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05 Feb 11:13

There’s a wrong and a right way to talk to your dog, according to science

by Juliane Kaminski

Dogs are special. Every dog owner knows that. And most dog owners feel their dog understands every word they say and every move they make. Research over the last two decades shows dogs really can understand human communication in ways no other species can. But a new study confirms that if you want to train your new puppy, you should be speaking to it in a certain way to maximize the chances that it follows what you’re saying.

There is already quite a lot of research evidence showing that the way we communicate to dogs is different from the way we communicate to other humans. When we talk to dogs, we use what is called “dog directed speech.” This means we change the structure of our sentences, shortening and simplifying them. We also tend to speak with a higher pitch in our voices. We also do this when we are not sure we are understood or when talking to very young infants.

A new study has shown we use an even higher pitch when talking to puppies, and that this tactic really does help the animals to pay attention more. The research, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, showed that talking to puppies using dog-directed speech makes them react and attend more to their human instructor than regular speech.

To test this, the researchers use so-called “play back” experiments. They made recordings of humans repeating the phrase “Hi! Hello cutie! Who’s a good boy? Come here! Good boy! Yes! Come here sweetie pie! What a good boy!” Each time, the speaker was asked to look at photos of either puppies, adult dogs, old dogs, or at no photos. Analyzing the recordings showed the volunteers did change how they spoke to different aged dogs.

The researchers then played the recordings back to several puppies and adult dogs and recorded the animals’ behavior in response. They found the puppies responded more strongly to the recordings made while the speakers looked at pictures of dogs (the dog-directed speech).

The study didn’t find the same effect applied for adult dogs. But other studies that recorded dogs’ reactions to the human voice in live interactions, including work I have done, have suggested dog-directed speech can be useful for communicating with canines of any age.

Following the point

It’s also been proven (and most dog-owners will tell you) that we can communicate with dogs through physical gestures. From puppy age on, dogs respond to human gestures, such as pointing, in ways other species can not. The test is very simple. Place two identical cups covering small pieces of food in front of your dog, making sure it cannot see the food and doesn’t have any information about the contents of the cups. Now point to one of the two cups while establishing eye contact with your dog. Your dog will follow your gesture to the cup you pointed to and explore the cup, expecting to find something underneath.

This is because your dog understands that your action is an attempt to communicate. This is fascinating because not even human’s closest living relatives, chimpanzees, seem to understand that humans communicate intent in this situation. Nor do wolves—dog’s closest living relatives—even if they are raised like dogs in a human environment.

This has led to the idea that dogs’ skills and behaviors in this area are actually adaptations to the human environment. That means living in close contact with humans for over 30,000 years has led dogs to evolve communication skills that are effectively equal to those of human children.

But there are significant differences in how dogs understand our communication and how children do. The theory is that dogs, unlike children, view human pointing as some kind of mild command, telling them where to go, rather than a way of transferring information. When you point for a child, on the other hand, they will think you are informing them about something.

This ability of dogs to recognize “spatial directives” would be the perfect adaptation to life with humans. For example, dogs have been used for thousands of years as a kind of “social tool” to help with herding and hunting, when they had to be guided over a great distance by gestural instructions. The latest research affirms the idea that not only have dogs developed an ability to recognize gestures but also a special sensitivity to the human voice that helps them identify when they need to respond to what’s being said.

The ConversationThis post originally appeared at The Conversation.

15 Jan 12:09

A Series Of Unfortunate Events - 1-4-я серии

by corpuscula
И снова Нетфликс. Еще одна экранизация детских книг, хотя одноименную серию Дэниэла Хэндлера, пишущего под псевдонимом Лемони Сникет, к детской литературе можно отнести условно. Книги Сникета - это литературная игра, постмодернистская пародия на викторианский и готический роман, нашпигованная лингвистическими шутками, что затрудняет экранизацию, потому что без авторского, саркастического текста теряется тональность. Чтобы сохранить её, в сериал был введен рассказчик Лемони Сникет в исполнении Патрика Ворбёртона, в кинофильме ограничились только закадровым голосом. Здесь он важный персонаж.

Некоторая вычурность текста в русском переводе названия - "33 несчастья" -  пропадает, тут скорей "Череда злополучных событий".

Сюжет представляет собой злоключения трёх сирот Бодлер (они пока не знают, что их родители живы), кочующих от одного странного опекуна к другому. За ними охотится коварный, как Урия Гип (он же Юрайя Хип), актёр, мошенник и предводитель "труппы" Граф Олаф (Нил Патрик Харрис), желающий прибрать к рукам огромное состояние Бодлеров. Но кроме Олафа беззащитных сирот преследуют еще и эти самые злополучные события одно за другим. А Лемони Сникет мрачно напоминает, что на счастливый исход надеяться бесполезно.

За постановку взялся Барри Зонненфельд, знакомый по фильмам о семейке Аддамс и "Людям в черном", сценарий писал сам Дэниэл Хэндлер. Визуально и стилистически "Несчастья" напомнили сериал Pushing Daisies и не случайно - Зонненфельд был его исполнительным продюсером и режиссером нескольких серий. Как можно догадаться сейчас Нетфликс свёл любителей причудливого абсурда Хэндлера и Зонненфельда и к ним в компанию добавил Патрика Нила Харриса с Ворбёртоном для полноты картины.

Получилась занятная шкатулка-головоломка с яркими движущимися картинками. Но в ней огромную роль играет текст и неловкий перевод его может запросто убить. Герои постоянно жонглируют словами и "объясняют" их значение. Фамилии персонажей - Бодлер, По, цитирование Пруста и прочие завитушки и аллюзии, среди которых есть очень занятные, рассчитаны всяко не на детей. И боюсь, без понимания контекста не всякому взрослому эта история понравится.

Но сериал как минимум забавный и в нем нет той насупленной натужности, которая есть в "Изумрудном городе", хотя и теплой ламповости "Агента Картер", пожалуй, тоже нет. Немного не хватает легкости. И от Харриса я ждала большего, честно говоря. Но после "Города" это просто фейерверк и праздник, конечно. И дело не в том, что тут черная комедия, а там - фэнтези-драма, а в том, что здесь фантазии и ума больше.  Хотя рассчитан на любителя. 
21 Sep 19:18

Евросоюз полностью отменит роуминг

by Алексей Невельский
Но мобильные операторы будут защищены от недобросовестных абонентов
15 Feb 15:49

Get an additional 2GB of Drive storage for life in exchange for doing Google’s quick safety check

by Chris Chavez

Safer Internet Day large

In case you almost missed it, today is officially Safer Internet Day and who better to celebrate this joyous occasion than Google, the world’s largest internet search company. Announced on their official Google Drive blog, Google is offering up a free permanent bonus in Google Drive storage, simply in exchange for making your Google account a little safer.

Google Checkup checklist

All you have to do is complete Google’s quick, 2-minute safety check and once completed, you’ll get a free 2GB bump of additional Drive storage for the rest of your life. Simple as that. Here’s what the checkup looks to address on your G0ogle account:

  • Ensures your account recovery information is current
  • If we detect suspicious activity in your account, we use your recovery info to get in touch and make sure no one but you gains access.
  • Lets you review recent sign-in activity
  • Reviewing this lets you validate the sign-ins are coming from you and not someone who shouldn’t be using your credentials.
  • Confirms the apps and devices that access some account information
  • This step lets you monitor this list and remove apps and devices that don’t need access to your account any more.

If you can’t get to the safety check right now, you have until next Tuesday, February 17th to complete it. Keep in mind the storage bump wont be deposited right away, with Google mentioning it’ll be deposited automatically to everyone around February 28th (they’ll be sending out emails so you don’t miss it). Unfortunately, it looks like Google Apps for Work and Google Apps for Education are excluded from this offer.

Google recommends completing a safety check every time you get a new phone or laptop to ensure your online safety is up to speed. A link to Google’s safety check can be found below.

[Google Safety Check]


04 Jun 06:03

Moto Stream is like a tiny Nexus Q with sharper angles, much cheaper price tag [VIDEO]

by Chris Chavez

Moto Stream 1

Motorola has just introduced their newest accessory for your Android (or iOS) devices. It’s called the Moto Stream and it looks to take your aging speaker system out of the dark ages and into the era of wires-free social audio streaming.

Essentially a tiny Bluetooth receiver that hooks into your speaker system’s aux input, the Moto Stream manages to hide a few tricks up its sleeve. Namely, the ability to connect to 5 Bluetooth devices simultaneously via NFC, as well as hold that connection from up to 300 feet away. Connected devices show up as colored indicators on the Moto Streams face, giving us a retro vibe. For the most part, it’s a lot like Google’s long forgotten Nexus Q, minus all the curves, video streaming, or steep $300 price tag.

Moto Stream 3

Speaking of pricing, the Moto Stream will only set you back a fairly reasonable $50. And while it’s true you find comparable products for a little cheaper on Amazon (even some with aptX), none will look quite as stylish or feature all the same tricks as the Moto Stream. Check out Motorola’s trailer for the Moto Stream as well as a link directly from Motorola’s store should you be sold on buying one.

Buy direct from Motorola: Moto Stream $50