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18 Feb 14:24

What To Remember Before UFC Media Event

by (Mike Coughlin)

By: Mike Coughlin



In a few hours, at approximately 1:00/12:00/10:00 (sorry, mountain men) the UFC is going to host a very special “media event” to talk about drugs, drugs, and more drugs. I’ve got no idea what they’ll say, but let’s all just remember a few things about how everyone’s favorite athletic commission, the Nevada State Athletic Commission, and the UFC have handled the PED/fun-drug mess (and a few other things we can make fun of it for) so far.

(And I’m just hitting some of the high notes.)

- The UFC’s biggest star, Jon Jones, was tested for a drug he shouldn’t have been tested for, failed the test for said drug, and then literally (yes, actually literally) everyone BUT Jones knew he failed the test. The NSAC knew. The UFC knew. It’s possible you knew. Jon Jones did not know.

- The greatest fighter in the history of the sport, Anderson Silva, managed to fail a pre-fight drug test and still compete that same month because no one bothered to make sure the results got back in time. In one month, he Failed, Passed, and then Failed again for PEDs. Either he just randomly takes bottles of steroids or these testing procedures need some more work.

- At the last commission hearing, there was legitimate discussion about how and when a referee could use instant replay. Yes, the athletic commission was not sure of its own rules.  Instant replay has been permitted in Nevada since 2009.

- A prior hearing saw one commissioner believe certain fighters were fighting for the UFC when in fact they were fighting for WSOF.

- This man


was once deemed to be in need of extra testosterone by the NSAC.

- The NSAC has suspended one of the following two men more for "cheating" than the other:



- Chael Sonnen failed for a total of five different banned substances. He was suspended for two years. The NSAC then asked him to help them clean up the sport by serving in an advisory role.

- Last October, the UFC announced they would do their own Out Of Competition, year-round, surprise!, WADA-like drug testing. Quietly in December, they dropped these plans.  The stated reason?  Athletic commissions were better qualified to handle drug testing. 


18 Feb 13:10

UK Krispy Kreme’s ‘KKK Wednesdays’ Promotion Backfires

by Heather
UK Krispy Kreme’s ‘KKK Wednesdays’ Promotion Backfires

Someone's marketing department needs to learn to use Google.

Krispy Kreme’s ‘KKK Wednesdays’ promotion backfires, obviously:

A United Kingdom branch of Krispy Kreme has officially apologized after advertising their short-lived “KKK [Krispy Kreme Klub] Wednesdays” promotion for their Hull location. Apparently, people outside the U.S. — including the representatives from Krispy Kreme’s British headquarters who approved the promotion — are unfamiliar with the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist organization known for grotesque violence primarily against black people.

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17 Feb 20:01

Boss Doors #33: Hard Corps: Uprising

by dave

The best video they've ever posted and completely representative of every time I've ever played videogames with a girl (note: I am Graz in this scenario)

It was only four years back, two people played a game together.
Ruin their relationship? No, Hard Corps: Uprising saw fit only to forge it, indestructible.

Happy belated Valentines Day

(it’s a weird coincidence this game came out February 16th 2011, and we released this video February 16th 2015 on accident!)

15 Feb 20:54

Anime World Order Show # 135 - SeHa Girls WITH NEW ELVES and Heidi Kemps

by (Anime World Order)
Freelance videogame journalist Heidi Kemps of the website joins the battle to discuss the recently-concluded short comedy series Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girls. Visit for full show notes and supplemental links.
13 Feb 19:20

On spending $40 a week on comics...


12 Feb 14:05

Howard Kurtz And The Double Standard For Female Interviewers

In September 1992, then-presidential candidate Ross Perot accused two female journalists of "trying to prove their manhood" following a TV segment that was critical of him. Perot, who had previously exited the race only to re-enter it, bristled at the scrutiny and deflected from the substance of the questions raised by whining that the style of the two women associated with the report was inappropriate or unbecoming.

Things have since improved for female TV anchors and journalists, but not nearly as much as they should have considering that criticism still tends to focus on style rather than substance. Today, most use euphemisms like "tone," "pushy," "toughness," or "not pressing enough" to criticize and undermine the credibility of female journalists.

On his February 8th show, Howard Kurtz, host of Fox News' MediaBuzz, actually defended the appalling behavior of Senator and potential 2016 GOP presidential contender Rand Paul, in which he condescended to, shushed, and told a female anchor to "calm down" during an appearance on CNBC. Co-host Kelly Evans was critical in her line of questioning, beginning the interview by asking Senator Paul about comments he'd made in a radio interview with conservative host Laura Ingraham just prior to appearing on CNBC where he said that he believed vaccinations "for the most part...ought to be voluntary."

In his analysis, Kurtz accused Evans of having a "chip on her shoulder" for starting the interview with this question. This, despite the fact that the question on vaccinating children was becoming something of a litmus test for potential GOP 2016 contenders, many of whom spent the week tripping all over themselves to walk the line between public safety, common sense and anti-science rhetoric. Evans actually gave Senator Paul (who is also a physician) the opportunity to clarify his comments, who initially gave a sarcastic non-answer, "I guess being for freedom would be really unusual? I guess I don't understand the point, why that would be controversial." Senator Paul's condescending tone continued from there, scolding Evans several times during the interview. Evans did interrupt as Senator Paul attempted to run down the clock with a classic politician non-answer in response to questions about reports suggesting that the long-term consequences of tax holiday legislation he'd introduced with Senator Barbara Boxer could potentially cost the federal governement money in the long run. Visibly agitated and thrown off his game, Paul resorted to shushing Evans in a manner that I last heard when a friend was trying to quiet her agitated baby. The interview ended with a final scolding from Paul and a respectful apology from Evans.

While many reviews acknowledged Paul's sexist behavior -- Kurtz himself said "shushing a host, especially a woman, did not exactly look gentlemanly" -- the Fox News host nonetheless blamed Evans for aggravating Senator Paul. Kurtz suggested that while the substance of the interview was legitimate, her "tone" was the problem. Kurtz chose not to focus on the behavior of a grown man and potential presidential candidate so quickly thrown off by a legitimate question that he resorted to deflecting by shushing and scolding. Instead, despite Senator Paul's attempt to bully Evans by telling her to calm down and attacking her credibility as a journalist, Kurtz suggested that Evans was the problem, because she "alienated" her guest. What Kurtz didn't acknowledge is that, as reporters are supposed to, Evans was part of advancing the story. The next day, Senator Paul went so far as to release a photo of himself getting a vaccination in an attempt to quell the mess he created with his comments the day before.

Just two months ago, Kurtz and his colleagues at Fox News were among the loudest to complain that the eight non-TV female journalists President Obama called on during his 2014 end of the year press conference actually weren't tough enough. The flutter created throughout Washington, D.C., that a president "only" called on women was insulting and annoying enough. The substance of the press conference ranged from President Obama's newsworthy comments regarding Sony's decision to pull The Interview from theaters, to the fate of the president's legislative agenda, the Keystone XL pipeline, and the beginning of normalizing relations with Cuba. Immediately afterwards, Fox News' White House Correspondent Ed Henry complained about the topics covered and that some of the questions posed by his female colleagues "just didn't press him."

Sexist criticism of the press conference did come from many directions including this tweet from Roger Cohen of the New York Times: "Questions only from women fine but WH might have advised male correspondents they could split on vacation early. #maledowntime."

But it was Kurtz's blog post for Fox News -- titled "Where Were the Tough Questions" -- that was particularly offensive. Kurtz diminished the questions posed by the female reporters, equating their style with substance by suggesting that the press conference was a dud because, "This is not unrelated to the fact that he (President Obama) skipped the front-row TV correspondents--Jonathan Karl, Ed Henry, Major Garrett--who tend to ask more confrontational and, yes, theatrical questions." While suggesting that stylistically TV journalists tend to ask more "theatrical" questions, Kurtz failed to include names of female White House TV correspondents.

While Kurtz criticized these female reporters for not being tough enough and CNBC's Evans for being too tough in her interview with Senator Paul, he thought his Fox News colleague Bill O'Reilly got it just right in his contentious 2014 Super Bowl interview with President Obama. O'Reilly continuously interrupted the President of the United States with questions about various debunked Fox conspiracy theories. The Atlantic described it this way: "O'Reilly would ask Obama if he had done something scandalous. Obama would say no, that's just factually wrong. O'Reilly would defend himself, saying he was just asking questions about what many believe. Obama would insist that they only believe it because Fox News treats it as fact. And O'Reilly would insist that he isn't behind it, he's just asking questions."

In defense of O'Reilly, Kurtz said, "Your interview wasn't nasty, it was aggressive ... Sure, you interrupted the president a lot but you had to do that because he's the master at running out the clock with lengthy answers."

In other words, a female reporter has a chip on her shoulder for being aggressive in an interview, while a male reporter is just doing what he had to. Watching Kurtz's defense of Rand Paul's shushing made me think of former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson, who was reportedly fired in part for being too "pushy."

Kurtz's sexism underscores the trap women face, one that needs to be called out at every turn: it's not about trying to be like men, it's about redefining the way it's done.

11 Feb 18:24

Did Bill O'Reilly Cover Up War Crime In El Salvador?

by Susie Madrak
Did Bill O'Reilly Cover Up War Crime In El Salvador?

The Nation's Greg Grandin published this story Monday, and I assumed in light of the controversy over Brian Williams and journalistic integrity, it would pick up traction. It didn't. (I guess it's too complicated for most people.) So here it is.

Grandin raises a very interesting question. Why did Bill O'Reilly, who was then working as a CBS correspondent and was in the area where it happened, right after it happened, ignore an egregious mass slaughter by El Salvadoran government forces, while focusing on what amounted to a small skirmish with opposition fighters? Why, it's almost as if he had a right-wing agenda, even then:

Before Bill O’Reilly was, well, Bill O’Reilly, he worked for a time as a foreign correspondent forCBS Nightly News, anchored by Dan Rather. O’Reilly talks about that period of his career in two of his books, and in both mentions that in early 1982 he reported from northeastern El Salvador, just after the infamous El Mozote Massacre.

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08 Feb 20:03

The Anime Encyclopedia, 3rd edition

by Admin1

The Book arrived at my publishers’ office in California today.


I love all my books, but this one is always The Book. Not just because it’s occupied more time in my life than any of my other works, but because it’s the book I had to write. I really, really wanted to read it, and nobody else would write it for me.

To persuade anyone to publish it I had to get involved in kickstarting a fandom, found and edit a magazine, and write enough other books to convince Stone Bridge Press that this insane idea wasn’t really quite as insane as it sounded and might actually sell a few copies. Travelling from the time I realised I needed this book to the time the first edition was published took twenty years. Why is there never an ansible or a Tardis when you need one?

Look at it now: a third edition, over one million one hundred thousand words, over a thousand pages, testing the limits of binding technology. A subject, a medium, a global industry  captured in a book that only exists because Jonathan Clements and I worked, and still work, our socks off to bring my dream into being, and because Peter Goodman at Stone Bridge Press believed, and still believes, that dreams are worth chasing.

07 Feb 00:25

Family Stages Fake Kidnapping To Teach 6-Year-Old 'A Lesson'

by Susie Madrak


Family Stages Fake Kidnapping To Teach 6-Year-Old 'A Lesson'

Because nothing says good parenting like traumatizing a child to teach him a lesson, right?

(CNN) A 6-year-old boy in Missouri endured an emotional four-hour staged kidnapping because his family thought he was being too nice to people he didn't know, police said Thursday.

The four people involved in the alleged plot -- the boy's mother, grandmother, aunt and a co-worker of the aunt -- have been charged with kidnapping and other felonies, the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office said.

"Family members told investigators their primary intent was to educate the victim and felt they did nothing wrong," the press release said.

During his reported ordeal the boy was lured Monday into a pickup after getting off his school bus, tied up, threatened with a gun, taken to a basement where his pants were removed, and told he could be sold into sex slavery, police said.

The boy was told in the truck by Nathan Wynn Firoved, the aunt's co-worker, that he would never "see his mommy again," and he would be "nailed to the wall of a shed," the sheriff's statement said.

The boy started to cry, police said, and Firoved, 23, showed the child a gun and said he would be harmed if he didn't stop bawling. Firoved used plastic bags to tie the child's hands and feet, police said. He took his jacket and covered the boy's head so he couldn't see.

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05 Feb 20:08

Fox News Guest: 'A Racist Is Anyone Winning An Argument With A Democrat'

by LeftOfCenter

This guy Hastings is my representative and he opposed Net neutrality so I wrote him a letter one time

Fox News Guest: 'A Racist Is Anyone Winning An Argument With A Democrat'

Florida Democratic Congressman Alcee Hastings boldly called Texans (meaning the Republican-led government) 'crazy' people prior to the most ridiculous 56th vote to repeal Obamacare. Yesterday, he tweeted about it.

With @HouseGOP to call for 56th vote to repeal #ACA it must be #GroundhogDay again

— Alcee L. Hastings (@RepHastingsFL) February 2, 2015

Steve Doocy, aka Stevie La Douce (his guest's words), interviewed "songwriter, singer and political observer," Larry Gatlin who, of course, objected to the Democratic Congressman's comments. He thinks it's just fine that Texas is crapping on its poor by denying millions healthcare, as he too is a Republican.

Doocy explains how Texans are reacting. 'Don't Mess With Texas', the delegation from Texas tells Hastings. They asked him to apologize and Hastings said,

"You will wait until Hell freezes over for me to say anything in an apology."

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04 Feb 16:23

Fox Worries Disney's Frozen Is "Empowering Girls By Turning Our Men Into Fools And Villains"

04 Feb 16:21

Discotek Media Announces New Slate Of Titles, Crowdfunding Idea


Mike Toole is providing supplemental materials on Night on the Galactic Railroad and presumably Justin Sevakis will author it (since he's already done so)

Licensor Discotek Media previously teased that it would announce some new titles last month annd it did not disappoint, announcing 9 new titles and a new crowdfunding idea.

Night Warriors OVANight Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge OVA Complete Series
Japanese language with English subtitles/English dub

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust DVD/BD
Further details TBA
Night On The Galactic Railroad
Night On The Galactic Railroad
DVD planned this year, later on Blu Ray. Japanese with English subtitles and English dub
Street Fighter II: The Movie
Street Fighter II: The Movie
Release Details TBA
Street Fighter: USA Network Series
Street Fighter USA Network Series
Robot Carnival
Robot Carnival
Japanese language with English subtitles and English dub.
Earl and Fairy
Earl and Fairy
Earl and Fairy Complete series Japanese language, English subtitles
Shining Tears X Wind
Shining Tears X Wind
Japanese language, English subtitles
HiScool SeHa Girls
HiScool SeHa Girls

Discotek also announced that it was considering a new crowdfunding idea for titles that would be difficult to make money on as standard releases with a model similar to the AnimeSols initiative:



Humberto Saabedra is the Owner of, Editor-in-Chief of and a part-time recording engineer. He can also be found musing on things (and Nico Robin) at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

03 Feb 15:16

"HYPERSONIC music club" Page One

by Patrick Macias


HYPERSONIC music club 


Art by Hiroyuki Takahashi

Story by Patrick Macias


HYPERSONIC music club links




03 Feb 15:02

Ingraham Mocks "Like A Girl" Commercial: "This Is PC Police"


"Maybe I just don't have empathy."

ABC News contributor Laura Ingraham scoffed at the "Like A Girl" Super Bowl commercial promoting girls' self-esteem, calling its empowerment message "a non-issue" written by the "PC police."

During Super Bowl XLIX, Always aired its "Like A Girl" commercial, intended to "reclaim a phrase that's been used to police gender roles and stereotypes that are harmful." In the commercial, adults, young boys, and young girls are asked to demonstrate "what it looks like to run like a girl" or "throw like a girl." While adults and young boys treated the phrase as a pejorative, flailing about and acting weak, young girls responded in earnest, saying to "run like a girl" means to "run as fast as you can."  

The next day on her radio program, Laura Ingraham mocked the ad's message, and in the process demonstrated the very bias the ad meant to expose. Ingraham bragged, "I was a tomboy growing up. No one ever said I threw like a girl ... Maybe I just don't have empathy."

Dismissing the ad's empowerment message, Ingraham stated, "This is PC police," and went on to suggest that girls' self-esteem is a "non-issue":

INGRAHAM: It's such a non-issue. First of all, boys are the ones who need more help in school these days. Boys are the ones who are falling behind girls. Boys are the ones who are seeing their sports programs cut because of Title IX because we have to have everything balanced. Boys are the ones who need additional help today. So, 'throw like a girl,' 'kick like a boy,' I mean, 'do pull-ups like a girl,' 'do pull-ups like a boy.' Honestly.

03 Feb 14:23

Shinji Aramaki to Helm Animator Expo CG Short "evangelion:Another Impact (Confidential)”


"Oh no. Not again."

[the above line is to be read in the voice of the opening lines to the Streamline dub of 8 Man After]

The Japan Animator Expo is a showcase of 30 shorts presented by Dwango and Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno's Studio Khara. This week's 12th returns to the subject of Evangelion and introduces Shinji to Shinji as Shinji Aramaki, the veteran director who worked with Anno on 1988's Metal Skin Panic MADOX-01 and who is best known to international fans for the CG Appleseed movies, helms evangelion:Another Impact (Confidential).


Atsushi Takeuchi, a mech designer on Appleseed and animator on Anno's Gunbuster as well as Evangelion, provides mech designs.


The short is described

Director Shinji Aramaki
Another EVA Design Atsushi Takeuchi
CG Director Masaru Matsumoto


Another time, another place.
An activation test of a decisive weapon was underway.
With its development and operational trials shrouded in complete
secrecy, the Another Number - Unit Null, suddenly breaks free of human
control and goes berserk.

For what purpose was Another Number - Unit Null created?

The story of an Evangelion's activation, rampage and howling in another world.


The episode of "evangelion:Another Impact (Confidential)" will be digitally distributed on the official website of Japan Anima (tor)’s Exhibition on Friday February 6th, 2015.


A preview can be seen here.



Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

03 Feb 14:05

Texas Heads Explode After Imam Leads Rodeo Prayer

by Susie Madrak
Texas Heads Explode After Imam Leads Rodeo Prayer

I think the biggest problem we have with Texas is a severe irony deficiency. Yes, they worship the same God who hung out with outcasts and whores, but they just don't get the point:

FORT WORTH — For some faithful rodeo fans, the inclusion of a Muslim imam in the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo has become a burr under the saddle.

The Stock Show has become more diverse this year as officials have let more groups offer prayers before the start of events. But the Facebook page for the 23-day event lit up this week after Moujahed Bakhach of the Islamic Association of Tarrant County led the public prayer Sunday night.

While many of the comments on the Stock Show’s Facebook page were supportive of the more inclusive prayer policy, most were not.

Opposition seemed directed not personally at Bakhach or his words but at the inclusion of a member of the Islamic clergy during a time of violence involving Muslim terrorists.

A sampling of the sentiments expressed: “I for one won’t attend an event that allows a darkness to be spoke over me,” “Muslim/Islam has no place in this country” and “I just will choose NOT to go somewhere that embraces a religion that wants me, my family and my people DEAD.”

On Wednesday, the Stock Show posted: “We would like to take this opportunity to separate fact from fiction: There was never a Muslim prayer — or a prayer of any specific religion at the Stock Show.”

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02 Feb 16:08

FCC Expected To Announce Internet Will Be Regulated As Public Utility

by Susie Madrak

This Thursday, FCC Chair Tom Wheeler will announce that under Title II, broadband companies will be regulated as utilities. Real progress, and we should be grateful to Wheeler and President Obama for listening to the public as we made our wishes known.

But mostly, we should thank John Oliver, who turned his audience into a well-oiled net-neutrality commenting machine that turned the tide:

Monday, Nov. 10, didn’t start out well for Wheeler. Protesters from one of the more radical pro-net neutrality groups had blocked the driveway of his home in Georgetown. That same day, the president released a statement and video in which he came out squarely in favor of regulating the broadband companies like utilities. Obama had always been a proponent of net neutrality (Open Internet planks had been nailed into the Democrats’ platform in 2008 and 2012, after all), but he had never uttered the words Title II, the federal rule that gives the FCC direct authority over telecommunications services.

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30 Jan 16:22

Attack on Titan's Universal Studios Attraction Previewed in Video

Clone-oid figures, replica props shown from "Attack on Titan The Real"
30 Jan 16:22

Delayed 3rd Assassination Classroom Episode Rescheduled for Friday (Update 2)

The official Twitter account for the Assassination Classroom television anime announced on Friday that the delayed third episode will air on Fuji TV at...
30 Jan 14:02

Scientology Cultists Will Hate This Movie, So Be Sure To Watch It

by karoli

Mark your calendars for March 16th and tune into HBO. You don't have to have a cable subscription to watch, now that HBO offers subscriptions delivered to your tablet or phone. And you will want to tune in, to see Alex Gibney's new film, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief.

Huffington Post:

Even if you've read Lawrence Wright's book, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood and the Prison of Belief on which the film is based, Gibney's adaptation is an eye-opening and transformative experience. The difference between reading about Scientology's bizarre principles and seeing them up on-screen, spelled out in an easily digestible and visually exciting way is profound. The film is eerily entertaining and even funny at times, that is, until you catch yourself and remember how many lives have been ruined in the name of these far-fetched science fiction concepts.

As you might imagine, the Elron devotees are lining up a veritable parade of PR attacks on Gibney and his film:

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29 Jan 18:17

Too Little, Too Much, Or Just Right: To Conservative Media, Any Amount Of Snow Debunks Climate Change

Some conservative media figures have touted the intensity of the recent blizzard that hit the northeast, some have claimed that it is no different than snow storms from the past, and others have deemed the blizzard much less severe than originally forecast. But the one thing they all agree on is that the blizzard somehow disproves the firmly established science of global warming.

Conservative Media: Less Snow Disproves Global Warming 

Pointing to Bigger Storm 130 Years Ago, Fox's Gutfield Attacked "Idiots" Linking Blizzard To Climate Change. On the January 27 edition of Fox News' The Five, co-host Greg Gutfeld argued that "a storm 130 years ago was much worse than [the] storm now," in order to attack the "idiots" who link extreme weather events like the blizzard to climate change:

GUTFIELD: The worst storm ever in the Northeast was in 1888, they had something like 58 inches in Saratoga Springs. So if this blizzard, this current blizzard in fact proves climate change, the logical conclusion, the logical conclusion is that climate change is awesome because a storm 130 years ago was much worse than a storm now. That is a logical conclusion that flies in the face of all these idiots who have absolutely no evidence linking extreme weather to climate change. 

Ingraham Attacked "Climate Models" By Falsely Conflating Meteorologists And Climate Scientists. On the January 27 edition of Courtside Entertainment Group's The Laura Ingraham Show, Laura Ingraham falsely conflated meteorologists and climate scientists, claiming the weather forecasters who overestimated the extent of the blizzard "are the same people... who assure us that their climate models on climate change are unassailable":

INGRAHAM: You could bike to work today. There was no traffic. Getting to Fox was a joke, it was so easy. And I'm thinking, these are the same people, by the way, who assure us that their climate models on climate change are unassailable, they are correct, we have man-made climate change, it's changing the planet, it's global warming, the storms are because of our carbon output...because their models are correct. I've never seen New York City shut down as it was yesterday.


All these fancy meteorologists were wrong, and yours truly -- sorry, don't want to pat myself on the back, but -- was correct. [Courtside Entertainment Group, The Laura Ingraham Show, 1/27/15]

Fox's Bolling: "Meteorologists Blew It. So Did The Climate Change Alarmists." On the January 27 edition of Fox News' The Five, co-host Eric Bolling echoed the false notion that climate scientists make short-term weather predictions and cited overblown weather forecasts to disparage climate science, calling it "hugely hypocritical" that climate scientists "know for a fact that global warming, climate change is a fact... yet they can't figure out where this storm is going to go":

BOLLING:  But after all the catastrophic warnings, all the doomsday forecasts, the blizzard of 2015 hardly barely blew through the Big Apple after all. Many parts of the Northeast had been hit hard, but the fact is meteorologists blew it. And so did the climate change alarmists -- climate alarmists, who were already blaming global warming before the storm even hit.


Don't you find it funny that [climate scientists] know for a fact that global warming, climate change is a fact without any dispute. There's no question in their minds. Yet they can't figure out where this storm is going to go. I found it hugely, hugely hypocritical. [Fox News, The Five, 1/27/15]

WSJ's Bret Stephens Dismissed Climate Change Predictions Because "We Can't Predict The Next 24 Hours Of Weather." The Wall Street Journal's editorial page deputy director Bret Stephens tweeted on January 26: "Snowmageddon? Whatever. We can't predict the next 24 hours of weather. And we're supposed to believe we can predict climate 100 years out?"


[Twitter, 1/26/15]

Bastardi Disputed Climate Link To Blizzard Because 1978 Storm "Dwarfs What's On The East Coast Right Now." On the January 27 edition of Hannity, weather forecaster Joe Bastardi criticized former Congressman Dennis Kucinich for tying the blizzard to global warming, cherry-picking a strong blizzard that he said occurred in Ohio in 1978:

BASTARDI: You wanna know something? I use climatology as a foundation for the weather, that's why I'm good at what I do. Let me ask you a question, sir. You come from Ohio. What happened January 26, 1978 in your state? ... Do you remember what the pressure of that storm was? Do you know how that storm right there dwarfs what's on the East Coast right now? ... You don't know what you're talking about. [Fox News, Hannity, 1/27/15]

Conservative Media: More Snow Disproves Global Warming

Limbaugh: "We've Got More Winter Storms Happening In This Country ... And Yet They Continue To Hit Everybody With Global Warming." On the January 27 edition of Premiere Radio Network's The Rush Limbaugh Show, Rush Limbaugh declared that liberals "have no irony whatsoever" when they link global warming to winter storms, and claimed that "[t]he years are not getting warmer":

LIMBAUGH: Almost every major storm in recent years, be it a hurricane or a thunderstorm or a winter storm, they're all oversold. They're all overpredicted. And they're overpredicted from the standpoint of crisis.


People who are liberals are now at the National Weather Service, and they can't separate their liberalism from the job. And so they're nannies and they think most people are incompetent, not able to take care of themselves... Liberals also love crisis. They love crisis and chaos. Crisis and chaos, they afford liberals yet another opportunity to exert control over people, over the sheep.


You'll note that nary a storm goes by, isn't predicted, that isn't also related to manmade global warming. You've got people out there saying this major ice and snow storm has been brought about by global warming. And they apparently have no irony whatsoever that they're blaming blaming global warming on massive winter storms. We've got more winter storms happening in this country. The years are not getting warmer. And yet they continue to hit everybody with global warming. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 1/27/15]

"Snow-Trolling" Is A Persistent Meme Among Conservative Media. Conservative media latched on to cold winter weather in early 2014 to cast doubt on the reality of manmade global warming, a yearly phenomenon that is often referred to as "snow-trolling." Media Matters compiled several instances from that period of media pundits citing a variety of cherry-picked weather events, including low temperatures in Antarctica, record lows in the United States, and snow in Cairo, to dismiss global warming. Fox's Stuart Varney even suggested, "We're looking at global cooling, forget this global warming":

Conservative Media: The Same Amount Of Snow Disproves Global Warming

Hannity On Climate Change "Hysteria": "This Storm Is Like Every Storm I Remember As A Kid." On the January 27 edition of Fox News' Hannity, host Sean Hannity posited that the recent blizzard was like every storm he remembered from his childhood in Long Island. He then asked Joe Bastardi if the recent storm was "related" to global warming or just "hysteria":

HANNITY: I grew up on Long Island. This storm is like every storm I remember as a kid. Is this related to any type of climate change, global warming, global cooling, or is this hysteria?

BASTARDI: Absolutely not, it's part of a package. In fact, how long before this storm occurred was I e-mailing you about it, okay, privately ... The fact of the matter is, this was a predictable system overall. [Fox News, Hannity, 1/27/15]

Your World With Neil Cavuto Rejects Blizzard's Ties To Global Warming, Claiming Average Snowfall Has Not Changed. On the January 27 edition of Fox News' Your World With Neil Cavuto, host Neil Cavuto and the Cato Institute's Patrick Michaels denounced New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's statement that the recent blizzard was connected to a "changing climate." Cavuto asked: "So when I was a kid, and we had these kind of storms, what was that then? I don't know." Michaels then "rejected" Gov. Cuomo's statement, stating, "We have a history of New York snowfall from Central Park. It goes back to 1870. And guess what? It shows not one change upwards or downwards. Hypothesis rejected, Governor." (According to, "Of the top 10 snowfalls on record at Central Park dating to 1869, five have occurred since 2003.")

The Reality: Climate Change Science Is Firmly Established -- And The Recent Blizzard Is Consistent With It

Scientists As Certain That Human Activities Are Driving Global Warming As They Are That Cigarettes Can Kill. The United Nations' climate science consensus report concluded with at least 95 percent certainty that human activities are driving the majority of current global warming. The Associated Press reported that this degree of certainty "is most similar to the confidence scientists have in the decades' worth of evidence that cigarettes are deadly." [Associated Press, 9/24/13]

Climate Nexus: Northeast Blizzard Became Stronger Due To Climate Change: Citing reports from the U.S. Global Change Research Program and the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Nexus noted that "this blizzard exhibits the fingerprints of climate change in several distinct ways." From Climate Nexus:  

Snowstorms are an expected feature of winter weather in the Northeast, but this blizzard exhibits the fingerprints of climate change in several distinct ways. Above average sea surface temperatures adds energy to the system, creating a stronger contrast with the cold front. That temperature gradient powers the storm, so a stronger gradient means a stronger storm. Then there's the fact that warmer air holds more moisture, resulting in more precipitation. [, 1/26/15]

Washington Post: "Extreme Snowfall May Actually Be Enhanced By Global Warming." In an article titled "Global warming could make blizzards worse," The Washington Post summarized what scientific reports have to say about how climate change impacts snowstorms in the Northeast:

[A] warming ocean could potentially intensify winter nor'easters.

"The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has found that nor'easters like this one may grow stronger [with] human-caused climate change, as they are driven by the contrast between cold Arctic air masses and ever-warming ocean surface temperatures," says Penn State climatologist Michael Mann.


There's also some suggestive evidence of an actual trend in extreme winter storms. Overall, notes the U.S. National Climate Assessment, the northern hemisphere has seen a trend toward more frequent and intense winter storms since 1950. So has the United States. According to a 2013 consensus report published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, "The number of severe regional snowstorms that occurred since 1960 was more than twice the number that occurred during the preceding 60 years" in the United States. [The Washington Post, 1/26/15]  

National Center For Atmospheric Research Scientist: Climate Change Played Key Role In Creating Conditions For Blizzard. Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, explained to ThinkProgress that although "winter" was the "number 1 cause" of the recent blizzard, warmer ocean temperatures as a result of global warming also played a significant role. Trenberth explained that warmer sea surface temperatures have increased the amount of water vapor in the air by 10 percent. He concluded that "about half" of this phenomenon can be attributed to climate change:

The number 1 cause of this is that it is winter. In winter it is cold over the continent. But it is warm over the oceans and the contrast between the cold continent and the warm Gulf Stream and surrounding waters is increasing. At present sea surface temperatures are more the 2F above normal over huge expanses (1000 miles) off the east coast and water vapor in the atmosphere is about 10% higher as a result. About half of this can be attributed to climate change. [ThinkProgress, 1/26/15]

Blizzard Forecasts For New York City Proved Inaccurate; But That Doesn't Affect Climate Science. New York City experienced less snowfall than weather forecasters predicted, but this does not affect the legitimacy of climate models or the scientific consensus on global warming. The New Republic's Rebecca Leber explained how despite conservatives' "jump[ing] at the opportunity to compare weather forecasts to climate change models," climate science and weather forecasting are different because they use different models, examine different data, and operate on different time scales:

Weather is not climate. The weather is immediate conditions -- rain, snow, sunshine, etc. -- while the climate is long-term trends. A blizzard or a cold snap doesn't disprove climate change. It doesn't cancel the fact that ten of the hottest years on record have occured [sic] since 2000, with 2014 as the the warmest yet.

Weather forecasts are also not the same as climate projections, because weather predictions are short-term by nature. And despite improved forecasting over the last few decades, weather forecasts are only as accurate as meteorologists' initial data, like atmospheric conditions, ocean surface temperatures, and how well real-world physics is represented in their models. Imperfect knowledge of those conditions makes weather predictions highly variable.

Climate models, on the other hand, can't predict the weather on a specific day, but they do show trends and averages. They deal with different data, including conditions of the deep ocean, vegetation, and the sun, and how greenhouse gasses impact the system. [New Republic, 1/27/15]

29 Jan 15:33

Comcast Changes Customer Name To A**hole After Account Cancelled

by karoli
Comcast Changes Customer Name To A**hole After Account Cancelled

It's always good to know what that corporate monolith really thinks of their customers, isn't it?

Lisa Brown called Comcast to cancel their cable service because of cashflow problems. From there, it just got weird.

Lisa Brown, a volunteer for a missions organization in Spokane, Wash., contacted me yesterday because of a billing problem with Comcast, her local cable provider. The issue? The name on their bill had been changed from her husband’s name, Ricardo, to “Asshole” Brown.


Brown has tried to fix the name herself. She’s visited her local Comcast office and phoned higher-ups in the Washington region. But she wasn’t getting anywhere and needed help.

So first someone changes the name and then they refuse to change it on the first round of telephone calls. Really?

I asked Brown why a Comcast employee might want to change Ricardo’s name to Asshole.

“I am shocked,” she told me. She explained that her family was having financial difficulties and needed to reduce their cable bill. She’d called Comcast to cancel the cable portion of her account, for which she had to pay a $60 fee. Instead of complying immediately, a representative escalated her call to a retention specialist, who tried to persuade her to keep the cable service and sign a new two-year contract.

“I was never rude,” she says. “It could have been that person was upset because I didn’t take the offer.”

read more

29 Jan 15:29

Takehiko Inoue's "Vagabond" Manga Returns after One-Year Hiatus


After one-year hiatus, Takehiko Inoue's Vagabond resumes its serialization with the 323rd chapter in the 9th of 2015 issue of Kodansha's Weekly Morning, which is released in Japan today, January 29. The issues features the manga on its cover and opens with 28-colored page of the chapter. Though Morning is a weekly magazine, Vagabond will be published once a month, in an issue released on the third Thursday of every month. The next 324th chapter will be in the 12th issue on February 19. 


The manga which is based on Eiji Yoshikawa's historical novel Miyamoto Musashi in the 1930s has been serialized in the magazine since 1998 with several hiatus periods in between. It has now 37 tankobon volumes and its total print run has reached over 82 million copies worldwide.



The cover of Weekly Morning 9th issue



The covers of the 1st and 37th volume



via: Comic Natalie


© Takehiko Inoue/Kodansha



27 Jan 21:30

Anime World Order Show # 134 - Ardith Carlton, Who Aims to Win Wonderful Tomorrow

by (Anime World Order)

Note to self: fix Old Reader RSS feed to not be the Feedburner backup that takes 24 hours to update

It wasn't easy, but we finally managed to get a hold of Ardith Carlton, who played a formative role in American anime fandom and is still going strong to this day. Her tales of 70s geekdom and what it took to make it to Japan where she now lives is one of Attack No. 1 levels of determination. Visit for full show notes and supplemental links.
27 Jan 18:46

a look at Gigantor's new adventures

by d. merrill

This was my primary exposure to Gigantor

The New Adventures of Gigantor! Sure, this 1980 remake of the popular 1963 boy-and-robot anime series (based on the Mitsuteru Yokoyama manga) didn’t make it to American TV until thirteen years after its Japanese premiere, and even then it ran in a weird time slot on a niche cable station best known for Twilight Zone marathons and later, a series of deliberately inane made-for-TV monster epics.
27 Jan 18:45

your Monday

Apparently the services for Mike are going to be Friday in Somerville. We'll be driving out on Thursday, which is when the snow is supposed to come down here. Boston, on the other hand, will be getting spanked with snow starting later today. Hopefully the plows and the salt will be in effect and we can get there and back without incident.

In the meantime, life goes on. Jimmy Olsen becomes the Red-Headed Beatle Of 1000 BC in Stupid Comics. The Georgie Girls weigh in on the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris. Element Of Surprise continues with a fateful meeting. And Let's Anime takes a look at the New Adventures Of Gigantor, a 1990s broadcast of a 1980 remake of a 1960s cartoon based on a manga from the 1950s.

There probably won't be a Stupid Comics this week, as we'll be in Boston for the services. In the meantime, if you want to remember Mike, and help Carol out, there's a way.
26 Jan 19:55

The No-Go Zone Myth Comes To America

Muslim enclavesThe rhetoric around the debunked right wing media meme about the existence of "no-go zones" throughout France, the United Kingdom, and the rest of Europe, ratcheted up last week. Driven by politics, viewers, listeners, and page views,  even the multiple mea culpas from Fox News just last weekend haven't stopped the myth.

By the conservative telling, in these supposed "Muslim only" enclaves the population has "take[n] over parts of the country, entire portions, towns," (allegedly more than 700 in France alone!), and outside police are forbidden as extremism and Sharia Law flourish. And now, they present an active threat to the United States and our American values.

"If people don't want to come here to integrate and assimilate, what they're really trying to do is set up their own culture, their own communities," Louisiana Governor and potential 2016 GOP presidential contender Bobby Jindal said last week, continuing, "What they're really trying to do is overturn our culture. We need to recognize that threat." When criticized for the bogus claim, he pointed to the work of a foreign policy think tank led by Fox News contributor John Bolton.

On his radio show, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins warned that America has already succumbed to the spread of "no-go zones," blaming a failure to assimilate into American culture. "There are some areas in this country that, in effect, that has occurred. Dearborn, Michigan, is one of the places. There are some places in Minneapolis," he said. The Muslim-bashing continued on conservative outlets like Breitbart News and WND, which continued to post stories with inflammatory headlines like, "ISLAM EXPERTS: NO-GO ZONES LOOMING FOR AMERICA; Back Jindal's view non-assimilation is trouble because Muslims 'supremacist at core,'" and "EUROPEAN 'NO-GO' ZONES REMAIN UNASSIMILATED HOTBEDS OF RADICAL ISLAM."

While the narrative is long on fear mongering, it is short on actually examining the very real societal barriers, stigma, and racism that Muslim immigrants to Europe and their second and third generation children face as they actually try to assimilate. These barriers are mostly erected by the same society and government that accuses them of not wanting to assimilate, instead fueling Islamophobia and isolation.

It's compounded in France by decades of broken promises for investment, job training programs, improved schools, rhetoric of stemming the growing tide of racism, even calls for a Marshall Plan for the working-class suburbs that surround Paris. Instead, the problem has been left to fester, further isolating the Muslim community, as the far-right European anti-Muslim movement continues to grow.  

I had the opportunity to work for a number of years on a project through the French American Foundation and the American Embassy in France aimed at helping and encouraging young minority candidates, many of whom were especially inspired by President Obama's election. A majority of them were Muslim and from the banlieue. Contrary to conservative propaganda, they saw themselves as French first, period. They were passionate about their county, incredibly smart, insightful and committed to serving France by being a part of the political system, and each talked about having to work overtime to illustrate their assimilation in the face of increasing racial tensions in France.

26 Jan 18:46

"Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain" Should See A Release Date "Soon"



...I'm already a demon...

It seems like we've been waiting years and years for the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, but an actual, real-life release date could be coming soon if Konami is to be believed.


Recently on the webcast Kojima Station, Kojima Productions hinted that a release date could actually be on the horizon soon:


“I know you’ve all been eagerly await for word on releasing timing. I think we should be able to announce that soon, so look forward to that. It’s only a little longer,” a Kojima spokesperson was quoted as saying during the broadcast.


So that doesn't give us a date or anything per se, but there's an event on the horizon at the Taipei Game Show where Kojima has confirmed on January 31 will be "new information." Could that include a release date? Only time will tell!


[via Gematsu]


Fueled by horror, rainbow-sugar-pixel-rushes, and video games, Brittany is a freelancer who thrives on surrealism and ultraviolence. Follow her on Twitter @MolotovCupcake and check out her portfolio for more.

26 Jan 18:45

Japanese "Fury" Blu-ray to Feature "Girls und Panzer" Bonus


Because you see, the reason anyone in Japan would watch a movie like Fury is that they're into tanks

When Fury, the World War II tank war film starring Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf, opened in Japan on November 28th, it was promoted to military history otaku as distributor Kadokawa teamed it with the moe land, sea and air forces of Girls und Panzer, KanColle and Strike Witches: Operation Victory Arrow. Following the offer of special clear files with tickets, GnP and Fury are reuniting for the latter's Blu-ray release.


Amazon Japan is offering an exclusive edition of the Blu-ray, due March 18th, featuring a bonus disc with Ikumi Nakagami's Yukari Akiyama offering commentary on the movie's subject M-4 Sherman and its battle with the German Tiger tanks.



The theatrical release clear files


via Yaraon



Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime. 

26 Jan 18:36

New Yamato 2199 Film's Blu-ray to Have English Subtitles


The good ol' Japanese strategy for what they think will incentivize R2 imports that in reality is just "please pirate the rip"

Bandai Visual lists the May 27 Blu-ray Disc and DVD releases of Uchū Senkan Yamato 2199: Hoshi-Meguru Hakobune (Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Star-Voyaging...