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23 Jun 03:48

Scott Lord Mystery: The Beast With Five Fingers (Robert Florey, 1946)

by Scott Lord Mystery Film
23 Jun 03:48

Scott Lord Mystery: Cobra Woman (Robert Siodmark, 1944) theatrical trailer

by Scott Lord Mystery Film
23 Jun 03:48

Scott Lord Mystery: Lights Out, The Passage Beyond (1951)

by Scott Lord Mystery Film
25 May 17:39

Arthur Wotner as Sherlock Holmes

by Scott Lord on Silent Film

please add this additional feautre:

Scott Lord
25 May 17:38

: Sherlock Holmes- Sign of the Four

by Scott Lord on Silent Film
25 May 17:38

Universal Sherlock Holmes Trailers

by Scott Lord on Silent Film

I happen to carry a Basil Rathbone Players (1938) cigarette card in my wallet.

25 May 17:38

The Moonstone

by Scott Lord on Silent Film
25 May 17:38

The beautiful Marion Marsh in Svengali (Mayo)

by Scott Lord on Silent Film
25 May 17:38

Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None, 1945

by Scott Lord on Silent Film
25 May 17:38

Sherlock Holmes The Man With The Twisted Lip

by Scott Lord on Silent Film
19 Oct 18:27

Can you spot Donna’s church in the mural and where is the church?

by Scott Lord on Silent Film, Swedish Silent Film, Danish Silent Film,

Donna's church was the tallest existing structure during the War of 1812, replacing Boston's Old North Church,which was the tallest existing structure during the American Revolutionary War. Can you find it in he mural. Where in Boston is the mural? Donna opened the library this morning, my having to turn on the lights. She had one or two patrons before the head librarian came down from attending the church service. In effect her ,Donna's seniority was come about. The short story I'm working on mentions her being alone in an empty library, as though it was where God would be, if you wanted to visit, the story itself confronting an earlier story written by John Updike, "The Music School".
Let There Be Love.
Actually, being in the library, I was just observing one of the minister/professors conducting part of atour of the church, which you are welcome to try and might enjoy, but he had to explain that a service was inprogress to some young adults and that although we have many M.I.T./Harvard studemts attend and that, and I quote his disclaimer, "We are working for God", two which I add that there is an element or dimension of spirituality when entering the building if not a recoginition of the specific spirituality of others. (The Updikes I would not hesitate to invite as their father was Kierkegaardian and I passed a course on Soren Kierkegaard from the University of Copenhagen with an -A, as long as they note my 'joking' about Paul Revere and/or Anne Bradsreet).
We did have a discussion on "The nature of God" this week at the restaraunt and I'm very quick to begin: God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Benevolent and after that the conversation is limitless. Those four givens before we begin. Ministers seem more Christ orientated and Scriptural. This week I quickly added that there are four important things.
In the Old Tetsament: God is Israel and Man Enters a Covenant with God, one in which there is the promise of a Tommorow in exchange for Belief. Added to that, Moses is the greatest Prophet. In the New Testament: God is Love, a love created by his word being all, and Love Thy Neighbor. Those four or five things to explain the "Scriptural" nature of God. They are "tenets" and I am more than amenable to your adding more. If you are in Boston and have already visited our church, here's a link to the Old North church, our Episcopal predecessor. The other really old church in Downtown Boston. If you have time to visit the webpage, you can probably make it to both in person.
18 Oct 18:22

Scott Lord Mystery


Tags: Mystery

18 Oct 18:22

Scott Lord Mystery Film - YouTube

Scott Lord Mystery

Tags: Scott Lord

18 Oct 18:22

Silent Film

Silent Film

Tags: Silent Film

18 Oct 18:22

Silent Film


18 Oct 18:22

Silent Film

Silent Film

Tags: Silent

18 Oct 18:22

Silent Film

Silent Film

Tags: Silent Film

18 Oct 18:21

deviantART: Outgoing Link

Scott Lord

Tags: Scott Lord

18 Oct 18:21

deviantART: Outgoing Link

Greta Garbo

Tags: Greta Garbo

18 Oct 18:21

Scott Lord on Silent Film: Greta Garbo in Flesh and the Devil (Clarence Brown, 1926)

Greta Garbo

Tags: Greta Garbo

18 Oct 18:21

Greta Garbo

Greta Garbo

Tags: Greta Garbo

18 Oct 18:21

Silent Film

Silent Film

Tags: Silent Film

18 Oct 18:21

Silent Film

Silent Film

Tags: Silent Film

18 Oct 18:21

Scott Lord Silent Film: Gosta Ekman in Faust (F.W. Murnau, 1926)

by Scott Lord on Silent Film
18 Oct 18:21

Scott Lord Mystery: The Mystic (Tod Browning, 1926)

by Scott Lord on Silent Film
18 Oct 18:20

Scott Lord Silent Film: Boston Common and Proper (Phillip M Brown)

by Scott Lord on Silent Film

Silent Film travelogue of Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts. Everything looks the same, almost.
18 Oct 18:20

Scott Lord Silent Film: The Grand Duchess and the Waiter (Malcom St Clair, 1926)

by Scott Lord on Silent Film
18 Oct 18:20

Speckled Band

by (Scott Lord on Silent Film, Swedish Silent Film, Danish Silent Film,)
scottlordpoet shared this story from Mystery film.

Scott Lord


18 Oct 18:19

Scott Lord Silent Film: Burstrup Holmes Murder Case (Alice Guy-Blanche, ...

by (Scott Lord on Silent Film, Swedish Silent Film, Danish Silent Film,)
scottlordpoet shared this story from Scott Lord on Silent Film.

Silent Film Silent Film
18 Oct 18:19

Scott Lord Mystery: Inner Sanctum (Dead Levels, 1953)

by (Scott Lord on Silent Film, Swedish Silent Film, Danish Silent Film,)
scottlordpoet shared this story from Wreck of the Hesperus.

silent film Scott Lord