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16 Jun 16:15

Why Captain America Is Perfect

by Zeon Santos
Ivy Esquero

never thought of it that way, but neat

To say that Captain America is an idealized version of a normal human being is an understatement- he is human perfection incarnate, his mind and body working as one well oiled machine, created to take down the evil Nazi empire, and that nefarious bonehead the Red Skull.

But have you ever had the nature of his perfection spelled out for you?

Leave it to Dorkly to do an amazingly succinct job of spelling out how Captain America is quite possibly "the most perfectly conceived character in the entire Marvel Universe", read these six little illustrated panels and you’ll probably come away unable to think of that star spangled superhero the same way ever again!

-Via Dorkly

15 Jun 02:35

FDA Abruptly Reverses Stance on Wooden Aging Boards for Cheese

by C.A. Pinkham on kitchenette, shared by Mark Shrayber to Jezebel
Ivy Esquero

b/c they realized it was dumb

FDA Abruptly Reverses Stance on Wooden Aging Boards for Cheese

Just days after the Food and Drug Administration announced a ban on wooden boards for ageing cheese, they've completely reversed their stance.


13 Jun 08:25

Free marketing: Taxi driver protests in Europe actually increased Uber app downloads

by Taylor Soper
Maybe protesting wasn’t such a great idea for taxi drivers in Europe. More than 30,000 taxi drivers caused quite the commotion — and quite a bit of traffic — after they stopped offering service on Wednesday to voice their displeasure with Uber and current taxi regulations in cities like London, Madrid and Paris. The move may have backfired, though, and actually turned into free marketing for Uber — lots of it. App tracking platform AppFigures crunched some App Store numbers for Uber’s iOS app, and found that all the attention resulted in a big download spike. This graph shows how the Uber... Read More on GeekWire
12 Jun 19:11

Alton Brown Built the Outdoor Deep-Fry Rig of Your Dreams

by Clint Rainey
Ivy Esquero

noted for the time (if it ever comes) when we have a yard...

Deep-fat-frying can turn into deep, burn-the-house-down trouble, which is why Alton Brown has created this hulking DIY apparatus to "safely control the immersion and retrieval of your fried edible." If, like he does here, you have an eight-step fiberglass ladder, swivel pulleys, sash cord, optional emergency beacon, the space for it, and manual dexterity, you're mere minutes away from frying large animals injury-free in your own DIY "fry derrick."

Read more posts by Clint Rainey

Filed Under: video feed, alton brown, deep fry, fry derrick

12 Jun 14:59

7 Reasons You Should Be Troubled by the FDA’s Cheese-Aging Regulations

by Clint Rainey

Complications for Comte?

It's been a weird few days for people who love good cheese, particularly wheels of American farmstead cheese aged on wooden boards: Last week, it seemed as if the FDA had moved to ban aging cheese on wood, a practice almost as old as coagulated dairy itself and the production aspect that turns Comté into, well, Comté. New York's Department of Agriculture got curious as to why the agency had all of a sudden cited several producers for doing something New York and practically every other state permit, so the FDA replied it was simply enforcing long-standing policy, not doing anything new: Wood, being porous, "cannot be adequately cleaned and sanitized," which sounds bad, and besides, Listeria outbreaks have plagued the cheese industry as recently as March.

If you're more of a Kraft Singles person, carry on; this affects you none whatsoever. But to the rest: The American Cheese Society, which represents artisans and bigger producers alike, is looking to keep affinaging the way it wants to, and the FDA, while it released more detailed information about its position yesterday, is still unsure about the practice. It reiterated that its policy isn't anything new, but again pointed out the subject of food-safe surfaces, the agency has "expressed concern about whether wood meets this requirement and has noted these concerns in inspectional findings." Now, it says, it will "engage with the artisanal cheese-making community to determine whether certain types of cheeses can safely be made by aging them on wooden shelving."

While the agency's position on aging cheese on wooden boards seems to be more clear, it's uncertain whether this will become an eventual focus of industrywide enforcement, or if, as one writer suggested, this particular dairy crisis originated with a letter written with regards to a specific case and everyone's just overreacting.

In any event, cheesemakers have now gotten 9000 percent more vocal on the subject, and many are now turning their attention to American farmstead cheeses and their foreign counterparts, which is kind of cool. If the rules were eventually enforced, here are seven reasons why it would be a huge deal.

1. The rule-tightening could apply to imported cheeses. Bid adieu to "the great majority" of foreign fromage, says Cornell's Rob Ralyea. Rob Kaufelt, owner of Murray's Cheese, tells Grub, "Comté, Beaufort, and others like that would effectively disappear."

2. Small businesses would suffer. Artisans can't compete with factories, and wood aging is their competitive advantage. It "allows them to survive as small players in an agribusiness world," writes cheese pro Gordon Edgar. Moreover, adds Anne Saxelby, owner of Saxelby Cheese, the financial burden of converting someplace like Jasper Hill Farm that "has tons and tons of Cabot cheddar aging on shelves" would be "brutal."

3. Any actual ban would probably be illegal. The citation the FDA uses to defend its attack on wood — Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, 110.40(a) — has nary a mention of wood at all, and though it argues what's going on isn't "a ban," legal experts caution the inadvisability of a move by the FDA that shows disregard for "notice-and-comment rule-making." At Forbes, Greg McNeal invokes an Oliver Wendell Holmes line: "Those regulated by an administrative agency are entitled to 'know the rules by which the game will be played.'"

4. There's not much science backing the FDA up. This fight revolves around its contention that wood grows bad bacteria like Listeria, but critics — who have centuries of tradition on their side — counter that good bacteria, like what live in yogurt, are the point of wood aging. They're ready with studies showing the process is neutral at worst, beneficial at best. Says Saxelby: "There's more listeriosis from pasteurized cheese and deli meat than from wood-aged cheese."

5. Cheese aged on anything else tastes weird, comparatively speaking. "The thing about wood," Saxelby explains, "is it breathes. If you put something on a plastic or metal shelf versus a wood shelf, the stuff that sits on the plastic or metal shelf isn't going to be able to breath and isn't going to ripen properly."

6. The move would favor Big Cheese, where wood-aging is impracticable. "I'm not given to speculation about these kinds of theories, mind you, but some are saying it's maybe because the large producers have been losing market share against what we call 'the good stuff' these days," Kaufelt says, before clarifying: "Though I suspect it's more bureaucratic."

7. Finally, cheesemakers aren't dairy's Appalachian moonshiners. "We use strict testing and sanitary procedures," Kaufelt says. "It's been that way since the beginning, since we first worked with [the Department of Agriculture]. They're strict, and have to be." However, safe food, adds Saxelby, doesn't come "at the stake of the tried-and-true techniques we've used forever."

Read more posts by Clint Rainey

Filed Under: food safety, anne saxelby, cheese, fda, food and drug administration, murray's cheese, rob kaufelt, saxelby's cheese

11 Jun 21:21

Can a search engine predict the World Cup? Microsoft Bing is giving it a try

by Todd Bishop
Ivy Esquero

This is cool - I did the beta for the NFL and it was pretty accurate!

Microsoft’s Bing search engine, after using data to successfully forecast the results of American Idol, Dancing with the Stars and The Voice, will now test its predictive abilities on a contest with an even more passionate fan base: The World Cup. Yes, the company is expanding its “Bing Predicts” initiative to the beautiful game, and hoping for a similar result. Microsoft launched the World Cup predictions effort this morning, letting users type in “World Cup Predictions” or “Group A Predictions,” for example, to bring up the forecast generated by its algorithm. The effort is different from predicting the outcome of television shows determined by popular vote. In this... Read More on GeekWire
11 Jun 18:27

Alibaba takes on Amazon, eBay by launching a collection of online boutiques

by Tricia Duryee
Ivy Esquero

interesting - I just requested an invite to see what they have.

Alibaba has launched a direct attack on eBay and Amazon, unveiling an e-commerce site in the U.S. today that is focused on selling products from a wide variety of categories, including home, fashion, jewelry and crafts. The Chinese-based company, which has offices in San Mateo, Calif., says the site was inspired by the America’s “Main Street” shopping experience. The site will focus on stocking products from smaller suppliers, giving it the feel of a collection of small boutiques rather than an online warehouse. The site, at, is still invitation-only mode, as Alibaba attracts more merchants. Since Alibaba’s scale and scope in China is so... Read More on GeekWire
10 Jun 16:30

iOS 8 thwarts key form of smartphone tracking, in potential boost for iBeacons

by Blair Hanley Frank
Ivy Esquero

interesting - good move Apple!

iOS 8
One of the new features in iOS 8 that Apple didn’t mention publicly last week is designed to stop companies from following iPhone users as they walk around in public. Frederic Jacobs, a software engineer at Open Whisper Systems, tweeted a slide from one of Apple’s sessions at WWDC last week that outlined how the company plans to foil tracking systems by using a random network identifier. The new feature thwarts tracking systems that follow a phone’s Media Access Control (MAC) address – the unique identifier a device uses when it connects to a network – as it looks for available... Read More on GeekWire
10 Jun 10:55

Coca Cola Imagines ’2nd Lives’ for Coke Bottles

by Promila Shastri
Ivy Esquero

Did someone share this already? I want this to come to the US!

coca-cola-2nd-life-designboom01When life gives you lemons….

With ongoing bad news related to sugary drinks, and its undeniable complicity in the proliferation of plastic waste, the Coca Cola company may be forgiven for feeling a bit persecuted of late. But, give them credit for trying to generate some good eco-centric press for themselves.

Coke’s latest ‘green’ initiative, the 2nd Lives campaign, comes in the form of a suite of 16 bottle caps being marketed to consumers in Vietnam, each designed to screw onto a used soda bottle, turning it into something useful, even playful—like a squirt gun, pencil sharpener, or bubble maker.

Whether or not the plastic caps themselves will present an environmental hazard is anyone’s guess at the moment, but, for now, we’ll acknowledge that the marketing team at Coca Cola knows something about turning, uh, lemons into lemonade.


Images: Design Boom

09 Jun 19:59

How to Make Chewbacca Donuts

by John Farrier
Ivy Esquero


It's not wise to eat a Wookiee. But I'll make an exception for Jenn's Chewbacca Donuts. She made them for today, which is National Donut Day. She used pre-made maple bar donuts, which are rectangular donuts with a maple glaze. Jenn added black and white piping for the face and chocolate frosting for the bandoleer.

The Chewbacca Donut has no pants. So, once again, Chewie won't get a medal.

A suggestion for Jenn's next project: make a donut Millennium Falcon that is to scale with this Wookiee. 

-via That's Nerdalicious!

29 May 15:04

Your neighbor’s closet is now for rent: Stash helps you find places to store your stuff

by Taylor Soper
Ivy Esquero

too much sharing. No.

Lots of people have extra space in their homes. Others want an easy and inexpensive way of storing their excess items. Stash, a new Seattle startup launching in beta today, hopes to be a middleman between the home owners and those with belongings. Stash is yet another startup jumping in the sharing economy, where companies help people make money off items or extra space they already own (Airbnb with bedrooms, Lyft with cars). At its core, the company lets people use space in stranger’s homes as an alternative to storage units. The idea is to allow users to purchase just enough storage space that is necessary... Read More on GeekWire
29 May 04:26

Hip hop icon Nas invests in education startup Koru, pledges support of grads

by John Cook
Ivy Esquero

sharing for the headline. since when was Nas an icon?

Seattle startup Koru is getting a little bit of hip hop. Legendary rapper Nas has agreed to invest in the company and establish a special scholarship fund to support students who participate in the unique education program designed by Koru. “I’m inspired to support Koru participants because I know how hard it can be to carve out your path and purpose in life,” Nas said in a release. “It takes conviction, hard work and the right network. The young people going through Koru are gritty, book smart and street smart. The Koru program gives them an opportunity to put those... Read More on GeekWire
28 May 23:06

'CueWire: Billy Durney Joins the Big Apple Barbecue Block Party

by Greg Morabito
Ivy Esquero

@andrew - we're going right?

[Daniel Krieger]

Billy Durney, the pitmaster behind Hometown Bar-B-Que in Red Hook, was just added to the lineup for this year's Big Apple Barbecue Block Party in Madison Square Park. Durney will join New York pitmasters Daniel Delaney (BrisketTown), John Sage (Dinosaur), and Jean-Paul Bourgeois (Blue Smoke), as well 13 other acclaimed smokers from across the country including heavy hitters Ed Mitchell, Mike Mills, and Chris Lilly. This is, perhaps, the most impressive lineup in the 12-year history of the event.

The BABBQ will take place on June 7 and 8, and entrance is free to the public. The lines can be uncomfortably long during peak hours, so if you really care about sampling all the 'cue and you've got the money to spend, the $125 food-inclusive fast pass is really the way to go here. Check out the updated lineup below, and stay tuned for a chance to win a ticket to this smoked-infused bacchanal later this afternoon.

BABBQ lineup 2014:

Ed Mitchell (Durham, NC)—Whole Hog and All Natural Whole Turkey

Mike Mills: 17th Street Bar & Grill (Murphysboro, IL)—Baby Back Ribs

Chris Lilly: Big Bob Gibson Bar-B-Q (Decatur, AL)—Pulled Pork Shoulder

Charles Grund, Jr: Hill Country (New York, NY)—Beef Brisket

Joe Duncan: Baker's Ribs (Dallax, TX)—St. Louis Style Ribs

Mike Emerson: Pappy's Smokehouse (St. Louis, MO)—Baby Back Ribs

Jimmy Hagood: BlackJack Barbecue (Charleston, SC)—Pulled Pork Shoulder

Patrick Martin: Martin's Bar-B-Que Joint (Nashville, TN)— Western Tennessee-Style Whole Hog

Garry Roark: Ubon's Barbeque of Yazoo (Yazoo City, MS)—Pulled Pork Shoulder

Scott Roberts: The Salt Lick Bar-B-Que (Driftwood, TX)—Beef Brisket and Sausage

John Stage: Dinosaur Bar-B-Que (New York, NY)—Beef Brisket

John Wheeler: Memphis Barbecue Co. (Horn Lake, MS)—Baby Back Ribs

Rodney Scott: Scott's Bar-B-Que (Hemingway, SC)—Whole Hog

Sam Jones: Skylight Inn (Ayden, NC)—Whole Hog

Event Debuts:

Daniel Delaney: Delaney Barbecue (Brooklyn, NY)— Beef Brisket and Sausage

Hometown Bar-B-Que: Billy Durney (Red Hook, NY) – Texas-Style Beef Rib

Jean-Paul Bourgeois: Blue Smoke (New York, NY)— Louisiana Andouille and Chow Chow

· Big Apple Barbecue Block Party [Official]
· All Coverage of the Big Apple Barbecue Block Party [~ENY~]

27 May 22:01

An Australian House Wrapped in Airy Steel

by Promila Shastri
Ivy Esquero

@baisley - we can build an extension that looks like this!

Screen shot 2014-05-27 at 9.09.40 AMThere’s plenty to recommend in this coastal home in the Australian state of Victoria—its sun-soaked views and dark, moody interior color scheme being but a few—but, without a doubt, the star element here is the employment of a series of geometric laser-cut steel screens that encase part of the house’s exterior, creating a spectacular play of sun-dappled shadows.

Designed by Melbourne’s Wolveridge Architects, the house’s recycled timber profile has been given a low, horizontal configuration reminiscent of Mid-Century homes, an era further invoked by the expanses of cutout steel patterns that replicate the geometry of concrete ventilation blocks.

The airy steel segments act as a “permeable but physical barrier dissecting the public and private aspects of the dwelling,” say the architects—in addition to creating a decorative, visually ravishing segue from the indoor shade to outdoor sun. Screen gems, we’ll gladly call them.Screen shot 2014-05-27 at 10.11.41 AMPergolaPergola2Screen shot 2014-05-27 at 9.09.59 AMScreen shot 2014-05-27 at 8.15.20 AMScreen shot 2014-05-27 at 9.19.48 AMScreen shot 2014-05-27 at 9.09.48 AM

Images: Wolveridge Architects; Arch Daily

27 May 21:45

What happens when today’s kids meet an Apple II

by Blair Hanley Frank
Ivy Esquero

this is hilarious!

Screen Shot 2014-05-26 at 10.16.21 AM
Personal computers have come a long way since the days of the Altair and the Apple I. While those computers were formative experiences for those of us who still remember when floppy disks were actually floppy, they’re nothing like the modern machines that people use today. So what happens when you sit today’s kids – who have been raised on a steady diet of Google, smartphones and ultralight laptops – in front of an Apple II? The Fine Brothers, a pair of YouTube comedians, did just that, and the reactions were predictable. The kids, who are between 6 and 12... Read More on GeekWire
27 May 21:05

Zappos ditches job posts, replaces them with a social network

by Blair Hanley Frank
Ivy Esquero


Tony Hsieh
It’s common practice for companies to look at prospective employees’ social media accounts to get a better sense of who they are beyond a resume and cover letter. Zappos is taking that one step further. The Las Vegas-based shoe retailer announced that it’s doing away with traditional job postings. Instead, interested folks will need to join Inside Zappos, a new social network for the company’s prospective employees. Joining the network will give applicants “priority consideration” for upcoming job openings. The network allows recruiters to get to know applicants and their interests, while allowing applicants to network with existing employees. Traditional cover... Read More on GeekWire
19 May 04:20

Megalith Table by Duffy London

by Camille
Ivy Esquero

to all my OCD friends - terrifying!

Cette création ahurissante apparaît à l’œil nu comme un exploit impossible, mais en réalité cette table est tout à fait stable. Un plateau en verre semble être en équilibre miraculeusement sur ​​le dessus de monolithes renversant. Cette oeuvre réalisée par Duffy London est à la fois imposante mais extrêmement raffinée.

Megalith Table by Duffy London 3 Megalith Table by Duffy London 2 Megalith Table by Duffy London 1 Megalith Table by Duffy London 4
16 May 15:48

Forage in Salt Lake City charges $87 for its LONG ASS TASTING...

Ivy Esquero

Forage! So worth a trip to SLC.

Forage in Salt Lake City charges $87 for its LONG ASS TASTING menu, which is what Momofuku Ko in New York charged when it opened five years ago, even though Forage also opened five years ago. Ko now asks $125-$175 for its tastings. Definitely calling this one a BUY. Click through for my full review on Eater!! (Photo courtesy of Forage). 

16 May 02:07

Startup Spotlight: Nouvola helps developers prevent cloud deployment disasters

by Taylor Soper
Ivy Esquero

no idea what this is about but OMG, this picture should not be allowed....gyah!

Nouvola CEO Paola Moretto.
When asked to explain what her company does, Paola Moretto responds with a simple question: Would you test a bridge before having thousands of cars drive over it? For Moretto, that same line of thinking can be applied to cloud-based applications. “You would be crazy not to want to know ahead of time how your website is going to behave with millions of users,” she says. That’s the pitch for Nouvola, a new Portland-based startup that helps developers deploy and monitor their apps. Nouvola — which means “cloud” in Italian — has been winning local angel competitions left and right, most recently raking in a $215,000 award at... Read More on GeekWire
16 May 01:33

Chipotle’s Cups Feature New Writing From Toni Morrison, Malcolm Gladwell, and More

by Hugh Merwin
Ivy Esquero

@chipotle/lit lovers

They say every burrito tells a story. Soda cups, too.

Jonathan Safran Foer, whose 350-page nonfiction book Eating Animals made a particularly effective argument for why the novelist shouldn't eat his own dog for dinner, says he "wanted to die with frustration" one day at Chipotle when he had nothing to read at lunch. With that in mind, and also considering the hundreds of thousands of Americans who "don't have access to libraries, or bookstores," Foer fired off an email to Steve Ells, the chain's CEO, with an idea to collect the bright minds of his generation, and some from not-his-generation, and now here's a project called Cultivating Thought, which brings together genius powerhouses like Toni Morrison, Steven Pinker, George Saunders, as well as writers Sherri Fink, Michael Lewis, and Foer himself in the spirit of literacy, or at least reading something while you're finishing your soda.

Celebrities like Sarah Silverman and Bill Hader round out the project, which rolls out today on the chain's brown paper bags and cups. The idea is certainly cool, but there's something off-putting about the ornate, bespoke doodles on the cups, which look as if they were derived directly from the outcome of several late-night hipster focus group sessions. Ask not for whom the taco bell tolls, they whisper. It tolls for twee.

Toni Morrison, George Saunders, and Michael Lewis Are Now Published by Chipotle [Vulture]

Read more posts by Hugh Merwin

Filed Under: bag men, chipotle, cultivating thought, george saunders, jonathan safran foer, the chain gang, toni morrison

16 May 01:32

Video Interlude: ABC just released the trailer for...

by Greg Morabito
Ivy Esquero

I love Eddie Huang, but this looks like crap

122eddiehuang783-thumb.jpgABC just released the trailer for Fresh Off The Boat, the new TV comedy based on NYC chef Eddie Huang's memoir of the same name. The show follows a young Huang (played by Hudson Yang) as his family moves to Orlando in the '90s, so that his dad can operate a cowboy-themed steakhouse. The clip includes jokes about "white people food" and Eddie wearing a Notorious B.I.G. t-shirt. [Eater National]

16 May 01:31

Heydar Aliyev Center by Zaha Hadid Architects

by Donnia
Ivy Esquero

I know they're everywhere, but their stuff is so cool

A Bakou en Azerbaïdjan, l’architecte Zaha Hadid a construit le Centre Heydar Aliyev qui possède un musée, une bibliothèque et un parc d’une superficie de 9 hectares. La beauté du bâtiment se voit dans les courbes blanches de son architecture. A découvrir à travers les photos de Hufton And Crow et Iwan Baan.

24-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-Hufton-and-Crow 21-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-Hufton-and-Crow 14-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-Hufton-and-Crow 12-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-Hufton-and-Crow 10-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-Hufton-and-Crow 9-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-iwan-baan 8-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-iwan-baan 7-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-iwan-baan 6-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-iwan-baan 3-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-iwan-baan 2-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-iwan-baan 1-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-iwan-baan 0-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-Hufton-and-Crow 4-heydar-aliyev-center-by-zaha-hadid-architects-photo-by-iwan-baan
16 May 00:13

Princess Leia Kitten

by John Farrier
Ivy Esquero

so cute!

When a kitten says this to you, it's devastating. Flickr member Wendy dresses her cat in different costumes, including the Doctor, Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, and Gandalf. You can see more photos of her here. Now we're here to rescue you, so let's get moving.

-via Fashionably Geek

15 May 19:15

Review: Review: Forage in Salt Lake City, Utah

by Ryan Sutton
Ivy Esquero

ok, sorry, I keep sharing this, but omg, it's so good - must go back to utal

2014_ForageChef.jpg[Chef Bowman Brown, by Billy Yang. All photos courtesy of Forage]

Eater New York restaurant critic Ryan Sutton is on the road this week, filing on a meal at tasting menu restaurant Forage in Salt Lake City, Utah. He'll be back in NYC next week with a starred review.

Just as Manifest Destiny once expanded our young nation across the fruited plain to the mighty Pacific, divine gastronomic providence (or perhaps the influence of the World's 50 Best List) has given more and more Americans access to restaurants serving 18 precious little courses paired with 36 pours of wine.

Never mind recent moves by Danny Meyer and the like to focus on short form gastronomy. The Long Ass Tasting Menu, a staple of Japanese kaiseki cuisine that's since been internationalized by El Bulli, The French Laundry, Noma, and obscure dinner clubs in the deepest basements of Brooklyn, is here to stay. I know this is true because the Long Ass Tasting has established itself in the heart of Utah. Welcome to Forage in Salt Lake City, which serves a set menu of 13 - 16 courses in a little under three hours.

One of the more affordable and prudent American tasting menus. >>

15 May 18:22

Trulia’s app now tells house hunters when a nearby home just went on the market

by Blair Hanley Frank
Ivy Esquero


Search Filters
Trulia today updated its apps for iOS and Android to add a new feature which offers users notifications when they are within striking distance of a home that has just come on the market. Users who enable the feature will get a push notification whenever they’re within 5 miles of a home that has been listed in the past 24 hours. Users who have particular specifications in mind can adjust their preferences to search a wider area, search for homes that have a certain number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and set a price range. In addition, people can choose whether... Read More on GeekWire
15 May 17:29

Make Up Art from Russia

by Camille
Ivy Esquero


L’artiste Veronica Azaryan de Saint-Pétersbourg nous dévoile ces œuvres absolument magnifiques : l’art du maquillage sur des femmes. Le résultat final est remarquable, les visages peints dans des couleurs unies et certains éclaboussés de peinture d’or ou saupoudrés de pigments colorés créant de splendides jeux de textures.

Make Up Art from Russia 6 Make Up Art from Russia 10 Make Up Art from Russia 9 Make Up Art from Russia 8 Make Up Art from Russia 7 Make Up Art from Russia 11 Make Up Art from Russia 3 Make Up Art from Russia 12 Make Up Art from Russia 4 Make Up Art from Russia 5 Make Up Art from Russia 1 2
25 Apr 14:49

Ellen's Appearance on Game of Thrones

by Miss Cellania
Ivy Esquero

is this a joke?

(YouTube link)

Ellen Degeneres returns to her standup roots for a guest appearance on the HBO show Game of Thrones. She plays -what else- the court jester. Despite what she tells you, I see hardly any spoilers here. There might be if it made any sense, but we don’t watch standup comedians for their logic. -via Tastefully Offensive

25 Apr 14:41

Cats Cats Cats: The Cat Cafe Queue Is the New King of Restaurant Lines

by Marguerite Preston
Ivy Esquero

ok maybe not....

[Photo: Twitter/@helenbholmes]
The cat lovers of New York lined up in droves this morning for the opening of America's first Cat Café. Given that the Cat Café involves both free coffee and a room full of cats, this should come as no surprise, since New Yorkers will endure brutal waits for just about anything that's free.

Luckily for those not inclined to wait, the Cat Café's livestream is now up and running.
· @helenbholmes [Twitter]
· Cat Café Livestream [Official Site]
· All Coverage of the Cat Café [~ENY~]

24 Apr 17:15

Cat Table

by Baptiste
Ivy Esquero


Ruan Hao a imaginé pour LYCS architecture ce projet CATable, une table permettant à la fois de ravir son possesseur mais aussi le félin vivant sous le même toit. Un objet pensé avec talent et présenté il y a peu à la Milan Design Week 2014. A noter que le chat n’est pas donné avec la table.

CATable7 CATable6 CATable5 CATable4 CATable3 CATable2 CATable1
24 Apr 12:25

Amazon’s exclusive HBO deal brings Sopranos, The Wire and other big shows to Prime

by Todd Bishop
Ivy Esquero

@baisley maybe they'll also bring game of thrones with a fee and we can go ahead and cancel cable.

Amazon Prime members will have access to a slate of iconic HBO shows — including The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, The Wire, True Blood and others — under an exclusive deal announced by the Seattle company this morning. It’s the first time that HBO has licensed content to an online-only subscription streaming service, according to the company. Financial terms of the agreement weren’t disclosed, so it’s not clear what price Amazon is paying for the privilege. But this is a key move in Amazon’s attempt to differentiate its streaming video service from Netflix and other competitors. It’s also an extra incentive for Amazon Prime... Read More on GeekWire