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14 Jun 14:41

A Scolding in Seven Pieces

by michaelwtwitty

Warning. This isnt my usual style of writing, it is full of cuss words and frustration and darkness and struggle in the attempt to recover and heal. Read at your own discretion. This is my reaction to the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery may they rest in peace and power.

A Scolding in Seven Pieces

1. Gazelle

Why do none of us really want to know?  Why do we tell ourselves stories that will hide the pain?

Is it true that a gazelle will die willingly in the jaws of the predator? I mean allow itself to succumb to suffocation to its predator…is that true?  Is it to save the others?  Is it a sacrifice?  Do gazelles think that way? Are these the myths we speak about creatures which should be free but we wish them and will them into our hierarchy of good and natural deaths? Is that why it hurts some less to shoot them and dismember them into trophies? 

As it dies, does it will itself into a dark and endless sleep?  Does the gazelle know it has no heaven? Does it wish for more light as its own eclipses?  How does that suffocating gazelle feel? 

2. 1775 the year I got The Cooking Gene.

A year before the Declaration of Independence, each one of my grandparents had an Ancestor who arrived in America. Some had been here for 3-4 generations, others were just arriving.

My maternal grandmother’s direct paternal line arrived from Ghana in the 1770’s. He passed down the story of being Asante. Dock work. Farm work. Wife and children sold South to Alabama from Virginia.

My maternal grandmother’s direct maternal line arrived from Sierra Leone in the 1760s-1770s. She was Mende. Rice fields. Later Alabama cotton. Days of misery and misfortune.

My paternal grandmother’s people were in Virginia since the late 1600s at least.  Many of them came from eastern Nigeria, home of the Igbo. 1710-1750s… Tobacco fields.

My paternal grandfather’s direct  paternal Ancestor arrived in the 1760’s from Ghana. He was Ewe and Akan. Tobacco and indigo then cotton fields.

My paternal grandfather’s direct maternal Ancestor arrived from Sierra Leone between 1750-1775. She was Temne and Fulani. Rice fields then cotton fields.

One of his Ancestors arrived from the Sundi Kingdom of Kongo in the early to mid 1800’s, we think he was probably “illegal.” Cotton fields of the upstate.

My maternal Grandfather’s paternal line was founded by British American r/a/p/i/s/t who held my female Ancestor in bondage. There are many like him in my blood, Confederates all. I am more stars and bars than stars and stripes.

So many I am related to Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney. Gd made up for it by making me a distant cousin of Samuel L. Jackson.

My maternal Grandfather’s direct maternal line was from Ghana. I am more kente cloth than Old Glory. More Akan ancestry. Tobacco fields.

His mother’s direct paternal bloodline went back to John son of Sarah, who made the middle Passage into Virginia around 1765-1774. Tobacco then cotton.

The rest were from Senegal, Gambia, Madagascar, Angola, Dahomey and Liberia, even east Africa.  Some were English, Scottish, Irish and Scots-Irish.  Some were Virginia Native Americans, some were Jews.  Through their different veins rode the Vikings, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese, the Middle East, Central Asia and East Asia. But all you see officer is suspicion and prey. 100% gazelle. By accident of birth, I am the beginning of humankind, every Diaspora, I am the Middle Passage and the American dream deferred. I was here before St. Augustine, before the Mayflower, before Ellis Island, before the airplane. This is why our sages taught–“When you save a life you save the entire world..”

3. Exorcism

Chauvin….Chauvin….I’m talking to your demons…I’m talking to your dark side. Looking into those hollow America killing eyes. I want to understand that demon in you….you know…the one that keeps shouting in you…the side that must kill the ni**er.  Kill that ni**er. Kill the ni**ers. KILL THEM. With a knee. You up North, no tree needed. Take a knee right? Dare you to disrespect MY flag.  This is not your country. That anthem talks about scaring the slaves into submission.  Don’t you know this is a WHITE MANz country?

Apply the pressure of white nationalism.  Lean in, apply the pressure of comorbidities caused by the Middle Passage. Go on Aryan prince, hit him with that white male alpha authority and that stink of Hitler.  Come on —don’t let Soros win–it’s the Jews right?  They want your daughter and son to suffer in the new zebra order. Is that what the anti-Semites told you?  Apply that anti-Blackness, hold the fuc*er down until he dies like a gazelle. You are the lion, he is the prey. Let him cry out and just take all the ni**ers with him—to sleep. They have no heaven except this earth we tolerate them on. Our unfortunate tolerated pets, little gazelles. He is limp, the war can begin. Bannon said Satan is his master and the nation must be destroyed.  Nobody listened.

Hey Demon!  Listen to me!  None of your colonial power can fu*k with me…I know who I am…I know who you are I will call you by your real name and watch you burn…

White Supremacist Patriarchal Animosity Fragility Rage Uber Monstrosity

If you kill me you kill the entire world.  You kill your entire history. You kill your Adam and your Eve and your Cain and your Abel and everyone who roamed Eden..  You kill generations. You kill the world’s oldest DNA.  You kill the makers of American food. You kill the creators of your soundtrack. You kill veterans from every fuc*ing war.  You kill your greatest comedians and inventors and innovators and writers, and inspiration for writers and your poets and the women who bore your children when you were the most infamous of all the baby-daddies using African and Native women.  WE ARE YOUR COUSINS and you want to kill us because you can’t stand to look in our eyes and see yourselves and see the sins of your fathers and their rampant gleeful illegitimacy.  If you kill us you kill the greatest money maker in American history–not American cleverness or wit or inspiration but the womb of the Black woman. You didn’t deserve King! You kill the same kind of  blood that was the first blood to die for this country.  None of your magic beats karma, the Orisha, none of your magic can hold this gotdamn wolf by the ears when you taunt it.  Your upside down Bible cannot stay the power of our mojo—-

The flag is red white and blue.

The money is green.

But you cannot avoid the shout of our dead—

When they scream

Ogun’s knife cries out for blood,

It is not clean. 

4. Sunset

For a week now he has watched my face with green eyes.  He is my best friend, my lover, my fiance, a white man with two tablespoons of Black from a woman that passed into whiteness, a little more Roma from wagons that went from India to England, and lots of “white.” Alabama and Tennessee Slaveholders and Indian hunters he is ashamed of, veterans he is proud of. He is mostly Scottish indentured servant and Mennonite war dissenter, peacemaker Germans.  A pioneer woman who saved her life by climbing the sole tree on an Oklahoma plain when the last of the bison thundered on earth rather than heaven and night after night he watches me and holds me as I scream at another part of his people.  I rage, and I cry and he doesn’t hold me back or tell me not to cry or scream or mourn because I couldn’t love him if he did not respect me or give me my space. 

Every night at sunset we watch the sifting of anarchist from protester to white supremacist plant as if it matters.  We coddle dinner together.  He looks at my face when I’m not looking at him but when he looks me in the eyes he does not let the helplessness show.  He wants to go stand up to power but  I tell him he must stay. The reporters and journalists keep saying “peace,”  what is that?  Violence they speak of but every night I hear fu*k–a thousand times from the cops and watch people lose eyes, get gassed, get trampled by horses, run into with cars, spat on, and windows broken into–did they really have to try to muddle screams and shash tires and taze him?

The red dots grow across the map like measles. RedSummer2.0 I don’t feel like being respectable.  My nightmares—I wake up unable to breathe. Fear of being next.  He knows when I wake up screaming.

We are dying of an invisible serial killer

Just when we caught a human one…

The money trees are bare.

It’s summer. We just got started. 

The kids are not alright.

The revolution is cellular.

Nobody has anything to do but die or vote..or watch the Tiger Queen

We are watching lions and leopards and hyenas hunt gazelles…

Ahmaud then Breonna then George then….

All 45 can do is juggle a Bible and shake it at the youth as if they are vampires

He wants to be something before he closes his eyes

…like the gazelle.

5. Bull Connor 2.0

Barr and his jowls.  Mean lying cuss.  Sheltering in place behind a G-d we are sure will not want him. He is playing Bull Connor for the camera.  Tom Cotton is the new John C. Calhoun.  45 is Nixon in 68.  How much reading do you have to do on your way to the protest to understand this hellish moment?

I am watching them hurt Washingtonians–I am screaming at the TV. 45 comes out.  Gold Glory and G-dless.  A TV ad shoots up the next day–crisp and clean, a totalitarian fantasy.

The sisters text me and write me–they know I am prey. They are too–but I can’t say that–I vow to die a martyr before they are disrespected.  The brothers call.  We want to go to war but we are past our warrior days but not quiet aged.

The white and non-Black friends call and text–they worry that I may be in my own bunker, the walls closing in.  

I don’t know what to say really–so I wrote this. 

6. America, America, this is the anthem throw your damn hands up and don’t shoot Love note to the red kaps

They are still talking about Kap’s knee…

And if only the Negroes were law abiding and they were 1950s Negroes on Beulah and Amos and Andy and that one Black lady in Mayberry and on the Waltons but we could still extract value from their bodies–labor, entertainment, abuse, sex, and someone to(sm) other

Why can’t they just be gazelles and maybe after we live in peace with ourselves we will yawn and let them pee next to us again or whatever they want this time, the water fountains weren’t as bad as we thought they were…its not like they hit any of the generational wealth some of us gained from working them to death…speaking of stealing Dakota real estate…what about the looters…what about the violence…Minnesota legislature doesn’t even want to preserve the original name of where the Missouri meets the Mississippi..Bdote…the creation place..of the Dakota ppl….they were lynched by Lincoln for trying to take their country back from Laura Ingalls Eildibut wanna talk about looting… King would have been—(I can’t even repeat that bull*hit;)

Don’t they know pieces of cloth are more important especially when they are made in China making America slump again like our little red hats to go along with our little red books (they will be out next term)?

Don’t they know songs are worth more than  a million of their fingernails….

Jingoism and (white) nationalism and Jesus as Thor oh-my

A holy war designed to restore the natural order of rocket launchers at Starbucks…

Of lion and leopard and hyena on gazelle

It’s the circle of strife.

7. Hope.

Some will read this and say I hate them because I hate what is done to us.  Some will say I ignore their casualties and therefore I am not preaching true equality.  Some say I should forget the past. Some say I am brainwashed. No not really. I love me more than I could ever hate you. 

And I love you enough to tell you that you are wrong about me and us and this and the dream and the ideals and everything.  I am not the traumas some inflict on me and you’se guys are not the traumas others like you inflict on us–unless you parrot and project your dystopia–then you are quite the same. 

No, I don’t hate you.  I had a grandmother–the descendant of 1775.  I had grandparents who taught me my history and wanted me to be in better days. 

I’m not a gazelle.  I’m not your prey. I am not a predator in reverse because I love myself more than your vision. You are gazelle tonyoir own lion

And I understand I will always be queer by color and sexuality and faith and philosophy in your eyes and I celebrate that because I am every color in the rainbow.

Otherwise I really have zero f*cks to give whether or not you love me back.  I have my work to do—grace, compassion, peace, love and all that good old time religion stuff…and I don’t have time to waste it.

This place–is not a thing to be squandered. You say we should unify around the symbols of obfuscation born in slavery and Native removal and manifest destiny and I say no—we can choose new ways to be one—understanding how much our blood has crossed. We are deliciously impure—looking at you Steve King—enjoy retirement—its on us.  If you are not multicultural and kissed by otherness and soaked in the world of your neighbor you have wasted your opportunity to be an American to be a part of an accidental planned experiment.  The glory here is not in melting but melding by learning from each other and having no boundaries on opportunities…and to have those opportunities black people cannot be the canaries in the American coal mine any longer.  Black Lives Matter and if they do not there is no reason to dream in American. 

Indigenous people are not to be annihilated by governors on the Dakota plains offering 21st century smallpox blankets…or in the deserts of the Navajo Nation…

Poor people aren’t dumb.  Black and Brown tired of this covid—bio warfare nonsense…

Trans people being able to fight would guarantee America is better.

Trans lives not being snuffed out would mean that too.

Asian Americans are tired of reliving the Exclusion Act and Manzanar and being blamed for your sneezes

Women should have equal pay for equal work and the protections on the sky and waters and earth should be restored.  The Earth Mama is at war with us, and pier one is closing so you cannot appease her with dead reeds wrapped in plastic and bead portiere this is not a lewk.  She wants her planet back–MAKE EARTH GREAT AGAIN.  She has blown dust on us and it became Babalu and as he dances the plague spreads. 

Brown people are tired. From the Rez to the Barrio to the Masjid and Gurdwara and Temple. 

The Jews are tired.  We showed you how to survive during Pesach–you didn’t listen. 

The lesbians are tired of saving the world without thanks.

The bisexuals are tired of being invisible.

The gays–well we are horny and tired.

The kids are bored.

The cats want us gone. 

The dogs are all going to have separation anxiety.

The elders are lonely.

The introverts are just fine.

The extroverts are stir crazy and the ambiverts are ambivalent.

I just want you to understand :

Black Lives Matter means I should be able to do normal things without dying.  I should not die a flashpoint. So many Black women. So many Black men.  So many Black people. They were not gazelles.  They did not die as a sacrifice for the herd. They did not succumb for you.  So many brown people and allies and friends and framily just all of us have finally said–across the earth this has got to stop, enough is enough, this is gazelle on gazelle on gazelle.  Black Lives Matter means NOT only saving Black Lives but making sure Black people can live lives of quality, dignity and freedom. You should be thinking, thank G-d that Black woman can have a child in optimum safety or have her doctors interact with her in a respectful way. You should be thinking isnt it great his name or her hair isn’t a barrier to a job or they can live wherever they want and get a loan for it. You should be thinking oh those two friends are of different backgrounds and people won’t ascribe a drug deal or sexual fetish or a robbery to their interaction. You should be thinking isnt it great Black he or she is feeling themself and that’s important given the historic erasure of Black joy and beauty. Or that a Black person can be academically or artistically gifted without help or assistance from anyone else. 

She can drive a car, put the kids to bed, he can jog or eat ice cream or live to raise their little ones or go birdwatching or have a barbecue.

Black Lives Matter means not being scared to go to a doctor as a Black man because you’ll be ignored or worse experimented on like an laboratory animal. It means being a Black woman¬ being considered aggressive because you won’t suffer other people’s passive¬ so passive microaggressions. It means being Black of any color or shade or faith or sexuality etc.¬ having people vivisect your identity because u don’t fit a bubble. It means people don’t assume you’re poor or that poor means culturally disadvantaged&if you are financially challenged that you aren’t less of a human being. It means living a life of mental& physical health un-impacted by the stress of racial slights and systemic racism& living off 5 black dollars to a white 100. Black Lives Matter should begin at birth&be an inheritance for generations to come.&don’t forget it means law enforcement and vigilantes don’t get to profile you&destroy your life. And maybe I can sleep again.

Epilogue: What does it feel like to face a gun to your head?

The Good Black

If you really believe in “the good Black,” let me offer you a cautionary personal tale. A few years ago, a friend of mine was taking to me to synagogue on the commemoration of Tisha B’Av. He’s white, I am obviously of a certain “continental origin” and a car almost hit us on the passenger side of the vehicle. I was the passenger; the person in the car was driving erratically. I said nothing—but I grimaced and frowned. My friend got agitated, but did not drive in an aggressive fashion.

The unmarked car suddenly put on a siren and we the driver began to glare at me—through me—with a look of absolute disdain. He was ready for reprisal. We were pulled over—not on the side of the road, but into a parking lot. He got out of the car, pulled his gun and told my white friend, “TELL YOUR PASSENGER TO PUT HIS F—G HANDS UP ON THE DASHBOARD AND NOT TO MOVE THEM! YEAH MOTH–KER YOU’RE SO G–DAMNED BAD! WHAT’S THAT MOTH—KER, A GUN?”

It was my prayerbook. It had G-d’s name on it, beautiful gold Hebrew letters gleaming at me on a sunless day. In kippa, dress clothes and non-leather shoes, headed to synagogue, I had a gun at my head by a Montgomery County Maryland police officer calling for backup…which curiously never came. He never asked my friend to put his hands up. Said friend got out of the car, handed over his ID. I was far from trembling, afraid or submissive when he returned—gun drawn—to my side of the vehicle—I was Nat Turner mad. He patted me down and even threw my kippa on the ground. No reason, no cause. He loudly pronounced my name over the radio, confident he was going to turn a glare—a reckless eyeballing– into an arrest.

Surprise! No moving violations on the part of my friend, the driver, no weapons on me, no rap sheet, nothing. Jack shit. The policeman got nervous. I was not a good catch. He softened his approach with awkward verbal retreats until the tense conversation ended in “Have a nice day.” the motherfucker smiled at me. No apologies, no attempt at breaking down his wall.

I was not appeased. But I was too scared to say anything or file a complaint. I knew the man’s name for all of seven days. Then I forgot it. I had heard stories about the Blue line. I didn’t want any further harassment; I put it away—I didn’t speak about it—until now.

I am afraid that had that cop been turned up one more notch I would not be writing this—I’d have been big fat, scary, Black, worthless and dead. Oh, and by the way, this is one of six negative encounters with law enforcement I have had where I was in no way held in the commission of a crime, arrested, or held until being tried for a crime. I was the passenger with a white friend, and it was alleged I was a drug dealer because we were at a gas station, “a little bit too long.” I was on a bus and every Black male was asked to present his ID and had his bag searched. I have been stopped for walking while Black and pressed up against a wall.

Wanna know the worst part? When the people passing you on the sidewalk look at you with a presumptive glance that they believe you wouldn’t have gotten in trouble if you hadn’t done something wrong. You are guilty until proven innocent, and even then you ain’t so damn innocent. You are the good black, the good boy, and by god you might just get your reward in heaven if you just suppress your jungle anger and just suck it up and forget that this moment has a dark past and that 2020 and 1619 have just been linked together in an ignoble chain. This is the moment Mama and Daddy gave you “the talk” about; and nothing prepared you for that look you get from the onlookers as you, the consummate “Other,” get a hand in the crack of your ass.

05 Jun 21:52

Pixelmator Pro adds WebP support

by admin

Pixelmator Pro 1.6.4 is out today, adding support for the WebP image format. And since this format is pretty interesting and unique, we wanted to share the news about today’s update here on our blog!

WebP support in Pixelmator Pro

First, a little about WebP support in Pixelmator Pro itself. It’s pretty extensive and we’ve added a few different things:

  • Support for both opening and exporting WebP images
  • Lossless compression and lossy compression with adjustable quality
  • Transparency (for both lossless and lossy compressed images)
  • A Quick Look plug-in so you can preview WebP images in the Finder

Awesome! If you’re not too familiar with it, you might be wondering — what is WebP and why is it such an interesting format? Well, it’s one of the candidates to be the next-gen format for displaying images on the web thanks to some improvements over the two main existing formats, JPEG and PNG.

Lossless and lossy compression

One reason for WebP’s promise is that it offers both lossless and lossy compression. What’s that? Well, compression refers to reducing the size of an image. Lossless compression is when you reduce the size of an image with no data (i.e. quality) loss, hence the term lossless. Lossy compression reduces the size of an image with some potentially “unnecessary” data being discarded or lost, hence the term lossy.

Compression methods

Lossless compression
Lossy compression
Used by the PNG format
Used by the JPEG format
All image data preserved
Some image data lost
Larger file sizes
Smaller file sizes

Even though it offers lossy compression and, theoretically, loses some data, JPEG is a great format for the web as it reduces the size of images dramatically and there’s no perceptible drop in quality when saving with a high enough quality setting.

However, as JPEG offers only lossy compression, if you’re looking to ensure you get no data loss at all, you have to use a different format: PNG. The trade-off with this is that you get a much bigger file size, at least several times larger than the equivalent JPEGs.

WebP combines both compression methods in one format and Pixelmator Pro supports them both. At 100% quality, you get lossless compression, like with PNG, and at 99% quality or lower, you get lossy compression, like with JPEG.

WebP compression

100% quality
99% quality or lower
Lossless compression
Lossy compression

Transparency support

Another great thing about WebP is that it supports transparency. Right now, if you’d like to save with transparency, you have to use PNG as JPEG doesn’t support it. So once again, WebP combines the benefits of both primary web image formats into one. What’s more, unique to WebP, it supports both transparency and lossy compression at the same time, something that neither JPEG nor PNG can do.

File size improvements

Finally, both lossless and lossy compressed WebP images are around 25% smaller than comparable PNGs and JPEGs of the same quality.* Pretty great for speeding up loading times!

Although not all major web browsers support WebP just yet (Safari support is missing), most of them do and thanks to WebP support in Pixelmator Pro, you’re free to experiment and see for yourself whether you’d like to switch to WebP for certain images.

Today’s update is now available on the Mac App Store and is free for all existing Pixelmator Pro users.

Download Now

We’ll be back soon with some more news about a very exciting major update, which will add a certain highly-requested feature to Pixelmator Pro. Stay tuned!

* Actually, there’s a little disagreement whether, in terms of the quality of compressed images, the format might be slightly better in certain cases and slightly worse in others.

05 Jun 21:29

B.C. court: disabling phone while driving still constitutes distracted driving

by Bradly Shankar
Distracted Driving on phone

A B.C. court has ruled that holding a cellphone that’s been disabled while behind the wheel still constitutes distracted driving.

The case in question surrounds Patrick Tannhauser, who was issued a ticket near Victoria, B.C. for using his cellphone while driving.

While Tannhauser contested the ticket and has since been acquitted of the charge, the Crown appealed the decision. Now, Chief Justice Bauman has ruled against Tannhauser.

During the investigation, Tannhauser admitted that he was holding his phone while behind the wheel, but he argued against the distracted driving charge because he had the handset’s functions set to shut down while the car is in motion. Tannhauser said his employer installed this software onto his phone. This sounds similar to features like Apple’s Do Not Disturb While Driving, which effectively locks a phone once it registers that you’re in a moving vehicle.

Chief Justice Bauman initially accepted Tannhauser’s defence, but after the Crown appeal, has changed his stance.

“Cellphones are included in the definition of ‘electronic device’ in the [Motor Vehicle Act] MVA,” wrote Bauman, citing B.C. law.

“If the legislature intended the courts to conclude cellphones were not, in fact, electronic devices in certain circumstances, it would have stated this explicitly. In my view, holding an electronic device on top of a steering wheel, in clear view, is sufficient to constitute holding it in a position in which the device may be used.”

Therefore, Bauman has allowed the appeal and ordered a new trail, should the Crown wish to proceed.

Via: Vancouver Sun

The post B.C. court: disabling phone while driving still constitutes distracted driving appeared first on MobileSyrup.

05 Jun 01:18

A moment of peace

by Josh Bernoff

I care. Honestly I do. But every once in a while I need a moment of peace. My wife and I have found the best way for us to do this. Nature sanctuaries have been closed for a while, but are now starting to open up. The open ones nearest to us are about an … Continued

The post A moment of peace appeared first on without bullshit.

05 Jun 01:17

Weeknotes, I guess

What a week. Hard to work up the enthusiasm to write about what I’ve been working on.

I’ve mainly been pushing towards shipping a Datasette release with writeable canned queries. This lead me down various other rabbit holes.


Once you can write to a database, authentication and permissions become more than just a nice-to-have. I’ve used plugins for this in the past (datasette-auth-github and datasette-auth-existing-cookies), but to allow these plugins to work together with other features it makes sense to bring the concept of authentications and permission checks into Datasette core.

Issue #699 tracks my thinking on this. I've landed two new plugin hooks: actor_from_request, which lets plugins decide if the request is from an authenticated actor (a logged-in user or an authenticated API key of some sort) and permission_allowed which can answer if an actor is allowed to perform a specific action on a resource.

Flash messages

When you perform a write, I need to let you know if it worked or not. Django has messages, Flask calls them flash messages. I've now added these to Datasette, using signed cookies. The new /-/messages debug tool lets you try them out and see how they work.

CSRF protection

Still a work in progress (and a blocker on releasing the above new features). I shipped asgi-csrf 0.3 yesterday which is now ready for use in Datasette. The next step is to integrate it.

New milestone: Datasette 1.0

Writeable canned queries are the last major feature I want to add before Datasette 1.0. I've put some notes together on what this means: essentially I want 1.0 to signify that plugin builders and template authors can develop against Datasette with confidence that their stuff won't break until at least 2.0. I also started a Datasette 1.0 milestone.

04 Jun 22:25

Apple’s Tim Cook Publishes Open Letter Addressing Racism in America

by John Voorhees

Today, Apple CEO Tim Cook published an open letter addressing racism in America. In the letter, which is currently featured on the homepage, Cook explains:

Right now, there is a pain deeply etched in the soul of our nation and in the hearts of millions. To stand together, we must stand up for one another, and recognize the fear, hurt, and outrage rightly provoked by the senseless killing of George Floyd and a much longer history of racism.

That painful past is still present today — not only in the form of violence, but in the everyday experience of deeply rooted discrimination. We see it in our criminal justice system, in the disproportionate toll of disease on Black and Brown communities, in the inequalities in neighborhood services and the educations our children receive.

To play its part in combating racism, Cook says Apple will redouble its efforts on social programs and inclusion initiatives:

But we must do more. We commit to continuing our work to bring critical resources and technology to underserved school systems. We commit to continuing to fight the forces of environmental injustice — like climate change — which disproportionately harm Black communities and other communities of color. We commit to looking inward and pushing progress forward on inclusion and diversity, so that every great idea can be heard. And we’re donating to organizations including the Equal Justice Initiative, which challenge racial injustice and mass incarceration.

Cook’s letter is important not just as a statement of where Apple stands on racism but as an example of the sort of leadership role tech companies can take to address the systemic causes of it.

→ Source:

04 Jun 22:25

Apple Watch Activity Challenge Coming June 5 for World Environment Day

by Ryan Christoffel

Apple Watch owners will have the chance to earn perhaps their most attainable special Activity award yet. On Friday, June 5 the World Environment Day Challenge will call Apple Watch users to close their Stand ring for the day to earn a unique award badge. From the Activity app:

Recognize World Environment Day this Friday. Close your Stand ring on June 5 and earn this award by getting up and moving around for at least one minute during 12 hours that day.

Presumably for wheelchair users, the award can be earned as well by closing the Roll ring, which follows the same basic parameters as the Stand ring.

I always enjoy earning additional awards related to Activity challenges, so I’m glad Apple is continuing to offer these options and adapt them to the restrictions of the ongoing pandemic.

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04 Jun 22:25

608 Alexander Street

by ChangingCity

The Laurel Apartments have been painted white, but otherwise they look pretty similar to our 1978 image. The building dates back to 1911, and it was an expensive piece of real estate. It cost $35,000 to build, with W T McMillan recorded as having designed it, and E Woolridge as contractor. The developers were listed as N E Arnold and L St Clair, and we think it was divided into two separate properties, one for each.

Alice Arnold was not found by the 1911 census in Vancouver, but almost certainly appears in an unusually honest household in the Comox and Atlin area. The head of household was Sadie Washington (from Ontario), with Leonie Abilsus, an American and Alice Arnold listed as ‘female partners’. Alice was 37, a widow, and from the United States, arriving in Canada in 1903. All three were listed as negro, and musicians. (Several other households on the same street consisted of female French dressmakers, and there were also several European musicians). Alice was first listed in Vancouver owning a rooming house at 153 East Pender (Previously Dupont) from 1908, after the area had supposedly been ‘cleaned up’ in 1906 by the  police, who chased the ladies who offered their services there initially to Shore Street and a couple of years later to Alexander. Apart from Alice, only Lottie Mansfield, her close neighbour was still here from the early 1900s.

In 1911 a Mrs. L E St Clair was shown living at 658 Granville, (the New York Block), but confusingly she wasn’t shown in any of the apartments there. In 1911 Nellie St Clair was also listed at 153 Harris, next door to another of the city’s noted suppliers of female companionship, Dollie Darlington. She’s likely to be our developer. It’s the only time that we can find Nellie listed living in Vancouver, and nobody with that name seems to have been recorded getting into trouble. Nellie may have been known under a different name to her parents, and may have ‘borrowed’ her working name from an actress working in the US; her near neighbours Pearl Grey and Lily White may have done something similar.

The building here was only completed in 1912 (when Dollie Darlington was running a rooming house on the next block), and didn’t appear in the street directory until 1913. The building was obviously open and operating towards the end on 1912. Having pushed the ladies from Chinatown eastwards towards the port, along Alexander Street, the City had decided to get them out of there as well. In October 1912 the Province reported “FINED AND SENT TO JAIL Ruth Richards Pays $200 and Gets Six Months. Finding her guilty of having operated a disorderly house at 608 Alexander street, Magistrate South this morning sentenced Ruth Richards to pay a fine of $200 and to serve six months at hard labor in the New Westminster jail. Following the passing of the sentence, Mr. Dugald Donaghy. appearing for the accused, stated that he would file notice of appeal at once. Louise Davis, found guilty of being an inmate of the Richards woman’s house, was allowed to go on suspended sentence provided she leaves Vancouver tonight. Should she return a sentence of six months at hard labor will be imposed upon her. The Richards woman was notified at the time of the order to “clean up” the city was given that she would have to leave town and as she did not go a sentence of six months is hanging on her on that charge. The Davis woman was never before the court previously and therefore was given an opportunity to depart.” Louise Davis (seen on the left) seems to have left town as instructed. (She may have evaded attention from the authorities, but she was listed in the 1911 census – a 31 year old American ‘hairdresser’ – living at Ollie Gilbert’s Shore Street establishment).

The setback didn’t close the premises; in 1913 it was shown occupied by Mildred Hill (who was fined for operating her car while drunk, driving back from North Vancouver in July 1913) and Cora Allyn. Ruth Richards (seen in her mugshot on the right) was still in the area too, just a block away at 502 Alexander. In 1916 it was possibly still continuing in operation; Cora Allyn had both street addresses, one of only a handful of occupied buildings, and one of only two with female residents, with Fay Packer on the next block. (Cora may have been the New York born Lillian Allyn who crossed the border in 1910). The building was shown as vacant in 1917, but as far as we can tell, Mrs. Allyn continued to live here for many years, albeit more discreetly. She was at 612 Alexander in 1918, and was listed here through the later 1920s as a dressmaker. Mrs Nellie Arnold was on Alexander Street at 630 Alexander in 1922, and here again in 1928, replaced by Miss C Allyn again in 1929. The Alice Arnold who died under the wheels of an Oak Street trolley in 1938 was apparently unrelated. She was from Calgary, and only 24, although there were some similarities as her common law husband, James, was sentenced to two years hard labour just 2 weeks after her death for living of the avails of prostituting her.

Another 1939 news story in the Vancouver Sun recorded a connection to a city murder. “Tragedy After Drinking Bout. A drinking party that resulted in tragedy was described today at the preliminary hearing of Nelson Maracle, second engineer on the tug “Clayburn” on a charge of murder. The charge arises from the death by drowning of Kenneth Cassidy, 49, chief engineer of the “Clayburn,” on Aug. 16. His body was taken, from the water, near the “Clayburn” while it was moored at McKeen and Wilson wharf. Hans Anderson, fireman on the tug, declared that Cassidy, Maracle and himself had had several drinks of beer before they went to 1146 Richards Street with a bottle of rum on the evening of Aug. 16. Mrs. Sarah McGill, proprietor of the rooming house, testified that Maracle and Cassidy had a few drinks of rum at her house and that they were showing the effects of liquor. Mrs. Cora Allyn, 612 Alexander Street, said Cassidy and Maracle came to her-home about 2 a.m.. They had a few more drinks there and left. The hearing is continuing.” Cora is shown here is 1941, then the unit is vacant for a while, but she’s back again, last listed here in 1945. A year later they become 19 apartments known as Attlee Lodge run by W R Gilbert and C Korsch. It retained the name, and became 37 apartments by 1955, changing to the Laurel Apartments more recently.

Image source: VPD Police files: City of Vancouver Archives CVA 480-496 and CVA 480-495


04 Jun 22:25

Which EuroVelo bike route is the hardest to bike?

Hi, this is Aya, a support/writer intern at Datawrapper. Before the corona lockdown, I was planning some long-distance bike tours with friends over the summer (which has now been postponed). This was when I learned about the existence of the EuroVelo routes. Recently, I’ve been searching for a new bike – which got me thinking about the bike routes again.

EuroVelo is a network of 16 bike routes around Europe, varying in distance from 1500km to 10000km and certified by the ECF (European Cyclists’ Federation). The routes are made up of existing national bike routes (e.g. the Dutch LF-Routes, the German D-Routes, and the British National Cycle Network) and other routes connected across many countries.

Their official website is well documented with videos and route maps which makes planning a lot easier. But one thing I always find frustrating when planning is the lack of overview on elevation profiles. There are plenty of routing apps and websites with interactive elevation profile charts for specific routes. What I wanted, however, was one chart with all the elevation profiles so I could compare them next to one another.

I’m no cycling expert, but the few times I went bike touring, it was always the elevation that exhausted me, never the distance. Sometimes, I would pick a route over another without thinking to compare the elevation, only to seriously regret later on the road[1].

So I decided to create an elevation profile overview using a Datawrapper table:

It’s easy to see which routes are coastal routes versus mountain & in-land routes as well as how many countries the route passes through. It’s also interesting to see that the elevation profile is not necessarily reflected in the elevation gain: coastal routes can look flat and easy when it can be very bumpy and tough in reality.

About the Data

Since the routes are all well-marked routes, it wasn’t difficult to find already drawn routes with a downloadable GPX file. GPX is an XML file format for storing coordinate data that can be used to describe waypoints, tracks, and routes.

There are many ways to get GPX data, like OpenStreetMap (via Overpass turbo. I tried out different sources and methods. I found that and their easy GPX file download works best for my usecase. Here’s a shortened example of a GPX file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
creator="BicycleRoutesPortal -"
<name>RT00000407_1fgpx EuroVelo: Atlantikküstenroute - Teil Norwegen</name>
<bounds minlat="60.390600" minlon="4.915090" maxlat="71.169457" maxlon="25.966630"/>
<trkpt lat="71.169457" lon="25.783290"></trkpt>
<trkpt lat="71.168120" lon="25.781750"></trkpt>

After downloading the GPX files, I used GPS Visualizer to add the elevation and the distance. I also simplified the data (here’s a helpful tutorial) to only show the elevation for every 10th km, to make it plotable in the Datawrapper table:

type    latitude    longitude    altitude (m)    distance (km)
T 71.079360000 25.770590000 85.5 10.063
T 71.009460000 25.947130000 12.3 20.154
T 70.967450000 25.701210000 13.2 30.252

Creating the table

I wanted to make the table as visual as possible. The reader should see an overview very quickly and then be able to go and search for the details.

So I used flag icons to show the number of countries the route crosses. For the elevation profile, I used the sparkline feature.

Routes are numbered based on whether they cross Europe on a North-South or an East-West axis and I color-coded them accordingly. I also tried using more symbols & emojis versus words to achieve my goal: a quick glance for an overview.


So well how does the table show me how exhausted I’ll be on my future bike tours? Unfortunately, for these long routes, the simplified sparkline is far less an indicator of how much you’ll have to climb than the elevation gain. For shorter, not simplified distances, sparklines will work better.

Having said that, this was a fun experiment where I got to learn a lot about maps, routing and explore Europe from the comfort of my home.

That’s all for this week! Thanks to Anna for educating me on maps and to Lisa for all the guidance & support. Please reach out if you have any feedback, suggestions, or questions. I’d love to hear & learn from you at or Twitter (@datawrapper). Any recommendations or stories about good bike trips are also welcomed! See you next week!

  1. Elevation is just one of the many metrics you should consider when choosing a bike route. The coastlines can be a lot windier hence a lot harder to bike, there’s weather, temperature etc. I also doubt many people bike the entire thing in one go, but rather do sections of these routes. ↩︎

04 Jun 22:21

Edge computing meets Private Networking: quick thoughts

by Dean Bubley
This morning, I gave a short presentation & then joined a panel of other speakers from Athonet, Ericsson, Huawei & Hewlett Packard Enterprise on a webinar session organised by TechUK.

It covered the role of edge computing in the context of private networks.

There are many possible different touch-points I see evolving between these two domains:
  • Enterprises wanting both private networks & on-premise edge compute for inhouse IoT systems and analytics (eg in manufacturing). This is not necessarily 3GPP-style MEC, though - it could be a local hyperscale node eg AWS Outpost
  • MNOs offering enterprises their own on-prem EPC/5GC node
  • MNOs offering 3GPP Release 16/17 5G with network slicing & integrated MEC edge capabilities (personally, I'm a bit skeptical that this is a big opportunity(
  • Metro edge datacentres for SPs running multiple private/vertical networks in a city, for hosting their own multi-tenant virtual cores or Open RAN elements
  • Neutral-host wireless networks for buildings or metro areas also offering "neutral edge" facilities, eg TowerCos or campus-network specialists
  • An edge data centre operator deploying its own citywide CBRS-type network for "one hop to the cloud" 4G/5G. (This harks back to my belief that Amazon could start using Whole Foods stores as mini data-centres, with direct fibre or cellular connectivity to the surrounding area)
  • Localised interconnect facilities (between MNOs, or private cellular network operators reaching cloud & public Internet). There's a whole host of edge-interconnect models I think will be essential - for instance where users of different MNOs have to interact with low latency (eg AR gaming), or where companies need external inputs to private networks & applications (eg 3rd party AI microservices for analytics).
In essence, this is a hugely complex intersection, which I'm only scratching the surface of here.

Ping me if this is an area where I can help you brainstorm new ideas, or test existing ones
04 Jun 22:21

RT @AnnaJerzewska: On business engagement and Brexit. On one side businesses have not been as vocal about the impact of no-deal Brexit as…

by AnnaJerzewska
mkalus shared this story from DmitryOpines on Twitter.

On business engagement and Brexit.

On one side businesses have not been as vocal about the impact of no-deal Brexit as they could have been. Not in public.

It's been a constant source of frustration.


Nissan's Chief Operating Officer, Ashwani Gupta, explains that despite Nissan's recent moves, under a No-Deal Brexit (most likely outcome), the Sunderland Plant, on which 34,000 jobs depend, will be unsustainable.

He's saying this 2 June 2020.
Deadline to avoid No-Deal: 30 June.

552 likes, 331 retweets

Retweeted by DmitryOpines on Thursday, June 4th, 2020 12:33pm

93 likes, 51 retweets
04 Jun 22:21

Walmart leaks Sony WH-1000XM4 Bluetooth headphones

by Dean Daley

Walmart’s U.S. website has leaked Sony’s upcoming ‘WH-1000XM4′ Bluetooth headphones.

Surprisingly, the retailer company has yet to remove the leak from the site, though it says the product is “Out of Stock.”

First spotted by The Walkman Blog, the XM4s feature noise cancellation, ambient sound control via the Sony Headphones Connect app, up to 30 hours battery life on a single charge, touch control, hands-free calling and adaptive sound control that adjusts based on location.

Moreover, the XM4s can be paired with two devices at once and sport real-time restoration of compressed files by using Edge AI, a form of artificial intelligence. Additionally, they feature an LDAC, which transmits three times more data than regular Bluetooth audio for high-resolution audio content.

The price of the headphones is $348 USD ( about $470 CAD), which makes sense as the XM3 costs $449 CAD.

A previous leak from the XDA Developers based on an APK teardown revealed the headphones also sport a ‘Talking/Speak-to-chat’ feature to enable ambient sound when voice is detected. This would automatically enable ambient sound when the user is in a conversation and after a defined time, noise cancellation returns to its original setting. The feature also lets users adjust voice detection so it doesn’t happen if someone isn’t talking to you.

Source: Walmart Via: The Walkman Blog, XDA Developers

The post Walmart leaks Sony WH-1000XM4 Bluetooth headphones appeared first on MobileSyrup.

04 Jun 22:21

✚ Seeing the Dust (The Process 092)

by Nathan Yau

Keep your eyes open. Read More

04 Jun 22:21

The importance of photography around the Black Lives Matter movement

by Carol Benovic-Bradley

We’re proud to be stewards of a community that recognizes the importance of documenting the Black Lives Matter movement. We also want to acknowledge the risk on both sides of the camera –– for photographers, that’s navigating sometimes tense standoffs and for those being photographed, the risk of photos being taken out of context or worse.

To ensure that Flickr is actively a community where Black voices, experiences, and photos are welcome, we’re giving free Flickr PRO subscriptions to the following Flickr members who are doing the work already. Below are photos from the first group of recipients, documenting the front line of protests and those marching for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others tragically lost.

Minister Erik McGregor (New York City, NY)


Johnny Silvercloud (Washington, D.C.)

No Justice, No Peace

Grexsys (Austin, TX)

Rally Austin

George Talusan (Toronto, Canada)


Elif Altinbasak (Rochester, NY)


Paul Weaver (Harrisburg, PA)

George Floyd protest in Harrisburg, PA

Ken Fager (Washington, D.C.)

Madison BLM Protest

Sterling Scott (Los Angeles, CA)

BLM, Mayor's Mansion

Elvert Barnes (Baltimore, Maryland)


Risingthermals (Chicago, IL)

Rest In Power

K.C. Tinari (Philadelphia, PA)

Josh Sandlin (Atlanta, GA)


Mark Hedden (Key West, FL)


Lorie Shaull (Minneapolis, MN)

George Floyd mural outside Cup Foods at Chicago Ave and E 38th St in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Share your work with us

If you are actively photographing the Black Lives Matter movement and sharing on Flickr, we want to hear from you. Complete this form to be considered for a free one-year Flickr Pro subscription and to let us know about your work. We’ll continue sharing these photographs on our blog and our other social channels.

Resources for safely photographing protests

Stay safe out there and consider the safety of those around you and those in the photos you’re taking. Consider these resources:


04 Jun 22:17

That’s Whatsapp deleted too. Which completes re...

by Ton Zijlstra

That’s Whatsapp deleted too. Which completes removing myself from the Facebook company services. My preferred messaging apps are Signal and Threema, and I’ve been using them for years for 95% or so of my messages. I kept Whatsapp as a passive inbox, for some of my network, never initiating contact there, but at least being reachable through it. However over time I noticed a creeping growth of my Whatsapp interaction, something I’ve been trying to avoid for 2 years. Reading Om’s posting yesterday, and especially the conversation with Lilia in the comments today made me conclude that Whatsapp needs to go too. Because of the company that owns it.

04 Jun 22:17

Waze data shows Canadian drivers are coming back to the roads 

by Brad Bennett

A new report from Waze shows that Canadian drivers in a few major cities are starting to get back on the road as the COVID-19 pandemic begins to calm.

A report from mid-April showed that Canadians were driving less during the height of the pandemic, but since then it’s slowly beginning to climb back up.

The most recent data shows drivers in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Calgary are about half as active as they were before the pandemic. Specifically, the rates are down to about 41 percent compared to what they were in February, according to iPhone in Canada.

This is interesting data, and it will be exciting to see if it levels out at this point for a few more months or if things accelerate back to normal.

Source: iPhone in Canada

The post Waze data shows Canadian drivers are coming back to the roads  appeared first on MobileSyrup.

04 Jun 22:17

Apple TV+ estimated to hit 100 million subscribers by 2025: analyst

by Bradly Shankar

Investment bank JP Morgan has told investors that it predicts Apple TV+ will reach 100 million subscribers by 2025.

The estimate was provided in a note to investors that was obtained by AppleInsider.

In the letter, lead analyst Samik Chatterjee wrote that he expects Apple TV+’s paid subscribers count to slowly increase throughout 2020, with a “healthy percentage” of renewals being made past current trial periods.

As it stands, those trials include the free one-year Apple TV+ subscription offered with the purchase of select Apple products, or the general seven-day trial available to anyone. While Chatterjee says there’s been a relatively low number of people taking advantage of these offers, he’s optimistic in how Apple is trying to draw in more people over time.

To start, consumers in general are streaming more content on services as they stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Apple TV+ has seen an increase due to this. Further, Apple made select Apple TV+ originals free to watch in response to the pandemic, which no doubt got more people checking out the platform.

The problem, though, is that all of this is speaking in general terms, given that Apple hasn’t released any official subscriber figures since Apple TV+ launched on November 1st. All we have to go off of are estimates from the likes of Bloomberg, which reported last month that the service reached 10 million sign-ups in February. However, only about half of those people actually engaged with the service’s content, reported Bloomberg. For context, Netflix reached 182 million subscribers by April, while Disney+ surpassed 54 million as of last month.

The main reason for Apple TV+’s comparatively slow start would seemingly stem from the low amount of original content on Apple TV+. At launch, the service only launched with only nine original shows and movies, a number that has slowly grown to about 30 as of June.

While rival services like Disney+ and the U.S.-only HBO Max also launched with a limited amount of original content, they offered an extensive catalogue of older, popular shows and movies. Apple TV+, meanwhile, has so far only focused on new, original content.

However, that’s one of the ways that Chatterjee points to Apple TV+ improving in the months to come. As Bloomberg reported last month, Apple is looking into licensing a variety of other content, including older titles like James Bond — which currently doesn’t have a streaming home in Canada — and sports programming. Further, the company has made plays to purchase other content that it didn’t initially have in the pipeline, such as Tom Hanks’ WWII drama film Greyhound — its biggest acquisition to date.

Source: AppleInsider

The post Apple TV+ estimated to hit 100 million subscribers by 2025: analyst appeared first on MobileSyrup.

04 Jun 22:16

Fitbit develops ‘low-cost’ ventilator to aid fight against COVID-19

by Aisha Malik

Fitbit has developed a low-cost ventilator called the ‘Fitbit Flow’ to aid the fight against COVID-19, which has been approved for emergency use in the U.S.

“After seeing the global need for ventilators, Fitbit applied its deep in-house expertise in advanced sensor development and hardware design to quickly create Fitbit Flow, an automatic resuscitator,” the company stated in a press release.

The company says that the ventilator was designed to be simple to use and help reduce the strain on specialized staff who are usually needed to operate a commercial ventilator.

Fitbit says it consulted with emergency medicine clinicians caring for COVID-19 patients at the Oregon Health and Science University Hospital.

“We saw an opportunity to rally our expertise in advanced sensor development, manufacturing, and our global supply chain to address the critical and ongoing need for ventilators and help make a difference in the global fight against this virus,” said Fitbit CEO James Park in the press release.

The company plans to leverage its infrastructure and manufacturing capabilities to produce a large volume of these ventilators.

Fitbit is the only company to shift away from its regular manufacturing operations to produce ventilators, as Dyson recently designed its own version as well.

Image credit: Fitbit

Source: Fitbit

The post Fitbit develops ‘low-cost’ ventilator to aid fight against COVID-19 appeared first on MobileSyrup.

04 Jun 22:13

Cowboy 3 :: Smartes Single-Speed E-Bike

by Volker Weber


Das Brüsseler Startup Cowboy legt die dritte Generation ihres Pedelecs auf. Die wichtigste Änderung ist ein Gates-Riemen mit kürzerer Übersetzung. Cowboy 3 ist ein design-orientiertes Smartbike wie das Vanmoof S3. Es wird von einer App unterstützt, die das Bike automatisch verschließen und öffnen kann, wenn man sich ihm nähert. Der wesentliche Vorteil gegenüber Vanmoof ist, dass man den Akku entnehmen kann, um ihn in der Wohnung aufzuladen.

Ich habe mir die Rahmengeometrie angeschaut und ich schätze, dass es mir etwas besser passt als das für mich etwas hohe S3. 2 Zentimeter machen da eine Menge aus. Was die technischen Daten angeht, liegt Vanmoof deutlich vorne. Größerer Akku, mehr Reichweite, mehr Drehmoment, mehr Zubehör. Vor allem aber ist das S3 mittlerweile billiger als das Cowboy. Schutzbleche sind ein kostenpflichtiges Extra beim Cowboy, ein Gepäckträger ist nicht im Angebot.

Die ersten Bikes sollen Ende Juli ausgeliefert werden. Ich werde dann mal eine Probefahrt versuchen.

More >

04 Jun 22:13

Physical Distancing 1948 Style~Vancouver’s Georgia Street & Bing Crosby comes to Town

by Sandy James Planner



Another gem from Diana Sampson via Dave2onreddit:

Here’s the corner of West Georgia and Howe Streets looking east. Take a look where the traffic lights were, they are on lamp standards. There’s no crosswalk markings, no curb cuts to make it easier to step off the curb when walking. The width of the sidewalk  appears to be a generous six meters wide. You can see the Hudson’s Bay building in the left background, and just make out the Birks Clock when Birks was located on Georgia Street.

That’s Tenth Avenue Angel playing at the Strand Theatre  in the background  starring Margaret O’Brien, Angela Lansbury and George Murphy.

It’s interesting  how vast the large portion of the street  dominated by vehicles appears. Signage for people crossing the road indicates that “pedestrians start on walk light only” , and is placed  way above walkers’ heads on the signpost  facing traffic. It is oddly located above  the  “left turn only” sign for vehicles.

To get a sense of the post-war optimism of the era, here’s a YouTube video from September 21,  1948 when Hollywood actor and singer Bing Crosby brought his “radio show” to Vancouver toraise money for the  completion of the Sunset Community Centre(which was again  replaced in 2007). He raised 25,000 dollars and the City of Vancouver contributed the rest.

You can hear City Hall being called “ultra modern” (it was built in 1935) and see the City’s silver mace (which is a replica of the City of London England’s mace and one of the only pieces of civic regalia hallmarked before  Edward VIII’s abdication)  being carried out.

The acting Mayor follows wearing the Chain of Office. Bing Crosby meets First Nations Chief Mathias at the Sunset Community Centre site and be aware, there are some cringe worthy comments  in the description.


04 Jun 13:54

Microsoft sacks journalists to replace them with robots

Jim Waterson, The Guardian, Jun 04, 2020

The age of the robot teacher takes another step closer. As reported here, "Dozens of journalists have been sacked after Microsoft decided to replace them with artificial intelligence software." More here. This is part of what have been ongoing efforts to automate journalism and continued work to evaluate its impact on society. One wonders how automated journalism systems would manage the current flow of fake news, the ongoing pandemic (and related misinformation), and the recent wave of protests in the U.S. To get some idea, perhaps, have a look at the automated news feeds produced by the likes of Facebook and Twitter.

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]
04 Jun 13:54

Reaching Out To Inactive Members

by Richard Millington

You have thousands, maybe even millions, of members who haven’t visited your community in years.

It’s a good idea to find out why not.

HealthUnlocked has a very simple survey here you can adapt.

(click here if the image doesn’t load)

It’s personal, it’s really quick, and it fills in the most likely responses for me.

The options reflect the most common reasons I’ve seen over the years for people drifting away too. i.e.

  • I’ve forgotten about [community].
  • I couldn’t find what I needed.
  • I found what I needed, no need to return.
  • I have been using [community], I just don’t log in to my account.
  • I haven’t had time.
  • Other (please specify).

You can adapt this pretty quickly for your community and the data you collect should prove invaluable.

04 Jun 13:54

Experiments with projectors and video calls

I’ve been posting recently about video calls and online talks. And, in the spirit of that, last week tweeted about a ridiculous experiment with an overhead projector.

Here’s what I did, with photos.

The setup is this:

  • I take the call (or presenting the talk) on my laptop
  • A few feet away, behind the laptop, is my overhead projector. It faces me (it’s bright!) so the projection appears on the wall behind me, effectively the background for my call
  • The projector is plugged into an Apple TV, which is screen mirroring from my iPad
  • I carry my iPad and drawing on the screen. Whatever I draw appears, projected, on the wall behind me. (I just scribble in a random drawing app using a black background.)

Seriously, check out the photos at that write-up. It’s a bit stupid. Plus the rest of this post is about those photos, so it’ll only make sense if you follow that link.

So, did it work?

It’s fun! And funny!

It’s funny to draw a lightbulb above my head which is visible to everyone else, even if I’m not full screen and speaking. Design for thumbnail view!

It’s funny to look sideways and pretend like laser beams are coming out of my eyes.

It’s funny to draw a speech bubble for myself.

Or to doodle illustrations around my head. Or an ocean scene, giving myself a diving helmet. Or to scribble a diagram.

What didn’t I expect?

The reason to experiment like this is classic design thinking through making:

  1. It’s hard to imagine the consequences of something that is itself only in your imagination. By making it, you give yourself a solid foundation, and consequences and possibilities suddenly pop into view.
  2. The material forces you to do things you didn’t plan on, and every workaround and quirk reveals more opportunities.

In this case I’m trying to learn about the interaction design. So what thinking through making says is that I should prototyping the interaction, in however janky a fashion. (Another approach is iterative development, always doing only the most straightforward next step that gets you closer to your goal, but always learning and re-evaluating what that goal is. I like this approach too.)


What I didn’t expect…

  • how interesting it would feel to draw on the wall instead of on an overlay on my screen. Once it’s on the wall, I - as a presenter - can move around, pointing and interacting. It’s not a green screen weather forecast, I can see the wall too!
  • wanting to gesture to trigger a drawing. I wanted to be able look sideways and open my mouth to create a speech bubble. Or hold a finger up to project a big number behind me, enumerating points in my argument. I was surprised about how live the drawing feels, and I want to capture and extend that.

What next?

The projector is janky and lo-fi, which makes it fun, but it would be neat to do this in software instead.

(The particular problem with the projector is lighting, as you’ll see from the experiment photos. The projection needs a dim room, the presenter needs a bright room; it’s an unhappy compromise.)

There’s a technology called virtual webcams – meaning that Zoom, instead of using your built-in webcam, uses a “camera” which has been manipulated by some other software first.

Here’s how to set up a virtual webcam using OBS. OBS?

OBS = Open Broadcaster Software. It’s free software that, with a bit of work, lets you do things like green screen.

Case in point: I caught on Twitter today that Mark Pesce is doing green screen Zoom talks – check it out, it looks fantastic.


what I want is…

  • to make it look at though I’m drawing on wall behind me. I don’t want it to look like I’m floating in space. I want the drawings to attach to my actual room and not to the screen – so maybe I could stick motion tracking markers on the wall behind me, and dynamically cut out and replace a fixed piece of the background to use as the virtual drawing pad?
  • to draw on my iPad and have it appear on that virtual wall. Now this… I have zero idea how to achieve. Any thoughts?

I’ll give it a go when I get a chance. Who know what I’ll learn. Thinking through making, I COMMEND THIS AS A PRACTICE.

04 Jun 13:53

So excited guys. We're going to take that thing where you can live in any of 27 countries and make it so you've just got this one, where you were born. I can barely contain my enthusiasm.…

by IanDunt
mkalus shared this story from iandunt on Twitter:
The whole “we’re happy to end freedom of movement” line is so Orwellian.

So excited guys. We're going to take that thing where you can live in any of 27 countries and make it so you've just got this one, where you were born. I can barely contain my enthusiasm.…

Just had an email to say I’ve been selected to sit on the Immigration Bill Committee over the next few weeks.

An exciting opportunity to help shape this landmark bill and deliver the end to freedom of movement.

We are delivering on the EU referendum, and on our manifesto 🇬🇧

1813 likes, 203 retweets

1541 likes, 362 retweets
04 Jun 02:51

bombardier strikes again

by wtyppod
mkalus shared this story from wtyppod on Twitter.

bombardier strikes again

74 likes, 8 retweets
04 Jun 02:51

Global PC shipments expected to fall by seven percent in 2020: report

by Aisha Malik
Surface Laptop 3 and Surface Pro 7

Global PC shipments are expected to fall by seven percent in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impact.

A new report from Canalys says that although “the worst is behind us,” we can expect to see declines throughout the rest of the year as well.

“Though the PC market has been rattled by the impact of COVID-19, the worst is behind us as Q2, Q3 and Q4 are all expected to post smaller year-on-year shipment declines than Q1. This is mainly due to a return to a healthy supply chain and manufacturing base in China, which will serve pent-up demand in segments such as remote working and education,” the report reads.

Canalys expects that global PC and tablet shipments will fall seven percent from 395.6 million units in 2019 to 367.8 million units in 2020 and return to a growth of two percent in 2022.

“But it is important to keep things in perspective: a modest recovery from a weak 2020 will not see the PC market return to the highs of 2019 for some years to come,” the report states.

Interestingly, the report notes that consumers may move away from spending money on non-essential devices like iPads and other tablets.

Image credit: Canalys

Source: Canalys Via: 9to5Mac

The post Global PC shipments expected to fall by seven percent in 2020: report appeared first on MobileSyrup.

04 Jun 02:51

Drupal 9.0.0 released

by Dries

Today, we released Drupal 9.0.0! This is a big milestone because we have been working on Drupal 9 for almost five years.

I updated my site to run Drupal 9 earlier today. It was easy!

As I write this, I'm overwhelmed by feelings of excitement and pride. There is something very special about building and releasing software with thousands of people around the world.

However, I find myself conflicted between today's successful launch and the tragic events in the United States. I can't go about business as usual. Discrimination is the greatest threat to any community, Drupal included.

I have always believed that Drupal is a force for good in the world. People point to our community as one of the largest, most diverse and most supportive Open Source projects in the world. While we make mistakes and can always be better, it's important that we lead by example. That starts with me. I am committing to the community that I will continue to learn more, and fight for equality and justice. I can and will do more. Above all else, it's important to stand in solidarity with Black members of the Drupal community — and the Black community at large.

During this somber time, I remain incredibly proud of our community for delivering Drupal 9. We did this together, as a global community made up of people from different races, ethnicities, genders, and national origins. It gives me some needed positivity.

If you haven't looked at Drupal in a while, I recommend you look again. Compared to Drupal 8.0.0, Drupal 9 is more usable, accessible, inclusive, flexible, and scalable than previous versions. We made so much progress on such important things:

  • Drupal 9 is dramatically easier to use for marketers
  • Drupal 9 is easier to maintain and upgrade for developers
  • Drupal is innovating with its headless or decoupled capabilities

It's hard to describe the amount of innovation and care that went into Drupal since the first release of Drupal 8 almost five years ago. To try and grasp the scale, consider this: more than 4,500 individuals contributed to Drupal core during the past 4.5 years. During that time, the number of active contributors increased by almost 50%. Together, we created the most author-friendly and powerful version of Drupal to date.

Thank you to everyone who made Drupal 9 happen.

04 Jun 02:51

Twitter Favorites: [Phil_Lewis_] To give you a sense of how many protesters are outside of the White House right now, 20 minutes after curfew:

philip lewis @Phil_Lewis_
To give you a sense of how many protesters are outside of the White House right now, 20 minutes after curfew:
04 Jun 02:47

Instapaper Liked: How Iceland Beat the Coronavirus

On the morning of Friday, February 28th, Ævar Pálmi Pálmason, a detective with the Reykjavík police department, was summoned by his boss. Iceland did not yet…
04 Jun 02:46

Ah go on then #JacobReesMorgue

by ottocrat
mkalus shared this story from ottocrat on Twitter.

Ah go on then #JacobReesMorgue

47 likes, 24 retweets