Shared posts

11 Feb 02:36

Cops shoot and kill naked Florida man after face-biting rampage

by Arturo Garcia
Authorities in Palm Beach County, Florida, shot and killed a man who apparently went on a naked rampage Tuesday night, injuring three people and exhibiting what was described as superhuman strength. The Palm Beach Post reported that the man, identified as 28-year-old Anesson Joseph, was first...
11 Feb 02:19

Family thwarts child kidnapping, beats and holds abductor for police

by TBogg
An Upper Darby, Pennsylvania  family thwarted the attempted kidnapping of a six-year-old member of the family by jumping in front the abductor’s car and then beating and holding him until the police arrived. According to, an intoxicated Christopher Tucker, 29, offered to buy ...
11 Feb 02:19

Scientists move closer to stem cell cure for Type 1 diabetes

by Sarah Boseley, The Guardian
Researchers say they have reversed equivalent of type 1 diabetes in mice using stem cell transplants Scientists believe they may have moved a step closer to a cure for the type of diabetes that develops in childhood and usually leads to a lifetime of insulin injections. Researchers in California...
11 Feb 02:17

Twitter sees 66 percent increase in government requests for personal data

by Agence France-Presse
Government requests for Twitter user information is on the rise, the messaging service said as it released figures while pressing for more transparency. “Over the past 24 months, we’ve received a 66 percent increase in requests for account information coming from more than 45 different...
11 Feb 02:13

Florida set to launch its own limited insurance marketplace

by Reuters
Florida’s own health insurance marketplace, long touted by Republican lawmakers as a free-market solution to providing affordable health coverage, is expected to launch as early as next week. Six years in the making, Florida Health Choices will open for business with an inventory of products...
11 Feb 01:46

The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Fart Gymnasty

by Andrew Tarantola

Finally, a way to simultaneously make watching the floor routine bearable and satisfy the humors of the 9-year-old in all of us. Come to think of it, most every Olympic event could benefit from a flatulent overdub. Either that or get the MST3K guys to provide commentary.



10 Feb 15:03

How a human lung is kept alive and breathing for a transplant

by Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

How a human lung is kept alive and breathing for a transplant

It's a pumping lung in a box, basically. Al Jazeera America specifies that its more properly known as the Organ Care System (OCS) but it's basically a human donor long being kept alive and breathing out of the body inside a box. The OCS machine is used to keep the blood and oxygen flowing to the donor organ so that it can buy itself more time before the donor organ is given to the recipient.


10 Feb 15:03

Electronics retailer Newegg just launched Newegg Premier, an Amazon Prime-like subscription service

by Robert Sorokanich

Electronics retailer Newegg just launched Newegg Premier, an Amazon Prime-like subscription service that offers free expedited shipping, free returns, and exclusive deals—all for $50 a year. [Newegg Premier via Ars Technica]



10 Feb 15:02

A Simple Clay Pot Could Replace Your Noisy Air Conditioner

by Andrew Liszewski

A Simple Clay Pot Could Replace Your Noisy Air Conditioner

Air conditioners aren't exactly known for being particularly environmentally friendly, but during a scorching summer we're all happy to turn a blind eye. Not Thibault Faverie, though. Perhaps racked by guilt, he's created the Cold Pot, a simple terracotta device that can cool a room using just evaporating water.



10 Feb 14:33

Nine true facts that sound made up but are actually completely true

by Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

Nine true facts that sound made up but are actually completely true

Sometimes things sound real but are completely fake. Those fake facts are just so convenient sounding and come perfectly wrapped in a bow tie that they spread like a disease. And then there are other facts that sound like complete made up bullshit but are actually real. Those are the scary ones. The shared souls over at Reddit gathered up some of the most ridiculous truthful facts together and they're amazing.



10 Feb 14:26

Sealand: The Island Nation Founded by a Guy Calling "Dibs"

by Tegan Jones -

Sealand: The Island Nation Founded by a Guy Calling "Dibs"

If you haven't heard of Sealand before, it is the site of one of Britain's Maunsell Naval Sea Forts that were utilized during WWII. This particular one was originally named HM Fort Roughs. The fort's primary function was to keep tabs on the Germans who were laying mines off the coast of England at the time. The structure itself was built on top of barge, which was then towed out to the present day location and sunk. Within about 30 minutes of the barge settling on the ocean floor, the crew of about 100 soldiers had it up and running. (The fort itself can accommodate up to about 300 people.)



10 Feb 14:25

You Can 3D Print This Magnificently Medieval Chess Set at Home

by Adam Clark Estes

You Can 3D Print This Magnificently Medieval Chess Set at Home

Everybody needs a chess set. And if you're going to have a chess set, it might as well be a fun chess set, like MakerBot's Dragons of Glastonbury chess set. That way, if you get bored playing chess, you can always just stage a huge medieval battle in your living room.



10 Feb 14:19

This Simple Disc of Metal Helped Change Science Forever

by Jamie Condliffe

It might not look much, but this small disc of metal helped shape science—because it was the primary mirror in Sir Isaac Newton's original reflecting telescope.



10 Feb 14:12

Hands Down the Easiest Way To Make Ice Spheres

by Andrew Liszewski

Hands Down the Easiest Way To Make Ice Spheres

Have you seen some of the contraptions needed to make those sphere-shaped ice cubes that are all the rage? They look like they belong in a factory stamping out auto parts from sheet metal. This silicone Frozen Peas mould looks infinitely easier—and so much more adorable.



10 Feb 14:11

The Arrow-Shooting Slingshot: Y'Know, (DEFINITELY NOT) For Kids!

by Andrew Liszewski

The Arrow-Shooting Slingshot: Y'Know, (DEFINITELY NOT) For Kids!

We usually think of slingshots as the weapon of choice for precocious little kids, but in the right hands they can be deadly. Especially when they're designed to fire actual hunting arrows like the Survival Slingshot that lets you take down prey larger than sparrows and squirrels.



10 Feb 14:08

You can bake cookies from the cookie dough of cookie dough ice cream

by Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

You can bake cookies from the cookie dough of cookie dough ice cream

Well, well, well. Isn't this good to know? Turns out, you can strain all the ice cream out of cookie dough ice cream and use its dough to bake cookies. Surprise! It's actually cookie dough! It's not just factory made cookie flavoring made to make you crave ice cream more (even if it still is all that).



10 Feb 14:04

This Diesel-Powered Scooter Packs More Utility Than a Swiss Army Knife

by Robert Sorokanich

This Diesel-Powered Scooter Packs More Utility Than a Swiss Army Knife

If I started telling you about a new all-wheel-drive, turbodiesel-powered off-roader, you'd probably think I was talking about a 4x4 truck or SUV, right? Wrong. Check out the RNT, a concept from Indian motorcycle company Hero that could be the only back-country survival tool a motorcycle adventurer would ever need.



10 Feb 14:03

U.S. Bobsledder Busts Through a Door to Escape His Sochi Bathroom

by Robert Sorokanich

U.S. Bobsledder Busts Through a Door to Escape His Sochi Bathroom

Team USA bobsledder Johnny Quinn got trapped in his Sochi bathroom while taking a shower when his door jammed and wouldn't open. Luckily, the former NFL football player turned slider had more than enough muscle to breach what looks like a rather flimsy door.



10 Feb 13:15

The Future of The Padlock Is Here

by Anthony Dejolde

Allow me to be flippantly bold and say, most of us own a padlock or two. I actually own 8 padlocks. Each one, of different size and design. With the fast pace life we live, padlocks are a convenient way to secure drawers, lockers, cabinets, doors, or even bikes if you have a sturdy piece of chain with the right size on which you can attach a padlock. I know that’s old school, but still, it’s effective.

Many people still use padlocks to secure valuable items because they are easy to mount. All you need is a good set of staple and hasp, and a padlock of good quality to complete the ensemble. This ensemble spells an added security to anything you consider a treasure.

That’s the old way of doing things. Now, here’s the future of padlock – Teo. Teo is a padlock that you can lock and unlock with a smartphone or any device that’s bluetooth enabled. Here’s the nice thing about it — you don’t need to keep too many keys using Teo. In fact, now, your smartphone is your key!  This product is a project of OckCorp on Kickstarter.


The post The Future of The Padlock Is Here appeared first on Lifehack.

10 Feb 13:12

The Ultimate Guide To Creating Calligraphy

by Siobhan Harmer


Creating calligraphy is often an overlooked area of creativity, but if you want to try it out here’s how!

You will need:

  • A ruler
  • Permanent Ink
  • Nibbed drawing pen
  • Gouache paint
  • Paper
  • Sticky tape
  • Chisel-tip black marker
  • A flat-edged paintbrush
  • Water
  • Old cloths or towels
  • Pencils
  • Tissues

Set up:

  • Tape your paper to the table to keep it steady.
  • Work on a slanted desk if possible.
  • Give yourself plenty of room.
  • Make sure you’re comfortable.
  • Don’t keep your ink right next to the paper, but it keep it within reach with the rest of your tools.


Tape two pencils together with tape, hold them at a 45 degree angle and practice making marks.

Filling Your Pen.

Using your brush, paint a horizontal line of ink or gouache paint across the pen’s nib. Never dip your pen straight into the ink pot!

Before Your Start:

  1. Put on some old clothes that you don’t mind getting ink on.
  2. Sit comfortably.
  3. Cover your lap with some old towels or cloths.

Preparing Your Paper:

  1. Draw your baseline. Align your ruler with the top of your paper, draw a line at the bottom of the ruler and you have your baseline.
  2. Create a nib ladder. This is for measuring the size and height of your letters. Place your pen parallel with the baseline and make square, then form ten of these squares.
  3. Draw the X-height. A typical italic typeface is 4-5 nib heights.
  4. Draw the ascender and descender. From your x-height draw 4-5 nib heights above and below.
  5. Draw the cap-height. This is the height of the capitals in your calligraphy, it is a line between the x-height and the ascender.

When you’re fully prepared you can practice using some of the letters in this infographic until you feel confident enough to begin creating your own calligraphy.

How To Create Beautiful Calligraphy | Moo

The post The Ultimate Guide To Creating Calligraphy appeared first on Lifehack.

10 Feb 13:03

5 Ways Your Smartphone Could Be Your Emergency Kit

by Marc Yap

It’s common sense to have an emergency kit around in case the worst happens—disasters in the news have clearly demonstrated their necessity. We’ve shown you how to put together emergency kits here, and while the traditional view of a first aid kit doesn’t involve technology, your smartphone is an essential piece of the puzzle. Here are 5 ways your smartphone can be your emergency kit.

Install a flashlight app

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In the event of a disaster, one of the first things to be affected is the electricity that powers the lights, knocking you into the dark. A flashlight app can cover the bases in case this situation happens. Two amazing apps are are Apple’s Flashlight App and Android’s Flashlight SOS Code. Both offer several types of light which can be useful. Aside from the multi-colored lights, you can utilize both the LED for high-power light, and if necessary switch to the dimmer light of the phone screen in order to save battery. Both apps also are capable of sending out in SOS signals in Morse Code.

Utilize a first aid app


Applying emergency first aid procedures during a stressful situation is especially difficult if you aren’t trained. The Red Cross App and Pocket First Aid & CPR are two great apps that put the information at your fingertips. Step-by-step instructions and videos are found in both, allowing you to utilize the correct and proper techniques without worry.

Store important documents on your phone

google_drive_screenshot4  nexusae0_Screenshot_2012-12-05-12-13-05

Every emergency kit should contain your important documents. While physical copies are always the best to have of your essential files, storing digital copies is the next best thing. You can store digital copies on the local storage in your phone and online with Google Drive (IOS/Android) and Dropbox (IOS/Andoid). With Google drive and Dropbox, you’ll be able to access these documents without a computer.

Find friends and family with GPS

findmyfriends_hero life360map

In times of disaster and when you can’t send a message or make a call, knowing where your family and friends are is essential. That’s where apps like Life360 and Find my Friends (IOS/Android) become essential. If you’re on the move and don’t have time to call or send a message, informing your family and friends of your continuously changing location is vital.

Know what to do with survival apps


So you’ve survived the disaster—what now? The Army Survival Guide (IOS/Android) covers basic survival techniques should you find yourself in the wild, while the official FEMA app contains information you can utilize to stay safe before (checklists), during (appropriate action/s) and after the disaster (it lists FEMA disaster recovery centers). The combined knowledge of both apps will cover almost all situations you’ll encounter.

Download offline maps

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During an emergency, knowing exactly where you are in an unfamiliar area is essential. Downloading offline maps to save battery and for use in a situation where there’s no data or GPS access can make the difference. Google Maps offers offline access, and if you feel better with backup information, Galileo Offline Maps is an excellent app as well. Both apps’ ability to work without data access and GPS signal will also lengthen the life of your phone’s battery during times of crisis.

Utilize an ICE Emergency Standard Card App


If you are ever in a situation where you are incapacitated or unable to speak to medical personal treating you, the ICE Standard Emergency card app (IOS/Android) is what you need to let them know of any special conditions you have or medicine you need. It lists special contacts, conditions, allergies, medical devices and blood type and any other information you feel may be useful i.e. insurance information.

With a little bit of planning, you can create emergency kits that will let you deal with these types of situations in a calm and productive manner. How to Create Emergency Kits for your Average Workday

The post 5 Ways Your Smartphone Could Be Your Emergency Kit appeared first on Lifehack.

10 Feb 13:01

How to Make a Grilled Cheese Sandwich with a Hotel Room Iron

by Brian Lee

Make your favorite cheese sandwich even if you are out of town.

The post How to Make a Grilled Cheese Sandwich with a Hotel Room Iron appeared first on Lifehack.

10 Feb 12:58

What’s A Bitcoin And Should You Invest In Some?

by Siobhan Harmer


What do tulips and bitcoins have in common?

In 1636 rare tulips were introduced to the Amsterdam Stock Exchange due to their increasing demand. Many thought that the passion for tulips would last for ever, before the ‘Tulip Bubble’ burst in 1638 a Semper Augustus was worth 5,500 Florins which was the same price as a luxurious mansion at the time. Today, Netherlands Horticulture takes up 24% of the world’s horticulture, an 80% share in bulbs and 50% of all floricultural products.

Today we have many other peculiar forms of currency, one of which is the bitcoin: an open source, digital currency and peer-to-peer payment network. 21 million bitcoins have been released slowly over time by ‘computer miners’. As internet access becomes more available across the globe, it is thought that bitcoins will also expand. But is this a bubble much like that of the tulips between in 1635 and 1637?

In mid-2014 it is thought that each bitcoin will be worth $10, whilst in 10 years they could be worth $98,500 each.

How (And When) The Fortunes Of The World Are Made | Master Of Finance

The post What’s A Bitcoin And Should You Invest In Some? appeared first on Lifehack.

10 Feb 12:49

How To Draw Your Hand In 3D

by Siobhan Harmer

Whether you’re looking for something to fill five minutes or you need a fun activity to do with your kids, drawing 3D hands is a pretty fun, easy activity. Here’s the simple way to draw your hand in 3D:

You will need:

  • A pencil.
  • Blank paper.
  • Coloured highlighters/ markers.
  • A hand.

Step One: Gather your supplies so they are within arms reach.

Step Two: Using a pencil, lightly trace your hand and wrist.

Step Three: With a marker, draw straight lines across the paper, curving your line up when within the drawing of your hand.

Step Four: Using at least three other coloured markers or highlighters, fill the gaps between the lines.

Step Five (optional): Add some shading to the outline of your hand to make the 3D effect even more prominent.

How To Draw Your Hand In 3D | Handimania

The post How To Draw Your Hand In 3D appeared first on Lifehack.

10 Feb 12:40

3-Pack Patriot Steller 16GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive $16 at Newegg

Newegg has a 3-Pack of Patriot Stellar Series 16GB OTG USB 3.0 Flash Drive (PSF16GSTROTG) for $40 - $8 rebate [Exp 2/14] - $8 rebate [Exp 2/14] - $8 rebate [Exp 2/14] = $16 with free shipping. Features 80MB/s read speeds and 30MB/s write speeds.
10 Feb 12:34

Sabrent USB to HDMI Adapter for Multiple Monitors $30 at Amazon

Amazon with Store4PC has the Sabrent USB-HRHD Video & Audio USB 2.0 to HDMI or DVI Adapter for Multiple Monitors (DisplayLink DL-195 Chipset) for $30 with free shipping on orders of $35 or more. Enables an additional monitor with any laptop or desktop via HDMI or DVI and supports resolutions up to 2048x1152 or 1920x1200.
10 Feb 12:34

Klipsch Energy Powerbar One Soundbar w/ Subwoofer $130 at Walmart

Walmart has the Klipsch Energy Powerbar One All-In-One Soundbar with Built-in Subwoofer for $130 with free shipping. $160 and up elsewhere. Features a two-way speaker driver design with built-in subwoofers, and optical and RCA inputs. Good Amazon user reviews.
10 Feb 12:34

Audio Unlimited Wireless Stereo Speakers $125 at Amazon

Amazon has the Audio Unlimited SPK-24GX-DUO 2.4 GHz Wireless Indoor/Outdoor Stereo Speaker System with Remote and Dual Power Transmitter for $125 with free shipping. Features 2.4GHz frequency hopping spectrum transmission, up to 150-ft. range, weather-resistant speakers, and up to 20W RMS output per channel.
10 Feb 12:26

Marvel Iron Man 3 LED Arc Reactor Ring $16 at ThinkGeek

ThinkGeek has the Marvel Iron Man 3 LED Arc Reactor Ring for $50 - 80% off + $6 shipping = $16 shipped. Ultra nerdy ring features solid metal alloy construction and an LED "arc reactor" that glows for 60 seconds when tapped.

These sell for around $30+ on eBay.
06 Feb 03:02

fuckinbombbitches: femalebodyperfection: curvyhotgirls: Curvy...


I know it's a fake....but who cares!




Curvy Hot Girl.

Female Body Perfection
