Shared posts

26 Jan 05:04

µBlock, new, high performance ad-blocker (GPL 3 licensed)

26 Jan 03:07

SkyMall, Killed By The Smartphone

SkyMall, Killed By The Smartphone:

This is sad. While I would never buy anything from SkyMall, I always perused it while flying. It was always entertaining.

25 Jan 23:56

January 25, 2015

The secret kangaroo penguin club meeting went really well. I couldn't believe all the celebrities who showed up!
25 Jan 23:56


25 Jan 13:46

Comic - The Best Reason to Do Cardio

Comic - The Best Reason to Do Cardio


Kelly Angel of the awesome web comic Anything about Nothing made this cute little comic showing pretty much the main reason for getting in shape and doing cardio! ;) This is what I think about when I'm on the treadmill at least (that's normal right? lol)...

Comic - The Best Reason to Do Cardio

Artist: Kelly Angel of Anything about Nothing - Source

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January 24 2015
25 Jan 13:46

seansjoyousrancouroustreemodus: magicaldeductions: goddammit...



goddammit bill

I saw this in science and I flipped the fuck out

Well played Bill, well played.
24 Jan 13:21

This Chrome Extension Lets You View Instagram Photos on Twitter

by Joey-Elijah Sneddon

twitter instagram viewIf you miss seeing Instagram embeds on Twitter try this free Chrome extension. It lets you see Instagram photos, rather than links, on the Twitter website.

The article This Chrome Extension Lets You View Instagram Photos on Twitter was first published on OMG! Chrome!

24 Jan 13:21

To her friend...

Dan Jones


24 Jan 13:21

Hey peeps! Check out this totally amazing video, directed...

Hey peeps!

Check out this totally amazing video, directed by Filipe Costa and featuring pixel art by Matheus Muniz, as well as music & SFX by Julian Alvarez Chaia. Honestly, this even caught me off-guard and I knew what was going to happen. Huge props to all of them.

pipocaVFX: youtubepatreon | twitter | facebook

24 Jan 13:21

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles


Awesome teacher in Thailand John Zadrozny of Grading Thaime completes his students doodles in hilarious and cute ways! This is a wonderful idea and encourages creativity in students, I wish I had teachers like this when I was in school! Here's what he said bout what he does, followed by a few of our fav doodles...

"As an 8th to 9th grade teacher at an all girl's school here in Bangkok, Thailand, I told my students that I had a rule: If you draw something I will add to it. They drew, and anything you see in red is what I've added."

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Awesome Teacher Finishes Students Doodles

Artist: John Zadrozny of Grading Thaime (and his students of course) ;)

(via: Bored Panda)

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January 23 2015
23 Jan 16:30

#209: Ferronomics.

by 1111

1111comics - 00209 - ferronomics

As part of 1111′s A-Z of Creatures. F is for Ferret. Ferrets are the domesticated form of a European polecat. The name “ferret” is derived from the Latin furittus, meaning “little thief”, and a group of these little thieves is called a business. Coincidence???

If you want to see your favorite animal starting with G next week, drop a comment on 1111 Animals’ Facebook page.

23 Jan 16:30


22 Jan 23:03

Google is planning to become a wireless carrier

by Nick Sarafolean
Dan Jones

Very interesting

Google could be looking to make a major move in the cellular market. According to a report from The Information, Google is planning to launch its own wireless carrier. The project was rumored quite a while ago, and it seems that Google is making headway on it. Reportedly codenamed “Nova”, the mobile carrier initiative will run on Sprint and T-Mobile’s networks. The goal is to provide lower costs and an improved experience with mobile carriers, which is often a complaint, particularly in the US.

Google is also said to be prepping new communication apps to tie in with the move. Whether these are updated versions of existing apps, such as Hangouts, or entirely new apps is unknown. The move, however, would allow Google to truly deliver an end-to-end experience to users, particularly those with Nexus devices. In such a scenario, Google would control the hardware, software and network plans available to a customer, allowing the company to deliver a straight-shot experience with even more control than Apple. While it could be great, it also seems to drift away from one of the tenets of Android: its openness.

What are your thoughts on the possibility of Google becoming a mobile carrier?

22 Jan 12:17

Official Responsive Images Plugin for WordPress

by Chris Coyier
Dan Jones


Remember Tim Evko's guest post on responsive images in WordPress? Here's some news on that:

  • It's now the official WordPress plugin of the Responsive Images Community Group (RICG). It's on on GitHub here and in the Plugin Directory.
  • It now uses the more appropriate srcset attribute instead of <picture>, since it just does resolution switching.
  • It's endorsed by the WordPress core team, on track to be a "featured plugin" in the next release, and may ultimately end up in core itself.

Pretty cool!

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

Official Responsive Images Plugin for WordPress is a post from CSS-Tricks

21 Jan 20:24

Choose the Perfect Board Game Flow Chart

Choose the Perfect Board Game Flow Chart


The people over at Silver Oak Casino put together this clever flow chart to help you choose the perfect board game to play in any situation...

[Click the image for full view...]
Choose the Perfect Board Game Flow Chart

Source: Silver Oak Casino

(via: Geeks are Sexy)

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January 19 2015
21 Jan 11:21

The Best Photos Of 'UFOs' We Found In The Newly-Released Project Blue Book Collection

For decades, the U.S. Air Force (USAF) kept a record of all of its investigations into extraterrestrial activity in one extensive report called Project Blue Book. Up until last week Project Blue Book's massive catalog of over 10,000 UFO and extraterrestrial reports from the 1940s to the 1970s had only been accessible by visiting the National Archives in Washington. Now that the Air Force posted the project online, we dug through the archive to find the most interesting sightings from our nation's Atomic Era.

The goal of this search wasn't to prove or disprove UFOs, nor to examine the efficacy of Project Blue Book. Instead, we set out to appreciate the artistic quality of these "supernatural" photos and look into the past from the perspective of thousands of amateur observers, people who looked to the skies with equal parts excitement and fear, and didn't hesitate to snap a picture of anything. These photographs are reminders that when our imaginations are given a longer leash, we begin to see even the ordinary in a more fantastic light.

August 30, 1951 — Lubbock, Texas

Yes, these are definitely birds. Project Blue Book

The Lubbock Lights incident is widely regarded as one of the first great UFO cases in the United States. The USAF came to the conclusion that these lights were most likely a natural phenomenon, namely plovers (birds with a white breast that "could easily reflect city lights").

August 2, 1965 — Tulsa, Oklahoma

There's no way a kid could pull off a hoax that could fool all those geniuses working for the Air Force. Project Blue Book

The authenticity of the Tulsa photograph (top right) has been fiercely debated since the photo was taken by 14-year-old Alan Smith during a wave of sightings sweeping the Tulsa area. The other photos from the file are USAF attempts to recreate the photo.

June 26 - 29 and July 11, 1958 — Belfast, Maine

The image on the right was likely distorted due to radiation from a UFO — or because cameras in the 1950s were just not very good. Project Blue Book

The photos in question were eventually indentified as the star Arcturus, but the mysterious and spooky reflective quality of the clouds and other stars could inspire a Stephen King novel.

November 2, 1962 — Alexis Creek, British Colombia

Don't pick this up if you come across it. Project Blue Book

Unfortunately, there's almost no information regarding the crash suggested by the photos above — Project Blue Book provided no additional information in the appended file. We can assume this object is likely manmade due to the rivets and flathead screw features, though it does bear some resemblance to a nuclear warhead of that time period.

Additional research reveals that 12 years prior to the discovery of the item above, a B-36 bomber crashed over western British Columbia and was known to be carrying nuclear warheads at the time. This incident is regarded as one of the first nuclear weapons losses of this type. While the objects pictured above are unlikely from the 1950 crash, the location lends credence to the idea that there were nuclear weapons in that area.

April 15, 1965 — Omaha, Nebraska

Wave goodbye, these space babies are heading home. Project Blue Book

Again, there were no additional case files within the Project Blue Book database regarding this image, but if you think that this is something other than a UFO, you need to get your eyes checked.

August 3, 1965 — Santa Ana, California

Who threw their hat into the air and started taking pictures? Project Blue Book

Taken by Orange County highway inspector Rex Heflin, these photos were at the center of a struggle between multiple law agencies to prove or disprove their validity. Despite the USAF's conclusion that these photos were a hoax, many UFO researchers firmly believe these photos to be authentic due to the results of computer-aided enhancement.

Winter 1951 — New Zealand

It's still a pretty cool cloud. Project Blue Book

This photograph was determined to be a lenticular cloud, but if you saw this in 1950, had no Internet, and the rest of the world was freaking out about UFOs, "flying saucer" seems a pretty logical guess.

January 9, 1967 — Mt. Clemens Michigan

Flying clams look almost as good as ones from the sea. Project Blue Book

Another widely publicized set of photos at the time, the team behind Project Blue Book was quick to dismiss these as possessing "insufficient data" because the photographers refused to give up their original prints.

September 10, 1968 — Miami, Florida

Thunderstorm schmunderstorm — this thing looks like Ramiel from "Neon Genesis Evangelion." And Ramiel is an alien.
 Project Blue Book

This photo was taken by a staff photographer at the Miami News. Because he didn't hand over the original negatives, the USAF refused to analyze the photo. The photo was taken in the moments leading up to a thunderstorm, leading us to believe that this was probably a natural phenomenon.

July, 1957 — Shiloh, Ohio

Alien or not, meteorites are cool as heck. Project Blue Book

On the first page of the record file kept by the USAF for this photo, the object is identified as a meteorite that is over 100 years old. Yet on the second page of the report, in a note from the department that conducted the physical analysis and minerology report, it states explicitly that it is not a meteorite. Further analysis in the record reveals that this item is likely a "volcanic bomb" or displaced piece of sediment from a glacier.

Another interesting fact: At this time the USAF was studying meteorites and their component alloys for their ability to withstand heat from reentry into the atmosphere to better produce guided missiles.

December 27, 1954 — Bronx, New York

The only logical conclusion: a big fat stinkin' UFO. Project Blue Book

There are no records attached to this photo, but if the scale of this picture is to be trusted, that thing is either very close to the observer or very big indeed. It does look a bit like someone hung their toy submarine from a string and took a picture of it — but we can't tell for sure!

21 Jan 11:21

FamilySearch Launches App Gallery

by Bridget Kreis

FamilySearch has recently launched an online App Gallery to help patrons find FamilySearch’s partner apps to optimize their family history

20 Jan 18:57

#1024 – Inspired (3 Comments)

by Chris

#1024 – Inspired

“I couldn’t even watch Netflix!”
20 Jan 02:52


by Lunarbaboon

19 Jan 20:56

jennytrout: This is the only story about a haunted sword where...


This is the only story about a haunted sword where the haunted sword is the least interesting part of the story.

19 Jan 18:32

#1023 – Freedom (7 Comments)

by Chris

#1023 – Freedom

18 Jan 22:38

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts


Reddit user k-popstar moved to Japan to teach English and has been taking these funny pictures of discount store shirts with random English words on them. The translation fails turn out pretty funny and I would even wear a few of these... ;)

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Funny Japanese English Shirts

Source: k-popstar

(via: TwistedSifter)

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January 18 2015
18 Jan 03:33

Secretly Sniff Anything Typed from Microsoft Wireless Keyboard

18 Jan 03:26

I do not mean to be offensive, not at all, but I'm just curious - how would a Muslim person explain jihad? Like, what does it mean to you? What's your opinion on it?

Hello there dear, first of all I want you to set aside any preliminary stereotypes that you have heard about the matter. So “jihad” means struggling or striving in the way of God. In a religious sense, “jihad” has many meanings. It can refer to internal as well as external efforts to be a good Muslims or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam. Also a struggle to build a better society, i.e. campaigning for human rights, or education and not harming our environment is also a form of jihad. The most misinformed is jihad by arms which can only be enforced in imperative circumstances, such as:

  • self defence
  • protecting the freedom of muslims (i.e. from a tyrant)
  • protection against oppresion, etc.

Even so, there are many strict rules about conduct during fighting.

  • the fighting should only be started from the opponents side
  • it should not be for the purpose of gaining terrority or gaining power
  • no innocent people should be killed or hurt
  • women should not be raped or hurt
  • wounded enemy soldiers should be treated without bias
  • no trees should be cut down
  • no temples or religious places should be destroyed
  • the fighting should stop at once if the enemy asks for peace
  • the fighting should be the last resort 
  • no one from the enemy should be forced to accept islam

The sort of Islam that the so called “jihadis” we see on media nowadays are a territorial and political organisation that hide behind the notion of a religion to reach their goals. They are terrorists who murder innocent people, calling them “Muslims” yet alone “jihadis” is just undermining and unfair to the people who live peaceful lives, but socially get slandered and stereotyped because of the inhumane conducts of a bunch of lunatics. So along with that and a million other reasons that I wont get into right now, I hope a have informed you well. I want to thank my friend Amal for the main structure of this post you can read her post too if you like. Have a nice day, please share this to spread awareness! :)

18 Jan 03:25


by tga


17 Jan 16:20

And then you respawn? image | twitter | facebook | support

And then you respawn?

image | twitter | facebook | support

17 Jan 16:20

Five Powerful Google Keep Features You Should Start Using

by Joey-Elijah Sneddon

keep-tileGoogle Keep is a great app with near-instant sync, collaborative features, and apps for Android, Chrome and the web — but are you getting the most from it?

The article Five Powerful Google Keep Features You Should Start Using was first published on OMG! Chrome!

17 Jan 03:43

English Phrases Used Only By Indians.

by languagehat

The title’s an exaggeration (“do the needful” is not restricted to Indian English, and “first-class” is reasonably common elsewhere), but the piece is funny, and the (unrelated except for linguistic humor) illustrations are hilarious: Rutu Ladage’s “English Phrases Used Only By Indians Which The World Knows Nothing About,” from India Times.

Vaguely related, in the sense that one language is making odd use of another: there is a Latin tag “Lingua latina non penis canina” (“The Latin language is not a dog’s penis”) that appears to exist only in Russian. I have no idea how this came about, but there’s an entire Lurkomore article on it (which starts by claiming it comes from medieval nerds; for Lurkomore, see this LH post).

16 Jan 14:13

Window Snap in Chrome OS Is More Awesome Than You Realize

by Joey-Elijah Sneddon

Screenshot 2015-01-12 at 00.41.31The 'window snap' feature in Chrome OS is a handy way to view two apps/browser pages side-by-side — but have you discovered its hidden extra feature?

The article Window Snap in Chrome OS Is More Awesome Than You Realize was first published on OMG! Chrome!

16 Jan 14:13

Star Wars Rocking X-Wing Fighter

Star Wars Rocking X-Wing Fighter


Steves Wooden Toys made this amazing Rocking X-Wing as a clever variation on the classic rocking horse toys...

"Accelerate to attack speed as you approach the death star.. Stabilize your rear deflectors and watch for enemy fighters

This rocking ride in star wars x-wing fighter is made from solid wood... pine, native macrocarpa and rimu.

Removable wooden R2D2 sits in the back."

Star Wars Rocking X-Wing Fighter

Star Wars Rocking X-Wing Fighter

Star Wars Rocking X-Wing Fighter

Star Wars Rocking X-Wing Fighter

Star Wars Rocking X-Wing Fighter

Artist: Steves Wooden Toys - deviantart - facebook

(via: Neatorama)

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January 16 2015