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27 Apr 17:11

3DR Solo Drone

Sophisticated yet simple. That's the promise of the 3DR Solo Drone — an aerial photography solution that's highly capable yet able to be controlled by novice users right out of...

Visit Uncrate for the full post.
24 Apr 22:33

Google Keep is now a full featured app on your Android Wear smartwatch thanks to latest update

by Chris Chavez

Android Wear Google Keep update

Making that monthly shopping trip to Walmart is never easy task. If you’re anything like me, you probably cruise about the aisles phone in hand, narrowly avoiding pedestrians with your cart (or occasionally bumping their heels). Today, Google is making those trips a little easier, with new and improved Keep notes now available on your Android Wear device.

Now, we’ve been able to add Keep notes for quite some time using the “Ok Google, take a note” command, but this allows you view all your notes straight from your wrist with a fresh new UI. Simply say “Ok Google, open Keep” and the app will pop up right on your smartwatch (or you can open from the app list). From here you can view all your notes, archive, add list items, or even add a reoccurring reminders. But until the latest Android Wear update arrives — which allows for always-on apps — you’ll have to keep opening the app every time the screen turns off. Not. Fun.

To get started, simply update the Keep app from the Google Play Store. Link provided below.

Download on Google Play: Google Keep

24 Apr 22:33

Samsung confirms their next smart watch is circular and invites developers to help them

by Quentyn Kennemer

samsung gear ciruclar

Yesterday, a pair of Samsung trademarks hinted that the company was finally ready to try their hand at a circular smart watch. It didn’t take long for Samsung to come out and confirm those suspicions.

The company has issued an open invitation for developers to help them build their next wearables platform ahead of launch. They’ve confirmed that it’s for the 7 generation of their Gear lineup, and while they didn’t exactly spell out the word “circular” the teaser you see above should do enough to convince you.

Developers who want to get their apps going on the upcoming watch can get started as soon as today by heading here and grabbing the SDK. Unfortunately that’s as much as we know right now as Samsung didn’t even give us an idea as to when this product might be ready for consumers. All we know is that if the Samsung Galaxy S6 is anything to go by, Samsung’s first circular Gear smart watch could turn this market on its head.

[via Samsung]

24 Apr 22:33

You can now look up a place in Google Search and send the directions straight to your Android phone

by Chris Chavez

Google Search Send Directions to Android Phone

Working that 9-5, we can’t tell you how many times we’ve had to quickly rush out the door at the end of our shift in an attempt to make it to a business before it closes. When looking up directions to a place or business, this is handled usually one of 2 ways: simply using the Maps app on our phone to search (slow), or preemptively searching for a place on our desktop then using that search history in the Maps app to find directions (slightly less slow). For whatever reason, the last method doesn’t always work out so well, with our search history not always syncing up when we need it.

Google Search send directions update

Thankfully, Google is here to streamline this process in Google Search. Starting today, you can search for a place or business in Google Search where a link at the bottom of the Maps result will allow you to shoot the location off to your Android phone. Simply type in “send directions” and add the destination location. Once sent, the Maps app will open on your phone with that specific location, allowing you quickly and easily navigate to the destination from the Maps app. It’s a small update, but one that is big on convenience. You can try it out for yourself right now at


23 Apr 17:36

Slipknot’s Corey Taylor Ranks The Bands Album From Best To Worst

by wookubus

Noisey had Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor rank the bands records from best to worst as part of their ‘Rank Your Records‘ series. His choices can be found below:

05 – “All Hope Is Gone
04 – “Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses
03 – “Iowa
02 – “.5: The Gray Chapter
01 – “Slipknot

Taylor also shared his thoughts on each choice with the site, some highlights include:

On “Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses“:

Rick Rubin famously told me I needed to change the chorus to “Before I Forget,” because he said it wasn’t a strong chorus, and I told him that’s just not going to happen. I agreed with him on a couple of occasions, but when it came to that song, I knew it was powerful enough that the chorus would carry it. And then we won a Grammy for it, so y’know. It was very strange, it was a very strange thing. Plus, a lot of things going on behind the scenes with us as far as management went that people don’t even know. We were in such disarray, it’s amazing it came out in seven months.”

On “Iowa“:

“I think that album would’ve had more impact if it wasn’t for 9/11, which a lot of people forget happened a week after Iowa came out. A day after Slayer released their new album that people had been waiting for. We were kind of ostracized because of the things that were going on. We’d just gone through this terrible fucking tragedy, so they were looking for anything they could control as scapegoats. So we got fucked, Slayer got fucked, Rage Against the Machine got fucked. All of these seriously heavy artists got thrown up against a wall, and a lot of the safer shit got in.

Nothing happened to fucking Linkin Park. All these lilly white fucking bands where people were like, “Well they’re safe enough, we’ll listen to them.” At the same time, we didn’t go anywhere. We went out and toured that album for another year and a half just to make sure it got its due credit.

And now there’s some of the fans’ favorites. As dark as it is, there are so many fucking anthems on it, they still get played on the live set. I think it’s a testament to how far we were willing to stand our ground.”

On touring behind “Slipknot” and the low expectations they had for its success:

“It’s so crazy! And we did Ozzfest ’99, and you could tell something was happening. Something was becoming fucking crazy. The album hadn’t even come out yet. It came out halfway through that tour. So really there was nothing to prepare anybody for anything. And then after Ozzfest ’99 ended, we had three days off and we went right into the Coal Chamber tour where we were third on the bill, right below Machine Head.

Halfway through that tour, we ended up switching places with Machine Head and becoming direct support. Because we would play, and this is nothing against any of these bands, nothing at all, we’d play and half the audience would leave after. It was no shit. We didn’t have anywhere to go after we played so we’d go out to the audience and hang out, watch the other bands, and we’d watch people streaming out—buying our merch and heading out. So it became a point where nobody wanted to take us out on the road with them. So we had to headline out of necessity.

Meanwhile, the album goes gold and we didn’t realize it. We didn’t get the plaque for it until February 2 of 2000. When we got the plaque, we found out within two months it would go platinum. Then it went double platinum. People don’t understand just how fucking insane it was. We’re sitting back going, “What?” Suddenly we’re the biggest band on Roadrunner, and no one prepared us. We didn’t know what the fuck was going on. We had shitty management at the time, and it was insanity. It all started because we went up a mountain, and had an absolute fucking blast making that album. It went through three people’s hands to mix it.

I don’t know if anyone’s ever told this story, but Clown, Joey, and Ross Robinson broke into the studio where the master tapes were, because we weren’t liking the mixes we were getting. They broke in, stole the tapes, and mixed it themselves! [Laughs] I think Paul was there too. I had to go back to Iowa to go back to work, and I get a call from Clown: “By the way, we committed grand larceny, we just stole our own fucking album.” And they sat down and mixed it because no one else understood it.

When you’re the first, no one knows. There’s not track record for it. So we’d get these shitty fucking mixes that were either too thin, too bass-laden. People didn’t understand what this noise was. So we ended up mixing it ourselves, man. There’s so many crazy stories from that first album, I can look back and smile that it’s happened to us, and the subsequent years. It all started from the first album and all the crazy shit. Living off 20 bucks a week, having to hide your ramen because your asshole bandmates were trying to steal it.

Having to come up with 30 ways to make ramen so you don’t lose your mind, that’s how we lived. It was so insane, but it was so awesome because we were in it. All the talk, dreaming was over. It was time to do the work. And we did, the rest is fucking history man.”

There’s far more from Taylor on each his choices over at Noisey.

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23 Apr 14:15

Overam Circles Around Your Photos, Blurs The Lines Of Editing, And Lands Square In The Play Store

by Rita El Khoury


Here's a surprise for you. For once we're not talking about a photo editing app that has come to Android after being available on iOS for months or worse yet, years. How novel! Overam is the name of said app and it's being released on Android first (maybe only?).

While Overam does offer the usual panoply of filters, its selling point is the usage of geometric shapes to create a disconnect between two parts of the image and highlight the one you want.

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Overam Circles Around Your Photos, Blurs The Lines Of Editing, And Lands Square In The Play Store was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

23 Apr 14:13

Jaden Smith Lookalike Boxer Gets The Body Thetans Knocked Out Of Him

by Greg Howard

OK, so first things first: the above man folded-up and leaned against the ropes like a lawn chair at a t-ball game is not dead. The accompanying video is not a snuff film. Let’s proceed.


23 Apr 14:09

Save $100 on the World's Greatest Action Cam

by Shep McAllister, Commerce Team on Deals, shared by Shep McAllister, Commerce Team to Deadspin

If you’ve been waiting for a deal on the GoPro Hero4 Black, $100 off is about as good as you’re going to do. The Hero4 Black can shoot 4K at 30FPS, and is pretty much indisputably the best action camera money can buy. [GoPro Hero4 Black, $400]


23 Apr 14:08

How Much Longer Can The Clippers Survive With This Bench?

by Tom Ley

Being in a 1-1 series tie with the San Antonio Spurs isn’t the worst position for the Los Angeles Clippers to find themselves in. The team has shown plenty of positive signs throughout the first two games of this series—Blake Griffin is dunking on fools! Chris Paul is in Playoff Mode! DeAndre Jordan actually made some free throws!—but there’s still a large, nasty stench hanging over this team, and it’s coming from their wack-ass bench.


20 Apr 22:52

Let's Watch Coolio's Halftime Show At The Spurs-Clippers Game

by Timothy Burke

Clippers fans at Staples Center were deprived a simulcast of Charles Barkley and the other TNT knuckleheads tonight, getting a fantastic voyage of a live Coolio performance that was their own little gangsta’s paradise. You’re not doing anything else right now, so watch this. No, I don’t know why the Clippers invited Coolio to perform at halftime of an NBA playoff game.


20 Apr 22:50

Make Way For Blake

by Timothy Burke

Have something you think we should know? Email us at, or contact our writers directly , or use our SecureDrop system. You can also follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.


20 Apr 22:49

The Royals Are Serving Fans Moldy Garbage Hot Dogs

by Tom Ley

The picture you see above, via KCTV 5, was snapped by a Royals fan who attended Friday’s game at Kaufman Stadium. That first, not entirely revolting hot dog is what was available to fans who wanted to pay normal prices for food. That pallid tube of, uh, meat (?) that’s been stuffed into some sort of molecularly compromised bread product is what fans who wanted to take advantage of Dollar Hot Dog Night were given. This is bad—and disgusting!


20 Apr 15:42

Android Wear: wear what you want, get what you need

by Unknown

Wifi support is gold. No Bluetooth required.

Architect and artist William Morris once said, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” Turns out that’s also good advice for deciding what to wear. So Android Wear offers a range of watches and apps that are fashionable as well as functional.

Over the past few months we’ve added lots of ways to express your style—from custom watch faces to a rainbow of bands. Today we’re making Android Wear more helpful as well—getting you what you need, right on your wrist.

Always-on screen, always-on apps

When you buy a watch you want it to, well, tell the time. So most Android Wear watches include an always-on screen—no tapping, twisting or shaking required to see what time it is. Now we’re expanding this option to apps, so they can stay visible as long as you need them, instead of disappearing when you drop your arm. In either case the screen is only full color when you're actively looking at it—so you get the info you need, and you save on battery life.

Wi-Fi support

With GPS and offline music support, you can already leave your phone at home, then go jogging and jamming like normal. Now Android Wear supports watches with built-in Wi-Fi. As long as your watch is connected to a Wi-Fi network, and your phone has a data connection (wherever it is), you’ll be able to get notifications, send messages, and use all your favorite apps. And if you really do forget your phone, you can always ask your watch where it is.

Simpler, faster, and more smiley

When it comes to your watch, using apps should be as simple as checking the time. So today we’re making a number of Android Wear improvements to help you access your info, and express yourself more easily:
  • Got your hands full? You no longer need them to check your news and notifications. Instead you can just flick your wrist to scroll through the stream.
  • Your apps and contacts are now just a tap away from the watch face. Just touch the screen, and you’ll be able to start apps and send messages immediately.
  • : Can’t talk? Now you can draw hundreds of different emojis, directly on the watch screen. We’ll recognize your work (no art degree required) and send it via message or text.

These updates are coming to all seven Android Wear watches over the next few weeks, starting with the new LG Watch Urbane. In the meantime, there are plenty of useful apps and lots of beautiful watch faces—so find your favorites, and wear what you want.

Posted by David Singleton, Director of Engineering, Android Wear
20 Apr 14:23

Instagram puts a ban on bare butts with newly revised community guidelines

by Chris Chavez

Peach butt

There seems to be a major butt fetish going around these days, more so than ever. Hey, I wont judge. If that’s the sorta thing you’re into, you’ll probably be seeing a lot less of it on Instagram. The Facebook-owned social network revised some of their community guidelines today, adding wording that specifically outlines their ban on “nudity.” We’re sorry to tell you, but bare butts — not matter how artistic — are included. Sir-Mix-A-Lot is rolling in his grave (wait — he’s still alive?). Here’s the direct quote:

“This includes photos, videos, and some digitally-created content that show sexual intercourse, genitals, and close-ups of fully-nude buttocks.”

The Community Guidelines also updated their “don’t be rude section” detailing various forms of harassment which include “encouraging violence or attacking” anyone based on religion, gender, race, sexual orientation or anything else. In other words: don’t be a dick. It’s something that will take you far in life, but people always have difficulty heeding on the internet.

With more and more young’ins flocking to Instagram, it’s probably better this way. We will note that photos of breast feeding or mastectomy scars are still allowed, so feel free to continue posting those.

20 Apr 14:18

When fanboyism goes too far: Android vs iOS argument results in two friends stabbing each other

by Quentyn Kennemer

broken beer bottle

There’s nothing wrong with being a mobile fanboy, for the most part. Sure, your bias sometimes keeps you blind to the positives provided by the other side and you make excuses for the fault of the platform you prefer, but at least arguments are typically lighthearted, healthy  and harmless.

The same can’t be said for two Oklahoma roommates. In what appears to be the resultant of drunken stupor on both sides, an Android user and his iOS faithful buddy began a conversation about which platform was better. Only, what started out as a conversation ended up in bloodshed as the two ended up stabbing each other with broken beer bottles, according to Tulsa, OK’s Channel 8 ABC news.

There’s no word on how the exact conversation went down, but it’s hard for us to believe that these two felt so strongly and passionately about their preference that they were driven to try and kill each other. This scenario is likelier:

Roommate 1: iOS just works! Rah!

Roommate 2: Oh yea? Well, Android phones have higher resolution displays and more RAM! Hoo!

Roommate 1: What did you say about my grams?

Roommate 2: What?

Commence brawling. Really, it’s hard to think it went any other way considering alcohol was involved. Whatever the case may be, we’ll use this opportunity to remind you that these phones and tablets are only slabs of metal, glass, plastic and silicon made by companies who want your money — they often aren’t worth arguing about, and they certainly aren’t worth dying for.

20 Apr 14:16

T-Mobile is adding extra data to their affordable Walmart Family Mobile plans

by Chris Chavez

T-Mobile logo DSC08666

For those looking for wireless service on the cheap, T-Mobile has long offered one of the best values in mobile with unlimited voice/texting plans exclusive to Walmart starting at just $30. T-Mobile announced today that they’ll be giving these postpaid plans a 500MB bump in data, bringing that $30 plan up to 1GB of high-speed 4G LTE data, and 3GB for the $40 plan.

TMobile Walmart Family Mobile plans

The bump goes into effect tomorrow, April 18th and, as usual, is contract free and doesn’t require auto-pay or anything like that to gain a discount. However, T-Mobile will give customers a $5 discount for every line they add, so there’s that. You can find Walmart’s Family Mobile plans (powered by T-Mobile) linked below.

[Walmart Family Mobile]

16 Apr 17:56

Screener Beta Lets You Stick Screenshots In Device Frames And Add Backgrounds In A Snap

by Ryan Whitwam

unnamedAre your screenshots looking a little boring? Why not pretty them up with some device frames, shading, and backgrounds? What, you don't have time for that? Well, you can try Screener, which is in beta testing in the Play Store. Just a few taps and you have a nifty framed screenshot.

Step one is to take a screenshot you want to use. Then simply open the app and pick a device frame.

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Screener Beta Lets You Stick Screenshots In Device Frames And Add Backgrounds In A Snap was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

16 Apr 17:55

[Deal Alert] Amazon Drops The Fire Phone Down To $189 For The Unlocked 32GB Model, Including A Year Of Prime

by Michael Crider

Trying to lure people in with Prime. haha

fireAmazon's interesting, unconventional, and unique self-branded phone has flopped hard. You know what that means, HP TouchPad and HTC First owners: rock-bottom prices. Amazon has discounted the unlocked 32GB model all the way down to $189, making it worthy of consideration for would-be buyers of the Moto G and similar mid-range devices. And that's before a year's worth of Amazon Prime ($100 value) for free, so you'll have plenty of movies, music, and cheap shipping to complement your new phone.

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[Deal Alert] Amazon Drops The Fire Phone Down To $189 For The Unlocked 32GB Model, Including A Year Of Prime was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

16 Apr 17:54

Google My Business 2.0 Opens Up Shop With A Material Redesign [APK Download]

by Bertel King, Jr.

GoogleMyBusiness-ThumbCheck out Google My Business (no, that sentence doesn't contain two verbs). The mobile app business owners can use to track their company's Google+ page insights and connect with customers has received a material overhaul for version 2.0. The app should now fit in with Google's other work thanks to a bright action bar, top-level navigation menu, and plenty of animations.

The appearance isn't all that's new. This update will also let you set custom date ranges when viewing stats on the number of clicks, views, and followers your page amasses.

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Google My Business 2.0 Opens Up Shop With A Material Redesign [APK Download] was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

16 Apr 14:11

Quick Tip: You can now type “Find my phone” into Google Search to locate it

by Quentyn Kennemer

google find my phone

Google’s Android device manager is a great way to locate your phone after it’s been lost, and we consider it a primary option to turn to whenever you suffer the unfortunate fate. The only issue is that it’s never been a great experience finding the Android Device Manager on the web — some folks don’t even know that the Android Device Manager is.

To make things easier, Google has created an interface that will show up whenever you type “find my phone” into their search engine (typing “how to find a lost phone” works just as well). You’ll see a map as the service begins automatically locating your device.

You’ll have to be signed in, of course, and you should have Android Device Manager enabled at all times, but once you’ve taken care of all that you can remember this handy search query the next time you’re frantically searching for your phone instead of having to remember a long URL or rely on a bookmark.

15 Apr 19:48

Disposable Camera

There was something sublime about the one-use cameras of old — the rickety construction, the fun of blowing through the last few shots, the joy of getting the prints back...

Visit Uncrate for the full post.
15 Apr 18:45

Cleveland Browns Reveal New Uniforms

by Kevin Draper

The Browns completed their branding process tonight, revealing their new uniforms in an over-the-top ceremony that culminated with the players modeling the new uniforms coming out onto the stage in orange cloaks, like Halloween wizards. Taylor Gabriel really should have practiced getting that wizard cloak off over his helmet!


15 Apr 18:44

MMA Star Says Mortal Kombat Likeness "Cannot Be A Coincidence"

by Nathan Grayson

As far as Mortal Kombat characters go, Cassie Cage is pretty fun. She chews gum, kicks ass, and takes selfies with the jawless corpses of her victims. She also bears an odd resemblance to UFC fighter Felice Herrig, something Herrig thinks is more than a coincidence.


15 Apr 18:31

GoPro: Now Live Streaming

by Sean McCoy
New transmitter allows GoPro footage to be televised live.
15 Apr 17:43

Straight Line Stitch & The Bloodline Added To Ill Nino, Kittie & 36 Crazyfists Tour

by wookubus

The deck has been shuffled a bit for the ‘The Civil Unrest Tour‘ which boasts Ill Nino, Kittie and 36 Crazyfists. Straight Line Stitch have now been added to the bill, while The Bloodline (ex-Dirge Within) will perform at select stops. Motograter, Thira, Lydia Can’t Breathe will open the trek, while special guests in select markets include:

Davey Suicide
Gabriel And The Apocalypse
The Convalescence
Erasing Never
Xiting The System
Happy Accidents

Dates for the trek:

06/03 Colorado Springs, CO – The Black Sheep
06/04 Denver, CO – The Summit Music Hall
06/06 Minneapolis, MN – Skyway Theatre – Studio B
06/07 Joliet, IL – Mojoes
06/08 Ringle, WI – Q&Z Expo Center
06/09 Indianapolis, IN – Emerson Theater
06/10 Waterloo, IA – The Reverb/Spicoli’s
06/11 South Bend, IN – Cheers Pub
06/12 Battle Creek, MI – The Music Factory
06/13 Clarksville, TN – The Warehouse
06/16 Dallas, TX – Trees
06/17 Houston, TX – Scout Bar
06/18 Austin, TX – The Dirty Dog Bar
06/19 San Antonio, TC – 210 Kapone’s
06/20 Lubbock, TX – Jake’s Back Room
06/21 El Paso, TX – Tricky Falls

The post Straight Line Stitch & The Bloodline Added To Ill Nino, Kittie & 36 Crazyfists Tour appeared first on

15 Apr 17:21

How to watch HBO Now on Android

by Joe Fedewa

hbo now screenshot

If you don’t have cable and want to watch HBO you were probably excited to hear about HBO Now. That excitement was probably killed when you heard it would only work with the Apple TV. Users without an Apple TV will have to wait until July before they can access the service. What’s an Android user to do?

One workaround that has been working for Android users is PlayOn. If you’re unfamiliar with PlayOn it’s a subscription service that lets you stream content from Netflix, Hulu, NBC, TBS, and others. PlayOn works through your PC and then slings content to your devices, such as Android and Chromecast. The service now includes HBO Now.
Here’s what you need to do to get HBO Now on your Android device. You will need to have access to an iDevice or someone who owns one.

  1. Buy the three-month subscription from PlayOn for $9.99
  2. Install the client on your Windows PC (sorry, no Mac support)
  3. Use you our your friend’s iDevice to sign up for the HBO Now trial
  4. Go into the PlayOn settings and click the Channels tab
  5. Scroll down to HBO Now and enter your username and password
  6. That’s all there is to it! You’ll need the PlayOn app on whichever device you’d like to watch HBO

After the trial month ends you’ll be charged $15 per month. After the three-month PlayOn subscription ends the Apple exclusivity period will be over. Then you should be able to get HBO Now on more devices without this workaround. Good luck!

[via CNET]

15 Apr 15:20

You can now connect Instagram to your Tinder profile

by Karissa Bell

You may see a lot more information the next time you swipe right on Tinder.

User profiles on the dating app now include support for Instagram and more shared interests and mutual connections, the company revealed Wednesday. The update marks the first time the dating app known for its swipes has given user profiles a major overhaul since it launched.

The goal of the changes is to make it easier for users to get to start conversations with potential matches, says Tinder's president and cofounder Sean Rad.

"It will help you better understand who the person is that you’re talking to," Rad told Mashable. "When you’re able to asses the degrees of separation between you and an individual it adds a lot of value in the form of context, trust and everything." Read more...

More about Tech, Apps Software, Apps And Software, Tinder, and Dating Apps
15 Apr 15:13

Twitter’s revamped Quote Tweet feature is now rolling out to Android

by Quentyn Kennemer

twitter quote retweet 1

Last week Twitter unleashed a revamped Quote Tweet feature that allows users to type out a full 140 characters for whichever Tweet they’re quoting. It was only available on the web and iOS, but now Android users are about to get in on the fun.

The company announced that the feature is now rolling out to the Twitter for Android apps, and sure enough there’s a nice update sitting for you over at Google Play right here.

The original Retweet option that only mirrors the Tweet to your timeline is still there, but if you’re wanting to add a bit of commentary there’s no better option right now than the native Quote Tweet feature. Have a go at it as soon as you find something worthy enough to be echoed!

09 Apr 21:32

Adam Eaton's Diving Catch Will Be Hard To Top

by Tom Ley

We’re not even a week into the 2015 baseball season, but I feel confident saying that it’s going to be very hard for any outfielder to make a catch this season that will top what White Sox center fielder Adam Eaton did today.


09 Apr 20:55

Tyrannosaurs were ferocious fighters and cannibals

by Discovery News

Remains of a mutilated dino victim provide strong evidence for what has long been suspected: T. rex and his kin were violent animals that also practiced cannibalism

The remains, described in the latest issue of the journal PeerJ, are of the large carnivorous tyrannosaur Daspletosaurus, which suffered numerous injuries during its lifetime and was partially eaten after it died.

The clincher is that paleontologists believe that members of Daspletosaurus' own species inflicted all of the damage.

"This animal clearly had a tough life suffering numerous injuries across the head including some that must have been quite nasty," lead author David Hone from Queen Mary, University of London, said in a press release. Read more...

More about Animal, Us World, Cannibal, Dinosaur, and Paleontology