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11 Jul 14:28

Facebook Is Studying Your Mom, Your Makeout Buddy, and Your 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

by Dana Liebelson

Facebook users and privacy advocates erupted in anger recently after New Scientist drew attention to a 2012 study in which Facebook researchers had attempted to manipulate users' moods. "The company purposefully messed with people's minds," one privacy group complained to the Federal Trade Commission.

But the mood study is far from the only example of Facebook scrutinizing its users—the company has been doing that for years, examining users' ethnicities, political views, romantic partners, and even how they talk to their children. (Unlike the mood study, the Facebook studies listed below are observational; they don't attempt to change users' behavior.) Although it's unlikely Facebook users have heard about most of these studies, they've consented to them; the social network's Data Use Policy states: "We may use the information we receive about you…for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research and service improvement."

Below are five things Facebook researchers have been studying about Facebook users in recent years. (Note that in each of these studies, data was analyzed in aggregate and steps were taken to hide personally identifiable information.)

1. Your significant others (and whether the relationship will last): In October 2013, Facebook published a study in which researchers tried to guess who users were in a relationship with by looking at the users' Facebook friends. For the study, Facebook researchers randomly chose 1.3 million users who had between 50 and 2,000 friends, were older than 20, and described themselves as married, engaged, or in a relationship. To guess whom these users were dating, the researchers analyzed which of the users' friends knew each other—and which ones didn't. You might share a ton of college friends with your old college roommate on Facebook, for example. But your boyfriend might be Facebook friends with your college friends, your coworkers, and your mom—people who definitely don't know each other. Hence, he's special.

Using this method, researchers were able to determine a person's romantic partner with "high accuracy"—they were able to guess married users' spouses 60 percent of the time by just looking at users' friend networks. The researchers also looked at a subset of same-sex couples, to see whether that changed the results. (It didn't.)

Facebook then decided to see whether it could use this method to predict whether a relationship is likely to last. For this part of the experiment, researchers looked at about 400,000 users who said that they were "in a relationship" and watched to see whether those users said they were single 60 days later. The researchers concluded that relationships in which Facebook's model correctly identified the partner were less likely to break up, noting that the results were especially accurate when the two people had been together less than a year. (So basically, if you're only introducing your boyfriend to your friends, and not your mom, your relationship might be less likely to last.)

2. How your mom talks to you: For this study, Facebook looked at how parents and their kids talk to each other Facebook. (Fun fact: On average, parent-child pairs wait 371 days after joining Facebook before becoming "friends." Tell your little sister to stop ignoring your mom's friend request.) The researchers examined three months of communication data pulled from September 2012. This data included comments, posts, and links shared on other users' timelines, but not chat messages. According to the researchers, that wasn't a privacy decision—chats are simply "too short and noisy for substantive language analysis." Here are some of the top phrases that researchers noticed parents using in messages to their young children:

And here's what parents are writing to their adult children, after they've developed filthy minds and drinking problems:

Facebook also noted that "what parents say when they're not talking to their children is just as revealing; they use higher levels of ideology (agree but, obama, our government, policies, people need to, ethics), swearing and slang (ctfu, lmao, fucker, idk), and alcohol and sex terms (tequila, glass of wine, that ass, sexy). Ew.

3. Your ethnicity: In this older study, from 2010, researchers wrote that "the ethnicity of a user base is an important demographic indicator that can be used for marketing, compliance, and analytics as well as a scientific tool for understanding social behavior," but lamented that "unfortunately, ethnic information is often unavailable for practical, legal, or political reasons." So researchers came up with a solution: They determined the ethnic breakdown of US Facebook users by using people's names and data provided by the Census. Tested on Facebook, the researchers' proposed model "learned" that Latoya is more likely to be a black name and Barb is more likely to be white name. "Using both first and last names further improves estimates, largely by making better distinctions between White and Black," the researchers wrote.

Once researchers had that data set, they started doing other studies. For example, the researchers examined pairs of people in romantic relationships on Facebook, as broken down by ethnicity. They also noted that their research suggested that "individuals' ethnicity can be predicted through their social ties" and tried to predict users' ethnicity based on the average ethnicity of their friends. (You should definitely not play this game at your next dinner party.) The researchers also compared users' self-identified political views with their ethnicities, noting that "whites are more frequent in the Libertarian, Conservative, and Very Conservative categories." The researchers did note that their research method comes with a caveat, "While ethnicity is an important factor in understanding user behavior, it is often only a proxy for other variables, such as socioeconomic status, or education. A complete analysis should control for all such factors."

4. How you respond to conspiracy theories: In the spring of 2014, Facebook published a study on how rumors spread on the social network. The researchers looked at rumors identified by the rumor-debunking website that fall into a number of different categories, including politics, medicine, horror, "glurge" (i.e., sentimental stories that usually aren't true), and 9/11. Then, the researchers found rumors posted on Facebook as photos, and gathered 249,035 comments in which people commented on the rumor with a valid link to Snopes. Ultimately, the researchers found reshared posts that received a comment that linked to Snopes were more likely to be deleted. So, feel free to keep telling your friends that the Russian sleep experiment story is BS.

5. If you're deleting posts before you publish them: For this 2013 study, Facebook looked at how often users start typing a post or comment, and then at the last minute, decide not to publish it, which they called "self-censorship." The researchers collected data from 3.9 million users over 17 days. They noted when someone started typing more than five characters in status update or comment box. The researchers recorded only whether text was entered, not the keystrokes or content. (This is the same way Gmail automatically saves drafts of your email, except that Facebook logs the presence of text, not actual content.) If the user didn't share the post within 10 minutes, it was marked as self-censored. Researchers found that 71 percent of all users censored content at least once. The researchers also noted that women were less likely to self-censor, as were people with a more politically diverse set of friends.

10 Jul 13:36

'Game Journalism Simulator' is a Real Thing, Apparently

by james_fudge

We've seen "rock simulators" and goat simulators, so I suppose it isn't that much of a stretch for a games journalist to want to make a "games journalist simulator." That's exactly what games journalist Jason Evangelho tells web site Siliconera; he has teamed up with Game Informer writer Daniel Tack to create "Game Journalism Simulator."

read more

10 Jul 13:34

rumic-world: The new ad campaign for Suntory’s Regain energy...


The new ad campaign for Suntory’s Regain energy drink featuring Sumire Matsubara as Lum. 

-Rumic World

10 Jul 13:33

Mazinger Z as an ice cream sandwich! This advertisement is from...

Mazinger Z as an ice cream sandwich! This advertisement is from the Italian version of "Thor and the Avengers’” #242, July 18, 1980, according to this Italian fansite. Giant robots never looked so tasty!

10 Jul 13:33


09 Jul 20:39

OH MY GOD !An artbook of Masaaki Yuasa is coming.Masaaki...

An artbook of Masaaki Yuasa is coming.
Masaaki Yuasa Taizen - Sketchbook for Animation Projects
Published by Asukashinsha on August 9th (see on Amazon).
432 pages.
Including artworks of Mind Game, Tatami Galaxy, Kick Heart, Kaiba, Kemonozume, Cat Soup, Genius Party, Crayon Shin Chan, Maruko Chan …

09 Jul 15:53

Swords & Strongholds Cover ArtSwords and Strongholds is a...

09 Jul 15:36

Exclusive: First Look at ‘Designing the Secret of Kells’

by Amid Amidi
Five years after its debut, the Oscar-nominated Irish feature "The Secret of Kells" finally has its own art-of book.
09 Jul 14:44

ladyofnarnia: "Sailor Moon" inspired doughnuts to celebrate the...


"Sailor Moon" inspired doughnuts to celebrate the premiere of "Sailor Moon Crystal"! 

Lemon doughnuts with strawberry glaze and homemade moon, star, & heart sprinkles!

Recipe here.

08 Jul 21:11

How your body responds to exercise

by Matthew Inman
08 Jul 20:34

Disney and DreamWorks May Have Been Part of Illegal Pixar/Lucasfilm Wage-Fixing Cartel

by Amid Amidi
Tech site Pando Daily has been providing amazing coverage of the Department of Justice antitrust invesigation and subsequent class action lawsuits over wage-fixing amongst Silicon Valley tech companies and animation studios.
08 Jul 18:55

Ask Chris #202: Scrooge McDuck Is America

by Chris Sims

Q: Aside from Superman and Captain America what hero is the most fitting representation of The United States? -- @white_dolomite

A: You know, just before I sat down to write this, I was reading some Judge Dredd comics and thinking about how fascinating the idea of Dredd as this distinctly, explicitly American icon, covered in eagles and flags and badges and guns and riding on a motorcycle that is also covered in eagles, flags, badges and guns is when you consider that he's a view of America created by people who aren't Americans. There's a lot that goes along with that, and it's fun to think about when you're reading through those stories and figuring out what defines them.

But when you get down to it, that doesn't mean that he's the best representation of the good ol' USA. Assuming you mean "hero" as in "protagonist" and not just as in "masked crimefighter," then the answer's easy. The quintessentially American comic book character is Scrooge McDuck.

Continue reading…

08 Jul 18:25

Know Your Feature Animation Cliches: The Dead Mother

by Amid Amidi
On a couple occasions throughout the years, people have asked me, Why do so many animated films have dead mothers in them?
08 Jul 18:16

TV Preview: Constantine: He’s Here and He’s Definitely British 

by Heidi MacDonald

Constantineby “Harry Lime Jr.”
[Several of this fall's comic book TV show pilots are floating around out there, and one of our informants got a copy and sent us their impressions. Here's a look at CONSTANTINE which debuts on NBC this Fall.]

Out of DC Comics three new shows, Constantine might have the most uphill battle but not because of the quality of the show. The pilot episode is phenomenal, horror and the occult spiked with dark humor. In essence, it’s pure Hellblazer.

Since this is not an official review I’m strictly going to speak on my impressions from watching the pilot episode. The first thing you’ll notice is that the previous film is long gone here, whether that is good or bad is a matter of opinion. Here, NBC is getting John Constantine as the comic book fans know him. Matt Ryan IS the dirty blond Brit, whose self deprecating humor endears him to us within minutes.

The supporting group is set up to revolve around Constantine which is what you want when you name the show after your title character. Jeremy Davies (LOST), Lucy Griffiths (TRUE BLOOD), Harold Perrineau (The Matrix) all fit together so well as a cast they round out John Constantine’s character without stealing the focus.

Constantine’s look is a Vertigo comic brought to life combined with the necessary television aesthetic to be on a network like NBC. It’s a testament to how far the comics medium has come that a major network is willing to bet on a show that looks “comic booky” and that is far from a bad thing. For anyone concerned about getting a toned down version of the comic book series, rest easy now, while there will always be somethings you can’t get away with on over-the-air television, Constantine gives you the horror moments a show in this genre commands in suspense more than gore.

The pilot itself does a fine job of not being heavy on exposition, instead betting on developing a chemistry with the audience. Hellblazer was never a series I regularly followed, and have only read John Constantie’s JL Dark adventures, but I’m on board for this series. I’m excited for the potential setups we see in the first episode. It doesn’t spoil the story of the pilot but I will say at one point the Liv Aberdine character was holding the freakin Helmet of Fate in her hands. Constantine has a tremendous amount of potential. Hopefully, Goyer and his team will understand that a successful show based on a comic needs to bring in as much from the books as it can. With that being said, I want to see Swamp Thing and Deadman in this series at some point because they’d fit like a square peg in the square hole—perfectly.

Out of the three new DC shows, Constantine has the biggest challenge ahead because NBC has a different standard of what a successful show should do in ratings. While the show wouldn’t be out of place on the network, the broadcaster itself has had trouble with its identity in recent years and prematurely canceling good shows before they’ve had a chance to land an audience. Constantine could definitely bring together two audiences, those in and out of comics, if pushed right. With shows like Grimm already in their line up it would definitely be in good company. The big question is if Constantine can balance a show for the general television viewers while still keeping familiarity for the core audience.

Now that we’ve seen all three of the new pilots, it’s easy to see what DC is doing on TV that Marvel isn’t. DC isn’t putting their characters in second tier shows, they’re selling their characters into the genres different networks want on television.  A dangerous risk but, judging by how great and unique Flash, Gotham, and Constantine have been, one they appear to be pulling off well.


08 Jul 16:15

Privacy And Isolation In Brian K. Vaughan And Marcos Martin's 'The Private Eye'

by John Parker

Internet privacy is easily one of the most confusing realities of life in the 21st century. It's the best ongoing story in collective awareness, complete with heroes, villains, victims and martyrs, turning points, and insane plot twists that regularly put The Good Wife to shame. PRISM, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, XBox One, social engineering, News International, Anonymous, and even our stupid Facebook updates are all involved. Every player and plot-line are all tangled up in a worried knot that gets bigger and more complex every year. It's all one story, and we're all living it; spectators, beneficiaries, victims, and contributors. It's one of the defining issues of our age, a still-forming zeitgeist that could be explored for years to come.

Just not in comics. Because nobody's going to top Brian K. Vaughan, Marcos Martin, and Muntsa Vicente's The Private Eye.

Continue reading…

08 Jul 15:13

SDCC 2014: How to line up for Hall H

by Heidi MacDonald



Yes it’s that time, people as this site and all remotely connected to pop culture begin to be obsessed with nothing but Comic-Con, the glitz, the glamour, the gallons of coffee we’ll need to get through it all. ONe of the best places for information on how to go and what to do is the official SDCC Toucan blog, and they’ve helpfully given tips and rules for lining up for Hall H. You won’t be able to officially line-up until Tuesday, but once you do get in line, you need to be orderly and plan bathroom breaks carefully. As always, safety is the primary concern. It’s not entirely clear what people will be lining up for as there is no Twilight, no Doctor Who, no Breaking Bad, but I guess Game of Thrones and Marvel and DC will do it. Or just in general sitting out for Hall H.

• Camping is not allowed.

• No tents, canopies, inflatables, cots, beds, furniture, large coolers, heaters, large fans, large umbrellas, chaise lounges, open flames, or anything of similar size of any kind as determined by the Convention Center.

• You are allowed to have one chair per person of relatively normal size. You may use a sleeping bag or blanket as well, provided it is only taking up the space of one person.

• No facilities or services will be available in Plaza Park, so plan accordingly.

• Restroom access will be available in Lobby G of the Convention Center from 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM each night starting Tuesday, July 22. No other access to facilities will be available.

• Please respect the grounds and dispose of trash in trash receptacles. Please do not leave any trash behind.


08 Jul 14:53

Yowamushi Pedal: Spare Bike Spin-Off Manga Launches Next Month

Spin-off by original creator Watanabe follows cyclist Jinpachi Tōdō
08 Jul 14:03

"This “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage” text would look better in red on a gray..."

“This “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage” text would look better in red on a gray background.”
08 Jul 13:36



08 Jul 13:35

ca-tsuka: Stills from Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms, an...


Stills from Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms, an upcoming chinese animated feature film. The trailer was animated by only 2 guys, Li Wei and Pei Fei.

08 Jul 13:22

"Tiger And Bunny" Manga Artist Hiroshi Ueda Takes His Own Spin On"Free!" Characters

by Yomimaid

Everybody's drawing Free! :D

Do you think the Free! anime is only for a female audience? Not so fast. The anime attracts a fair amount of male fans and the artist of the Tiger & Bunny manga for Miracle Jump in Hiroshi Ueda is one of them. Ueda-sensei picked up watching the anime on July 3rd, after only watching the first episode a while ago, only to finish all the episodes by the following day and admitted that he cried his eyes out watching the last episode. As a result, all the awesome drawings of Free! characters and then some came out of his binge watching session.



This was his first Free!-related drawing after he started watching, presumably before he actually got into it.




Ueda sensei's actual first try at a Free! character was Rin Matsuoka. This was posted after he finished watching the first season and said that he would strongly recommend the anime to males who think Free! is only for girls. He also said that he was inpressed at how the anime portrayed water and how being in the water for Hakuka was the place of escape that turned into a place to be acquainted with friends.



After confirming that he usually does not re-draw sketches, Ueda Sensei fixed the parts that he was not satisfied with on the first try, mainly Rin's jaw line. He also noticed that Rin's drawing was RT'ed by many who are not Japanese.





Then the drawing of Rei Ryugazaki followed.




Then the new character, Sosuke Yamazaki was drawn, while saying he has not started watching Eternal Summer yet and signing up for a streaming service for the earliest stream of episode 1 in Japan.




Then Ueda Sensei posted this Sosuke Sagara from Full Metal Panic that he is more used to drawing.




Then he posted Kenshin from Rurou Ni Kenshin since he also has a cross scar on his face.




However, he came back to Free! in the end with this rare Gou chan sketchin swim suit. Ueda sensei was wondering if he should have posted a curvier version of Ama-chan Sensei, so I would say there is a possibility that he will post more character drawings from the anime as he gets into Eternal Summer. I sure hope so!

08 Jul 13:21

Good Smile Company Launches "Kill La Kill" Nendoroid Satsuki Kiryuin Preorders

by Scott Green

“Attention! All salute the Student Council President, Satsuki Kiryuin!” Following Ryoko and Mako, Good Smile Company now has Kill La Kill's Satsuki Kiryuin as a chibi Nendoroid figure available for order. She's joined by new Super Sonico and Wake Up, Girls!


Nendoroid Satsuki Kiryuin

“You're all just pigs in human clothing! Surrender to the truth!”

From the popular anime series 'KILL la KILL' comes a Nendoroid of Satsuki Kiryuin, Honnouji Academy's Student Council president who rules through unquestionable force and fear. She comes with both her standard confident expression, a powerful shouting expression as well as her beloved sword 'Bakuzan' in both sheathed and unsheathed forms.

A special stand is also included made to look like the rooftop of Honnouji Academy, where she often stood and looked down upon the other students. Be sure to display her with the Nendoroid Ryuko Matoi and Nendoroid Mako Mankanshoku to recreate all sorts of scenes from the series!


Product Details

Product Name
   Nendoroid Satsuki Kiryuin (ねんどろいど きりゅういんさつき)
   Good Smile Company
   ¥3,889 (Before Tax)
Release Date
   Painted ABS & ATBC-PVC non-scale articulated figure with stand included. Approximately 100mm in height.


A bit of a body swap


GSC's shop is offering two exclusive bonus text plates


A new Super Sonico is also now available for pre-order

Nendoroid Super Sonico: Working Set

Let's get to work~!

Nendoroid Super Sonico is back again in a different version which includes outfits from the anime series 'SoniAni'! The set allows you to pose Sonico hard at work as a gravure idol with both a 'maid body' as well as a 'bikini body'!

You can also switch parts with the previously released Tiger Hoodie Ver. to allow for all sorts of different situations! ♪

Product Details

Product Name
   Nendoroid Super Sonico: Working Set (ねんどろいど すーぱーそにこ おしごとせっと)
   Good Smile Company
   ¥3,426 (Before Tax)
Release Date
   Painted ABS & ATBC-PVC non-scale articulated figure with stand included. Approximately 100mm in height.



Nendoroid Mayu Shimada

Wake Up, Nendoroid!

From the anime 'Wake Up, Girls!' comes a Nendoroid of one of the 'Wake up, Girls!' idol group members, Mayu Shimada! She is sculpted wearing the stage outfit from the final episode's live concert - the concert where she sings '7 girls war', which is also the opening theme of the series.

She comes with a smiling expression and singing expression both perfect to pose her performing on stage, and a variety of other optional parts are also included, which allow you to recreate all sorts of dance moves from '7 girls war'! ♪


Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

Product Details

Product Name
   Nendoroid Mayu Shimada (ねんどろいど しまだまゆ)
   Wake Up, Girls!
   Good Smile Company
   ¥3,889 (Before Tax)
Release Date
   Painted ABS & ATBC-PVC non-scale articulated figure with stand included. Approximately 100mm in height.




07 Jul 20:42

My kitchen smells like puke because it has been weeks since my roommate has done something with her dirty dishes. How do I ask her to clean up without staring yet another argument?

by thingsthatareawful

Readers won’t stop sending the Bad Advisor their real-ass questions to answer, so the Bad Advisor is periodically going to try her hand at answering them.


Congratulations, there is no good way to tell people to clean up the shit they don’t want to clean up without pissing them off some, because people be taking all kinds of exception when other people be pointing out the shit they’re doing that falls into a category other than “exactly what I want to be doing when and how I want to be doing it.”

Unfortunately, cohabitation.

Here’s what you do do: you make a fucking chore chart like you’re all a bunch of children, because even adult roommates who live together are a bunch of children, because humanity. You put your name on it and her name on it and you list the shit you both need to do in a timely fashion every week (or whenever) and then you buy some fucking gold stars and give yourselves some gold stars when you do your shit on time. That way nobody can argue about not having done their shit/having to do too much shit.

In the long term, you find a roommate with whom you have an “our” kitchen, rather than a “my” kitchen, who will treat communal spaces with roughly the same respect/attention you like to treat communal spaces. This will take you approximately your whole fucking life, good ass luck.

07 Jul 16:20



I think my fav is the "You're not American. You're not even wearing a flag on your head!"



06 Jul 18:38

"Can you please add “today” at the end of the pitch? It should be emphasized, but not as..."

“Can you please add “today” at the end of the pitch? It should be emphasized, but not as a dictatorial order (e.g. Hitler-style). In a way gentler than Hitler, please.”
06 Jul 12:57

Crunchyroll Will Add New GTO, Liar Game, Iryu - Team Medical Dragon, Galileo Dramas

Series will premiere on Crunchyroll this summer
05 Jul 18:43

Manga Artist Arina Tanemura Showcases "Sailor Moon" Group Sketch

by Scott Green

Arina Tanemura (The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Full Moon wo Sagashite) will be returning to Comiket this summer. While she presented tributes to Attack on Titan and Uta no Prince-sama at last year's doujinshi event, this year she's selling a collection of the sketches she's been posting on Twitter. With the announcment, she offered a look at the Sailor Moon group shot announcement. 


She also joined in the storm of Princess Mononoke tributes hit Twitter yesterday following the movie's broadcast on NTV Friday Roadshow.


And her recent late night sketch drawing challenge contribute...


— 種村有菜(C86土曜・東A-52a) (@arinacchi) June 25, 2014



Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

05 Jul 18:42

Kodansha Comics Adds A Silent Voice, Maria the Virgin Witch Manga

Junketsu no Maria series by Moyashimon creator has anime adaptation green-lit
04 Jul 12:27

Viz Media Adds JoJo's Bizarre Adventures: Battle Tendency, Requiem of the Rose King Manga

Jojo's part 1 will get deluxe edition print release
02 Jul 19:40

Client: So, what did you study? Me:  I have a bachelor degree in Illustration and a degree in...

Client: So, what did you study?

Me:  I have a bachelor degree in Illustration and a degree in graphic design.

Client: Oh, so you know how to use that software to make images?

Me: You mean Photoshop? Well yeah, I-

Client: Wasn’t it called Power Point?