Shared posts

14 Jun 01:02

So maybe that wasn’t Link? ⊟ In the new Legend of Zelda...

by ericisawesome

So maybe that wasn’t Link? ⊟

In the new Legend of Zelda trailer for next year’s Wii U game, that is. Series producer Eiji Aonuma reportedly noted that “no one explicitly said that that was Link,” according to VentureBeat. Huh.

This awesome fanart of maybe-not-Link comes from DC9spot, by the way. Her Tumblr has so much awesome art — you should definitely follow it!

BUY Hyrule Warriors, The Legend of Zelda (Wii U), upcoming games
14 Jun 00:49

06/11/14 PHD comic: 'The Turing Test'

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "The Turing Test" - originally published 6/11/2014

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

13 Jun 20:47

Provide a Solid Foundation For Your Kids

13 Jun 20:35

Viva Intensamente # 160

12 Jun 17:20

LOL: ‘Paddington’ Image Inspires Horror Movie Mash-Ups

by Germain Lussier

Paddington Still 2

A live-action adaptation of the popular book series Paddington is one of this year’s big Christmas films. The Weinstein Company released a teaser trailer a few months back but it offered only a glimpse at the talking bear. Now, the first images from the film – which features Nicole Kidman, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters and Jim Broadbent – have been released. That, in itself, isn’t particularly exciting. What the photos spawned is.

In the photo (seen above) Paddington looks rather ominous, which inspired an online meme called “#CreepyPaddington.” There, people have been photoshopping the bear into various horror movies and the results are pretty hilarious. Check out a bunch of Creepy Paddington images below.

Paddington will open Christmas Day and Colin Firth provides the voice of the bear. Here are the two official images via Flicks and Bits.

Paddington Still 2 Paddington Still 1

And here are some #creepypaddington images courtesy of

Creepy Paddington Nightmare Creepy Paddington Shining Creepy Paddington Oculus Creepy Paddington Trick R Treat

You can follow the hashtag on Twitter for more.

Paddington, produced by David Heyman and directed by Paul King, opens December 25, 2014. It stars Colin Firth, Nicole Kidman, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters and Jim Broadbent. Here’s a plot description:

Adapted from Michael Bond’s beloved books, Paddington follows the comic misadventures of a polite young bear with an endearing talent for comic chaos.

Paddington has grown up deep in the Peruvian jungle with his Aunt Lucy who, inspired by a chance encounter with an English explorer, has raised her nephew to dream of an exciting life in London. When an earthquake destroys their home, Aunt Lucy decides to smuggle her young nephew on board a boat bound for England, in search of a better life. Arriving alone at Paddington Station, Paddington soon finds that city life is not all he had imagined – until he meets the kindly Brown family, who find him with a label tied around his neck which reads ‘Please look after this bear. Thank you.’ They offer him a temporary home whilst he searches for the explorer who impressed Aunt Lucy all those years before.

But when Paddington catches the eye of a sinister, seductive taxidermist, it isn’t long before his home – and very existence – is under threat …

The post LOL: ‘Paddington’ Image Inspires Horror Movie Mash-Ups appeared first on /Film.

12 Jun 17:14

Thanks Everybody

by Doug

Thanks Everybody

Happy birthday to you, people who were born on this day!

Here are more birthday comics!

12 Jun 17:12

Terry Pratchett

"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it."
12 Jun 17:10

abandoned-playgrounds: The Tartar Tent, the Gothic Church,...


The Tartar Tent, the Gothic Church, Temple to the God Pan, the Ruined column and the Pyramid all reside in the abandoned French garden ‘Desert de Retz’. Source.

11 Jun 20:33

I can't believe this Hubble's star explosion time-lapse video is real

by Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

I can't believe this Hubble's star explosion time-lapse video is real

I never imagined I was going to see something like this: A video of a star bursting in space, illuminating the interstellar dust around it at the speed of light. This is not a computer simulation. It's an actual time-lapse video taken over four years by the Hubble—and scientists don't know its origin yet.


11 Jun 20:04

Everybody hates everyone, World Cup

Everybody hates everyone, World Cup

11 Jun 19:51

The New ‘Inspiration Pad’ Turns the Conventional Blue-Lined Notebook Upside Down

by Christopher Jobson

The New Inspiration Pad Turns the Conventional Blue Lined Notebook Upside Down creativity

The New Inspiration Pad Turns the Conventional Blue Lined Notebook Upside Down creativity

The New Inspiration Pad Turns the Conventional Blue Lined Notebook Upside Down creativity

The New Inspiration Pad Turns the Conventional Blue Lined Notebook Upside Down creativity

The New Inspiration Pad Turns the Conventional Blue Lined Notebook Upside Down creativity

The New Inspiration Pad Turns the Conventional Blue Lined Notebook Upside Down creativity

The New Inspiration Pad Turns the Conventional Blue Lined Notebook Upside Down creativity

The New Inspiration Pad Turns the Conventional Blue Lined Notebook Upside Down creativity

The New Inspiration Pad Turns the Conventional Blue Lined Notebook Upside Down creativity

Brussels-based design and advertising firm TM led by Marc Thomasset, just released the second edition of their wildly popular Inspiration Pad. The ruled notebook plays with the traditional red and blue-lined design of notebooks, turning each spread into a different layout to “inspire people to unleash their own creativity.” The 48-page notebook is printed on sustainable paper and is available here. (via This Isn’t Happiness)

11 Jun 19:50

Kim Dotcom Offers $5 Million Bounty To Defeat Extradition

by samzenpus
heretic108 (454817) writes "Internet mega-entrepreneur, uber-gamer and now NZ political corruption-buster Kim DotCom has posted a bounty of $5 million to anyone who can dig up any dirt which saves him from extradition to the U.S.. This bounty would be payable not only to government employees, but also to anyone who can retrieve documents clearly proving corruption in the whole prosecution process. 'We are asking for information that proves unlawful or corrupt conduct by the US government, the New Zealand government, spy agencies, law enforcement and Hollywood', Dotcom told website"

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

11 Jun 19:47

¿Tienes hambre? - Visto así, es lo más fácil del mundo

11 Jun 19:45

No spoilers


11 Jun 19:33

NASA releases spectacular X-ray image of an entire spiral galaxy

by Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

NASA releases spectacular X-ray image of an entire spiral galaxy

This is The Whirlpool—the common name of M51, a spiral galaxy similar to our own Milky Way estimated to be 50,000 to 100,000 light years across. The purple dots that make it look like the biggest neon sign in the Universe are X-ray sources as seen by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory.


11 Jun 19:31

Morning scenes by early risers

by Arnold Chao

At the break of dawn, many of you are already up and busy shooting landscapes bathed in dramatic sunlight. There’s a staggering abundance of exceptional pictures from a “morning landscape” image search, and we can only highlight a portion of the ones we appreciate, including a few captions from the photographers:

Dockey Wood Morning Light
Damian_WardDockey Wood Morning Light

“I’m lucky enough to live about 30 minutes away from Dockey Wood, which is well regarded as on of the finest bluebell woods in England. As part of the Ashridge Estate, it is owned and managed by the National Trust and offers clean and uncomplicated woodland views full of bluebells.” – Damian Ward


“A classic spot at Lake Constance. The Turmhof castle in Steckborn, Thurgau, Switzerland” – Philipp Häfeli


“This morning I finally managed to get back out there and experience the odd euphoria of having made it to the top of a hill at 5am as the sun rises, knowing that a world of more sensible people are still asleep. Bit of a mixed bag of conditions today so I didn’t quite get what I wanted, although this little burst of early light through the mist was kind of spectacular for a few minutes.”

“Squint and you can just make out Firle Tower amidst the furthest clump of trees, a squat little castle turret folly that was built as a gamekeepers watchtower in the 1800s. I think its now a house.” – Finn Hopson


Sunrise in Taiwan.

Crummock Water bathed in Light
VemsterooCrummock Water bathed in Light

“After I took the long way from Buttermere to Crummock which involved scrabbling up the hillside to escape a herd of cows and calves who were unimpressed with my presence (cows can be scary), I finally emerged by Crummock Water as the morning light began to catch, revealing the ridges and rolls of the landscape, almost flowing down the hillside.” – Vemsteroo

Carillion - Canberra, ACT
Rowland CainCarillion – Canberra, ACT

National Carillon tower, Canberra, Australia.

The Morning After
jactollThe Morning After

“A day after my last post … couldn’t resist shooting again because of the denser layer of river mist.” – David Dean

“Last shot from the series I took a few weekends ago from the South Downs on a beautiful misty Spring morning.” – Richard Paterson

Morning mist in Gloucestershire, England.

Morning Sun
Dave-B2012Morning Sun

“Cranes along the River Thames during sunrise.” – Dave Banbury

See, and share, more photography in the Morning light gallery and Morning Glory group.

11 Jun 19:24


11 Jun 19:18


11 Jun 19:13

mathani: Get you best paper, cut a circle and fold it so that...


Get you best paper, cut a circle and fold it so that the circumference falls on a fixed point inside. Repeat, using random folds. Now see the creases. This is how you paper-fold an ellipse.

11 Jun 19:12


by shawnlynn
11 Jun 19:10

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee

by Christopher Jobson

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland, with its extreme landscapes, jagged lava fields and Northern Lights, is arguably one of the most photogenic countries in the world. So it’s no surprise that over half a million tourists flock there every year to shoot the landscape. But UK-based photographer Andy Lee, on his first visit to the country, came back with a series of photos titled “Blue Iceland” that captured the waterfalls, peaks and roads in, literally, a whole new light. Using infrared photography to pick up invisible light rather than visible light, Lee transformed Iceland into a series of stark, moody and somewhat dreamlike silhouettes. At times the austere rock formations and glowing waterfalls almost appear to be painted. You can see much more of Lee’s work over on his portfolio site. In the words of Lee himself, “Infrared and Iceland, a match made in heaven.” (via PetaPixel)

11 Jun 19:03

4.5 Degrees

The good news is that according to the latest IPCC report, if we enact aggressive emissions limits now, we could hold the warming to 2°C. That's only HALF an ice age unit, which is probably no big deal.
11 Jun 18:43

theartofanimation: KATSUO

11 Jun 18:42

owlturdcomix: Freedom’s all you got.


Freedom’s all you got.

11 Jun 18:41

Volkswagen Freaks Out a Whole Movie Theater With Devious 'Don't Text and Drive' PSA

by Rebecca Cullers

We've seen lots of "Don't text and drive" ads lately. With this one from Ogilvy Beijing, Volkswagen drove the message home to a captive movie-theater audience in a way they'll surely remember.

Watch the spot first to get the full impact.

Obviously the video begs the question about how, exactly, the stunt was pulled off. It says a "location-based broadcaster" was used—presumably this is done through geo-fencing, though you would think people would have to opt in to receive text messages that way.

But if the footage is genuine, it's a remarkable way to demonstrate that mobile-phone use is now the leading cause of death behind the wheel. Advertising is a great way to get that message across, at least until VW figures out a way to use German engineering to solve our obsession with cellphones.

11 Jun 18:38

Mario Maker is really for real ⊟ And so much better than...

by 20xx

Mario Maker is really for real ⊟

And so much better than expected! The “interactive course builder” coming in the first half of 2015 lets you instantly switch between Super Mario Bros. and NSMB U visual styles! AND it has Mario Paint elements including the flyswatter minigame???? Trailer after the break:

PREORDER Mario Maker, upcoming releases
11 Jun 18:18


11 Jun 18:18

The New Zelda Is Open-World, Looks Absolutely Incredible

by gguillotte
It looks like a cross between Wind Waker and Skyrim.
10 Jun 16:15

Stunning 'No Man's Sky' trailer mixes space combat with dinosaurs

by Sam Byford

No Man's Sky is a glorious oasis in E3's usual desert of gruff space marines and dismembered limbs. Joe Danger studio Hello Games' next release is impossibly ambitious and incredibly beautiful, set in an infinite universe created by procedural generation. In the gameplay trailer shown during Sony's E3 press conference, your player explores an alien world rendered in bursts of color, discovering new species of dinosaur-like creatures along the way, before getting into a spacecraft and seamlessly taking off to engage in combat in an asteroid field.

"No Man’s Sky is a game without limits."

"One of the things we wanted to put across is that No Man’s Sky is a game without limits," says Hello Games founder Sean Murray. "That mountain in the distance is a real place you can visit. So is that planet. And that star." Murray says that the time since the game's initial reveal has seen the team add "hundreds of new procedural systems that have made the universe explode with new alien creatures, amazing geological formations and vegetation patterns, pirates and wingmen."

No Man's Sky will launch on PC and PS4 at first, though there's no release date as yet.

10 Jun 15:53

Tumblr | d27.png


ION: Heartmelon... Captain Melon!!!
