Shared posts

16 Feb 22:39

Web Browsers Are Silencing Annoying Notification Popups

Chris Hoffman, How-To Geek, Feb 13, 2020

To this I can only say: finally! The idea that websites could send notifications was a good one - if we opted into them. That's how I keep tabs on what's up at Mastodon. But "the problem isn’t the notification option itself. It’s how pushy the notification request is. Web browsers should have cracked down on these popups years ago." In the future, these popups asking you to give permission will be relegated to much lower prominance, and can be turned off entirely if you want. Sort of - Firefox does this right away, Google will do it only if you're constantly refusinbg permission, while the other browsers will do it in the future.

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]
16 Feb 22:38

Getting Acquainted With Svelte, the New Framework on the Block

Tristram Tolliday, CSS-Tricks, Feb 13, 2020

I spent a couple of hours with this article, so I feel duty-bound to pass it along, tyhough I don't really recommend it. Its purpose is to introduce Svelte, a new Javascript framework (best compared with Vue, Angular or React). You can run Svelte using NPM, which is what I did. Now on the plus side, the article was easy to follow, explains the advantage of Svelte really clearly, and I got it running in just a few moments. But: some of the instructions were unclear, the "real-world example of an everyday use case" was not intuitive, some code was Linux-only, and the code in the article was different from the code in the example. But Svelte itself is really interesting, and I do recommend exploring it, but maybe starting from here or maybe here, and not this article.

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]
16 Feb 22:35

How to Compare Help Desk Ticketing Systems (6 Things to Look For When Buying)

by Angela Stringfellow
How to Compare Help Desk Ticketing Systems (6 Things to Look For When Buying)

The average service desk today spends less than 10% of its annual budget on technology and over 65% of its budget on personnel. Under pressure to control costs while providing top-notch customer support, many companies look to technology investments that can streamline customer support processes. One such investment is a help desk ticketing system, which helps to improve productivity by providing a central platform for managing support requests. In addition to boosting efficiency, help desk ticketing systems help to ensure that all support requests are resolved promptly, which has a positive impact on the customer experience.

Modern help desk ticketing systems typically offer a lot of extra value beyond simple ticket management. It can be a challenge to differentiate between the numerous software platforms that are on the market. Beyond the core capabilities, some platforms offer solutions such as a shared inbox, knowledge base, and customer portal that may have very different capabilities and varying levels of customization.  

Below, we’ll discuss six important things to look at when buying a new help desk ticketing system. By comparing your unique customer service processes and future needs with the capabilities and cost of your desired platform, you can make a truly informed decision about which software is best for your business.

1. Tools for Collaboration

Coordinating work among team members is an important task for any help desk operation. One key advantage of using a help desk ticketing system is the ability to share draft replies among team members. An effective system will allow users to review drafts, make changes, and send messages within the same platform and have additional tools to facilitate collaboration. Features such as the ability to add comments to emails can be of great use to service staff who need to contact other support reps. It reduces the need to switch between screens and software platforms to get input from other team members.

2. Shared Inbox & Customization

Today’s ticketing software systems typically come with a shared inbox, but it’s important to consider the amount of customization that is allowed. Since each user can log in to their dashboard, the ability to add custom filters, tags, and views allows each support agent to access information in the way they desire. Another example of customization is the ability to manage multiple teams and brands. This gives your team the flexibility to support additional customers as the business grows. Customization may also be possible through integrations with third-party software platforms, such as Slack and Trello.

3. Privacy & Data Integrity

The best ticketing systems will offer advanced privacy settings so that administrators have complete control over access. Being able to create private inboxes can also help to protect sensitive data associated with customer requests or projects. Having a platform that utilizes cloud storage is also important, as cloud-based help desk platforms allow for efficient backups of data and real-time access to the system from any location.  

4. Knowledge Base

A knowledge base is an excellent way for companies to offer customers direct access to product or service support material. In ticketing systems that include a knowledge base, customers can find solutions to common questions or problems without making a formal support inquiry. When a knowledge base is integrated with a help desk ticketing system, customer support reps can easily attach knowledge base articles to replies. Integrating a contact form in your knowledge base gives customers an easy way to reach out if they need additional guidance, as well.

5. Customer Portal

One of the best ways to build trust with customers is through a customer portal. The portal gives customers real-time access to a customized interface where they can create and review tickets directly. Customers can easily see the status of a support request, meaning they won’t be emailing your support team to find out if their inquiry was received or is being addressed.

The ability to see all their past requests and solutions in one central location allows customers to use a customer portal as a knowledge source, so they’re less likely to ask the same questions again. Help desk ticketing systems that include a customer portal are often better equipped to serve as a true customer-facing support platform.

6. Simplicity and Reporting

The real test of support desk ticketing software is its ability to streamline your processes. With a shared inbox, these systems allow you to make assignments and view the status for any ticket without referencing any external software. Team members and management can also create and view reports with real-time performance metrics. Look for a ticketing system that presents data clearly and provides essential information within a clean interface.

Comparing your business’s needs with the features above will help you refine your criteria and select the best help desk ticketing software for your team. Preparation could mean the difference between money well spent or future issues for your team. Choosing a platform that meets your core requirements while allowing flexibility and customization should be a top priority.

16 Feb 22:34

How to Learn Using Technology

by Stephen Downes
Learning with technology is different from learning with textbooks or learning with classroom instruction. In these, the focus is on understanding and remembering. It is content based. The learning objective is defined as mastery of this body of knowledge.

Learning with technology, by contrast, is outcome based. It is defined in terms of skills or competencies, as how to achieve a certain outcome using technology as a tool. There’s a distinctive way to learn using technology. Here are the steps.

Identify what you are trying to do. What problem are you trying to solve? What project are you trying to complete? This could be anything from fixing a flat tire to building a web site. It may be a very large project, or it might be one narrow objective. It may be self-defined, or it may be part of your education or work.

Define what success looks like. Professionals talk of ‘key performance indicators’ (KPIs) as evidence of a successful outcome. Can you inflate the tire to 600 kPa? Did ten people visit your web site today? How would you measure these?

Look for examples of people doing what you want to do. You might not know how to fix a flat tire or to build a web site. Look for examples of people who do know. Watch them in person. If you can’t, search for videos.

Look for how it was done. Note what tools they use, how they apply them, and how they test to see if they have been successful. If you are building a website, look at their website source code. Look for articles describing how they do it, and look for videos showing this work.

Practice doing what they’re doing. Go beyond passive learning. Theoretical knowledge is not enough. Take the tools in hand and attempt the same outcome. Repair that flat tire! Build a website people can visit!

Get authentic practice. Use real environments if you can, but if you can’t, use virtual environments. Solve real problems. Use real-world problems. What tools do experts use to practice? Watch for these tools when looking at examples and then practice using these tools yourself.

Look for the theory behind the practice. Sometimes people speak of ‘theorizing’ a discipline, or of ‘building a mental model’, and this is that they mean. Look at the process, not just the outcome.

Look for patterns that can be applied. Can you read signs or signals as clues? How are the tools used? Where do they do their work (and where do they avoid working?) How do people draw conclusions about their work, and what sort of evidence do they use? How do they plan for change?

It’s a lot like learning a language. When you are learning a technology, you are trying to become fluent in this language, so you can apply it in new circumstances.

Reflect on your own performance. What was the difference between success and failure? Think back to what you did, study the product you created, or perhaps make a video. Compare it with the models that were successful. Theory can guide you here to know where to look for differences.

Work with others. Share your products or your videos with others and get their feedback. They will be able to see things you can’t see for yourself. Over time, your videos will become the examples other people use as they begin their own learning. You are giving back to the community that helped you, and everyone learns more.

Repeat. We rarely learn how to do something in just one try. We rarely become proficient in something without repetition. And we often forget things we have learned if we do not apply them on a regular basis. Learning is never truly complete. Even if you are successful, you can find ways to achieve the same outcome more effectively, more efficiently, and more productively.

Originally published in Spanish in Revista Educadores.

16 Feb 22:32

U.S. grants Huawei 45-day extension from ban

by Bradly Shankar

The United States’ Commerce Department has given Huawei a 45-day extension from a proposed ban on buying parts from some U.S. suppliers.

In a notice emailed to BNN Bloomberg, the department said this extension is to provide rural telecom providers with the opportunity to continue operating existing networks while shifting away from Huawei.

According to U.S. officials, Huawei’s gear poses an espionage risk, a claim that the Chinese tech giant has declined.

The Commerce Department’s decision comes on the same day that the U.S. has charged Huawei with racketeering. This is in addition to the various other charges the Chinese company faces for violating U.S. sanctions.

Source: BNN Bloomberg

The post U.S. grants Huawei 45-day extension from ban appeared first on MobileSyrup.

16 Feb 22:05

Recommended on Medium: When Science Fiction Is Bad for Design

Tech that looks good in media can distract and frustrate

Car-based UTOPIA by German artist Klaus Bürgle in The New Universe (1959).

Science fiction visions, especially as presented in movies and television shows, have infected our approach to UX and product design. They have nudged us to mistake visualizations that were created for maximum dramatic appeal for solutions that are feasible and desirable, especially over the long term. What looks cool in a science fiction film is frequently frustrating, distracting, and convoluted to use in real life.

I recently got a chance to preview Amazon’s “Home of the Future.” It was the oldest thing I’d seen in years. You can see why in this photo (above) I took of the interior: Sterile and impersonal, it looked less like a home than a showroom, hearkening back to retro-future themes from Monsanto’s vision of “the kitchen of the future” from the 1950s. Amazon innovates in many different ways, but this home takes voice to an unnecessary new level. For instance, you can ask Alexa to make some popcorn for you, but you have to include both the brand name and the weight of the popcorn in your request.

Amazon’s “Home of the Future” subscribes to an outdated idea about what convenience, coziness, and usability really feels like. Consider several technologies we first saw in science fiction that have evolved into whole industries:

Gesture control

Since its debut in 2002, Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report has been an archetypal reference point for technologists enthralled by the way Tom Cruise could manipulate complex data with dramatic swipes of his hands.

But what looks amazing for a few minutes of screentime doesn’t necessarily perform as well offscreen. Can you imagine how sore your muscles would be after using this system for eight hours a day?

I can: On a visit to the MIT Media Lab in 2008, I tried out a gesture control system just like the one from Minority Report. (Above.) At first, I loved how it looked and felt, but I quickly noticed my arms aching. While gesturing with my hands above my heart, less blood pumped into my arms, causing strain. I couldn’t possibly imagine using a gesture control setup like that for over an hour. Picking up and dragging files is extremely tedious. Tom Cruise even shows us how frustrating the user interaction is in the actual film: There’s a scene where he reaches out to shake the hand of a visitor, and everything on his screen drops! Nevertheless, Minority Report has inspired businesspeople to dream up systems that would require people to use controls like this all day.

What’s more, during testing I realized that not everyone has the fine motor control to learn precise gestures and perform them with consistent accuracy. The system would have to filter out quite a few false positives, which require far more computing resources than a basic button or multi-touch system. Anyone familiar with Fitts’s Law, which suggests that user response time greatly depends on the size of a target and the user’s distance from it, can see the problems inherent in the Minority Report system: It requires large, sweeping motions for even the smallest of interactions, while similar actions aren’t clustered together. I would never want a system like this to play Mario Brothers when a simple wired video game controller is precisely responsive 100% of the time.

By contrast, consider some more feasible, if less glamorous, alternatives to gesture control: Nonprofit tech lab Dynamicland has created projected interfaces that don’t require gesture recognition (above). You just use a laser pointer to interact with the surfaces. That way, you can keep your hands at waist level and use less effort.

For that matter, during your next visit to a restaurant, watch the waitstaff type in an order or settle a bill through a touch-based point-of-sale system. These are often ugly but speedy interfaces. The buttons are large, the tablet sits at an angle, and completing a task requires no more than a few taps that quickly become muscle memory.

I once met one of the top designers of “futuristic interfaces” for major Hollywood movies. He told me that any time he tries to design something that’s actually usable, clients shoot him down. They want the fancy panels and transparent glass interfaces people expect from films. He is kept from promoting better user experience in films by this aesthetic he helped create.

Voice activation and artificial ‘intelligence’

Since at least the first Star Trek series, it’s been a standard trope: In the future, we’ll simply speak out loud to an “intelligent” agent that would instantly understand our vocal patterns the moment we express them.

Cinematically, this technology makes a lot of sense: It’s more interesting and narratively efficient to watch Tony Stark solve technical problems while pacing in his lab and talking to Jarvis, as opposed to watching him sit silently at a desk, typing into a computer.

But that does not mean voice-controlled interfaces are always a feasible real-life solution. Unlike in a movie, in which dozens of crew members tightly control and modify the audio of every scene, we usually live and work in places full of noise that can easily confuse voice activation. The technology also assumes that everyone speaks with standard, precise diction, even though many or perhaps most people do not. But all that aside, the goal of an artificial intelligence capable of understanding common sense requests remains decades away.

Which takes me back to Amazon’s “Home of the Future” that I recently toured. The creators of the house boasted that all of the appliances were connected to Alexa voice activation. But when I asked Alexa to microwave popcorn, she replied, “What is the weight of popcorn?” Have you ever known exactly how much popcorn you’re popping? I finally looked for the weight of popcorn listed on the bag and told her the amount, but it didn’t pop all the way. To get water from the faucet, I had to ask Alexa to tell Delta — yes, you literally had to address the appliance by its brand name— to “fill the glass with 4 ounces of water.”

Amazon’s Home of the Future consisted mostly of voice-activated parlor tricks.

To be fair, there was at least one instance where precise measurement sort of worked: for activating the shower. While getting prepared, you could simply ask Alexa to warm the water to your ideal temperature. But overall, Alexa had mainly succeeded in making everyday conveniences uniquely inconvenient.

Feasible or sci-fi? A starting checklist

It may take years of rewiring to cultivate a design community that’s free from sci-fi’s framing biases. Doing that might require an internal checklist that includes questions like this:

1. Is the solution more dramatically appealing than it is a practical utility?

In the same way that a parlor trick makes us wonder how the flashy payoff hides the illusionist’s sleight of hand, we should be suspicious when a product provides a dramatic “ta da!” Google and Craigslist are incredibly boring to look at and haven’t had their user interfaces significantly updated for nearly two decades, and partly for those very reasons, they remain incredibly useful. They’re pass-through interfaces that work based on speed. When we need to use something again and again, it’s less important that it looks flashy or impresses dinner guests. It needs to use the least amount of attention and effort, just like a light switch.

2. Can you picture this solution working in multiple contexts for an extended period?

Sci-fi depictions of futuristic products are typically presented for a few minutes or seconds in an ideal context. For a more accurate representation, consider how they would fare over the long term in different environments, especially when used by multiple kinds of people (children, disabled, elderly) throughout an entire day, multiple times a day for years. If your appliance requires an iPhone app to work, consider the day when iPhones might not be the dominant device. Or that when someone divorces or sells their home, they’ll need to hand over the app permissions to a new owner.

3. Does the solution prevent monetary loss?

Most technologies come with inherent costs, not just in the initial purchase, but for the near-inevitable requirement of buying batteries and other replacement parts over the years of its life. Very few technologies prevent monetary loss, and this is a key way emerging tech can truly benefit users. Coming up with a concrete cost estimate can help us better weigh any supposed advantages the product is meant to provide. For instance, consider this idea for a Home of the Future: When rain gutters become clogged, water can’t be diverted away from the house, causing it to freeze and crack the foundation in the winter. A solar-powered gutter sensor that glows orange when it’s filled with leaves would be visible at night — and save thousands of dollars in foundation repair bills.

Finally, consider asking yourself a question that was echoing through my own mind as I wandered Amazon’s Home of the Future: Does this solution enhance your ideal vision of that context?

When I picture a home that’s a model of domestic tranquility, I visualize happy family and friends sharing dinner outside in the sun, surrounded by trees and flowers. They prepare their meal together, perhaps with ingredients picked by the kids from their garden, in a kitchen full of chatter and personal mementos. I suspect most people, when asked, would describe a similar vision. Notably, automation and other high-tech enhancements don’t seem relevant to this pleasing mental image; they might even threaten to become distractions to that happy idyll.

Science fiction is important because it helps us think about how technology might change who we are, and we can use it to envision multiple outcomes, both good and bad. But when it comes to translating cinema to everyday life, it’s usually best to leave fantasy worlds to the screen.

Originally published in slightly different form on Modus.

16 Feb 22:03

The One About 1:1s

by rands

In our 32nd episode, Lyle and Lopp go tactical on 1:1s. A bevy of small tips and tricks are discussed along with deep religion on the value of continuous feedback and the practice of finding joy in meetings.

Enjoy it now or download for later. Here’s a handy feed or subscribe via Overcast or iTunes.

16 Feb 22:03

A terse and unhelpful cancellation notice for the MWC (Mobile World Congress) in Barcelona

by Josh Bernoff

The Mobile World Congress in Barcelona attracts 100,000 international attendees. The organization that runs it, GSMA, just cancelled it due to coronavirus health concerns. Their announcement isn’t at all helpful. In the face of the coronavirus pandemic and the withdrawal of some key exhibitors, the mobile operator group GSMA had to cancel the Barcelona show. … Continued

The post A terse and unhelpful cancellation notice for the MWC (Mobile World Congress) in Barcelona appeared first on without bullshit.

16 Feb 21:03

How a $2 Notebook Helps My Insomnia

by Dorie Chevlen
How a $2 Notebook Helps My Insomnia

I’ve always been a bad sleeper. The issue for me has been twofold: I have trouble falling asleep and trouble staying asleep. There’s nothing wrong physically; no sleep apnea, no REM disorder. Instead, when I turn out the lights, my brain turns the heck on. I think about everything—the dumb things I said during the day, the dumb things I might say in the future, what groceries I need, the entire plot to The Shining, and on and on.

16 Feb 17:07



This is a great idea: a command-line tool for parsing HTML on stdin using CSS selectors. It's like jq but for HTML. Supports a sensible collection of selectors and has a number of output options for the selected nodes, including plain text and JSON. It also works as a simple pretty-printer for HTML.

16 Feb 17:07

These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 69

by Pascal Chevrel


Screenshot showing the location of the reverse alphabetical widget on about:logins

  • The changes to extension sideloading that we announced back in October have landed!
  • Starting in Firefox 74, the preference to allow running extensions with embedded experimental APIs has been renamed from extensions.legacy.enabled to the more explicit extensions.experiments.enabled
    • If you need your WebExtension to use experimental APIs, then you’ll need to flip this preference.
  • The urlClassification property in the webRequest API, which classifies URLs into groups such as “tracking”, “cryptomining”, etc. is now available to all extensions (Bug 1589494)
  • Eager evaluation (aka Instant Evaluation) is now available on Nightly for DevTools! Check out the Console panel.
    Screenshot of the instant evaluation menu in the console

    Instant evaluation is showing the result (preview) of the current expression yet before it’s evaluated (i.e. the Enter key pressed). Selection changes in the autocomplete popup count too

      • Caption: Instant evaluation is showing the result (preview) of the current expression yet before it’s evaluated (i.e. the Enter key pressed). Selection changes in the autocomplete popup count too
    • There is also an option that can be used to control the featureScreenshot of the submenu were Eager Evaluation can be activated

Friends of the Firefox team


  • Introducing Bernard Igiri!

Resolved bugs (excluding employees)

Fixed more than one bug

  • Alex Henrie
  • Andrew Swan [:aswan]
  • Andy Bruère [:abruere]
  • Florens Verschelde :fvsch
  • Itiel
  • Logan Smyth [:loganfsmyth]
  • Magnus Melin [:mkmelin]
  • Pranav pandey

New contributors (🌟 = first patch)

The new contributors list is especially long this post because it contains new contributors since the last post went out!

Project Updates

Add-ons / Web Extensions

Addon Manager & about:addons
  • Mark removed some old workarounds from about:addons (Bug 1610622, Bug 1565235) and fixed some issue related to the options page (Bug 1610227) and about:addons “categories sidebar” (Bug 1609069)
  • Extensions keyboard shortcuts can now be removed from the about:addons “manage shortcuts” view (Bug 1520119, and Bug 1475043 to allow the extensions themselves to unset a shortcut using browser.commands.update(…))


WebExtensions Framework
  • As part of the changes needed to fully adapt the WebExtensions internals to Fission, Tomislav ported the nativeApp messaging internals from MessageManager to the JSWindowActor based messaging (Bug 1602639)
  • Shane made sure that the manifest property content_security.isolated_world is aliased to content_security.content_scripts to improve Chrome compatibility of the changes to the extensions CSP (Bug 1594232)
  • Starting from Firefox 74 (Bug 1502525), the preference “extensions.webextensions.remote” (which makes the extension pages to run in a separate process when set to true) is now only being read once (which is useful to prevent unexpected behaviors when the preference is flipped at runtime)
  • The urlClassification property included in webRequest and proxy events details is now part of the public API available to all the extensions (Bug 1589494)


Fixed regressions


Other bugs fixed thanks to our contributors
  • atiqueahmedziad fixed the userScripts API schema (Bug 1605403)
  • myeongjun.ko fixed a bug in the storage.sync API (Bug 1561584)
  • aji.yash13 fixed a theme API bug (Bug 1592831)

Developer Tools


  • Autoclose brackets – The Console panel input now respects the Autoclose brackets option. Console automatically inserts the corresponding closing element for quotes & brackets (bug)
  • A new InactiveCSS warning landed. This one will let you know when one of the top, right, bottom, left and z-index properties are being used on a non-positioned element (bug)

Screenshot of the warning displayed for an inactive CSS property on an element

Check out the Rules side panel in the Inspector panel

  • The New Application panel is now enabled by default(in Nightly (only). Feel free to play with it if you have manifests and service works in your apps and report any issues you find here.

Screenshot of the new Application panel in Develeoper toolsNext steps include doing a UI review of this new panel and showing all workers for registrations.

  • WebSocket Inspector supports WAMP protocol, including JSON, MsgPack and CBOR (bug)

Available in the Network panel

WebSocket Inspector supports WAMP protocol, screenshot in the Network panel of Developer tools


New Tab Page

  • Discovery Stream enabled for rest of world in 73.
  • New stories recommendation updates available but preffed off in 74, going to run experiments with it.
  • Working on content collections for newtab stories experiment in newtab for 75. It’s a way to group similar stories based on a certain topic for a set amount of time, examples, if we wanted stories related to privacy, or entertainment, we could group them, or if we wanted to respond to something time based.
  • In 75 adding some prefs to enable stories in new locales, so we can run experiments on this before going live, initially this is going to be for the UK. Right now US, CA and DE see stories.


  • We are changing the minimum required version of NodeJS for Firefox builds from 8 to 10
    • Node 10 is the oldest Long Term Support version of Node that is still live. It was chosen (rather than Node 12) because we want to cause minimum disruption for older distributions still building modern versions of Firefox.
  • After this happens (I’ll post in the usual places), folks will need to execute `mach bootstrap` in order to get the updated NodeJS bits installed into ~/.mozbuild
  • Probably shouldn’t cause any problems, but if anything acts weird, feel free to contact or ask in #NodeJS on Slack

Password Manager


Performance Tools



Search and Navigation

Address Bar
  • Notable changes:
    • Fixed a regression in urlbar autofill when browser.urlbar.suggest.history = false – Bug 1602728
    • Search strings now ignore diacritics (controllable by pref) – Bug 1606731 
  • Visual redesign

User Journey

13 Feb 23:17

The Best Home Bluetooth Speaker

by Brent Butterworth
The Best Home Bluetooth Speaker

Using a Bluetooth tabletop speaker is the simplest way to get satisfying sound in the home, and we think Klipsch’s The One II is the best all-around choice. It has a full, clear, robust sound that made it the favorite of our panelists in a blind listening test, and its operation couldn’t be simpler. Plus, the Klipsch speaker’s handsome, retro design should make it a welcome addition to practically any room.

13 Feb 23:17

Quoting Eric Dobbs

A group of software engineers gathered around a whiteboard are a joint cognitive system. The scrawls on the board are spatial cues for building a shared model of a complex system.

Eric Dobbs

13 Feb 23:16

NEXTSPACE, a NeXTSTEP-like Linux desktop

by Rui Carmo

While we’re on a nostalgia trip, this bears mentioning: a brand new, under development, NeXT-like desktop environment for Linux.

It’s based on CentOS (which is sad, since it severely limits the amount of people who can take immediate advantage of it and makes it a pain to, for instance, port it to the Raspberry Pi), but is nevertheless remarkable–I miss the NeXT UX (and its brutalist aesthetic), and would love to see a modern Linux desktop based on it.

Worth revisiting in a year or so.

13 Feb 23:16

"But not so crazy that it makes us uncomfortable..."

by (Peter Rukavina)

The Taylor Swift documentary Miss Americana is fascinating, and so much more than the concert film I was expecting

The heart of the film is Swift’s 2018 decision to come out publicly against the antediluvian Tennessee Republican candidate Martha Blackburn and, in so doing, coming out of the apolitical female country singer closet she’d been living in her entire career.

The film is also Swift’s rumination, on the brink of turning 30, on gender and fame:

It’s a lot to process because we do exist in this society where women in entertainment are discarded in an elephant graveyard by the time they’re 35.

Everyone’s a shiny new toy for, like, two years.

The female artists that I know of have reinvented themselves twenty times more than the male artists. They have to. Or else you’re out of a job.

Constantly having to reinvent. Constantly finding new facets of yourself that people find to be shiny.

Be new to us.

Be young to us.

But only in a new way, only the way we want.

And reinvent yourself only in a way that we find to be equally comforting but also a challenge for you.

Live out a narrative that we find interesting enough to entertain us, but not so crazy that it makes us uncomfortable.

Swift’s The Man explores the same themes, and the film contains compelling scenes of her working out the lyrics for the song.

Like me, my nieces are big Taylor Swift fans. I’m happy that they set on her as a role model; there’s a lot to be learned from who she was, who she’s becoming, and how she’s reflecting on that transformation.

13 Feb 23:16

The Infinite Pile of Money

by (Peter Rukavina)

Beyond Catherine’s longstanding fundamental discomfort with the notion that, for the most part, I earned money and she didn’t, which we came to terms with as much as it’s possible to come to terms with, the only financial schism in our 28 years together was a home equity line of credit that we secured against our house at 100 Prince Street when we purchased it in 2000.

By lucky happenstance we were able to pay cash for our house when we bought it; it needed substantial renovations, though, and we didn’t have the cash for that, hence the line of credit, which was akin to a mortgage, but with a better rate, and much more flexible terms.

After the initial round of renovations, it was my intent that we pay off the line of credit and shut it down over the course of 3 or 4 years; I’m genetically programmed to be averse to debt of any sort, and I wanted it gone. Things didn’t work out that way, in part because other major expenses arose, and in part because Catherine and I disagreed as to the nature of the instrument: I treated it as a sacred crucible to be used gingerly; Catherine treated it as an infinite pile of free money. Neither of us was right-headed about it, really, and so discussion of the line of credit and its disposition became an occasional source of tension between us. Never enough to be a truly big deal; never not enough to truly recede into the background.

The Monday after Catherine died we got a letter from TD Bank, in the regular course of their affairs, informing us that the life insurance rate on the line of credit would be going up. This came as a surprise to me because I’d completely forgotten that we had life insurance on our line of credit. So I called the bank, found out that we did indeed, filled out some paperwork, and waited.

Wise financially-inclined friends, as well as CBC Marketplace, cautioned me that because line of credit insurance is “underwritten at time of claim,” I should be prepared to have the claim denied because that essentially means that the insurer does the investigative diligence at the end of the process, not at the beginning, as is typical with other types of life insurance.

And so I wasn’t banking on this happening. Which was okay, because I’d never been banking on it happening.

Today, though, I got a call from my friendly banking associated at TD Bank in Charlottetown telling me that the claim had been paid and that, once everything went through the wash, TD Bank owes me $286.40.

Detail from my online bank statement showing the negative balance in the line of credit of $286.40.

When I related the broad strokes of this story to my friend Dave last week, his reaction was “so Catherine was right!”

I hadn’t thought about it that way until that point, but Dave pegged it: our line of credit was much more infinite-pile-of-money than sacred-crucible.

She was right.

The hard fact of life and death means that Catherine will never know this, and that’s a shame.

For the first time in 25 years, I am debt free.

And while I would, in a heartbeat, give that up to have another hour with Catherine, it’s also an unexpected bit of good news in a run that hasn’t had a lot of that.

13 Feb 23:15

How We Fixed the Dreaded 0xdead10cc Crash

NetNewsWire for iOS, currently in TestFlight beta, was getting a lot of crashes related to background refreshing.

They would happen when the user wasn’t actually using NetNewsWire — it happened when the app would download feeds and sync in the background.

The crash logs were not identical, but they had this same thing:

Namespace RUNNINGBOARD, Code 0xdead10cc

This meant that the system was killing the app because, after the background task was complete, the app still had references to a SQLite database (or sometimes another file).

We did everything we could to fix this over a course of several months, including various forms of major surgery — and the best we could do was make it worse.

I did a lot of research — including reading this blog post from The Iconfactory several times — and we still came up with nothing.

Finally I asked around.


Marco Arment writes Overcast, a podcast player, which is in some important ways similar to NetNewsWire: it downloads data from the web while in the background.

Marco had already been through all this with Overcast, and he gave me this advice:

Don’t keep the SQLite database in the shared container. You’ll never get rid of all of those crashes. Instead, communicate with extensions via other means than having them read/write the DB directly, such as Darwin notifications or writing plist files in the shared container.

iOS will always terminate the app and generate that crashlog whenever your app or extension has an open file handle to a file in a shared container at suspension time.

And there are some cases where your app gets forcibly suspended without calling background-task completion handlers. (Especially in extensions, where they don’t exist.)

I tried wrapping every SQLite query in a background task once to avoid this. A standard Overcast session may issue hundreds or thousands of database queries. I later found that apparently each one generates a process power assertion, the OS wasn’t made for that level of usage, and after some time, Springboard would crash.

There’s also the NSProcessInfo background-task thing that allegedly works in extensions, except that it doesn’t.

The moral of the story ended up being: just don’t keep your SQLite database in the shared group container. There’s no way to avoid these crashes 100% of the time.

We were sharing our SQLite database with one of our extensions! Marco’s advice is, basically, don’t do that.

So we stopped doing that. We un-shared the databases and switched to a super-low-tech thing for communicating between the extension and the app (the extension writes to a plist file which the app later reads).

And — as of last night’s build — the dreaded 0xdead10cc crashes are gone!

Continuing On

That was the last big challenge on our list for shipping. We still have work to do, but we’re getting close — the milestone says we have just four bugs left. Good deal.

PS I’ve since heard from other developers: don’t-share-the-database appears to be the common wisdom, which it just took me longer to learn. 🐥

13 Feb 23:15

New Volkswagen EV fast-charger prototype can be placed almost anywhere

by Brad Bennett

Volkswagen and German electric utility company E.ON are working together to develop a new electric vehicle charger that uses large batteries instead of costly custom electric grid infrastructure.

This charger is still in the prototype phase, but it could help the rollout of EV chargers since it should be cheaper than building custom charger infrastructure. The charger itself is a giant battery that can be charged from regular plugs ranging from 16 to 63 ampere. This will continuously charge the battery, but it will be slow.

That means the charger is continuously powering its giant battery, but it’s charging it slower than it can be emptied. Since it can fast-charge two EVs with 150kW at a time, it can likely be emptied before it can refill itself. On average Volkswagen says that this can add 200 Km of range to each car in roughly 15 minutes.

This new charger type is cool and the fact that it can be placed anywhere that has support for plugs that range from 16 to 63 amps makes it a pretty incredible option. That said, it’s unclear how many cars can charge from this battery in a row before it’s depleted. The German automaker also hasn’t shared how large the batteries are either.

In theory, this is a great idea, but we’ll need to wait and see how these chargers are implemented before we can find out if they’re the future.

This isn’t the first time Volkswagen has tested some form of battery-powered EV charger. The other charger was meant to be portable and move from event to event. For instance, if there was some event in a forest or something, VW could plop down one of these chargers and people could refill their cars without the need for a power grid.

This concept could charge 15 cars on average, according to the information the company shared when it announced the concept charger in early 2019. This is a pretty substantial amount of vehicles, so hopefully, the new prototype charger can do that many charges or more before its battery runs out.

Source: Volkswagen

The post New Volkswagen EV fast-charger prototype can be placed almost anywhere appeared first on MobileSyrup.

13 Feb 23:15

Apple’s 2020 iPad Pro rumoured to feature 5G and new A14X processor

by Patrick O'Rourke
ipad pro

Along with its 2020 iPhone lineup, Apple’s 2020 cellular iPad Pro is expected to include 5G support.

This report comes from DigiTimes, which also states that the tablet will feature a new, faster A14X processor. Regarding 5G, the 2020 iPad Pro will support “sub-6Ghz and mmWave specs,” according to the report. While Qualcomm is rumoured to be the supplier of the iPhone’s Snapdragon X55 modem, it’s unclear what modem Apple’s iPads will use.

The publication goes on to say that Apple’s new iPad models will be announced in September alongside its 2020 iPhone lineup. Given Apple typically holds its iPad announcement event in October, I’m a little skeptical of this claim. That said, Apple has used its fall iPhone event to announce new iPads in the past, though it has been a few years.

Previous rumours have indicated that Apple’s new iPad Pro will feature a triple-rear camera setup with 3D-sensing technology for augmented reality. Since the last update to the iPad Pro (2018) was back in November of 2018, Apple’s highest-end tablet is definitely due for an update.

It’s important to note that DigiTimes is often hit or miss when it comes to rumours, especially when they relate to Apple.

We’ll likely learn more about Apple’s plans for the 2020 iPad Pro in the coming months.

Source: DigiTimes

The post Apple’s 2020 iPad Pro rumoured to feature 5G and new A14X processor appeared first on MobileSyrup.

13 Feb 23:15

Mozilla’s new Firefox for Android hitting Beta channel, getting extensions

by Jonathan Lamont
Firefox Preview

For about a year now, Mozilla has been building a completely new version of its Firefox browser for Android. Dubbed Firefox Preview, it looks sharp, works well and includes extension and add-on support.

However, Mozilla announced that extension support is changing a little bit.

Currently, the open-source project is receiving some finishing touches so it can enter the stable release channel in the spring. Meanwhile, Mozilla plans to deprecate its Firefox Preview Nightly app. Instead, Firefox Preview will be where new feature development takes place. Further, starting the week of February 17th, Mozilla will begin migrating the Firefox Preview code into Firefox for Android Beta.

Ahead of that, Mozilla posted a FAQ detailing what’s happening with extension support. At launch, the new Firefox for Android will not have full add-on support. Instead, users will be able to install roughly 100 recommended extensions.

Essentially, once the new version of Firefox hits the stable channel, Mozilla will begin migrating some add-ons that are part of the company’s recommended extensions program from older versions. While Mozilla doesn’t have plans to bring non-recommended extensions to the new Firefox for Android, it does plan to expand support to other add-ons. In other words, the recommended extensions are a starting point for Mozilla.

Those interested can browse the full list of recommended extensions here. It includes some significant extensions like Privacy Badger, NoScript, Facebook Container, LastPass, HTTPS Everywhere and more.

Currently, Firefox Preview Nightly is the only version of the new Firefox for Android that supports extensions. Specifically, it supports one extension — uBlock Origin. Since Mozilla is getting rid of Preview Nightly, it says users should move to Firefox Preview if they want to keep using uBlock Origin. Firefox Preview users should be able to install the extension by mid-February 2020.

Source: Mozilla Via: Android Police

The post Mozilla’s new Firefox for Android hitting Beta channel, getting extensions appeared first on MobileSyrup.

13 Feb 03:22

Rite of passage. Daughter rode her bicycle to d...

by Ton Zijlstra

Rite of passage. Daughter rode her bicycle to daycare today for the first time (at her own suggestion), while I walked behind, and guided her at the roundabout and crossings. Of course she had cycled far further already, but going to daycare on a bike seemed a different achievement to her, as it was not an outing to the park e.g. but a different way of doing a daily routine.
We chained her bicycle to the fence and went inside.


13 Feb 03:21

First, Do No Harm

by Ben Thompson

While primum non nocere — Latin for “First, do no harm” — is commonly associated with the Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians, its actual provenance is uncertain; the phrase likely originated with the English doctor Thomas Sydenham in the 1600s, but didn’t appear in writing until 1860. The uncertainty is just as well: core to the idea of primum non nocere is the danger of unintended consequences; sometimes it is better for a doctor to not do anything than to risk causing more harm than good.

I was reminded of this phrase yesterday when the FTC announced it was requesting data from the big tech companies about small scale acquisitions made over the last decade. From the Financial Times:

The Federal Trade Commission has demanded information from the five largest US companies — Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft — about acquisitions of smaller companies as part of a review into possible anti-competitive behaviour in the technology sector. The US antitrust enforcement agency wants to know if the tech groups bought start-ups in deals during the past 10 years that may have been anti-competitive but which were too small to be reportable under a federal merger notification law…

Under a US law called Hart-Scott-Rodino, companies are required to notify the FTC and the Department of Justice about mergers and other acquisitions above a certain size threshold. The threshold for 2020 is $94m. The FTC said the orders were made under a rule designed to enable studies separate from antitrust enforcement investigations. “These orders are not being issued for law enforcement purposes,” Mr Simons told reporters in a conference call. “This is a research and policy project.”

I am glad for that clarification: I am all for the Federal Trade Commission being better informed about the tech industry; what increasingly concerns me is the potential unintended consequences of the government getting involved in tech acquisitions, particularly the small-scale ones implicated in this investigation.

Facebook and Instagram

In 2018 I declared at the Code Conference that “Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram was the greatest regulatory failure of the past decade”; it’s a line that I both believe and also regret, simply because there is a tremendous amount of nuance involved.

First, regulators didn’t actually make a mistake, at least according to the law; at the time of the acquisition Instagram had 30 million users and $0 of revenue. While it may have been clear to some that Facebook was acquiring a competitor, that required forecasting well into the future with a fair degree of uncertainty.

Second is the FTC announcement above, and other campaigns to limit acquisitions by large tech companies in particular: I tend to think that acquisitions in tech are largely good for everyone, from users to startups to tech companies, and I am increasingly concerned that focusing on one deal obscures that fact.

To back up for a moment, the problem in my eyes with Facebook acquiring Instagram was as follows:

  • First, the power of an Aggregator comes from the number of users that are voluntarily on their platform; it follows, then, that an Aggregator acquiring a company with its own distinct user base, particularly one driven by network effects, is increasing its power.
  • Second, while the user experience of Facebook and Instagram are distinct, the underlying monetization engine is shared. That means that for an advertiser already on Facebook, it became much easier to advertise on Instagram.
  • The combination of Facebook and Instagram provides a one-stop shop for advertisers who wish to reach any demographic, limiting the monetization potential of competing products like Snapchat and Twitter, and limiting investment in the consumer space broadly as Google and Facebook consume the majority of advertising dollars.

I explored an alternate reality where Facebook did not acquire Instagram in this Daily Update:

The monetization point is equally straightforward. It’s not just that, as I noted yesterday, Instagram didn’t need to build all of the infrastructure of an ad business, a considerable undertaking. The company also didn’t need to acquire any advertisers — a task that is just as if not more difficult than acquiring customers — because the advertisers were all already on Facebook. Moreover, converting these advertisers from Facebook to Instagram was in some respects even easier than converting Facebook users: not only did Instagram and Facebook share both a salesforce as well as a self-service back-end, Instagram ads could be bundled with Facebook ads, making it not just easy to try Instagram but also ROI-positive in a way that a standalone Instagram offering at a similar stage of development wouldn’t be. And, of course, the ad unit was the same, reducing creative costs.

This is where it is critical to consider the entire ecosystem. Had Instagram continued as a standalone company I do believe it would have been successful in building out an advertising business; it just would have taken a lot more time and effort…What is more important, though, is that an independent Instagram would have been the best possible thing that could have happened to Snapchat. The fundamental problem facing Snapchat is that it wasn’t enough for the company to have higher usage or deeper engagement with teens and young adults, demographic groups advertisers are desperate to reach. As long as Instagram was using Facebook’s ad infrastructure, it would always be more cost effective to reach those groups using Facebook’s ad engine.

On the other hand, an independent Instagram, combined with Facebook’s relative weakness with those demographic groups, would have forced advertisers to diversify, and once an advertiser is building products for two different platforms, it’s much easier to add another — or, if they only wanted two, to perhaps choose Snap ads instead of Instagram ones. Indeed, those that argue that an independent Instagram would be like Snap may be right, not because Instagram would be as weak as Snap appears to be, but because Snap would be far stronger.

Facebook would argue that this undersells the degree to which it helped Instagram grow, or the fact that relatively unsophisticated advertisers that primarily use Facebook in fact benefit from Instagram reaching different demographics. What is certain, though, is that for whatever advances Snapchat and the rest of the consumer ad ecosystem are able to scratch out, they do not and will not operate at the same scale as Facebook, and given that, how much appetite is there to invest in future networks?

That noted, the Instagram acquisition is arguably the exception that proves the rule: most other acquisitions, particularly the small-scale ones that the FTC wants to look into, are a win for everyone.

Acquisition Benefits

The first group that benefits from large tech company acquisitions is end users. The fastest possible way for a new technology or feature to be diffused to users broadly is for it to be incorporated by one of the large platforms or Aggregators. Suddenly, instead of reaching a few thousand or even a few million people, a new technology can reach billions of people. It’s difficult to overstate how compelling this point is from a consumer welfare perspective: banning acquisitions means denying billions of people access to a particular technology for years, if not forever.

The second group that benefits from large tech company acquisitions is investors. If one of their startups creates something useful, that investment can earn a return even if said startup does not have a clear business model or user acquisition strategy. To put it another way, investors have the freedom to be more speculative in their investments, and pay more attention to technological breakthroughs and less to monetization, because there is always the possibility of exiting via acquisition. This benefit accrues broadly: more money going to more initiatives is ultimately good for society.

The third group that benefits from large tech company acquisitions is entrepreneurs and startup employees. Trying to build something new is difficult and draining; it makes the effort — which will likely fail — far more palatable knowing that if it doesn’t work out an acquihire acquisition is a likely outcome. Sure, it might have been easier to simply apply for a job at Google or Facebook, but being handed one because you worked for a failed startup reduces the risk of going to work for that startup in the first place.

It’s important to note that the sort of acquisitions the FTC is looking at almost certainly fall predominantly in this third group. Acquihires of failed startups is arguably the most tangible way that big tech companies contribute to Silicon Valley’s durable startup culture: there is more reason for entrepreneurs, early employees, and investors to take a chance on new ideas because the big tech companies provide a backstop.

Another way to consider these benefits, meanwhile, is to think about a world where acquisitions by large tech companies are severely constricted or banned:

  • New technology would be diffused far more slowly (as the new startup scales), if at all (if the startup goes out of business).
  • The amount of investment in risky technologies without obvious avenues to go-to-market would decrease, simply because it would be far less likely that investors would earn a return even if the technology worked.
  • The risk of working for a startup would increase significantly, both because the startup would be less likely to succeed and also because the failure scenario is unemployment.

Still, isn’t this all worth it to have new competitors to the biggest tech companies?

The Implications of The End of the Beginning

Last month I wrote in The End of the Beginning:

What is notable is that the current environment appears to be the logical endpoint of all of these changes: from batch-processing to continuous computing, from a terminal in a different room to a phone in your pocket, from a tape drive to data centers all over the globe. In this view the personal computer/on-premises server era was simply a stepping stone between two ends of a clearly defined range.

The implication of this view should at this point be obvious, even if it feels a tad bit heretical: there may not be a significant paradigm shift on the horizon, nor the associated generational change that goes with it. And, to the extent there are evolutions, it really does seem like the incumbents have insurmountable advantages: the hyperscalers in the cloud are best placed to handle the torrent of data from the Internet of Things, while new I/O devices like augmented reality, wearables, or voice are natural extensions of the phone.

In other words, today’s cloud and mobile companies — Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, and Google — may very well be the GM, Ford, and Chrysler of the 21st century. The beginning era of technology, where new challengers were started every year, has come to an end; however, that does not mean the impact of technology is somehow diminished: it in fact means the impact is only getting started. Indeed, this is exactly what we see in consumer startups in particular: few companies are pure “tech” companies seeking to disrupt the dominant cloud and mobile players; rather, they take their presence as an assumption, and seek to transform society in ways that were previously impossible when computing was a destination, not a given.

What if this is right, and regulators severely limit acquisitions anyway? That would mean we would be limited to whatever innovations the biggest players come up with on their own, without the benefit of the creativity and ability to try new things inherent to startups.

Worse, a no acquisition strategy would actually make it even more difficult to challenge the biggest tech companies. Take Snapchat for example: many of the services’ innovative features from Lenses (Looksery) to SnapCode (ScanMe) to Bitmoji (Bitstrips) came from acquisitions. Any sort of policy that would limit Snapchat from getting better would hurt competition, not help it.

Threading the Needle

There is, at least in theory, a finely tailored approach to merger review that could get this right: any company that derives dominant market power from the size of its user base should not be allowed to acquire a company that has a significant and growing user base. The problem is that almost every part of that sentence gets really complicated really quickly when you start trying to make it specific. What is dominant market power? What is a significant user base, and how does that number change over time? How do you forecast the ultimate ceiling of a startup?

One possibility is retroactive enforcement, which the FTC has suggested is a possible outcome of this review. This, though, is problematic for all sorts of reasons.

  • First, it weakens the idea of the rule of law: if the rules can be changed retroactively, then how can you trust the rules in the first place?
  • Second, it almost certainly discounts the very real impact of the acquiring company contributing expertise, capital, management, etc. to the startup in question. Instagram is a good example in this regard: the service is far larger and far more profitable than it would have been on its own because of Facebook’s contributions, and it would be fundamentally misguided for regulators to effectively penalize Facebook for its contributions to Instagram’s success.
  • Third, these first two reasons would chill investment in startups, for all of the reasons noted above. Suddenly acquisitions would be riskier, not just in the moment, but for years in the future. Adding regulatory uncertainty into a space defined by uncertainty seems like a very poor idea.

This, then, is how I arrive at primum non nocere: as much as I regret that the Instagram acquisition happened, I am deeply concerned about upending how Silicon Valley operates in response. The way things work now has massive consumer benefit and even larger benefits to the United States: regulators should be exceptionally careful to “First, do no harm” while pursuing the perfect over the good.

13 Feb 03:20

Vancouver’s Chinatown, The CBC, and a Vastly Overrated Death

by Sandy James Planner

On Tuesday night CBC radio hosted a special broadcast of their feature program, The Current with Matt Galloway. Never a program to shy away from controversy, the broadcast centered on “The Future of Vancouver’s Chinatown”. The event brought out a capacity audience of CBC afficiendos, passionate Chinatown supporters, and a cross section of people that would not look out of place at a community centre or any Vancouver civic gathering.

Matt Galloway had as panelists  Carol Lee, who is with the Vancouver Chinatown Foundation and the inspiration behind the wildly popular Chinatown BBQ, Jordan Eng from the Chinatown Business Improvement Association (BIA) and the Duke of Data and SFU Professor of City Planning Andy Yan.

All three panelists have deep roots in the Chinatown community and refreshingly they all saw the importance of this place not just for the city, but for its pivotal importance provincially and nationally. As Carol Lee poignantly noted the story of Chinatown goes back to the nation building  railroad across Canada where thousands of Asian labourers stitched the country’s rail tracks together. The “physical legacy of struggle and sacrifice” is also manifested in Chinatown which was built on a drainage swamp around 1885, the same time that the railway was completed. Andy Yan described Chinatown as “my muse and my tormentor“, in that this culturally rich place was always a neighbourhood of sanctuary and brought together many ethnic groups over time, and is important to maintain in a city built for everyone. How do you save what is integral to a community? How do you continue to provide the liveliness, the cultural activities, and social housing?

Carol Lee talked about the community handling the issues of homelessness, addiction and lack of inclusion, and the panel discussed the fact that the planning and solutions that work in Vancouver’s Chinatown can provide a pattern language for other downtown innercity neighbourhoods coping with similar issues. The BIA’s approach has been to focus upon cleanliness, graffiti and safety, with half the business association’s budget spent on security.

Several speakers active and engaged in Chinatown spoke about the importance of this place culturally and and as a destination. Despite the fact that there are other malls and places to go to that reflect Chinese culture, they are perceived as a substitute for the real thing. Architect Stanley Kwok who built the Crystal Mall in Burnaby and who has lived a half century in Vancouver questioned whether Chinatown needed to form a corporation to manage all the buildings, and whether the location was to be a museum or a living place. All speakers pointed to the importance of commerce in the area’s health, citing the importance of physical, economic and cultural revitalization.

The location of the new hospital precinct as well as the towers planned for the Northeast False Creek will provide plenty of customers for Chinatown businesses. In terms of housing, units that could accommodate older Chinese seniors and integrate with the community form and fabric was discussed.

This was a surprisingly rich and passionate discussion about Chinatown’s place as the “gateway to achieving Canadian dreams” and the importance of collaboration was stressed.

There was a puzzling reference and long dialogue  from a Vancouver City Councillor that Chinatown needed to work better with City Hall and that most of City Council were not on board in working towards Chinatown’s future.

This is hopefully a misstatement. It is City policy to support Chinatown as this foundational place is one of the oldest neighbourhoods in the city, and the largest surviving Chinatown in North America. (San Francisco’s was rebuilt in Asian form by  American architects after the 1906 earthquake). The City and Council can provide valuable service in solving a systems issue, and that is to establish much needed  contacts and commitments  provincially and federally to bolster this community for future generations. That intergovernmental commitment is something Vancouver councillors should be working towards. There’s only one neighbourhood that birthed a nation in Canada~it’s Vancouver’s Chinatown.

As Andy Yan said, what happens here will be the model approach for  similar innercity situations in other Canadian municipalities, emphasizing  “the reports of the death of Chinatown are vastly overrrated.”

This conversation on CBC Radio’s The Current program is available here.

13 Feb 03:19

2019 in Review

by Rebekka
mkalus shared this story from Ulysses Blog.

2020 is already a couple of weeks old – but not so old that we can’t take the opportunity to look back and reflect on what happened in 2019 and what we achieved with Ulysses.

Let’s start with some numbers. In total, we shipped 4 major and 9 minor updates last year. A major update is one that adds new features and improves the app’s functionality. A minor update includes mainly maintenance issues, such as the fixing of bugs and crashes, the solving of performance problems, and so on. According to our internal system, we’ve resolved 1,235 so-called tickets, whereby a ticket can be a bug or crash, a feature, a component of a feature, or even an internal process that needs improvement. In support, we handled 12,194 email conversations with customers and around 2,370 more via social media. Some of these were simple questions or feature requests; some required more effort, which included detailed technical discussions with the developers. Also, we sent out 11 newsletters, published 39 articles on our blog, 38 on Weibo and 15 on VK.

The Top Ten Features and Improvements in Ulysses 2019

With this in mind, we’d like to highlight what we believe are the top ten features we integrated into Ulysses in 2019 and how they can help improve your writing workflow. Those who want to know exactly in which version we added which feature: feel free to have a look at our detailed version history.

1. Split View

Both on Mac and iPad, you’re now able to display two Ulysses editors next to each other. Split view is handy if you want to show research notes on the left and write on the right, or if you translate a text. On Mac, we added Split View in March, on iPad in May – even before Apple released a general iPad Split View with iOS 13. We then had to make a few adjustments to conform with the system feature, but still: the Ulysses Split View was a milestone, and it was perceived accordingly in the press.

Split View on iPad, here: editor on the left, export preview on the right
Split View on iPad, here: editor on the left, export preview on the right

It’s remarkable how much Ulysses’ team was able to do to make split view feel entirely natural for users familiar with iPad multitasking.

Ryan Christoffel, MacStories

Read our detailed split view tutorial

2. Keyword Management

You’ve long been able to attach keywords to Ulysses sheets to keep track of your writing. Keywords are a powerful organizational feature, and their use is versatile according to your preferences. During the course of last year, we added several options to organize these keywords globally. There’s now a panel for general keyword management, where you can see and edit all keywords in use throughout your library. You can merge several keywords into one, change their colors, and mark favorite keywords for faster assignment.

Keyword management on iPad
Keyword management on iPad

I’ve almost become religious about keywords inside Ulysses, and Ulysses 15 for the Mac has made managing these keywords a whole lot better.

Josh Ginter, The Sweet Setup

Read our detailed keywords tutorial

3. Publishing to Ghost

We’ve built-in Ghost as the third option into Ulysses’ publishing function, in addition to WordPress and Medium. The platform was the most-requested among all blogging and publishing options on the table. Owners of Ghost blogs and publications can now comfortably write their posts in Ulysses and, when they’ve finished, publish them complete with images, tags, etc., with only a few clicks.

Read our detailed tutorial about Ghost publishing

4. Ulysses Files

We’ve added a new format for storing texts outside of Ulysses’ library: Ulysses files! In Ulysses’ standard use case, there is no such thing as files; your texts are stored remotely as sheets and accessed via Ulysses’ library. In the past, if you wanted to edit files from Dropbox or other external folders, these had to be Markdown files and were limited in functionality. With Ulysses files, this is a thing of the past – they offer the full feature set, from Markdown XL to writing goals. If you, for whatever reason, prefer to use Dropbox for synchronization over iCloud, you now can, without having to compromise in functionality!

To use Ulysses files in external folders, make sure to untick “Read and write Markdown files” in a folder’s settings
To use Ulysses files in external folders, make sure to untick “Read and write Markdown files” in a folder’s settings

Learn everything about using external folders with Ulysses

Read our detailed tutorial about syncing with Dropbox

5. Localization to Dutch and Traditional Chinese

In 2019, we added two new localizations: People originating from the Netherlands, the Belgian region Flanders, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau are now able to use Ulysses in their native languages. Including these, Ulysses is now available in 12 different localizations.

6. New Export Styles

If you export a text to PDF or DOCX, you can make use of Ulysses built-in styles to make the result look good. We’ve added a number of new styles covering specific use cases: Manuscript is geared towards the US standards for formatting book manuscripts submitted to publishers. Academica is suited for lecture notes and scientific articles. With its double-spaced lines and an extra-large margin, Revision provides copious room for notes for editing on a printed-out page. Finally, Business is optimized for business documents such as briefings and reports.

Read more about Ulysses built-in export styles

7. iPad Fullscreen Mode

One of the main aspects users love about Ulysses is the ability to work in a focused, distraction-free environment. For more and more people, the iPad is becoming a full-fledged working device. That’s why we decided to add a dedicated iPad fullscreen mode to hide everything but the editor while writing. If an external keyboard is attached, even the shortcut bar will disappear (usually, it is displayed above the virtual keyboard, offering quick access to markups and shortcuts).

Nothing but the editor: iPad fullscreen mode
Nothing but the editor: iPad fullscreen mode

8. Images

Images are key for many types of texts. In 2019, we improved working with images in several aspects. Your image captions now display in the editor, and they export to PDF and DOCX. You can show previews of embedded web images in the editor. Finally, it is now possible to set the size of an image in an exported document.

Captions now display in the editor, and export to PDF/DOCX
Captions now display in the editor, and export to PDF/DOCX

Read our detailed images tutorial

9. iOS 13 and iPadOS Support

Supporting Apple’s platform innovations has always been very important to us. These “small” details make an app fit naturally into its environment and have a massive influence on how intuitive it is to use. Among other things, we added support for Apple’s system Dark Mode on iOS and the new iPadOS multitasking features last year – no easy task, as we had to adjust or replace the custom implementations we had before.

Ulysses supports iOS Dark Mode and iPadOS multitasking features
Ulysses supports iOS Dark Mode and iPadOS multitasking features

10. Support for WordPress 5.0 “Gutenberg”

WordPress is the top dog when it comes to blogging platforms. When they introduced their new editor called Gutenberg, we followed suit and made the Ulysses publishing feature fully compatible.

Ulysses is compatible with WordPress 5.0 "Gutenberg"
Ulysses is compatible with WordPress 5.0 “Gutenberg”

Read our detailed tutorial about publishing to WordPress

New Team Members

As Ulysses the writing app has grown in terms of functionality, Ulysses the company has grown in terms of employees! Seven new people entered the team in 2019:

  • Antje joined the support team. An industrial clerk by trade, she lived in Japan for six years, and worked, among other things, as a translator for video games.
  • Lisa also entered support while she was finishing her studies in media management. Lately, she started taking over marketing tasks as well.
  • Lucas joined the development team as a trainee. He’s studying media computer science in Leipzig.
  • Davron supports marketing and communications with a focus on Russia. He’s pursuing his MBA at the Leipzig University.
  • Andrea is another new support team member; her dog Krümel provides for some cuteness in the office 😍. Andrea holds three master’s degrees and has worked as a German teacher and copywriter before.
  • Franz also entered the support team and will increasingly take over project management tasks. He’s spent a couple of years abroad in Australia, Indonesia and the UK working as a product manager in different startups.
  • Last but not least is Kristin, who moved to Leipzig from Berlin, where she worked in a PR agency. She supports Max and the whole team as a management assistant.
Antje, Lisa, Lucas, Davron, Andreas, Franz, Kristin
Antje, Lisa, Lucas, Davron, Andreas, Franz, Kristin

One team member left Ulysses in 2019: Lea, who worked in Ulysses’ customer support for more than three years, alongside her studies. Lea finished her degrees in communication science and English studies and started a traineeship with a publishing house in Hamburg. Bye-bye Lea, thanks for everything and good luck!

If you would like to know more about the humans behind Ulysses, don’t hesitate to take a look at our About page!


The Ulysses team in Januar 2019, at the company retreat in the Harz mountains
The Ulysses team in Januar 2020, at the company retreat in the Harz mountains

There are now 18 of us in the Ulysses team. In January 2020, we headed out to the German Harz mountains for a joint team retreat, the first one in three years. Away from our daily routines, we looked back at the exciting history of Ulysses and our company (and exciting it is, more on that at a later time 😉) and made plans for the future: for our product, but also the team and our future collaboration. If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that we’re hesitant about sharing detailed plans – the time needed for development, especially in a small team like ours, is notoriously hard to estimate; unexpected hurdles may slow down the process. However, you can be sure that we have a couple of biggies up our sleeves for 2020 😀

Finally, a big fat thank you to you, our users, who make developing Ulysses possible in the first place. We’re glad to have you!

13 Feb 03:18

Surface Pro X :: We might be ready to switch to ARM

by Volker Weber


I have been using Surface Pro X for a few days now, and I enjoy it quite a lot. Excellent battery life, absolutely quiet, and never slow. We might be ready to transition business notebooks to ARM.

So I ran a couple of Geekbench CPU tests and the results show why I like Surface Pro X. It feels about as fast as my other Windows machines. I only notice a couple of apps missing from the store.

Newer notebooks with 10th gen Core CPUs have four digit single core and higher multi core results, but for my kind of work that does not make much of a difference. It's also quite impressive how fast Apple silicon is. I am waiting for Apple to make notebooks with this architecture.

13 Feb 03:18

Controlling a Linux Laptop’s Internet Access

by chuttenc

I fear the Internet. It’s powerful and full of awesome and awful things. That might be why, in my house, there are no smart devices.

This fear is now warring with my duties as a parent for ensuring my child has the best chance at succeeding in whatever she chooses to do with her life. No matter what she chooses, the Internet is likely to be a part of it because the Internet underpins everything these days. So like swimming, riding a bike, and driving a car (skills I see as necessities in Canada), she needs to learn how to handle herself on the Internet.

And like swimming, I need a shallow end. Like cycling, training wheels. Like driving, a learner’s permit. I need something to get both her and I used to the idea of the whole thing… but safer. More restrictive.

So to act as a stepping stone between always-on Full Internet Access and the “ask your parents to look something up for you”, my wife and I determined we’d repurpose an ancient and underpowered laptop (with the battery removed) as an Email and Scratch (MIT’s visual programming language that she’s using to make a Star Wars video game at the moment) machine.

I thought this’d be easy. There’s Scratch for Linux, and I could adjust the firewall to only pass IMAP (for email receipt) and SMTP (for email sending). Alas, her email is hosted by GMail, and all Google properties have standardized on OAuth2 for authentication. OAuth2 means HTTP requests. Letting HTTP access into the Laptop opens it up to always-on Full Internet Access, so what to do, what to do.

Luckily there is precisely one Google OAuth2 server with a well-known name that we need to reach over HTTP. Unluckily it can be at an arbitrary number of different IP addresses. Luckily I just learned how to use `dnsmasq` to configure how name resolution works on the laptop.

So this is how to adjust Linux Mint 19 to allow DNS queries to resolve exactly the servers I want to allow for email… and no others.

1) Tell `NetworkManager` (the network manager) to use its `dnsmasq` plugin by editing `/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/00-use-dnsmasq.conf` to contain


2) Configure `dnsmasq` to our specifications by editing `/etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/00-urlfilter.conf` to contain

log-queries # Log all DNS queries for debugging purposes
log-facility=/var/log/dnsmasq.log # Log things here

no-resolv # don't use resolv.conf
interface=wlp12s0 # Bind requests on this interfaced (maybe I should bind eth0 too in case she plugs it in?)
listen-address= # This is where the system's expecting to find systemd-resolve's DNS. Take it over.

address=/#/ # Resolve all hosts to localhost. Excepting the below
server=/ # Use Google's DNS to resolve incoming mail server
server=/ # Use Google's DNS to resolve outgoing mail server
server=/ # Use Google's DNS to resolve OAuth2 server

3) Tell `systemd-resolved` (our current DNS resolver) not to get in our way by editing `/etc/systemd/resolved.conf` to have the line

DNSStubListener=no # Don't start the local `resolved` DNS cache/server (conflicts with dnsmasq)

4) Restart `​systemd-resolved` so it stops its DNS listener

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service

5) Restart `NetworkManager` so that `dnsmasq` can take over

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager


Though this works for now insofar as loading up Firefox and trying to go to will fail, it doesn’t stop the laptop from accessing the Internet. If you have an IP Address in hand, you can still get to where you want to be (though most third-party-hosted resources will fail (and since that’s how trackers work on the web, maybe this is a feature not a bug)).

Also this prevents even beneficial services from running. To update packages I need to bypass the filter (by commenting out `address=/#/` and putting in `server=/#/`).

Also also this effectively forbids access to local services like my network-attached storage and the printer: both things that my daughter should be able to use. (( there might be exactly one `server` line I need to add to make LAN-local shortnames resolve using my router, but I haven’t looked that up yet ))

But this was enough to get it up and running (though the laptop is ancient enough that even legacy gpu drivers have dropped support for it), and that’s the important thing. Now she’s sending emails to her relatives and fielding their responses regularly… and can crack open her Star Wars videogame and do a little recreational programming on the side.

I even had her type up her Science Fair documentation on it the other day (though she still hasn’t learned how to manually Save documents, so the ancient laptop’s instability caused some friction).

We’ll see how long this lasts. Not bad for a couple hour’s work and available parts. I wonder how soon I’ll be convinced to upgrade her to more of the Internet or a less-decrepit machine.


13 Feb 03:17

A Tale of Two TDDers

by Joshua Kerievsky

The story you are about to read is as much about customer responsiveness as it is about software development. The story lies at the intersection of the principles, Deliver Value Continuously and Make Safety A Prerequisite. Finally, the story is based on real-world experiences in a real code base. Let's begin...

A customer reports a defect. It's inhibiting them from getting some important work done.

The two programmers on the team, David and Sally, are practitioners of Test-Driven Development (TDD).

The system, which David and Sally inherited from others, has good test coverage because most of it was TDDed. There's a deployment pipeline to production that enables them to safely deploy to production many times per day.

David is extraordinarily careful to always practice TDD when working on any production code.

Sally has more programming and TDD experience than David. She loves and uses TDD for the vast majority of her code.

The company recently experimented with a Feature Fake. Sally didn't use TDD for that task. Instead, she hacked the fake feature into the system, pushed it into production, gathered data from it and then removed every trace of it. TDD would have slowed her down and was unnecessary for this throw-away experiment.

Now back to the customer defect...

David looks at the defect. He finds the offending code. It's some old code that neither David nor Sally wrote. The code isn't completely without tests, but the test coverage isn't great. David uses TDD to drive the fix into the code. He improves test coverage and refactors both the production and test code. It takes about two hours for him to finish, commit, run the build and push to production.

Sally looks at the defect and based on the customer's issue, she's able to rapidly spot the problem. She can see where the code is missing logic to handle the customer's issue and the change isn't hard to make. But the code needs to be refactored and the tests need to be improved. That will take time. She decides she'll get to that immediately after she first pushes a fix for the customer.

To fix the problem, Sally changes the code and manually tests that her fix works. Her manual test involves performing the same steps that the customer was doing when they experienced the problem. She confirms that the defect is fixed. But did she break anything else? She runs all of the automated tests for the system. They all pass. She feels safe to integrate and push her temporary fix to production. The customer is notified and happy the defect was fixed so quickly.

Now what? Is Sally going to succumb to work pressure and leave her temporary fix in production? Will she ignore the design problems and poor test coverage? Nope. She's really good and cares a great deal about quality code and tests. Now that the customer issue is solved, she works on a better fix.

Sally backs out the quick fix she made. Now she uses TDD to test-drive the defect fix, including writing better tests and thoroughly refactoring the code. This takes a few hours and afterwards, once the build passes, she pushes the changes to production.

This is the tale of two TDDers. Which programmer would you prefer on your team?

Some would say David. He is safer. He always uses TDD, even if the code will be short lived or when it means it will take longer to fix a customer's problem.

Some would say Sally. Her problem solving approach is contextual and thoughtful. TDD is her preferred approach to programming, yet she also knows when not to use it. She too is safe, yet her approach to safety doesn't always involve TDD. She used two techniques to solve the customer's problem: the first was a short-term fix involving a combination of manual and automated testing while the second used TDD, refactoring and automated testing.

What are your thoughts about these two tales of TDD?

My own preference is Sally's approach. I don't like making customers wait. If there's a safe and fast way to fix a defect, I will use it first. I'll make a judgement about the work, always ensuring I work as safely as possible.

If I decide to use TDD to fix the defect, it may initially be more like merely Red/Green TDD. I'll push the fix to production and then come back and refactor aggressively, then push again. If I deem it safe to fix the problem entirely without TDD, I'll do that, then double back to make an even better fix. In all cases I am testing and ensuring safely, just doing it differently. I'm balancing forces in the intersection of making safety a prerequisite and delivering value continuously.

There are programmers who are neither like David nor Sally. They don't take the time to write quality code. Instead, they work with haste, taking shortcuts, not refactoring, not applying TDD and maintaining a good suite of automated tests. Such programmers easily succumb to work pressure, creating code that is a maintenance nightmare. Their work style is fundamentally unsafe. Neither David not Sally are like that. However, they approach safety differently.

If you would like more context, see the rest of the story

The post A Tale of Two TDDers appeared first on Industrial Logic.

13 Feb 03:16

Coding maturity

by CommitStrip
mkalus shared this story from CommitStrip.

13 Feb 03:15

It’s Not About Safety

Tim Stahmer, Assorted Stuff, Feb 12, 2020

In the wake of recent news of Clearview AI being used in New York Schools we read that "more than 600 law enforcement agencies have adopted facial recognition software from a company called Clearview AI in just the past year... in the name of security and public safety." Tim Stahmer points to an an important observation by Edward Snowden on this topic: "Ask yourself: at every point in history, who suffers the most from unjustified surveillance? It is not the privileged, but the vulnerable. Surveillance is not about safety, it’s about power. It’s about control." The presumption here - and one that is borne out in observation, I think - is that the privileged are not surveilled, but the poor are.

A similar point was made in a terrific interview with Desmond Cole by CBC's local news. Among other things, Cole notes that armed police are never brought into rich white private schools, even though drug dealing and everything else may happen there, only the poor schools with minority populations. I strongly recommend listening to this interview.

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]
13 Feb 03:14

Is it possible to have too many wool bike jerseys?

by jnyyz
Lucy doesn’t think so!

I suppose it’s obvious from the picture that I’m a big fan of wool jerseys, Here are a couple of my favourites.

This is perhaps my oldest, a Swobo that is old enough to have been sewn in San Francisco. My wool knickers are of similar vintage.

Millenials have no idea who the Riddler is, as opposed to the Joker.

This one is from a limited run of iBOB jerseys that were made back in the day.

I get lots of comments on this beautiful jersey that was from one of my favourite bike shops in Pacific Heights.

This one is also from another favourite bike shop, and the extra long zipper is a very nice detail.

Until I pulled them all out of the closet for the first picture, I had no idea that I had so many.

Wool jerseys rock.