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27 Jan 02:38

Ferment Your Own Tabasco-Style Hot Sauce Using Greek Yogurt

by Patrick Allan

Charlie, try this! And let me know how it goes.

Ferment Your Own Tabasco-Style Hot Sauce Using Greek Yogurt

If you're a fan of spicy foods then you know how awesome a good hot sauce can be. You can make your own at home using Greek-style yogurt—or the whey from the yogurt to be specific—to kick the fermenting process in to high gear.


08 Apr 00:19

Newswire: How I Met Your Mother’s DVD set will have an alternate ending to the finale

by Sonia Saraiya

Apparently, you’ll be able to opt-out of last week’s controversial How I Met Your Mother series finale with a DVD-only alternate ending. According to Variety, as well as showrunner Carter Bays’ Twitter account, Bays and co-creator Craig Thomas considered two potential endings. One was the version aired Monday night, which revealed that The Mother, played by Cristin Milioti, died young after marrying Josh Radnor’s Ted Mosby, freeing up Ted to pursue his lifelong crush, Robin (Cobie Smulders). Though true to the spirit of the show’s pilot episode, it provoked a lot of outcry—and even some fans to make their own ending.

The DVD’s alternate ending reportedly uses the same footage shown in the finale, but it’s edited to make it something else entirely. Bays and Thomas weren’t forthcoming about what exactly that is; Bays said only that it is “very different.” But ...

02 Apr 22:10

Great Job, Internet!: Laura Palmer is dead, but Twin Peaks is alive again on Twitter

by Katie Rife

When Laura Palmer cryptically told Agent Dale Cooper “I’ll see you again in 25 years” in the final episode of Twin Peaks, she wasn’t talking about Twitter. Or was she? As of March 25, “1989,” a group of Twitter users operating under the banner of Enter The Lodge have taken it upon themselves to give Twin Peaks a third season.

“Twin Peaks Season Three” picks up with the events of Twin Peaks’ series finale, and is told through a series of Twitter conversations between the show’s main characters (with cameos from fan favorites like The Log Lady and FBI Regional Bureau Chief Gordon Cole). Users can follow the story by subscribing to @EnterTheLodge’s Twitter list, and catch up through daily Storify updates that collect each day’s tweets. A series of cryptic documents that provide insights into the story are also available on Enter The Lodge ...

26 Feb 22:56

Solid Parenting: Father Paints Adventure Time/Doctor Who Mashup Mural For Daughter's Bedroom

adventure-time-doctor-who-mural-small.jpg This is 'Adventure Timey-Wimey' the Adventure Time/Doctor Who mural painted by James Hance for his 9-year old daughter, Maddy. Pretty awesome, right? You know what my parents painted on the walls of my room? Demons. Demons and 'Children who get out of bed at night will be eaten.' Plus my dad smashed my nightlight. Thanks to ChaosLex, who loves chaos so much he just sledgehammered holes in the walls of his kids' bedrooms.
26 Feb 21:44

A Cork Globe For Push-Pinning Everywhere You've Been

cork-globe-1.jpgBut why is it round?! This is the Cork Globe from SUCK UK. It costs $200. You're supposed to use it to push-pin all the cities and countries you've visited so when people come into your office they'll see just how well traveled you are and get super intimidated by your worldliness. Me? I intimidate people who come into my office the old fashioned way: locking the door, tying them to their seat, and whipping them with my phone charger until they tell me where they hid the money. I'm joking, I don't even have an office, and if anybody saw me trying to pull that in my cubicle they'd probably call security. That's because I work with a bunch of sissies who DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET SHIT DONE. If I had a cork globe it would only have one push-pin in it -- ON THE MOON. Suck it goobers, I'm a space ranger! Keep going for a closeup because it exists.
19 Jan 22:04

i have a lot of favorites when it comes to houses in l.a. having...


Ryan, thought this blog would interest you. Also, Moby was on The Nerdist, talked a lot about LA and was genuinely hilarious.

i have a lot of favorites when it comes to houses in l.a. having said that, this is one of my favorites. which shouldn’t demean the idea of a ‘favorite’. i mean, isn’t it better to be liberal with labeling things ‘favorites’ rather than stingy with approval and appreciation? or maybe i’m just lazy and i need a better word than favorite.

i want to find out more about this house, but here’s what i know:

  • it was built in the 20’s.
  • it’s almost completely hidden by vines and trees and plants and more vines.
  • the rolling stones stayed here when they were finishing ‘exile on main street’.
  • marilyn manson lived here for a while.
  • lots of other people have lived here.
  • it’s built around a very tall central spiral staircase.
  • it probably has a storied (no pun intended) past, but i don’t know anything more than what i’ve written here.

i mean, i assume that in the 20’s and 30’s it was home to odd and debauched early movie stars, but that’s only an assumption on my part. an assumption with empirical support, as almost every house in hollywood has been home to odd and debauched movie stars (including my own, thank you very much).

also i’m continually amazed that overgrown estates like this are literally 3 minutes from grimy crumbly hollywood. all of the odd and interesting stuff in l.a is, to a large extent, hidden.

ok, thanks.


18 Jan 14:58

Newswire: HBO is totally cool with you sharing your HBO Go password

HBO—your cable friend who just wants to stay up all night with you, trading swear words and showing you boobs—is apparently as cool about you sharing your HBO Go password as it is about everything else. “It’s not that we’re unmindful of it, it just has no impact on the business,” HBO CEO Richard Plepler says in this video interview for Buzzfeed, in which Plepler doesn’t even wear a necktie. Neckties, after all, are for uptight squares who care about things like subscribers sharing passwords with their friends who aren’t, and Plepler is pretty whatever about that. In fact, he sees it as a smart marketing move that just creates more and more HBO viewers. “We’re in the business of creating addicts,” Plepler said, echoing all the cool drug dealers you know.

Of course, as cool as HBO is, everyone still agrees that it would be a lot ...

19 Dec 02:09

Adventure Time's Candy Kingdom Castle In Gingerbread

gingerbread-candy-kingdom-1.jpg This is Princess Bubblegum's castle recreated in gingerbread and candy by Redditor IHaveAFluffyCat. Cool, IHaveASmoothTurtle. She posted a pictorial of the entire operation on Imgur, so if you're interested in trying and failing to repeat the process you're more than welcome. Hey, even if it turns out crappy looking, I'll still help you eat it. Mmmm, this is actually good -- what's your secret ingredient? "Strychnine." Heck yeah, $10 says I can finish the rest before I die. Keep going for a couple more shots of the finished product.
16 Dec 22:11

200,000-Piece LEGO Rivendell (Built By The Same Lady Who Brought Us That Massive LEGO Hogwarts)

lego-lotr-rivendell.jpg This is the 5-foot x 10-foot, 200,000 piece Middle Earth LEGO Rivendell built by Alice Finch (of 400,000-piece LEGO Hogwarts fame) and David Frank. I wish I could just shrink myself down to that size and live there. Of course, I said the same thing about my little sister's Barbie Malibu Dreamhouse, so take that with a grain of salt. And a lime wedge. And-- "Are we doing tequila shots?" It's noon, isn't it? Keep going for a bunch more, but be sure to checkout Alice's Flickr page for more, high-res versions.
28 Nov 01:59

I DO, I DO I DO I DO!: Dinosaur Bone Wedding Ring

dinosaur-bone-ring.jpg This is the $600 meteorite and dinosaur leg bone wedding ring made and sold by Etsy purveyor JewelrybyJohan. Is $600 expensive for a wedding ring? Correct answer: Not if there's dino bone and meteorite involved. I do think it's a little insensitive though that they chose to pair dinosaur with the very thing that caused their extinction. That would be like making a Geekologie Writer bone and demon blade ring. "You're going to die by a demon blade?" It is written in the prophecy. "What prophecy?" I read it on a stall door in the bathroom. "Show it to me." Fine. "This says, 'For the tightest butt call 555-4943.' Wait, isn't that you number?" *wink* Thanks to T.J. O. and A, who agree the best rings are the ones that double as secret decoders and/or magic talismans.
22 Nov 21:43

Bought: Animated Dinosaur Christmas Lawn Ornament

christmas-dino.jpg Because it's been Christmas season since mid-October, here's an animated Stegosaurus Christmas lawn ornament. The $140 dino's neck and tail move as he spreads Christmas cheer throughout the neighborhood, at least until some young punks steal it and set it on fire in the woods. You little shits are getting coal this year! That's exactly why people in my neighborhood can't have nice things. Or anything for that matter. You know how many times my mailbox has been stolen this year alone? "I'm really hoping zero." TRY ZERO TIMES SIX. "That's still zero." Oh, well the answer's five. Thanks to Steph, who agrees it's time I take my medicine and drool in front of after-school cartoons for awhile. Good call.
21 Nov 13:02

Every Death In 'A Song Of Fire And Ice' Books, Tabbed

game-of-thrones-deaths.jpg Ever wonder how many deaths there have been in George R.R. Martin's 'A Song of Fire and Ice' series so far? This many. After a quick count I estimate over ten. "There are way more than ten." It was a very quick count. Thanks to Pillowfight (you know I'm down!) and Greg, who agree that when it comes to killing characters in a story, the pen really is mightier than the sword. But a typewriter -- a typewriter is even mightier. And a computer with a nice word processing program? Good lordy, that's some epic king shit.
13 Nov 17:01

A Gingerbread Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft & Wizardry

gingerbread-hogwarts-1.jpg This is the gingerbread Hogwarts built by Cherry Bay Cakery using a bunch of gingerbread, royal icing, and over 50-pounds of fondant. It took over 100 hours to complete, so it was definitely already stale by the time it was finished. But would that stop me from taking a bite? Yes, I'm not a heathen. I remember when I was growing up though I had a younger cousin (who prefers to remain anonymous but whose name is Graham) who would eat the stale cookie ornaments and strings of popcorn his family hung on their Christmas tree. Plus another time we were playing a board game and somebody made him laugh so hard he shot Coke out his nose. Not a little either, like most of a can. Then he licked some of it off the board. I quit after that. Weird little kid. Keep going for a couple more shots.
21 Oct 17:53

What Each Country Leads The Rest Of The World At

what-the-world-is-good-at-small.jpg Note: This is entirely too small to read, click HERE for a much larger, legible version. This is a map created by Doghouse Diaries (link includes references for the data they used) showing what each country leads the rest of the world at. Some of them definitely aren't cause for celebration. Did you know Mexico is the world leader in people getting struck by lightning? Or -- OR -- is Mexico actually the word leader in electricity based supervillains? Food for thought. I'm joking, but I do want tacos for lunch now. Thanks to p@ranO!d, lipeye and Josh, who lead the world in looking good.
16 Oct 01:07

Oh Heck Yes: You Can Buy A Dinosaur Skeleton If You’ve Got $640,000 Or So To Spare

by Mary Beth Quirk


Misty, come to me.

Misty, come to me. (Summers Place Auctions in Billingshurst)

Please hang on a second while I squeal like a little kid and squirm with joy in my seat: You guys — you can buy a dinosaur skeleton. Like, for real. The only thing is, you probably need some serious dough if you want to bring a Diplodocus home with you in the near future.

The first complete skeleton of a large dinosaur ever to up for sale at auction in Europe is about 56 feet long and calls the wide open land of Wyoming its home, reports CNN. Its name is Misty and she’s (in my head, my dinosaur is definitely a lady but by all means, imagine a male Misty if you like) a Diplodocus Longus from the the Late Jurassic period, dating from around 150 million years ago.

She’s expected to fetch a price of anywhere from $640,000 to $960,000 and you’ll probably need a pal (or an entire crew) to move her from her current spot at the Summers Place Auctions in Billingshurst, England.

“It’s been specially designed so that it can be dissembled and assembled again,” said the exhibition and sale’s curator. “There’s no piece so heavy that two people couldn’t lift it.”

He adds that her bones have been conserved and consolidated so she should last just fine, as long as the skeleton is “reasonably carefully handled and reasonably carefully housed.”

Now all I need is a spot big enough to hang a 56-foot dinosaur and I’ll have the best party conversation starter ever. And also I’ll own a dinosaur.

Diplodocus longus dinosaur for sale. Yes, really. [CNN]

10 Oct 00:03

That 150,000-Piece LEGO Battle Of Helm's Deep Build Is Complete, On Display, Really Impressive

helms-deep-lego-1.jpg Remember that 150,000-piece LEGO Battle of Helm's Deep that was nearing completion? Well it's finally crossed the finish line, and this is it. With over 1,700 minifigs alone, it's sure to be one of LEGO's most expensive sets ever offered. *whispering* Oh, they're not actually going to make it? Well that's a shame because I actually have $80,000 burning a hole in my pocket. Just kidding, it's a lint ball. Aaaaaaand it's spreading to my nuts. Keep going for a bunch of closeups, but check out the builder's Flickr gallery for even more.
08 Oct 00:38

I Must Have Him: Adventure Time's BMO Made Out Of LEGO With Functional Linux Computer Inside



lego-bmo-computer-1.jpg This is the functional computer BMO made out of LEGO blocks and a Rasberry Pi by Michael Thomas. I must have him (BMO, not Michael). Then we can be together forever. Every minute of every day. No more privacy, no more quiet, no more alone. Forever and ever -- until the end of time.
The loveable BMO (Beemo) living video game console character from Adventure Time made out of lego. This is a fully functional portable Raspberry Pi Linux computer. This means it can do pretty much anything you can think of. Plays video, plays games, surfs the web, and more! Of course it cannot make toast, or skateboard like the real BMO...
Sometimes I wish I had a friend like BMO. And by sometimes I mean all the time. I tried to get my PS3 to hang out once but then it ditched me to watch Netflix with my roommate. SO I KILLED THEM. No I didn't, but I did sit in my room sharpening a knife for a long time. "Jesus." Chill out, I don't even have a roommate. ANYMORE. Mwahahahahahaha, don't tell anybody. Keep going for a couple more shots and a video of BMO doing his thing.
02 Oct 14:21

Breaking Bad | First and Final Appearances (excluding...

Breaking Bad | First and Final Appearances (excluding flashbacks)

21 Sep 00:55

Dad Creates Super Mario Themed Bedroom For Daughter

super-mario-bedroom.jpg This is the Super Mario Bros. themed bedroom that 38-year old father Dustin Carpenter created for his 13-year old daughter AJ. My bedroom? My bedroom is brown themed. Ladies love it. "It's disgusting." Ladies hate it.
"She wanted to kind of redo her room and [first] she asked if I could make a bat cave," he said. "And then she asked about a Mario room and I said, 'yeah, we can do a Mario room,' and [in the beginning] it certainly wasn't as detailed as it ended up being." While Mario, Bowser and the Gumba on the walls are vinyl decals, Carpenter said he hand-painted everything else, including Boo, the Piranha Plant, the clouds, the pipe and the bricks. And what helps make the room come alive are the various push buttons that play different sounds from the game, such as the "1 Up" sound and the "dum-dum-dum" when Mario goes down a green tube. The light switch - which is designed to look like the vintage Nintendo controller - plays the classic Super Mario Bros. theme song.
It's crazy to think that when Super Mario Bros. actually came out, AJ was negative 15 years old. Now I feel like an old geezer. And not just because I'm crotchety and complain about leg and back pain all the time, but that certainly doesn't help. Anybody for bingo tonight? "Please tell me you're joking." Of course I'm joking, now *chugs beer, breaks bottle over head* let's get pickled! "Pickled?" I'm 80, aren't I? Thanks to Lana, Dave S and PYY, who all have under the sea themed bedrooms and sometimes wake up thinking they're drowning.
13 Sep 01:02

TV: Great Job, Internet!: There’s something that looks a whole lot like the TARDIS in that newly discovered Van Gogh painting 

by Kevin McFarland

In case you missed the big news in the art world, a painting in a Norwegian industrialist’s attic was recently verified as a work of Vincent Van Gogh, the first discovery of a new full-sized painting by the Dutch master since 1928. Not everyone is excited about the verified new painting—The Guardian condescendingly expressed horror that Van Gogh painted “Sunflowers” during the same summer. But detail-oriented Doctor Who fans may notice a vaguely familiar figure in the upper-left corner of the painting. Though the piece is titled “Sunset At Montmajour” and the structure in the background is likely Mountmajour Abbey, it still bears a striking resemblance to the TARDIS—a ridiculous coincidence, since the Doctor visited Van Gogh back in a 2010 episode to defeat an alien creature only the painter could see. Much like Christopher Moore’s fantastical novel Sacre Bleu, this opens the door for some ...

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29 Aug 19:08

This Bill Watterson Tribute Has All the Life Wisdom You'll Ever Need

by Whitson Gordon

This Bill Watterson Tribute Has All the Life Wisdom You'll Ever Need

We share a lot of life advice here at Lifehacker, but this comic pretty much sums up everything you need to know, courtesy of Zen Pencils and Bill Watterson's famous 1990 Kenyon graduation speech. It's the best thing you'll read all day.


27 Aug 17:02

Go Halvsies With Me?: NASA Selling Off Its Launchpads


Anyone want to build a Perfects' Mansion on an old launch pad?

nasa-selling-launch-pads.jpg Because NASA is getting out of the launching people into space business, the agency has announced it's auctioning off three of its previously used shuttle launchpads. And you and I are going to buy one and turn it into a space themed restaurant. And by restaurant I obviously mean strip club. Yeah, and we're gonna have both male and female dancers, but they'll all be painted green and have to wear antennae and extra boobs and penises for an authentic alien vibe.
Originally built in 1967, each 3700 ton pad was officially used at the Kennedy Space Center to not only carry the Apollo moon program's rockets from an assembly area to the launch site, but to also send those rockets into space. The launch pads were later redesigned to accommodate space shuttles and were used regularly until 2010. Note that it's just the pads themselves that are for sale, not the crawler transporters.
Whoa whoa whoa -- the auctions don't include the crawler transporters?! But we were going to use those to shuttle people back and forth from the parking lot! "We were?" No, I was going to use one to crush my entire neighborhood like a slow-motion monster truck rally. Thanks to Side Effect, which may include nausea, drunkenness, wishing you hadn't spent $700 on lap dances, and getting swindled by a naked lady painted green named Xaraxe.
09 Aug 17:21

Solid Job: 'Adventure Time' Intro Recreated In LEGO

adventure-time-intro-in-lego.jpg This is the intro to 'Adventure Time' beautifully recreated in LEGO by Cartoon Network. They did a fantastic job. I've watched it five times already and I'm going back for a sixth right now. If this video were an all-you-can-eat buffet I would have insane diarrhea in about an hour. Hit the jump and get your adventure on.
03 Aug 00:38

IS THAT A LIFE-SIZE NINJA TURTLE?!: Dude's Parents Buy Furnished House, Hit The Ninja Turtle/Star Wars Jackpot

ninja-turtle-house-1.jpg This is a gallery of the furnishings already in the house that Redditor Topherstiles' parents bought. Presumably the previous owner is dead because nobody alive would ever leave a life-size ninja turtle behind when they moved. Did I mention there are also life-sized Superman and stormtrooper statues? Because there are those too. Plus a bunch of TMNT and Star Wars artwork. It just doesn't make sense, now I have to know what happened to the previous owner. You think maybe THEY bought a prefurnished house with even NICER ninja turtle and Star Wars memorabilia? "Nope." Dead it is. Hit the jump for a whole bunch more of the best real estate deal in history.
09 Jun 15:00

Cinephile Style: 12 Modern Movie Posters

by Chris Perez

There are tons more on Etsy, too. This may waste my entire afternoon.

You love the movies - the sights, the sounds, and the emotions only cinema can evoke.  Whether you have the full home theater setup with a big television or projection system, the carefully placed surround sound speakers, and all the extra devices of your setup or a simple laptop with a Netflix subscription, you can show off your artistic side with modern impressions of classics and blockbusters in a movie poster showcase.

08 Jun 22:02

Brick by Brick Architecture: BIG Unveils The LEGO House

by Gregory Han

Slated for construction in Billund, Denmark for 2016, the LEGO House design unveiled today will give LEGO maniacs the world over (because you're never too old for LEGO) a place to experience their favorite creative toy brand within a structure inspired by the building blocks themselves...

05 Jun 00:17

TV: Great Job, Internet!: Someone already put together a chronological version of the new Arrested Development episodes 

by Kevin McFarland

Definitely gonna watch it this way after we're through watching on Netflix, maybe it will make a difference?

The new season of Arrested Development has only been live on Netflix for a week, an amount of time perfect for fans to binge watch, collectively shrug at Mitchell Hurwitz's inability to innovate an entirely new narrative style without such archaic requirements as a "watching order," and then re-watch the whole thing again. But it has been an entire week, meaning it’s already time for some intrepid viewer to complete the gargantuan task of picking all 15 episodes apart and re-editing them to fit their liking. Two different Reddit users have set about splicing the new episodes from character-centric stories into a chronological narrative of the Bluth family more akin to the first three seasons. The first user completed a recut 12-episode season that varies wildly in length, from a network-ready 21 minutes for the premiere to a 53-minute "Cinco de Cuatro" finale. It should be noted that ...

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28 Apr 18:17

Star Wars Poster Dresses Are A Real Thing Now

by Elizabeth Licata

Do you love Star Wars and want everyone to know it? Does hearing "Greedo shot first," make your blood pressure rise? Then these might be the dresses you're looking for. More »

Star Wars Poster Dresses Are A Real Thing Now is a post from TheGloss - Get the best women's beauty, make up, hairstyles tips. Get sex, dating advice, culture news and hot trends for women..

27 Apr 01:47

Look! 5 Years of Hand-Drawn Sandwich Bags by a Dedicated Dad

by Anjali Prasertong

Look! 5 Years of Hand-Drawn Sandwich Bags by a Dedicated Dad

Your parents may have slipped the occasional note or doodle into your lunch bag, but graphic designer David LaFerriere has taken it one step further, adding a new surprise drawing to his kids' sandwich bags nearly every day. He started snapping photos of the mini works of art and now has a Flickr set boasting over 1,100 photos!


23 Apr 22:57

Apply Now For A Free Trip To Mars If You Don’t Mind Never Coming Back To Earth

by Mary Beth Quirk

Someone I know has to do this. Any takers?

(Erin Turowski)

(Erin Turowski)

We’ve often wished we could ship reality TV stars out to space and never have to deal with their self-important squabbling and petty attempts at fame, but a new, somewhat odd proposition by a nonprofit organization could make that somewhat of a reality. The group of scientists and entrepreneurs at Mars One said it’s opened up the application process for a commercially sponsored one-way mission to Mars as part of a venture that will (sigh) also include a reality TV program.

Mars One (via NPR)  says anyone over 18 is eligible to become a Mars astronaut, as long as you don’t mind being part of a reality TV show in the process and paying a $38 application fee. Oh and then you’ll have to live the rest of your life in an inflatable habitat on another planet.

“If somebody’s an outdoors person who says, ‘I need my mountains, I need to smell the flowers,’ then it’s not the mission for him,” says Norbert Kraft, the group’s chief medical officer.

Selling the trip as a TV show is a novel idea, but one that the co-founder thinks will work to finance the mission’s $6 billion price tag.

Here’s how it’ll work: Applicants will be part of the contest online, with people who get the most likes on the site going on to the next round of selection. It’s worth noting there are already quite  few pages worth of potential colonists listed on the Mars One site.

Eventually, the process will be on TV, with participants duking it out in multiple countries and only one winning the prize of the one-way ticket in their respective nation. The final round will then be broadcast around the world, with six teams of four competing to go to space by 2023.

The whole thing will last years, something the co-founder sees as working in the plan’s favor as viewers grow to like different applicants.

“That’s why it will stay interesting for a very, very long time,” he says.

Just like the extent of your stay on Mars, should you win. It’ll last a very, very long time.

This One-Way Trip To Mars Is Brought To You By… [NPR]