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24 Apr 17:47

Brian Williams Channels Snoop Dogg With Amazing "Gin and Juice" Cover

by Taylor Berman

America's best rapping newsman is back: On last night's The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon debuted Brian Williams' pitch-perfect "cover" of Snoop Dogg's "Gin and Juice." It's even better than Williams' now classic rendition of "Rapper's Delight."


24 Apr 17:42

Heroic Ospreys Will Not Stop Building Nests on This Traffic Camera

by Tom Scocca

Heroic Ospreys Will Not Stop Building Nests on This Traffic Camera

The osprey, Pandion haliaetus, is a bird of character. The ancient poets knew this, and the Maryland Transportation Authority is discovering it the hard way. Last week, a pair of ospreys decided to build their nest on a platform overlooking the approach to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, where the MDTA keeps a traffic camera.


24 Apr 17:40

Taco Bell Spinoff Explicitly Branded With Death Symbols

by Hamilton Nolan

for the one, maybe two other people in this world who give a shit about taco bell.

Taco Bell Spinoff Explicitly Branded With Death Symbols

Despite decades of devotion to low-quality garbage food, today's Americans think they're "too good" for a "fast food" restaurant. You wouldn't be caught dead in a "Taco Bell?" How about this rebranded fancy Taco Bell, though?


24 Apr 13:24

News Station Airs In-Depth Coverage of Local Hero's Camel Toe

by Jay Hathaway

Great headline.

After six Houston teens broke into a house, using a basketball to break a window, local news station KPRC aired an interview with the heroic neighbor who saw them and called police. The witness wanted to remain anonymous, so the station pointed the camera away from her face—and now she's probably wishing they hadn't.


24 Apr 01:15

Are You An Intolerable Intellectual?


Pretty sure the answer for anyone who I share this with will be "yes". (I was only mildly intolerable... ergo this quiz must surely be inaccurate.)

Find out if people can stand you, or they Kant. You might find that your interests are too Nietzsche.


23 Apr 14:56

If Hodor From "Game Of Thrones" Had Instagram


Okay I had to add some levity into all this doom and gloom about income inequality. HODOR!

Translation: Hodor Hodor Hodor “Hodor Hodor Hodor” Hodor Hodor.

BuzzFeed / HBO

BuzzFeed / HBO

BuzzFeed / HBO

BuzzFeed / HBO

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17 Apr 21:26

This Drunk Guy Trying to Climb a Fence Is a Metaphor for Life

by Jay Hathaway

Besides the punchline, this is also worth watching because the fence climbing scene is basically what I looked like trying to climb Old Rag. Sam can attest. (It is also how I exit a swimming pool)

We've all been there: stuck in a futile, seemingly intractable situation and about to give up hope, when suddenly someone shows us we've been approaching the problem the wrong way. Or actually drunk and trying to climb an actual fence. Happens to everybody.


11 Apr 02:03

Goats Sing the Game of Thrones Opening Theme

by Jay Hathaway

Inspirational. I teared up (seriously).

In this world, nothing can be said to be certain except that winter is coming, the night is dark and full of terrors, all men must die, and here are some goats singing the theme song from Game of Thrones.


11 Apr 01:33

The Atlanta Braves, America's team, set America's flag on fire in their home opener yesterday.

by Max Read

Smooth move, Atlanta.

The Atlanta Braves, America's team, set America's flag on fire in their home opener yesterday.


10 Apr 22:26

Legislators Ban Young Impressionable Interns During Abortion Debate

by Adam Weinstein

Legislators Ban Young Impressionable Interns During Abortion Debate

During discussion of controversial issues on abortion and fetuses Wednesday, Republican leaders of Florida's Legislature sent all of the House's teenage pages out of the chamber, and they weren't allowed back in until debate opened on the next issue: guns.


10 Apr 15:19

Sriracha Factory Declared Public Nuisance

by Taylor Berman

Sriracha Factory Declared Public Nuisance

Bad news if you like shitty hot sauce: On Wednesday, the Irwindale City Council declared the factory that produces Sriracha a public nuisance. The factory now has 90 days to find a way to stop the odor, which residents say burns their eyes and throats, causing heartburn, nose bleeds, and inflamed asthma.


06 Apr 22:21

Roughly .02 Percent of Published Researchers Reject Global Warming

by Adam Weinstein

Roughly .02 Percent of Published Researchers Reject Global Warming

In 2013, there were 10,885 published, peer-reviewed articles that researched anthropogenic, or man-made, climate change. Only two argued that the phenomenon wasn't real, according to the geochemist who compiled them.



29 Mar 01:03

Nancy Grace Unable to Stop Talking About Porn

by Gabrielle Bluestone

I didn't read/watch this but just loved the headline. Been there Nancy!

Nancy Grace, a person who was in fact at one point a licensed attorney, has abandoned her murder-themed catchphrases for a more direct approach—repeating comments about porn on Good Morning America until her microphone stops working.



29 Mar 00:58

Florida Police Release Laziest Sketch Ever of Fugitive Serial Urinator

by Adam Weinstein

hahaha this looks exactly like a muppet.

Florida Police Release Laziest Sketch Ever of Fugitive Serial Urinator

Police in Gainesville have a new aid in the search for a man who's peeing on women near the University of Florida campus: a sketch of the perp that resembles a hoodie-wearing Cabbage Patch Doll, or a castoff Mr. Potato Head, or a racially fraught vaudevillian Muppet.



28 Mar 18:43

Two Reasons That Explain Why We're All Obsessed with Game of Thrones

by Charlie Jane Anders on io9, shared by Sarah Hedgecock to Gawker

for miller

Two Reasons That Explain Why We're All Obsessed with Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones comes back to television in just a few weeks, and already we're feeling the imperative: All Men (And Women) Must Freak Out. But why is Game of Thrones such a huge cultural phenomenon, among all other fantasy series? It comes down to two huge cultural trends, that are rooted in our widespread anxieties about life in the 21st century.



28 Mar 17:33

Ever Wonder What It's Like to Get Eaten by a Crocodile?

by Gabrielle Bluestone

Will somebody watch this and tell me if it's too scary?

A volunteer at an Everglades animal rescue center was just trying to get underwater footage of a croc called Big Boy when his camera became lunch.



28 Mar 17:23

The Year's First Must-See Horror Movie Is So Much More Than That

by Rich Juzwiak

Gotta remember to see this one.

The Year's First Must-See Horror Movie Is So Much More Than That

Jennifer Kent's Australian thriller The Babadook is of the big success stories from this year's Sundance Film Festival. The story seems standard enough: A boogieman character named the Babadook terrorizes a single mother, Amelia (Essie Davis) and her son Samuel (Noah Wiseman), who's so poorly behaved, he's a bit of a monster himself. But the film has surprising depth.



27 Mar 18:16

Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon was arrested on Wednesday and charged with theft and bribery.

by Taylor Berman

Didn't this guy watch American Hustle?? DO NOT accept a briefcase full of cash at a fancy hotel, buddy... it's an FBI sting operation!

Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon was arrested on Wednesday and charged with theft and bribery. Cannon, a Democrat, allegedly accepted more than $48,000 in bribes from undercover FBI agents between January 2013 and February 2014.



24 Mar 15:57

Contestant Wins Impossible Wheel of Fortune Puzzle With First Guess

by Gabrielle Bluestone

I suggest watching this on mute. The pat down from Pat Sajak, which i somehow thought was a euphemism for something, is not.

With only two letters on the board, Emil, a Wheel of Fortune contestant had what seemed like an unsolvable puzzle in front of him. But somehow he walked away with $45,000 and a pat down from Pat Sajak.



21 Mar 17:19

24 Reasons Yzma And Kronk Are The Best Disney Characters Ever


All so true. Plus one of my fav movie quotes of all time is the start of the list.

“Why do we even have that lever?”

First of all, they have the synchronized high-five down pat.

First of all, they have the synchronized high-five down pat.

Walt Disney Pictures / Via

They're not afraid of being honest with each other.

They're not afraid of being honest with each other.

Walt Disney Pictures / Via

Walt Disney Pictures

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21 Mar 15:36

Woman Dies After Attempting to Give Herself a Boob Job With Vaseline

by Jay Hathaway

Guess I'll have to move to boob job plan B.

Woman Dies After Attempting to Give Herself a Boob Job With Vaseline

A 39-year-old woman died of a pulmonary embolism after injecting herself with Vaseline in a home breast augmentation gone wrong.



19 Mar 14:19

Which "Community" Character Are You?


Vicki?!?!?!!? This is the worst moment of my life.

E Pluribus Anus.


18 Mar 22:06

Hidden Camera Catches Dog's Joyful Spree Once Owner Leaves House

Plus, the most perfect soundtrack ever.

He checks the scene out...

He checks the scene out...

Tests the waters, and then...

Tests the waters, and then...

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13 Mar 13:04

Kristian "Hodor" Nairn Comes Out in Game of Thrones Interview

by Jay Hathaway

Hodor always seemed a little gay... or as he would call it, "Hodor."

Kristian "Hodor" Nairn Comes Out in Game of Thrones Interview

Actor Kristian Nairn, who plays Bran Stark's hulking protector, Hodor, in Game of Thrones, has never made a secret of his sexuality. He's been looking for an opening to publicly announce he's gay, and now he's finally found one.



12 Mar 18:39

Dan Harmon and Mitch Hurwitz Are Cooking Up a Secret Project

by Jay Hathaway

Could spell good news for TV.

Dan Harmon and Mitch Hurwitz Are Cooking Up a Secret Project

The creators of two of TV's most beloved canceled-then-uncanceled comedies are collaborating on a secret project, and they don't want anyone else telling them what to do.



21 Feb 20:29

How Comcast-TWC Will End Your All-You-Can Internet Buffet

by Brian Barrett on Gizmodo, shared by Sarah Hedgecock to Gawker

this is depressing. Fingers crossed for Google Fiber!

How Comcast-TWC Will End Your All-You-Can Internet Buffet

There are broad, sweeping implications for the proposed merger of Comcast and Time Warner Cable. This is not one of them. This is a very specific, fine print change. But for TWC customers—and, eventually, the rest of us—it's going to be the single worst part of the deal. Welcome to broadband data caps! They're here to ruin everything.


21 Feb 15:16

Cleaning Lady Threw Away Expensive Modern Art She Mistook For Trash

by Gabrielle Bluestone

I love it when this happens

Cleaning Lady Threw Away Expensive Modern Art She Mistook For Trash

A cleaning woman at a Spanish gallery accidentally threw away thousands of dollars of art by New York modernist Paul Branca when she mistook his crumpled newspaper, cardboard, and cookie installation scattered across the floor for garden-variety trash.



21 Feb 15:04

[Rob Ford, celebrating the Canadian women's hockey team's overtime gold-medal win yesterday.]

by Max Read

[Rob Ford, celebrating the Canadian women's hockey team's overtime gold-medal win yesterday.]



20 Feb 17:38

16 Gripping Images from Kiev's Day of Fire and Blood

by Max Read

These are incredible - look just like Les Miserables. What the hell is going on in Ukraine?

16 Gripping Images from Kiev's Day of Fire and Blood

Kiev's Independence Square, the site of a bloody, fiery battle between riot police and anti-government protesters yesterday, is still smoldering.



19 Feb 15:30

[Prince Charles, dressed in traditional Saudi uniform, prepared to draw his sword during private vi

by Gabrielle Bluestone

I KNEW he was a secret Muslim!

[Prince Charles, dressed in traditional Saudi uniform, prepared to draw his sword during private visit to Saudi Arabia today. Image by Fayez Nureldine via AP.]