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10 Sep 15:00

Some Free Advice on Asking for Help

by Julie Moronuki

I’m supposed to be working on a different blog post right now, but I have a couple things on my mind about asking questions and asking for help as a beginner programmer that I wanted to get out there. It’s free advice, based on personal experience, so take it for what it’s worth.

I was in academia for several years, as both student and teacher, in linguistics and philosophy mostly. These are not easy fields, but they have a rich pedagogical history, so how they are taught and the progression through which students pass as they’re learning has some predictability to it.

One day, a couple of years ago, I abruptly decided to throw away my peaceful stay-at-home mom life for an exciting new adventure in functional programming, having never written a program more significant than drawing a circle in some kind of BASIC. Even though many people in programming now have computer science and/or math degrees, very many do not and are autodidacts, and even when they have a CS degree, they most likely did not learn FP at university and are substantially self-taught in that area. In computer science, the pedagogical history is shorter and much less settled, in my view, than it is in philosophy and linguistics. This leads to a lot of divergence in how people learn and what they know and what you can assume they know based on what they currently do.

So, the topic of asking and answering questions, as a learner and as a teacher, is one I’ve given considerable thought to and have a lot of experience with. Even now, in my relatively beginner position in this area, I am both teaching and learning as I go along, so it’s something I think about a lot from both sides.

Let me start by saying that it is my considered opinion that teachers are better teachers when they are always learning. They should be prepared to learn from their students in addition to learning from other experts in their field. If you have a teacher you can already tell believes they have nothing more to learn about a topic, be wary of them.


Try to solve a problem or find an answer to your question on your own first. This is especially true when the person you’re asking for help is volunteering their time, but it’s a good policy nevertheless. It is respectful of their time, but it is also respectful of your self and your own ability to find answers and solve problems. It will also help you learn more and remember better and build up a repertoire of problem-solving skills you can use repeatedly. I wish there were better resources for modeling processes for finding solutions, but this doesn’t seem to have gotten a great deal of attention yet. You can try Mark Dominus’s blog for frequent posts about just that – problems, but more importantly, how to go about solving them. That has helped me a lot.


Walk away from problems when they seem insoluble. Take a hike, eat a healthy dinner, get some sleep, play with your spouse, children, and dogs. Tomorrow when you come back to the problem, you may suddenly “get it.” If not, at least you’re asking for help with a fresh brain. So many times I find that if I do a bunch of reading about my problem, then walk away for a while, like marbles in a marble run, the bits of information that are relevant start falling into place. I might still need help, but I’ve made progress.


Consider the “five whys” of your own problem before asking for help. It might be different from the “whys” for a manufacturing concern, of course, but it’s important to ask the right question, and the right question might not be the one you think. When we’re talking about programming, you may think your problem is at the level of the function you’re trying to write and discover that it’s actually deeper, at the level of how you modeled your data. Be sure you know (and can explain) what problem you’re trying to solve and why, and you may find out (this is often true for me with Haskell) that solving that problem, better understood, is not what you were originally trying to do.


If, after you’ve tried to find an answer (for a reasonable amount of time – looking at more than one search result, for example, but abandoning it before you have bloodied your head on your desk in frustration), you haven’t found one, ask someone. If you made an honest attempt to find an answer or solution and cannot, maybe it’s not as obvious or beginnerish as you thought, and it’s not worth beating yourself up. It’s not efficient, and sometimes you have the interesting experience of finding out even the experts don’t have a pat answer to your question. That is, sometimes what you’re running up against is a problem no one knows a good solution to, even if you are a beginner. It’s happened to me.


Be careful whom you ask and in what setting. I’m very hesitant to ask questions in large public channels, whether IRC or Slack or Twitter. That isn’t entirely because I’m embarrassed or have had people be hostile to me in those channels; it’s because I have had the experience (and seen it happen to others) where several people start lobbing information at me at once. Some of it might be helpful, some of it probably isn’t, not all of it agrees with each other. As a beginner, I can’t always evaluate quickly which answers are great and which are horse-pucky. I end up feeling dazed and confused and sometimes worse off than when I started. So I try to pick my medium and my teachers carefully now.


Be prepared to answer some questions from your helper and quite possibly to provide code and even error messages that you’ve gotten. A good teacher will often ask clarification questions; they may look like the “five whys” you’ve already asked yourself. They’re not trying to be condescending (I mean, unless they’re a jerk, but this happens less often than well-intentioned miscommunication) or pedantic. They may well know from experience that the underlying cause has a different, possibly even easier, solution if you look at that and start fresh. To do that, they may need information. I know I often find myself getting defensive or embarrassed when teachers want more information about the question I’m asking, but they can’t help if they don’t know what I’ve already tried, what you’re really trying to do, and what exactly went wrong.


Believe that if something seems ridiculously difficult, the problem might not be you. It could be that the book has broken code (if my book has anything broken, please email us about it!), so it’s not your fault it doesn’t work. It could be that the library has bad (or no!) documentation or tutorials, or that they are written with the assumption that only experts will attempt to use them. It is entirely possible that the API is bad, that there is a bad user interface, that your computer is in revolt and will no longer do as you tell it. The time to feel bad about yourself is when you’ve just bitten your spouse’s head off because they forgot to buy milk, not when you find that the library you need has no working example to help you get started.


Ask that embarrassing question. This is the event that prompted me to write this post, because I need all this advice myself (pot meet kettle, et cetera et cetera). But this thread became a model of why you should ask. I had tried to find the answer myself. I didn’t find anything that was quite what I needed. Now, I’ve asked Michael Snoyman questions in the past and always found him gracious and forthcoming, so that was part of what made me feel comfortable doing it. I was embarrassed about asking publicly on Twitter, worried someone would sneer at me that everyone knows how to stop a Docker container. But, look, no one did! Not only did no one do that, no one pedantically corrected my wording. My fears were not realized. A friend popped in and gave me the answer that fixed my problem and Michael told me that he was able to reproduce the problem and find a way to fix it in the demo code. So, in some way, I may have contributed to an improvement by asking my naive question. It was a win for everyone.

Incidentally, teachers, that thread is a model of how to help beginners who don’t know what they’re doing. That was literally my second time doing anything with Docker and I really don’t know what I’m doing. But that’s OK! Because I’m learning.

Here is another Twitter thread that is a great example. When I posted the original tweet, I had no expectation that someone would come along and give me a useful answer, but he did and it turned into a helpful conversation. I learned from it, and so did a couple of other people. It’s pretty amazing when Twitter works like this.


Pretend to understand an explanation when you don’t. You might want to ask someone different or phrase your question differently, but some explanations won’t work for you, despite the other person’s good intentions, and that’s not your fault. The first time someone explained to me what a typeclass (in Haskell) is, it went like this:

“Types implement typeclasses.” “OK, what does that mean?” “It means they have an instance of the typeclass.” “What’s an instance?” “It’s the implementation.” “What does implementation mean here?” “It’s the instance.”

I had no idea what this was supposed to mean, but because they kept repeating the same words, I felt like they must think the explanation was obvious or easy and I should just be “getting it.” To some extent, there is a specific meaning to instance and implementation that many programmers do “just get,” so maybe this explanation would have worked for someone already familiar with the topic. But I wasn’t familiar, which was the point. So, I had to keep asking. “Yeah, but what is an instance?” until I finally got some new words to latch onto. In this case, really, words weren’t enough and I needed code to go along with it. And once you get it, you know what that first explanation was trying to tell you.

People don’t necessarily know what you don’t know. The explanation they first give might be very intimidating, and maybe you feel like you should just “get it” and maybe you feel like they feel that way, too. But if you didn’t understand, keep asking until you have something you can work with.


Feel embarrassed about learning. Try not to, anyway, because the fact that you’re doing the work of learning is something to be proud of and have fun with. My favorite thing about homeschooling is how much I learn in the process of teaching my kids. I’m 42 years old and I think I finally understand what calculus is supposed to be about. When I took it before, it was formulae, formulae everywhere and not a drop of understanding.

As I said, some of this is advice for myself, really. I’m trying to write these blog posts lately about some things I find interesting and cool, and I hamstring myself thinking it’ll be too beginner, too naive, not impressive enough. The blog post I mentioned at the top started simple, all youthful and innocent, and has now led me to this weird place where I think I understand something about category theory. And I’m afraid. I’m afraid I’m going to phrase something wrong. I’m afraid people will read it and think it’s too simple, because I don’t want the post to be about the category theory thing, I want it to be about how I got to the point of understanding that category theory thing so that you can, too (assuming you don’t already)!

Especially because I’m one of the authors of Haskell Book! People think I know so much. And it’s true that I know some things very well. It is not true that I know everything. But it’s hard to admit to not knowing everything in public.

I had all these same fears about the last blog post I wrote about Haskell, and none of that happened. So I’m going to do it again.

And I have had some really bad interactions with people since I’ve been learning programming. The fear is coming from a real place. There are jerks in the world, so I acknowledge that those fears are not always unreasonable and try not to let them stop me from learning by prioritizing my time and mental energy and focusing on the very many awesome people who want to help and teach and co-learn.

You know what they say:

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death. Don’t be afraid to ask your questions and learn more.

11 Aug 15:52

HoloLens is now available in Canadian Microsoft Stores

by Patrick O'Rourke

The developer version of HoloLens, Microsoft’s augmented reality headset, is now available at both the Canadian and U.S. Microsoft Store.

As a result, consumers can purchase up to five HoloLens headsets at a time without first proving that they’re a developer or waiting for an invite from Microsoft. It’s worth noting that a free Microsoft account is still required to complete the transaction.

HoloLens was originally announced back in 2015 and has evolved significantly since, adopting a wider field-of-view and increased resolution. While the headset is undeniably impressive, especially for first time AR users, its limited field of vision continues to be an issue.

The development edition of HoloLens is priced at $4,000 in the Canadian Microsoft Store. The headset is priced at $3,000 USD in the United States.

11 Aug 15:52

Designer makes clothes out of German transit...

by illustratedvancouver

Designer makes clothes out of German transit upholstery fabric, then rides trains. via

11 Aug 15:52

The Bike to Shop Challenge

by Ken Ohrn

Another fun HUB event today, generating some hoopla and attracting cameras.  All to help promote Bike to Shop Day (August 13). Note the Mobi bikes in the mix.

Bikey shoppers (and speakers) included City of Vancouver Deputy Mayor Heather Deal.  Other speakers included Dani Pretto, Chair of the Board of the DVBIA, who reiterated their support for more bike stuff all over their turf.  As they articulate in their goals:  “Downtown Vancouver will be more accessible by all modes of transportation”. Chris and Melissa Bruntlett of Modacity Happy shoppers and HUB event organizers Carried on a Mobi

Contestant teams got a “shopping list” of items to “buy” from friendly merchants (like London Drugs).  These included a giant inflatable donut and a vinyl LP record, among other things. Then off they went — and may the fastest shoppers win.


11 Aug 15:51

Twitter Favorites: [awesome] it's taken 222 days, 13 hours, and 46 minutes, but something good has finally happened in 2016:

stephanie vacher @awesome
it's taken 222 days, 13 hours, and 46 minutes, but something good has finally happened in 2016:…
11 Aug 15:51

Refreshed Surface Book could revamp fulcrum hinge, Surface ‘All-in-One in the works

by Patrick O'Rourke

With the fall looking ever closer, it’s almost time for another Surface line refresh.

According to a report stemming from Windows Central, the new version of the Surface Book will feature Intel’s Kaby Lake processor, though the new silicon won’t start shipping until late 2016. The laptop-tablet hybrid will also feature USB 3.1, some form of updated independent graphics architecture and a 4K screen.

Most interestingly, however, the Book’s fulcrum hinge, which worked great on a practical level, but wasn’t exactly aesthetically pleasing, is in store for a redesign, moving the display flush with its keyboard, adopting a look and feel similar to that of a standard laptop.

In terms of the Surface Pro 5, little is known so far, though All About Microsoft’s Mary Jo Foley says her sources indicate the device will be announced this fall with a ship date only a few weeks later. It’s predicted that the Surface Pro 4 refresh will feature Intel’s Kaby Lake architecture, similar to the Surface Book, and a 4K screen, though it’s possible Microsoft could be saving UHD for its higher-end Book.

A third mystery Surface device, which we reported on last month, featuring either a 21-inch 1080p display, 24-inch 4K screen or 27-inch 4K glass, could also be revealed. This new desktop device, rumoured to be called the Surface All-in-One, is designed to work in your living room, though little is known about the often-rumoured device.

Rumours indicate that is the All-in-One does get a commercial release, it likely won’t be in 2016. The same can be said about the often-rumoured Surface Phone.

11 Aug 15:51

In praise of failure

by Benedict Evans

In most jobs and most industries, if you do something that doesn't work out, that's a bad thing, and you might get fired. If you write a cover story for a newspaper that turns out to be untrue, you have a problem. If you ship a product that breaks, you have a problem.

If you do something that doesn't work out, that means you screwed up. 

Startups and startup investing don't quite work like this.

Last year Horsley Bridge (one of our LPs - investors in a16z's funds) shared some aggregate data with us on just over 7,000 investments made by funds in which it invested, from 1985 to 2014. This gives a good way of visualising the world of VC-backed startups. First, the high level:

  • Around half of all investments returned less than the original investment
  • 6% of deals produced at least a 10x return, and those made up 60% of total returns

Digging into the data to look at the returns of different funds, below: 

  • With the exception of funds that simply flamed out (concentrated in the dotcom bubble), everyone lost money on around half of their deals
  • But the best-performing funds actually had more <1x deals - more deals that lost money in absolute terms. You could call this the 'Babe Ruth effect' - you take more risks to get the best returns
  • A fund gets better returns by having more really big hits, not by having fewer failures 

That concentration continues when you ask just what a '10x deal' really is - in fact, there’s no such thing. For funds with an overall return of 3-5x, which is what VC funds aim for, the overall return was 4.6x but the return of the deals that did better than 10x was actually 26.7x. For >5x funds, it was 64.3x

The best VC funds don’t just have more failures and more big wins - they have bigger big wins.

If you're a portfolio manager in a conventional public equities fund and you invest in a bunch of stocks that go down (or underperform the index), you could well lose your job, because your other investments can't make up for that loss. And if a public company went to zero, that would meant that a lot of people had screwed up really badly - public companies aren't ever supposed to go to zero, in the ordinary run of things. 

But venture capital funds invest in a different kind of company - they invest in a particular type of startup, one that is much more likely to go to zero, but which has the potential, if it does succeed, to produce something very big. The enormous value created by the startups that really work is possible in a way that's not really true in many other places. It's possible for a few people to take an idea and create a real company worth billions of dollars in less than a decade - to go from an idea and a few notes to Google or Facebook, or for that matter Dollar Shave Club or Nervana. It's possible for entrepreneurs to create something with huge impact. 

But equally, anything with that much potential has a high likelihood of failure - if it was obviously a good idea with no risks, everyone would be doing it. Indeed, it's inherent in really transformative ideas that they look like bad ideas - Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon all did, sometimes several times over. In hindsight the things that worked look like good ideas and the ones that failed look stupid, but sadly it's not that obvious at the time. Rather, this is how the process of invention and creation works. We try things - we try to create companies, products and ideas, and sometimes they work, and sometimes they change the world. And so, we see, in our world around half such attempts fail completely, and 5% or so go to the moon.

Clearly, not every new company or new business idea fits this model - not every startup has the potential or the risk we see here, and not every 'startup' is right for VC. Other, these are companies that sit right out at one end of the risk/reward curve, and you have to understand both the scale of the potential risk and the scale of the potential reward.

This is an interesting intellectual challenge for a VC or, more importantly, an entrepreneur: you need to ask not whether this idea will fail, let alone whether it could fail, but rather, ‘what would it be if it worked?’ You need, in a sense, to ‘suspend disbelief’ - to put aside your normal human risk-aversion and skepticism, accept the probability that it could go to zero, and ask if this could 'put a dent in the world', and if so, how big. 

Indeed, all of this applies to entrepreneurs even more than it does to VCs. Just as VCs would like only to do the deals that succeed, so would entrepreneurs. But entrepreneurs only get to do one at a time (normally). So an entrepreneur is committing years of their life to just one brilliant, terrible idea, that probably won't work, but if it does, will be enormous. And around half of those commitments fail - there are lots of risks, and lots of ways that these attempts can fail, without it being anyone's fault. If you take a normal, mature company to zero in a few years, you probably screwed up, but if a startup doesn't make it, generally that's just the risk you took. Pulling a company into reality out of thin air, through sheer force of will, isn't easy. But you're only reading this because of the entrepreneurs who took that bet. This is how invention works. 

None of this means that failure is good - failure is horrible and painful for everyone. You're not supposed to fail. Nor does it mean that doing stupid things is good, nor that screwing up is good. It certainly doesn't mean that no tech company that failed ever did something stupid or screwed up, nor that no VC has ever made an investment that they shouldn't have. People screw up in tech all the time. But failure is part of risk, and failing, by itself, does not mean that anyone was stupid, or screwed up. Failure just means you tried. 

11 Aug 15:49

Arbutus Greenway Conversations

by Stephen Rees

There is nothing scientific about this: merely talking to the people we happen to meet when walking on the Greenway. I am astonished how much information people are willing to share. I think it is an affirmation of how effective the current work has been that people actually want to stop and talk about it. I have yet to meet anyone who opposes the use of black top. And on the section between 16th and 33rd where the work has been completed, I have only heard positive comments.

Today we met a woman who had been in charge of the work creating the BC Parkway (formerly the BCER right of way through Burnaby and New Westminster). She was most impressed by what has been done north of 33rd, where we met her, but was unaware of the opposition to the use of blacktop. She felt that rolled gravel was far inferior, and would be the cause of greater injury to cyclists.

“You come off on gravel, that’s gonna hurt!”

Rolled gravel greenway south of 33rd Ave

This is the unpaved surface south of the 33rd Avenue crossing: it is going to be like this all the way to South West Marine and beyond.

We also discussed the politics of the decision. There are some people who feel that the priority for City funds should be affordable housing, meeting the needs of the homeless rather than a public amenity for one of the wealthiest  neighbourhoods. “But this” she said, indicating the Greenway, “is going to be available to everyone. And it’s going to be a great place to teach children how to bicycle. I taught my kids to cycle in a cemetery. There’s not much traffic and they don’t drive fast there.” She was also unaware of the upcoming consultations, so I pointed her to the sign (actually now set up again but facing the wrong way) which has the URL of the city information piece.

“I’m going to buy a bench for it!” She had also not heard of the use of movable tables and chairs in New York City for places like Times Square.

We also met Gabriel, on his electric scooter. My partner wondered to me if he was in the wrong place – but I pointed out it was not a motor scooter, as it was silent! He told us that the scooter is speed limited [“no faster than 32 km/h on level ground“]. He was very pleased to see the improvement which eases his commute: he works in one of the houses along the way. We talked about the process of consultation. He was full of ideas about what could go along the greenway. Perhaps the most far sighted was his idea for a roundabout to replace the current complex double signals at 41st Ave and the Boulevards. He thought that a large enough public space in the middle would become a popular meeting place, if properly designed, and a great improvement in the urban streetscape.

Screen Shot 2016-08-10 at 5.56.23 PM

Earlier this week we met some people on bicycles, peering over the barriers at 16th Avenue where the gravel starts.

Rolled gravel Arbutus Greenway at 16th Ave north side

They were not inclined to proceed further, and turned around to retrace their route back up to Kerrisdale. They had some fairly pointed views on those who opposed the use of blacktop.

POSTSCRIPT I have just read another blog post in the form of a letter to Council on the issue from the perspective of someone who uses a wheelchair. Essential reading, I think,  for a number of reasons.

Filed under: Arbutus Greenway Tagged: Arbutus Corridor, Vancouver
11 Aug 15:49

Samsung Galaxy Note7 vs Apple iPhone 6s Plus: Specs Comparison

by Sagar Gandhi
The Galaxy Note7 is the latest flagship by Samsung and packs a whole bunch of new features as it becomes the Korean giant’s shiniest and most powerful baby ever. This begs the question: How do the specifications of the Note7 fair when compared to the Apple iPhone 6s Plus? Well, we decided to make it easier to see where both of those devices excel. Continue reading →
11 Aug 15:49

2016 Buyer’s Guide: Best E-Bikes

by elbybike

Whether you’re riding city streets, open country roads, or mountain bike trails, these e-bikes can make your ride faster (and more fun)


11 Aug 14:41

Voyager avec style

by elbybike

Maintenant, les bienfaits de délaisser votre voiture pour une journée ou trois ou trois cent sont aussi connus que le mot de passe Facebook de votre grand-mère (indice : c’est le nom de son chat, en majuscule). Nous en avons tous entendu parler : bienfaits pour la santé, économie des coûts, amélioration de l’humeur, sauver la planète, bien paraître dans un pantalon serré, pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns. Si vous êtes un adulte, vous le savez sans doute déjà. Ajoutez à cela la prédominance croissante des vélos électriques à assistance et vous penserez que les États-Unis feront maintenant l’envie d’Amsterdam.

Alors pourquoi les rues ne sont pas encombrées de vélos qui conduisent sur la chaussée tandis que votre grand-oncle tente en vain de rouler dans sa vieille Hyundai Excel rouillée?

Et bien, c’est compliqué. Mais cela devient de plus en plus simple.

Le premier obstacle n’est pas toujours le vélo. Ce n’est pas le trafic non plus. Ce sont les vêtements. Vêtir votre, hum, derrière dans un maillot de corps en lycra de taille 0.5 avant d’aller au bureau est franchement difficile à vendre. Nous avons regardé le Tour de France et même ces hommes-là ne sont pas à l’aise. La plupart d’entre nous avons un style bien à nous : c’est l’expression de notre personnalité, unicité et la plupart du temps, cela nous avantage.

Et si nous vous disions que tous ces vêtements collants sur la peau pouvaient être laissés aux cyclistes de fin de semaine et aux professionnels filiformes Européens? Et si nous vous disions que vous pouviez continuer à faire tourner les têtes en laissant votre voiture dans votre allée sauvant ainsi du gaz, l’environnement et votre tour de taille?

Considérez les problèmes vestimentaires associés aux cyclistes comme un mythe :

• « Mon jeans bootcut va se coincer dans la chaîne de vélo »
   • La transmission d’Elby est protégé par un carter résistant aux intempéries qui gardera votre pantalon propre et votre chaîne bien lubrifiée. En outre, les jeans bootcut sont de retour.

• Short rembourré?
   • La selle d’Elby est extrêmement différente des autres selles étroites sur lesquelles s’assoient les professionnels. Votre sofa aura finalement de la compétition.

• Vêtements chauds?
   • Évidemment, vous voulez une couche de vêtement supplémentaire lorsque vous roulez dans votre courant-jet de 32 km/h. Cela pourrait être n’importe quoi; du cardigan préféré de Mr. Rogers au coton-ouaté de Drake.

• Transpiration?
   • Peut-être avec les autres vélos. Le moteur à couple élevé d’Elby fera le plus gros du travail alors que vous pédalerez légèrement dans votre courant-jet. À moins que vous soyez à Tempe au mois d’août, nous suggérons de laisser celui-ci aux mordus de la transpiration.

• Cheveux ébouriffé à cause de votre casque?
Munissez-vous d’un peigne. C’est probablement le seul aspect non-négociable et avec raison.
Les casques sauvent des vies. Ceux qui sont disponibles aujourd’hui sont plus légers, plus confortables et plus tendances que jamais alors ne soyez pas gêné de le porter.

Mais souvenez-vous, le transport à vélo est une habitude. Les premières fois seront un ajustement à quelque chose de nouveau et différent mais c’est exactement ce qu’est l’évolution et le changement. À la fin de la semaine, par contre, la plupart des gens sont accros et continuent sur cette lancée. Faites-le sur un Elby et vous vous convertirez avant même d’être rendu à la maison.
Et vous serez sensationnel en le conduisant!

11 Aug 14:41

Commencer une révolution.

by elbybike


Ce n’est pas un secret, les Américains adorent les voitures mais une révolution est en train de créer un momentum. L’Europe et l’Asie ouvrent la voie en approuvant déjà les e-bikes. Maintenant, c’est à notre tour de faire évoluer les lois et d’adopter le vélo électrique.

Le Colorado est en train de bouger. Ils sont en avance sur l’adaptation de lois et l’acceptation des e-bikes mais il reste beaucoup de chemin à faire. Pour plus d’information à propos de la législation concernant les vélos électriques au Colorado, rendez-vous sur The Denver Post. 

11 Aug 14:41

Yahoo! Loves Elby

by elbybike


Yahoo’s David Pogue recently had the chance to get to know Elby, and it seems he’s a fan. This is apparent when he, his friends, family and the Yahoo crew hopped on our eBike for a test drive. Exclamations like, “Oh my GOD!” or “Oh MAN!” or “Holy ____!” were abound.

We, of course, couldn’t agree more! To check out his full article, head over to Yahoo.

11 Aug 14:40

It's the people

by Volker Weber

Coltrane Curtis for AdvertisingAge:

Influencer marketing is not about knowing who the right people are, it's about actually knowing those people.

Coltrane is right. But he missed the bigger picture. It's always about people.

11 Aug 14:40

Activate Mozilla

by Brian King

Today we are launching Activate Mozilla, a campaign where you can find what are the focus initiatives that support the current organization goals, how to start participating and mobilize your community around clearly defined activities.

Activate Mozilla Site
Activate Mozilla Site

One of the main asks from our community recently has been the need of more clarity on what are the most important things to do to support Mozilla right now and how to participate. With this site we have a place to answer this question that is always up-to-date.

We are launching with three activities, focused on Rust, Web Compatibility, and Test Pilot. Within each activity we explain why this is important, some goals we are trying to reach, and provide step by step instructions on how to do the activity. We want you to #mozactivate by mobilizing your community, so don’t forget to share share share!
This is a joint effort between the Participation team and other teams at Mozilla. We’ll be adding more activities to the campaign over time.

11 Aug 14:39

Trump tweets from Android are angrier than from iPhone

by Nathan Yau

Trump iphone

Sometimes I check Donald Trump’s Twitter feed, as many find themselves doing and quickly regretting. There’s definitely a certain style to some of the tweets. But there are also tweets that don’t seem so “sad!” David Robinson was curious if you can see this difference if you look at tweets sent from an iPhone and those sent from an Android phone.

There appears that you can. Angrier tweets tend to come from the Android and the less angrier ones tend to come from an iPhone. Do what you want with that information.

Tags: election, Twitter

11 Aug 14:39

IFTTT Launches Developer Platform for App Integrations

by Federico Viticci

Interesting move from IFTTT: the company has launched a developer platform to let third-parties enable recipe-building functionality into their apps.

We’ve worked closely with a select group of partners to add IFTTT directly into their apps. Users will be able to discover and activate IFTTT Recipes without having to leave a partner’s app. These native experiences make IFTTT more accessible than ever.

Our partners all have one thing in common: the desire to add value and enable a more seamless experience for their users.

Explaining IFTTT's web automation is probably the biggest hurdle to get started with the service. Having a streamlined recipe interface inside multiple native apps could help.

→ Source:

11 Aug 14:39

Fox is producing a game show based on music-identification app Shazam

by Rose Behar

Who would’ve thought Shazam’s next step would be a game show?

The music-identification service is partnering with Survivor executive producer Mark Burnett to develop a show called ‘Beat Shazam,’ which has just been picked up by Fox. The show features individuals competing to identify songs against the all-knowing app itself.

Burnett is also behind such hits as The Voice and Celebrity Apprentice, and is working alongside Jeff Apploff, who produced a similarly themed show called Don’t Forget the Lyrics.

Beat Shazam doesn’t have a premier date yet, but seems designed to fill the hole left by American Idol, which concluded its 15th and final season on Fox in April 2016.

Shazam was founded in 1999 and currently has hundreds of millions of monthly active users, though it faces stiff competition from music sourcing features that can be found in broader-use apps created by larger companies, like Google’s Now and Microsoft’s Bing.

While certainly one of the first game shows based on an app ever produced, Shazam and Fox are not the only players that foresee app-related content translating well to the small screen. Apple revealed in July 2016 that it was producing its own reality show starring 100 real app developers titled ‘Planet of the Apps.’

Related reading: Apple reveals ‘Planet of the apps’ reality TV series

11 Aug 14:39

Dear Wirecutter: What’s the Best Camera for a Surgery Resident?

by WC Staff

Q: I am a plastic surgery resident, and I need a camera for documenting every case we do with pre- and post-op photos. But surgeons have a lengthy list of requirements when it comes to cameras.

10 Aug 22:51

Instapaper Liked: Twitter is expanding the creation of Moments to everyone, starting with brands and influencers

Twitter is opening up Moments creation to everyone. Who will create the first MomentStorm? — Denim & Steel (@DenimAndSteel) August 10,…
10 Aug 22:50

True Costs: The Housing / Transit Connection

by pricetags

From CNU Public Square:


Those who are familiar with the price premiums attached to places with high walkability and associated amenities may be surprised by the findings of Christopher Leinberger and Michael Rodriguez of George Washington University.

The authors of the recent report Foot Traffic Ahead published a piece in The Washington Post explaining why moderate-income households end up spending less of their hard-earned money when living in highly desirable walkable urban places.

First, metro areas with higher Walk Scores tend to generate higher incomes, helping to offset higher housing costs. …

“Moderate-income households in the most walkable urban metros, such as Washington and San Francisco, spend more on housing than moderate-income households in the most drivable metro areas, such as Las Vegas and Tampa. But the difference is less than 1 percent of income for housing (41.5 percent in walkable metros vs. 40.9 percent in drivable metros).

Second, lower transportation costs more than make up for the small difference in income spent on housing.

“Moderate-income households in drivable metros spend 29 percent of income on transportation, because of the high cost of car ownership. In metro Washington, moderate-income households only spend 17 percent of income on transportation, primarily because of our transit system,” they write. Foot Traffic Ahead examines the 30 largest metro areas in the US.

Yet making places more walkable places does not solve the problem. Housing should be closer to 30 percent of income, even for moderate income households, Leinberger and Rodriguez say. “Overall, walkable urban places are the most socially equitable. But the rent is still too damn high.”

We can provide more attainable housing in places that are walkable. That can be accomplished through policy and increasing supply. Increasing transit in a metro area is one way to boost the supply.


In Vancouver Metro (as in most places), we rarely make the link between more transit and housing affordability.  The latter may be the most discussed topic in the region, but transit expansion has dropped off the table (save for funding the major rail projects) because of the referendum.

The Province is now desperate to address affordability (mainly by putting pressure on the municipalities to increase supply) but makes no effort to move forward with any other transportation projects than major roads and bridges (which will arguably reduce affordability when both H + T are calculated together.)

Once again, both the foresight of the regional vision (“Cities in a Sea of Green”) and its abandonment largely go without comment.  Yet there is no other vision that could serve us as well to address the most urgent problems of the moment.

10 Aug 22:50

Google’s Chrome Browser to Block Flash

by John Voorhees

Yesterday, Google announced that its Chrome browser will begin blocking Flash that runs in the background of webpages in September and make HTML5 the ‘default Chrome experience’ in December. According to Google:

Today, more than 90% of Flash on the web loads behind the scenes to support things like page analytics. This kind of Flash slows you down, and starting this September, Chrome 53 will begin to block it. HTML5 is much lighter and faster, and publishers are switching over to speed up page loading and save you more battery life. You’ll see an improvement in responsiveness and efficiency for many sites.

In December, Chrome 55 will make HTML5 the default experience, except for sites which only support Flash.

It has been more than six years since Steve Jobs penned an open letter titled ‘Thoughts on Flash,’ in which he concluded:

Flash was created during the PC era – for PCs and mice. Flash is a successful business for Adobe, and we can understand why they want to push it beyond PCs. But the mobile era is about low power devices, touch interfaces and open web standards – all areas where Flash falls short.

The avalanche of media outlets offering their content for Apple’s mobile devices demonstrates that Flash is no longer necessary to watch video or consume any kind of web content. And the 250,000 apps on Apple’s App Store proves that Flash isn’t necessary for tens of thousands of developers to create graphically rich applications, including games.

New open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win on mobile devices (and PCs too). Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind.

Jobs’ open letter was controversial when it was published. In 2010, Flash was everywhere, serving much of the video on the web and acting as a platform for online gaming. HTML5 was making headway, but it was the clear underdog.

Adobe’s initial response to Jobs came from none other than Kevin Lynch, who was the CTO of Adobe in 2010, but is now a Vice President of Technology at Apple, leading the development of watchOS. Lynch announced that Adobe was shifting its focus away from the iPhone and iPad in favor of implementing Flash on Android and other mobile platforms.

Flash never got a firm foothold in the mobile world. Roughly eighteen months after Jobs’ open letter, Adobe abandoned Flash for mobile and began to embrace HTML5. Since then, HTML5 has been incorporated into many of Adobe’s products and Adobe has actively participated in its development. The decline of Flash on PCs has been slower, but is likely to accelerate given Chrome’s browser market share, which, according to NetMarketShare, exceeds 50%.

Chrome is notoriously hard on laptops’ battery life. In what struck me as a significant understatement, Google says that:

Aside from [being prompted to enable Flash on Flash-only sites], the only change you’ll notice is a safer and more power-efficient browsing experience.

In a consumer PC market dominated by laptops, better battery life and safety may be the ‘only’ benefits users will notice, but they are nonetheless significant.

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10 Aug 22:50

Google Docs and Sheets Add Split-View Support

by John Voorhees

Earlier today, Google Docs and Google Sheets for iOS were updated with Split View support. Google Docs also added the ability to insert images and page breaks in documents. With iOS 9, Apple introduced the ability to run two apps side-by-side on certain models of the iPad. In the ensuing months, Google Docs and Sheets were updated regularly, but Split View remained conspicuously absent. Now, on the eve of the release of iOS 10, users who rely on Google Docs and Sheets can finally write and work on spreadsheets on the iPad alongside another iOS app.

Update: In addition to Docs and Sheets, Google has updated Slides for iOS with Split View support.

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Club MacStories will help you discover the best apps for your devices and get the most out of your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Plus, it’s made in Italy.

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10 Aug 22:50

Investigating the Potential of Blockchains


Open University, Aug 13, 2016

This is a very clearly written description of blockchain technology and how it can be used in education. It mostly quotes from John Domingue, director of the Open University's Knowledge Media Institute. See also this  position paper from Domingue and three other authors and an article by Robert Herian on  trusteeship in a post-trust world, and a webcast by Hugh Halford-Thompson on how blockchain technologies will change industries. But of course the best proof is in the demo, and the web page has a number of videos illustrating what the blockchain running on  Etherium could enable, including conference registrations, reputation systems, and open badges. It's easy to become enthusiastic about blockchains, but it should be kept in mind that a blockchain is nothing more than a ledger; the actual work takes place outside the blockchain environment. And we should be careful not to overvalue things that can be represented in blockchains, and to question whether we actually need the representation. Do students need badges, or job offers? Do contractors need reputation points, or trust?

[Link] [Comment]
10 Aug 22:50

Apple rumoured to finally refresh its aging MacBook Pro line

by Patrick O'Rourke

It looks like Apple finally has plans to overhaul its MacBook Pro laptop line, the first revamp in four years, according to Bloomberg’s Marc Gurman.

The updated laptop will reportedly be thinner and feature a touch screen strip for various function keys. The new Pro will also feature more powerful and efficient graphics processors, according to Gurman’s sources.

In a disappointing move, however, the new Pro likely won’t be unveiled at Apple’s September 7th iPhone 7 event. The upcoming keynote will be focused solely on the iPhone 7’s reveal, with a subsequent keynote honing in on the MacBook Pro’s refresh at at a later date.

The goal of the dedicated function display is to simplify often-used keyboard short cuts, making them more accessible to less experiences Mac users. This means that the panel will likely include media playback controls, as well as cut and paste commands.

The new laptop’s casing is set to be thinner and lighter than the current Pro, but won’t feature a tapered, slanted body, like the current MacBook and MacBook Air. It will, however, include the touch-sensitive trackpad featured in the company’s MacBook, according to Gurman’s unnamed sources.

Finally, the new Pro will utilize USB-C, similar to the new MacBook, though it’s unclear if the laptop will also include traditional USB-A ports as well. It’s also possible that the new laptop could include fingerprint scanning technology that’s similar to Touch ID

It’s unclear if the MacBook Air will also receive a revamp, though it’s possible, given that despite how great the laptop still is, it’s rapidly aging.

10 Aug 22:50

How To Run Mathematica on a 20-core Raspberry Pi Cluster

by Rui Carmo

I’ve been a Mathematica fan on and off throughout the years, and this week’s announcement of version 11 made me a little wistful, so I felt the need to kick the tires a bit on my Raspberry Pi (which can run a free license of version 10.3). As it would happen, it does in fact allow me to have partial access to most of the new features (yeah, including the Pokémon database…), so that’s been fun.

But after playing with it for a while under Raspbian, I realized that it also supports remote Mathematica kernels (a feature I used infrequently, but with great results many years ago), so I started wondering if I could run it alongside Spark and Jupyter on my little home cluster, which sports 5 Pi2 boards and a total of 20 CPU cores.

However, my cluster runs Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial), and I’m not going to throw away vastly improved packages and a working setup to return to Raspbian (not to mention the work of having to reflash all the SD cards again).

So the stage was set for another of my little challenges — figuring out how to get the Raspbian binaries to run on Ubuntu, and then how to get Mathematica to run parallel computations on my cluster.

Installing Mathematica on Ubuntu 16.04 armhf

As it turns out, everything was fairly easy to figure out. Assuming you’re running Ubuntu on your Pi already via one of the official Ubuntu images, to get things started you want to grab the latest wolfram-engine package from the Raspberry Foundation’s repository:


Then, since libffi5 no longer exists in Ubuntu (it’s been replaced with libffi6), we need to get an equivalent armhf package from the Debian repositories:


Then we can install the dependencies that are directly replaceable with standard Ubuntu packages:

sudo apt-get install libxmu6 libxt6 libice6 libsm6 libxrandr2 libxfixes3\
                     libxcursor1 libpango1.0-0 libhunspell-1.3-0 libcairo2\
                     libportaudio2 libjack-jackd2-0 libsamplerate0

…and install the .deb files we got:

sudo dpkg -i libffi5_3.0.10-3+b1_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i wolfram-engine_10.3.1+2016012407_armhf.deb

And presto, we have Mathematica installed in /opt/Wolfram/WolframEngine:

$ /opt/Wolfram/WolframEngine/10.3/Executables/math
Wolfram Language (Raspberry Pi Pilot Release)
Copyright 1988-2016 Wolfram Research
Information & help:

Mathematica cannot find a valid password.

For automatic Web Activation enter your activation key
(enter return to skip Web Activation): 

Getting it to Run Consistently

As far as I could tell, in order to validate that it’s running on the Raspberry Pi Mathematica requires access to the Pi’s hardware (namely /dev/fb0 and /dev/vchiq), and the best way to do that is make sure the user you’re running it under is a member of the video group.

The framebuffer device already has the right permissions, but /dev/vchiq doesn’t:

$ ls -al /dev/fb0
crw-rw---- 1 root video 29, 0 Feb 11 16:28 /dev/fb0
$ ls -al /dev/vchiq 
crw------- 1 root root 245, 0 Feb 11 16:28 /dev/vchiq

So let’s make things right for a quick test:

sudo chown root:video /dev/vchiq
sudo chmod g+r+w /dev/vchiq
sudo usermod -G video username

And now, it works — temporarily:

$ /opt/Wolfram/WolframEngine/10.3/Executables/math
Wolfram Language (Raspberry Pi Pilot Release)
Copyright 1988-2016 Wolfram Research
Information & help:


But once you reboot, /dev/vchiq will revert to its default permissions.

So we need a udev rule to make the change permanent:

echo 'ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="vchiq", GROUP="video"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/91-mathematica.rules

The Mathematics of Clustering

So how do we run Mathematica on a Raspberry Pi cluster?

Well, Mathematica understands about RemoteKernels, so this is fairly easy to do — although a bit fiddly compared to the Lightweight Grid Manager that I played around with some time ago.

Assuming you’ve already set up passwordless SSH between nodes (which I won’t go into here), the first thing you need is to define a function to generate a remote kernel configuration (in essence a command line and a kernel count):

Parallel`Settings`$MathLinkTimeout = 100;
ssh = "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=;ssh"; (* avoid using Wolfram's bundled libraries *)
kernels = 4; (* for each node *)
math = "/opt/Wolfram/WolframEngine/10.3/Executables/math" <> " -wstp -linkmode Connect `4` -linkname `2` -subkernel -noinit > /dev/null 2>&1 &";

configureKernel[host_] :=
   ssh <> " " <> "ubuntu" <> "@" <> host <> " \"" <> math <> "\"", kernels];

With that done, all you need to do is to actually launch the kernels:

In[2]:= LaunchKernels[Map[configureKernel, {"node1", "node2", "node3", "node4"}]]

Out[2]= {"KernelObject"[1, "node1"], "KernelObject"[2, "node1"], 
         "KernelObject"[3, "node1"], "KernelObject"[4, "node1"], 
         "KernelObject"[5, "node2"], "KernelObject"[6, "node2"], 
         "KernelObject"[7, "node2"], "KernelObject"[8, "node2"], 
         "KernelObject"[9, "node3"], "KernelObject"[10, "node3"], 
         "KernelObject"[11, "node3"], "KernelObject"[12, "node3"], 
         "KernelObject"[13, "node4"], "KernelObject"[14, "node4"], 
         "KernelObject"[15, "node4"], "KernelObject"[16, "node4"]}

You should keep in mind that remote kernels are higher-priority by default for parallelizing operations but not for regular computations. To use them indiscriminately (if you really want to, since it might not be that efficient) you need to add them to the $ConfiguredKernels variable:

(* Don't do this indiscriminately *)
$ConfiguredKernels = Join[$ConfiguredKernels, 
                          LaunchKernels[Map[configureKernel, {"node1", "node2", "node3", "node4"}]]];

So, How Fast Is It?

For parallelizable workloads, it can be surprisingly quick. On my Raspberry Pi 2 cluster, running the front-end on the master node via X11 and computing word frequency histograms of 25 languages on the four worker nodes is ten times faster in parallel mode.

In[3]:= languages = DictionaryLookup[All]; Length[languages]

Out[3]= 27

In[4]:= Timing[ (* local kernel *)
         hist = Table[
            Histogram[StringLength /@ DictionaryLookup[{l, All}], {1, 25, 1}, 
             PlotLabel -> l, PlotRange -> {{0, 25}, All}, 
             PerformanceGoal -> "Speed"], {l, languages}];]
Out[4]= {72.324, Null]

Here’s the same run atop those 16 kernels we created above, and without adding them to $ConfiguredKernels:

In[5]:= Timing[ (* 16 remote kernels *)
         hist = ParallelTable[
            Histogram[StringLength /@ DictionaryLookup[{l, All}], {1, 25, 1}, 
             PlotLabel -> l, PlotRange -> {{0, 25}, All}, 
             PerformanceGoal -> "Speed"], {l, languages}];]
Out[5]= {7.544, Null}

Seven and a half seconds, not bad. Around twice the time the front-end took to render this on the GUI:

In[6]:= GraphicsGrid[Partition[hist, 5], ImageSize -> 700]



You’re probably asking yourself if this is actually useful in real life, and I’d have to say that using Mathematica in this way, without a really nice (i.e., native Mac) front-end and with the slight slowness that the Raspberry Pi always has, leaves something to be desired. Even the quad-core Pi 2 boards I’m using right now (which I haven’t overclocked past 900MHz for stability) have occasional trouble rendering the UI, and although my little cluster runs Spark and plenty of other things without a hitch, they tend to be far less demanding in nature.

But for educational purposes, this is an amazing setup, and I’m pretty sure we’ll see other people doing the same (hopefully without unleashing Wolfram’s wrath — remember they provided a special license to the Raspberry Pi Foundation out of goodwill, and we shouldn’t abuse that).

As to myself, I will be using this setup (and Wolfram’s web-based service) for playing around with their new machine learning features over my summer vacation. I fervently hope the remote kernel support isn’t removed in the next Raspberry Pi edition, because it’s such an amazingly neat thing to finally be able to run Mathematica across 20 kernels — a dream I never believed possible when I bought this book 25 years ago, way back in 1991.

Kind of amazing to think that a single of these boards is more powerful than the VAX we ran our whole class on.

10 Aug 22:50

Pseudoscience is common among elite athletes outside of the Olympics too…and it makes me furious.

by Jennifer Raff
mkalus shared this story from Violent metaphors.


The many stories yesterday featuring Olympians appearing with cupping marks on their skin have brought renewed attention to pseudoscience in sports. Cupping, which involves putting a hot jar onto the skin, forming a suction that “draws out” toxins or unblocks energy meridians or something like that, might seem like a relatively benign form of pseudoscience, but it can be quite harmful.  Orac has a great post (complete with a gruesome photo) describing the harms of this particular practice:

Cupping is nothing more than an ancient medical practice based on a prescientific understanding of the body and disease, much like bloodletting and treatments based on the four humors. As the case of Lin Lin shows, it’s all risk for no benefit. It has no place in modern medicine, or at least shouldn’t.

I’m completely unsurprised to find that pseudoscience is common among the elite athletes competing in the Olympics. I’ve seen similar things rampant in the combat sports world as well.

Over the course of my martial arts career, I’ve had the opportunity to train with many extraordinary MMA fighters. What I observed in these elite professional fighters–most of them either competing in the UFC, or well on their way to it–was a razor-sharp focus on doing whatever it took to improve. This meant grueling eight hour training days, and equally grueling recovery practices to allow them to sustain that level of activity. The recovery practices included ice baths, contrast showers, yoga, expensive massages and bodywork, and a whole host of alternative medical treatments including acupuncture, energy work, and dubious supplements. And behind nearly every fighter, there’s usually at least one chiropractor lurking around in background.

[My interactions with these MMA chiropractors are so similar that they almost follow a script.  He (and it’s always a he) invariably introduces himself as “Dr. First Name”, even in casual social situations, and tries to impress his listeners by boasting about how many important clients he has.]

Screen Shot 2016-08-09 at 9.43.06 AM

This story gets at the psychological aspects of why elite athletes pursue useless–and sometimes even harmful–alternative practices. What I’ve observed among fighters is this exact mentality.   Magical thinking has long been endemic to martial arts, and there are few voices in the community who challenge these ideas, particularly when they’re promoted by influential teachers and coaches. Competitive martial artists, like MMA fighters, are so determined to do anything it takes to give themselves the extra edge that they are especially likely to listen to anyone who promises them a benefit to training, to recovery, to mental conditioning.  Another important motivation is the money that fighters can make through sponserships from alt med practitioners and supplement manufacturers. These athletes make so little money from fight contracts that they can’t afford to turn down any source of additional revenue.  This makes them vulnerable to all kinds of practices that are ‘desperately implausible’ , as the formidable enemy of pseudoscience David Colquhoun characterizes them.

If I sound angry here, it’s because I am. I see these quacks taking large fees from vulnerable fighters who can’t afford them…. but are convinced that they can’t afford not to pursue any possible advantage.  I’ve seen creepy alt med sponsors lurking around events and attaching themselves to athletes as if they were coaches. I’ve seen more than one person in the MMA world injured by pseudoscientific ‘treatments’, and more than one athletic career ruined by supplements.  This exploitation makes me furious.

I hope that as more attention is focused on pseudoscience in the Olympics, more attention will also be paid to these issues in MMA, and the work of people who are trying to push back against the BS in the community, like  Rosi Sexton, and Jeff Westfall.

Tagged: cupping, martial arts, mma, Olympics, pseudoscience, quackery
10 Aug 22:49

What’s the harm? Cupping edition – Respectful Insolence

mkalus shared this story from Respectful Insolence.

There are so many ridiculous alternative medicine treatments being “integrated” via “integrative” medicine into medicine, no matter how ridiculous they are, that it’s not only hard to believe, but it’s hard to keep track. Homeopathy is, of course, the most ridiculous, although “energy medicine” definitely gives homeopathy a run for its money in the Department of Stupid. The depressing thing is that most physicians, even “integrative medicine” physicians, know that homeopathy is bunk (at least when they even know what homeopathy is—most think it’s just herbal medicine). However, those same physicians don’t mind naturopathy, thinking it nothing more than—you guessed it—herbal medicine, never realizing that you can’t have naturopathy without homeopathy and that homeopathy is an integral part of naturopathic education and practice. In other words, you can’t embrace naturopathy without embracing homeopathy. Apologists for alternative medicine and “integrative medicine” physicians often ask, “What’s the harm?”

Among the silliest of alternative medicine therapies is something called cupping. Cupping is a prescientific, premodern medical practice based in the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that involves sticking cups on a patient’s skin under suction n order to make them better. Basically, cupping involves heating the air inside of a cup and placing the inverted cup on some part of the body. Thanks to the wonders of physics, as the air in the cup cools, it contracts and produces a vacuum, which produces suction. (Physics geeks, I know that’s a highly simplified explanation. Just go with it.) As is the case with acupuncture, in TCM it is believed that disease is due to blockages or incorrect flow of qi, which is the TCM equivalent of the “vital force” or “life energy.” Acupuncture posits that by sticking needles into specific points in “meridians” through which qi flows the flow of qi can be unblocked. Cupping is much like acupuncture in that it, too, claims that it unblocks and realigns qi, thereby restoring health.

Proving that no woo goes uninvented anywhere, cupping is not unique to TCM. As has been noted elsewhere, Native Americans throughout North America also used wet cupping as a means of blood letting, although it is unknown how long ago they started the practice, using animal horns. In fact, unlike acupuncture, cupping is truly an ancient practice. The ancient Greeks practiced it, and Hippocrates himself used it. There is documentary evidence that cupping was practiced in ancient Egypt as far back as 1,500 BCE. So, using the appeal to antiquity, cupping must be the greatest thing since sliced bread, which it predates by millennia. Obviously.

There are two forms of cupping. “Wet cupping” involves puncturing the skin before applying the suction cup. (Yes, that’s basically what cupping is, applying a suction cup.) The idea is that this will allow the “poisons” or “toxins” to be sucked out of the body by the cup. Dry cupping omits this step. There are also other methods besides relying on the cooling of heated air to produce suction, such as using a pump to to siphon air out of the cup. These days, glass or clear plastic cups are commonly used, in order to allow monitoring of the skin. Given that, you’d think that harm would be very, very difficult. You’d be wrong.

Witness this story from Australia, Popular treatment known as ‘cupping therapy’ leaves man with seven holes in his back:

A MAN has been left with seven holes on his back after undergoing cupping therapy that went horribly wrong.

The man identified as Li Lin, 63, began taking the treatment every day from May to June in the hope of treating his scapulohumeral periarthritis — more commonly referred to as “frozen shoulder”.

He was told the therapy, which has a history of several thousand years in traditional Chinese medicine, would help with the pain and stiffness and allow him to move freely.

The treatment, known in Chinese as “ba guan”, traditionally uses heated glass cups to create local suction on the patient’s skin, causing circular bruising that is believed to be the result of now mobilised and free-flowing blood.

However, instead of having his condition cured, the man from Chengdu, capital of southwestern China’s Sichuan Province, was left with holes on his back that were essentially very serious, deep burn wounds.

This is what the article is talking about:

Cupping burns

I’m a general surgeon. During my residency, I rotated on the burn unit a number o ftimes, during the last of which I was the chief resident there. I know burns. Looking at that picture, I can say that those are some nasty burns, particularly the middle two. They look at least full thickness.

What do I mean by full thickness? Burns, as you might know, are categorized as first, second, and third degree. First degree burns are basically of the sort that just causes redness. Second degree burns are partial thickness, and third degree burns involve the full thickness of the skin. Take a look at that picture again. As a trained general surgeon who has extensive experience with burns, I see burns on Li Lin’s back that can only be described as third degree or full thickness.

How could such burns have come about? Remember, the cups used were almost certainly heated before being placed on Li Lin’s back. However, these wounds probably aren’t thermal burns because the cups usually aren’t heated enough to cause thermal injury, at least if the practitioner is not completely incompetent. A hint of how this could happen is in the story about Li Lin:

Lin said he went for the treatment every day, and his therapist placed the cups in the same position on his back.

After 10 days he reportedly began to notice blisters on his back, but convinced the treatment would cure his aching shoulder, Lin asked his wife to remove the blisters so he could continue the therapy.

Two days before the scheduled end of his treatment, however, Lin started experiencing severe pain on his back and also developed a high fever.

A trip to the doctors then revealed horrifying circular wounds on his back that had started to fester.

The suction from cupping breaks capillaries, which is why not infrequently there are bruises left in the shape of the cups afterward. Think of it as a hickey, which is basically what cupping is: Making hickeys without the fun part. If you repeatedly injure the same area of skin over time, the way the TCM practitioner did to Li Lin by placing the cups in exactly the same place over and over again, the skin there can actually die. In a burn, the skin dies due to fire, but anything that kills the outer layers of skin (the epidermis and dermis) can look and behave like a burn. Lin is not entirely innocent there; he started to get blisters, and a blister is a sign of a second degree burn, now more commonly described as partial thickness burn because it involves the partial thickness of the dermis. In other words, it was an indication that significant injury had occurred, and continuing the cupping the way he did could well have turned a partial thickness burn into a full thickness burn. Given that infection of the burn is the most common (and potentially deadly) complication in patients with major burns, it’s not surprising that Li Lin’s burns got infected. He’s lucky he didn’t become septic.

Oh, wait. He did. His high fever was almost certainly due to sepsis from burn wound infection.

You’re probably thinking: So what? This is just China and maybe a few New Age Gwyneth Paltrow types in the US and Europe. Would that it were just that! Cupping is showing up everywhere, from “integrative” medicine programs in academic medical centers to our very own Department of Defense:

The Army has been using acupuncture to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, despite a lack of evidence that it works. And now it is hiring acupuncturists for its pain clinic at Fort Sam Houston at an annual salary of $68,809 to $89,450. The job description says the candidate will “offer a full array of the most current and emerging evidenced based approaches in integrative medicine for patients with acute and chronic pain who have not responded well to conventional treatment modalities.”

One could argue that acupuncturists have nothing “evidence-based” to offer in the first place, but what is really alarming are the duties listed for the position. They include things acupuncturists are clearly not trained to do, like prescribing orthotics and braces and counseling patients on nutrition. Worse, the duties include providing cupping, moxibustion, and visualization techniques, none of which are effective and two of which directly injure patients. Cupping is the application of glass bulbs filled with heated air to the skin. It creates a vacuum as the air cools, sucking up wads of skin into the bulbs and leaving ugly bruises. Moxibustion involves burning mugwort on or near the skin and can cause burns and permanent scars (and does so deliberately in some forms of moxibustion).

Clearly, our soldiers suffering from PTSD deserve better. They deserve real medicine.

Cupping is nothing more than an ancient medical practice based on a prescientific understanding of the body and disease, much like bloodletting and treatments based on the four humors. As the case of Li Lin shows, it’s all risk for no benefit. It has no place in modern medicine, or at least shouldn’t. After all, we don’t still believe in the four humors that Hippocrates and ancient “Western” medicine invoked for many hundreds of years. TCM is based on much the same concepts, just with different names, substituting, for example, the Five Elements for the Four Humors and attributing disease to imbalances in them, just as ancient Western physicians attributed disease to imbalances in the four humors. Yet “integrative medicine” rejects one and embraces the other when it should be rejecting them both.


Completing a trio of antivaccine-sympathetic California pediatricians

I appear to have fallen into one of my ruts again. Or maybe it's not a rut. I just feel as though I've been doing too many posts on the antivaccine movement, to the point where I wonder if I'm starting to fall into a rut. In actuality, it doesn't…

April 4, 2014

In "Complementary and alternative medicine"

Thanks to the U.S. Senate, the week of October 7 to 13, 2013 is now Quackery Week

Naturopathy is quackery. There, I said it. Actually, I've said it many times before, because it is. The problem with naturopathy, of course, is that it is so diffuse and encompasses so many different forms of quackery that it's hard to categorize. Basically, it's anything that can be portrayed as…

September 13, 2013

In "Complementary and alternative medicine"

Chairman Mao: The real inventor of "traditional Chinese medicine"

Most, if not virtually all, of what is now referred to as "traditional Chinese medicine" is quackery. I realize that it's considered "intolerant" and not politically correct to say that in these days of "integrative medicine" departments infiltrating academic medical centers like so much kudzu enveloping a telephone pole, but…

October 25, 2013

In "Complementary and alternative medicine"

10 Aug 22:49

Fast Company’s Complete Interview with Eddy Cue and Craig Federighi

by John Voorhees

Fast Company published an article on Monday about Apple’s approach to product design. Today, it posted the full text of its interview with Eddy Cue and Craig Federighi that was the basis for much of the article. I enjoyed Rick Tetzeli’s piece, but there’s nothing better than reading the quotes that were pulled for the article in the context of the whole interview.

Tetzeli’s conversation with Cue and Federighi is filled with additional details about how Apple approached the development of Apple Maps after its rocky launch in 2012. Tidbits like this from Cue on how app usage helps Apple improve Maps:

Let me give you a good example: a golf course. How do we know when a new golf course opens up? We’re not exactly driving around looking for golf courses. But we know it’s there, because there are all these golf apps that get used at a golf course. If we see that all these golf apps are being used at a particular location, and we don’t show that as a golf course, we probably have a problem.

Federighi, who didn’t have many quotes in Tetzeli’s article, had this to say about how Apple approaches new features and products:

We think in terms of experiences. We all use these devices every day, and we think about what we’d like them to do for us. Those aspirational experiences lead us down all sorts of roads technologically, to all kinds of problems that we need to solve. So we think, "Oh, we’d like your Watch to unlock your Mac," because we need to unlock our Macs every day. It doesn’t start with, "Hey, we’ve been doing development in wireless and they want something to use their technology for."

Finally, Federighi confirmed what I have always felt has had a profound effect on the way Apple has been run since the late 90s:

I think it’s significant that upper management has lived through periods of austerity [1999 to 2001] and appreciates that this hasn’t been a straight ride up. People who look at Apple’s success and think we look at it as "okay, great, we’re done" don’t appreciate what’s really going on here.

That’s just a small sample of the sort of detail contained in the over 4500 word interview with Cue and Federighi, which I highly recommend reading in its entirety.

→ Source:

10 Aug 22:49

Native To A Web Of Video

by russell davies

I enjoyed this video essay about Casey Neistat's vlogging. Partly because I like noticing new forms emerging on the internet and these are two new forms - video essays and the Casey Neistat style of high production value vernacular video.