Shared posts

06 Jun 17:47

Powdered Toast Crunch by harebrained - $11

by (Layne Hunter)

Free LOG!

Mens: Black Womens: Turquoise

05 Jun 22:54

Chicken Chicken: Chicken Chicken (Chicken Chicken Chicken)

05 Jun 22:08

These vintage Dutch safety posters are stunning, completely terrifying

by Robert T. Gonzalez

These vintage Dutch safety posters are stunning, completely terrifying

These are way more eye-catching than those televised public service announcements about carbon monoxide leaks and downed power lines. They're also straight-up ghoulish.



05 Jun 21:20

False Alarm of the Day: LAPD Surrounds a Statue of Ghost from Call of Duty

False Alarm of the Day: LAPD Surrounds a Statue of Ghost from Call of Duty

Los Angeles Police Department officers found themselves in a rather awkward situation at the Robotoki video game developer studio after an employee accidentally hit their security system's "armed threat" panic button. The office just happened to have a life-sized statue of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 character Simon "Ghost" Riley on display by the entrance, armed with a menacing-looking mock assault rifle. When police arrived on the scene and noticed the gun-wielding figure, they immediately stormed the building in a tense 15-minute standoff. After realizing the effigy was not a threat, the police reportedly left the building while laughing at the absurd incident.

Submitted by: Unknown (via Geekscape)

05 Jun 21:17


If that fails, just multiply every number by a thousand. 'The 2nd St speed limit should be set at 25,000 mph, which would likely have prevented 1,000 of the intersection's 3,000 serious accidents last month.'
05 Jun 21:02

Is This the Worst Song of All Time?


Holy crap I watched that whole damn thing.

This song is hard to describe, so you'll just have to listen to it yourself.

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: Music , goodbye , wtf , videos
05 Jun 20:57

The Adventures of Ben Franklin

05 Jun 20:53

Get Ready for E3 2013 With E3 Bingo

Get Ready for E3 2013 With E3 Bingo

Check out Cheezburger's Geek Week next week starting with E3 coverage June 10-13 and focusing on Geeky Fathers for Father's Day weekend.

E3 is full of hype, disappointment, nostalgia, new experiences and best of all, GAMES! Get ready to attack GIANT ENEMY ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE because we will be streaming and covering E3 live in the Video Games section!

Here's E3's press conference schedule and what to look forward to:

Thursday, June 6

Konami Pre-E3 Show 10AM PDT

  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
  • Pro Evolution Soccer
  • Snake's voice actor revealed

Monday, June 10

Microsoft 9AM PDT

  • More Xbox One
  • Exclusive game reveals, eight of which are new IPs
  • Forza 5
  • Quantum Break

Electronic Arts 1PM PDT

  • Battlefield 4
  • More on the Star Wars deal
  • BioWare games
  • EA Sports

Ubisoft 3PM PDT

  • Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
  • Watch_Dogs
  • Rayman Legends
  • Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Sony 6PM PDT

  • PlayStation 4 hardware reveal
  • Killzone 4: Shadow Fall
  • Destiny gameplay
  • Drive Club
  • Infamous: Second Son
  • Deep Down

Tuesday, June 11

Nintendo Direct 7AM PDT

  • Super Smash Bros.
  • Mario Kart
  • New 3D Mario
  • Bayonetta 2
  • Pokémon X & Y will be getting its own 90 minute panel later in the day.

Besides what is shown above, we can't wait for all of the surprises from E3 this year. GET HYPED!

Oh, almost forgot to mention Square Enix. They will be showing Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III at Sony's press conference... LOL J/K Please be excited!1!!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: E32013 , e3 , bingo games
05 Jun 20:50

Medical marijuana for pets.

by Hamilton Nolan

Medical marijuana for pets.



05 Jun 20:43

Princess Peach Stocking And Garter Cosplay

by Geek Girl Diva

princess peach

Princess Peach photographed by DTJAAAAM.

Send your cosplay pics to


05 Jun 19:55

Free Copy Of Saints Row IV With Purchase Of This $99 Dubstep Gun

by Mike Fahey

Dubstep Gun.

Free Copy Of Saints Row IV With Purchase Of This $99 Dubstep Gun

What an amazing deal! Not only do you get a 12-inch replica Dubstep Gun with lights and sounds for $99, you also get a Johnny Gat memorial statue, a Dubstep Doomsday Button and a copy of Saints Row IV for good measure. Neat!



05 Jun 19:53

‘Oh Look, Our Gaming Chair is Actually a 150k Dollar Antique!’

by Chris Person

Shared for the video at the end with Ice Cube talking architecture.

A Colorado couple found out that the chair that they’d been gaming on was a vintage Eames chair.



05 Jun 19:45

How to Talk to Your Child About Masturbation

by Hamilton Nolan

Via Copyranter, here is a 1970s PSA about what to say when you walk in on your mute, feather-haired tween, "Ricky," masturbating. I don't recommend watching it. [Buzzfeed]



05 Jun 18:37

Tim sings the song of our people.

05 Jun 18:36

Nikon really has their shit together.

05 Jun 18:33

Little guy knows how it's done!

05 Jun 18:23

People in New York Fooled Into Thinking Panhandling Statue Is Human

by Rich Juzwiak

In this video, devised by New Yorker Jeff Greenspan, what is clearly a statue arouses speculation and "hub bub bub bub" when a money-collecting bowl is placed in front of it.



05 Jun 18:21

Man with 'Micropenis' Visits Doctor, Discovers He's Actually a Woman

by Neetzan Zimmerman


Man with 'Micropenis' Visits Doctor, Discovers He's Actually a Woman

A 66-year-old man who thought he merely had an unusually tiny penis was shocked to find out from doctors that he was actually a woman.



05 Jun 18:15

There’s a Huge “Battlestar Galactica” LARP That Might Be Coming To The U.S. [Video]

by Nicole Wakelin

That sounds crazy fun.

Screen Shot 2013-06-04 at 5.55.21 PM

LARPing generally brings to mind people running around a forest in medieval garb pretending to be knights and wizards, but this one is entirely different. The Celestra LARP is based off of the sci-fi show Battlestar Galactica and instead of taking place in a forest, the setting was a retired
Cold War era destroyer.

The story for The Monitor Celestra LARP focuses on a ship called the Celestra which has been separated from the rest of the fleet. Everyone must work together to stay alive and figure out who is a Cylon and who is human. It looks incredibly intense, just like the show.

The LARP was created by a team of designers and writers who came up with 140 new characters for the story. It was then held in Sweden over three weekends at a cost of $160,000. The results were very different each time with one ending in a surrender to Cylon agents, a second resulting in ethnic cleansing, and a third ending with the ship exploding. After their success in Sweden, plans are underway to bring the LARP to US shores.

The project will tentatively “launch” in some form in 2014, but the team still hasn’t decided where to hold the game or how to fund it. Besides a small grant-funded stipend for Dolk, the original Monitor Celestra was paid for by participants; this time, the team has also considered attempting to get help from the show’s owners themselves. The game hasn’t been officially licensed, but Ericsson doesn’t think this will be a problem — especially because Moore and others are clearly already aware of it. “Anyone can cosplay as Starbuck, there’s no copyright issue there,” he says. “We’re really doing the same thing on a large scale.”

See the video after the break…

If you’re interested in being a part of Monitor Celestra, check out their blog where you can sign up for the newsletter and get regular updates as the project progresses.

(via The Verge)


05 Jun 18:06

Rock Star Wonder Woman Looks Awesome

by Amy Ratcliffe

rock star wonder woman

Who knew that Joan Jett could have been a stunning Wonder Woman? Artist Charles Holbert designed this rocking Amazon look and though I’d like to see it with more fabric, it’s a fabulous design. I love the cuffs over the gloves and red starry earrings.

(TMS via Neatorama)


05 Jun 18:06

The Cake is a Lie by joebot - $11

by (Layne Hunter)
Mens: Powder Blue Womens: Powder Blue

05 Jun 17:56

Isolated Vocal Track of David Bowie & Freddie Mercury Singing ‘Under Pressure’ (1981)

by Rusty Blazenhoff

The powerful and beautiful vocals of David Bowie and Freddie Mercury have been pulled out a-capella-style in their now-classic song from 1981, “Under Pressure.” The full track can be found on Queen’s Hot Space album which was first released in 1982. Open Culture has the full story.

Here’s the original version:

video 1 by MisteRhapsody, image via Illogical Contraption

via That Eric Alper, Open Culture, UPROXX

04 Jun 23:42


04 Jun 19:08

This Was a Big Mistake

This Was a Big Mistake

Submitted by: Unknown (via justsomeguy75)

Tagged: gifs , nope , battlefield
04 Jun 18:47

It's Completely Fine, He Has a Spidey Sense

It's Completely Fine, He Has a Spidey Sense

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: spider man , kids , funny
04 Jun 18:20

Full Frontal Bummer: Google Bans Porn for Google Glass

by Max Rivlin-Nadler

"Of course, like all technology, people will find a way to harness this power for pornography, whether Google likes it or not. The Internet is, and always will be, for porn."

Full Frontal Bummer: Google Bans Porn for Google Glass

Last week came news of the first-ever porn app for Google Glass. Today, the App, Tits & Glass, debuted, allowing users to record themselves having sex from their own perspective. And only hours after the App was released, Google shot it down.



04 Jun 18:19

Otherwise Boring Game of Thrones Features Shocking Coldplay Cameo

by Caity Weaver

Shared for this one line:
"Morrissey makes frequent cameos as the three eyed raven who haunts dreams."

Otherwise Boring Game of Thrones Features Shocking Coldplay Cameo

If you maintain a cordial to friendly relationship with any creepy nerds on the Internet, you know that many people are freaking out about an episode of Game of Thrones that aired on Sunday, in which many things happened. The most shocking thing that happened—the thing that people saw happen with their own two eyes and still cannot believe—is that Will Champion, the drummer from Coldplay, had a small cameo in the episode.



04 Jun 18:18

Miami Prostitutes Mistake New Jersey Mom for Rival Hooker, Beat Her Up

by Max Rivlin-Nadler

Miami Prostitutes Mistake New Jersey Mom for Rival Hooker, Beat Her Up

Anna Burgese was enjoying another humdrum stay in Miami at the five-star W Hotel when, out of nowhere, she was beaten by a gang of prostitutes who believed the New Jersey mother (in her traditional Jersey attire) was another, rival prostitute.



04 Jun 17:58

This $900,000 Kickstarter Aims To Build Sensory Suits For Gamers [Video]

by Nicole Wakelin

*Power Glove NOT included.


The most feedback a gamer gets right now is a vibrating controller, but the guys at ARAIG (As Real As It Gets) hope to change that with their new multi-sensory feedback suit. They’ve launched a kickstarter with a lofty $900,000 goal that will allow them to fully develop their product with the first units shipping in December of 2014.

The suit is made of hardware decoder, undersuit and exoskeleton layers that will provide feedback based on what’s happening to a player in-game. Whether you’ve been shot or blown through a wall the suit will let you feel what’s happening on the screen. It’s also got built in surround sound speakers to complete the experience.

See the kickstarter video after the break…

You can help fund the kickstarter now, with pledges of $325 and up putting you first in line to get one of these amazing suits.

(PC Gamer via Kotaku)


04 Jun 00:24

Dammit, Not Again...

Dammit, Not Again...

Submitted by: Unknown