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14 Mar 02:11

Google's secret X lab to reveal new project 'in the coming month'

by Sam Byford
Kaue Lima

Uuuu adoro Google X


Google X is the secret laboratory where the company puts designers to work on some of their most outlandish and ambitious ideas; its output so far has included Project Glass, self-driving cars, and a 16,000-core neural network that works like a virtual brain. While the lab's output is sporadic, it works on over 100 projects at a time before allowing one to see the light of day — and it looks like another will soon be ready for primetime.

Speaking at SXSW and reported on by GigaOm, Google X's 'Captain of Moonshots' Astro Teller detailed the principles behind the lab's operation, and revealed that we should be seeing an announcement of a new discovery "in the coming month." However, Teller played down a New York Times report that...

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14 Mar 00:25

Google Shutting Down Google Reader On July 1, Citing Declining Usage

by Brandon Russell
Kaue Lima

Primeiro share no Old Reader é funebre :(


As part of its spring cleaning, a way for Google to better “focus” on what’s important, the company on Wednesday said it’s shutting down Google Reader on July 1—retire, is the world the company used.

Launched in 2005, the RSS aggregator has been an easy way for people to keep track and organize dozens of news feeds. I use it everyday so I know what the heck is going on in this crazy industry, but Google says usage has declined significantly enough to shutter the service entirely.

Google has largely put Reader on the back burner, with the last update coming to add Google+ integration and pulling Reader’s native sharing support. Google said users can export their RSS subscriptions with Google Takeout until the service is finally shut down.