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28 Aug 01:28

7 Great reasons to visit Valparaíso, Chile

by Roger Wade
Ivy Esquero

@baisley xmas idea#1

ValpoArtHouseThe locals call the place Valpo not Valparaiso. Chilean tradition prizes Spanish that leaves off syllables where possible and climbing any one of the 45 hills that make up the geography of Valpo is bound to leave you out of breath, so it is just as well the extra letters disappear.

The bayside was named by the captain of the supply ship for the first Spanish explorers to the area in 1536. Juan Saavedra had grown up in a village in Spain named Valparaiso. The South American Valparaiso is now a tourist destination and major shipping port for the entire country while art and cultural events expand it’s original nickname of ‘The Jewel of the Pacific’. The entire city was recognized as a World Heritage Site in 2003.

Getting to Valparaíso is cheap and easy from Santiago

This is easy and cheap. Most people head for Santiago as it is the capital and all flights go there first. There is no major airport in Valparaíso. Instead you take a luxury bus service out of the regional terminals. This is what everyone but the president of the country uses. It will run you about US$8 return. (The Chilean peso is roughly 500 to a US dollar.)

There are a number of bus lines going to Valparaíso. They leave from both El Centro and Pajaritios stations about every 10-15 minutes. Depending on which line you use you will get reclining seats, a TV in the back of your seat, a snack and perhaps even wine. It is a 40-mile trip to the coast.

Any taxi, local van, or local bus can get you to the terminals from the airport. Taxi’s are priciest at about CLP11,000 or US$22 and a bus is half that on a per person basis. There are local guys with cars who will drive you straight to the terminals for US$16-20. They are safe to patronize and will make themselves known as you clear customs.

For the more adventurous and moneyed amongst you – rent a car for about US$36 a day from a one of the big companies and about US$26 from one of the local operators. Add money for taxes and whatever insurances you want to buy and the price hits US$80 for a day’s transport for your party. It’s a fun way to go if you have several in your party and like to take side roads and look at the countryside close-up while buying fruits from roadway stalls.

Roads all over the country are excellent and drivers are OK. There are tolls for the tunnel roads, usually about $1,000 pesos or US$2 a vehicle – 3 tolls on the shortest road. Gasoline is almost US$1.80 per liter roughly 4 liters to a gallon.

Accommodation in Valparaíso is well priced for a beach city

ValpoWaterfrontFirst understand that the city is divided into two parts. Valparaíso is the old town. Viña del Mar is it’s sister city with only one street dividing the two. Viña is modern and laden with condos and hostels. Book early, if there is a holiday the town gets full.

Best value for a luxurious place to stay with all amenities; Wi-Fi, pool, room service, restaurant, and near the beach will set you back US$92 or more.

If you are prepared to be off the beach and on a hill with bright walls, paintings and mosaics in a hostel with a tiny private bath you will spend around $25,000 CLP or roughly US$50. That’s a normal stay in one of the big old mansions. Beware that most of them have not been retrofitted for AC/heating. A small free standing room heater or fan is adequate though as the climate is mild.

You can go even further out for around US$22-30 but check cleanliness and security. Some are good and filled with locals who know the good deals.

Food is excellent and can be cheap or gourmet

ColorTowerCheap street food is everywhere and generally safe to eat. Use your nose. A meat filled semi-circular empanada runs US$1.60. A cheese empanada is $500 CLP or about US$1. Add a bottled water for US$1 and it’s a very cheap lunch.

Your guidebook may not mention the very special warmer weather offerings from Oct-April. Numerous artisanal ice creams! Mango/blueberry or kiwi fruit/choc chip anyone? It’s a low-priced treat at about US$2 for a double-scooped cone. Cups of cut fresh fruits on street corners run US$1.

Here is a pricey treat rolled up in an unforgettable experience; Cooking Chilean Cuisine; For US$75 you spend 5-6 hours with a multilingual chef. He’ll introduce you to ingredients you ignore back home because you have no idea what to do with them. Take back a bit of Chile without trying to stuff anything in you bag but the recipe sheets. You get a scrumptious meal with wine at the end of course.

They also have wine tours to the nearby local wholly organic winery for US$200. This includes all transport and the fees for the tour charged by the winery. The sommelier will ensure an education in the local offerings and plenty of tastings. (There are also cheaper wine tours available from your hostel.)

Chile had the only Carminiére wine grapes left on the planet a while back. The vines were attacked and killed off all over the planet but due to the Pacific in the west and the Andes in the east the plague never got to Chile and so they have wines you will never taste elsewhere.

There is plenty to do in Valparaíso

ValpoBlueHouseValparaíso gives you the delights of an old colonial European type city without the price tag. Of course you also get some of the uncomfortable aspects too. Some streets unpaved, smells that raise the question of their origin, etc.

But I still suggest a few days in the area for it’s excellent attractions.
You must, of course, ride one of the numerous 130-year-old elevators to the top of one of the VERY steep hills. Almost free at 20 CLP. Aside from undertaking the alarming squeaking and creaking of the car itself all funiculars take you from the port area to the older residential parts of town catering to tourists.

Free or donation attractions:

  • At the top there are spectacular views over the city and bay
  • World-class street art everywhere.
  • Museums galore, history, natural sciences, arts, etc.
  • House tours of writers, admirals and other Chilean notables
  • Art galleries
  • There is a large well appointed casino and cultural center on the bay

Street venders have locally made trinkets and art for sale. Good, and nicely priced at 5,000-10,000 CLP.

This all creates some great ambiance. Your guidebook will tell you which attractions is at the top of each hill so you can plan an interesting itinerary. There are also many local people offering themselves as guides for very little. They are multilingual and good.

It’s the Hippy Art Capital of Chile

ValpoStreetArtThere has long been a tradition of vibrant art in Valparaíso. On the streets in the form of street art on people’s houses and murals and fountains paid for by the city. Plus everywhere you look;

  • Paintings
  • Jewelry
  • Sculpture
  • Weavings
  • 3D creations of all kinds

‘ ExCarcel’ is a hill containing the original powder magazine that was used in the 1880’s as a jail. It was expanded and used for prisoners for 110 years. Until 1999 the ‘Carcel’ was the main working jail for the region. It was a place you did not want to be sent.

In 2000 it was abandoned and falling down. A group of leftover hippy artists needing studio space took up squatter’s rights and started lobbying the politicians to turn the place into the vibrant art space it is now.

It has studios, exhibition space, workshop areas, a small concert hall plus outdoor gardens where free music concerts are given all summer. Several of the ex-long term inmates are they give tours and talk about life in the prison. Free, but donations are appreciated.

See how do Real Chileans live: Bufo Travesias

This is a newer venture with an extended family that has generations of history in the area.

Bufo Travesias picks you up and drives you through the lush green valley behind the city and into the countryside to their working campo or ranch. Once there you are introduced to your horse and taught his vocabulary. Then you ride through the stunning terrain; valleys with forests of trees and hills with saguaro type cacti and dry and wet riverbeds.

The entire trip contains information about Chilean flora and fauna and how to create sustainable life. The day’s pace is slow and you can regroup from the often mad pace of travel yet be soaking up life in Chile. As you reach the forested section of the ride you can get off and siesta or take a hike with your guide, who is a family member. They are involved in several projects to help with scientific studies so tourists often get to help be part of some aspect of the latest study. (Frog counting in the creek perhaps?)

Then there is lunch like ‘the natives’ eat. The cost for all this ecotourism delight and understanding another’s lifestyle for most of a day? 30,000 CLP or US$60 per person. That includes lunch and the transport back and forth to your lodgings in town.

The Cerro Abajo bike race

ValpoViewChileans love skateboarding, biking, skiing, surfing and other bone breaking pastimes but one of Valparaíso’s main seasonal attractions may well leave your mouth agape.

If you play your cards well there is the scariest bike race on the planet held there, which is free to watch.

The Cerro Abajo is the mother of all downhill bike races. According to legend the ‘Cerro Abajo’, held in Feb-March, is much more dangerous than skydiving and a whole raft of other death defying activities.

The course is set up going down the most punishing and deadly streets, ramps and stairs imaginable. (And no I don’t know if there are any deaths connected with it but there have been many broken bones, stitches and concussions.)

‘Cerro Abajo’ is now part of the prestigious, or insane, depending on your viewpoint, MTB Downhill World Tour. It’s likely to become a crowded spectator event in the next few years. Check out the videos for some simply unbelievable footage.

What things cost for a 4-day trip to Valparaíso

I have rounded up the ‘middle-of-the-road’ expenses plus the pricier tour and chef class here all in USD.

Bus transport and incidental transport:

  • Airport into town ​16.
  • Bus to Valpo ​ 8.
  • Transport in Valpo​ 6.


  • Boat trip on Bay​ 20.
  • Ranch excursion​ 60.
  • Cooking Day ​75.

Museums donations or other fees, Art galleries, watch the downhill bike race,etc: 30.


Nice mid-level hostel​135. USD
(private room and bath 22,500 CLP x day x 3)


  • Breakfast free at hostel
  • Lunches included with the activities- ranch and cooking or empanadas
  • Dinners,ice creams, fruit cups, waters, etc​50.

4 full days all costs​US$400 ($100 a day)

I think you’ll find some pretty unforgettable experiences to be had in this little known quaint seaside town.

By Suzie Hammond

Suzie Hammond is a freelance writer and the author of; “I am Not Sure Where I Want to Be -But it’s Not Here” (Easily Find Your Ideal Relocation Destination) – Blog, FREE eZine & Free Special Report

The post 7 Great reasons to visit Valparaíso, Chile appeared first on Price of Travel.

27 Aug 15:37

3-D Printed Wheels For a Disabled Puppy

by Promila Shastri
Ivy Esquero

ahhhh - I can't stand the cuteness!

turboroo-3D-printed-wheel-chair-designboom-03The story of TurboRoo, a disabled Indianapolis chihuahua puppy, has gone viral, and why not? It’s a heartwarming story about an impossibly cute pup, to be sure, but also illustrates the quick, relatively inexpensive ‘greater good’ possibilities inherent in 3-D printing technology.

Born without front legs, TurboRoo’s breeder had the foresight to take him to a veterinary hospital, where his charms got him immediately adopted by hospital technician Ashley Looper. Looper launched an online fundraising campaign to help find TurboRoo a mobile option, and fortune smiled in the guise of Mark Deadrick, a San Diego mechanical engineer and president of the 3D design company 3dyn, who saw the campaign.

With the aid of a 3D rendering program and 3D printer, Deadrick designed and fabricated a mobile cart for little TurboRoo. “I just did some thumbnail measurements from photos and spent about 20 minutes designing a cart, hit print on one of our 3D printers and let it run for 4 hours,” Deadrick says. “I figured some inline wheels would have the least amount of resistance and would be easily obtained, so a trip to the sporting goods store was probably the most time consuming part.” Skateboard wheels were attached, and both the contraption and TurboRoo were on their way. If that’s not a feel-good design solution, we can’t say what is.


Images: Designboom

26 Aug 03:10

Wine Losses From Northern California Quake Will Likely Total Millions

by Hugh Merwin

The scene at Bouchaine Vineyards in Napa.

The 6.0-magnitude earthquake that struck the San Francisco Bay Area early yesterday morning stands to devastate the local wine economy. The quake's epicenter was in Napa Valley, home to more than 500 vineyards, and while it is far too soon to estimate the wine-country-specific damage, numerous photos of wrecked storage rooms and punctured barrels, not to mention general reports from producers, are starting to come in, and the situation looks grim.

In addition to vineyards and other industry-side facilities, wine bars, retail outlets, and restaurants lost inventory during the earthquake. Barrels storing last year's grapes tumbled to the floors, breaking open, while bottles in cellars or on store shelves fell to the floor. One business owner estimated a loss of "'at least' $15,000 to $20,000 of wine inventory," while another, whose cellar holds an estimated $1 million of inventory, said "99 percent" of the inventory was left intact. One distributor who was holding 80,000 cases said his damage was just one bottle of wine. In the case of Silver Oak Winery, several bottles of "irreplaceable" wine were destroyed.

Structural damage remains a separate issue — in one case, a winery's water tank became untethered, which will delay this year's production, which is already hampered by drought. In the images below, each barrel you see damaged or destroyed is the equivalent of 25 cases, or 300 bottles of wine.

An online forum has been created for winemakers in need of help navigating the recovery process.

RT @insidescoopsf: @jbonne on the initial #napaquake effect on Napa's $13b wine industry

— Jonathan Kauffman (@jonkauffman) August 24, 2014

More scary photos of barrel destruction in Napa. Wine leaking all over the floor!

— Maureen Downey (@moevino) August 25, 2014

Man surveys fallen wine barrels after the magnitude 6.0 quake in Napa, California. (Photo via Reuters)

— ABS-CBN News Channel (@ANCALERTS) August 25, 2014

Keep our friends in Napa in mind. go out and buy a bottle of Naps wine for dinner tonight. They don't deserve this.

— Adam Lee (@SiduriWines) August 24, 2014

Damage the Napa #quake caused at Bouchaine, the winery closest to epicenter. Barrels cracked, spilled wine, $$$ lost.

— Juan Carlos Guerrero (@JuanCarlosABC7) August 24, 2014

Pool of red wine & toppled over wine barrels at Napa Barrel Care after #earthquake .. Each barrel holds 300 bottles

— Anjali Hemphill (@AnjaliHemphill) August 24, 2014

Earthquake at @SilverOak

— David Duncan (@DavidSilverOak) August 24, 2014

California earthquake shatters prized wine collections in Napa Valley

— dna (@dna) August 25, 2014

The losses from California's Napa earthquake could top $1 bln—and yes, some of that's wine:

— SpeedReads (@SpeedReads) August 25, 2014

Spilled wine quite a sight after Napa earthquake photos via @anabanana0924

— NBC Bay Area (@nbcbayarea) August 25, 2014

What a shot of quake damage in Napa wine country.

— Troy Hayden (@troyhaydenfox10) August 24, 2014

Napa's newest wine bar Cadet estimates $15K-$20K in lost wine inventory. Reopening soon tho.

— Paolo Lucchesi (@lucchesi) August 24, 2014

#DailyFeedback Vintners in Napa Valley are hurting after this weekend's earthquake. Suggest songs about wine.

— 91.3 WYEP (@WYEP) August 25, 2014

I'm happy all my napa peeps are safe but the earthquake wine destruction is breaking my heart

— Cortney Pagano (@ccpag828) August 24, 2014

Cult Wine Bar will be ok! Downtown Napa got hit pretty bad! Keep u posted when we open back up

— Charles Woodson Wine (@TwentyFourWines) August 24, 2014

I call for a wine bucket challenge in honor of the fallen in Napa. But dump the bucket in your mouth #earthquake

— Miki Matteson (@Miki_Matteson) August 24, 2014

Photos of #napaquake damage shared by a @KING5Seattle viewer who now lives in Napa & works in wine industry.

— Ted Land (@TedLandK5) August 24, 2014

Napa, Ca. Whole Foods wine section! #Earthquake

— Shannon (@PeaceIsUponUs) August 25, 2014

LIVE: Napa earthquake updates from California officials streaming here

— KHOU 11 News Houston (@KHOU) August 24, 2014

It's not just wine.

A Napa olive oil shop lost most of its inventory in the earthquake #napaquake

— KTVU (@KTVU) August 24, 2014

Damage at Lucero Olive Oil in Downtown Napa. #earthquake

— Matt Keller (@MattKellerABC7) August 24, 2014

Napa restaurants assess the Northern California earthquake damage [Inside Scoop SF]
A Big Earthquake Hit Northern California This Morning [Daily Intelligencer]

Read more posts by Hugh Merwin

Filed Under: disasters, earthquakes, napa valley, san francisco, wine

25 Aug 20:03

Add "Bionic Pants" To Your Must-Have List

by RemyCarreiro
Ivy Esquero

this is the dumbest thing ever


Image via Noonee

Bionic pants are one of those things you thought you would never want because perhaps, like us, you thought they would never exist. You hear the term and you are not even sure what they would do, anyway. Could you super jump like Mario in bionic pants? Could you kick like Chuck Norris in your bionic pants? Well, they exist now, and the answer to the preceding questions is no. So you must be wondering what they do, right? The above photo explains it all. They defy physic by letting you sit anywhere without a chair.

We just can't understand why they didn't name them "chair pants" or something. Bionic pants make them sound way cooler and way more capable than they actually are. Truth is, if they were called chair pants we probably wouldn't be talking about them right now. Also, one more side note to developers. Can you make them look cooler than leg straps? Once you make a leather pair of chair pants, we will probably be all about it. Now that sounds sleek and futuristic.


22 Aug 19:45


by John Farrier

You know this little dumpster is going to cause you a lot of trouble. But at least he doesn't have a bad motivator.

Crummy Gummy, a street artist in Orlando, Florida, painted this dumpster to look like R2-D2, the most foul-mouthed character in cinematic history. He made it for the Mills 50 district, a trendy neighorhood in Orlando.

The artist was born with the name Mauricio Murillo. He goes by the name Crummy Gummy because although he does street art, his early notable work was with gummy bears.

-via Global Street Art

13 Aug 00:12

Packaging of Smile

by Agathe
Ivy Esquero


Voici le nouvel emballage des chewing-gums Trident Xtra Care, designé par Hani Douaji. Une gamme de six déclinaisons, qui représentent trois saveurs. Chaque paquet a une illustration singulière : une bouche ou une moustache, tantôt souriantes ou surprise. Un packaging coloré et attractif.

Smile Packaging9 Smile Packaging8 Smile Packaging7 Smile Packaging6 Smile Packaging5 Smile Packaging4 Smile Packaging3 Smile Packaging2 Smile Packaging1 Smile Packaging
13 Aug 00:10

Meet Microsoft’s cell phone: Nokia 130 will sell for $25

by Todd Bishop
Ivy Esquero

I loved my first nokia phone back in the day. Part of me is tempted to go back...

Microsoft’s decision to wind down Nokia’s Asha, Series 40 and Nokia X Android phones, following its acquisition of Nokia’s phone business, doesn’t mean it’s exiting the market for basic mobile phones. The company this morning announced a new device, the Nokia 130. It includes some advanced features like video and music playback, and a flashlight, plus content sharing via SD card, USB or Bluetooth. But it’s still a basic feature phone, with a dedicated keypad and a price of 18 euros or $25. Re/code quotes Microsoft VP Jo Harlow, the former Nokia executive, saying that Microsoft is dedicated to feature phones for the long run — viewing the segment... Read More on GeekWire
11 Aug 21:29

"When I got accepted into the Master’s program at the...

Ivy Esquero

Sounds more like a Coke story to me...

"When I got accepted into the Master’s program at the University of Damascus, it felt like the whole world was in my hands. For the last three weeks before the exam, I studied for 20 hours every day. My eyes got so tired and swollen that I could not see the letters anymore. So when I heard that I passed, I felt that nothing was impossible. All my friends and family were surrounding me and kissing me."
"How did you celebrate?"
"Well, we were poor. So I bought a Pepsi to share with my friends." 
(Erbil, Iraq)

11 Aug 21:20

8 Oysters You Should Be Eating This Summer

by Joshua David Stein
Ivy Esquero


Go for it.

"A dozen oysters are like refreshing, elegant little jewels on a hot July day," says April Bloomfield, the famed chef and proud ignorer of the rule that you should only eat oysters in months whose names contain the letter r. Avoiding oysters in the summer might have made sense before things like refrigeration and FedEx, but now they can be plucked from chilled waters and arrive shucked in front of customers without ever feeling the summer heat — meaning you should follow Bloomfield's advice over any inherited wisdom you've heard in the past.

Bloomfield does acknowledge that you still have to choose somewhat carefully. “As the water gets warm,” she says, “Some oysters spawn, which means they’re a bit more watery.” So we asked the chef to recommend her favorite warm-weather bivalvles, all of which are regularly available during summer’s dog days at Bloomfield's John Dory Oyster Bar as well as at a handful of other spots around town.

1. Mermaid Cove
Where They're From:
Prince Edward Island, Canada
Where to Get Them: Atlantic Grill, Blue Fin, Docks, Strip House
Elegant, plump, and with a well-balanced brine, Mermaid Cove oysters are the classier cousin of Malpeques and by far one of the best of the East Coast oysters.

2. Hurricane Island
Where They're From: New Brunswick, Canada
Where to Get Them:  Hudson Clearwater, Lure, Monarch Room, Monkey Bar
From the east coast of Canada, these compact beauties are farmed with the frigid waters of the Northumberland Strait. They have a slight salinity, a tender, crisp flavor, and a lingering seaweed finish.

3. Pemaquid
Where They're From: Lincoln County, Maine
Where to Get Them: Maysville, Buttermilk Channel, PJ Clarke's
Besides having a killer lighthouse, Pemaquid is also home to this briny, crisp flavor-bomb of an oyster. Fed by the Class A waters of the Damariscotta River, Pemaquids are known for their slightly nutty finish.

4. Naked Cowboy
Where They're From: Long Island Sound, New York
Where to Get Them: the Four Seasons, Craftbar, Oceana, Redeye Grill
The wild oysters named after an infamous Times Square performer are slow-growing but muscular. With a strong brine and minerality, they live 30 feet under the water and are harvested by very cold divers.

5. Kiwi Cup
Where They're From:  Clevedon Coast, New Zealand
Where to Get Them: Aquagrill, Maison Premiere, Upstate Oyster Bar
An unexpected find from the northern coast of New Zealand — where our summer is their winter — these small oysters have slight salinity, a full, firm body, and a fruity melon finish.

6. Kusshi
Where They're From: Vancouver Island, Canada
Where to Get Them: Beauty & Essex, Blue Water Grill, Dylan Prime, Grand Banks, Old Homestead
These small, perfectly shaped oysters from the western coast of Canada are buttery and creamy, with a super-clean flavor and an unusually deep cup.

7. Royal Miyagi
Where They're From: Vancouver Island, Canada
Where to Get Them: PJ Clarke’s, Marea
Also called Fanny Bay Selects, these large, ruffled shells contain an oyster with mild creaminess, an archetypically West Coast cucumber taste, and gentle minerality.

8. Mattaki
Where They're From: Vancouver Island, Canada
Where to Get Them: Beatrice Inn, Knickerbocker, Mermaid Inn (East Village)
Grown in Barkley Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island, in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, the Mattaki have the deep cup of the Kusshi, but with a bit more earthiness and a fruity finish.

Related: Take a Look Around Grand Banks, NYC’s Premier Oyster Bar on a Boat

Read more posts by Joshua David Stein

Filed Under: grub guides, april bloomfield, oysters, the john dory oyster bar

11 Aug 10:13

Dessertwire: Cronut master Dominique Ansel will unleash...

by Devra Ferst
Ivy Esquero

Calling Mr Baisley!

lobster-tail%20too.jpgCronut master Dominique Ansel will unleash a new pastry this Saturday: A "lobster tail" made from soft pretzel dough encrusted in Maldon sea salt, stuffed with peanut butter and butter-crunch brittle, and served with whipped honey brown butter for dipping. It's pretty much a grown up riff on Combos for $8 a pop. Cue the lines. [EaterWire]
[Courtesy of Dominique Ansel Bakery]

08 Aug 19:14

Oysterwire: Another tidbit on the new Torrisi...

by Devra Ferst
Ivy Esquero

I don't know why this isn't a thing everywhere...

ludlow-hotel-exterior-620x465.jpgAnother tidbit on the new Torrisi project Dirty French, which may open as early as next week: it will feature tableside oyster service. The raw bar's selection of East Coast oysters will be brought to the table when ordered and split open for inspection. Partner Jeff Zalaznick explains "Even oysters you eat a lot vary in size, and that's a big factor in getting what you like… They're expensive. You should see what you're buying." Just think of it as having the oyster version of a sommelier. [GS]

07 Aug 14:11

Is the ‘Seattle Freeze’ real? Data from this Tinder-like app for networking says yes

by Taylor Soper
Ivy Esquero

It's true...

(Photo by Kevin Lisota)
You may have heard of the “Seattle Freeze.” It’s the notion that those from the Emerald City are less friendly to strangers, particularly to those from another state. Whether or not it’s actually true is up for debate. But now there’s data from a networking app proving that the freeze may be a legitimate phenomenon. Weave is an app that allows users to swipe through cards of nearby people that they could potentially meet up with. If two people happen to swipe “yes” with each other, Weave opens up a conversation channel between them to help initiative an in-person conversation. It’s... Read More on GeekWire
05 Aug 17:00

Flour Made of Crickets Exists, and It’s Incredibly Expensive

by Clint Rainey
Ivy Esquero

I guess if you think of them as shrimp of the land, but....

Cookin' with chitin.

Four thousand crickets, give or take, go into one cup of Bitty Foods' cricket flour, so it's no wonder the company's little 20-ounce bag sets you back $20, compared to, like, eight bucks for a bag of all-purpose. But that's the price of baking with crickets milled and mixed with cassava and coconut, which make for some lovely chocolate-cardamom cookies. Bitty Foods founder Megan Miller sees a bright future nonetheless, and so does Tyler Florence, who became an equity investor after he saw her TEDxManhattan Talk. He says it "tastes like dark toast" and imagines it "as a staple" in a line of new products.

Like most entomophagy boosters, Miller sells her products as the future of food: Crickets reach maturity in six to eight weeks and subsist on next to nothing, and you can farm 50,000 pounds a month from a tiny warehouse, bringing the carbon footprint to a minimum. It's also a flour Paleo dieters will use, though it's not for everybody. A warning label gives these words to the wise: "If you are allergic to shellfish, you may also be sensitive to crickets and should not consume cricket-flour products."

Jiminy Cricket! Bugs Could Be Next Food Craze [New York Times]
Related: 7 Places for Bugs: Grub Street’s Guide to Eating Actual Grubs

Read more posts by Clint Rainey

Filed Under: the future, bitty foods, cricket flour, edible insects, tyler florence

04 Aug 19:19

Potato Salad Kickstarter Guy’s Odyssey Will Continue With a ‘For-Profit Venture’

by Clint Rainey
Ivy Esquero

oh boy

This is getting messier.

Well, that potato salad Kickstarter finally ended this weekend with a whimper of fat-free mayo and $55,492 to its name. Zack Danger Brown's now infamous foray into salad-making for the first time will now culminate, hopefully, in a bash called "PotatoStock 2014, to be held in his hometown of Columbus, Ohio. Columbus is where backers who gave $3 or more have to go for their sample (initial plans for mail order have been scuttled — sorry, potato people of Reykjavik), but at least Brown will uphold his promise to "say out loud" all 6,911 backer names as he "VERY slowly" makes it.

There's a potato salad tour in the works, too, perhaps because Brown made very clear last month that he was, above all, a side-dish-making altruist who wanted this project "to do the most good possible." He's said that the donations won't profit him personally, or benefit his friends, because the Kickstarter miracle "is about something way more than us." Admirably, Brown has earmarked "a significant portion" of what's left over after he fulfills Kickstarter obligations — i.e., making the potato salad and doling out rewards — for a new anti-hunger/homelessness relief fund through the Columbus Foundation. He's also using "some of the profit" to "start an LLC, pay web hosting and buy / rent production equipment to continue making content." It will be a "for-profit venture" whose goal is "to spread humor and joy around the world," of course.

Related: This Potato Salad Has Raised $9,6 and Counting on Kickstarter
Related: The Potato Salad Kickstarter Lost $30,000

Read more posts by Clint Rainey

Filed Under: complex carbohydrates, kickstarter, potato salad, potato salad kickstarter, zack danger brown

04 Aug 15:11

“How’d you meet?”“We were both looking at the same sculpture.”

Ivy Esquero

Love this couple! She's wearing all Marimekko!

“How’d you meet?”
“We were both looking at the same sculpture.”

01 Aug 20:28

Modern Garden Design by Mary Barensfeld Architecture

by Promila Shastri
Ivy Esquero

love all the different nooks in this garden

10393799_10152597818153799_7769969311457879857_nModernist outdoor spaces, conventional thinking goes, with their emphasis on geometry and tight editing, can never match the layered lushness of an informal, organically evolving garden. But this miraculously beautiful backyard, designed by Bay Area practice Mary Barensfeld Architecture, may just put that theory to rest once and for all.

A 400 square foot patio, surrounded by steep terrain, this outdoor spot in Berkeley “aspires, in the classic modernist sense, to be the new living room of the townhouse,” explains Mary Barensfeld, who found a way to ingeniously maximize her client’s hilly landscape with a series of staggered flower beds and pathways realized in concrete, COR-TEN steel and Ipê wood, densely packed with “Japanese maples, aromatic lemon thyme, and creeping jenny.”

To offset the visual richness of the space’s vegetation, Barensfeld selected refined furnishings to warm the heart of modern design enthusiasts the world over: Richard Schultz’s 1960 teak Petal Dining Table for Knoll, chosen for its “playful modernity and arboreal structure,” and a suite of pristine white Bellini Chairs by Heller. The makings of outdoor nirvana, wouldn’t you say?hillside-haven-outdoor-landscaping-ipe-deck-white-granite-patio-poolhillside-haven-outdoor-landscaping-easy-chair-terrace-ipe-wood-deckpalettes_barensfeld5-1palettes_barensfeld1hillside-haven-outdoor-landscaping-steel-screens-koi-bamboopalettes_barensfeld6hillside-haven-outdoor-landscaping-formed-concrete-retaining-walls-ramps-terrace

Images: Knoll; Dwell

01 Aug 19:08

Cabin in Washington State

by Donnia

La cabane Sol Duc a été pensée par Tom Kundig, de l’agence d’architecture Olson Kundig. Faite de bois et d’acier, elle a été construite en hauteur sur des pieds. Un beau lieu de refuge dans les bois qui est situé au coeur de la Péninsule Olympique de l’Etat de Washington. A découvrir.

Sol_Duc_Cabin_Olson-Kundig-Architects-9 Sol_Duc_Cabin_Olson-Kundig-Architects-8 Sol_Duc_Cabin_Olson-Kundig-Architects-7 Sol_Duc_Cabin_Olson-Kundig-Architects-6 Sol_Duc_Cabin_Olson-Kundig-Architects-5 Sol_Duc_Cabin_Olson-Kundig-Architects-4 Sol_Duc_Cabin_Olson-Kundig-Architects-3 Sol_Duc_Cabin_Olson-Kundig-Architects-2 Sol_Duc_Cabin_Olson-Kundig-Architects-1
01 Aug 18:29

World Timezones Clock

by Donnia
Ivy Esquero

I love this. Also I want one for xmas! hem hem....

La firme coréenne Elevenplus a eu la bonne idée de concevoir une belle horloge cylindrique avec un cadran que nous pouvons faire tourner afin de consulter les différents fuseaux horaires du monde entier. Cette création est disponible en 3 couleurs : gris, bleu et orange. Une belle manière de se tenir au courant de l’heure qu’il est à l’autre bout du monde.

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01 Aug 07:01

AKA Mobile Suite Offers Airstream Luxury

by Promila Shastri
Ivy Esquero

Oh about this with a rule about no using the toilet.

thumbs_93297-AKA-Beverly-Hills-Christopher-C.Dream-02.jpg.1064x0_q90_crop_sharpen-2Just when you thought trailer living was the antithesis of luxury, along comes the AKA Mobile Suite, a getaway package offered by the long-stay hotel chain AKA, that features a gleaming Airstream trailer, yours for the taking on a road trip of a lifetime.

A collaboration with Airstream 2 Go and the designer Trina Turk—whose colorful accessories offset the Airstream’s sleek monochrome interior with just the right dose of contemporary panache—AKA’s Mobile Suite package offers well-heeled campers the opportunity to drag along the Airstream for 4 nights’ worth of camping, split between two glamorous locations: California’s Sunstone Vineyards and the Ocean Mesa Campground. Top-shelf amenities offered by both facilities—think wine tasting, yoga, surfing and botanical hiking—lie in store for the weary road trippers.

The Airstream itself is outfitted to the max, with plush linens, bathrobes, coffee machine, flat panel TV, iPod charging station, and even gas grill and camping chairs for those evenings when roughing it seems appropriate. Alas, the AKA Mobile Suite is available to Beverly Hills residents only—which is only fitting, given the $6,000 price tag that comes along for the ride.thumbs_13759-AKA-Beverly-Hills-Christopher-C.Dream-04.jpg.1064x0_q90_crop_sharpen-1thumbs_66853-AKA-Beverly-Hills-Christopher-C.Dream-01.jpg.1064x0_q90_crop_sharpenthumbs_93297-AKA-Beverly-Hills-Christopher-C.Dream-02.jpg.1064x0_q90_crop_sharpenthumbs_89621-AKA-Beverly-Hills-Christopher-C.Dream-03.jpg.1064x0_q90_crop_sharpenthumbs_89621-AKA-Beverly-Hills-Christopher-C.Dream-03.jpg.1064x0_q90_crop_sharpen-1

Images: Interior Design Magazine

01 Aug 06:18

Lumpia Shack Snackbar Combines Fruit, Jelly, Sweet Potatoes, and Popcorn in This New Dessert

by Robin Raisfeld and Rob Patronite
Ivy Esquero

@andrew want!

According to Neil Syham, chef-owner of the new West Village takeout shop Lumpia Shack Snackbar, you shouldn’t approach halo-halo without a game plan. He recommends you attack the Filipino shaved-ice drink-cum-dessert from the top down. “When you get to the middle, ” he instructs, “mix the ingredients on the bottom to create different flavors and textures with each bite.” The Tagalog name translates to “mix-mix,” an apt description of this colorful, cooling assemblage of fruits, jelly, tubers, dairy, legumes, and crushed ice. As befits a chef who has spent time in fine-dining kitchens, and who emigrated from the Philippines to New York when he was 5, Syham takes certain liberties with his rendition, which is loosely based on one he ate as a child and on summer vacations thereafter at Razon’s in Manila. That shop omits the standard sweet beans and chickpeas, and so does Syham. He also modernizes the recipe with siphon-aerated foams; swaps fresh local fruit for the canned, syrupy stuff; and tops it not with the traditional puffed rice but with popcorn—the contribution of a fellow vendor at Smorgasburg, where Syham debuted the dessert last summer.

Mouse over the image to read more about the halo-halo.

Photo by Bobby Doherty

On the menu at Lumpia Shack Snackbar, $7; 50 Greenwich Ave., nr. Perry St., 917-475-1621

*This article appears in the August 11, 2014 issue of New York Magazine

Read more posts by Robin Raisfeld and Rob Patronite

Filed Under: the dish, desserts, halo halo, lumpia shack snackbar, neil syham

01 Aug 02:32

Social Pool Takes Up Residence in the Mojave Desert

by Promila Shastri
Ivy Esquero

I don't know if this is genius or gross.

alfredo-barsuglia-social-pool-MAK-designboom-04No, it’s not an oasis. That swimming pool in the middle of the desert is quite real—and, not surprisingly, garnering plenty of attention. The concept of Austrian artist Alfredo Barsuglia, Social Pool is a long-term art installation in the guise of a communal pool, tantalizingly placed amidst the hostile sands and unrelenting heat of California’s Mojave desert, challenging the curious and the adventurous to come find it.

Measuring 11 x 5 feet, the pure white rectilinear structure, which is covered and locked when not in use, has been constructed in the Mojave, several hours from Los Angeles, with no signage alluding to its location. Accessible solely via GPS coordinates and a key provided by West Hollywood’s MAK Center for Art and Architecture, its remoteness ensures that only the truly motivated will seize upon the chance for a rare, refreshing desert dip.

Visitors making the arduous trek are being given ample time, according to the artist’s statement, “…to reflect on social values, dreams and reality.” One hopes they’ll do so only after heeding the warnings placed on the Social Pool website: “Social Pool is located in the desert, in a remote area without any infrastructure. Be aware that there are no roads, trails or signs that lead to the pool. You will have to walk a certain distance in order to reach the pool from the nearest road. Don’t forget to bring drinking water, food and sun protection. For your stay in the desert, it’s recommended to wear a hat, sun glasses and boots.”alfredo-barsuglia-social-pool-MAK-designboom-01alfredo-barsuglia-social-pool-MAK-designboom-02

Images: Designboom

31 Jul 20:43

So Little Humans is coming out in almost two months, and the...

Ivy Esquero

Just promoting. Still love his blog and want to support him so he keeps doing it.

So Little Humans is coming out in almost two months, and the first hardcopy has just arrived! It is awesome. Your child is guaranteed to giggle, point, and cheer. And if test readings are any indication, there is a 38.53% chance you will cry. It comes out October 7th— very excited about it. You can preorder now and receive it on day of publish:


"Brandon," they say to me, "Since you are promoting the children’s book, can you remind everyone about the adult book?" Of course I will. Aesthetically arranged beneath Little Humans, you can see the adult book, appropriately titled Humans of New York, which after nine months is still hanging onto the NYT Bestseller’s list. Most likely because it’s a "publishing phenomenon" (New York Times) that also happens to be "visually arresting and disarmingly deep." (The Atlantic). If you so desire, you can order that here:


To the right of Little Humans, you can find Susie, who has asked me, while we are promoting things, to remind everyone that she is on a lifelong mission to help place orphaned senior dogs in loving homes. You can find her page here: Susie’s Senior Dogs.

And finally, my cactus, Carl, has asked me, since we’re already promoting things, if I could advertise his fan page: Carl The Cactus. He is hoping to get a certain number of likes before he launches his GoFundMe campaign.

30 Jul 16:10

Sonoma Connect 5

by Baptiste
Ivy Esquero

this would look amazing in the Catskills

Connect Homes est une entreprise américaine spécialisée dans la création de maisons préfabriquées et pouvant ainsi permettre d’installer celle-ci dans des endroits incroyables. Avec la Connect 5 à Sonoma en Californie, la maison propose ici une vue imprenable, à découvrir avec de superbes photos dans la suite.

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30 Jul 15:53

McDonald’s Japan Unveils Tofu McNuggets

by Clint Rainey
Ivy Esquero


Fewer calories; also, 100 percent chicken-free.

Because of ongoing nastiness related to the expired meat scandal, McDonald's stores in Japan have mostly stopped serving chicken altogether, and to get customers through the doors, it's now offering four-piece packs of what it calls Tofu Shinjo Nuggets, vegetable-studded patties concocted from a mix of soybeans, onions, carrots, and shinjo, a sort of starch–fish paste concoction. The nuggets are produced in Japanese factories and come with a subtle ginger-flavored dipping sauce. "Because it isn't meat, it tastes a bit different. It's a bit softer," a spokesperson says. The Shinjo Nuggets were in the works, the company adds, long before allegations that a major fast-food supplier mixed expired meat with fresher meat, plus other unsavory things. This presumably just sped things up a bit. [WSJ, Related]

Read more posts by Clint Rainey

Filed Under: the chain gang, japan, mcdonald's, mcdonald's japan, mcnuggets, shanghai husi food co., tofu

30 Jul 09:54

Ramen Burgers and Dough’s Doughnuts Among This Year’s Vendy Award Finalists

by Riddley Gemperlein-Schirm
Ivy Esquero

Anyone interested in going to the Vendy's? I've been wanting to check out Governor's Island and this seems like a cool event to combine it with.

Hooray for Dough's doughnuts!

The Vendy Awards this morning announced its five finalists for three out of five categories in advance of its tenth annual gala event, which takes place in September. Among the nominees, it looks like Keizo Shimamoto's formidable Ramen Burger will go up against the Rockaway-based upstart Bolivian Llama Party and three other contenders in the Best Market Vendor, which celebrates the "re-imagining the sourcing and consumption of traditional street food." The rest of the nominees are straight ahead.

Rookie of the Year
Big D's Khao Cart
Dub Pie
GoGo Grill
Shanghai Sogo

Best Market Vendor
Bolivian Llama Party
Chickpea & Olive
Ramen Burger
Zha Pan

Best Dessert
Alchemy Creamery
Craffles Food Cart
Ice & Vice
Ricas Botanas Mexican

Voting opened to the public in May, and two more finalist categories are yet to be announced. All will be present with their lucky spatulas and whatnot on Governors Island Saturday, September 13; tickets can be purchased here.

Related: 10th Annual Vendy Awards Season Begins Today

Read more posts by Riddley Gemperlein-Schirm

Filed Under: awards, alchemy creamery, big d's khao cart, bolivian llama party, chickpea & olive, craffles food cart, dough, dub pie, foodie events, foodievents, gogo gril, ice & vice, new york, ramen burger, ricas botanas mexican, shanghai sogo, snowday, ssam bbq, vendy awards, zha pan

30 Jul 09:45

First impressions: Kindle Unlimited is nice, but won’t replace a well-stocked bookshelf

by Blair Hanley Frank
Ivy Esquero

Anyone else tried this? I signed up because I had a hankering to re-read the whole Harry Potter series over, but not sure if it's worth it past that. There don't seem to be as many titles on there.

  I’m a big fan of subscription services for media. While there are certain items that I get a ton of value out of owning, I’m perfectly fine paying a reasonable monthly fee to get access to stuff that I’ll watch once or listen to sparingly. It’s cheaper than buying everything individually, and surprisingly convenient, thanks to the relative abundance of fast Internet around me in the Bay Area. For that reason, Amazon’s new Kindle Unlimited service piqued my interest. I love reading – to the point that it’s honestly difficult for me to shop at a bookstore without buying... Read More on GeekWire
29 Jul 14:44

Video Game History Through Controllers

by Agathe
Ivy Esquero

This made me realize - what happened to Sega?

L’histoire de nos manettes de jeux vidéos, tel est l’angle choisi par le photographe Javier Laspiur pour cette série baptisée « Controllers ». Des clichés empreints de nostalgie, pris du point de vue du joueur passionné, et mettant en scène un canapé et deux mains agiles, atouts ultimes d’une prise de commandes réussie.

5f9ebb78549bd816719b596cfaf7be6e 3301d1a38be13d0b455bea325b9ea30a d9eb3b7b16f027ae745684dd18caa47d 473b85bac4be3939eec5e3df45b74ca6 994236738db923bc8fd1ff6cd59f56c5 b1d53921974dc1d282895eab8ea4b96f caf07fe032683af0295fc4b2484a3864 9e7967bb3ec81d7416e2ca0f92e164dd 7d6f31cd189311dfe268c9c557490c0a 7b4f45cdbdc11ea881836d4e3753a5df videogame1 98a4d2c872b92b0be488e6bb09cc851f_1 98a4d2c872b92b0be488e6bb09cc851f_2
29 Jul 01:14

“We were laying in bed just the other night, looking at the...

Ivy Esquero

aw - baisley - minus the birkenstocks, we could be this in 30 years!

“We were laying in bed just the other night, looking at the ceiling, and I said: ‘You know, it’s been thirty years, and it’s never felt worn. There’s never been a sense of tiredness with you.’”

29 Jul 01:11

In West Virginia, A House of Salvaged Windows

by Promila Shastri
Ivy Esquero

very cool

Recycled-Window-House-by-Nick-Olson-and-Lilah-Horwitz-Yellowtrace-01Even for those of us inclined to romanticize communing with nature, the dream of building a humble house in the middle of the woods (on a miniscule budget, of course) will forever remain a fantasy. But photographer Nick Olson and clothing designer Lilah Horowitz pooled their artistic resources to turn the dream of a getaway into an admirable reality, building a cabin almost entirely of salvaged materials on an idyllic parcel of land in West Virginia—on a belief-defying $500. Fittingly, for a pair of introspective artists, the duo thought long and hard before embarking on this journey, and their home shows it.

Devoid of electricity or running water—nothing keeps romance alive like the glow of candlelight—the simple timber structure belies the duo’s preoccupation with things crafted by hand, and a fondness for both practical and creative flourishes. The most imaginative of these is the front wall of the house, comprised of a patchwork of salvaged windows, a floor-to-ceiling luxury that provides unobstructed natural light and the kind of views typically associated with hefty price tags. “Each window has a bit of a story to it. As an artist, I’ve learned over time that if you have an idea, you can find a way to make it.” Recycled-Window-House-by-Nick-Olson-and-Lilah-Horwitz-Yellowtrace-05Recycled-Window-House-by-Nick-Olson-and-Lilah-Horwitz-Yellowtrace-03Recycled-Window-House-by-Nick-Olson-and-Lilah-Horwitz-Yellowtrace-02

Images: Yellowtrace

29 Jul 01:01

Marimekko Joins Paperless Post

by Promila Shastri
Ivy Esquero


Marimekko1Sending that party invitation just got a whole lot prettier, thanks to Marimekko. The venerable Finnish brand has just announced a partnership with online stationery platform, Paperless Post, becoming the latest—and easily the most iconic—design brand to join the company’s roster of high-profile collaborations.

Which means that Marimekko buffs (count us in) can now happily rely on the brand’s famous textile motifs—including their half-century old, but forever young, Unikko pattern—to add serious visual panache to digital correspondence. And the added good news for U.S. consumers is that Marrimekko’s Paperless Post stationery line is also available in old-fashioned paper stock.Marimekko2