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19 Jun 20:00

Cosplay Don’ts for Daleks

by Susana Polo

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Don’t dress as the Doctor. I mean, not because you’ll be exterminated, but because nobody will recognize you. Because Clara deleted everything about him from the Dalek’s core… server… data… something.

Though I suppose if you must dress like the Doctor, you should do it as Meghan Murphy proposes in her series of daleks dressed like all eleven Doctors. Interested in a desktop background featuring all of them? I thought you might be. She also has an unrelated webcomic that’s cute as a button.

(via io9.)

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18 Jun 17:12

"are “cum” and “come” both correct? If one writer uses one, can another writer use the other..."

“are “cum” and “come” both correct? If one writer uses one, can another writer use the other variation?”

- Copy editing notes on the second issue of Prose & Lore, the RedUP literary journal. As you do.
14 Jun 13:14

OK, The Intertubes Can Go To Sleep Now

by Brinke


From the DF&P FB.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: puppehs
13 Jun 17:25

TypographyShop: Clothing and Art for Type Nerds

by Jaime Derringer

TypographyShop: Clothing and Art for Type Nerds

Designer Patrick King sent me a link to his TypographyShop online shop for designers and typophiles but I had already known about it. However, I realized I never blogged about it… so here goes!

TypographyShop: Clothing and Art for Type Nerds in style fashion art Category

The shirts in the shop are not only for typophiles, but for graphic designers, too or anyone who might geek out over fonts. I’m particularly font of the “Sans” shirt and “Well Kerned”:

TypographyShop: Clothing and Art for Type Nerds in style fashion art Category

TypographyShop: Clothing and Art for Type Nerds in style fashion art Category

TypographyShop: Clothing and Art for Type Nerds in style fashion art Category

TypographyShop: Clothing and Art for Type Nerds in style fashion art Category

TypographyShop: Clothing and Art for Type Nerds in style fashion art Category

Also, he released a new endeavor – the George Lois Poster Project – in which they are debuting a new poster by Massimo Vignelli, with 10 other prominent designers’ entries in the works.

TypographyShop: Clothing and Art for Type Nerds in style fashion art Category

13 Jun 14:08

hragv: LOVE! itscolossal: The Geometric Paper Torso, Now with...




The Geometric Paper Torso, Now with DIY Templates and Instructions

12 Jun 12:29

I saw Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio’s Virgin and Child at the...

I saw Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio’s Virgin and Child at the Louvre and lost my mind.

-Our Lady of Honey Boo Boo-

Editor’s note: We’re not sure of the artist’s name, but this was too good not to post.

11 Jun 20:10

cognitivedissonance: ohshititsar: senor-bizarro: crimson-firec...











In February, I posted two pieces in Bed-Stuy on Tompkins and Halsey. These two pieces got the most attention of any pieces I’ve put up so far. Within a few days, someone had written his response to the work directly onto the posters. From there, a woman wrote a response to him. And it went on and, on with different hand-written comments creating this kind of interesting discussion. The pieces remained up until a week or so ago, when the phallic image was drawn. That’s when I decided to try to take them down. 

The “Stop Telling Women to Smile” piece remained in tact enough for me to include it in the exhibition. I thought it was important to present in the show, so that people could view these written reactions. 

I love when assertive women scare men to such an extent that they have to resort to infantile shit like this.

They think it will shut women up, but it really just fuels everything further, I hope they know that. 

The “devolution” of the poster is more interesting to me than the originals, which I’ve reblogged before.

The fact that a man decided to comment on the poster physically, and was the first to do so, says a lot. Whenever women defend ourselves we get these counter arguments. We get people in general, and not just men, trying to cut down our personal initiatives. And when women, like on the poster, attempt to hold a real discussion we get the brunt of the “dick solution” where we are told that we hate men, we haven’t had a “dick that was good” or we get a penis drawn on the poster meant to make a social commentary about our “place.”

I’ve reblogged the individual posters before because I understand them as a victim of the suggestions. But I’m reblogging them now to show the attempt to keep women in their societal place in our culture.

An excellent example of men not getting the point about street harassment.

“You find our unwanted projections of our opinions of you to be bothersome? Well … well … well … DICKS, THAT’S WHAT! DICKS!!!

Serious grade-schooler shit here.  Grow the fuck up.


I’m kind of embarrassed by this as a guy. Although I do know we tend to put an undue amount of emphasis on our genitals as the solution to all of life’s problems. Being ornery? RIDE MY DICK! Lesbian? RIDE MY DICK! Depressed? RIDE MY DICK! Just got fired? RIDE MY DICK! *sigh*

And emphasis mine.

Yeahhh, this is a good example of why feminism still needs to be a thing.

All of the above. ALL OF IT.

10 Jun 21:10

When You Play the Game of Clones, You Win Or You… I Got Nothing.

by Rebecca Pahle

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You win or you get chopped in half by a lightsaber? Almost burn to death in a volcano? Have a moon fall on you? What?

Andrew Spear of My Little Geek has combined two things very close to my heart: Star Wars and Game of Thrones. High-res versions of his wallpaper series A Game of Clones, featuring characters from a galaxy far, far away remained in Game of Thones‘ houses, are available on his website, but we have lower-res versions for you to gaze at behind the jump.

Apparently my allegiance lies with House Palpatine. I’m kind of OK with that.

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10 Jun 17:54

Helen Mirren Says It’s Time For A Woman To Lead On Doctor Who

by Jill Pantozzi

“I think it’s absolutely time for a female Doctor Who. I’m so sick of that man with his girl sidekick. I could name at least 10 wonderful British actresses who would absolutely kill in that role.” - Dame Helen Mirren on who should play the next Doctor on the BBC’s Doctor Who.

The actress previously expressed her interest in playing the Doctor (which Karen Gillan thought was an awesome idea) saying, “I would like to play the new female Doctor Who. I don’t want to just be his sidekick.”

When she was told one bookmaker is offering 25-1 odds her being cast in the role she said, “Oh, please — I would put much longer odds on it than that.”

Will Mirren play the Doctor? Probably not, but it’s a fun alternate universe to daydream about. Skyfall’s Rory Kinnear was rumored over the weekend as being offered the role but there’s really nothing solid on that front yet.

(via Yahoo, Photo by ITV/Rex US)

Previously in Doctor Who

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09 Jun 03:50

Relive Winter Weather With Amazing Star Wars, Batman, and Doctor Who Paper Snowflakes

by Rebecca Pahle

Enable JavaScript to check out our fancy slideshow.

  1. 1.Batflake Batflake
  2. 2.Star Wars Forceflake Star Wars Forceflake
  3. 3.Doctor Whoflake Doctor Whoflake
  4. 4.Shipflake #1 Shipflake #1
  5. 5.Wonderlandflake #1 Wonderlandflake #1
  6. 6.Wonderlandflake #2 Wonderlandflake #2
  7. 7.Shipflake #2, Hydra Attack! Shipflake #2, Hydra Attack!

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OK, so the whole “relive winter weather” thing doesn’t exactly work if you’re in the Southern hemisphere, as it’s winter there now. Or if you live in a place where winter weather doesn’t usually mean snow (where y’all at, fellow American southerners?).

But don’t take my bad headline writing (it’s Friday, what do you want from me?!) out on Kit Cameo, who uses tissue or tracing paper, exacto knives, and wizardry to make these intricate paper snowflakes. In addition to Star Wars, Batman, and Doctor Who, Kit pulls from Alice and Wonderland and pirates for inspiration. Check ‘em out behind the jump.

(via: Nerd Approved)

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03 Jun 18:42

Le Corbusier Retrospective Coming to MoMA — Design News 06.03.13

by Tara Bellucci

Le Corbusier Retrospective Coming to MoMAThe Museum of Modern Art is planning the first retrospective on Swiss-born architect Le Corbusier. The show entitled Le Corbusier: An Atlas of Modern Landscapes will include his work as architect, interior designer, artist, city planner, writer and photographer. The show runs from June 15 through September 23 at  the Joan and Preston Robert Tisch Exhibition Gallery.

In other news, a giant park the size of Connecticut is coming to the Great Plains, and Rick Poynor explores the fascination with storage units. See the headlines after the jump.


03 Jun 16:05

dapperanddandy: (via Men’s Necktie Dapper Fox Men’s Tie Men’s...

03 Jun 15:55

so-treu: thatneedstogo: gradientlair: Melissa Harris-Perry...




Melissa Harris-Perry went THERE! Her hat, whip and cuffs were in reference to a segment on today’s episode of The Melissa Harris-Perry Show where her panel discussed female sexuality, whether or not a sexual pill for women is trying to use medicine to cure something cultural, fear/shame regarding female sexuality and more.

I find this image empowering because here she is, a Black woman, discussing sex on a major show, with humor, confidence and intelligence, and not being used as reference for “deviant” sex, as Black women, heterosexual or LBTQ are, yet at the same time, visually speaking to sexual practice often deemed deviant regardless of who practices it. Brilliant.

omg dying. this is too much for me to handle

……….i just discovered a few things about myself

03 Jun 15:51

Trans* Men and the Erasure of Childhood Femininity

Trans* Men and the Erasure of Childhood Femininity:


Gender identity is far more complex than what you wear or what hobbies you partake in. It is more complicated than how you wear your hair or the toys that you played with as a child. Many trans* men proudly proclaim that they never liked dresses, they always kept their hair short, they were a ‘tom boy’. They keep anything ‘feminine’ close to their chest, secret and hidden lest someone clutch it and hold it aloft as ‘proof’ that they are not trans* enough.

This is my confession: in many ways, I was not a typically masculine child. My parents granted me the freedom to express myself without fear or judgement. I loved thePower RangersandPolly Pocketequally. I had long, flowing blond hair and perpetually scabby knees. I dabbled in make-up, played dress-up and skateboarded too fast down steep hills like I had some kind of death wish.

These things are not what make me a man. Equally, they do not make me less of one

The hardest part of coming out, for me, was not pronouns or family or work. It was the pressure to disconnect myself from certain aspects of my childhood, the person that I had once been (and still am, in many ways). To edit myself – talk about my eighth birthday and leave out the fairy castle cake, paint my experiences in blue rather than pink or purple. It was the sudden revelation that I could not talk about my first boyfriend, or any boyfriend, without it feeling somehow socially unacceptable, without someone double-taking or their smile freezing on their face.

I felt ashamed of the ballet class I took when I was five, the dress I wore to my prom, the snapshots on the walls that damned me for my ‘girlhood’. Like somehow, if I was a ‘real man’, I wouldn’t have or shouldn’t have partaken in these things. I erased whole sections of my childhood, consciously locked them away and didn’t talk about them for fear of being judged. Of being told I wasn’t really trans*, that my interests or hobbies or the way I looked took away my credibility.

I would never tell a cis boy that he can’t do ballet, or play with make-up, or dress up in pink. I would never tell him that those things mean he’s not a ‘real’ boy. Yet I still felt the shame associated with that, and still judged myself by those arbitrary standards.

Many of us boast about hating dresses from an early age, or about wanting to be Spiderman for Halloween like that somehow validates our masculinity. Like we have to dress up our childhood as a stereotypical boyhood in order to be real, or to be taken seriously. But if we liked to knit, or our favourite colour was pink, or we went to prom in a dress, that’s okay. It doesn’t define us. We can talk about that without being less of a man. It doesn’t make us fake, it doesn’t invalidate our gender, and it isn’t shameful.

We are not born knowing that the colour pink is for girls and that the colour blue is for boys. Gender isn’t formed by what you wear, what you do, what you like or how you express yourself. Gender is what’s inside you, and no one can define that but yourself. No matter what you looked like or how you expressed yourself as a child. My name is Michael, and I am a man who had a fairy castle cake for my eighth birthday. And I’m okay with that.

This is really interesting. A lot of trans* people are insecure about parts of their childhood in which they liked pink (or blue) or played with dolls (or cars). As this person points out, gender isn’t defined by what you wear, do, or like (or what you have worn, done, or liked in the past). Just like how liking traditionally masculine stuff doesn’t make you a trans* man, not liking those things (or having not liked those things in your childhood) doesn’t invalidate your gender identity. 

31 May 17:45

Top Firms Release Plans for Penn Station Redesign — Design News 05.31.13

by Tara Bellucci


See the Proposals for Penn Station's RedesignDoes Penn Station's future look bright? The proposals from four firms in response to the challenge issued by the Municipal Art Society of New York all reimagine the transportation hub as a light-filled space — without Madison Square Garden on top of it. MSG Holdings, however, calls the drawings "pie-in-the-sky," and wants to renew its permit in perpetuity. 

In other news, finally there's a chair that's actually meant for draping clothes, and check out how your city smells... on a map. See the headlines after the jump.


31 May 17:41

DIY Starry Night Lamp — Reddit

by Tara Bellucci

It's missing a TARDIS

DIY Starry Night LampNo one would call a mass-produced torchiere floor lamp a masterpiece, but one Redditor was inspired to get artsy. Using paint pens and a basic lamp that cost less than $10, s/he recreated Vincent Van Gough's Starry Night on the plastic shade. Way to think outside the big box!

31 May 16:43


30 May 13:04

Find Receipts in Gmail with This Hidden Smart Label

by Alan Henry

Find Receipts in Gmail with This Hidden Smart Label

When you get a ton of email, it's not uncommon for a purchase receipt or order confirmation to get lost in the shuffle. Thankfully, this simple Gmail search string uses the hidden receipts smart label to show you all of your purchases in one view.



29 May 18:18

New Print From Pop Chart Lab: Famous Cocktails of Fictional Characters

by Anjali Prasertong

New Print From Pop Chart Lab: Famous Cocktails of Fictional Characters

The Dude's White Russian. Alex's Moloko Plus. Jay Gatsby's Gin Rickey. If you have a soft spot in your heart for the signature cocktails of your favorite characters in film and literature, this new infographic from Pop Chart Lab is for you.


28 May 21:01

Silencer Hides Annoying Spoilers on Social Networks

by Thorin Klosowski

Nerd Necessity!

Silencer Hides Annoying Spoilers on Social Networks

Chrome: Nobody likes spoilers, but unless you take a break from Twitter and Facebook entirely, you're bound to accidentally come across the ending of the newest Game of Thrones episode or thoughts on the new Arrested Development series. Silencer is an extension that blocks those spoilers with a click.



25 May 02:08

100 DIY Ideas for the 3-Day Weekend

by Janel Laban

100 DIY Ideas for the 3-Day Weekend
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It's the start of the first three day weekend of the summer, so in keeping with (and expanding upon!) recent Apartment Therapy tradition, we put together a big list of DIY projects to consider for the days ahead. From crafting to cleaning, renovating to relaxing, there is an idea here for everyone - 100 to be exact!


24 May 14:36

Hopper's Process

by (Jeremiah Moss)
Yesterday, the Edward Hopper Drawing show opened at the Whitney Museum and I had a piece published on it at the New Yorker magazine's "Culture Desk" blog. In the piece, I interview the curator of the show, Carter Foster.

A few years ago, I conducted a search for the original source of Hopper's Nighthawks diner.

My interest in finding Hopper's inspiration gave me the chance to visit Foster at his office, where he had collected bits of Hopper ephemera--Xeroxes of the artist's sketches, photographs of Greenwich Village streets, antique maps, and newspaper clippings.

It was exciting to see it all in one place, bits of evidence compiled to show how Hopper came to paint what he painted--from the vanished block of "Early Sunday Morning" to the military uniform of a movie theater usherette that appears in "New York Movie," as well as parts of "Nighthawks."

I never found the diner, and eventually concluded that it did not exist--at least not as one thing. 

Carter Foster comes to the same conclusion, saying that Hopper was a synthesizer, taking pieces of the city and combining them together. “Edward Hopper is called a realist,” he told me. “But his real process was about memory, the way it infuses subjectivity, and he focussed on the material memory of the city.”

That material memory is on view at the Whitney Museum, where Hopper's sketches are presented with photographs of the city as it was. You'll even find Hopper's easel, on loan from his studio at NYU (nice of them, especially considering NYU tried to evict Hopper in 1947).

Check out the show and please visit the New Yorker to read the whole story.

Further Reading:
Finding Nighthawks Part 1

Finding Nighthawks Part 2
Finding Nighthawks Part 3
Hopper's Studio
23 May 19:29

Earthscraper: Inverted Pyramid Spans 1000 Vertical Feet

by Urbanist
[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Public & Institutional. ]

earthscraper underground

Skyscrapers are the traditional small-footprint solution for growing square footage in big cities, but what are developers to do in growing places like Mexico City where new building construction is limited to just ten stories tall?

earthscraper subterranean city park

The only option, of course, is to reverse direction: build down instead of up. This his earth-scraper design by BKNR Arquitectura features a cental lightwell that doubles as a layered park, bringing illumination, ventilation and living greenery into the depths of the building.

earth scraper physical model

Since the ‘base’ of the structure is an open void rather than a filled volume, the existing city square is maintained – it becomes a transparent platform, effectively, adding dimension without subtracting functionality. This configuration provides not only a window to the world below that you can also walk on, still also allows for public gatherings, music festivals, open exhibitions, marches and parades.

earth scraping underground building

Below, the extensive building has multiple floors each of housing, shopping and office spaces, all arrayed around the exterior with views that face in rather than out – another inversion of expectations and conventions.

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22 May 15:21

Solar Socket: Portable Plug-In Creates Free Energy to Go

by Urbanist
[ By WebUrbanist in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]

window socket

With batteries running low, your eye roams the room for a place to plug in, but then you remember: you brought your own power supply – all you need now is a window. Portable, easy and green, this solar socket design is a stroke of genius, able to both generate and hold a charge.

window portable power generator

A suction cup lets you stick the converter to any flat glazed surface, putting photovoltaic panels on the outside and a customary energy outlet on the other. And if you are worried about what happens at night or in overcast conditions: the device itself can store energy for in-place or mobile use.

window mounted solar cells

Kyuho Song & Boa Oh have added a few other functional quirks to the design: rotate your charger plug and you kill the power, spinning a circular cut-off switch built into the face plate. There is a second manual on/off switch on the bottom as well.

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