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30 Oct 15:35

Right-Wing Media Attack CNBC Moderator For Correctly Noting Rubio's Tax Plan Gives More To Top 1% Than Middle Class

During the October 28 Republican presidential debate hosted by CNBC, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) contested moderator John Harwood's statement that Rubio's tax reform plan disproportionately favors the rich over the middle class. Conservative news outlets rushed to defend Rubio, despite the fact that Harwood was correct.

CNBC Moderator Asks Why Rubio's Tax Plan Favors The Rich Over The Middle Class

CNBC's John Harwood Presses Marco Rubio On His Tax Plan, Notes Disproportionate Benefits To Top 1 Percent. During the October 28 Republican presidential debate on CNBC, moderator John Harwood pressed GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Marco Rubio on an analysis of his tax reform proposal from the conservative-leaning Tax Foundation, which according to Harwood, "concluded that [Rubio] give[s] nearly twice as much of a gain in after-tax income to the top 1 percent as to people in the middle of the income scale." Rubio questioned Harwood's assessment, and claimed the CNBC journalist had already admitted that his point about disproportionate tax benefits was mistaken:

[CNBC, The Republican Presidential Debate: Your Money, Your Vote,

[Tax Foundation, 3/9/15] "Harwood Was Right," But The Two Were "Talking Past Each Other." According to an October 29 post by, Harwood "was right" to say that Rubio's plan favored the rich more than the middle class and the journalist correctly cited Tax Foundation research. Rubio's response focused only on his plan's promised benefits for low-income earners, ignoring Harwood's question. As a result the two men "were talking past each other":

So Harwood and Rubio were talking past each other a bit. Harwood was pointing out that those at the top income levels were seeing greater benefit -- on a percentage basis -- than those in the middle income levels. And that's true. Rubio, meanwhile, insisted that those at the very lowest income levels would see the greatest percentage increase in income. That's also true. Rubio further confused the issue with his explanation that "5 percent of a million is a lot more than 5 percent of a thousand." As we noted earlier, it's not just that those in the top 1 percent of tax filers would be seeing greater dollar savings in Rubio's plan than those in the middle income brackets, it's that those at the top would see a greater percentage gain as well [, 10/29/15]

Bloomberg: Rubio's Tax Plan "Gives Larger Benefits To The Richest Americans Than To The Middle Class." According to an October 29 fact check by Bloomberg, "Harwood was correct" and Rubio "sidestepped" his question about the middle class by focusing his answer on the bottom 10 percent of earners:

A contentious exchange in Wednesday's debate between CNBC moderator John Harwood and Senator Marco Rubio prompted outcries from conservatives accusing the journalist of "lies" when he cited a study saying the Floridian's tax plan gives larger benefits to the richest Americans than to the middle class.

Harwood was correct. Rubio sidestepped and answered that people "at the lower end" enjoy the largest gain under his plan, and he was also correct in percentage terms.

The study in March by the conservative-leaning Tax Foundation shows the distribution. Rubio's plan would lead to average after-tax income gains of 27.9 percent for the top 1 percent of earners, considerably more than for middle-income earners. It would also lead to an average gain of 55.9 percent for those in the bottom 10 percent of the income spectrum, under "dynamic scoring" assumptions, the study says. [Bloomberg, 10/29/15]

Rubio's Plan Adds To National Debt With Tax Breaks For The Rich

Tax Foundation: Rubio's Tax Plan Could Add $6 Trillion To National Debt. According to an October 19 analysis of Rubio's recently-updated tax reform proposal by the Tax Foundation, the plan could add up to $6 trillion to the national debt over ten years in addition to projected debt accumulation under current law. According to the Tax Foundation, Rubio's reform proposal is one of the most expensive Republican tax plans:

Republican Tax Plans[Tax Foundation, 10/19/15]

Bloomberg's Ponnuru: "The Revenue Loss Rubio Is Proposing Is Huge." In his October 29 column for Bloomberg View, conservative columnist Ramesh Ponnuru wrote that after initially proposing a plan that would have increased taxes on some married couples making between $150,000 and $300,000 annually, Rubio's revised tax plan shows that he "has decided that he should avoid raising taxes on so many affluent people." Ponnuru noted thtat "[t]he revenue loss Rubio is proposing is huge" and warned" [i]t would be irresponsible, given our looming debt problems, to cut taxes by that much and hope that spending cuts and economic growth would save the day":

But the revenue loss Rubio is proposing is huge. American voters are not usually obsessed with balancing the budget: If they were, we wouldn't have run the deficits we have over the past several decades. Six trillion dollars, though, is the sort of number that could make people notice. It would be irresponsible, given our looming debt problems, to cut taxes by that much and hope that spending cuts and economic growth would save the day. Voters might well think the same thing. [Bloomberg View, 10/29/15]

Washington Post: Rubio's Tax Plan Bypasses The Middle Class, "Greatly Boosts The Rich." According to an April 14 post on The Washington Post's Wonkblog, Rubio's tax plan "includes a huge break that all-but bypasses the middle [class] and greatly boosts the rich" by eliminating "all taxes on dividends and capital gains. That's where rich taxpayers cash in." [The Washington Post, Wonkblog, 4/14/15]

PolitiFact: Rubio's Plan Cuts Taxes For Millionaires By More Than Three Times Median Household Income. According to a July 16 post by PolitiFact, Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton's statement that Rubio's tax plan "would cut taxes for households making around $3 million a year by almost $240,000, which is way more than three times the earnings of a typical family" is "Mostly True," and "the thrust of her statement is sound." [PolitiFact, 7/16/15]

Right-Wing Media Accuse Harwood Of Bias, Falsely Claim Rubio's Response Was Correct

Fox's Doocy: "Was [Harwood] Just Trying To Play Fast And Loose With The Facts To Make [Rubio] Look Bad?" On the October 29 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, co-host Steve Doocy claimed that Harwood "flat out ... lied" about Rubio's tax plan before asking the senator if CNBC's so-called "chief inquisitor" was "trying to play fast and loose with the facts to make you look bad." Rubio agreed, claiming his tax plan "helps everyone without hurting anyone":

STEVE DOOCY (HOST): Do you think he just got the fact wrong? Or was he just trying to play fast and loose with the facts to make you look bad?

MARCO RUBIO: Yeah. So what he did, instead of saying "well your tax plan saves the most money for the people on the bottom end of the spectrum, but the rich get a break, as well. Explain that." He basically made it sound the worst way possible, and I caught him and corrected him on it. The truth is my tax plan allows the people who make the least amount of money to keep the most. But my tax plan helps everyone without hurting anyone. [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 10/29/15]

Fox's Kelly: "Rubio Was Going To Let It Slide" But Harwood Kept Making False Claim. On the October 28 edition of Fox News' The Kelly File, host Megyn Kelly claimed that Rubio heard Harwood's claim and was "going to let it slide," but was forced to respond. Fox's Chris Stirewalt added that Rubio "squashed [Harwood] like a bug":

MEGYN KELLY (HOST): Back on October 14th, John Harwood had corrected the first time he tried to incorrectly report this story ... So he, Rubio was going to let it slide, Chris. He had said "look, that is not right." He was going to let it slide, and go on. Harwood interrupted him and said "No, Tax Foundation says it my way." And then Rubio says "No, you had to go back and correct your own story." And Harwood says "no, I did not." What? How on earth could that happen?

CHRIS STIREWALT: Because you're so arrogant that you absolutely believe that you're so much smarter than everybody with an R next to their name, and you know that these guys are troglodytes, and you are smarter than they are -- and you get squashed like a bug. [Fox News, The Kelly File, 10/28/15]

Breitbart's John Nolte: Harwood Lied About Rubio's Tax Plan. Breitbart News' John Nolte accused Harwood of lying about Rubio's tax plan by pointing to the Tax Foundation's analysis, which shows "the bottom ten percent do twice as well as the top ten percent" under Rubio's plan:

A document has been unearthed proving John Harwood, the left-wing moderator of Wednesday night's CNBC debate, lied when he attacked Senator Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) over his tax plan -- and that document is Harwood's own tweet from just two weeks ago.


Harwood also lied about The Tax Foundation findings. According to their study, under Rubio's plan, the bottom ten percent do twice as well as the top ten percent. [Breitbart News, 10/28/15]

Daily Caller: Debate Moderator Attacked Rubio With Claim He Already Admitted Was False. In an October 29 post, The Daily Caller's Derek Hunter claimed that "John Harwood went hard after Florida Sen. Marco Rubio ... claiming his tax plan favored the wealthy," asserting that "Harwood was wrong, and Rubio was right," and that "Harwood even retweeted Marco Rubio's policy director saying, 'In other words, lowest 10% see more than double the benefits of top 1%." [The Daily Caller, 10/29/15]

Washington Examiner Claims Harwood Remarks About Middle Class Are False. On October 29, the Washington Examiner claimed Harwood's statement that Rubio's tax proposal gives "nearly twice as much of a gain in after-tax income to the top one percent as to people in the middle of the income scale" was false by stating that the bottom 10 percent gain more as a percentage their total income than the rich. The Examiner failed to mention that middle class income gains are less than those of top income earners. [Washington Examiner, 10/29/15]

The Weekly Standard: Harwood Committed "A Major Error" In Rubio Questioning. In an October 28 blog post for The Weekly Standard, Mark Hemingway wrote that Harwood "attacked Senator Marco Rubio's tax plan on the grounds that it disproportionately benefited the top one percent of earners." Hemingway claimed "[t]here were some questions about whether or not Harwood, who tends to reflexively spout a lot of liberal opinions, was an appropriate debate moderator," and concluded that "[c]ommitting such a major error seems to justify those concerns." [The Weekly Standard, 10/28/15]

The Federalist: "Surprise! John Harwood Lied About Marco Rubio's Tax Plan." In an October 28 post for The Federalist, Sean Davis claimed that "[t]he night's biggest loser, aside from everyone who suffered through watching the debate debacle, was CNBC moderator John Harwood, who blatantly and aggressively lied about the tax plan proposed by Sen. Marco Rubio." Davis claimed "Harwood got his facts wrong," and "refused to issue a correction before the debate audience he deliberately misled." [The Federalist, 10/28/15]

30 Oct 15:00

Original Character Designer Draws Eve for "Megazone 23" Blu-ray Box


Luxent will release "Megazone 23 Blu-ray Archive BOX -30th ANNIVERSARY EDITION-" on November 27. The 26,800 yen (about 220 US dollars) four-disc set contains the HD-remastered three Megazone 23 OVA series released in Japan from 1985 to 1989. The first chapter released in April 1985 was one of the earliest and most successful Japanese OVAs, reportedly selling 26,000 VHS tapes at the time.  


While each series had different character designers (Part 1: Toshihiro Hirano, Part 2: Yasuomi Umetsu, Part 3: Hiroyuki Kitazume), the series' iconic character Eve Tokimatsuri was drawn based on the original design by Haruhiko Mikimoto, best known for his works for the Macross series, throughout the series. For the 30th anniversary release, Mikimoto provides a newly-drawn box art of of Eve.





PV 2 


via: Mantan Web


© AIC © AIC/FlyingDog


29 Oct 20:04

My Hero Academia TV Anime Adaptation Confirmed

More details revealed for Hirofumi Neda's Boku no Hero Academia Smash!! spinoff manga
28 Oct 13:52

Fox's Bolling On Ben Carson's Promise To Never Raise The Debt Ceiling As President: "Hats Off To You, Ben Carson"


This is why nobody anywhere understands what the debt ceiling is; because nobody on TV explains it. What, do they go to a restaurant, order a full meal, then when the bill comes say "well, I REFUSE to pay that!" and expect people to see this as a mark of responsibility?

From the October 27 edition of Fox News' The Five:

DANA PERINO: So, the debate is being sponsored by CNBC. They're, I guess, supposedly people think there will be more of an economic focus. Do you expect to see that?

ERIC BOLLING: I do, and that's what I just wrote down. I think you're going to hear -- like, Ben Carson today, the day before the debate, says "if I become president, I will not raise the debt ceiling"-- 

PERINO: Ever. 

BOLLING: Right, and literally what happened within -- I think within 30 days of him being sworn into office, we would hit a debt limit and they would have to say "well what are you going to do, Mr. President?" Wow, that's a big statement. And listen I commend him for doing it. But that is a big thing, and I'm sure-- 

GUILFOYLE: You wouldn't do it or say it?

BOLLING: No, I'm very interested to see how he answers that. It's a tough question to answer. Especially on a debate stage with a lot of people gunning for you. Hey listen, hat's off to you, Ben Carson for having the guts to do that on the day before the debate.


Carson: I Won't Raise The Debt Ceiling As President


25 Oct 15:32

Anime World Order Show # 141 - Caddyshack 2 Reincarnation Wish Inverted

by (Anime World Order)
In this episode, we've implemented multiple new ways to drive away listeners as this episode is primarily about sports anime. We also give our convention report of Anime Weekend Atlanta 2015 and Gerald reviews the bicycle racing anime Yowamushi Pedal. Visit for full show notes and supplemental links.
21 Oct 15:15

NRA Commentary Admits The Odds Of Needing A Gun To Defend Yourself Are Infinitesimal


They know their audience is never going to see this because the news outlets they view will never run with it, so fuck it

A new commentary video from the National Rifle Association admitted that the odds of needing to use a gun for self-defense are exceedingly small while still promoting the ownership of firearms for self-defense.

The admission was made on the NRA's Noir web series, a show hosted by gun blogger turned NRA News commentator Colion Noir. The series is part of the NRA's increasing efforts to appeal to a younger demographic.

The October 20 edition of Noir opened with Noir playing the role of a magician as he laid out a deck of 52 cards in random order. After the skit ended, Noir said, "There are 318.9 million American citizens. The odds of you and me needing a gun to protect our lives is not that much better than Colion the Incredible putting these cards back in the exact order."

This admission from an NRA media product is surprising, but also accurate. The odds of randomly laying out two decks of cards in the same order are infinitesimal.

The odds of using a gun defensively are actually so low that it is difficult to accurately measure the number of defensive gun uses that occur each year. Meanwhile, gun violence is so frequent in the United States that more than 100,000 gunshot injuries are recorded every year (a figure that does not include crimes committed with guns where no one is shot).

Despite admitting the rarity of defensive gun uses, the NRA commentary video did not admit the logical conclusion of that fact, which is that guns do not typically make people safer.  

In the commentary video, Noir still promoted guns as a life-saving tool. While acknowledging the long odds of actually needing a gun for self-defense, Noir stated, "Some people like to be prepared for the unlikely but possible. Other people like to cross their fingers and play the statistics. As American citizens we have the right to do both. But we don't have the right to do is limit someone's ability to be prepared for something we don't believe will happen until it does."

And Noir giving equal weight to owning a gun and being "prepared for the unlikely but possible" as opposed to not owning a gun and "play[ing] the statistics" does not make much sense if the ultimate goal is to improve personal safety.

This is because the evidence clearly indicates that gun ownership increases the risk of injury and death. While Noir frequently challenges those skeptical of gun ownership with a hypothetical scenario where it is obvious that having a gun would be better than not having one, firearm ownership on balance makes the average gun owner and his or her family less rather than more safe throughout that person's life. Peer-reviewed research has repeatedly established that gun ownership raises the likelihood of death by suicide, homicide, and through unintentional shooting.

Emerging research has also challenged the notion that guns are the best tools during a self-defense situation.

According to an analysis of federal government data from the National Crime Victimization Survey, "having a gun provides no statistically significant benefit to a would-be victim during a criminal confrontation" because victims who used a firearm to defend themselves were injured 10.9 percent of the time during a "criminal confrontation" compared to 11 percent of unarmed victims who were injured. Furthermore, the research indicated that 4.1 percent of victims were injured "after brandishing a firearm," compared to just 2.4 percent of victims who were injured after running or hiding.

Noir's admission that people are unlikely to actually use a gun in self-defense is also counter to the NRA's typical paranoid message, which posits that guns should be permissively purchased and carried so that gun owners can confront constant threats to their lives.

For example, in a February 2013 op-ed that was widely ridiculed for its outlandish claims and racially charged overtones, NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre suggested that gun ownership was necessary to ensure "survival." LaPierre argued that Americans who don't buy firearms risk death from a number of sources:

Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face--not just maybe. It's not paranoia to buy a gun. It's survival. It's responsible behavior, and it's time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that.

LaPierre used similar language in a 2014 speech at CPAC, raising a number of frightful scenarios including "knockout gamers," "haters," "vicious waves of chemicals or disease" to support his claim that "there is no greater freedom than the right to survive and protect our families with all the rifles, shotguns, and handguns we want":

We don't trust government, because government itself has proven unworthy of our trust. We trust ourselves and we trust what we know in our hearts to be right. We trust our freedom. In this uncertain world, surrounded by lies and corruption everywhere you look, there is no greater freedom than the right to survive and protect our families with all the rifles, shotguns, and handguns we want. We know in the world that surrounds us there are terrorists and there are home invaders, drug cartels, carjackers, knockout gamers, and rapers, and haters, and campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse our society that sustains us all.

20 Oct 17:49

STAR WARS related stress disorder...


19 Oct 16:59

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Planned for PC in December

Producer Yoshinori Kitase reported on Monday that the Windows PC version of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is in the final stages before completion....
13 Oct 15:01

Alan Grayson's First Ad To Run During Tonight's Debate

by Susie Madrak

U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson will air the first television ad of his Senate campaign tonight during the Democratic presidential debate:

The 30-second ad which will run on cable throughout Florida focuses on Grayson's ethics complaint against Rep. Kevin McCarthy. The day after Grayson laid out his case that McCarthy and Rep. Trey Gowdy improperly used taxpayer funds to direct a political witch-hunt against Hillary Clinton, McCarthy suddenly dropped out of the race to replace Speaker John Boehner.

The full text of the ad is below:

Announcer: "First, Alan Grayson called out the Benghazi Committee on its partisan witch-hunt."

Chris Cuomo: "... it was an unfair investigation. The man making that case and saying it's an ethical violation is Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson."

Announcer: "Then Grayson filed charges."

Tamron Hall: "Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson filed an ethics complaint against McCarthy..."

Announcer: "The next day, Republican leader Kevin McCarthy surrendered."

Grayson: "I filed an ethics complaint against McCarthy yesterday and today he drops out of the race."

Ed Schultz: "Alan Grayson is undoubtedly the progressive warrior."

Grayson: "I’m Alan Grayson. I approved this ad."

13 Oct 13:07

Fox's Napolitano: "In My View, The Supreme Court" Was Wrong To Rule Voting "A Fundamental Right"

From the October 13 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

STEVE DOOCY: The state of California has passed legislation that will automatically register eligible voters when they obtain or renew a driver's license. Governor Jerry Brown says it's a way to increase voter turnout, but critics warn the measure could add millions of illegal people to the rolls because the state allows undocumented aliens to get driver's licenses. That's a problem, isn't it, Judge Napolitano?

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Yes, yes. Good morning, Steve. Yes, it is a problem because the other states, including our own home state of New Jersey, which permit registration at the time you get a driver's license, have you go through another procedure in which you have to demonstrate citizenship.

DOOCY: You've got to prove you're here legally.

NAPOLITANO: Correct, correct. California, it's one procedure. You may not even know that when you get your driver's license you're also being registered to vote. And there's no requirement of proof of citizenship. What's the significance of proof of citizenship? All 50 states limit voting to citizens except when the state allows you to sort-of sneak in without proving your citizenship by getting a driver's license instead.

DOOCY: Sure. And one of the things they'd look to is the Supreme Court in the past has said that the right to drive in the United States is fundamental. However, they don't say you have to be an American citizen, per se. But what about the right to vote?

NAPOLITANO: You know, there's a lot of debate without getting too academic about what the right to vote is. Is it a fundamental right that comes from our humanity like thought and speech and association and worship and self-defense? Or is it a privilege given by the government? In my view, the Supreme Court has wrongly said it's a fundamental right. And once it said that, states like California decided to allow people to vote who aren't qualified by law to vote because of the fundamental aspect.

DOOCY: Those are for state elections.

NAPOLITANO: For any election in California.

DOOCY: But it's against the law on federal elections?

NAPOLITANO: Yes, it is. But there's really no way to monitor it. So if you are an illegal alien in California, get a driver's license, register to vote, you can vote in local, state, and federal elections in California and those votes count.

DOOCY: Interesting stuff.

NAPOLITANO: It's almost impossible to monitor this if the state is going to provide shelter for illegals to vote.

DOOCY: And so that's what is going to happen out in California.


California Becomes 2nd State To Automatically Register Voters


Fox News Asks If It's "Time To Revisit" Voter Literacy Test Requirements

Right-Wing Media Discourage Young Women From Voting

These Fox Figures' Suggestions For Best Voting Practices Sound Similar To Jim Crow Laws

The People Conservative Media Don't Want To Vote

12 Oct 17:22

The 7th Annual Anime Secret Santa Project Opens!

by reversethieves

It might seem early to be thinking about the holidays, but in order to get this ever-growing project off the ground we have to get started! Once again, it is time to call for participants for the 7th Annual Anime Secret Santa Project!

The idea of this project is for everyone who participates to be reviewing a show they might not have normally watched or may have overlooked. Everyone will get someone else in the project to review a series of their choice and in return review something picked by one of their fellow bloggers.

The goal is threefold for everyone involved:

  • Mixing up what you watch and review.
  • Getting other people to watch things you feel deserve more attention.
  • Interacting with others thus creating possibilities for cross-blog readership and other cross-blog experiments.

Here is how this little project works: If you want to participate send us your Name, Blog or Podcast Address, and MyAnimeList Link (or Anime Planet or some other equivalent listing) via e-mail (secretsanta.rt [at] gmail [dot] com) with subject: Secret Santa Participant. Due by Saturday, October 17th. Make sure that your MAL (or whatever!) is updated as much as possible before you submit it. Also, if you will not watch fan-subs mention that in the e-mail, too.

We will then make a circular list of everyone involved in the project that only we will know the order of. The order of the list will be made completely at random. Everyone will then receive the name, blog/podcast, and list of the person they are the Secret Santa for. You will then suggest three shows and two back-up picks for the person all of which must be 26 episodes or less (yes, you can suggest movies, too). The shows must be subtitled in some fashion. Remember that you are picking shows that you hope the other person will like and give an honest chance. Look over their list and whether they watch fan-subs then try to pick out something good but unexpected.

Once we get everyone’s picks we will then pass on the shows to the recipients. No one except us will know the names of the person who gave you your choices. You then pick the show you are going to watch. Everyone is responsible for getting their own material for the review. You will receive your show choices by November 8th.

You then have until late December to watch the show you were assigned and write a review. On the week of Christmas, everyone will post their reviews for the Secret Santa Project. We would prefer you to post your review on Christmas Eve but you can alter it as to the schedule of your blog or podacst. On Christmas Day, we will reveal the name of who had who as a Secret Santa along with a small post about the project.

Again: If you want to participate send us your Name, Blog or Podcast Address, and MyAnimeList Link (or Anime Planet or some other equivalent listing) via e-mail (secretsanta.rt [at] gmail [dot] com) with subject: Secret Santa Participant. Due by Saturday, October 17th.

Just in case someone does not know what traditional Secret Santa is.

Why we don’t do manga secret santa.

Filed under: Projects, Secret Santa
11 Oct 07:08

Ninja Slayer Anime's Japanese TV Debut Slated for Spring in 'Special Edition'

The official website for the Ninja Slayer From Animation project announced on Thursday that the anime series' Japanese television airing is slated to premiere...
09 Oct 17:52

Paul Krugman: It's All Benghazi

by Susie Madrak
Paul Krugman: It's All Benghazi

Paul Krugman cuts to the chase: Why does the media pretend that bullshit political posturing is fact?

Remember all the dire warnings about what would happen if China stopped buying our debt, or worse yet, starting selling it? Remember how interest rates would soar and America would find itself in crisis?

Well, don’t tell anyone, but the much feared event has happened: China is no longer buying our debt, and is in fact selling tens of billions of dollars in U.S. debt every month as it tries to support its troubled currency. And what has happened is what serious economic analysis always told us would happen: nothing. It was always a false alarm.

Beyond that, however, it was a fake alarm.

If you looked at all closely at the plans and proposals released by politicians who claimed to be deeply worried about deficits, it soon became obvious that they were just pretending to care about fiscal responsibility. People who really worry about government debt don’t propose huge tax cuts for the rich, only partly offset by savage cuts in aid to the poor and middle class, and base all claims of debt reduction on unspecified savings to be announced on some future occasion.

And once fiscal scare tactics started to lose political traction, even the pretense went away. Just look at the people seeking the Republican presidential nomination. One after another, they have been proposing giant tax cuts that would add trillions to the deficit.

read more

09 Oct 15:48

While discussing movies...


07 Oct 19:55

ANDREW BRENDAN #1 (Preview page!)

Here's the first page of my new comic book
ANDREW BRENDAN: King of the Internet #1! 
If you like it, check out the 28 page first issue available NOW in the OVC store!
06 Oct 15:08

Arguing With Gun Nuts On Twitter

by Susie Madrak
Arguing With Gun Nuts On Twitter

Via @BobbyBigWheel (not sure if he actually created it), this is a wonderful way to while away the time with wingnuts. Hang onto it, I'm sure you'll find it handy at the next family gathering!

01 Oct 19:19

While discussing podcasts...


30 Sep 17:39

Crunchyroll to Stream "Young Black Jack" Anime for Fall 2015 Season


New anime announcements are in the house today as Osamu “God of Manga” Tezuka’s famed outlaw surgeon gets the prequel treatment in Young Black Jack, which is set to begin streaming soon on Crunchyroll. Young Black Jack is set to premier on Crunchyroll every Friday starting October 2 at 10:00pm Pacific Time. For more information, visit       



About Young Black Jack 


The classic manga by Osamu Tezuka gets a prequel series featuring a younger version of the maverick doctor who practices without a license, Black Jack. Based off of the manga of the same name, which was written by Yoshiaki Tabata and illustrated by Yugo Okuma, Young Black Jack focuses on the doctor’s life back when he was still a student in medical school during the 1960s, before the events of the original Black Jack.


Tezuka Productions will be handing the animation production, with director  Atsuko Kase, who also worked on titles such as SaiKano and Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, helming the series. Voice actor Yuichiro Umehara, who also voiced En Yufuin in Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! and Rizumu Suzuki in Gatchaman Crowds insight, will be playing the titular doctor.

Young Black Jack will be available to Crunchyroll members in the following territories: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Central and South America, the Middle East, and North Africa.




Patrick Macias is editor in chief of Crunchyroll News & Otaku USA magazine.

He is also the writer of HYPERSONIC music clubParanoia Girls, & PARK Harajuku: Crisis Team!

30 Sep 05:26

back from AWA


Why am I making the Patrick Macias face

And we're back! Another one in the can. Some old problems solved, some new problems rise up, a little price gouging, some bargains, old friends met, new friends made, friends no longer with us remembered. A fully packed Corn Pone Flicks Bad American Dubbing panel, some pizza, an airport run, candy, costumers, and it rained every single day. That's AWA this year.

22 Sep 12:01


I've known Dan Baker tohoscope for a long time. From back when he had hair. 1988, 1989, long enough ago that we both watched the C/FO national anime club dissolve into particles. Long enough to have swapped print zines at the first Project A-Kons. Danno helped out at Anime Hells at Dragoncon and AWA and when he moved to Dallas he started his own version. I still have binders full of discs he made me, dozens of VHS tapes he taped for me, sketchbooks he assembled at his old job in Minneapolis.

And now he's gone. I'm told it was fast. I guess if you have to go that's the way to do it. When I spoke to him after the A-Kon Hell he seemed happy; the show had gone well and they'd ironed out the kinks in dealing with the convention and handling the production and everybody'd had a good time and we talked about where to find Halloween-type candy in the off season.

I already have a big memorial segment in AWA's Anime Hell for Mike Horne. Now I gotta eulogize another friend. This isn't fair. People don't need to be leaving us so soon.

19 Sep 18:26

"Art of Cobra and Others" Exhibition Coming to Ginza in October



Cheepa's Gallery, an art exhibition venue in Ginza, is staging an exhibition entitled "Art of Cobra and Others", featuring the work of manga author Buichi Terasawa. The exhibition runs from October 10, 2015, to November 03, 2015, and will feature goods such as limited edition prints and a special themed menu of drinks at the adjacent Cheepa's Cafe.



Buichi Terasawa is an influential manga artist responsible for such science fiction works as Cobra, Goku Midnight Eye, and Raven Tengu Kabuto, all of which have been adapted into anime over the years. Terasawa will be present for an autograph signing during the final day of the exhibition on November 03, 2015.


For more information, please check out the official Japanese home page of Cheepa's Gallery here.




Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.

17 Sep 13:38

"Street Fighter V" Brings Karin Back for More



(shockingly, she is, as logic would demand, no longer in a schoolgirl sailor uniform but I hope one of the supers is that she demands the butler fire the death satellite)

Capcom revealed another challenger for the Street Fighter V roster at Tokyo Game Show. The newest addition is another returning fighter, Karin Kanzuki, who we previously saw in Street Fighter Alpha 3. See her in action in the new Kanzuki Estate stage below.



Capcom also announced the Capcom Fighters Network (CFN) as the official community destination for Street Fighter V. It will be integrated into the fighter's online infrastructure, and players will be able to visit it anytime to register friends, send battle invites, check out player profiles, match stats, video replays, and more. A global "heat map" will be available to show where the action is currently happening.


Street Fighter V is coming to PlayStation 4 and PC next spring.



Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. His first mini-comic, SLIME, is now available. His blog can be found at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.

17 Sep 00:35

Anime World Order Show # 140 – We'll Look Back on This Idea as Mistake Number One

by (Anime World Order)

It's true. It's true.

As a result of donations sent in via his Twitch channel at, Daryl was tasked with reviewing an anime selected by those who donated. The decision was unanimous: Ben-To. Visit for full show notes and supplemental details.
16 Sep 13:14

bite now, suckers

Originally posted by misterkitty at post
The Georgie Girls are back with some new click bait for you to click!
16 Sep 13:14

Free Download Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 and Yuri’s Revenge

by zkoppmd

This remains a favorite of mine to this day (particularly due to Ray Wise from Twin Peaks as the President and Udo Kier as himself), and if you have an Origin account anyway / did not buy the full C&C collection when it was like $5 you may as well just click the button for this

Free Download Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 and Yuriâs Revenge

Thumb Score: +134 offers Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge (PC Digital Download) for Free. Thanks zkoppmd

Note, you will need a free Origin account in order to take advantage of this offer.

Deal Editor's Notes & Price Research: Offer valid for a limited time or while supplies last. Be sure to add this game to your library. Great for those that enjoy strategy action game genre - Discombobulated
07 Sep 15:11

Bret Hart talks Roddy Piper, The Kliq and the Owen Hart DVD

by (Dave Meltzer)
Bret Hart was a guest this past week on Fight Network and The LAW and spoke about the recent passing of Roddy Piper, his issues with the upcoming Owen Hart DVD and Martha Hart and more. The full video is below, along with excerpts from the interview.

On the death of his close friend, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper:
Roddy's a really hard one; that's like losing a brother. I can't say I've gotten over it. If anything, I haven't even really absorbed it yet. I find myself reaching for the phone all the time to give Roddy a call. He was so much more than any of the other wrestlers who worked with me. He was a guy that mentored me and helped me in the very beginning of my career. He gave me advice back at a time when nobody was giving advice to me. Always good advice. When I wrestled him at WrestleMania VIII, I look back at those times – Mr. Perfect would be another one – there's a few guys who would reach down and help pull someone like me up to the next level. You can take your Jake Roberts and your Hulk Hogans and your Ultimate Warriors and a lot of these guys that were big names back then, but they never did anything for me. They never helped me, they never thought of helping me, and when they had a chance to help me they never did. But Roddy Piper was a guy that looked after guys like me, and a lot of the younger talent when the opportunity came for him to help make my career and pull me up to the next level. I owe a lot to Roddy Piper.
On the recent release of "The Kliq Rules" DVD:
They were literally a cancer in the dressing room, all of them. I don't doubt that Shawn Michaels is sorry for a lot of that kind of behaviour. Kevin Nash was a great wrestler and a good guy, but I don't think he could be that proud of that association. It was a cancerous environment in the dressing room with those guys and they certainly did more negative than positive to the business. Scott Hall, all you have to do is just look at him. He's a train-wreck with his own life and he was a malcontent, or a guy that when you were close to him long enough you start to feel the same way he did; you just felt so self-destructive and unhappy with your life and your job and everything. He was a guy that was infectious with his bad, bad sort of moods and unhappiness in his own life that would spread to all the other wrestlers. And you know, I'm glad I'm not remembered for that kind of stuff. I'm remembered – I think if you talk to different wrestlers from that era, the Savio Vegas and those kinds of wrestlers that were on my cards – they're all pretty proud of how I conducted myself, how I related to them and how I may have been the top guy but I didn't act like a superstar; not to my friends and not to my peers.
On the upcoming "Owen: Hart of Gold" DVD:
I'm looking forward to it but I'm not really optimistic that it's going to be a great job. Martha [Hart, Owen's widow] handcuffed them so much. I don't know if they're even allowed to use any pictures from the past. It's a poorly done DVD because of all the restraints and the limitations that Martha put on it. To me, that's such a lousy thing to have happen. I think Owen would turn in his grave if he knew how much trouble Martha has gone to erase his career and make sure that nobody enjoys anything about his career today. It's a bitterness and selfishness that I can't stand by anymore. I think Martha's taken the wrong approach and she should understand that, you know, we all miss Owen. I lost a brother, I lost a great friend and maybe one of the closest people I knew on this earth. I want to celebrate his career, I want to watch his matches back – not just with me, but with everybody he worked with. His time with WWE, they got so much footage and so many great memories with Owen, and here she is standing in the way of that saying, "Nobody can see these videos. No one should see anything that brings back any of his career." […] They couldn't use any pictures from his childhood, they couldn't use anything from Stampede Wrestling. They had so many restraints. Even the interviews, the questions that they did with me were so bullshit. The whole thing was so bullshit that sure, there's an Owen Hart DVD, but it's the shits. […] I think WWE maybe had good intentions, but I'm not very impressed with the quality that it's going to be. I haven't seen it, I'm not optimistic but I'm hoping that it'll be better than I think. But I could tell by the questions that they asked me and the interview that they did with me that it was a very short version of [Owen's story]. I'm not really gonna hold up hope that it's gonna be as great as it should be, and I feel bad because that's Martha's fault.
28 Aug 18:41

This guy gets it...


26 Aug 13:03

Square Enix, SNK Playmore Settle Claims Over Hi Score Girl Manga


All anyone says is that after the scanlations cease is exactly when it turns into generic Anime High School :(

SNK drops criminal charges; Square Enix free to continue selling manga
25 Aug 19:46

ESPN Analyst Curt Schilling's Worst Facebook Posts


Remember, Facebook is the one where they have to post under their real names

ESPN is apologizing for a tweet by ESPN baseball analyst and former pitcher Curt Schilling comparing Muslims to Nazis, calling it "completely unacceptable." A Media Matters scan of Schilling's Facebook page found ESPN has a bigger problem than one tweet: Schilling has repeatedly demonized Muslims as killers, shared a picture calling Hillary Clinton a drunk murderer, and suggested civil rights leaders like Rep. John Lewis aren't patriotic.

In a since-deleted tweet, Schilling posted the following image comparing Muslims to Nazis.

ESPN public relations responded to the Schilling tweet by writing: "Curt's tweet was completely unacceptable, and in no way represents our company's perspective. We made that point very strongly to Curt and have removed him from his current Little League assignment pending further consideration." 

Schilling's tweet is hardly an aberration. He regularly posts incendiary material on his Facebook page, which he has linked to from his verified Twitter account. Schilling also posted a similar image on his Facebook page in October 2014 to the Hitler tweet he deleted. 

Here are some lowlights:

*This post has been updated with additional content from Schilling's Facebook page. 

20 Aug 14:28

David Cay Johnston On Trump's Kickbacks, Union Busting, The Mob And Corporate Welfare

by Heather

"Not one major news organization has even tried to check these things out...because, in this country, politics reporters cover the horse race, and they do not vet the candidates the way they should. And Trump, if vetted properly, would quickly disappear from the polls."

David Cay Johnston On Trump's Kickbacks, Union Busting, The Mob And Corporate Welfare

From this Wednesday's Democracy Now, here's a side of Trump that's being completely ignored by our corporate media that just loves the fanfare, the horse race and hates substance: David Cay Johnston: 21 Questions for Trump on Kickbacks, Busting Unions, the Mob & Corporate Welfare:

To talk more about Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, we are joined by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston, who has covered Trump off and on for 27 years. He recently wrote an article for The National Memo titled "21 Questions for Donald Trump." David Cay Johnston is an investigative reporter previously with The New York Times. He’s currently a columnist for Al Jazeera America as well as a contributing writer at Newsweek. His latest book is "Divided. The Perils of Our Growing Inequality."


AMY GOODMAN: David Cay Johnston is an investigative reporter previously with The New York Times. He’s currently a columnist for Al Jazeera America as well as a contributing writer at Newsweek. His latest book is Divided: The Perils of Our Growing Inequality.

David, welcome back to Democracy Now! You have been covering Donald Trump for more than 30 years. Can you talk about who Donald Trump is?

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