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15 Apr 12:50

Teaching a computer to play Mario… seemingly through voodoo

by Mike Szczys


Some people know [Tom Murphy] as [Dr. Tom Murphy VII Ph.D.] and this hack makes it obvious that he earned those accolades. He decided to see if he could teach a computer to win at Super Mario Bros. But he went about it in a way that we’d bet is different that 99.9% of readers would first think of. The game doesn’t care about Mario, power-ups, or really even about enemies. It’s simply looking at the metrics which indicate you’re doing well at the game, namely score and world/level.

The link above includes his whitepaper, but we think you’ll want to watch the 16-minute video (after the break) before trying to tackle that. In the clip he explains the process in laymen’s terms which so far is the only part we really understand (hence the reference to voodoo in the title). His program uses heuristics to assemble a set of evolving controller inputs to drive the scores ever higher. In other words, instead of following in the footstep of Minesweeper solvers or Bejeweled Blitz bots which play as a human would by observing the game space, his software plays the game over and over, learning what combinations of controller inputs result in success and which do not. The image to the right is a graph of it’s learning progress. Makes total sense, huh?

[via Reddit]

Filed under: software hacks
12 Apr 16:09

mathimage #7: piano

by admin
Jose L. Hidalgo


i made a piano this weekend for my “one realtime mathemagical image a week for a whole year”. it was a quick session, but the target was this time was clear, no doodling or wandering. instead, i decided i wanted to make a piano that looks like the one i have in my apartment. the point i wanted to make with this exercise was that “mathematical image” doesn’t necessarily mean “terrains” or “fractals” or “arbitrary geometrical shapes”, but it means anything you want. for example, a piano, why not. hence the very well defined target.

still the execution was improvised of course – not that i have done a mathematical piano before (or anybody, for the matter). also, due to technical issues in the current web browsers i could only go that far in the amount of detail. same goes for lighting – browsers are not powerful enough to do global illumination in realtime. lastly, composition wise, some very intense and saturated red roses in the left part of the frame (over the piano) would have made an super cool image. BUT, part of the game in these weekly challenges is to only sketch things (starting from scratch from a white canvas), then stop wait to the following weekend for a new challenge. still, i think i like the result.

as usual, i put the code online accessible for everybody to play with, and do changes to it live and see the results right in the browser:

the body of the piano is made of 4 boxes with round corners. the keys are one white box made periodic over the x axis, and a black box made periodic over the same axis except for multiples of 2 and 6. the feet are one cylinder (made the formula symmetric over x to get 2 of them for the prize of one) with a vertical sinus distortion. the music sheet is a thin box pushed out with a symmetric parabola. the bench, a box with a sinus deformation on top. walls and floor, planes. the window doesn’t actually exist – i just indicate its presence by a soft-rectangular shaped formula with a cross in the middle which gets projected over the scene. the piano texture is some noise with horizontal patterns for subtle coloring. the broken paint, a grey coloring based on the local curvature of the piano formula (which sort of detects convexity, always a good indicator of exposure and hence age). the music is written with a vertical sinus to make the lines multiplied with a second sinus of one tenth of the frequency of the former, which creates the big white gaps that separate the paragraphs. the notes themselves don’t exist – instead some very high contrast noise was used, modulated by the underlying lines themselves, in order to suggest there actually are notes there (one of the tricks in mathematical imagery is to simply “suggesting” things and let the brain of the viewer interpret the thing and do the rest of the job for you). the wood tiles in the ground are sinuses in x with a varying phase which is a function of z. lighting is done with my usual tricks for softshadows and fake occlusion (documented in my website), and so on.

03 Apr 17:57

Ten C++11 Features Every C++ Developer Should Use—Marius Bancila

codeproject.pngIgnoring the dangers of linking to items published on April 1, we offer:

Ten C++11 Features Every C++ Developer Should Use

by Marius Bancila

This article discusses a series of features new to C++11 that all developers should learn and use. There are lots of new additions to the language and the standard library, and this article barely scratches the surface. However, I believe some of these new features should become routine for all C++ developers. You could probably find many similar articles evangelizing different C++11 features. This is my attempt to assemble a list of C++ features that should be a norm nowadays. Table of contents:

  • auto
  • nullptr
  • Range-based for loops
  • Override and final
  • Strongly-typed enums
  • Smart pointers
  • Lambdas
  • non-member begin() and end()
  • static_assert and type traits
  • Move semantics
01 Apr 15:45

Announcing Awesomenauts The Movie with a trailer!

by Joost van Dongen
We have just released this press release, figured I should share this awesome piece of news with you!

Today Ronimo Games announces that their massively successful platforming MOBA Awesomenauts is coming to Hollywood! Awesomenauts The Movie will be directed by the award-winning director G.G. Abrams. The announcement is celebrated with a teaser trailer:

Awesomenauts The Movie will be released in full 3D and will reach theaters around the globe this Fall. Joost van Dongen, co-founder of Ronimo Games, says "This movie is a dream come true. Plans for an Awesomenauts movie have been in development since we started working on the game, and now that the game has reached such huge success, we have finally been able to break into Hollywood and get the production of the movie started!"

Actors have not officially been announced yet, but rumours currently suggest several famous Hollywood actors might have enlisted to play the roles of Froggy G, Clunk and Sheriff Lonestar.

About Awesomenauts:
The downloadable game Awesomenauts is a unique combination of an action platformer and the MOBA genre (games similar to League of Legends and DotA). Awesomenauts was released on PS3, Xbox 360 and Steam in Summer 2012 and features lovingly crafted 2D graphics. It also happens to come with one of the best theme songs in the history of gaming.

About Ronimo Games:
Ronimo Games is the Dutch indie studio responsible for the downloadable hits Awesomenauts (Steam, PS3, Xbox360) and Swords & Soldiers (Wii, PS3, Steam, iOS, Android), which both won numerous awards.
31 Mar 14:43

Forward, un vídeo hipnótico

by xtarles

Messe Kopp se ha grabado andando de espaldas por las calles de Jerusalem y ha invertido la dirección de reprodución creando un vídeo hipnotizante. El vídeo va más allá de andar de espaldas, Messe destroza una mesa, se quita el sombrero, recibe un tartazo… También está disponible el vídeo original, tal y como se grabó.

31 Mar 08:58

Video: You Don’t Know const and mutable

by Herb Sutter

imageAt C++ and Beyond in August, I gave a 30 min talk on the changed meaning of const and mutable. The talk video is now online:

You Don’t Know [keyword] and [keyword]

const means const.

Bonus: mutable is useful and continues to mean ‘already as good as const.’

This is another way C++ has become simpler: const now means what people always thought it meant, and the four-line code example doesn’t need deep analysis at all – it just works.

But we analyze the four-line example anyway as a motivating case to see why and how it works, so we can fully appreciate this new simplification in C++11…

Filed under: C++
29 Mar 20:59

Bitcoin Currency Surpasses 20 National Currencies In Total Value

by samzenpus
Jose L. Hidalgo

kraptooooor, donde esta nuestro wallet de bitcoins!?!?

Velcroman1 writes "More than $1 billion worth of bitcoins now circulate on the web – an amount that exceeds the value of the entire currency stock of small countries like Liberia, Bhutan, and 18 other countries. Bitcoin is in high demand right now — each bitcoin currently sells for more than $90 U.S. — which bitcoin insiders say is because of world events that have shaken confidence in government-issued currencies. 'Because of what's going on in Cyprus and Europe, people are trying to pull their money out of banks there,' said Tony Gallippi, the CEO, which enables businesses to easily accept bitcoins as payment. 'So they buy gold, they put it under the mattress, or they buy bitcoin,' Gallippi said."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

29 Mar 18:32

Installing GLaDOS in the ceiling of your house

by Mike Szczys
Jose L. Hidalgo

quiero uno en el comedor


Install this light fixture in your bedroom and you might kiss your nights of peaceful sleep goodbye. Fans of the Portal game franchise will recognize it as a smaller version of the megalomaniacal artificial intelligence character from the game. This particular rendition is how she looked in the second installment of the series. The lamp is the creation of [Dragonator]. It was entirely 3D printed before being outfitted with LEDs to actually function as a light.

Our first thought is that this project is all about 3D design to get the final product t0 look so fantastic. But if you dig a little deeper you’ll see that it’s so much more than that. To get pieces that look this fantastic you must have a well tuned printer and be willing to let it run for 40-60 hours as it burns through 2 kg of filament. At that point you’re still far from the finish line as the [Dragonator] then set to work sanding and painting all of the pieces. From there he lovingly assembled everything, including gears and motors to give it motion.

In the end the electronics did not work as he envisioned. But maybe after a bit of time off from all that work he’ll revisit the project and make a bit more progress. For us, the aesthetic already makes the hack. Making it move and sound like the character would be over the top.

If you liked this you can’t miss the GLaDOS potato.

Filed under: 3d Printer hacks, home hacks
29 Mar 08:21

GDC 2013

by Jare

It’s that time of the year again, when everyone else is partying and having fun (or maybe not – WTF IGDA?) at GDC in San Francisco. I’ll try to collect any links to lecture materials I come across. If you know of stuff missing here, please tell me about it on Twitter @TheJare. You can also check industry sites like Gamasutra, Polygon or Develop for ongoing coverage, and hopefully a lot of these materials will show up in the GDC Vault soon.

Edit: also check out eXile’s awesome and better organized compilation (focused on programming & rendering).

Constantly updated…

28 Mar 10:43

Next Generation Life

by Jorge Jimenez

Lauren 2

Lauren 3

Lauren 4

Jonas 1

Our talk in GDC 2013, Next-Generation Character Rendering, is a few hours away. On it, we will present what represents to us the culmination of many years of work in photorealistic characters.

We will show how each detail is the secret for achieving reality. For us, the challenge goes beyond entertaining; it’s more about creating a medium for better expressing emotions, and reaching the feelings of the players.

We believe this technology brings current generation characters, into next generation life. At 180 fps in a Geforce GTX 680.

The team behind this technology consists on Javier Von Der Pahlen (Director of R&D), Etienne Danvoye (Technical Director), Bernardo Antoniazzi (Techical Art Director), Zbyněk Kysela (Modeler and Texture Artist), Mike Eheler (Programming & Support) and me (Real-Time Graphics R&D).

You have a teaser of the slides here:

The YouTube account of Activision R&D:

The movie:

And some additional images:

We will show it running in our two-year old laptop, in live. Hope to see you in our talk!


  • First of all I’d like to credit the Institute for Creative Technologies for the amazing performance capture provided for the animation ( Their new capture technology enable photoreal facial animation performances together with extremely detailed skin features. The full team behind the capture, leaded by Paul Debevec, is the following: Oleg Alexander, Graham Fyffe, Jay Busch, Ryosuke Ichikari, Abhijeet Ghosh, Andrew Jones, Paul Graham, Svetlana Akim, Xueming Yu, Koki Nagano, Borom Tunwattanapong, Valerie Dauphin, Ari Shapiro and Kathleen Haase.
  • Lauren head scan (the woman one) was obtained from Infinite-Realities.
  • Second, it has been quoted in numerous sources if this was related with the Nvidia FaceWorks presented in GTC. I’d like to clarify that we both use the same performance capture from the ICT, but the animation and render engine is completely different. In other words, same source data but different engine.
  • Finally, I’d to clarify that the technology we presented runs in its higher quality preset at 93/74 fps at 720/1080p respectively, in a GeForce GTX 560 TI (a two-year old mid-range GPU).
  • Thanks to all the people who showed interest in our reseach, the slides will be available pretty soon online!