Shared posts

14 Jun 00:37


by Daniel Lafayette


13 Jun 20:40


09 Jun 14:36

The Office: Spoilers, Spoilers Everywhere

08 Jun 21:48

Turn the Bulls logo upside down, get a robot reading a book

by James Dator

How can you stare at something for so many years and then finally see this?

I never realized that the Chicago Bulls logo flipped upside-down looks like a robot reading the bible...

— Tom Read (@traread) June 6, 2014

There's been a secret lurking under our noses for the better part of 50 years and only now are we realizing the hidden brilliance of the Chicago Bulls logo.

This is like a Magic Eye picture. It's takes a second for your eyes to re-adjust, but when you finally see the robot everything is magic. Here's a helpful guide, in case you can't see it.


08 Jun 21:11

Twitter account that de-bullshitizes linkbaity headlines

by Cory Doctorow

The @Savedyouaclick Twitter account decodes linkbaity headlines so you don't have to click on things that aren't likely interesting to you.

Sexism. RT @Slate: What we found while lurking on an anonymous college message board for two years will disgust you:

— Saved You A Click (@SavedYouAClick) June 5, 2014

I'm foursquare for headlines that are punchy and intriguing, but I'm also a believer in "attention conservation" -- a headline should try to convey both the substance and the fascination of the piece, but not by withholding information that, if you had it, would dissuade you from clicking altogether.

He was happy to be there. Really opened up. RT @eonline: John Legend opens up about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's "beautiful" wedding!

— Saved You A Click (@SavedYouAClick) June 6, 2014

Population-based cap on liquor licenses. RT @Slate: Why is it so hard to get drunk in Boston?

— Saved You A Click (@SavedYouAClick) June 6, 2014

It's abuse that can cause psychological damage. RT @voxdotcom: The case for banning spanking

— Saved You A Click (@SavedYouAClick) June 5, 2014

(Image: Bull Itch, Emilio Labrador, CC-BY)

08 Jun 21:11

First Date

by Doug
08 Jun 21:04


08 Jun 21:03



08 Jun 21:02


08 Jun 21:02


08 Jun 21:00

No Limite do Amanhã

by Renato Thibes
("Edge of Tomorrow", 2014, Dir.: Doug Liman)

Hoje os videogames são complexos, em 360 graus e cheios de possibilidades. Mas houve um tempo, crianças, em que você tinha um roteiro linear a seguir até o chefão final. Se o jogo era muito difícil, você procurava nas poucas revistas especializadas um código para destravar o "continue" infinito e, a partir daí, decorar cada passo do personagem rumo ao seu destino. Pule ali, vire à esquerda aqui, A, B, A, B, não gaste toda sua munição com esse vilão secundário... morreu, começa de novo. Tentativa e erro até seu cérebro e suas mãos estarem tão treinados que seus movimentos se tornavam automáticos.

Embora tenho visual dos games de última geração com armaduras pesadas e aliens digitais, "No Limite do Amanhã" tem a experiência dos games anteriores cravada no DNA: existe um único caminho que precisa ser trilhado. Se algo dá errado, reinicia. São poucas as vezes em que os personagens se aventuram a sair da linha. A regra é: você até pode sair do caminho pra ver o que há ao redor, mas uma hora vai ter que resetar, retomar a trilha determinada e aprender com ela.

Cage é um publicitário do exército que vende a imagem dos soldados heróis para financiar a guerra contra os alienígenas que invadiram a Europa. O típico personagem de Tom Cruise: o sujeito arrogante que acha que pode resolver seus problemas com um sorriso charmoso. Ele precisa aprender uma lição. O General Brigham (Brendan Gleeson) não vai com a sua cara e o força a encarar o campo de batalha, justamente no Dia D em que os humanos vão tentar tomar a Normandia dos aliens.

Trata-se de uma sentença de morte: todo mundo sabe que o cara sem treinamento não vai durar muito ali. O que ninguém sabe é que, assim que morrer, Cage vai reiniciar seu último dia de vida de novo, de novo e de novo em um loop eterno. A única que pode compreender a situação é Rita (Emily Blunt), a Full Metal Bitch, uma celebridade entre os soldados.

O recurso do dia que se repete lembra, é claro, "Feitiço do Tempo", o top of mind do tema. Na sexta temporada de "Arquivo X" houve um episódio assim, escrito por Vince Gilligan. Na época ele fez questão de esclarecer que, embora o Dia da Marmota do Bill Murray tenha seu valor, ele estava copiando mesmo é "Além da Imaginação". O roteiro de "No Limite do Amanhã", escrito pelo Christopher McQuarrie amigão do Tom Cruise ("Jack Reacher" e "Operação Valquíria"), não foge do lado fantástico, mas fornece explicações científicas para o fenômeno. O que, convenhamos, é bastante ousado.

Como também são ousados os flertes com reencarnação (a oportunidade de voltar após a morte e tentar fazer melhor da próxima vez), vidas passadas e uma espécie alternativa de viagem no tempo que funciona melhor do que no último "X-Men". Tudo temperado com bom humor para não forçar demais a barra. E aí é preciso destacar o bom trabalho de Tom Cruise como mais um protagonista que apanha até aprender. Há anos ele não estrelava um filme tão bom. Sua sci-fi anterior, "Oblivion", quase chegou lá. Curiosamente, era outra história que veio dos quadrinhos – "No Limite do Amanhã" veio do mangá "All You Need Is Kill", de Hiroshi Sakurazaka.

Já a melhor sci-fi da sua carreira, "Minority Report", tem praticamente reencenada aquela maravilhosa sequência em que a precog Agatha conduz o personagem de Cruise, enquanto antecipa cada movimento das pessoas ao redor. Se em "No Limite do Amanhã" a cena não tem tanto impacto quanto deveria é porque o diretor Doug Liman (que fez "A Identidade Bourne" mas também fez "Jumper") está longe de ser um Spielberg.

O trabalho a ser aplaudido aqui é o do editor James Herbert, principal responsável por dar sentido ao Filme do Continue Infinito™ e não deixar a rotina se tornar cansativa. Demorou, mas o Dia da Marmota enfim encontrou um concorrente à altura.
08 Jun 20:59

Steve Wozniak Was So Good at Tetris He Got Banned from Nintendo Power

by Robert Sorokanich on Gizmodo, shared by Stephen Totilo to Kotaku

Steve Wozniak Was So Good at Tetris He Got Banned from Nintendo Power

In our article about Tetris's 30th anniversary , the one and only Steve Wozniak dropped by to regale us with tales of his long reign as America's #1 Tetris champion. He was so good, Nintendo Power magazine stopped accepting his score submissions. So Woz had to get crafty.


08 Jun 20:58

Aonde foi parar o oitavo pedaço, Mickey?

by Zanfa

deus sabe.


06 Jun 20:32

Light from huge explosion 12 billion years ago reaches Earth

Known as a gamma-ray burst, the intense light captured in the night sky resulted from one of the biggest and hottest explosions in the universe, occurring shortly after the Big Bang.Intense light from the enormous explosion of a star more than 12 billion years ago—shortly after the Big Bang—recently reached Earth and was visible in the sky.
06 Jun 18:18

A Million Ways To Die In Japan: The Gonzo Splendor Of 13 Assassins

by Tom Breihan on The Concourse, shared by Rob Harvilla to Deadspin

A Million Ways To Die In Japan: The Gonzo Splendor Of 13 Assassins

Netflix Instant doesn't have to feel like a depleted Blockbuster in 1990, where you spend half an hour browsing hopeless straight-to-video thrillers before saying "fuck it" and loading up another Archer. Streaming services can be an absolute treasure trove, particularly if you like action movies, and especially if you like foreign action movies. Every week in this space, we'll highlight a new one.


06 Jun 18:16

madebyabvh: Vincent van Gogh


Vincent van Gogh

06 Jun 18:15

Get Off My Lawn

by Ryan

Get Off My Lawn

06 Jun 18:13

If Super Mario Bros. Was Made Today

If Super Mario Bros. Was Made Today

Preorder the Super Mario Bros. Legendary Edition and receive a FREE download code for EXCLUSIVE World 9 DLC!

Submitted by: lsiwik

06 Jun 18:13

What GG Really Means in Online Multiplayer Games

What GG Really Means in Online Multiplayer Games

Submitted by:

Tagged: gg , Multiplayer
06 Jun 18:11

John Oliver Crashed The FCC Comments Page With His Net Neutrality Segment

by Penn Collins

The FCC comments page went down on Monday morning following the viral distribution of Sunday night’s Last Week Tonight bit in which John Oliver basically implored people to take action. Of course, the FCC, never one to let on to any one source of influence, has stated that the site was down due to high traffic volume, but it wasnt’ sure if John Oliver‘s show was the cause of that volume.

I’m here to help. Yes. It was the sole cause. Don’t be stupid or coy, FCC.

I mean, Oliver went on a long rant about the problem at hand and simply put up the FCC comment page URL with no fancy graphics or jokes. He wanted people to reach out, and after the video went viral (800,000 or so vies as of press time), they did.

In case you missed it, here it is. Get to writin’ to your FCC.

The post John Oliver Crashed The FCC Comments Page With His Net Neutrality Segment appeared first on Screen Junkies.

06 Jun 18:09

libertytochoose: A group called Connecticut Working Mom’s has...

by wagatwe


A group called Connecticut Working Mom’s has put together an AMAZING photo spread called “Lets End The Mommy Wars”. The photo shoot was about embracing their different parenting choices.

“Let’s end the mommy wars, once and for all, by tapping into our compassion and letting go of our judgments. Cause seriously people, the world needs more love and less judgment.”

Check them out on Facebook!

05 Jun 17:09

“Engenharia Artística”?

by Clara Gomes


05 Jun 17:08

The Disappearing Universe

by Soulskill
StartsWithABang writes: "If everything began with the Big Bang — from a hot, dense, expanding state — and things have been cooling, spreading out, but slowing down ever since, you might think that means that given enough time (and a powerful enough space ship), we'll eventually be able to reach any other galaxy. But thanks to dark energy, not only is that not the case at all, but most of the galaxies in our Universe are already completely unreachable by us, with more leaving our potential reach all the time. Fascinating, terrifying stuff."

Share on Google+

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

05 Jun 17:07

If You Don't Tear Up Reading This, There Might Be Something Wrong

If You Don't Tear Up Reading This, There Might Be Something Wrong

Submitted by: (via This is Game)

05 Jun 17:00

Video Game Characters Die Hilarious Deaths As The Gashlycrumb Tinies

by Lauren Davis

Video Game Characters Die Hilarious Deaths As The Gashlycrumb Tinies

Video game characters are always getting stabbed, burned, blasted, electrocuted, and crushed—when they aren't falling to their dooms. So they're perfect for this macabre poem in the style of Edward Gorey's The Gashlycrumb Tinies.


05 Jun 16:58

Great Job, Internet!: Peter Dinklage used to have a pretty sweet mullet

by Marah Eakin

Peter Dinklage was born in 1969, meaning he turned 18 in 1987. Thus, it’s totally understandable that he would have looked rather unfortunate in high school. And he did. One Redditor dug up Dinklage’s high school yearbook and posted Dinklage’s senior pic, which features the Game Of Thrones star rocking a full-on mullet. It’s not all hair party all the time for Dinklage, though, as his accompanying quote—“Words are tools of imagery in motion,” from playwright Sam Shepard—is surprisingly smart for a kid, albeit one that turned out to be a pretty solid actor.

<img src="">

05 Jun 16:57



05 Jun 14:38

@SavedYouAClick is the Anti-Twitter to Today's Clickbait Internet

@SavedYouAClick is the Anti-Twitter to Today's Clickbait Internet

What you're seeing here are tweets from @SavedYouAClick, a Twitter account devoted to answering the dumb questions posed by today's internet headlines (not that we have ever used or condoned such intentionally-vague clickbaiting ahem ahem). With just a few words or a photo attachment, @SavedYouAClick does all the heavy lifting of internet skimming for you, and we're all the better for it.

Submitted by: (via @SavedYouAClick)

Tagged: twitter , headline , clickbait
05 Jun 13:54

Пронзая лес Тайланда

by flami
05 Jun 13:52

GIF | 18a.gif
