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14 May 11:56

DO NOT Ask Your Representatives to Impeach Obama…Not Yet Anyway…

by Dean Garrison

impeach obama billboardThere is a time and place for everything. Do I believe that President Barack Obama should be impeached? Yes. Do I believe it should happen now. Not if we want to actually see him removed from office.

Americans need to understand the best strategy for impeachment and it has nothing to do with justice being served soon. Barack Obama does not want to be impeached, but if he knew that he was going to be impeached, he would rather have it happen now than in 2015. It’s simple mathematics.

January 3, 2015 is a crucial date for freedom-loving Americans. This is the day that the next new crop of U.S. Senators will start their terms. This also happens to be the first chance we truly have with impeachment proceedings that are not doomed to certain failure. I want to break down the process so that people understand it and show you why we can not proceed in 2013. The truth is that in 2013 Obama could quite possibly be “impeached” but he would never be convicted and removed from office. These are two totally separate things and please allow me to explain.

The House of Representatives must first pass “articles of impeachment” with a simple majority vote and with a Republican led House I can see no reason why they could not get that done later this year…if they feel that they have enough evidence. With the Benghazi terrorist attack back in the spotlight I think that most conservatives are at least open to the idea that the evidence may be there. Those of us who have researched it extensively might even have strong opinions that the evidence is definitely already there. So could Obama be “impeached?” Without a doubt in my mind I will tell you 100% that it could happen by the end of this year.

If it does happen you better put on your critical thinking cap, because if the House impeaches Obama soon it is very likely a set up to appease the public. What do I mean?

“Impeachment” is not guilt. An impeachment is like an indictment. Once the House impeaches the President they send the matter to the Senate. Ding, ding, ding…we have a winner.  Do you see where I am going with this?

The Senate then tries the accused and must convict with a two-thirds majority. OK, so let’s do the math. Officially the Democratic majority currently sits at 53-45. The two independents tend to vote lefty on most issues so most political analysts agree that the majority is really 55-45. I prefer to add the RINO (Republican in Name Only) factor into the equation and throw John McCain and Lindsey Graham on the the Democratic side which makes my total 57-43. So here is the question… If we need 67 votes (two-thirds majority) to convict Obama of whatever crimes we accuse him of, do we have a chance? Not likely. You would have to have a piece of evidence so devastating to the psyche of the liberal followers that they would demand their Senators vote to convict. I don’t know what kind of evidence that would be but I would suspect it would have to be something much more substantial than the “he said – she said” stuff we are currently sifting through. Even if all Republicans vote to convict (including Mcain and Graham) you would still have to find 22 more votes and that is not likely to happen.

So if the House charges forward with this I don’t want you to see it as heroic because it is not. The truth is that if House Republicans charge forward now, it is a simply suicide mission and stinks of a set up. They know it. They also think the American people aren’t smart enough to see through it, but we are.

Check out this Young Turks video. It dances around the same point that I am trying to make. Now is not necessarily the time. The impeachment talk starts around the 2:16 mark:

Click here to view the embedded video.

We will see how serious they are about removing Obama through impeachment by the time table of future developments. If House leaders seem eager to push this through quickly then they have absolutely no realistic expectation of success. If they will proceed slowly they do have a chance. None of us want to hear that but it’s true.

The American people have a better chance of removing Obama through armed revolt than the legislature does through impeachment, at least in 2013 and 2014. It’s a fact.

2015 is a different story and I know that no one, including myself, wants to hear that. We have waited too long already and things aren’t getting better. I understand that. I also understand that, if we are counting on the system to get it done for us then, we have no chance before 2014 elections.

Here is a breakdown of open Senate seats for 2014:

  • 35 seats will be contested
  • 21 of those seats are currently held by Democrats, 14 by Republicans
  • 6 Democrat and 2 Republican incumbents have already announced their intent to retire


How you look at the above numbers depends very much on your level of optimism. We have seen numbers like these before. It looks like the Republicans have a chance to make some progress but it’s an old story that has been beaten into the ground.

With that said, if you truly want to impeach and remove the President from his office, and you want a realistic outlook of what it will take, then you had better be focusing on 2014 elections and marking January 3, 2015 on your calender.

It has almost zero chance of happening before then.

I would like to tell you that we live in a country where justice is served but we are all smarter than that. If impeachment is to happen then party lines will be drawn and very few people in the Senate will be doing any independent thinking.

This is the reality of our American system.

I want you to watch what House Republicans do because if they try to impeach then they will know they can’t win in the Senate. If they do it anyway, and do not look ahead to 2015, then they will not have the country’s best interest at heart. It will nothing more than a political move.

It’s your decision. We can get tough and rally for 2014 elections or we can pursue other alternatives. Calling for impeachment of Obama in 2013 is worthless.

Be careful what you wish for.

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14 May 11:47

It’s Time to Get Radical… With the Radicals

by Bradlee Dean

impeachment ticketTrue revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within.”

– Master Saul Alinsky/pupil Barack Hussein Obama

“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”

– 2 Corinthians 11:14, KJV

On the heels of the Benghazi exposé (on the crimes of this administration), I watched a press conference this morning by the families of three Navy SEAL Team 6 members who were killed along with 26 others when their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan. The information that came forth was nothing less than surreal, obvious and very telling.

Telling, I say, that on a daily basis this administration adds insult to injury when the American people have already seen, in the light of day, that its officials are willing to defend radical Muslims (America’s sworn enemy) at every turn:

Here are some points from the families’ press release:

  1. Obama and Biden disclosed that it was Navy SEAL Team 6 who carried out the successful raid on bin Laden’s compound, putting a target on the backs of our now fallen heroes.

  2. High-level military officials sent the Navy SEAL Team 6 heroes into battle without special operations aviation and proper air support.

  3. There was a denial of pre-assault fire, possibly contributing to the shoot down of the Navy SEAL Team 6 helicopter.

  4. Military brass, while prohibiting any mention of the Judeo-Christian God, invited a Muslim cleric to the funeral for the fallen Navy SEAL Team 6 heroes who disparaged in Arabic the memory of these servicemen by damning them as infidels to Allah.

  5. Obama went out of his way to ensure that Osama bin Laden had a proper Muslim burial.

America, you now have an administration that is clearly at war with our republic, our Mosaic institution and our Christian heritage.

They are even willing to go the extra mile and desecrate the sacrifice of those who gave them the privilege to be in a representative, governmental position.

As seen by today’s press conference, the American people are now in a position where they are having to do what the government was put in place to do. This administration is now committing the crimes it has been put into position to prevent.

One more point …

America needs to quit talking to these politicians as if they do not know what they are doing; they know exactly what they are doing.

The best the conservatives have – who are responsible for the corner the American people have been painted into – have even gone so far as to sit back and play the fool by reasoning with this unreasonable administration.

This administration is filled with lying, scheming, immoral, treasonous radicals.

America attempts to be rational with the irrational, and all the while these radicals attack America … and America loses.

No more.

This is nothing less than criminal, and criminals need to be lawfully dealt with. Simply put, it is time to get radical with criminal radicals in this most awesome God-given country of ours and bring forth justice.

The answer is found in Article II, Section 4, of the United States Constitution:

“The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

Click here to view the embedded video.


When the president attacks America’s military:

Click here to view the embedded video.

Who is Bradlee Dean

Click here to view the embedded video.

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14 May 11:44

What Do You Mean The Mic is Still On? New Jersey State Senator Says…”Confiscate, confiscate, confiscate”

by Dean Garrison

New Jersey Greenstein Cunningham WeinbergYou can tell a lot about a politician’s character when they don’t realize that the microphone has been left on. A few air-headed New Jersey State Senators proved that claim on Thursday when they had their own unknown “open-mic” moment. Though this may never compare to King Obama’s intimate moment with Medvedev, it has to rank as one of the top ten open-mic moments in the history of communist America.

The Examiner Reports:

A microphone left on after the gavel fell at a New Jersey Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee hearing Thursday shows the “true view” of some of the senators toward gun owners, and provides proof that gun confiscation is a goal on which they agree, the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs revealed in an email to members and supporters today. The group is the official NRA state association.

“The discussion that was caught, apparently among several senators and staff, is outrageous, and reveals legislators’ true view of gun owners,” ANJRPC reports.

“The discussion appears to be among Senator Loretta Weinberg (D37), Senator Sandra Cunningham (D31), Senator Linda Greenstein (D14), and at least one member of Senate Democratic staff,” the gun group’s email explains.

Interesting lines allegedly coming from Weinberg, Cunningham, Greenstein and company include the following:

“We needed a bill that was going to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate.”

“They want to keep the guns out of the hands of the bad guys, but they don’t have any regulations to do it.”

“They don’t care about the bad guys.  All they want to do is have their little guns and do whatever they want with them.”

“That’s the line they’ve developed.”

Click here to view the embedded video.

I personally don’t care about personal attacks toward gun owners and pro-2nd amendment Senators. Sticks and stones, as they say…

What should concern the people of the great State of New Jersey and Americans all across the land is this “confiscate, confiscate, confiscate” garbage.

It is unclear which of the Senators uttered these remarks but I have a message for her and all of her sexually retarded, emotionally immature friends.

MOLON LABE! Yeah I’m talking to you princess…

“A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.” -Sigmund Freud, General Introduction to Psychoanalysis. (1920)

Come on. You didn’t think I would throw those insults without a solid psychological basis for doing so. Did you? I’m no Sigmund Freud but when she repeats the word three times I feel like she must be triply-troubled. We had better get her on that confiscation list for the mentally unstable as soon as possible. She might be a left-wing terrorist in the making. Jussayin…

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14 May 11:43

Hell Hath Frozen Over…MSNBC Turns on Obama…Calls Benghazi “Cover-Up”…Mentions Impeachment

by Tim Brown

msnbc-obama-220x220MSNBC has been one of the media lapdogs for the Obama administration. Far from being a news organization, it is a merely a mouth-piece for Socialists and the far Left and they have towed that line consistently. However, now even MSNBC is beginning to wake up on the issue of Benghazi and turn on their faux messiah, Barack Hussein Obama. MSNBC is now claiming that Benghazi was not only a terrible event, but it was a cover-up, that the administration lied, that people didn’t have to die, and (gasp) it may just be worthy of impeachment!


Notice how the comparison of Watergate comes up first thing and notice what is pointed out. “They didn’t kill people. They didn’t try to get their staff killed.”

It gets worse though. Here are some of the quotes that followed:

“They were trying to save face after something terrible had happened and try to prevent, what looks like the accurate perception that they had not been careful enough in Benghazi.”

“They had been sloppy about security and ignored warnings.”

They even say the State Department’s Victoria Nuland claims the leadership is worried about the way this points to Hillary Clinton and her deputies and the way the White House defers to them!

Ha! Well that tells us quite a bit doesn’t it? These people will be ready to throw Hillary under the bus, again. They’ve already done it once in the Benghazi scandal. Why not back the bus up over her again?

They even brought up the issue of Obama “sitting on” Benghazi for political reasons. One commentator said “Sure it becomes a political issue.” Only he didn’t mean just for 2012, but he said for 2014, 2016 and even impeachment.

Yep, we’re way ahead of you by like almost eight months, but hey, we’re glad to have them onboard now.

The moment the female commentator put her two cents worth in, it was all downhill. “I think for Clinton, it’s almost Clintonian,” she said, referring back to Clinton’s involvement in her philanderer husband’s criminal activity when he was president. I simply rolled my eyes at a comment that attempted to be substantive. However, it is clear that she has no love for the truth, but for the Left as she talked about the “Right” hating both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

They also went on to point out that this would be a first line of attack against Hillary should she not be in prison and run for the presidency in 2016.

What’s so disgusting about all of this is how people want to analyze this issue as “political.” My fellow Americans, this is not political. It’s criminal. I don’t know why in the United States we refer to immorality and criminal activity as “political issues.” They are not. Illegal immigration, abortion, homosexuality and yes the murder of four Americans in Benghazi and the subsequent cover-up is not political. It’s criminal.

One thing can be said for the blogging world and for activism. It works. If we are persistent, eventually we get the truth to come out. Now, we simply want justice.

Tim Brown is the Editor of Freedom Outpost and a regular contributor to The D.C. Clothesline.

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14 May 11:42

Feds Shut Down 3-D Printed Gun Entrepreneur

by Tim Brown

Cody_Wilson_and_3D_gun-220x220Cody Wilson, 25, a law student at the University of Texas and founder of the non-profit group Defense Distributed, had produced a 3-D printed handgun made entirely of ABS plastic with only a metal firing pin has had the information, on how to build the gun, removed from public access at the request of the United States Department of Defense Trade Controls. According to Wilson, they have seized control of the information.

I first reported that 3-D guns were for real back in July of 2012, when an internet gunsmith by the name of “Have Blue” produced an AR style pistol that fired both .22 and .223 caliber bullets.


On the heels of that, Wilson had set up to manufacture his own weapon and then make the CAD blueprints of it available to the public so people could produce their own. However, once he leased a 3-D printer and it arrived, the company immediately picked it back up, claiming that Wilson’s company,, were violating the law in what they were doing.

Clearly they were not violating the law, as they were able to secure another means of 3-D printing, an $8,000 Stratasys Dimension SST 3-D printer, and not only produced the gun, but tested it. It passed.

Wilson aptly named the gun the “Liberator.”

Once the gun was tested and passed, the blueprints were made available on his site, However, on May 9, 2013, Defense Distributed tweeted out the following:

#DEFCAD has gone dark at the request of the Department of Defense Trade Controls. Take it up with the Secretary of State.

— Defense Distributed (@DefDist) May 9, 2013


The top of the website communicated a similar, though more ominous message.

DEFCAD files are being removed from public access at the request of the US Department of Defense Trade Controls. Until further notice, the United States government claims control of the information.”

The United States government claims control of the information? Huh? Did they create it? Do they do that with other gun manufacturers? I don’t think so. They are scared and as Defense Distributed’s tweet indicates, it seems that Secretary of State John Kerry is the one to blame.

Gun control freaks like New York Senator Chuck Schumer believes 3-D guns should be banned. “Guns are made out of plastic, so they would not be detectable by a metal detector at any airport or sporting event,” said Schumer. “Only metal part of the gun is the little firing pin and that is too small to be detected by metal detectors, for instance, when you go through an airport.”

Wilson has 9mm and .22 barrels in the works, but it looks like he may have to fight some legal battles to implement his project. How the United States government can claim control of this is beyond me. While Wilson did not have a federal firearm manufacturer’s license at the beginning of their project, they did obtain one after the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) sought him out. See what government regulation on a matter they have no constitutional authority in gets you?

Tim Brown is the Editor of Freedom Outpost and a regular contributor to The D.C. Clothesline.

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14 May 11:41

A Mother’s Day Salute to “One Million Moms Against Gun Control”

by Dean Garrison

1 million moms against gun controlIt’s Mother’s Day. That means it’s time for me to take it slow and try to keep my writing to a minimum. After all, this is Ali’s day and if something on Benghazi breaks today, well it might have to wait until tomorrow. For those of you who are not familiar with my columns, I tend to write about guns whenever possible. Why? Well it’s pretty simple. Without the 2nd Amendment in this country, everything else becomes null and void. It is the people’s power of enforcement. So long as Americans keep their guns then we still have the power to chart our own course.

So what can a 2nd Amendment writer talk about on Mother’s Day? Thankfully it was a pretty simple choice. For those of you who are unaware, there is a wonderful Pro-2nd Amendment group called “One Million Moms Against Gun Control.” I have many good friends that are involved with this organization and today I’d just like to give them a quick shout out.

The Mission Statement of “1MMAGC” reads as follows:

To reaffirm to Americans that the Second Amendment states that the right to bear arms “shall not be infringed” and that the infringement of the Constitutionally-guaranteed right to bear arms is unacceptable.
To educate all interested individuals about the importance of the proper and safe handling of firearms.
To keep voters informed about legislative efforts on the state and federal level regarding the use, sale and ownership of firearms.
To provide a counter-argument to the pro-gun control movement by providing objective information regarding the failure of gun control measures.

For any of you ladies who are looking for a group of like-minded individuals, I would strongly suggest getting involved in some way with 1MMAGC. They are strong supporters of the NRA and understand the meaning of “shall not be infringed.” 

I wish the ladies of 1MMAGC continued success and from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for all you do to support the 2nd Amendment and wish you a wonderful Mother’s Day. These are the women that need to be teaching our children about the true meaning of the American Spirit and the true price of freedom. They are reaching out to make a difference and they could use your help.

For anyone who would like more information on how to get involved with this great organization, you can visit their Facebook page or their organizational website at

Happy Mother’s Day to all of my Patriotic Sisters. Take some time to enjoy the important things in life today and I will try to do the same.

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14 May 11:40

What No One Wants to Hear About Benghazi

by Ron Paul

Ron PaulCongressional hearings, White House damage control, endless op-eds, accusations, and defensive denials. Controversy over the events in Benghazi last September took center stage in Washington and elsewhere last week. However, the whole discussion is again more of a sideshow. Each side seeks to score political points instead of asking the real questions about the attack on the US facility, which resulted in the death of US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

Republicans smell a political opportunity over evidence that the Administration heavily edited initial intelligence community talking points about the attack to remove or soften anything that might reflect badly on the president or the State Department.

Are we are supposed to be shocked by such behavior? Are we supposed to forget that this kind of whitewashing of facts is standard operating procedure when it comes to the US government?

Democrats in Congress have offered the even less convincing explanation for Benghazi, that somehow the attack occurred due to Republican sponsored cuts in the security budget at facilities overseas. With a one trillion dollar military budget, it is hard to take this seriously.

It appears that the Administration scrubbed initial intelligence reports of references to extremist Islamist involvement in the attacks, preferring to craft a lie that the demonstrations were a spontaneous response to an anti-Islamic video that developed into a full-out attack on the US outpost.

Who can blame the administration for wanting to shift the focus? The Islamic radicals who attacked Benghazi were the same people let loose by the US-led attack on Libya. They were the rebels on whose behalf the US overthrew the Libyan government. Ambassador Stevens was slain by the same Islamic radicals he personally assisted just over one year earlier.

But the Republicans in Congress also want to shift the blame. They supported the Obama Administration’s policy of bombing Libya and overthrowing its government. They also repeated the same manufactured claims that Gaddafi was “killing his own people” and was about to commit mass genocide if he were not stopped. Republicans want to draw attention to the President’s editing talking points in hopes no one will notice that if the attack on Libya they supported had not taken place, Ambassador Stevens would be alive today.

Neither side wants to talk about the real lesson of Benghazi: interventionism always carries with it unintended consequences. The US attack on Libya led to the unleashing of Islamist radicals in Libya. These radicals have destroyed the country, murdered thousands, and killed the US ambassador. Some of these then turned their attention to Mali which required another intervention by the US and France.

Previously secure weapons in Libya flooded the region after the US attack, with many of them going to Islamist radicals who make up the majority of those fighting to overthrow the government in Syria. The US government has intervened in the Syrian conflict on behalf of the same rebels it assisted in the Libya conflict, likely helping with the weapons transfers. With word out that these rebels are mostly affiliated with al Qaeda, the US is now intervening to persuade some factions of the Syrian rebels to kill other factions before completing the task of ousting the Syrian government. It is the dizzying cycle of interventionism.

The real lesson of Benghazi will not be learned because neither Republicans nor Democrats want to hear it. But it is our interventionist foreign policy and its unintended consequences that have created these problems, including the attack and murder of Ambassador Stevens. The disputed talking points and White House whitewashing are just a sideshow.

Reprinted with permission. This article originally appeared on Ron Paul’s “Texas Straight Talk.”

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14 May 11:38

Guess What is Hidden in the Immigration Bill? A Database of ALL Americans for Big Brother

by Dean Garrison

Obama Big Brother“The use of the Social Security number (SSN) has expanded significantly since its inception in 1936. Created merely to keep track of the earnings history of U.S. workers for Social Security entitlement and benefit computation purposes, it has come to be used as a nearly universal identifier.”


That my friends is not propaganda. It is taken from the Social Security Administration website. It goes very much toward substantiating the idea that certain policies can be created for one purpose and later used for another. It flies in the face of those who support lesser government control and it shows you how things can snowball over time. So why do I bring this up? Well, tucked neatly into some 800 pages of the Senate Immigration Bill are plans for a “national biometric database.” Let’s start with an applicable definition of “biometric” courtesy of

“the process by which a person’s unique physical and other traits are detected and recorded by an electronic device or system as a means of confirming identity: Scanning of the human iris is a reliable form of biometrics.”

In other words, this Senate bill is potentially aimed at building a database of every freedom-loving adult in the United States of America. Does that surprise you? And if it does surprise you, does it frighten you? I recently came across this story on Wired and I think they have a noteworthy take on the dangers of such policy:

Buried in the more than 800 pages of the bipartisan legislation (.pdf)  is language mandating the creation of the innocuously-named “photo tool,” a massive federal database administered by the Department of Homeland Security and containing names, ages, Social Security numbers and photographs of everyone in the country with a driver’s license or other state-issued photo ID.

Employers would be obliged to look up every new hire in the database to verify that they match their photo.

This piece of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act is aimed at curbing employment of undocumented immigrants. But privacy advocates fear the inevitable mission creep, ending with the proof of self being required at polling places, to rent a house, buy a gun, open a bank account, acquire credit, board a plane or even attend a sporting event or log on the internet. Think of it as a government version of Foursquare, with Big Brother cataloging every check-in.

“It starts to change the relationship between the citizen and state, you do have to get permission to do things,” said Chris Calabrese, a congressional lobbyist with the American Civil Liberties Union. “More fundamentally, it could be the start of keeping a record of all things.”

For now, the legislation allows the database to be used solely for employment purposes. But historically such limitations don’t last. The Social Security card, for example, was created to track your government retirement benefits. Now you need it to purchase health insurance.

“The Social Security number itself, it’s pretty ubiquitous in your life,” Calabrese said.

David Bier, an analyst with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, agrees with the ACLU’s fears.

“The most worrying aspect is that this creates a principle of permission basically to do certain activities and it can be used to restrict activities,” he said. “It’s like a national ID system without the card.”

The fact that it will be administered by the Department of Homeland Security is enough reason for concern. For an organization that was originally set up to keep the terrorists out, it has become more about policing those who are American Citizens. Many feel that it has been created as the new “Secret Police” and we find more information every day to support that belief.

I know there are people out there who think I am a nut case for going there. Yeah I went there. But I think it’s fair to give credit where credit is due. This plan is not just the work of the “Gang of Eight.” Oh no, Barack Obama has his fingerprints all over this, even though I am sure his prints won’t be in the same biometric database as mine. Check out this video that was released on YouTube 3 years ago. This is not a new story. The reality of the implementation may have changed, but the intent and origination of the idea has not.

Click here to view the embedded video.

To give you an example of how corrupt our government can be, and why we can not trust them with this sort of information, consider a brewing controversy in my home state.

There is public outrage in Missouri over suspected “backdoor gun registration.” Basically the Department of Revenue started scanning personal documents and it has been discovered that they were transmitting that information to both the Social Security Administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. They were allegedly building a secret database of gun owners in Missouri. The debate and deception is at such a level that our Republican-led State Senate has voted to withhold funds from the Missouri Department of Revenue until it receives the answers it is seeking.

This is going on all over but you can not always recognize it through the smoke and mirrors. Our state just passed one of the toughest 2nd amendment laws in the nation, making all federal gun limits null and void in Missouri. At the same time we have a Democratic Governor named Jay Nixon who reminds me a lot of Obama. If you won’t answer the front door he will sneak in your back door.

This immigration bill must be defeated. There can be no more infringements on our personal freedoms. David Kravets, the author of the “Wired” article, is correct in his presentation. Today it’s about keeping illegal aliens from getting jobs. In five years or ten years it will turn into something much more.

As for the immigration laws…If they would kick the illegals out then maybe they wouldn’t have to violate the freedoms of the people who are here legally. Our government would rather cater to non-citizens than to uphold the rights of the great citizens of this country and that should tell you something.

I have zero problems with someone who desperately tries to make a better life for their family. What I do have a problem with is a government that rolls out the red carpet for illegal aliens at the expense of people who were born here.

The real criminals aren’t the illegals who are trying to better themselves. I would do the same for my family if I had to. If I got caught I would deal with the consequences. The real criminals are a government who does not have a firm set of consequences in place.

That’s just my opinion.

As with most legislation we see coming out of D.C. this is not about immigration, it is about a whole lot of things that are lost in the fine print. I’m sure they will tell us that we need to pass it to find out what is in it.

More insanity from Washington D.C.

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14 May 00:53

12-Year Old Challenges Las Vegas Motorcycle Cop

by Tim Lynch


The 12-year-old boy, who’s name is Jeremy, confronts a Las Vegas Metro motorcycle cop after he noticed the cop was illegally parked on a sidewalk just to get something to drink. Earlier today, Gawker reported that the boy proceeded to ask the cop if he had any emergency reason to park, and then he asked for the cop to reveal his badge number.

After ignoring the boy’s questions, the cop then asks Jeremy if he is a lawyer. Jeremy states that he is just a 12-year-old citizen and continues to pressure the cop for his badge number….

The cop continues to refuse, and eventually leaves on his motorcycle. Before leaving the scene, the cop becomes agitated with the 12-year-old, and asks Jeremy for his ID then accuses him of loitering.

Video at the link above.

We may have a job for him here after high school.

12-Year Old Challenges Las Vegas Motorcycle Cop is a post from

13 May 18:50

Lenovo IdeaPad Y500 Laptop: Intel Core i7-3630QM (2.4GHz) 15.6" (1920x1080) LED, 8GB DDR3, 1TB HDD +16GB SSD, 2GB GT750M, HDMI, USB 3.0, BT, 6-Cell, Win 8 $809 + FS (53 replies)

13 May 18:49

Samsung Galaxy Note II Unlocked Smart Phone $480 at eBay

Ends 5/14 at 8AM PT. eBay with BlutekUSA has the Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100 4G Unlocked Smart Phone, 2012 (Gray or White) for $480 with free shipping. Here is Engadget's glowing review on the newest Galaxy Note model.

  • Android 4.1 OS, 1.6GHz quad core processor, 16GB memory
  • 802.11 a/b/g/n, 3100 mAh Li-ion, Bluetooth 3.0, S-Voice
  • 5.5” 720p AMOLED display, 1080pHD recording, 8MP camera
  • 13 May 14:43

    Someone Is Probably Working On A Coffee Table Book Of Hilarious Amazon Reviews, Right?

    by Mary Beth Quirk

    Now we know.

    Now we know.

    We’ve read our fair share of hilarious reviews for products that practically beg to become comedic fodder — remember the Bic Cristal for Her pen? It’s often those same reviews that make once irrelevant products relevant again, or at least bring to light the very many things for sale out there that make us wonder why anyone bothered selling them in the first place.

    The Wall Street Journal lets its hair down a bit in a roundup of some of the most baffling products and their often giggle-worthy reviews. There are enough included to make us wonder when someone will simply round up all these reviews and churn out a coffee table book. And then someone can review it and suddenly, INCEPTION.

    Let’s see, there’s A Million Random Digits With 100,000 Normal Deviates, which sells for $64.60 on Amazon and delves into the wide world of umm, numbers?

    “Almost perfect,” said one reviewer. “But with so many terrific random digits, it’s a shame they didn’t sort them, to make it easier to find the one you’re looking for.”

    A spokesman for the book’s publisher is baffled by the 1955 tome as well, admitting: “It’s a tool of some sort, but it’s beyond my clear understanding.”

    Amazon doesn’t mind one bit, as a spokesperson tells the WSJ: ”We are always amazed by the creativity of our customers.”

    Here are a few notables, and please, for the love of all things jokey, send us any examples of real products with delightful reviews to us at

    How to Avoid Huge Ships (second edition, of course), by John W. Trimmer: “I bought How to Avoid Huge Ships as a companion to Captain Trimmer’s other excellent titles: How to Avoid a Train, and How to Avoid the Empire State Building.”

    Fresh Whole Rabbit: ”When poached in Tuscan Milk there is no hare with which to compare. I’m thinking some sliced bananas would be a great garnish. If only I could slice them…”

    The 2009-2014 Outlook for Wood Toilet Seats in Greater China: “A current blockbuster best seller and a classic in the making, this analysis is beloved by children as well as adults, scholars as well as arm-chair travelers, the constipated as well as those who are decidedly not, and even those who can move their bowels regularly.”

    These Products Are No Joke, But the Online Reviews Are [Wall Street Journal]

    13 May 14:42

    Suspected Peeping Toms Crash Through Ceiling Of Women’s Bathroom At Movie Theater

    by Mary Beth Quirk


    Here’s the thing: If you don’t want people to suspect you of being a peeping Tom, don’t crawl around in the ceiling above a women’s bathroom. But if you do happen to fall through such a ceiling, like two men did in Georgia? Cops will probably accuse you of spying on ladies. Which is what happened just recently.

    According to arrest warrants, the movie theater manager said he thinks the suspects went up through the ceiling in the men’s restrooms and scrabbled over to the ladies’ side.

    If it’s the kind of ceiling we’re picturing (tiles, foamy, not very supportive), they’re not the kind to hold a lot of weight. As such, police say the men fell through and landed right inside the stalls, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

    As for whether or not they were spying on the women, an officer wrote that the two were “invading the privacy” of customers.

    The suspects — who share a last name but it’s unclear if they’re related — were both charged with peeping Tom and criminal damage to property.

    So yes, peeping Tom is an official charge, you’ve learned something today. That, and don’t crawl around in the ceiling to look at people just trying to do their private business.

    Police: Peeping Toms fall through bathroom ceiling [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]

    13 May 14:25

    Study: Nearly Half Of U.S. Consumers Went To McDonald’s In March

    by Chris Morran

    (Source: Placed Insights)

    (Source: Placed Insights)

    A new study attempts to determine the businesses that American consumers visit most often. Not surprisingly, the list is dominated by places that sell food; and that McDonald’s was by far the most-visited business in the U.S.

    The study by Placed Insights uses data from more than 70,000 volunteers who have opted-in to sharing their locations with the company. And according to that data, nearly half (49%) of Americans over the age of 14 visited a McDonald’s location at some point in March.

    In fact, six of the top 10 spots on the study were taken up by food-service chains — Subway (#3, with 37.8% of Americans stopping by), Burger King (#4; 24.3%), Starbucks (#5; 23.9%), Wendy’s (#6, 22.8%), and Taco Bell (#9; 18.2%).

    On the retail front, Walmart was far and away the most-visited in the study, with 38.8% of Americans over the age of 14 visiting in March. The nearest non-food company was Walgreens at #7 with 22.7%, while Target barely cracked the top 10 with 14.2%.

    Surprisingly, not only did Best Buy get beaten out in visits by both GameStop (#12) and RadioShack (#14), it didn’t even make the top 20 list, coming in at #35 of all U.S. businesses, and only the fourteenth most-visited physical retail chain in the country.

    13 May 14:25

    Social Security Goes After Man For Overpayment To His Mom… From 42 Years Ago

    by Chris Morran



    Back in 1971, someone at the Social Security Administration goofed and overpaid a woman to the amount of $895. This past January, 42 years after the fact, that woman’s son says he received a letter from the SSA telling him to pay up or have that money docked from his tax refund.

    “[The letter] said [SSA] was going to withhold my taxes unless I contacted about this social security over-payment,” the man, now 60, tells Florida’s First Coast News. “My first impression was someone was trying to punk me.”

    He was away from home with the Navy at the time of the alleged overpayment and his mother passed away five years ago.

    Ultimately, he says the SSA went ahead and helped itself to the money from his most recent refund.

    What appears to have happened is that Social Security got this man confused with his father. The two men shared the same name, but it’s his father’s Social Security Number that is attached to the overpayment.

    But instead of just refunding him the money and filling out their own paperwork to explain their error, it’s now up to the wronged man to file a request for a refund with the SSA.

    “It’s on me to respond to their error,” he tells First Coast News.

    After being contacted by a reporter about the incident, a rep for the SSA said the appropriate staff had been notified and that the SSA would be reaching out directly to the man, who probably just wants his $895 back.

    Thanks to Ed for the tip!

    13 May 14:21

    The EECB Gets T-Mobile Off My Back, $300 Refund

    by Laura Northrup

    (Ron Dauphin)

    (Ron Dauphin)

    By harnessing the power of the executive e-mail carpet bomb, D. was able to end a nine-month “saga” with T-Mobile in less than 24 hours. “Go away,” they said (we’re paraphrasing.) “We didn’t take $297 from you without your permission.” Only they kinda did.

    D. writes:

    I followed your steps to deal with T-Mobile after receiving a response letter from them that basically told me to go kick rocks and to shut up and pay according to my contract. Mind you, they had ‘stolen’ $297.61 from my checking account and I provided them proof of the transaction (that they had no record of).

    Literally, within 1 hour of sending the emails my cell phone rang. While [V] was busy apologizing for my inconvenience I was logging onto my account. There was already a credit sitting there in my account.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. I found your info last night and my problem was resolved by 4:00 pm today. Your tip brought my 9 month saga to an abrupt and happy end (for me).

    13 May 14:21

    Too Bad You Missed The -51% Off Sale At Harbor Freight

    by Laura Northrup


    Flickr user classmanager snapped this picture last week at Harbor Freight, a discount hardware store. It’s a beautiful and confusing example of fuzzy math because it isn’t just a few cents more expensive than the regular price of the item: they went ahead and put it on -51% sale, and brag about it.

    13 May 14:20

    Time Warner Cable Considers Offering Broadcast Channels Over The Internet

    by Chris Morran



    While all the network broadcasters are suing Aereo — the startup that captures over-the-air signals then transmits them to subscribers over the Internet for a monthly fee — the CEO of Time Warner Cable is looking that the tech and thinking it may be a pretty good idea for his company.

    “What Aereo is doing to bring broadcast signals to its customers is interesting,” TWC CEO Glenn Britt tells the Washington Post. “If it is found legal, we could conceivably use similar technology.”

    For those coming late to the Aereo party, the broadcasters allege that the company is breaking the law by retransmitting their over-the-air content without paying for it. Aereo maintains that by using an array of teensy-weensy antennae, each dedicated to an individual customer, it’s not doing anything different than someone who puts an antenna on her roof to improve her reception.

    Aereo currently only operates in two markets, but is planning to expand to 22 markets in the coming month. Obviously, the long-term feasibility of this expansion relies on Aereo proving its case in court.

    Even if Aereo is the victor in the broadcaster lawsuits, a company like Time Warner Cable, with an existing nationwide customer base of cable and Internet users and more money to throw around, would be in a better position to make this sort of tech available to the largest number of consumers.

    Of course, acquiring Aereo or starting a competing service would likely throw a wrench in TWC’s relationships with the networks. CBS Corp. CEO Les Moonves recently stated that he’d consider going cable-only if it loses the Aereo lawsuit, a sentiment first voiced by the COO of News Corp, which owns FOX. But what will happen if/when one of the nation’s largest cable providers is offering the very service these networks went off the air to avoid?

    That’s a question to be answered down the road. But in the meantime, Britt is repeating his war cry that broadcasters are forcing bundles of channels down the throats of cable and satellite operators, who have no choice but to pass that cost on to customers.

    “The structure needs more flexibility,” said Britt, who has been beating this drum for a while now. “There are fellow citizens who are struggling financially and can’t afford large programming packages. We want the ability to offer those customers smaller, more affordable packages.”

    A rep for the National Association of Broadcasters says Britt is being hypocritical in pointing the finger at the big content providers.

    “Time Warner Cable owns regional sports channels that charge viewers as much as $5 per subscriber per month,” the EVP of the NAB tells the Post. “The notion that Time Warner Cable has suddenly become ‘pro-consumer’ is laughable.”

    13 May 14:08

    Microsoft Decides To Try This Whole Windows 8 Thing Again With A Few Tweaks

    by Mary Beth Quirk

    When something doesn’t go quite right the first time, what’s a ginormous technology company supposed to do? Why, just slap a couple of coats of paint on the ill-received Windows 8, fluff it up a bit and send it right back out on stage. Microsoft is reportedly tweaking its most recent iteration of Windows because customers have been complaining of confusion, and PCs aren’t selling so well.

    According to the Associated Press, the software package has been dubbed “Blue” for now, with the reworked version of Windows 8 set to debut later this year. It’s sort of Microsoft’s way of admitting that it mucked things up the first time around, and it’s to be hoped that this version of the operating system will be an improvement.

    Microsoft wanted to become a big shot in the mobile device world with the release of Windows 8 last October, but the tiles and touch controls haven’t endeared themselves to consumers. One research firm even cites Windows 8 as being responsible for a 14% decline worldwide decline in PC sales in the first quarter this year. Yikes.

    The company still says it’s happy with Windows 8, saying it’s sold more than 100 million licenses total — “in the same general ballpark” as previous sales for Windows 7, says the company’s marketing and financial chief for Windows, Tami Reller.

    She admits, however, that Windows 8 needs a bit of a makeover.

    “Are there things that we can do to improve the experience? Absolutely,” Reller said “There is a learning curve (to Windows 8) and we can work to address that.”

    It’s still unclear what Blue will have that Windows 8 doesn’t. More details will be released before Microsoft’s June developers conference, with more features likely to be unveiled during that gathering as well.

    Windows 8, Take 2: Microsoft to spiff up maligned operating system with ‘Blue’ touch-up job [Associated Press]

    13 May 14:06

    Gird Yourselves, Grill Masters: Beef Prices Have Hit An All-Time High

    by Mary Beth Quirk

    For those vegetarians or red meat abstainees out there, rest easy and only keep reading if you want to rub some bad news in your burger-loving friend’s face at the grill this summer: The price of wholesale beef is at an all-time high right now, which means costlier burgers, steaks and any other kind of cattle you’d throw on the fire.

    NBC News says the price hit its highest point ever last week — at $201.68 per 100 pounds of a USDA cut of choice beef — and it doesn’t seem like it’ll decline at all this year. It’s gone up by about 5%, just enough to make it smart not only when grabbing a package of your everyday ground beef for a grilled burger, but especially with the finer cuts of meat.

    The last time there was this kind of uptick, it was because Canadian beef imports were put on hold over fears of mad cow disease in 2003. The industry rebounded then, however, and prices dropped again. But this time? Probably not gonna happen, say analysts.

    Part of the reason is that U.S. cattle and calf herd is at the lowest level since 1952, as producers have been struggling with things like poor pasture conditions, droughts, and late freezing weather. Those factors will stick around until at least part way until 2014.

    Until then, expect to shell out a little more cash at the grocery store if you’re used to buying a bit nicer meat, as opposed to factory-raised meats. Bigger farmers can ride out problems easier than smaller farmers, because they can cut corners with growth hormones and other things. The smaller farmers raising choice meats, however, get hit much harder by natural factors like droughts.

    Many consumers might not even notice, however, as a senior analyst with Cattlefax tells NBC we’re eating less beef now than we were six years ago. Perhaps now’s the time to start researching vegetable kebob recipes or dumping more bread crumbs in the burgers.

    Bad news at the grill as beef prices hit all-time high [NBC News]

    13 May 14:04

    Dollar Store Owner In Trouble Because Food Stamps Shouldn’t Be Used To Buy Electronics

    by Mary Beth Quirk

    The thing about food stamps is, they’re called “food” stamps. Not “smartphone” or “iPod” or “tablet” stamps. You can’t eat those things (please don’t try), as they aren’t what’s known as “food.” As such, the owner of four dollar stores in New Jersey is in hot water after allegedly allowing customers to ring up more than $5 million fraudulent food stamp transactions.

    Authorities say the man allowed patrons to make purchases of non-food items like electronics, with food stamps as payment. Over about 2.5 years, the prosecutor says those purchases totaled about $5.2 million, reports the New Jersey Star-Ledger.

    “The Food Stamp program is designed to help people in need,” said Essex County Deputy Chief Assistant Prosecutor Walter Dirkin, director of the county’s financial crimes unit. “Any allegation of an abuse of the program will be investigated by this office.”

    The man has been charged with money laundering, theft by deception and food stamp fraud during his arrest yesterday, say authorities.

    Dollar store owner charged with allowing more than $5M in fraudulent food stamp purchases [New Jersey Star-Ledger]

    13 May 14:02

    Man Uses Giant Pet Food Bags To Steal Laptops From Walmart

    by Laura Northrup

    If you put a laptop computer in your Walmart cart, then put a giant bag of cat food on top of it, it’s possible that no one will notice the computer. However, if you walk out of the store without paying for either item, you’d think someone might notice. Police say that one Florida man walked out with four laptops and a lot of cat food on four separate trips before he was caught. [WTSP]

    13 May 14:01

    Add “Hijacking Customers’ Internet To File False Tax Claims” To List Of Cable Installation Worries

    by Mary Beth Quirk

    While there are plenty of cable servicemen doing awesome things like saving kittens and well, the normal business of installing Internet so we can read about kittens getting saved, one contractor kept himself involved in his customers lives in a less than savory way. In order to file a bunch of fraudulent tax returns, totaling about $91,000, he simply hooked himself up to customers’ Internet service after he’d installed it.

    The Alabama man was found guilty of filing at least 27 fraudulent 2011 tax returns, seeking $91,304 in refunds, reports, and was sentenced to 30 months in prison.

    Here’s how his scam went down, according to court documents: The man and his co-conspirators stole people’s identities by way of a prison guard and an employee at a debt collection agency. Then while working as independent contractor for a cable company, the man would install Internet at various homes, go back to his house and file the fraudulent returns using his customers’ services.

    That way, it looked like the customer had filed the false returns, instead of him. He’d direct the tax refunds to be paid via pre-paid debit cards, which were ultimately intercepted by the United States Postal Service.

    Of course we’re not saying every cable installer is going to rip you off, but it just goes to show the plethora of ways there are out there to have your personal information abused.

    *Thanks for the tip, Wayne!

    Former internet installer hijacked customers’ service to file false tax returns []

    13 May 14:00

    Student Loan Company Implies That If I Don’t Friend Them On Facebook, I Will Default

    by Laura Northrup

    Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation is a large student loan servicer/guarantor, and a not-for-profit company. Their goal is a worthy one: they want to keep their customers engaged and get them to pay their student loans back. This is for the good of their customers, the good of the company, and really for the good of our entire economy. A recent e-mail they sent to their customers bothered a few readers, though, because it seemed to imply that if they didn’t follow the company on Twitter, they will default on their student loans. 


    “Apparently if I don’t like them on Facebook and Twitter, I’ll be sad and default on my loans,” observes reader Sydney.

    The message here is good: pay attention to your student loan company and check their website once in a while. The implied message….isn’t so good, but at least it got customers’ attention.

    13 May 13:59

    Garbage Truck Full Of Educational Scratch-N-Sniff Natural Gas Cards Freaks Town Out

    by Mary Beth Quirk

    Responsible thing: An energy company sending out scratch-and-sniff cards that smell like natural gas so customers can learn to identify the smell in case of a leak. Unfortunate thing: An entire box of said cards compressed in a garbage truck that then travels through town and makes residents think there’s a widespread gas leak.

    Several reports of a natural gas smell in a Montana town this morning led to the evacuation of several buildings in the downtown area, reports the Great Falls Tribune. But all that worry was for naught, said a general manager at the local energy company. He says workers came across extra boxes of cards while cleaning out a storage area, and chucked them in the trash.

    “They were expired, and they were old,” he said. “They threw them into the Dumpsters.”

    From there, sanitation trucks picked up the cards and crushed them, in effect, turning the compressor into a giant finger that scratched all those smelly cards. Cue freaked out townspeople calling the energy company to report gassy smells around the town.

    Just to be safe, workers checked things out downtown for possible gas leaks, in case of a freak coincidence.

    The company has apologized for the problem, with the manager noting that hey, at least people know what gas smells like.

    “In a sense, it worked the way it was supposed to,” he said of all those calling in to report the gas smell.

    Energy West official: Scratch-and-sniff cards to blame for gas smell in downtown Great Falls [Great Falls Tribune]

    13 May 13:58

    Irish Snack Fans Can’t Get Enough Cheese And Onion Potato Chip-Flavored Chocolate Bars

    by Laura Northrup

    taytobarEven though this is America, we are not the top country as far as wacky and amazing snack foods go. No, that would probably be Japan. But Ireland is making a serious run at the title, since their citizens are currently going mad for chocolate bars flavored with bits of cheese and onion potato chips.

    Potato chips in chocolate? Okay, there’s a nice sweet-savory and creamy-crunchy thing going on there. We get it. When you add in the cheese and onion flavors, that’s when we get a little bit concerned. It’s not just any potato chip, though. The bars are from Tayto, a company whose products are so beloved that “tayto” can sometimes mean “crisps.” Which means “potato chips.”

    The bars first appeared at Tayto Park, because of course a snack company needs a theme park. They hit the market in April in a limited edition of 10,000, and have been a runaway success. Metro UK reports that the first run simply wasn’t enough, and Tayto has now sold 100,000 bars to the adoring public.

    Here in the U.S., we associate potatoes with Ireland, but maybe it’s the potato chip we should think of instead. Joe Murphy, the founder of Tayto, supposedly invented the flavored chip, which we only learned about from our sort-of UK counterparts over at Bitterwallet. Imagine: life without the Doritos Loco Taco Dorito or chicken and waffle Lay’s chips!

    Will Tayto keep making the treats? If they asked us (and they didn’t) we would recommend making them a seasonal or occasional product, like the McRib or the Cadbury Creme Egg. Bring them out every so often, put the public in a frenzy, and then take them away.

    Even Mr Tayto is a chocoholic – Crisp company unveils debut chocolate bar [Independent] (via Metro and Bitterwallet, sort of)

    Brits Stuffing Themselves With Junk Food

    13 May 13:54

    Without An Address, FedEx Still Tracks Me Down In Tokyo

    by Laura Northrup


    Jeff is an American who currently lives and works in Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo is a dense and baffling city, and his bank, USAA, created a huge problem when they sent him a check using FedEx but sort of forgot to include his street address. In a city of millions and in neighborhood of 300,000, FedEx’s challenge was to find one foreign dude. They could have just sent the envelope back to USAA. Instead, they accepted the challenge and got the package to Jeff before the original delivery estimate was up.

    Jeff writes:

    I am an American, but I live and work in Tokyo. I needed a teller’s check sent from my bank in the US to Japan. I elected to have it sent by express courier, given the nature of the contents. My bank, USAA, sent it by Fedex the next business day. For some reason, in the process of sending it, they omitted “line 1″ from my address that they have on file. What resulted was an addressee section that contained my name, apartment building with unit, and city. There was no street information included at all. Bear in mind, I live in a mega-metropolis with millions of people and tens-of-thousands of apartment buildings. My “tiny” city district alone has over 300,000 people.

    Instead of just returning it to sender, Fedex did some deep digging to find me by researching the apartment buildings in my postal code. From the looks of the notes on the delivery tag, it took 3 failed attempts before they actually found the correct person. The original delivery estimate was 5-8 days. I received it today, exactly 6 days after it was sent without the benefit of a street address.

    13 May 13:53

    Trading That Old Quarter For An Ice Cream Cone May Not Be Such A Good Idea

    by Chris Morran



    You see this sign offering ice cream cones for only a quarter and it sounds like a pretty flippin’ awesome deal. But then you notice that the store is only looking for quarters from 1964 or earlier, and if you have one of those lying around, you might want to consider just how much you value ice cream.

    See, between 1932 and 1964, quarters contained 90% silver, which means each quarter contains 0.1808 troy ounces of silver. Now, the price of silver fluctuates, but calculates that at $23.75 per troy ounce, the silver in these hard-to-find coins is worth around $4.29. Depending on the size of the cone and your local ice cream shops’ prices for cones, that mat not be a bad deal.

    However, that old coin could be worth a lot more depending on the condition and rarity. Many of these quarters go for a minimum of $5.75 to collectors, with some going significantly higher, with the rarest, uncirculated quarters going for several hundred dollars.

    Even if you have a completely average silver quarter, it’s probably best to hold on to it and just go out of pocket for that ice cream cone.

    I think a local business is screwing some people [Reddit]

    13 May 13:52

    U.S. Government: You Can’t Kick Someone Out Of Your Restaurant Because They’re Scabby

    by Laura Northrup

    If someone looks sort of icky, do you have the right to ask them to leave your restaurant? According to the United States Government, the answer is “no, not if they look icky because of a protected disability.” A Golden Corral restaurant in Michigan has learned that lesson the hard way, and throwing out a child with a genetic skin condition will cost them $60,000.

    According to court documents, in 2011, the manager of this Golden Corral approached a family and asked them to leave, allegedly because because of one child’s appearance. A The blisters and scabs on her skin were caused by a genetic condition and weren’t contagious, the mother explained. She would not contaminate the chocolate fountain. The family were kicked out of the restaurant anyway.

    Multiple family members have a disorder called epidermolysis bulosa, in which the kind of everyday things that happen to most people’s skin on a daily basis like friction, pressure, or changes in temperature cause huge blisters to form. It looks scary, but is not contagious.

    The family filed a complaint against the restaurant, and the U.S. Department of Justice sued the Golden Corral. Two years later, the family has emerged victorious: the DOJ and the Golden Corral have settled. The family will receive $50,000–$10,000 per family member–and the restaurant has to pay a $10,000 civil penalty.

    More importantly, they’ve been ordered to put new employees through diversity training from a third-party provider. We like to imagine that the class will be called something like “How Not to be a Jerk to People With Rare Diseases.” From the court’s consent order issued yesterday:

    Within thirty (30) days of the entry of this Consent Order, [the owners], and all current employees of the Golden Corral of [redacted] restaurant who interact with the public, shall undergo in-person training on their obligations under the ADA with specific emphasis on accommodating persons with less common disabilities.

    Westland restaurant to pay $50,000 for denying service to family [Detroit Free Press]
    Complaint [PDF Download]

    13 May 13:51

    Restaurant Decides Maybe Selling Lion Meat Tacos Wasn’t The Best Idea After All

    by Mary Beth Quirk

    Attention, cat lovers and fans of all things furry: You might want to stop reading if you fear your heart may quail at the injustices served on the King of the Jungle. You’ve read the headline, so now you know — there is a restaurant in Florida that had been selling lion meat tacos. Yes, that kind of lion. But not anymore, as the eatery apparently faced a bit of an uproar (haha get it?) after offering the tacos in question.

    According to the Tampa Tribune, the restaurant posted the following notice on its website alerting customers to the menu change:

    “Thank you all for the feedback regarding the lion meat promotion at [redacted]. Some of you were supportive, some of you were angry. We listened to everyone and decided to no longer carry lion. … The lion meat is sold out and we do not plan to carry it again. Thank you all for your feedback.”

    But… sold out… that means… PEOPLE WERE EATING LIONS. Sigh. Turns out the big cats are just considered “vulnerable” in the wild, and not endangered, so it’s not illegal to import or sell lion meat.

    The restaurant still serves other exotic meats like shark, gazelle, camel and kangaroo, but the owner said he’d been receiving threats online since lion went on the menu.

    That being said, the restaurant is ready to stir the pot yet again, apparently, telling critics:  “If you guys are mad now, just wait till you see what we do next.”

    Please, don’t let it be mermaid. Don’t let it be mermaid.

    (Restaurant) pulls controversial lion tacos off menu [Tampa Tribune]