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04 Dec 16:12

Delivering Breaking Bad on Netflix in Ultra HD 4K

by (Kevin McEntee)
This week Netflix is pleased to begin streaming all 62 episodes of Breaking Bad in UltraHD 4K. Breaking Bad in 4K comes from Sony Pictures Entertainment’s beautiful remastering of Breaking Bad from the original film negatives. This 4K experience is available on select 4K Smart TVs.

As pleased as I am to announce Breaking Bad in 4K, this blog post is also intended to highlight the collaboration between Sony Pictures Entertainment and Netflix to modernize the digital supply chain that transports digital media from content studios, like Sony Pictures, to streaming retailers, like Netflix.

Netflix and Sony agreed on an early subset of IMF for the transfer of the video and audio files for Breaking Bad. IMF stands for Interoperable Master Format, an emerging SMPTE specification governing file formats and metadata for digital media archiving and B2B exchange.

IMF specifies fundamental building blocks like immutable objects, checksums, globally unique identifiers, and manifests (cpl). These building blocks hold promise for vastly improving the efficiency, accuracy, and scale of the global digital supply chain.

At Netflix, we are excited about IMF and we are committing significant R&D efforts towards adopting IMF for content ingestion. Netflix has an early subset of IMF in production today and we will support most of the current IMF App 2 draft by the end of 2014. We are also developing a roadmap for IMF App 2 Extended and Extended+. We are pleased that Sony Pictures is an early innovator in this space and we are looking forward to the same collaboration with additional content studio partners.

Breaking Bad is joining House of Cards season 2 and the Moving Art documentaries in our global 4K catalog. We are also adding a few more 4K movies for our USA members. We have added Smurfs 2, Ghostbusters, and Ghostbusters 2 in the United States. All of these movies were packaged in IMF by Sony Pictures.

Kevin McEntee
VP Digital Supply Chain
18 Jun 22:40

6 Reasons Why "Sleep Dealer" Is The Most Underrated Sci-Fi Film Ever

by hodad


I’ve been living in Alex’s apartment for the past month while he was in LA making this re-release happen. If you haven’t seen it, check it out.

1. It’s a dystopian epic set in Mexico that deals with the horrors of migrant labor. What other sci-fi film does that?

In this terribly haunting dystopian future, the U.S. has found a way to obtain cheap migrant labor WITHOUT the migrant. Director Alex Rivera creates a gritty world that can only be described as a cross between Blade Runner and Children of Men.

In Sleep Dealer, the U.S. has closed itself off from the world with a fortified wall that makes migration impossible. Migrant workers in the U.S. have been replaced by robots, forcing would-be emigrants to work as robot operators from Tijuana, Mexico, “The City of the Future.” The film follows Memo Cruz, a young migrant worker, who’s forced to become a robot operator to make money that he can send back home to his family.

2. It’s one of the first films to tackle the controversial use of remote-controlled drone strikes.

Early on, Rivera paints a picture of a future in which drone strikes in Mexico are not only a common occurrence, but used for purposes of entertainment. Rudy Ramirez, played by Jacob Vargas, is a military drone pilot who destroys and kills from the comfort of a San Diego office.

Interestingly, the film, which went into production in 2007, “predicted the explosion in drone technology,” according to Rivera, who spoke to BuzzFeed via phone. “I was looking at two big changes happening in the world. One change is that technology was connecting the globe. We were becoming more and more connected by the minute. And yet, borders between places, like the U.S.–Mexico border as one example, were becoming more divided,” he said.

“So I thought of a world where borders were sealed shut but technology deleted all borders. And then you start to get this idea of a person controlling a machine somewhere else. That machine is a drone. Some drones works. Some drones fight. So essentially, you have this world where Mexicans work remotely in the U.S. and you have Americans who work remotely in Mexico. So you’re left with a world where people cross borders digitally. That may sound like a strange idea, but it’s based in the world that we [currently] live in.”

3. Luis Fernando Peña, from critically acclaimed films Sin Nombre and De La Calle, delivers a subtle yet powerful performance as the film’s hero.

Luis Fernando Peña plays Cruz, a Oaxacan in search of the “new American dream,” which means working at a “sleep dealer” factory in Tijuana, operating robot laborers in the U.S. He’s got an innocent charm that slowly erodes as he overworks himself in the factory. Memo Cruz is the migrant hero who’s trapped in this dark steampunk abyss of U.S. capitalism. Peña plays the role with a quiet intensity that draws you in from the second he appears on screen.

4. Memo Cruz is the Luke Skywalker of Sleep Dealer.

“There’s almost no Latinos in the future in film,” said Rivera. “I grew up in a family that was in the process of coming to the U.S. They were dealing with traveling across great distances, overcoming incredible challenges. So when I looked at heroes like Luke Skywalker, in a way I felt they were people like my family. Luke is an immigrant or a refugee. His home is destroyed, he goes on the run, he sneaks into the empire, etc. His journey is very similar to the journey that many of our family members go on when coming to America. But we never see that truth shown on film.”

5. Sleep Dealer is a film that speaks to everyone, from those interested in political affairs to sci-fi enthusiasts.

Even though the film incorporates a heavy sense of social commentary, there’s a lot that a hardcore sci-fi fan will appreciate. Like all great sci-fi films in history, Sleep Dealer asks pertinent questions about the human condition. The film asks the audience to reflect upon their use of current technology. Are we really connecting with one another? Are we losing our sense of human connectivity because of technology? Rivera paints us a future that’s very hard to dismiss as improbable.

6. Even though you may have never heard of this film, it’s an award winner and completely worth the watch.

The film won the Amnesty International Prize at the Berlin International Film Festival, the Alfred P. Sloan Feature Film Award and a screenwriting award at Sundance, and it also won Best Feature at the Neuchâtel International Fantasy Film Festival. The film was also nominated for Best Feature at the Independent Spirit Awards, Sundance, and the Chicago International Film Festival. In other words, this film is awesome.

Sleep Dealer is now available to watch on iTunes. Watch the trailer:

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18 Jun 22:26


18 Jun 22:26

stanaitch: Best banner at the World Cup so far


Best banner at the World Cup so far

18 Jun 22:22

thecutestofthecute: captain-snark: moist-fondling: themanicpix...





Literally me when I hurt people

oh god oh god oh god im so sorry is it here did i hurt you here oh god im so sorry friend


I will reblog this until the day I die

18 Jun 22:19

Unit test failure: actual != expected

by sharhalakis

by @bigtallbill

18 Jun 22:19

twentypixels: Why We Still Need Print Newspapers It’s hard not...


Why We Still Need Print Newspapers

It’s hard not to bask in the glow of the Internet when it provides you with such a convenient way to access such a vast amount of news and information. But here are some things that your digital news can’t do~

18 Jun 22:18


18 Jun 22:17


18 Jun 22:17

bodycatcher: Genghis’ Problem… (joke by Callafraser)


Genghis’ Problem… (joke by Callafraser)

18 Jun 22:16

pupchuck: I want this on a t shirt.


I want this on a t shirt.
18 Jun 22:16

derekzane: Bill Murray’s attire on the...


Bill Murray’s attire on the ‘Letterman’ through the years.

18 Jun 22:15

Posters of Famous Movie Cars by Jesús...

Posters of Famous Movie Cars by Jesús Prudencio

Previously: Famous Shoes by Federico Mauro

18 Jun 22:14

Trying to make progress on Monday

by sharhalakis

by DT

18 Jun 22:13


18 Jun 22:13

zipping: I was telling my friend a story the other day and it...


I was telling my friend a story the other day and it must have taken too long because he quietly took out his wallet and handed this to me.

He carries like 50 of them at all times.

18 Jun 22:12

lvndcity: Smárinn

18 Jun 22:09

Un tipo aprovecha el retraso de su vuelo para grabar un video clip de Céline Dion en el aeropuerto

by La Gusa


Richard Dunn es hombre de paciencia infinita y un ejemplo a seguir. Durante un retraso en uno de los vuelos de madrugada del Las Vegas’ McCarran International Airport el tipo no sólo omitió arrasar el lugar y buscar a cualquiera con uniforme para desfogarse sino que aprovechó su tiempo.

Por alguna razón inexplicable a Richard le gusta Céline Dion. Así que dedicó su larga espera a crear un video clip del tema All by myself. El vídeo, claro, está protagonizado por él mismo, sufriendo la soledad tan extraña que se siente en los lugares públicos, que tiene el nivel de aburrimiento suficiente como para hacerte sentir mal pero no la intimidad necesaria como para masturbarte. Un horror.

Lo ideal sería que alguien hubiera grabado a Richard haciendo como que canta delante del iPhone sin que se enterase, pero ese imprescindible documento audiovisual, de existir, todavía no ha salido a la luz.

Visto en Geekosystem

Ver más: aeropuertos, soledad, videoclip
Seguir @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan


18 Jun 22:05


18 Jun 22:04

Is There a Parallel Universe in Which John Oliver is Not Rekt?

18 Jun 22:04


18 Jun 22:00

Unicode 7.0 Released, Supporting 23 New Scripts

by Unknown Lamer
An anonymous reader writes "The newest major version of the Unicode Standard was released today, adding 2,834 new characters, including two new currency symbols and 250 emoji. The inclusion of 23 new scripts is the largest addition of writing systems to Unicode since version 1.0 was published with Unicode's original 24 scripts. Among the new scripts are Linear A, Grantha, Siddham, Mende Kikakui, and the first shorthand encoded in Unicode, Duployan."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

18 Jun 21:59

Dentists Found a Pain-Free Cavity Fix That Might Actually Work

by Adam Clark Estes

Dentists Found a Pain-Free Cavity Fix That Might Actually Work

Researchers from King's College London just announced a new approach to fixing cavities that requires no injections, no drills, and no pain. It's just a little blast of electric current that encourages the tooth to self-repair. And they say it'll be on the market in three years.


18 Jun 21:55


18 Jun 21:55

Saiba como encontrar o homem dos seus sonhos

by O Criador


The post Saiba como encontrar o homem dos seus sonhos appeared first on

18 Jun 21:50

Totoro (testing ToR's new bookmarklet) :)

18 Jun 21:30

Newswire: And now people are naming their babies after Frozen

by Sonia Saraiya

BuzzFeed reports that “Elsa,” the name of the protagonist in Disney’s animated film Frozen, has become the 88th most popular name in the United Kingdom—a 34-percent jump from last year. Other names from the film—“Kristoff,” “Hana,” and “Sven”—all also received significant bumps of 40 percent or more.

The study was brought to you by, a website that we can confirm is not made up. The U.S. doesn’t seem to have seen a similar bump (a baby bump, ahahahaha), as BuzzFeed notes that “Elsa” is still ranked 528th here in the States. (“Khaleesi,” meanwhile, is still on the rise.)

It’s hard to imagine that Americans are above naming their newborns after pop culture figures—like we said, there are babies named “Khaleesi”—so really, the only conclusion is that simply not enough Americans have watched Frozen yet.

18 Jun 21:20

We Are Out Of Ideas: Felix The Cat Returns

by Meredith Woerner

We Are Out Of Ideas: Felix The Cat Returns

Felix the Cat has been bought by Dreamworks Animation. And who can blame them, cats are so hot right now.


18 Jun 21:18

Humans Impersonate Dogs Barking, Dogs Lose All Of Their Shit

by Mark Shrayber

The gentlemen who brought you the video of dogs being shown magic tricks (dogs have no time for them tricks, yo) have come up with a brilliant and new way to freak dogs out in a humane way: By barking at them. You'd think dogs wouldn't care, but these dogs freak the fuck out and it's hilarious.


18 Jun 00:33

akeppleaday: "Happy" World Cup, Brazil. (Here are some...


"Happy" World Cup, Brazil.

(Here are some sources.)