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05 Aug 14:42

#ILookLikeAnEngineer Features Some Great Examples of Female Engineers - Y'all take note.

by Jessica Lachenal

female software engineer ad

Over the past few days, the #ILookLikeAnEngineer hashtag has picked up some serious momentum, with female engineers from all different types of fields reminding gross internet people that yes, women are engineers, too.

In a Medium blog post from a few days ago, Isis Anchalee shared how the reaction to her photo on an ad for a tech company featured some really ugh-worthy (yet typical of the tech industry) comments. A part of one comment in particular struck a vibe with her. The comment said, “But I’m curious [if] people with brains find this quote even plausible and if women in particular buy this image of what a female software engineer looks like.”

To the credit of a lot of the other Facebook commenters, they defended Anchalee and called the dude out, saying, “She actually is a full stack software engineer working on their auth team, so…”

But one reply to that comment seems to be the inception point for the #ILookLikeanEngineer hashtag: “This is what a female software engineer looks like.” Since then, the hashtag has grown to feature women hailing from all parts of the technical world. SysOps, database architects, electrical engineers, sysadmins, and CEOs, all of them have converged on the hashtag and it’s pretty gosh darn moving to see.

Just updated my Medium post! #iLookLikeAnEngineer

— Isis Anchalee (@isisAnchalee) August 3, 2015

#ILookLikeAnEngineer who likes open source, configuration management, debuggers, AWS, and looking pretty cute tbh. — #!/sbin/randi (@randileeharper) August 4, 2015

#ILookLikeAnEngineer who could use more sleep. No need to run my creds, I’ll still be an eng without your validation.

— ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (@EricaJoy) August 4, 2015

Started as a mathematician and now #ilooklikeanengineer with a #dreamjob @SalesforceEng — Maureen Long (@mf_long) August 4, 2015

I have a degree in electrical engineering from Vanderbilt #ILookLikeAnEngineer

— Amelia Greenhall (@ameliagreenhall) August 3, 2015

The phrase “you don’t look like an engineer” is one of the phrases that female engineers hear the most. Considering how often it’s said to women (even in just the Bay Area), it’s an interesting insight as to what the people who say it think an engineer should look like. More than that, it reinforces this idea of a “mirrortocracy,” which is this problem where people are more likely to reward and promote other people who look like them. Given that the tech industry is still overwhelmingly male, and if they all think of themselves as the only engineers, well… there you go, status quo.

But trends and hashtags like #ILookLikeAnEngineer increase visibility are helpful (if not incredibly needed) reminders that hey, buddy, you’re not the only ones out there doing what you do. In fact, the #ILookLikeAFilmDirector hashtag seems to be finding its own footing.

You go, you lovely people, you.

(via Popular Science)

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05 Aug 14:04

Planned Parenthood is Safe (for Now) After Failed Senate Vote to Defund; Sen. Elizabeth Warren is Badass - “Did you fall down, hit your head, and think you woke up in the 1950s or the 1890s?" - Elizabeth Warren

by Teresa Jusino

I love her so much.

In a vote of 53 to 46 yesterday, the US Senate voted to continue to fund Planned Parenthood (they provide $528 Million annually), an organization that provides health care to women who might not be able to afford it otherwise. Check out the above video in which Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) doesn’t hold back when asserting the importance of Planned Parenthood, and outlines how this attempt to de-fund isn’t an isolated incident, but rather “one more piece in a deliberate, methodical, orchestrated right-wing attack on women’s rights.”

Conservatives in Congress have been pushing to de-fund Planned Parenthood for years, focusing on the issue of abortion. However, abortions aren’t even allowed to be supported by Planned Parenthood’s federal funds anyway (which is why they also rely on donations). What’s more, only 3% of procedures done at Planned Parenthood are abortions. The rest are things like breast cancer screenings, birth control, pregnancy tests, and STI testing, not to mention pre-natal health care if a woman does decide to have a baby. De-funding Planned Parenthood would mean that millions of women wouldn’t have access to the health care they need.

Though this Senate bill failed this time, the House will be voting on de-funding Planned Parenthood when they return from their summer break, and the debate over this will likely continue as Congress discusses bills related to government funding for the next fiscal year. In fact, the debate over whether to fund Planned Parenthood may lead to a government shutdown, as several Republican senators and representatives, including several of the Republican candidates for President, would consider a shutdown worth it if it means that Planned Parenthood isn’t funded.

Until very recently, I couldn’t afford quality health care, and Planned Parenthood was often the best option for gynecological care. On behalf of lower-income women everywhere, particularly women of color who are often disproportionately affected by a horrible economy and job market, I’d like to thank staunch supporters like Sen. Warren for not backing down when fighting for women, and for not being afraid to call out certain political machinations for what they are – an attack on women’s rights.

(via The Daily Dot)

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05 Aug 14:02

Netflix Announces Unlimited Paternity and Maternity Leave for Employees, Becoming the Coolest Company Ever - This is what Family Values are all about.

by Teresa Jusino

This is so beautiful.

UPDATE: Netflix announces unlimited paid paternity and maternity leave for its employees during the 1st year after birth, adoption. • $NFLX

— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) August 4, 2015

And this is why Netflix is cooler than any other company right now.

You hear a lot of Big Talk about how America is all about Family Values – but it seems like Corporate America in particular makes it really difficult to have a family. Both men and women are often put into a position where they have to choose between their livelihoods or spending time with their children, which isn’t a choice any workplace should force their employees to make. Thankfully, Netflix wants to do the exact opposite. According to their blog:

We want employees to have the flexibility and confidence to balance the needs of their growing families without worrying about work or finances. Parents can return part-time, full-time, or return and then go back out as needed. We’ll just keep paying them normally, eliminating the headache of switching to state or disability pay. Each employee gets to figure out what’s best for them and their family, and then works with their managers for coverage during their absences.

It’s also awesome that they’re including adoption in this leave as well. So, it really isn’t just about medical recovery time for moms – it’s about a new family getting to bond and grow as best suits them. If we really care about families, this is the kind of thing more companies need to be doing for those who work for them. This is an amazing thing, Netflix. Oh, and your shows are pretty awesome, too.

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05 Aug 14:00

Holy Chimichangas, the Official Deadpool Trailer Is Finally Here - Presented For Your Approval

by Carolyn Cox

Relevant to some of your interests.

What do you think, friends?

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05 Aug 13:57

Loco Parentis: Abandoning Feminism

by Aubrey Hirsch


Aubrey Hirsch's previous Loco Parentis columns for The Butter can be found here.

From time to time, these think pieces appear in which some new dad explains how, now that he has a daughter, he totally understands the need for feminism. I used to hate them. It really irked me that these men could be so callous and dismissive toward their mothers, sisters, friends, romantic partners, co-workers, and the other-half-of-the-population in general until they had daughters and suddenly cared what life was like for women and girls.

But now that I’m a mother myself, I have to say I’ve changed my tune. I now understand how the biological sex of one’s children can completely shift one’s core beliefs. I’m proud to report that now that I’m a mother of two sons, I’ve experienced a position reversal of my own.

I no longer think there’s any role for feminism in society at all.

Read more Loco Parentis: Abandoning Feminism at The Toast.

03 Aug 20:50

Bill Nye Studies the Science of Mean Tweets, Doesn’t Have Pun - "I will forever hate him because he did not name it UndeNYEable."

by Emily Gagne

"Now, I don't know exactly how trippy fuck is...."

First a campaign for a Bill Nye documentary turns up on Kickstarter and now Bill Nye is reading mean tweets?! Forget science. Soon we’re gonna have to call him Bill Nye the Internet Guy.

In a video released on YouTube on Friday, Bill makes like those celebs in those Jimmy Kimmel Live! skits, reading mean tweets and reacting to them in a pretty hilarious, pretty Bill Nye kind of way. It would be a crime to reveal too much before you watch, but let’s just say Bill calls out one tweeter’s “misuse” of a curse word starting with T (hint for a very select audience: there’s a scene in Easy A that discusses this word at great length).

Personally, I love when he gets called out himself for missing the opportunity to use a primo pun when coming up for the title for his book. But, hey, he’s not a rhetorical device engineer, right?

(via Huffington Post, image via Bill Nye Film)

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03 Aug 20:47

Stephen Hawking is Ridiculously Good in First Zoolander 2 Teaser - Hawking. So hot right now. Hawking.

by Emily Gagne

How do you start a teaser trailer off with a big bang? Get Stephen Hawking (or, really, a super awesome impersonator) to record a speech about the Big Bang. And then have him argue with Ben Stiller, in character as male model Derek Zoolander, about roman numerals.

That’s what goes down in the first teaser trailer for Zoolander 2. The result is, naturally, ridiculously good.

(via Slashfilm)

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03 Aug 20:34

Koch Brothers Host All-Male Panel During Republican Retreat; Compare Their “Moral” Struggles to Other Civil Rights Movements - Excuse me....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

by Teresa Jusino


In Completely Out of Touch news, the Koch Brothers hosted a retreat for Republican Presidential candidates this weekend where, in addition to making the candidates dance for donations to their campaigns, they hosted an All-Male Panel about activism where they compared their efforts toward Republican leadership to struggles for civil rights. Because clearly, nothing says oppressed quite like older, wealthy white men who support misogynist, transphobic, and homophobic policies.

But hey, at least there was one black participant in the panel:

All-male panel at retreat where Kochs compare their work to Susan B Anthony and MLK

— Amanda Terkel (@aterkel) August 3, 2015

According to The Washington Post, Charles Koch had this to say about both his family and his party’s mission:

Look at the American revolution, the anti-slavery movement, the women’s suffrage movement, the civil rights movement. All of these struck a moral chord with the American people. They all sought to overcome an injustice. And we, too, are seeking to right injustices that are holding our country back.

Which ones, I wonder? Apparently, a big focus of the weekend was on how devoted the Koch brothers are to helping the poor. Well, they’d better be, considering that the policies their candidates support, not to mention the corporations from which they get their donations, work to keep them poor. Because corporations are people, too, didn’t cha know. Thanks, Citizens United!  I guess they just really want to keep poor people around…so they can help them?

Oh, and apparently the lone female Republican Presidential candidate, Carly Fiorina, formerly a Hewlett-Packard CEO, is the only Republican woman they know, because they couldn’t find any other knowledgeable women to have sit on the panel alongside their one black participant. Whatever happened to Mitt Romney’s binders of women? QUICK! SOMEONE CONSULT THE BINDERS!

The panel also focused on “the plight of the disenfranchised.” Fiorina had this to say about the Koch Brothers’ fundraising network and why she attended the retreat:

These are people who care deeply about our nation. The foundation that the Koch brothers have built has invested in the power of ideas. They’ve invested in the power of ground games. They’ve invested in the power of lifting people up.

That’s kinda hard to believe, considering that the Republicans they support were responsible for gutting the Voting Rights Act, which is the thing that Martin Luther King Jr. fought so hard for to ensure that states allowed people to vote regardless of race, by removing Section 5, which required that states have to run all their new voting laws by the federal government first, to ensure that they’re up to snuff. Chief Justice John Roberts said that “our country has changed” – meaning that we’re all past racism and so we don’t need all these blanket protections anymore. Well, clearly he was wrong, because pretty much the second the Voting Rights Act was changed, eight states instituted new voting laws that disenfranchised a bunch of people – namely, people of color who would likely vote Democrat. So, lifting people up involves taking away their voice in the political process?

What’s more, while there’s a female Republican candidate in Fiorina, and a Latino candidate in Marco Rubio, the current Republican front-runner is apparently Donald freaking Trump, which goes to show how ready Republican voters are to fight for change and the disenfranchised. I guess having a reality show and owning hotels has its privileges?

And that’s really what this is all about. Privilege. Specifically white privilege, male privilege, and good ol’ fashioned class privilege. The Koch Brothers may be working really hard to fix their public image and make themselves over into teddy bears who really care about people. But the fact of the matter is, they put their enormous funds behind candidates who take people’s rights away and actively work to keep poor people in their place.

The American people know hypocrisy when they see it. I hope.

(via Jezebel; Image via DonkeyHotey on Flickr)

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03 Aug 19:20

Clark Gregg Says Lack of Female Superhero Merch Is “Unacceptable,” Calls for Black Widow Movie - Damn straight.

by Carolyn Cox

More reasons that Clark "Agent" Gregg is awesome.


Clark Gregg laid down the law yesterday at an ABC Studios Tour event in London when he and Hayley Atwell were asked about Black Widow’s absence from most Age of Ultron merch.

The Agents of SHIELD actor, who earlier this year helped publicize a petition for more Black Widow toys, called the gender gap in merchandise “unacceptable,” explaining:

I’ll tell you about my daughter who’s 13 now. I tried to get her to watch the first Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., she looked at me like, “Ugh, Dad – it’s a boys’ show!” And then she got a look at Elizabeth Henstridge playing a biotech genius, and Chloe Bennet playing a computer genius, and Adrianne Palicki being a warrior, and now she’s right beside me with it. I think it’s got to be two steps together – as more and more of these issues are put forward things will change. And maybe when Agent Romanoff gets the film that she deserves, some of the merchandise will start to follow.


Hayley Atwell was then asked if she felt Agent Carter‘s popularity might encourage companies to trust in the lucrative potential of female superheroes; and although the actress expressed frustration with Marvel’s representation, she also emphasized the power of fans to enact change:

I don’t know if it’s going to change it but it certainly contributes a public platform to my quiet resolution to take over the world! The conversation between the creators and the audience is always an ongoing thing. They want to give viewers what they want, so it’s the responsibility of the audience to speak out about that. Peggy getting her own TV show came about through conversations with the fans who wanted to see more of her, to find out about her adventures and the stories that she had to tell.

Co-signed. More Peggy and Nat for all!

(via MCMBuzz)

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03 Aug 18:54

Sci-Fi Drama Passengers to Star Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt and Possibly Break Sony’s Bank Account - And yes, JLaw is getting paid more.

by Teresa Jusino

I'm a bit late running across this, but want want want!


Two of Hollywood’s biggest and most bankable stars teaming up to star in a romantic sci-fi drama? Sign us up! After much drama over at Sony, the film Passengers has finally gotten the green light and is set to star two of our favorite people in the whole world: Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt.

Passengers has been floating around Hollywood for years, and while Sony originally had misgivings about spending so much ($150 Million!) on an original sci-fi script, they’re thrilled that—considering the huge success of Jurassic World—they now have a sci-fi two-hander featuring two of the biggest names in film right now. PS the film is being described as “Gravity with romance.” It was written by Doctor Strange writer, Jon Spaihts, and The Imitation Game‘s Morten Tyldum is set to direct.

Even sweeter is the fact that Lawrence will be pulling in a higher paycheck ($20 Million), since she—you know—has an Oscar and, oh yeah, already has experience starring in a multi-million dollar franchise. But don’t cry for Chris Pratt, Argentina. His pay was tied to the success of Jurassic World. So, it started at $10 Million, but has now jumped to $12 Million since that film has done so well. It’s not like he’s going to be homeless any time soon.

Lastly, the fact that this is an original sci-fi film gives me a huge amount of hope. Sure, I wish there were a female writer or director involved. But this project right here, an original genre screenplay where the lead actress is paid what she’s worth? This is the kind of Hollywood project we want to encourage! Filming is set to start in September.

(via The Hollywood Reporter; Image via Red Carpet Report on Flickr)

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03 Aug 14:58

Chris Pratt Shows Us the Secret to His Acting In Jurassic World on Conan - We think he may have picked up a trick or two from Zoolander...

by Teresa Jusino

Chris Pratt is goddammed hilarious.

What the world needs now is more acting lessons from Chris Pratt. Mostly because they’re hilarious.

During Pratt’s appearance on Conan last night to promote Jurassic World, Conan O’Brien asked him about his “process” when performing. Pratt then shows him the three faces he made in Jurassic World to express emotion. Watch them in the video above (along with some rather disturbing faces from O’Brien)!

I’ve gotta say, I love that Pratt doesn’t take himself too seriously, and that despite having already spent a lot of time promoting his film, he hasn’t yet needed to cash in on his advance apology. Nice job, Pratt. You’re doing great so far. And you’re making me want to see Jurassic World this weekend even more than I already did, so — mission accomplished!

(via Jezebel)

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31 Jul 18:59

What is Your Personality Type?

by Matt Lubchansky

Seems legit.

There’s a lot of stuff about “personality type” going around! I have not bothered to look at what any of them mean, until now! What I found is really surprising.

Read more What is Your Personality Type? at The Toast.

31 Jul 16:25

The Day The Girls Learned To Code

by Jaya Saxena

By July 14, 2258, now known as C-Day, every girl over the age of 10 knew how to code. Our problems were solved.

Read more The Day The Girls Learned To Code at The Toast.

31 Jul 16:22

What To Do When Your Opinion Does Not Matter

by Matt Lubchansky

I don't understand. My opinions are always relevant, important, and solicited.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you have a REALLY STRONG AND IMPORTANT opinion regarding something that doesn’t concern you in the slightest? I'm here for you.

Read more What To Do When Your Opinion Does Not Matter at The Toast.

31 Jul 16:13

Christopher Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd” Is The Most Frequently Owned-Upon Poem In History

by Mallory Ortberg

Why couldn't my English IV class have had this kind of interpretation? I might have remembered something.

The original, and the replies, for context.

Christopher Marlowe

Fuck this, let's just go live in the woods.
I don't need anything, and you don't need anything
Either, just each other and some trees. Right?
We'll make, like, a Cave House, and watch
shepherds take care of their sheep, like chumps.
Babe, it'll be so awesome, I promise.
We'll sleep on flowers, and also wear them
You can bring your slippers if you get cold.
I just love you and also being outside.

Read more Christopher Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd” Is The Most Frequently Owned-Upon Poem In History at The Toast.

31 Jul 16:09

How To Survive Your Family Reunion

by Chris Wolfgang

Going to South Dakota next weekend for a very tiny family gathering (not quite reunion). Hopefully none of this will be needed.

The children are fed first. Do not think of getting in line until the last offspring under 10 has left their soggy, half-eaten plate on the counter above the trash can. You will not receive The Look this year, you won’t. The children. Are fed. First.

There is no alcohol. Do not go into the garage to the blue cooler where you will not find a selection of PBR, Coors, and Keystone from nobody knows who. Do not offer to refill anyone else’s red Solo cup while you’re not out there.

You know this, but it bears repeating. Do not ask anyone if they are pregnant. They either are, they just were, they were five years ago, or they’ve never been. Everyone but you has figured out who is which.

Note that the above tip does not apply to you personally. Your reproductive choices are nothing more than conversation fodder. Strive to be polite. Your stretch goal is to redirect with humor.

One of many fresh-faced nieces informs you she has recently started a Tumblr. Tell her you’ve never heard of Tumblr, as your mind’s eye drifts to your dash full of of yaoi fanfic.

Your aunt reintroduces you to her new husband. Recall that the wedding delineated gender roles down very neat lines. When he asks what you do, tell him that you mostly write about gay weddings.

The bathroom door is open but occupied with a being under the age of six accompanied by an adult. Smile politely but remain at the door. The line starts after you. Keep the smile when the adult insists that proper handwashing lasts as long as the ABCs. The smile is important.

A preschooler asks if your hair will ever grow back since you shaved it. Take the opportunity to point out that Mommy’s leg hair grows back after she shaves too. Explain what leg shaving is and that Mommy’s legs grow hair just like Daddy’s. Acknowledge that the world is a strange place.

Read more How To Survive Your Family Reunion at The Toast.

30 Jul 20:48

Maps of the United States of Swearing

by Jason Kottke

Most everyone in the United States swears, but the specific words used vary by region. For example, "fuck" is popular in California but not so much in Oklahoma, which is the "crap" epicenter of America. "Motherfucker" is unusually popular in Maine, as is "shit" in the Southeast, "douche" in Iowa, and "fuckboy" in Jersey.

United States of Swearing

United States of Swearing

United States of Swearing

Tags: language   maps   USA
30 Jul 20:34

Fresh, Hot Internet: Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” Video with the DuckTales Theme Song - Shouldn't this be "Bills, Bills, Bills"?

by Carolyn Cox

absurd awesomeness for your afternoon internetting.

I think this video speaks for itself.

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30 Jul 19:57

Incredible Furiosa the Riveter Print Is a Reminder We Can Do It - A perfect gift for the misogynist(s) in your life.

by Carolyn Cox

I was only so-so on the movie, but this poster is everything that was great about it.


Oh, what a lovely day! Artist Tim Odland is selling impera-tastic signed Rosie the Riveter prints over on Etsy for $30, and I’m extremely tempted to order one for whenever I need a little inspiration. If you’d like to see more of Odland’s art, you can also check him out on Tumblr and Instagram. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a mashup to go listen to!

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30 Jul 19:05

Female Korean Activists, With An Assist From Gloria Steinem, Cross the DMZ For Peace In Korea

by Teresa Jusino


We think of The Korean War as something historical; a war that ended in the 1950s. However, the end of that war was merely a cease-fire that was supposed to be followed up by an actual peace treaty. Seventy years later, Koreans are still waiting on that treaty. So a group of female peace activists, collectively known as WomenCrossDMZ, led by Christine Ahn, founder of Women De-Militarize the Zone, marked the 70th Anniversary year of Korea’s division into North and South by crossing the DMZ between North to South in peace today. The group was joined by feminist activist, Gloria Steinem, and Nobel Peace laureates, Leymah Gbowee and Mairead Maguire.

The original plan was to walk across the DMZ through Panmunjom, the place where the cease-fire was signed in 1953. But as the women needed the permission and cooperation of both North and South Korea to make the crossing – the South objected to the location and both sides objected to the women walking – they changed the plan and crossed the border on the Western side in a bus. However, North Korea did allow the North Korean activists to board the bus in North Korea and go over to the other side, where they were greeted by their South Korean sisters.

Not everyone was thrilled or impressed with the symbolic gesture. Many were suspicious that the North Korean women were hand-picked by their regime, and that they were praising North Korea’s founding president, Kim Il-sung while in Pyongyang (praising North Korea, or promoting its philosophies is illegal in South Korea). Others remarked on the fact that no one was talking about the human rights abuses going on in North Korea.

However, the gesture was focused on the notion of peace between the two halves of this country. It was about starting a dialogue around the idea of a peace treaty again. 70 years is a long time to wait, and there are families who’ve been split apart for that long. As Steinem discusses in the above video, it is generally the women of any nation at war that get the ball rolling on the road to peace – as it’s generally the women who are hit by the consequences of war the hardest. Here’s hoping these inspiring women will continue to inspire long after this historic crossing today, and continue their work to make real change on the Korean Peninsula.

(via Jezebel, NBC, and The Guardian)

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30 Jul 19:02

Watch the Black Widow Title Sequence for the Black Widow Movie You’ve Always Wanted - Meep.

by Jill Pantozzi

DO WANT. Much want.

Christopher Haley just shared something magical with us. He decided to create a Black Widow movie title sequence for his After Effects class final project. It is everything we’ve always wanted. Well, except for the movie being real.

Also, bonus points from me for using Portishead’s “Sour Times.” Here’s his blurb:

Cut off one head, two more shall take it’s place. . . For this speculative title sequence of a Black Widow film I decided Black Widow’s villain would be. . . Black Widow. Yelena Belova, to be specific. Belova believes herself to be the superior Black Widow, and in some ways she is right. Swift and ruthless, Belova is the most talented assassin to graduate from the Red Room–and now she is Hydra’s most deadly weapon. At Belova’s side is a super-soldier of her own, Alexi Shostakov–the Red Guardian, who also happens to be Natasha’s former lover. When the new heads of Hydra make a play for the power of the infinity stones it is up to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s top agent to stop them.

Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) – Scarlett Johansson
Yelena Belova (other Black Widow) – Rosamund Pike
Alexi Shostakov (Red Guardian) – Samuli Edelmann
Phil Coulson – Clark Gregg
Melinda May – Ming-Na Wen

I’m just going to stop working, re-watch this for the rest of the day, and let my mind wander.

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21 Jul 16:07

How To Behave When You Realize You Have Accidentally Traveled Through Time Or Swapped Bodies With Your Rival At Work Or Created An Alternate Reality Of My Own Life Where I Am Married To The Town Librarian

by Mallory Ortberg

It's really important to figure this shit out as soon as possible.

I promise that if I ever step through a ley-line, a weirstone, a swirling vortex, a mysterious portal in the ziggurat I have just unearthed; if I ever fall asleep after whispering "I wish I had her life" while watching a shooting star from my bedroom skylight; if I ever hit my head while watching a movie about the Battle of Dunkirk; if I ever tell an insightful homeless person with surprisingly white teeth and a knowing gleam in their eyes that I've always wondered what would happen if I hadn't taken that job and had instead settled down with the one who got away, I will do the following:

21 Jul 15:57

Signs Your Industry is Being #Disrupted By Tech Guys

by Matt Lubchansky

Some guy comes to your office and removes the vowels from all the signs.

Read more Signs Your Industry is Being #Disrupted By Tech Guys at The Toast.

20 Jul 16:13

The Town Of Whatever, USA One Year Later

by Mallory Ortberg

I didn't know how much I, and Bud Light, needed this.

We were up for whatever.

We were all up for whatever. That's the one thing I keep coming back to. What were we up for? Whatever. Were we up for it? We were.

In the end, there is no one to blame. When you're up for everything, sooner or later, everything will happen.

We were up, once. Are you up for whatever, they had asked us, and to the ones who said Yes they had said Then come.

What's the first thing you teach children, about what happens to everything that goes up?

We were Whatever, USA. Let me tell you a story.

Read more The Town Of Whatever, USA One Year Later at The Toast.

20 Jul 15:01

Classic TV Shows Described By Someone Who Has Never Seen Them

by Mallory Ortberg

These descriptions are very useful to someone who hasn't seen most shows that people have seen.

Military Alda Softens Hearts

The Sopranos
"Congratulations," she said. "You've all made the choir. And I just know this is going to be our greatest year ever."

Mad Men
"You're not really that mad at me, are you?" she asked them. The men thought about it.

"No," one of them said. She smiled in relief. "We could never stay really mad at you."

They really weren't very mad men after all. It was just a name.

Read more Classic TV Shows Described By Someone Who Has Never Seen Them at The Toast.

20 Jul 14:43

Today I Learned About The Anti-Vaccinating Dog Movement

by Mallory Ortberg

Click only if you want to virulently hate a segment of the population.

It's people who are against vaccinating dogs, I should specify, not dogs who are against vaccinations.

Dog anti-vaxxers, I have learned, hate two things: vaccinations, and taxes.

"If someone goes up to the kennels and I am not with them, the dogs will bark. I will try and get some videos of the dogs on alert, when I get through with my taxes."

Read more Today I Learned About The Anti-Vaccinating Dog Movement at The Toast.

20 Jul 13:46

Children’s Stories Made Horrific: The House At Pooh Corner

by Mallory Ortberg


HERE is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as Christopher Robin knows, the only way of coming downstairs, with Winnie-the-Pooh -- bump, bump, bump -- going down the stairs behind him. The bump, bump, bump went up the stairs, too. Here is Edward Bear, up and down the stairs, bumping Christopher Robin. Christopher Robin has bruised knees.

Every time Christopher gets a new bruise, there is a giggle to go with the bump. "I've let the blood loose inside of you." Bump. Bruise. Giggle. "Now you're wearing the memory of me on your skin." Bump. Bruise. Giggle. Up and down the stairs.

Read more Children’s Stories Made Horrific: The House At Pooh Corner at The Toast.

17 Jul 15:46

Give to Charity and Enter to Win the Chance to Walk Onto the Set of Star Trek Beyond - If I give extra-extra money, can I have Idris Elba breakdance in my living room...forever?

by Teresa Jusino

Any unexplained angst that your dogs were experiencing just then was probably me squealing. Sorry.

If you weren’t already in love with the current cast of the Star Trek film franchise, you will be when you watch the above video. In it, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana and the rest of the Enterprise crew offer you the opportunity to donate to charity and enter to win a walk-on role in Star Trek Beyond.

The Star Trek Beyond cast has partnered with OMaze in a new initiative called To Boldly Go, a fund that will support nine charitable organizations that the cast members care about:  Kids Can, Direct Relief, Brave Beginnings, Make-a-Wish Foundation, Time is Precious, Camp Sunshine, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Heaven Homes, and Koreatown Youth Community Center. If you give to To Boldly Go, you and a friend could be the first people in history to win a walk-on role in a Star Trek film, meet the cast on the closed set, and be one of the first people to check out scenes from the film! There are also six additional winners that will be chosen to visit the set as honorary members of the Star Trek: To Boldly Go crew.

So, if you want to help people and enter to win the chance to hang with Captain Kirk and the rest of the Enterprise crew (and Idris freaking Elba!), check out the link above and give generously!

And make sure you watch the video all the way to the end. It’s pretty hilarious!

(via io9)

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17 Jul 15:31

Daniel Radcliffe’s One Magical Hour as Nylon’s Receptionist - Accio three double tall soy caramel macchiatos.

by Jessica Lachenal

I giggled.

Daniel Radcliffe has taken on a lot of different acting roles lately. From Ig in Horns to Allen Ginsberg in Kill Your Darlings, he’s (understandably) been trying to branch out from his boy wizard past. Well, the fine folks over at Nylon magazine had a great new role for him this week: receptionist.

Radcliffe took over for Lauren Adler, Nylon’s receptionist, while she hid in a back room for an hour. Predictably, lots of people recognized him and suddenly found themselves needing things from the receptionist’s desk. But a few–and there’s always a few–didn’t recognize him, and just went about their day like nothing was different.

Shouts to the last guy in the video. You show up late to your meeting, then say that “this new guy” sucks. I mean you’re not wrong, he’s not a great receptionist, but…

(via The Daily Dot)

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17 Jul 13:21

Self-destructing mosquitos

by Jason Kottke

[Citizen Kane applause gif]
Fuck mosquitoes.

A company called Oxitec has genetically modified mosquito eggs so that the mosquitos born from them pass along a gene to their offspring that prohibits the mosquitos from reaching sexual maturity and mating. They release the mosquitos into the wild, they mate with the local population of mosquitos, and those born from those matings will die before mating themselves. Voila! Pest control.

Oxitec has conducted trials with its modified mosquito in dengue-ridden regions of Panama, Brazil, Malaysia, and the Cayman Islands. The results show population suppression rates above 90 percent-far greater than the typical 30 percent achieved with insecticides.

The company is currently planning a trial in Florida using this technique to curb an influx of mosquito-borne illness.

Tags: genetics   medicine   science