ParaNorman
  • South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
  • Tangled
  • Toy Story 3
  • Wall-E
  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit
  • Wreck-It Ralph
3D animator/music video director David O'Reilly picked:
  • Mind Game
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • It’s Such a Beautiful Day
  • Akira
  • Fantasia
  • Perfect Blue
  • Paprika
  • Little Prince and the Eight Headed Dragon
  • Up

Indie animator Bill Plympton also got in a Mind Game nod:

  • Mind Game
  • Yellow Submarine
  • Dumbo
  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • Toy Story 3
  • Song of the South
  • Bambi
  • Ernest & Celestine
  • Idiots and Angels
  • I Married a Strange Person!

Journalist Alex Dudok de Wit named:

  • Alice
  • Grave of the Fireflies
  • The Jungle Book
  • Kirikou and the Sorceress
  • Mind Game
  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • The Prince of Egypt
  • The King and the Mockingbird
  • Waltz with Bashir
  • When the Wind Blows
Variety's Peter Labuza had:
  • Waking Life
  • Spirited Away
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  • The Iron Giant
  • Waltz With Bashir
  • Finding Nemo
  • It’s Such a Beautiful Day
  • Chicken Run
  • The Triplets of Belleville
  • Momotaro’s Divine Sea Warriors

Andrew Osmond, who has written on Hayao Miyazaki and Satoshi Kon, picked:

  • Bambi
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • Castle in the Sky
  • Fantasia
  • Grave of the Fireflies
  • The Incredibles
  • Kiki’s Delivery Service
  • The King and the Mockingbird
  • Night on the Galactic Railroad
Movie writer Tasha Robinson, who has covered anime, selected:
  • The Incredibles
  • Charlotte’s Web
  • Akira
  • Spirited Away
  • The Jungle Book
  • The Iron Giant
  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • Kirikou and the Sorceress
  • The Castle Of Cagliostro
  • The Triplets Of Belleville
Time Out's Keith Uhlich named:
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • Looney Tunes: Back in Action
  • Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
  • Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
  • The Adventures of Tintin
  • Sita Sings the Blues
  • The Iron Giant
  • The Triplets of Belleville
  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit
  • Winnie the Pooh
Otaku News' Joe Curzon had:
  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • Kiki’s Delivery Service
  • Paprika
  • Tokyo Godfathers
  • Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
  • The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
  • Mai Mai Miracle
  • Akira
  • Evangelion: 1.0: You Are (Not) Alone
  • Ghost in the Shell
Ghibli Blog's Daniel Thomas MacInnes named:
  • Only Yesterday
  • Whisper of the Heart
  • Fantasia
  • Pinocchio
  • The Great Adventure of Horus, Prince of the Sun
  • Princess Mononoke
  • Gauche the Cellist
  • Night on the Galactic Railroad
  • Yellow Submarine
  • Waking Life
Anime Encylopedia's Helen McCarthy selected:
  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • Sleeping Beauty
  • Porco Rosso
  • Tokyo Godfathers
  • The Incredibles
  • Pom Poko
  • Lilo & Stitch
  • King Kong
  • Summer Wars
Japanese Cinema writer Jasper Sharp picked:
  • Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
  • Up
  • Mind Game
  • Grave of the Fireflies
  • The Book of the Dead
  • Coraline
  • Whisper of the Heart
  • Watership Down
  • The Iron Giant
  • Fantastic Planet
J-Pop Foundation's Niels Viveen selection included:
  • Spirited Away
  • Ghost in the Shell
  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • Whisper of the Heart
  • Yona Yona Penguin
  • Oblivion Island
  • The Wind Rises
  • Porco Rosso
  • Toy Story
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Jerry Beck, who was instrumental in bringing a number of classic anime releases to North America named:
  • Dumbo
  • Akira
  • The Incredibles
  • The Iron Giant
  • Aladdin
  • The Thief and the Cobbler
  • Kung Fu Panda
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • Yellow Submarine

Anime in the final list included

99 Millennium Actress

97 Perfect Blue

96 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

94 Night on the Galactic Railroad

84 Castle in the Sky

83 Ghost in the Shell

75 Paprika

73 Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence 

70 Pom Poko

69 Porco Rosso

65 End of Evangelion

61 Only Yesterday

60 Kiki's Delivery Service

55 Whisper of the Heart

53 Mind Game

52 Tokyo Godfathers

48 Castle of Cagliostro

28 Princess Mononoke

15 Grave of Fireflies

14 Akira

3 My Neighbor Totoro

2 Spirited Away


via @snubpollard

15 Apr 19:54

Charlie Crist's Complete Pwnage Of Florida's Lt. Governor

by scarce

Well this was awkward.

Carlos López-Cantera was in the middle of dissing Charlie Crist for the television cameras, when lo and behold who should walk up behind him but Crist himself.

via CBS Miami. Video by the Palm Beach Post.

“Charlie is willing to say whatever you want to hear to get elected but when it comes down to the facts, the record, when it was time to stand up and make a difference, he left,” said López-Cantera .

Just then Crist walked up to him.

“Carlos, Carlos, good to see you, how are you, everything well,” Crist asked a visibly stunned López-Cantera as he patted him on the back and shook his hand.

As Crist walked away he told López-Cantera to “Save your cameras for me.”

When asked by reporters how he felt about López-Cantera remarks that he lied, Crist dismissed the lt. governor and said “Give me Scott.”


Crist is considered a nominal favorite to defeat Republican Rick Scott in November, and once again be Florida's Governor, this time as a Democrat.

López-Cantera took exception to Crist's "aggressive tone" during the luncheon speech in West Palm Beach.

read more

15 Apr 19:30

REPORT: Broadcast Evening News Ignores Relationship Between Tax Rates And Economic Inequality



Over the past year, broadcast evening news programs on ABC, CBS, and NBC failed to mention the role of reduced taxes on the wealthy as a cause of inequality, despite the fact that economists view taxes as a primary driver of income gaps.

Broadcast News Fails To Mention Taxes When Discussing Inequality

No Mention Of Taxes On The Wealthy In Segments On Inequality. Since April 15, 2013, evening news programs on ABC, CBS, and NBC have not mentioned the role tax relief for the wealthy as a driving force behind inequality. This occurred despite each network dedicating numerous segments to discussing the effects of inequality.

Relationship Between Income Tax Rates And Income Inequality

Top Tax Rates Fall, Economic Inequality Grows

Brookings: Decline In Tax Rates "Has Coincided With An Increase In Income Inequality." According to a blog post by Michael Greenstone and Adam Looney of the Brookings Institution, federal tax rates for higher earners have declined at the same time that income inequality has widened:

This decline in tax rates for the wealthy has coincided with an increase in income inequality, where most of the wage gains have been concentrated among a relatively small portion of the American people. For example, since 1979, earnings for households in the top 1 percent of the income distribution have risen by over 250 percent. At the same time, many households at the middle and bottom of the income distribution have experienced stagnating incomes or even declines in earnings (figure below, blue bars). This means that the very people who have received the biggest income gains in the past three decades have also seen the largest tax cuts (figure below, red bars).

Tax Relief, Economic Growth Mostly Felt At The Top

[The Brookings Institution, Up Front blog, 4/13/12]

Tax Foundation: Top Marginal Tax Rate Far Below Historic Peak. According to historical data from the non-partisan Tax Foundation, the top marginal income tax rate in the United States was 50 percent or higher for much of its history, reaching a peak of 94 percent from 1944-1945. The current top marginal rate of 39.6 percent reflects the top marginal rate from 1993-2000. [Tax Foundation, 10/17/13]

UC Berkeley: Income Of Top Earners Has Grown More Than 86 Percent Since 1993. According to updated research from University of California, Berkeley economist Emmanuel Saez, the top one percent of earners has seen income grow by 86.1 percent since 1993. During this period, the income of the remaining 99 percent of the population has grown by just 6.6 percent. Roughly 68 percent of all income growth in the economy during this period has been captured by just one percent of American workers:

Emmanuel Saez,

[University of California, Berkeley, "Striking it Richer: The Evolution of Top Incomes in the United States," 9/3/13]

Economists Advocate Progressive Tax System To Reduce Inequality

Robert Shiller: Progressive Tax System Reduces "Worst Consequences Of Income Inequality." In an April 12 column in The New York Times, Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert Shiller advocated the role of a progressive income tax system in mitigating "some of the worst consequences of income inequality." Shiller further argued that a flexible progressive income tax could alleviate growing economic inequality by increasing top marginal rates and decreasing rates for lower income earners as necessary. [The New York Times, 4/12/14]

Paul Krugman: The United States Has A History Of Using Taxes To Lessen Inequality. In a March 27 column in The New York Times, Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman argued that the United States already has a history of using tax policy to address "the dangers of extreme wealth concentration." Citing work by economist Thomas Piketty, Krugman noted that "taxation whose goal was to reduce income and wealth disparities, rather than to raise money" was an underlying principle during the initiation of permanent income and inheritance taxes in 1913 and 1916, respectively. [The New York Times, 3/27/14]

EPI: "Increasing Top Marginal Tax Rates" Would Reduce Economic Inequality. According to a June 2013 report by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), increasing top marginal tax rates would make the system of taxation more progressive, reduce widening economic inequality, and improve the unequal distribution of income gains -- "pretax inequality" -- from economic growth:

[I]ncreasing top marginal tax rates would decrease after-tax income inequality (by definition making the tax and transfer system more progressive), but economic research suggests such changes could also have powerful effects on pretax inequality. As discussed above, the pretax market distribution of income has been the primary driver of inequality growth, and the federal tax and transfer system would have to be made substantially more redistributive than it was in 1979 in order to reverse the increase in post-tax, post-transfer inequality since then. [Economic Policy Institute, 6/14/13]


Media Matters conducted a Nexis search of transcripts of evening weekday programs on ABC, CBS, and NBC from April 15, 2013 through April 14, 2014. We identified and reviewed all segments that included any of the following keywords: inequality or poverty or income gap or tax! or economic disparity or wealth gap or poor. When transcripts were incomplete, we reviewed video.

The following programs were included in the data: World News with Diane Sawyer, Evening News (CBS), and Nightly News with Brian Williams.

15 Apr 19:27

Conception II Launches in N. America With Trailer


The general reaction to this one is elevated due to the relative dearth of portable releases lately, and...let's just say it's not doing anything to change anybody's perceptions of "anime" and "Japan"...

PS Vita, 3DS first copies bundle with soundtrack
08 Apr 04:23

FUNimation Acquires Home Video Rights for "One Piece Film: Z"

by Scott Green

FUNimation Entertainment announced today it has acquired the U.S. and Canadian home video rights for One Piece Film: Z. This 12th movie celebrated the series 15th anniversary, with creator Eiichiro Oda overseeing the story of the Straw Hat Pirates in the New World – facing off against powerful former Marine Admiral “Z.”


One Piece Film: Z is expected to be released in Fall 2014. 



Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

08 Apr 02:17

Gun Fetishist Larry Pratt: Teachers Who Protect Kids In School Shooting Aren't Heroes

by John Amato
Gun Fetishist Larry Pratt: Teachers Who Protect Kids In School Shooting Aren't Heroes

An unintended consequence of the Sandy Hook massacre as well as every other mass shooting in this country is that nuts like Larry Pratt find a platform to say the most egregious things imaginable. And they whip up the population of similar gun freaks to say just as nutty things as well. I know conservatives hate teachers because they belong to a union, but this is off-the-charts crazy. In this audio that Right Wing Watch grabbed, Larry Pratt agrees with a caller who said teachers aren't heroes when they try to protect kids from a crazed gunman.

Miranda Blue:

On VCY America’s Crosstalk last week, Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt agreed with a caller who said that unarmed teachers who protect students during school shootings aren’t heroes.

“When you see these stories on the news about teachers, and they’re saying they’re heroes because they’re running and hiding and locking doors and everything, and that’s supposed to be a heroic act. I think it’s sheer terror,” the caller complained.

“I’d rather they be a hero with a good shot,” Pratt agreed

My God, I....I have no further comment.

07 Apr 12:49

Magazine: Princess Jellyfish/Kuragehime Gets Film in 2015

Akiko Higashimura's manga about jobless illustrator among roommates with diehard hobbies