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22 Jul 19:06

Twitter reportedly cracking down on child porn with Microsoft PhotoDNA technology

by Matt Brian

Quer dizer que eles vão armazenar um grande banco de dados de pornografia ilegal?


As the UK government pushes ahead with plans to crack down on pornography, Twitter is reportedly set to join Facebook in implementing a tagging system to prevent indecent images from being posted to the service. According to The Guardian, Twitter will introduce Microsoft's PhotoDNA technology to process and filter images uploaded to its platform by the end of the year, but will come independently of UK policies. The software uses a mathematical hash to match images against a list of known pictures, recognizing offending images even if they have been altered.

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22 Jul 19:01

When Zuckerberg Thought His Sales Guy Was 50 Cent

by Alexia Tsotsis
Screen Shot 2013-07-21 at 4.53.54 PM

In April 2005, current General Catalyst Venture Partner (disclosure) Kevin Colleran replaced Eduardo Severin as Facebook’s business development head and sales lead. He was Facebook employee number seven.

And eight years ago around this time, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg decided to fly out to New York to meet his new sales head in person at the Virgin Megastore in Union Square.

Now the two had never met face to face, and, because in the early days when FB had only room for one profile pic, the above was Colleran’s. So Zuck naturally thought that Facebook’s first salesperson was the “tough looking black guy” on the right and not the white-looking Irish dude on the left.

The former just happened to be rapper 50 Cent, of “In Da Club” and “P.I.M.P.” fame, whom Colleran had met through his previous job as a consultant at RCA.

According to David Kirkpatrick and our sources, Zuck “looked crestfallen” at the mixup. And the next day, Colleran called up Facebook President Sean Parker and asked, “What’s up?” ”Well,” Parker explained, “the meeting went fine. But we both feel a little weird, because we thought you were African-American.” SERIOUSLY. THEY THOUGHT THEIR SALES GUY WAS 50 CENT.

What makes this story even better is that 50 Cent KNOWS. Because, after Facebook got big and lucrative, Parker ended up telling him. And, according to sources, 50 Cent was like, “Damn, should have taken the job.”

As David Beckham likes to say, “Hindsight is a wonderful thing.” Oh, and this.

22 Jul 15:59

These ghostly portraits are algorithmically-mashed faces from Hollywood movies

by Joshua Kopstein

Que bosta.


As police look toward a future where face and iris recognition lets them profile anyone walking down the street, two South Korean artists are using it for something less sinister, though still a bit spooky. Shin Seung Back and Kim Yong Hun's new project, called Portrait, calculates the mathematical average of every face found in Hollywood movies like The Matrix, Black Swan, and Avatar, resulting in a ghostly visage that sometimes seems reminiscent of the film's character.

The artists explain to Wired UK that they wrote an algorithm which preserves a film's "identity" by recording color information from the surrounding frame. The facial recognition software captures all faces found in every 24 frames of footage, then generates the final...

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19 Jul 19:39

Facebook, the early years: handing out a master password like candy

by Lisa Vaas
Former "voice of the boy king" - aka ghostwriter to Mark Zuckerberg - Katherine Losse says she was stunned when they handed over a password that could get her into any account, all sans background check to ascertain whether or not she was a "crazed stalker".
19 Jul 18:53

Benedict Cumberbatch explains how Sherlock survived his season 2 fall

by Rob Bricken

O único modo de explicar isso é não explicar.

Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman couldn't attend the Sherlock panel at Comic-Con, but they were able to send a video message in their place. Freeman just gives a pleasant hello, but Cumberbatch decides to reveal the secret of how Sherlock survived his seemingly deadly fall in the season 2 finale... kind of.



19 Jul 15:08

“Sherlock? But that’s Television.” Sherlock Gets A Fourth Season!

by Stubby the Rocket

Teve uma terceira?

[Possible SPOILERS if you’re not fully caught up with BBC’s Sherlock.]

Read the full article

17 Jul 17:08

How Google Glass users were saved from activation phrase “Hear me now”

by Casey Johnston

a life achivement

Amanda Rosenberg, the product marketing manager at Google who suggested "OK, Glass."

Google Glass users could have been forced to activate their devices by saying “Hear me now,” “Go go Glass,” or even “Glass alive” were it not for the intervention of Product Marketing Manager Amanda Rosenberg. Before she joined the Google Glass team, Rosenberg was the one who suggested “OK Glass” (along with some variants) as an activation phrase; her suggestion won out over many much worse ideas.

Rosenberg describes in a Google+ post how she suggested “OK, Glass” over dinner with Mat Balez, the Glass product manager, and his wife. Rosenberg was not yet formally involved with Glass, but Balez told her how the Glass team was struggling to come up with a “hotword” to get the glasses to listen, and he asked if she had any suggestions.

Rosenberg says that “OK, Glass” popped immediately into her head, but she followed up with an e-mail suggesting two alternate scenarios using “OK”: OK plus a fixed keyword chosen by Google (“Android, “Google,” or “Glass”), or OK plus a keyword chosen by the user.

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17 Jul 13:13

Why does the shadow in this unedited image anticipate a future action?

by George Dvorsky

Why does the shadow in this unedited image anticipate a future action?

This image hasn't been photoshopped or digitally altered in any way. So why is the shadow so out of sync with the frisbee thrower's action?



17 Jul 12:14

Last Night on Letterman: Bruce Willis Goes Under the Dome

by Caroline Shin

Bruce Willis, whose Red 2 is out this weekend, went on the Late Show last night to announce his "upcoming guest appearance" on Under the Dome. He arrived with a clip of him as the angry neighbor right next door. Watch below: ... More »

17 Jul 12:06

We Know Who the Secret Characters Are in X-Men: Days of Future Past

by Kyle Buchanan

Da hora que quando saiu a notícia do Dinklage todo mundo lembrou do pigmeu.

What kind of presence will the X-Men series have at Comic-Con this week? 20th Century Fox is playing coy about the studio's panel on Saturday, so far announcing only Q&As for X spinoff The Wolverine and the Apes sequel Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, in addition to a ... More »

16 Jul 16:29

Linux 3.11 Officially Named "Linux For Workgroups"

by samzenpus
An anonymous reader writes "Linus Torvalds decided to change the code name for Linux 3.11 and even submitted an alternate Tux Logo. Heise reports: 'For this release, Linus Torvalds changed the code name from "Unicycling Gorilla" to "Linux for Workgroups" and modified the logo that some systems display when booting: it now depicts a Tux holding a flag with a symbol that is reminiscent of the logo of Windows for Workgroups 3.11, which was released in 1993.'"

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

16 Jul 16:27

Reddit gives two-year-old cancer patient a nonstop pizza transfusion

by T.C. Sottek

Reddit is well known for its "random acts of pizza," but the latest act of generosity from its community left one hospital overwhelmed with deliveries. On Saturday, a Reddit user posted a photo of a message taped to a window of the Los Angeles Children's Hospital that asked the world to "send pizza to room 4112" — a plea that quickly reached the site's front page. In response, members of the Reddit community sent more than 20 boxes of pizza to the hospital, giving Hazel Hammersley, a 2-year-old cancer patient, an unexpected pizza party with other children and nurses. In a blog post, Hazel's family says that "we have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community," and hopes that...

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16 Jul 16:15

Justin Bieber: Send Me a Pirate Copy of UFC Event

by Andy

bieberboxSinger Justin Bieber is rarely away from controversy. If he’s not turning up late to a concert in London and then insulting the UK, he’s publicly hoping that Anne Frank would have been one of his fans.

Of course, the guy’s young and probably under a lot of pressure, a potent mix, but he should probably pause before he opens his mouth – especially if that mouth is connected to Twitter.

At the time of writing Bieber has an incredible 41.5 million followers, so anything he says is immediately distributed to an audience greater than the entire population of his native Canada. This weekend he managed to put his foot in his mouth yet again.

Bieber’s father Jeremy is a former fighter and in 2011 they were seen together at a UFC event at the MGM Grand Garden Arena. That was a good show, but nowhere near as dramatic as this weekend’s event at the same location. Legendary undefeated middleweight champion Anderson Silva decided to clown around in the Octagon and got knocked out for his troubles.

It was a truly unbelievable moment which left those watching in disbelief. However, Bieber wasn’t one of them, which soon become apparent when he took to Twitter after the event had finished. In his infinite wisdom, Bieber took to the micro-blogging service to bag himself a pirate copy.


With near 50,000 retweets it was always likely that the UFC brass would discover that Bieber had incited his fans to commit copyright infringement. It didn’t take long for outspoken UFC boss Dana White to weigh in.

White retweeted Bieber’s request along with some advice. “PPV Justin,” White wrote.


“Oh shit! Dana pissed you trying to bootleg the fight!!! Now the Beliebers vs the UFC fans is on like Donkey Kong!” wrote one excited UFC fan.

“Millionaire can’t even spend $60 on PPV, plus you’re a bitch Bieber. Me and you in the Octagon. Make it happen Dana!” exclaimed another.

By the time Bieber had asked for a pirate copy the event was already over so live PPV wasn’t really an option. Bieber could, however, have jumped over to the UFC site for a replay or failing that, paid a few dollars for access to the archives.

But perhaps grabbing a copy from The Pirate Bay is just way easier?

P.S. (Legal) highlights here Justin ;)

Source: Justin Bieber: Send Me a Pirate Copy of UFC Event

16 Jul 10:37

How J.K. Rowling’s Pseudonym Was Uncovered

by Jesse David Fox


This weekend, it came out that J.K. Rowling had published a well-reviewed mystery novel, The Cuckoo's Calling, under the unassuming (and very British) name of Robert Galbraith. Released in April, it had sold only 1,500 copies, an amount any given Harry Potter book has probably sold since you started reading ... More »

12 Jul 18:01

Justin Bieber and Bill Clinton Settled Their Differences

by Zach Dionne

Peidou na farofa.

TMZ recently released a video of Justin Bieber pissing in a mop bucket at a New York club, then following up the mature act by spraying a portrait of Bill Clinton and saying, "Fuck Bill Clinton!" Since there's absolutely no way to understand this development, Daily Intelligencer took the liberty ... More »

12 Jul 17:53

HIV used to treat deadly genetic diseases in children

by Amar Toor

Reversal russian aplicada cientificamente.


HIV kills nearly two million people every year, but scientists in Italy say they've found a way to use the virus to actually save lives. In a pair of studies published today in the journal Science, a team of researchers from the San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (TIGET) describe a method by which HIV was used to treat two rare, but deadly genetic diseases in children — leukodystrophy, which cripples the nervous system, and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, which ravages a child's immune system.

The technique, developed over the course of 15 years, involves replacing defective genes with healthy copies delivered with viral vectors derived from HIV. The Milan-based team, led by Dr. Luigi Naldini, conducted years of laboratory...

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12 Jul 17:38

Netflix currently in negotiations for another season of 'Arrested Development'

by Bryan Bishop

\º/ Tenho que dar o braço a torcer. Uma semana depois que acabei de ver a quarta temporada estava sedento por mais.


Back in May Netflix debuted one of its most anticipated pieces of original programming yet with the fourth season of Arrested Development — and now it looks like the company is interested in even more time with the Bluth family. Bloomberg reports that Brian Grazer — the producing partner of Ron Howard, whose Imagine Entertainment actually played a part in the latest season of the show — stated today that his company is in negotiations with Netflix to produce another season. The comments were made during an interview at the Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference, a get-together of well-known political, business, entertainment, and technology titans (Apple's Tim Cook is also attending this year's conference).

It's the latest turn in...

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12 Jul 17:36

Apollo mission sites could become a lunar national park

by Dann Berg



The landing site of NASA's Apollo missions may be transformed into a popular tourist destination, if a new bill in Congress is ratified. Two democratic congresswomen are seeking designate a national park on the moon, protecting abandoned Apollo artifacts, such as the landing gear, roving hardware, and the famous footprints.

The last manned lunar landing was in 1972, and no human has stepped foot on the surface of the moon since. But that might not be the case much longer as other countries and commercial space programs seek to replicate NASA's past successes.

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12 Jul 17:26

To avoid leaks, Russia turns to… typewriters

by Cyrus Farivar

Russian way of life.

At least one German website is still selling the Triumph-Adler Twen 180 electric typewriter.

Leave it to the Russians to return to Cold War-era document security tactics.

According to the Agence France Presse and the Moscow Times, the agency in charge of securing communications from the Kremlin now wants to spend 486,000 rubles (about $14,800) to buy 20 electric typewriters... as a way to avoid digital leaks.

The Russian newspaper Izvestia (Google Translate) noted that the government already favors (Google Translate) the German-made Triumph-Adler Twen 180 model. (Although if the Kremlin is paying $740 each, it might want to consult German shopping websites—at least one is only charging $162.)

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11 Jul 02:08

Screw iTunes: Queens of the Stone Age and Fred Armisen sell '…Like Clockwork' on USB drive with a bottle opener

by Jacob Kastrenakes



Queens of the Stone Age fans have probably already put the group's latest record, ...Like Clockwork, through a few spins on their music streaming service of choice. But for those who don't trust the cloud, the band has put together a special package that they think will fit the bill: they're releasing a limited edition USB flash drive loaded with the LP, lyric sheets, music videos, and album artwork. The group is also hoping that you'll tote that 8GB storage unit around after you've removed the content, and they've put a bottle opener on its back end to make it all the more handy.

"If you don't like the album, it's still an eight gig flash drive."

QOTSA had musician and comedian Fred Armisen star in a compelling sales pitch for the...

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11 Jul 02:04

'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' TV adaptation in development at Fox

by Sam Byford



After the panned 2003 movie based on Alan Moore's The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, fans of the time-hopping comic book series could well have given up hope on seeing the likes of Captain Nemo portrayed in live action again. Fox is attempting to revive interest in the property, however, and has given a put pilot commitment to a new TV adaptation.

Green Lantern and Heroes writer Michael Green is on board to pen the script and executive produce, according to The Hollywood Reporter, and will be showrunner if Fox decides to pick up the series. It's said that neither Alan Moore nor illustrator Kevin O'Neill will be producers on the project; Moore's antipathy towards adaptations of his own work is well documented.

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11 Jul 02:03

Apple conspired to raise e-book prices, judge rules (updated)

by Jon Brodkin

Típica filha da putagem.

You paid too much for these books.

The US Department of Justice has won its antitrust case against Apple, with District Judge Denise Cote today ruling that "Apple conspired to restrain trade" by leading a conspiracy to raise e-book prices above the low prices charged by Amazon.

"The Plaintiffs have shown that the Publisher Defendants conspired with each other to eliminate retail price competition in order to raise e-book prices, and that Apple played a central role in facilitating and executing that conspiracy," Cote wrote in her decision. "Without Apple’s orchestration of this conspiracy, it would not have succeeded as it did in the Spring of 2010."

Just how Apple will be punished is yet to be determined. The plaintiffs "are entitled to injunctive relief," Cote wrote. "A trial on damages will follow."

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11 Jul 01:24

First ‘Oldboy’ Poster Features an Image From the Spike Lee Film; Trailer Out Wednesday [Updated With New Images]

by Germain Lussier


Oldboy header

Over the past several years, Park Chan-wook’s Oldboy has been established as a modern classic. The intense, surprising and violent revenge story of one man mysteriously imprisoned for years, then released out of the blue, has struck a chord with audiences worldwide. In America, however, a foreign film can unfortunately only gain so much popular traction, which is (part of) why Spike Lee was hired to direct a remake. That remake, out October 25, starts its marketing this week with a trailer on Wednesday and a poster right now.

The poster isn’t just some artistic rendering, however. It’s a still from the film of star Josh Brolin finally being released after years of captivity. Check it out in full below.

Here’s the full poster for Oldboy.

Oldboy poster

Not only is this poster a still from the movie, the title treatment is in Josh Brolin’s handwriting, based on the letters he writes in the film.

Update: here are three additional images, via Facebook.

oldboy1 oldboy2 oldboy3

Check back Wednesday for the first trailer.

OLDBOY is a provocative, visceral thriller that follows the story of an advertising executive (Josh Brolin) who is abruptly kidnapped and held hostage for 20 years in solitary confinement. When he is inexplicably released, he embarks on an obsessive mission to discover who orchestrated his bizarre and torturous punishment only to find he is still trapped in a web of conspiracy and torment.

Co-starring Elizabeth Olsen and Sharlto Copley, OLDBOY was directed by Spike Lee, from a script by Mark Protosevich (I Am Legend, The Cell, Thor). The film was produced by Roy Lee, Doug Davison and Nathan Kahane.

10 Jul 13:49

What if The Simpsons was invaded by characters from Game of Thrones?

by Meredith Woerner

A personalidade não parece estar certa.

What if The Simpsons was invaded by characters from Game of Thrones?

Last year, we witnessed The Simpsons give tribute to Game of Thrones in their introduction. Now, the cast of George R.R. Martin's series has invaded Springfield, and it is awesome.



10 Jul 12:00

How to Practice Safe Sexting, Without Resorting to Digital Abstinence

by Eric Ravenscraft

How to Practice Safe Sexting, Without Resorting to Digital Abstinence

The rule with sexting is that if you don't want everyone to see photos of you, don't send them to anyone. This is good advice, but it's also an "abstinence only" approach. If you decide to go through with it, there are ways to protect yourself.

Before we say anything else on the subject: we don't generally recommend sending saucy pics over the internet. We've talked about this before, and our opinion hasn't changed. Just like sex in the real world, abstinence is the only thing that's 100% safe. However, we also know some of you are going to do it anyway—so again, just like sex in the real world, we think it's important to educate you on how to do it safely.

Crop, Block, or Edit Out Any Identifying Features

How to Practice Safe Sexting, Without Resorting to Digital Abstinence

This should go without saying, but if you want to remain anonymous in the event your photos end up in the wrong hands, be sure that no one can confirm it's you at a glance. Keeping your face out is obvious. Also be aware of any tattoos, birth marks, abnormalities, or unique features on your body that someone may recognize. All it takes is one person to recognize that unicorn tattoo just above your left hip to tie a name to that photo.

If you're editing photos to hide your face after you take them, don't blur your face—block it out entirely. It may be a less-ugly method—compared to, say, putting a giant black block over your head—but a blurry photo can be reverse-engineered. This is most important when dealing with numbers and text (which is why you should never photograph your credit card, even if you blur the number). At the moment, technology to reveal your pretty face all over again isn't exactly mature, but eliminating blur is an entire field of research. One that, at least in certain forms, is very promising for companies like Adobe. You can probably feel pretty safe if you apply a Gaussian blur to your visage for now, but in five or ten years, it could be a snap to undo that process. Don't risk it. Either shoot the image so your face is out of frame, or block it out entirely with a solid color. Then delete the original.

Strip EXIF Data and Check Thumbnails

How to Practice Safe Sexting, Without Resorting to Digital Abstinence

Let's say you've properly hidden your identifying features in a photo. That still doesn't necessarily mean it can't be traced back to you. Geolocation information can show where a picture was taken and camera information can identify the device that it was taken with. There have even been known Photoshop bugs that save the full, uncropped image as a thumbnail bundled with the edited image.

How you get rid of metadata depends on what operating system you use, but each desktop OS has its own tools. There are also apps you can get to edit or delete EXIF data on Android or iOS. For safety, though, you should always double check a photo in a separate EXIF viewer application to double-check that the data is really gone.

When shooting videos, you should also begin by shooting one or two seconds of your hand covering the lens. One most devices, this will result in a completely black thumbnail in your gallery apps. Not that you should be storing videos unsecured anyway (we'll get to that), but if you forget, and you hand your phone to that friend with boundary issues, a black thumbnail will catch fewer eyes than a saucy bedroom video.

Send Files Safely

How to Practice Safe Sexting, Without Resorting to Digital Abstinence

If you both have a smartphone IM conversations are the most convenient ways to send messages to your sweetie. They are also among the worst ways to securely send sensitive pictures. For starters, if you use something like Facebook Messenger or Hangouts to send a picture, it will ping every device you're logged in to. Forget to sign out on the tablet you left in the living room? Well, now your roommate has seen the photos. It's also worth pointing out that Hangouts keeps an album of all the photos you send to someone in a chat. That album is only viewable by you and your partner when logged in, but that means that if someone gets your Gmail password, they can pull up every picture message you've ever sent or received (unless you disable history, which will only keep photos for 24 hours). To say nothing of someone being able to sniff data over WiFi.

A more secure option (though slightly less convenient) is Dropbox. Everything uploaded and downloaded via Dropbox is encrypted, so it's unlikely that anyone will be sniffing data over WiFi. The exception here is the mobile apps. Unfortunately, those don't use encryption. Alternatively, you can place your images in an encrypted zip file, ensuring that they're locked up from start to finish and remain so when they're not being viewed. Of course, how to securely send information over the internet would be an article unto itself. Luckily, we have one.

Hide the Evidence You Keep

How to Practice Safe Sexting, Without Resorting to Digital Abstinence

Unless you're using Snapchat, chances are you intend for both you and your recipient to keep the images you share (and, as a side note, Snapchat is far from foolproof; if you can see it, you can copy it). Unfortunately, by keeping images, you're also risking the chance that someone could get access to your phone and find your photos. Be sure to hide them.

The first thing you should do is get a vault app. On Android, Vaulty is a basic, yet effective app that locks photos away behind a passcode. It automatically prevents hidden images from showing up in the Gallery (as well as any alternatives). NQ Vault is a more advanced version for both Android and iOS that allows you to hide photos, SMS, call logs and even entire contacts. It also has a cloud sync feature, though if you want to be extremely thorough with security, you should probably avoid keeping copies of your photos on another company's server.

Turn Off Logging for Text Chats

How to Practice Safe Sexting, Without Resorting to Digital Abstinence

Pictures and videos don't exist in a void. Chances are that if you're willing to send one sultry photo, you've sent dozens of text messages of a sensual nature. In most cases that don't involve infidelity and scandal, these probably won't hurt you quite as much (unless your friends typically comb through your chat logs). However, if you want to make sure that anyone you live or work in close quarters with doesn't accidentally stumble on your flirty messages with your wife, use an instant messenger client that supports turning off history.

Text messages can be deleted, but it's cumbersome and requires deleting the messages from both devices. Using an app like Hangouts, you can disable chat history so that neither device (nor Google's servers) make a record of your conversations. Unfortunately, iMessage and WhatsApp don't seem to have the ability to turn off history entirely, but they do allow you to delete conversations from your device. Be aware, though, that there may be backups on company servers which, as the recent NSA stories show, means that they could end up on computers beyond those belonging to you, your partner, and your chat provider.

If you want to make super extra quintuple sure that no one but your partner is going to see your messages, you can use clients like TorChat. Asking your sweetie to hop on the secure channel before you start the fun stuff may not be the sexiest foreplay, but it can keep you safe.

Talk About Security Habits With Your Partner

How to Practice Safe Sexting, Without Resorting to Digital Abstinence

"Hey, baby. What security protocols are you implementing to ensure the safety of the sensitive materials I've electronically transmitted to you?" is perhaps one of the least sexy sentences a person can say. That doesn't make it less important. If you spend hours stripping all your photos of metadata, airbrushing out your tattoos, and encrypting your connection, it won't mean a thing if your partner uses your image as his phone's wallpaper or uploads them to imgur.

When you send explicit photos to someone else, you're not just trusting them. You're trusting their security habits. If you wouldn't trust the person to use your laptop without accidentally getting some malware, don't trust them with dirty photos. If they have a habit of losing their phone, set them up with remote wipe software. In general, being in a relationship doesn't necessarily mean you should be able to dictate to your partner how they use their gadgets. When you're sharing intimate material, however, it becomes much more important to make sure you both have high security standards.

Watch Out for Legal Problems

In most cases, as long as all involved parties are over 18 and consent, you probably won't run into legal issues. If you are under 18, however, things get messier. In one case in South Carolina, a 20-year-old man had a consensual relationship with a 16-year-old girl (which is legal by both SC and federal law). However, once he and his girlfriend filmed the act, possession of the keepsake became a federal crime. Even without transmitting it, the mere fact that it existed on his phone resulted in jail time and a life on the sex offender registry (though the fact that he was caught because he made a phony bomb threat didn't help his cause). There have even been cases where teenagers have been arrested for taking photos of themselves.

To put this another way: if you or your partner are under 18, do not take photos or video under any circumstances. Ever. At all. This is not a "probably bad idea" thing. It's a very serious legal issue. Don't do it. There's plenty of time for that once you're old enough to buy cigarettes.

Even if both parties involved are above the basic vice ages, you could still face problems. Some employers have morality clauses in their contracts. These stipulations can result in punishments or even termination depending on the wording if you cause a scandal due to unseemly behavior. This can be a bigger problem when your job is more visible or requires you to be the public face of the company, but it's worth checking into no matter what.

Be Prepared to Own It

How to Practice Safe Sexting, Without Resorting to Digital Abstinence

As I mentioned at the start, there is always a risk that your photos/videos/whatever will get out. This means not only that strangers could see them, but friends and family, too. One could argue that sharing intimate photos should just be another part an adult sexual mindset, but analyzing changing cultural views on sex in the information age is beyond the scope of this article. It will not, however, be beyond the scope of your relationships if you get caught. You'll have to have those conversations with someone, so it's best to just address it head on.

A special note for any politicians, athletes, or celebrities in the audience: this is even worse for you. It sucks, but the fact is that if you send lurid material to anyone—it doesn't matter if it's your mistress, your boyfriend, or your mother—the press will be all over it given the chance. Don't deny it. Not only is "My account was hacked" the lamest excuse in the book, but the more you try to suppress the story, the more people will want to know and the harder it will be to keep your secret. This is what's known as the Streisand Effect.

Once you take a picture of yourself without your clothes on, it's easy for it to get out and be traced back to you. However, as technology gets more prolific and new generations grow up side by side with smartphones and the internet, indulging digital vices becomes inevitable. This doesn't mean that you should go through with it. If you do, though, be safe.

Photos by Kyra, Ed Yourdon, and Vincent Diamante.

08 Jul 12:47

Brazil allegedly targeted by NSA spying, demands explanation from United States

by Chris Welch

Earlier today, a report in Brazil's daily Globo newspaper claimed that the National Security Agency has been spying on electronic communications and telephone calls originating from the country for the past decade. The Globo story was co-authored by The Guardian's Glenn Greenwald — the journalist who first broke news of sophisticated (and highly classified) US surveillance programs with the help of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. Today's report is allegedly substantiated by further documentation leaked to Greenwald by Snowden, who is currently seeking asylum in a number of countries in hopes of evading espionage charges in the United States.

The report stops short of revealing exactly how much traffic has been monitored, but...

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07 Jul 13:49

Kanye Bounced Some Business Ideas Off Steve Wozniak

by Caroline Bankoff

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is still taking questions about his recent visit with the Kardashian-West family, which took place the day after Kim and Kanye's daughter North (or "Nori") was born. Kardashian arranged the meeting as a birthday/Father's Day present for Kanye, and Woz told ABC News that he autographed ... More »

06 Jul 18:17

There will soon be TWO competing Game of Thrones porn spoofs

by Charlie Jane Anders

There will soon be TWO competing Game of Thrones porn spoofs

You might have supposed that a single Game of Thrones porn movie would be sufficient. Or you might have thought the HBO show is already fulfilling your porno needs. In any case, there will soon be two duelling Thrones pornos.



06 Jul 18:17

How to Build a LEGO Organizer For Your Keys and Everyday Items

by Andy Orin

Como destruir todas suas coisas e parecer mais infantil no processo.

How to Build a LEGO Organizer For Your Keys and Everyday Items

Even though I have a "spot" for my keys and wallet, I still end up misplacing them. The LEGO organizer is a fun and convenient place to store all of your everyday carry things. A standard LEGO base plate is stuck to a wall, while bricks and plates attached to everyday items make them attachable to the mat—never to go missing again. Here's how to make your own.

This fun and colorful project is a great way to keep things organized and show your love for LEGO. LEGO purists beware: I had to modify the pieces to work with my idea!

How to Build a LEGO Organizer For Your Keys and Everyday Items

Step 1: Tools + Materials

How to Build a LEGO Organizer For Your Keys and Everyday Items

I wanted to have a variety in my LEGO organizer, so I chose a few different bricks for the items I wanted to hang.

LEGO Pieces:

Tools + Materials:

  • Rotary tool with cutting wheel
  • Sandpaper (100 grit)
  • 2-part epoxy
  • Drill and small bits ( 2mm [5/64"] )
  • 2-sided tape (or other heavy duty dual adhesion)

Step 2: Key Fob

How to Build a LEGO Organizer For Your Keys and Everyday Items

Using a 2mm (5/64") bit, openings were drilled through the side and top of each 2x bricks. Once initial openings were made, the drill was directed to a 45 degree angle and the openings were reamed to connect the two openings. This opening was large enough for my key loops—ream with a larger bit if you need more room. Any plastic burrs from drilling were removed with a sharp hobby knife. Key loops were then threaded though each brick opening and keys added.

Step 3: Base Plate and Labeling

How to Build a LEGO Organizer For Your Keys and Everyday Items

Instead of labeling the keys, I chose to have them color-coded with a corresponding nameplate. I liked this method as it allows the bricks and keys to be changed easily. Then all you need is a new name plate. On masking tape, scribble what your keys open and place it on the corresponding color brick.

Step 4: Wallet and Phone Backing

How to Build a LEGO Organizer For Your Keys and Everyday Items

How to Build a LEGO Organizer For Your Keys and Everyday Items

How to Build a LEGO Organizer For Your Keys and Everyday Items

For the phone and wallet I chose a 4x6 plate. The pip crowns on the topside of the plate don't serve a purpose when attaching them to a flat surface and add to the thickness, so I used a rotary tool with a flat cutting wheel to remove them. The plate was then sanded smooth with 100 grit sandpaper. 2-part epoxy was mixed and smeared over the sanded top of the LEGO plates. The plates were then attached to the phone and wallet, then clamped in place and left to set overnight.

Pro-tip: With most 2-part epoxies, less is more. Too much epoxy applied may leak into openings created when removing the plate crowns and prevent the bottom of the plate from connecting with the mat. If you accidentally use too much glue, the spillover can be removed with a sharp hobby knife, as dried epoxy is brittle and can be chipped off once set.

Step 5: Adhesive Back

How to Build a LEGO Organizer For Your Keys and Everyday Items

I used strong double-sided tape to adhere my base plate to the wall. If you're planning to load up your base plate with lots of items, then you might need a stronger solution to stick your base plate to the wall. Consider mechanical fasteners. After applying the tape, the backing was removed and the base plate was pushed against the wall to ensure a strong bond.

Step 6: Mount and Organize

How to Build a LEGO Organizer For Your Keys and Everyday Items

All that's left now is to populate your base plate with your everyday carry items, like your wallet, phone, and keys. I have extra room on my base plate, so I can expand with more key fobs or larger objects as the need arises.

LEGO Organizer | Instructables

Mike Warren (mikeasaurus) is the Editor of Play and a Community Manager at Mike's projects blend functionality with whimsical absurdity as he explore ideas and concepts that others rather not touch. The results may vary but they are always fun! Mike's projects have been featured in Wired, Popular Science, The New York Times Magazine, and reposted all over the web. Mike has authored 2 books on DIY projects and also writes the Man Craft column at

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06 Jul 18:15

Women do better on math tests when they fake their names

by George Dvorsky

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Women do better on math tests when they fake their names

There's a pernicious myth that says women aren't as good at math as men. And disturbingly, reminding women of this stereotype just before they write a math test will have a detrimental affect on their performance. So what would happen if a woman could pretend to be someone else while writing the test?