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01 Mar 22:20

The age of the brag is over: why Facebook might be losing teens

by Ellis Hamburger

I agree - "I’m leaving because a Forbes writer asked his son’s best friend Todd if Facebook was still cool and the friend said no, and plus none of HIS friends think so either, even Leila who used to love it, and this journalism made me reconsider the long-term viability of the company."

facebook stock

One week ago, Facebook Director of Product Blake Ross announced that he’d leave the company in a goodbye letter he posted on his profile page. Ross wrote:

"I’m leaving because a Forbes writer asked his son’s best friend Todd if Facebook was still cool and the friend said no, and plus none of HIS friends think so either, even Leila who used to love it, and this journalism made me reconsider the long-term viability of the company."

A few sentences later, Ross wrote, "In all seriousness, even after switching to part-time at Facebook, it’s just time for me to try new things," but the damage was done. Ross has since removed the letter, perhaps because he’d accidentally posted it publicly, or because his jesting intro wasn’t...

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01 Mar 19:04

When I heard about Ryan Kesler's broken foot.


28 Feb 16:32

Intricate Sculptures Carved from a Single Pencil

by twistedsifter

Those are awesome...but someone has way too much time on their hands.


Hungarian artist and deviantART user cerkahegyzo carves intricate miniature sculptures from a single lead pencil (with the exception of #5 & #15, not sure how he did those!). The artist says it’s a hobby and form of relaxation for him and that he carves them in his free time. During the day he works as a professional tool-maker in Hungary.

Cerkahegyzo says he started carving after coming across the highly detailed sculptures of artist Dalton Ghetti who also uses lead pencils as his preferred medium. Tools used include: needles, razor blades, sandpaper, files, polishing stones and all varieties of pencils (e.g., HB, B, 2B, 4B).

Below is a small collection of the artist’s unbelievable artwork. Be sure to check out his deviantART profile to see his entire portfolio.

[via minngirl, SoundGuyJake]



pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (3)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (15)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (9)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (4)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (5)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (2)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (8)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (1)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (13)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (12)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (14)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (7)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (11)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (10)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART




pencil_carving_by_cerkahegyzo (6)

Artwork by cerkahegyzo @ deviantART





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28 Feb 16:31

Conversations for Responsible Economic Development highlights risks of Trans Mountain pipeline expansion

by Jon Cranny

This is Liz's project.

Straight Talk » A group of B.C. business owners, academics, and residents have come together to raise questions about the proposed expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline. Conversations for Responsible Economic Development highlights risks of Trans Mountain pipeline expansion
28 Feb 16:23

Drink hackers push home carbonators to the limit

by Dante D'Orazio

It seems inevitable that if a product specifically advises against certain activities that some people are going to push the limit. That's exactly the case with home soda machines like the SodaStream, called carbonators, which are increasingly empowering inspired owners to try to mix their own concoctions — a warranty-voiding activity. As detailed in a New York Times article, some are graduating from adding prepackaged syrups and juices to their carbonated drinks to tossing natural flavor infusers like slices of fruit and mint leaves directly into the water before carbonating it. Some mixologists with professional gear are carbonating alcoholic drinks directly, foregoing the once-obligatory splash of club soda, and creating a...

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27 Feb 18:45

Samsung combines refrigerator and seltzer dispenser in industrial design master stroke

by Jeff Blagdon

@dani - we need a new fridge!

27 Feb 18:41

Terminal City Rollergirls 2013 Season: 5 Reasons to Love Roller Derby

by Guest Author

@Bri and Dani. Check out the bottom picture with Kate!

© 2004-2013 Rebecca Bollwitt - Miss604.

The Terminal City Rollergirls recently released their 2013 season schedule for their flat-track roller derby bouts at Kerrisdale and Minoru arenas. Almost everyone I know either wants to attend a bout or get into roller derby, is completely addicted to it or thinks it’s the coolest thing ever. For this reason, I followed up with the Terminal City Rollergirls to see if they could contribute a piece for my site explaining the allure of their sport. They kindly obliged and the following has been compiled and contributed by Erin “Miss E. Masculator” Morrisette:

Photo credit: Bob Ayers on Flickr

5 Reasons to Love Roller Derby

You’ve seen the posters on the Drive. You’ve overheard discussions on the Skytrain. You’ve even seen the skaters fly by on the seawall…and you still haven’t been to a roller derby bout? Don’t worry; there has never been a better time than now to check out the Terminal City Rollergirls, Vancouver’s first female roller derby league. Need convincing? Here are five reasons why we’re sure you will love roller derby:

1) The sport: Fast-paced and hard hitting, flat-track roller derby is the fastest growing women’s sport in the world. Since the first modern day women’s leagues formed in Texas and Arizona in 2002, there are now about 1400 active teams worldwide, including over 100 in Canada. And it’s no wonder. You won’t find balls, stunts or alligator pits; modern roller derby is not fake or pre-determined. With four blockers from each team trying to stop the opposition’s point-scoring jammer while also helping their own jammer score, roller derby is a highly strategic game where offense and defence happen at the same time. Teamwork is essential, but huge hits and breakneck speed play their part, too. Sit in the front row and you just might find yourself a part of the action – at your own risk, of course.

Photo credit: Bob Ayers on Flickr

2) The event: The Terminal City Rollergirls host big, lively events that look and sound great. Of course, the 2000 or so fans are treated to an action-packed sports event, but their appetites are also pleased with offerings from the beer garden and food trucks on site. During breaks in the action, DJ Shawn LaRock spins booty-bumping tunes, and there is half-time entertainment by the likes of the Vancouver Dodgeball League, EastVan Pillowfight League, Vancouver Bike Polo and more. After the bouts, little fans can collect autographs from their favorite players, and grown-up fans can buy their favorites a victory beer at the after-parties. Et tu, Canucks?

3) The crowd: Diverse and hilarious, people-watching at a roller derby bout is almost as fun as watching the sport itself. From families with bouncing kids to raucous bachelorette parties, roller derby events draw a wide range of people. The tattooed and mohawked sit next to hardcore sports fans and diminutive grandmas – everyone’s a roller derby fan once the whistle blows.

4) The players: Terminal City Rollergirls are hyper-competitive, strong and colourful women from all different backgrounds. Everyone has heard the old story of the shy-librarian-by-day-fierce-derby-girl-by-night – and the TCRG does have a couple of those – but the players represent so much more. From bank managers to architects, video game designers to elementary school teachers, these women take their sport very seriously and train hard to be the best players they can be. Their incredible athleticism and big personalities will make it difficult to pick a favourite player, but you’ll try.

Photo credit: Bob Ayers on Flickr

5) The league: TCRG is a member-run league that has been around since 2006. They have four house teams (the Bad Reputations, Faster Pussycats, Public Frenemy and the Riot Girls) with rabid local fan followings, and the TCRG All-Stars rep team that plays internationally. The All-Stars made history last year, making the biggest rankings jump in the history of WFTDA (the NHL of roller derby). The league has a reputation to uphold and a lot of fantastic neighbouring leagues to challenge. They’ll be holding one bout per month from April through September, so Vancouver fans will have ample opportunity to catch the rollergirls in action. More information on the upcoming season can be found on their website at

Follow the Terminal City Rollergirls on Twitter and Facebook for more league and event information.

© 2004-2012 Rebecca Bollwitt - If you are not reading this via official Miss604 channels, this content is being reproduced without permission.

The post Terminal City Rollergirls 2013 Season: 5 Reasons to Love Roller Derby appeared first on Vancouver Blog Miss604.

27 Feb 17:58

The ghostly photographs of President Truman's White House renovation

by Amar Toor
white house renovation

In the late 1940s, then-President Harry S. Truman called for a massive renovation of the White House, which, at 150-years-old, was in dire need of an upgrade. The result was a comprehensive overhaul, as workers completely gutted the interior, leaving only the mansion's exterior intact. National Journal has compiled some of the most stunning photographs from the project, providing a rare glimpse at one of America's most iconic buildings in a state of ghostly upheaval. For more images and background information, visit the Truman Library website.

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27 Feb 01:30

Alice Finch's Lego Hogwarts School will cast a bedazzling hex on you

by T.C. Sottek
Lego Hogwarts

You've probably seen plenty of impressive Lego projects surface over the years, but we're really blown away by this massive, intricate recreation of Harry Potter's Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As reported by The Brothers Brick, Alice Finch's Lego Hogwarts debuted last year at BrickCon, but it's just been unveiled online in a breathtaking 75-photo gallery, complete with scene recreations from the Harry Potter series. As you can see in the photo above, the scale of the project is massive; Finch says she spent 12 months over an 18 month period to build the structure, using about 400,000 bricks in all. "I do not know how much it costs and I don't really want to know," Finch says. "I have ordered most of the tan [bricks] by the...

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25 Feb 12:04

A Lamp Made of Chocolate: La Lumiére au Chocolat by Alexander Lervik

by Katie Treggiden

A Lamp Made of Chocolate: La Lumiére au Chocolat by Alexander Lervik in home furnishings Category

During Stockholm Design Week, I was lucky enough to meet Alexander Lervik at the unveiling of his “chocolate lamp” at the Lightworks exhibition sponsored by Belid, at Galleri Kleerup Jacobs. He began the design process by exploring the possibility of creating a contrast to light, i.e., darkness – he wanted to create a light that didn’t give out any light at all.

A Lamp Made of Chocolate: La Lumiére au Chocolat by Alexander Lervik in home furnishings Category

La lumiére au chocolat is in fact completely dark when you first turn it on.

A Lamp Made of Chocolate: La Lumiére au Chocolat by Alexander Lervik in home furnishings Category

It’s only when the heat from the lamp starts to melt the chocolate that the light starts to shine through. Alexander says: “It takes several minutes for the first rays of light to penetrate, mimicking light spreading along the horizon at sunrise.”

The shape of the lamp has been devised based on extensive testing involving the melting process. “The lamp was initially cube-shaped, but once we determined how chocolate melts, we modified the shape to resemble a cut-off pyramid,” says Alexander.

A Lamp Made of Chocolate: La Lumiére au Chocolat by Alexander Lervik in home furnishings Category

Holes soon form and the light increases as the chocolate melts.

A Lamp Made of Chocolate: La Lumiére au Chocolat by Alexander Lervik in home furnishings Category

Alexander has found a manufacturer and is now looking for a chocolate supplier to partner with.

A Lamp Made of Chocolate: La Lumiére au Chocolat by Alexander Lervik in home furnishings Category

After roughly 15 minutes the chocolate has melted down and then solidifies into chunks, ready to be eaten. I asked Alexander what he liked best about working with chocolate as a design material: “I am addicted to chocolate, so the best thing about chocolate as a material is of course that I can eat it after it has been the lampshade!” came the reply.

A Lamp Made of Chocolate: La Lumiére au Chocolat by Alexander Lervik in home furnishings Category

“I find it poetic, with complete darkness at first and then a tiny ray of light penetrates the dark chocolate.” says Alexander.


With thanks to the Swedish Institute and the Embassy of Sweden in London for inviting me on the Stockholm Design Week press trip.

Share This: Twitter | Facebook | Discover more great design by following Design Milk on Twitter and Facebook. © 2013 Design Milk | Posted by Katie in Home Furnishings | Permalink | No comments

22 Feb 10:46

PixelPads: Notepads That Resemble Your iPads and iPhones

by Caroline Williamson

PixelPads: Notepads That Resemble Your iPads and iPhones in technology style fashion Category

I’m a notepad hoarder. I love taking notes and sketching on actual paper so these PixelPads are right up my alley. I also love anything related to technology. Granted these were invented for UX designers and app developers because these iPhone- and iPad-sized notepads are identical to the real thing and make working on their ideas super easy, but they work for a desktop notepad as well.

PixelPads: Notepads That Resemble Your iPads and iPhones in technology style fashion Category
iPhone 5 PixelPad

The front of each piece of paper comes with a pixel grid, which will either help with your pixel-based interfaces and ideas or will help keep your note taking nice and neat. The back of the paper is in a storyboard format with space to work on icon ideas as well.

PixelPads: Notepads That Resemble Your iPads and iPhones in technology style fashion Category
iPhone 5 PixelPad – the black hashtags indicate the size of the iPhone 4s screen

The iPhone 5 PixelPad comes with a 20-pixel grid while the iPad PixelPad comes with a 10-pixel grid.

PixelPads: Notepads That Resemble Your iPads and iPhones in technology style fashion Category
iPhone 5 PixelPad

PixelPads: Notepads That Resemble Your iPads and iPhones in technology style fashion Category
iPad PixelPad

PixelPads: Notepads That Resemble Your iPads and iPhones in technology style fashion Category
iPad PixelPad

PixelPads: Notepads That Resemble Your iPads and iPhones in technology style fashion Category
iPad PixelPad

PixelPads: Notepads That Resemble Your iPads and iPhones in technology style fashion Category
iPad PixelPad

Share This: Twitter | Facebook | Discover more great design by following Design Milk on Twitter and Facebook. © 2013 Design Milk | Posted by Caroline in Style + Fashion, Technology | Permalink | No comments

22 Feb 10:45

"Find. Eat. Drink." Offers Recommendations Around the World from Food Professionals

by Melanie Pinola
Click here to read "Find. Eat. Drink." Offers Recommendations Around the World from Food Professionals Find. Eat. Drink. (or F.E.D.) is a website and iOS app that highlights the best restaurants, drinking holes, and food shops around the world, according to professionals in the industry (chefs, bartenders, sommeliers, and food purveyors). It's a handy guide food lovers, whether you're traveling or looking for good eats in your neighborhood. More »

22 Feb 10:43

(623): Have you ever realized how...

(623): Have you ever realized how cool bread is? Like so many things taste good on it. Like its crazy to think that peanut butter and turkey can both taste good on the same thing.
21 Feb 17:46

Retinal implant restores vision for eight blind people

by Aaron Souppouris

Last week we heard about the Argus II, a device that can restore partial sight to some blind people, and this week a new retinal prosthesis is promising to go one step further. While the Argus II relies on glasses, an externally-mounted video camera, and a separate processing box, the Alpha IMS system detects light coming into the eye via electrodes implanted underneath the patient's retina, before feeding it into a microchip that sends the signals to the brain. The brain then processes the data as it would organic signals from a healthy eye, and the patient sees a black and white image. There's also a dial fitted behind the ear for adjusting brightness, and the whole system is powered wirelessly by a pocket battery.

Developed by...

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21 Feb 09:13

3D Pen Lets You Doodle Right off the Page and Into the Air

by Jaime Derringer

3D Pen Lets You Doodle Right off the Page and Into the Air in technology art Category

Although at first glance, this pen isn’t much to look at, once you see it write, you won’t believe your eyes. As an avid doodler, I can attest that this is a game-changer. Created by the co-founders of WobbleWorks, with over 20 years collective experience developing gadgets and toys, the 3Doodler (as it’s called) is a pen that literally writes in the air.

3D Pen Lets You Doodle Right off the Page and Into the Air in technology art Category

The 3Doodler uses ABS or PLA plastic as its “ink” – just like any of the more expensive 3D printers on the market and makes your drawings come alive in a dimension you never thought was possible.

3D Pen Lets You Doodle Right off the Page and Into the Air in technology art Category

Take a look at some of the cool stuff you can “draw”:

3D Pen Lets You Doodle Right off the Page and Into the Air in technology art Category

3D Pen Lets You Doodle Right off the Page and Into the Air in technology art Category

3D Pen Lets You Doodle Right off the Page and Into the Air in technology art Category

3D Pen Lets You Doodle Right off the Page and Into the Air in technology art Category

3D Pen Lets You Doodle Right off the Page and Into the Air in technology art Category

You have GOT to watch this video because you really just don’t get how cool this pen is until you see it in action:

You can support it on Kickstarter, but it’s already blown away its goal!

Share This: Twitter | Facebook | Discover more great design by following Design Milk on Twitter and Facebook. © 2013 Design Milk | Posted by Jaime Derringer in Art, Technology | Permalink | 4 comments

20 Feb 22:47

Jonathan Coulton and others pick songs to replace copyrighted 'Happy Birthday to You'

by Adi Robertson

WTF - Happy Birthday is copyrighted...


A panel of judges including musician Jonathan Coulton and intellectual property reform advocate Lawrence Lessig have picked the winners in a contest to replace copyrighted song "Happy Birthday to You." Despite having existed for at least a century and being almost universally recognized in the English-speaking world, "Happy Birthday to You" isn't in the public domain, and recording or publicly performing it requires a license from ASCAP. It's one of the most controversial pieces of copyrighted material, and ASCAP has gotten bad press for allegedly going after Girl Scouts who sung the song and stretching the budgets of documentary filmmakers who have to pay to show personal celebrations. But will we actually want to sing the new picks?


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20 Feb 17:35

StadiumVision turns every smartphone at Brooklyn Nets games into a live video scoreboard

by David Pierce

no longer have to worry about missing big moments while waiting in line for a drink, standing in the interminable bathroom queue

Barclay's Center Watch app

As of last night, Brooklyn Nets fans seeing a game at the new Barclays Center no longer have to worry about missing big moments while waiting in line for a drink, standing in the interminable bathroom queue, or just chatting with nearby fans. They'll just have to open up the Barclays Center app on their iOS or Android device, where thanks to Cisco's new StadiumVision Mobile technology, for the first time anywhere they'll have instant access to live game footage from a handful of different angles, plus replays and stats from the game. And if they want to order nachos while waiting in the beer line, they can do that too.

The Barclays Center is possibly the most technologically advanced stadium in sports, with 8,000 feet of LED signage,...

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18 Feb 21:08

Hacked Burger King account embarrasses brand-friendly Twitter

by Adi Robertson

Burger King's Twitter account has been suspended after hackers took it over, announced Burger King had been sold to McDonalds, and performed "shout-outs" to various users while claiming employees had been caught sniffing Percocet in restaurant bathrooms. Now gone, the account displayed "McDonalds" next to the blue "Verified" symbol for about an hour, prompting reports from ABC, The Atlantic, and many others. It's a black eye for Burger King — albeit one that reportedly garnered about 30,000 new followers — but a bigger blow to Twitter, which has spent the past years positioning itself as a prime location for businesses and celebrities, a kind of online business card.

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18 Feb 20:02

When it's sunny on a Friday.

What I should be doing:


What I want to do:


And then:


17 Feb 21:15

Netflix used subscriber data to make 'House of Cards' a hit

by Carl Franzen

Sharing for the interesting info that, "Netflix closely tracks subscriber viewing habits across all programs, monitoring how many times viewers replay sex scenes, for example"

House of Cards - Netflix - Spacey

Netflix recently said its original drama "House of Cards" is the streaming video service's most watched program "right now," but it didn't get that way by accident, as a new profile of the company by Salon's Andrew Leonard reveals. Netflix closely tracks subscriber viewing habits across all programs, monitoring how many times viewers replay sex scenes, for example. The company's tracking showed that viewers who enjoyed the original BBC series "House of Cards," also tended to like movies featuring Kevin Spacey, the lead character of the Netflix US remake. Such tracking could guide the development of TV shows going forward, not necessarily for the better, as Leonard argues.

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17 Feb 20:11

Nintendo developing new 'Zelda,' 'Mario,' and 'Mario Kart' games for Wii U

by Andrew Webster
Wind Waker concept art

Today Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealed that the company is working on bringing some of its biggest franchises to the Wii U — unfortunately we have few details on what any of these games will be like. A new 3D entry in the Super Mario series was announced alongside a new Mario Kart, but Nintendo only confirmed their existence; actual details will have to wait until E3 in June, where both games will be playable. Meanwhile, there are also two Legend of Zelda games in the works. Wii U owners can expect to see an enhanced port of the GameCube classic Wind Waker in the fall, which will bundle updated HD visuals with GamePad support.

There's also a brand new entry in the series in development — though all we know about this...

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17 Feb 20:09

Parkour leaps into the spotlight with Vancouver competition

by Stephen Thomson

This would be awesome!

A group of gravity-defying athletes will run, climb, and leap their way across an indoor obstacle course during an upcoming Parkour competition in Vancouver.
12 Feb 22:33

Google's jets may get their own $82 million complex at San Jose International Airport

by Bryan Bishop

You know you have too much money when....

Google San Jose airport proposal,

The Mineta San Jose International Airport in California may be getting a new 29-acre, $82 million facility — that would exist in large part to store and service Google's private jets. In a statement today, the airport announced that it will be recommending that Signature Flight Support, a company that manages corporate aircraft, be granted a 50-year lease on land on the west side of the airport. Signature would then in turn build the new facility in a partnership with Blue City Holdings, San Jose, LLC — a corporation that represents the personal airplanes of Google's executives. The project, which would be built to Gold LEED standards, and would include hangars, an executive terminal, service facilities, and a ramp space that would...

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12 Feb 22:10

#InTheVillage on False Creek Part 57: Vancouver is not awesome because the Olympics were here…

by Bob Kronbauer
The Village on False Creek Welcome to In The Village on False Creek, a unique project inspired by Live@YVR and 365 Days of Dining. I’ve moved my family into this community with my mission being to showcase the myriad of things that make it awesome by bringing you a weekly scoop!

Vancouver’s former Olympic Village, now known as The Village on False Creek, is arguably the most awesome Olympic legacy in the city. Today being the third anniversary of the Games opening, I wanted to share this message that I shared after the Games wrapped up. It’s entirely true, but what’s also true is that they left us just a little bit more awesome.

Learn more about The Village at and stay tuned each week as I expose the unique qualities of our new community.

08 Feb 21:53

iPad app replaces physical Bible in New Jersey swear-in ceremony

by Dan Seifert

What happens when you can't find the City Hall's Bible and you need to promote some firefighters to Battalion Chief and Fire Captain? If you're the Atlantic City Fire Department of Atlantic City, New Jersey, you grab an iPad and load up your favorite Bible app to complete the swearing in ceremony. Eight officers put their hands on the glass and metal device allowing the ceremony to be completed without much issue. We can't say for certainty that this is the first time that this has happened, but we'd also be shocked if we didn't see this happen more often in the future as digital media quickly replaces physical books.

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01 Feb 22:21

Vancouver: Most Walkable City in Canada

by Rebecca Bollwitt
© 2004-2013 Rebecca Bollwitt - Miss604.

Vancouver has earned many distinctions and topped many lists, from having some of the best city beaches, being the most congested or most expensive to the most livable, and now it’s Canada’s Most Walkable.

Most Walkable City Vancouver
Vancouver walkability heat map.

The popular website/service Walk Score ranked Canada’s cities and the list included:

  • 1. Vancouver (Walk Score = 78)
  • 2. Toronto (Walk Score = 71)
  • 3. Montreal (Walk Score = 70)
  • 4. Mississauga (Walk Score = 59)
  • 5. Ottawa (Walk Score = 54)
  • 6. Winnipeg (Walk Score = 53)
  • 7. Edmonton (Walk Score = 51)
  • 8. Hamilton (Walk Score = 51)
  • 9. Brampton (Walk Score = 48)
  • 10. Calgary (Walk Score = 48)

The “Walk Score Algorithm” measures the walkability of individual addresses based on proximity to nearby amenities along with city boundaries, neighbourhood boundaries, and population data.

Photo credit: TheVancouverGuy on Flickr

The study rated the walkability of more than 300 Canadian cities and 1,200 neighbourhoods. Given the number of points Vancouver racked up, it also outranks Seattle (where Walk Score is based) by 4 points. Victoria actually scored the same as Vancouver but its population is too small to make the ranking.

Walk Score is a helpful tool for planning how you’ll be able to get around a city in which you’re vacationing or looking for a new home. They also have Bike Score and Transit Scores that you can look up for various cities.

© 2004-2012 Rebecca Bollwitt - If you are not reading this via official Miss604 channels, this content is being reproduced without permission.
23 Jan 22:24

SeatGuru Now Offers Flight Searches, Tells You If You'll Love a Flight or Not

by Melanie Pinola
Click here to read SeatGuru Now Offers Flight Searches, Tells You If You'll Love a Flight or Not SeatGuru has long been a great resource for pinpointing the best seats on an airplane. The site has recently introduced a flight search tool, so you can plan your trip and take a look a the plane seat maps all in one place. More »

22 Jan 22:19

The Bunkie Sleeping Cabin: Architecture Meets Industrial Design

by Jaime Derringer

The Bunkie Sleeping Cabin: Architecture Meets Industrial Design in architecture Category

Where Evan Bare of 608 Design lives in Ontario, Canada, some people call small sleeping cottages Bunkies. Thus, when Evan teamed up with architectural design firm BLDG Workshop to create a small scale architectural cabin, they settled on the name Bunkie. Kinda cute, right?

The Bunkie Sleeping Cabin: Architecture Meets Industrial Design in architecture Category

The Bunkie, still in concept phase, is a bit different from traditional architecture and other small cabins in that it’s not based on traditional stick frame building methodology. Essentially, it’s a large product. Using identical techniques to those used in the manufacture of high production plywood furniture, they will use a CNC router to cut highly accurate parts which fit together like a puzzle – thus creating the Bunkie frame. The frame is then clad in plywood and barn board. Everything can be built in a factory and shipped onsite for final assembly.

The Bunkie Sleeping Cabin: Architecture Meets Industrial Design in architecture Category

Inside, the Bunkie maximizes space by creating one multifuntional room that serves as sleep and living.

The Bunkie Sleeping Cabin: Architecture Meets Industrial Design in architecture Category

Two queen-sized murphy beds are built into one main wall and a small dining table and chairs are visually integrated into the main feature wall, but can be detached for use when needed.

The Bunkie Sleeping Cabin: Architecture Meets Industrial Design in architecture Category

When everything is folded back into the walls, the space can be used for meditation, yoga, or other activities.

They are currently seeking investors and like minded suppliers for the Bunkie project. We hope to see them at a trade show in the coming year.

Share This: Twitter | Facebook | Discover more great design by following Design Milk on Twitter and Facebook. © 2013 Design Milk | Posted by Jaime Derringer in Architecture | Permalink | 3 comments

21 Jan 19:13

When I went to the Origins Parkour Facility.


I didn't realize parkour was something you needed an indoor facility for...





21 Jan 19:10

Avoid Paper Coffee Cup Leaks by Making Sure the Hole in the Lid Isn't Lined Up with the Cup Seam

by David Galloway

Who knew?

Click here to read Avoid Paper Coffee Cup Leaks by Making Sure the Hole in the Lid Isn't Lined Up with the Cup Seam Reddit user frankzapra shares that hot liquids can sometimes leak from your paper coffee cup when the drinking hole in the lid is lined up with the cup seam. To avoid this, just twist the lid a few degrees so that any drops of liquid that get in the seam won't break escape your cup. More »