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17 Aug 22:45


Nobody has rated VISIT SKUGA LAKE - MASTERPIECE EDITION on IFDB or contacted me about it or anything like that. As far as I know everybody's watching Futurama instead of playing my game! Well, when you're done having fun with Bender and Hermes, you can have fun with CHARYBDIS ARGILE, INTERN/WITCH/MYSTERY SOLVER

18 Jul 05:49

Marlow Briggs EP2:Marlow Briggs and the OH GOD THE SPINNING

by Shamus

Link (YouTube)

CAUTION: This episode is basically 20 minutes of low-FOV camera-spinning.

In the debate of “did the developers realize what they were doing?” I think I’ve come down on the side of believing that they are over-enthusiastic, wide-eyed, naive, and completely lacking in self-awareness. Because if somebody did this on purpose I owe them a spin-kick to to side of the head. Actually no. Just a regular kick. I’ve had enough spinning.

I’d also like to point out that the vehicle we see at the start of the episode isn’t as preposterous as it might seem. It’s based on a real machine, the Bagger 288, which is used to remove massive volumes of overburden (basically, useless dirt and rock sitting on top of the stuff you want) when strip-mining:


That one doesn’t really give a good sense of scale. Here’s another:


So it’s a real machine! Of course, it would completely defeat the purpose of the device to place it indoors. In a pool of lava. And surround it with a mine cart roller-coaster track[2]. And guard it with helicopters. And an army of mooks.

And then we get to the ten-times-larger machine at the end of the episode and all bets are off. I’m pretty sure that thing is larger than an aircraft carrier. It’s basically a pair of mook convention centers stacked on top of each other. On wheels. On fire.

I may have to spin-kick the devs whether they meant to do this or not.