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16 Mar 14:48

[ASAP] Robust, Accurate, and Efficient: Quantum Embedding Using the Huzinaga Level-Shift Projection Operator for Complex Systems

by Daniel S. Graham†, Xuelan Wen†, Dhabih V. Chulhai†‡, and Jason D. Goodpaster*†

TOC Graphic

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.9b01185
16 Mar 14:48

[ASAP] CASSCF with Extremely Large Active Spaces Using the Adaptive Sampling Configuration Interaction Method

by Daniel S. Levine†‡, Diptarka Hait†‡, Norm M. Tubman§, Susi Lehtola‡?, K. Birgitta Whaley†‡, and Martin Head-Gordon*†‡

TOC Graphic

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.9b01255
10 Mar 08:42

Klimaskeptiker: Das Klima-Manifest der WerteUnion

Nicht wir, sondern die Sonne ist schuld an der globalen Erwärmung? Schlimm, dass es Menschen gibt, die solch krassen Unsinn ernst nehmen, kommentiert Klimatologe Stefan Rahmstorf.
03 Mar 08:37

Quantenmechanik: Kollision am kältesten Ort des Universums

Weltrekord: Zum ersten Mal haben Forscher eine chemische Reaktion bei nur 500 milliardstel Kelvin über dem absoluten Temperaturnullpunkt ablaufen lassen.
28 Feb 08:09

[ASAP] Avoiding Electron Spill-Out in QM/MM Calculations on Excited States with Simple Pseudopotentials

by Alireza Marefat Khah*†, Peter Reinholdt*‡, Jo´gvan Magnus Haugaard Olsen¶, Jacob Kongsted‡, and Christof Ha¨ttig†

TOC Graphic

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.9b01162
24 Feb 07:28

[ASAP] Extended Dynamically Weighted CASPT2: The Best of Two Worlds

by Stefano Battaglia* and Roland Lindh*

TOC Graphic

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.9b01129
04 Feb 08:10

[ASAP] Interpolation and Extrapolation of Global Potential Energy Surfaces for Polyatomic Systems by Gaussian Processes with Composite Kernels

by J. Dai and R. V. Krems*

TOC Graphic

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00700
28 Jan 14:28

Free energy of proton transfer at the water–TiO2 interface from ab initio deep potential molecular dynamics

Chem. Sci., 2020, 11,2335-2341
DOI: 10.1039/C9SC05116C, Edge Article
Open Access Open Access
Marcos F. Calegari Andrade, Hsin-Yu Ko, Linfeng Zhang, Roberto Car, Annabella Selloni
TiO2 is a widely used photocatalyst in science and technology and its interface with water is important in fields ranging from geochemistry to biomedicine.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
17 Jan 09:27

[ASAP] Wet Environment Effects for Ethanol and Water Adsorption on Anatase TiO2 (101) Surfaces

by Giuseppe Fisicaro*†, Simona Filice†, Silvia Scalese†, Giuseppe Compagnini‡, Riccardo Reitano¶, Luigi Genovese§, Stefan Goedecker?, Ioannis Deretzis*†, and Antonino La Magna†

TOC Graphic

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b05400
17 Jan 09:26

[ASAP] Non-Born–Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics Observed by Coherent Nuclear Wave Packets

by JunWoo Kim†?, Chul Hoon Kim‡?, Christian Burger§¶, Myeongkee Park†?, Matthias F. Kling§¶, Dong Eon Kim*‡#, and Taiha Joo*†

TOC Graphic

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b03488
15 Jan 08:24

[ASAP] Will Any Crap We Put into Graphene Increase Its Electrocatalytic Effect?

by Lu Wang†, Zdenek Sofer‡, and Martin Pumera*‡§?

TOC Graphic

ACS Nano
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b00184
15 Jan 08:18

[ASAP] A Rhodium-Based Methane Oxidation Catalyst with High Tolerance to H2O and SO2

by Yu Zhang†, Peter Glarborg†, Keld Johansen‡, Martin P. Andersson†, Thomas K. Torp‡, Anker D. Jensen†, and Jakob M. Christensen*†

TOC Graphic

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b04464
03 Jan 08:35

Dissipative quantum dynamics using the stochastic surrogate Hamiltonian approach

by F. Habecker
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume FEMTO2019, Issue 1, December 2019.
Based on the original Stochastic Surrogate Hamiltonian approach for the simulation of open quantum system dynamics, we present a modified algorithm for the swap procedure. The implementation is tested with nuclear relaxation dynamics of model systems known from literature, i.e., the harmonic oscillator and the Morse oscillator. Finally, the stochastic surrogate Hamiltonian is applied to simulate the dynamical electronic excitation and relaxation of a photodesorption process. This is the first application of the stochastic surrogate Hamiltonian in an ab initio context. A comparison to a surrogate Hamiltonian benchmark allows us to evaluate the results obtained. For this purpose, the well-studied laser-induced desorption of NO from NiO(100) is chosen.
20 Dec 11:11

Structure and reactivity of a water-covered anatase TiO2(001) surface

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9CP05409J, Paper
Xiufeng Lang, Yanhong Liang, Jing Zhang, Lei Li, Liqin Cao, Hongsheng Zhang
We systematically studied water adsorption and oxidation on the unreconstructed TiO2(001) surface using first-principles calculations.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
16 Dec 10:22

A facile acid treatment for P25 modification with enhanced photocatalytic H2 evolution – effect of Brønsted acid sites and oxygen vacancies

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2020, 10,690-699
DOI: 10.1039/C9CY02166C, Paper
Chao Lv, Xuefang Lan, Fuqiang Li, Lili Wang, Liqi Xiao, Cheng Wang, Jinsheng Shi, Shuguang Yu
Acid treated P25 catalysts (HP25-x, x represents the treatment temperature) were successfully fabricated via a simple soaking and drying process for photocatalytic H2 production.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
03 Dec 07:49

Structure and Reactivity of Water-covered Anatase TiO2 (001) Surface

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/C9CP05409J, Paper
Xiu-feng Lang, Yan Hong Liang, Jing Zhang, Lei Li, Liqin Cao, Hongsheng Zhang
We systematically studied water adsorption and oxidation on the anatase TiO2(001)-(1×1) surface using first-principles calculations. Water firstly adsorbs on the surface in a dissociative state and then in a molecular...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
21 Nov 07:15

[ASAP] Disordered Adsorbed Water Layers on TiO2 Nanoparticles under Subsaturated Humidity Conditions at 235 K

by Fabrizio Orlando*†?, Luca Artiglia†, Huanyu Yang†‡, Xiangrui Kong†§, Kanak Roy?#, Astrid Waldner†, Shuzhen Chen†, Thorsten Bartels-Rausch†, and Markus Ammann*†

TOC Graphic

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b02779
13 Nov 09:23

Adventures in DFT by a wavefunction theorist

by Rodney J. Bartlett
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 151, Issue 16, October 2019.
The attraction density functional theory (DFT) has for electronic structure theory is that it is easier to do computationally than ab initio, correlated wavefunction methods, due to its effective one-particle structure. On the contrary, ab initio theorists insist on the ability to converge to the right answer in appropriate limits, but this requires a treatment of the reduced two-particle density matrix. DFT avoids that by appealing to an “existence” theorem (not a constructive one) that all its effects are subsummed into a DFT functional of the one-particle density. However, the existence of thousands of DFT functionals emphasizes that there is no satisfactory way to systematically improve the Kohn-Sham (KS) version as most changes in parameterization or formulation seldom lead to a new functional that is genuinely better than others. Some researchers in the DFT community try to address this issue by imposing conditions rigorously derived from exact DFT considerations, but to date, no one has shown how this route will ever lead to converged results even for the ground state, much less for all the other electronic states obtained from time-dependent DFT that are critically important for chemistry. On the contrary, coupled-cluster (CC) theory and its equation-of-motion extensions provide rigorous results for both that KS-DFT methods are attempting to emulate. How to use them and their exact formal properties to tie CC theory to an effective one-particle form is the target of this perspective. This route addresses the devil’s triangle of KS-DFT problems: the one-particle spectrum, self-interaction, and the integer discontinuity.
13 Nov 09:22

Quantum thermodynamics and open-systems modeling

by Ronnie Kosloff
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume OSQD2019, Issue 1, November 2019.
A comprehensive approach to modeling open quantum systems consistent with thermodynamics is presented. The theory of open quantum systems is employed to define system bath partitions. The Markovian master equation defines an isothermal partition between the system and bath. Two methods to derive the quantum master equation are described: the weak coupling limit and the repeated collision model. The role of the eigenoperators of the free system dynamics is highlighted, in particular, for driven systems. The thermodynamical relations are pointed out. Models that lead to loss of coherence, i.e., dephasing are described. The implication of the laws of thermodynamics to simulating transport and spectroscopy is described. The indications for self-averaging in large quantum systems and thus its importance in modeling are described. Basic modeling by the surrogate Hamiltonian is described, as well as thermal boundary conditions using the repeated collision model and their use in the stochastic surrogate Hamiltonian. The problem of modeling with explicitly time dependent driving is analyzed. Finally, the use of the stochastic surrogate Hamiltonian for modeling ultrafast spectroscopy and quantum control is reviewed.
08 Nov 08:35

[ASAP] Insights into the Most Suitable TiO2 Surfaces for Photocatalytic O2 and H2 Evolution Reactions from DFT Calculations

by Moussab Harb*, Gabriel Jeantelot, and Jean-Marie Basset

TOC Graphic

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b08145
26 Oct 18:49

[ASAP] On the Reactivity of the Cu/ZrO2 System for the Hydrogenation of CO2 to Methanol: A Density Functional Theory Study

by Sabrina Polierer†, Jelena Jelic†, Stephan Pitter†, and Felix Studt*†‡

TOC Graphic

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b06500
18 Oct 12:08

[ASAP] Excess Electrons on Reduced AnO2 (111) Surfaces (An = Th, U, Pu) and Their Impacts on Catalytic Water Splitting

by Gaoxue Wang, Enrique R. Batista*, and Ping Yang*

TOC Graphic

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b06543
17 Oct 10:18

[ASAP] H2 Dissociation and Water Evolution on Silver-Decorated CeO2(111): A Hybrid Density Functional Theory Investigation

by Luca Brugnoli†‡, Alfonso Pedone*†, Maria Cristina Menziani†, Carlo Adamo‡§, and Fre´de´ric Labat*‡

TOC Graphic

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b06805
14 Oct 06:15

[ASAP] Machine Learning in Computational Chemistry: An Evaluation of Method Performance for Nudged Elastic Band Calculations

by Ralf Meyer, Klemens S. Schmuck, and Andreas W. Hauser*

TOC Graphic

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00708
07 Oct 14:46

Dissipative quantum dynamics using the stochastic surrogate Hamiltonian approach

by F. Habecker
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 151, Issue 13, October 2019.
Based on the original Stochastic Surrogate Hamiltonian approach for the simulation of open quantum system dynamics, we present a modified algorithm for the swap procedure. The implementation is tested with nuclear relaxation dynamics of model systems known from literature, i.e., the harmonic oscillator and the Morse oscillator. Finally, the stochastic surrogate Hamiltonian is applied to simulate the dynamical electronic excitation and relaxation of a photodesorption process. This is the first application of the stochastic surrogate Hamiltonian in an ab initio context. A comparison to a surrogate Hamiltonian benchmark allows us to evaluate the results obtained. For this purpose, the well-studied laser-induced desorption of NO from NiO(100) is chosen.
20 Sep 06:39

[ASAP] Mapping of Wave Packet Dynamics at Conical Intersections by Time- and Frequency-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy: A Computational Study

by Lipeng Chen*†, Maxim F. Gelin†, Yang Zhao‡, and Wolfgang Domcke†

TOC Graphic

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b02208
29 Aug 07:00

[ASAP] Screening Doping Strategies To Mitigate Electron Trapping at Anatase TiO2 Surfaces

by John J. Carey* and Keith P. McKenna*

TOC Graphic

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b05840
21 Aug 06:26

Long-life Li–S batteries based on enabling the immobilization and catalytic conversion of polysulfides

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7,21747-21758
DOI: 10.1039/C9TA07767G, Paper
Yupeng Zhang, Rong Gu, Shuai Zheng, KeXuan Liao, Penghui Shi, Jinchen Fan, QunJie Xu, YuLin Min
A novel hierarchical mesoporous nitrogen-rich carbon nanospheres comprising one-dimensional (1D) bamboo-like carbon nanotubes encapsulating Fe3O4 nanoparticles synthesized are used as a high-efficiency host for lithium–sulfur batteries.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
20 Aug 07:43

[ASAP] Beyond Density Functional Theory: The Multiconfigurational Approach To Model Heterogeneous Catalysis

by Carlo Alberto Gaggioli†, Samuel J. Stoneburner†, Christopher J. Cramer, and Laura Gagliardi*

TOC Graphic

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b01775
20 Aug 07:41

[ASAP] Linear Correlations between Adsorption Energies and HOMO Levels for the Adsorption of Small Molecules on TiO2 Surfaces

by Takashi Kamachi*†§, Toshinobu Tatsumi†, Takashi Toyao‡§, Yoyo Hinuma??, Zen Maeno‡, Satoru Takakusagi‡, Shinya Furukawa‡§, Ichigaku Takigawa#¶, and Ken-ichi Shimizu‡§

TOC Graphic

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b05707