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07 Aug 11:50

Napier Backroadz Truck Tent

by Erin Carstens

Outdoorsy dads, Napier stitched their Backroadz Truck Tent out of premium 800mm polyester taffeta. So once camping season is over you can gift it to your teenage daughter to wear to her winter formal. A win-win for Pops!

Pitch the Backroadz Tent in the back of an open-bed pickup or connect it to your SUV to create some space between sleeping you, muddy ground, and crawling critters of the night. A truck tent also comes in handy when tonight's campground is your condo's underground parking garage because She-Ra: Princess of Power didn't like the My Shiney Hiney Brush Set you gave her for her birthday this year.

Napier's Backroadz truck and SUV tents come in 5 sizes, ranging from 5'5" of interior headspace to a 9' x 9' model with over 7' of headroom. They all include a sewn-in floor so you don't have to wash your truck bed prior to use, a full rain fly, and a storm flap in the door.

06 Aug 15:22


by Lunarbaboon

06 Aug 03:35

Comic for 2017.08.05

04 Aug 18:21

While discussing STAR TREK: DISCOVERY with her friend...


04 Aug 18:21

#1580 – Demons

by Chris

#1580 – Demons

04 Aug 16:51

Backup Batteries

Dan Jones

I only carry the one backup with me, and it fits in my side pocket.

If it falls below 20% full, my bag turns red and I start to panic.
04 Aug 11:53

Google Play is showing higher-quality apps in search results

by Evan Selleck

Google Play has a lot of apps, many of which aim to do similar things, but some might suffer from higher crash rates or other issues when compared to others.

Google has discovered that when a user gets their hands on a high-quality app, one that doesn’t crash as often or have other issues, the user tends to keep it on their phone longer and use it more often. So in an effort to make sure Android users are happy with the apps on their phone, the Play Store has been showing higher-quality apps in search results.

Google has enhanced the search and discovery algorithms to help this effort. As a result, the search results should be showing apps at the top of the results that are of a better quality than the ones lower on the list. Google has also rolled out tools for developers to identify quality issues within their apps, so they can fix them if they wish.

The algorithms have already been rolled out, so users should already be seeing the results when they search for apps in Google Play.

04 Aug 11:53

A Real Fight

by alex

A Real Fight

04 Aug 11:53


by Brian Russell

It’s been a while since we had a fart joke.

The post Fart appeared first on Underfold Comics.

03 Aug 16:44

It’s an improvement

by CommitStrip

03 Aug 12:23

Cultural torture 2

by Cale

Cultural torture, is that a thing? It is now, but maybe just a fling

The post Cultural torture 2 appeared first on Things in Squares.

01 Aug 15:36

New badges to help you discover and take action on Image Search

by Artur Tsurkan

Google Image Search helps you surf shots of your favorite people, places and things as well as research products, destinations, dishes and styles. Now on the Google app for Android and mobile web, we’re adding relevant badges to images indicating what else you can discover with a single tap. These badges will help you uncover images where next steps or more in-depth information is available—everything from bags to buy, to recipes to try.

Now in the bottom lefthand corner of the image, you’ll see a badge that categorizes the image you’re viewing, as well as text to help clarify the action you can take. So for example, if you look for "cupcakes" in Image Search, you'll see badges for both video and recipe results. For other queries, you may also see badges for products and GIFs as well.


We hope this new feature will help you jumpstart your journey of visual discovery—connecting you with the right info and sites to suit your needs.

31 Jul 18:34

The infinite auditory illusion that makes the Dunkirk soundtrack so intense (and good)

by Jason Kottke

I remarked on Twitter recently that “Hans Zimmer’s soundtrack for Dunkirk is outstanding”. The music blends perfectly with the action on the screen without being overbearing; it’s perhaps the best marriage of sound and visuals I’ve experienced in a movie theater since Mad Max: Fury Road or even Tron: Legacy.1

Zimmer and Dunkirk director Christopher Nolan achieved that effect by utilizing an auditory illusion called the Shepard tone, a sound that appears to infinitely rise (or fall) in pitch — the video above refers to it as “a barber’s pole of sound”. From a Business Insider interview with Nolan:

The screenplay had been written according to musical principals. There’s an audio illusion, if you will, in music called a “Shepard tone” and with my composer David Julyan on “The Prestige” we explored that and based a lot of the score around that. And it’s an illusion where there’s a continuing ascension of tone. It’s a corkscrew effect. It’s always going up and up and up but it never goes outside of its range. And I wrote the script according to that principle. I interwove the three timelines in such a way that there’s a continual feeling of intensity. Increasing intensity. So I wanted to build the music on similar mathematical principals. Very early on I sent Hans a recording that I made of a watch that I own with a particularly insistent ticking and we started to build the track out of that sound and then working from that sound we built the music as we built the picture cut. So there’s a fusion of music and sound effects and picture that we’ve never been able to achieve before.

  1. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this — because it fits somewhere between “unpopular opinion” and “embarrassing admission” on the scale of things one doesn’t talk about in public — but seeing Tron: Legacy in 3D IMAX was one of the top 5 movie-going experiences of my life. The Light Cycle battle was 80 feet tall and because of the 3D glasses, it looked like it extended out from the screen to immediately in front of my face, to the point where I actually reached out and tried to touch it a couple times. And all the while, Daft Punk was pounding into my brain from who knows how many speakers. I was not on drugs and hadn’t been drinking, but it was one of the most mind-altering experiences of my life.

Tags: audio   Christopher Nolan   Dunkirk   Hans Zimmer   movies   music   Tron Legacy   video
31 Jul 02:26

Dan Rather

"An intellectual snob is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture and not think of The Lone Ranger."

31 Jul 02:26

Texts From SuperheroesFacebook | Twitter | Patreon

Texts From Superheroes

Facebook | Twitter | Patreon

31 Jul 02:26

Pool Chemistry

by Bill Amend

31 Jul 02:25


by Lunarbaboon
Dan Jones

It's ok to be pretty and smart, though, but definitely emphasize the smart.

30 Jul 12:12

Waze for Android Auto is here

by Daniel Holle

You asked, we heard you, and it’s official: starting today, Waze is available for Android Auto.

If you have a car that supports Android Auto, you can now navigate with Waze via your vehicle’s in-car display, touch screens, steering wheel buttons, and other console-mounted controls.

The power of the Waze Community will be right there in the car with you (or at least on your screen). So you’ll not only find the fastest routes and most up-to-date road alerts, you’ll also be able to:

  • Navigate to all your most frequented destinations as pre-programmed in your Waze app in one tap—we’re talking home, work, and your Waze favorites.
  • Start any drive using the voice command “OK Google” to tell Waze where you want to go, keeping your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.
  • Receive visual and audio alerts to keep you informed of what’s ahead and find the fastest routes on a larger map with bigger views of alerts, hazards, and more.
  • Access your personalized Waze experience from your phone on your car’s bigger screen.
  • Easily view your ETA Panel, which organizes everything you need in one place so you can seamlessly check alternate routes and adjust your sound settings.
  • Help other Wazers on the road by sharing accidents, road hazards or traffic jams through a visual reporting menu.

Getting started is easy. First, make sure you have the latest versions of both apps on your Android phone. Then, connect your phone with a cable to your car USB port, select Waze from the Navigation App footer, and start a drive by entering a location. Check out the Waze blog for more detailed instructions.

Connecting Android phone with a cable to USB port.

Our goal is to help users avoid traffic while providing the best possible driving experience. If you’re new to Android Auto, please share your experiences with the User Community.  We will continue to make improvements and bring new features to Android Auto to deliver a safe and seamless experience that is purpose-built for driving.

Waze for Android Auto is available in all countries where Android Auto is available. Integration of Android Auto on your phone screen is in the works, sign up to receive the latest news on Waze for Android Auto.
30 Jul 12:12

Comfort in the Stars

by alex

Comfort in the Stars

30 Jul 12:12

Evan Esar

"America believes in education: the average professor earns more money in a year than a professional athlete earns in a whole week."

30 Jul 12:12

Jef Mallett

"An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it."

28 Jul 03:46

Introducing the Pokerware Secure Passphrase Generator

I recently developed Pokerware, an offline passphrase generator that operates in the same spirit as Diceware. The primary difference is that it uses a shuffled deck of playing cards as its entropy source rather than dice. Draw some cards and use them to select a uniformly random word from a list. Unless you’re some sort of tabletop gaming nerd, a deck of cards is more readily available than five 6-sided dice, which would typically need to be borrowed from the Monopoly board collecting dust on the shelf, then rolled two at a time.

There are various flavors of two different word lists here:

Hardware random number generators are difficult to verify and may not actually be as random as they promise, either intentionally or unintentionally. For the particularly paranoid, Diceware and Pokerware are an easily verifiable alternative for generating secure passphrases for cryptographic purposes. At any time, a deck of 52 playing cards is in one of 52! possible arrangements. That’s more than 225 bits of entropy. If you give your deck a thorough shuffle, it will be in an arrangement that has never been seen before and will never be seen again. Pokerware draws on some of these bits to generate passphrases.

The Pokerware list has 5,304 words (12.4 bits per word), compared to Diceware’s 7,776 words (12.9 bits per word). My goal was to invent a card-drawing scheme that would uniformly select from a list in the same sized ballpark as Diceware. Much smaller and you’d have to memorize more words for the same passphrase strength. Much larger and the words on the list would be more difficult to memorize, since the list would contain longer and less frequently used words. Diceware strikes a nice balance at five dice.

One important difference for me is that I like my Pokerware word lists a lot more than the two official Diceware lists. My lists only have simple, easy-to-remember words (for American English speakers, at least), without any numbers or other short non-words. Pokerware has two official lists, “formal” and “slang,” since my early testers couldn’t agree on which was better. Rather than make a difficult decision, I took the usual route of making no decision at all.

The “formal” list is derived in part from Google’s Ngram Viewer, with my own additional filters and tweaking. It’s called “formal” because the ngrams come from formal publications and represent more formal kinds of speech.

The “slang” list is derived from every reddit comment between December 2005 and May 2017, tamed by the same additional filters. I have this data on hand, so I may as well put it to use. I figured more casually-used words would be easier to remember. Due to my extra filtering, there’s actually a lot of overlap between these lists, so the differences aren’t too significant.

If you have your own word list, perhaps in a different language, you can use the Makefile in the repository to build your own Pokerware lookup table, both plain text and PDF. The PDF is generated using Groff macros.

Passphrase generation instructions

  1. Thoroughly shuffle the deck.

  2. Draw two cards. Sort them by value, then suit. Suits are in alphabetical order: Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades.

  3. Draw additional cards until you get a card that doesn’t match the face value of either of your initial two cards. Observe its suit.

  4. Using your two cards and observed suit, look up a word in the table.

  5. Place all cards back in the deck, shuffle, and repeat from step 2 until you have the desired number of words. Each word is worth 12.4 bits of entropy.

A word of warning about step 4: If you use software to do the word list lookup, beware that it might save your search/command history — and therefore your passphrase — to a file. For example, the less pager will store search history in ~/.lesshst. It’s easy to prevent that one:

$ LESSHISTFILE=- less pokerware-slang.txt

Example word generation

Suppose in step 2 you draw King of Hearts (KH/K♥) and Queen of Clubs (QC/Q♣).

In step 3 you first draw King of Diamonds (KD/K♦), discarding it because it matches the face value of one of your cards from step 2.

Next you draw Four of Spades (4S/4♠), taking spades as your extra suit.

In order, this gives you Queen of Clubs, King of Hearts, and Spades: QCKHS or Q♣K♥♠. This corresponds to “wizard” in the formal word list and would be the first word in your passphrase.

A deck of cards as an office tool

I now have an excuse to keep a deck of cards out on my desk at work. I’ve been using Diceware — or something approximating it since I’m not so paranoid about hardware RNGs — for passwords for over 8 years now. From now I’ll deal new passwords from an in-reach deck of cards. Though typically I need to tweak the results to meet outdated character-composition requirements.

28 Jul 03:46

#1575 – Powers (3 Comments)

by Chris

#1575 – Powers

28 Jul 03:46

ScorpionExo Covert Kevlar Flannel Shirt

by Erin Carstens

Kevlar flannel. It's why Kurt Cobain didn't die in a motorcycle crash. Nah. I don't know if Cobain even rode a bike. But if he did, ScorpionExo's Covert Flannel could have helped save his hide if he went down. The shirt could still save yours. Or at the very least, support your stance that Flannel rules! and Grunge lives!

In describing their Covert Flannel, ScorpionExo wants to make one thing clear: they "didn't just take a flannel shirt add some Kevlar thread and call it a protective garment." The classic cotton/poly outer material is fully lined with 165G DuPont Kevlar. That's the whole inside of the shirt, not just the elbows and bellybutton. The Kevlar layer is then covered with quilted polyester lining, which I'd assume makes the Covert Flannel pretty bulky, and maybe more like a light jacket than a button-up.

ScorpionExo continues its push for abrasion and impact protection with ultra-strong exo-stitch shirt seams they say will keep the fabric adhered if you hit the ground. Mesh pockets on the elbows, shoulders, and back provide optional space for CE-certified armor.

27 Jul 21:07

fromsuperheroes: USA Jacket [Sponsored Content] Do you need an...


USA Jacket [Sponsored Content]

Do you need an amazing nerdy jacket for casual purposes, cosplay purposes, or just to look super dope and make everyone jealous? Then check out USA Jacket, makers of incredible jackets at a great price with FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE!

We recently ordered the Spider-Man Homecoming hoodie to use in one of our videos and we absolutely love it. Best of all, the sleeves zip out so if you’re not feeling quite like Spider-Man, boom, you’ve got an instant Scarlet Spider cosplay.

They’ve got nerdy looks from every fandom including Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Walking Dead, Resident Evil and more! 

Check them out at

27 Jul 14:27


by Lunarbaboon

27 Jul 11:23

Texts From SuperheroesFacebook | Twitter | Patreon

Texts From Superheroes

Facebook | Twitter | Patreon

27 Jul 04:34

Adobe Announces End-of-Life for Flash

by John Gruber


Today, most browser vendors are integrating capabilities once provided by plugins directly into browsers and deprecating plugins.

Given this progress, and in collaboration with several of our technology partners — including Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla — Adobe is planning to end-of-life Flash. Specifically, we will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any existing Flash content to these new open formats.

Apple’s key decision was never supporting Flash on iOS, and sticking with that decision even when they were under significant marketing pressure to do so. Steve Jobs’s famous “Thoughts on Flash” was not the cause of Flash’s demise — it was an explanation for why Flash was doomed.

iOS never supporting Flash, combined with the size and appealing demographics of iOS users, hastened the demise of Flash by several years. Web publishers switched to HTML5 technologies for video and interactive content sooner than they would have otherwise. But I think Flash was doomed regardless. The world was going mobile whether Apple led the way or not, and Flash was never a good fit for mobile computing.

This official “end of life” statement is an important step, but Adobe saw the writing on the wall six years ago when they officially stopped developing Flash Player for Android. Strategically, that was the death of Flash.

26 Jul 22:11

Magellan MiVue GPS Dash Cams

by Erin Carstens
Dan Jones

I've been seriously considering getting a Dash Cam. Living in Houston, it's inevitable that some idiot is going to run into me sooner or later.

Smile! You're on DashCam-did Camera! Record evidence of Whodunnit?, What happened?, and You're arresting me for what?! with one of Magellan's MiVue HD dash cams.

Just keep in mind it might be your fault sometimes too.

The MiVue 538 square and 420 panoramic dash cams also have built-in GPS technology that will location and time stamp playback video so you'll know exactly where and when you were during any recorded incident. Both contain 3-axis impact sensors that record the direction and forces of accidents. The 538 has a 130-degree viewing angle and records in 1080p full HD, while the 420's 2.7" hi-res display shows a 140-degree view of the road ahead, and records activity in super 1296p HD. Both are able to capture detail in night and low lighting conditions.

Both Magellan dash cams come with an 8GB SD card, and have social media integration for sharing directly to Facebook and YouTube through the MiVue Manager.

Get a deeply discounted MiVue 530 or MiVue 420 dash came for 55% to 64% off for a limited time.

26 Jul 21:24

Eclipse Flights

The captain has turned on the 'fasten seat belt' sign.