Shared posts

28 Sep 13:11

How To Eat Ramen

by Sarah Yoshimura

Artist's Note:

I had such a hard time learning how to NOT slurp my noodles. It became so commonplace for me that I'm sure I got a few glares at the Italian restaurants. But how else would the chef know I appreciated their food?!

Writer's Note:


27 Sep 23:54

F.T.C. Is Said to Investigate Claims That Google Used Android to Promote Its Products

F.T.C. Is Said to Investigate Claims That Google Used Android to Promote Its Products:

I feel like the existence of Fire OS disproves these claims. Amazon has done good business (Fire Phone excepted) making Google-Free Android devices. If other companies want to recreate what Amazon is doing, they’re welcome to, and bypass any supposed “home-screen advantage” that Google might have.

27 Sep 23:53

Cannabis 'forest' discovered in south-west London

27 Sep 23:53

Are you feeling kind of down right now? It’s not your fault that you forgot what baby cheetahs look like. Really. One time I did too.



But now you recall!

Look! Look!

They loves to play!


Their head is just one giant ball of floof!

I can’t even

How do they live? Being so cuTE??


This has been a PSA. Baby cheetahs are everything good and pure in this world. Please imagine petting the floof head. Please feel better.

Now you need to listen to the sounds a baby cheetah can make.

27 Sep 23:53

princeseth: unfollovving: pr1nceshawn: Pretty simple...




Pretty simple solutions.



27 Sep 23:53

keltic-moon: jellykitsch: moonblossom: responsible-reanimation: Game idea: You play as a humble...





Game idea: You play as a humble peasant who must fight off waves of adventurers who feel entitled to just waltz into your house and loot whatever they please.


Humble Peasant kills adventurers that enter their home

Humble Peasant keeps their weapons, magic items, and hold

Humble Peasant realizes that stronger and stronger adventurers are coming to claim their growing pile of loot

Humble Peasant builds traps and fortifications to keep them out

Humble Peasant procures exotic pets to help defend their home

Humble Peasant continues to amass more and more loot and attract stronger and stronger adventurers

Humble Peasant has to keep building up and fortifying their home, traps, and pets to keep the adventurers out

Humble Peasant suddenly realizes that they have accidentally built a dungeon. It’s a fucking dungeon now. It’s fortified and full of traps, monsters, and treasure, and the Humble Peasant is the boss.

Humble Peasant realizes that adventurers will never leave them alone now.

Humble Peasant hates adventurers.

Humble Peasant accidentally becomes major villain.

I’d play it

This is the greatest have idea I’ve ever heard.

27 Sep 23:53

Lisa Jakub was expelled from school for missing class while...

Lisa Jakub was expelled from school for missing class while filming Mrs. Doubtfire. Robin Williams wrote this letter to her school to ask them to let her back in.

27 Sep 23:52

cannedviennasausage: science666: if you order protons AND electrons we’ll send you neutrons free...



if you order protons AND electrons we’ll send you neutrons free of charge

how dare you make me laugh at a stupid science joke slash pun

27 Sep 12:25

September 26th, 2015 - /r/unixporn - The best looking desktops on the internet.


30,520 people pretending to work for 3 years!

I got into linux by necessity when I foolishly decided to study hydrodynamic simulations as part of my undergraduate education,
and well....

UNIX is a class of operating systems first established in the 1970's and is the precursor to modern operating systems such as Ubuntu, Mac OS, Fedora, and Red Hat. Mac OS being the most widely used of those. A good rule of thumb is, if it runs on a computer, and it isn't Windows, then it is probably UNIX based.

I used to be okay with my
plain looking desktop, but then I found /r/unixporn and started tinkering until my desktop now looks like this:


fake busy

I still have very little idea what I'm doing, but at least it looks less boring. /r/unixporn is a great place to get ideas for customizing your UNIX experience, since there is typically discussion in the comment section about a users really cool setup. They've, in my experince, been very welcoming to n00bz and their wiki has some good resources to get someone started.

/r/unixporn is a subreddit dedicated to excellent looking UNIX desktops and shows off the many styles your desktop can take should you put in the effort but is also a home for anything is awesome and *nix related.

I few of my favorite submissions:



Now onto the mod interviews!

1. Tell us a little about yourselves?

/u/Foggalong - I'm Josh and /u/Foggalong online. I'm a math student at the University of Manchester in the UK and a designer/developer for Numix Project.

/u/ElTimablo - My name is Tim, I live in Delaware, and I work for a small- to medium-sized tech firm. Not naming any names, for anonymity. Hi Steve.

/u/roprop - I'm Roprop. That's not my real name. I study computer science and have a part time sysadmin/developer job.

2. What got you interested in creating/moderating this subreddit?

/u/Foggalong - I saw a survey in /r/linux and thought it would be interesting to do one in /r/unixporn. Lots of people left comments asking for changes to the sub but at the time the mods were busy with life, so I took it upon myself to make it happen.

/u/ElTimablo -Basically, I saw that the various * sites were going downhill fairly fast in terms of quality, so I wanted there to be a place for people to share screenshots and themes. I took the name from, which seemed to be inactive at the time. If anyone ever finds Klaatu, tell him I said thanks for the name, and I owe him a beer.

/u/roprop - I was modding my setup yet again and scoured the net for inspiration. I found /r/unixporn and was hooked. I wanted to see the place flourish and asked /u/ElTimablo if he'd like any moderator help. He wasn't averse to the idea.

3. Why unix?

/u/Foggalong - I'd been beta testing Windows 8 and managed to bluescreen my computer. I needed a quick interim OS to get me by until I could get hold of a Windows backup disk and friend recommended I use Ubuntu. Once it was installed I just never left: came for the free software, stayed for the Free Software.

/u/ElTimablo -Originally, because it was soooooooo puuuurrrrrdy. Compiz was originally what won me over, followed very quickly by the concept of a package manager. Now, I use it because that's what I need to run at work, lest I be deemed scrubly by my coworkers.

/u/roprop - For the love of all that is terminals. They're so much nicer than blue screens and GUIs. For simplicity and open source. Also, it's practically the dress code of computer science. Or as close as you can get to such a thing.

4. What distro are you using? Why?

/u/Foggalong -

  • Ubuntu on my main desktop, phone, and server. Like it for the stability and accessibility.
  • Korora on my main laptop. Loving the new package manager, dnf. Possibly going to switch my desktop over to it in the near future.
  • Debian on my backup server and tablet (shared with CM). Solid as a rock and works anyway.
  • Arch and GhostBSD on my backup laptop. I use both just for playing around with new stuff and experimentation.

/u/ElTimablo - After a brief foray into Debian Unstable that cost me two months of my life I'll never get back, I'm back on Fedora 22. Compared to every other distro I've tried, it's been the smoothest to set up with my weird-ass drive configuration. To use the cliche, "it just works."

/u/roprop - I'm running Debian Jessie. I started out years back with Ubuntu. But I quickly wanted to go deeper. So I went for Arch Linux. But after a while, I again wanted to go deeper. So I went for Gentoo. I was lost in those depths for a while before I found my way out of the basement a couple of months later. Then I installed Debian, and in less than an hour everything was running as it should. It was a miracle. I haven't looked back since.

5. Alright, show me your desktops and add any info you feel is relevant.

/u/Foggalong -
This is my current setup which uses xfce4-panel, i3gaps wm, and compton compositor. There's lots of other brilliant stuff from independent developers going on in there too.

/u/ElTimablo - I don't have much free time these days, so I'm only using

stock Adwaita theme with a few plugins.. Bring on the salt. I'll probably be getting around to changing the theme later this week, though.

/u/roprop -

That's my actual working setup, except instead of a terminal used for compilation I put some pretty colours there. I try to keep things simple and practical, for the most part. It's customised dwm and urxvt. The status bar is an over-engineered work in progress that is already a quarter of the size of my entire window manager. I find that pretty amusing. It's not very usable at the moment, hence the manually supplied input.

6. What is your favorite submission to /r/unixporn?

/u/Foggalong - I'm a sucker for a good workflow post and seeing people do non-standard things with their tools, so naturally this one by /u/xhsdf is my personal fave.

/u/ElTimablo - That's easy. I'm a sucker for eye-candy, so Dex-UI is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I keep telling myself I'll install it one of these days.

/u/roprop - /r/unixporn/top is a gold mine. I very much like all of the heavy terminal ones there, especially those that are tiled. Ones that look like they might belong in a sci-fi movie are also really cool to look at, but are often more suited as gadgets than actual work in my opinion.

7. Anything else you'd like to add about /r/unixporn or unix in general?

/u/Foggalong - Just a big thanks to all the people who post great content and the developers who make great software. We couldn't do this without you \O/

/u/ElTimablo - I've been overwhelmed by the number of people I've run into in person who have been to /r/unixporn. I never expected to get to 5,000 subscribers, let alone 30,000. Thanks for sticking around, everyone, and here's to 30,000 more.

/u/roprop - Try it out if you haven't already. The first hit is free. ;)

Your desktop is what you make it.



submitted by Yogurt_Huevos
[link] [18 comments]
27 Sep 12:25

The Weirdest Alternate Versions of Spider-Man

The Weirdest Alternate Versions of Spider-Man made this fun Spidey infographic...

"As one of Marvel?s oldest characters, Spider-Man has seen many transformations over his 53 years in the biz. Marvel has seen its share of alternate universes and Spider-Man himself has gone through several reincarnations. Today, we?re sharing some of the most bizarre versions of this classic Marvel character."

[Click the infographic for a larger view...]
Weirdest Alternate Versions of Spider-Man
Infographic Created by
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September 26 2015
27 Sep 12:24

Hundreds sign petition to bring back teacher who used the N-word in class

27 Sep 12:24

BYU-Idaho Bans 'Man Buns' On Campus

27 Sep 12:24

Do they think they’ll trick kids with the dinosaur shape?...

Do they think they’ll trick kids with the dinosaur shape?

25 Sep 13:39

Marvel Cinematic Universe Chronological Watch Order

Marvel Cinematic Universe Chronological Watch Order


Redditor Fast_Is_Better posted this complete Marvel Cinematic Universe watch order if you want to watch everything in chronological order...

Marvel Cinematic Universe Chronological Watch Order

Source: Fast_Is_Better

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September 24 2015
25 Sep 13:12

Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles [T-Shirt]

by Sean Fallon


Well, this mashup makes total sense.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles is new in our Nerd Approved Shirt Store! It’s also on sale for $14 for a limited time.

Product Page ($20 $14)

25 Sep 13:12

BlackBerry Priv official, Android slider will launch late 2015

by Alex Wagner
Dan Jones

I really like having a physical keyboard, but I also really like my Nexus.

If you’ve been longing for a new Android phone with a physical keyboard, BlackBerry’s got what you need.

BlackBerry has announced that it’s working on an Android phone called the “BlackBerry Priv.” The Priv will be BlackBerry’s first Android phone, with a launch expected to take place in late 2015. BlackBerry hasn’t spilled any of the Priv’s spec details, but the company describes it as a “flagship slider device.”

So why go Android? BlackBerry CEO John Chen explains:

“At the same time, we are focused on making faster progress to achieve profitability in our handset business. Today, I am confirming our plans to launch Priv, an Android device named after BlackBerry’s heritage and core mission of protecting our customers’ privacy. Priv combines the best of BlackBerry security and productivity with the expansive mobile application ecosystem available on the Android platform.”

It sounds like BlackBerry isn’t happy with how its own BlackBerry 10 devices are improving its bottom line, so it decided to turn to Android to give its profitability a boost. Whether or not the Priv will do that remains to be seen, but Android is the biggest mobile OS in the world and Android phones that have a physical keyboard are basically non-existent, so there’s a chance that the Priv could do well for BlackBerry.

Will you buy a BlackBerry Priv?

25 Sep 12:48

Google Play Free Song of the Day 9/24/2015

by MumbleBee
Johnny Cash

Click image to enter!

Playlist: The Very Best Johnny Cash Duets (Entire Album)


Johnny Cash

About the artist

J.R. “Johnny” Cash was an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, actor, and author, widely considered one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. Although primarily remembered as a country music icon, his genre-spanning songs and sound embraced rock and roll, rockabilly, blues, folk, and gospel. This crossover appeal won Cash the rare honor of multiple inductions in the Country Music, Rock and Roll and Gospel Music Halls of Fame.
Cash was known for his deep, calm bass-baritone voice, the distinctive sound of his Tennessee Three backing band, a rebelliousness coupled with an increasingly somber and humble demeanor, free prison concerts, and a trademark look, which earned him the nickname “The Man in Black”. He traditionally began his concerts with the simple “Hello, I’m Johnny Cash”, followed by his signature “Folsom Prison Blues”.
Much of Cash’s music echoed themes of sorrow, moral tribulation and redemption, especially in the later stages of his career. His best-known songs included “I Walk the Line”, “Folsom Prison Blues”, “Ring of Fire”, “Get Rhythm” and “Man in Black”.

Description provided by artist representative

They may ask for credit card information through Google Play, but it is 100% completely FREE and you will not be charged!


Total length
August 1, 2014
© 2014 Columbia Nashville Legacy
File type
Access type
Streaming and by permanent download to your computer and/or device
Internet connection
Required for streaming and downloading
Playback information
Via Google Play Music app on Android v4+, iOS v7+, or by exporting MP3 files to your computer and playing on any MP3 compatible music player

25 Sep 12:48

Google improves voice search, makes it faster and more accurate

by Dima Aryeh

Google’s services are constantly being worked upon. From a company with an advanced search engine that works better than any other, this is expected. Google has been working hard at making voice searching an everyday thing for most people, integrating it into every device and even on the webpage. And it just got a whole lot better.

Google posted on its Google Research Blog about the new voice recognition system, which it claims is faster, more accurate, cancels out noise better, and is even easier on hardware. It sounds like an amazing improvement, so update your Google Search app on your Android and iOS devices are give it a try for yourself!

If you’re interested in all the details on how Google made this work, hit the source link. There’s quite a lot of info.

25 Sep 12:48

How Graphics Worked on the Commodore 64 and Nintendo Entertainment System

by John Gruber

Great video from The iBookGuy. (Via Jim Coudal.)

25 Sep 12:47

Google Play services updated to 8.1 to prepare for Marshmallow

by Dima Aryeh

The launch of Android 6.0 Marshmallow is nearing (allegedly it’ll launch October 5), and Google is preparing for it early. Google Play services has been updated to 8.1 in preparation for the new version of Android, but it includes improvements that are available to everyone.

The biggest change is support for the new Marshmallow permission system, which allows you to revoke permissions for apps. Developers will need to upgrade their apps to support this using the new SDK. Also included are app invites, which can allow users of your app invite others to check our the app via email or SMS.

For Android Wear users, Ambient Mode Maps is now possible. Your map will show up and move in Ambient Mode to save some battery by keeping things dark and simple. Google Nearby is also included, so apps will be able to take advantage of those around you in a new social way.

For more information (especially if you’re a developer), hit the source link and read up on the update. For everyone else, just wait for it to come to you!

25 Sep 10:46


24 Sep 19:27

Underwater Jetpack

Dan Jones

Pretty awesome.

Supermarinovation asks, "Have you ever been snorkelling and seen something incredible below you, but haven't been able to get to it before your breath runs out?" To which I say, "Sure." And follow up with, "And have you ever been snorkelling and seen something incredibly scary that is definitely going to bite, sting, or inject dozens of fiberglass bristles into your hand, but you haven't been able to get away from it before you start hyperventilating and choking on salt water?" I think the point is: the x2 Sport Underwater Jetpack has tons of swell uses!

Supermarinovation is crowdfunding the first in their series of Underwater Jetpacks, personal propulsion devices intended to give swimmers and snorkelers a boost of speed so they can go deeper and farther without a full SCUBA system. The x2 Sport consists of a backpack module that feeds power to a pair of forearm-mounted hydra thrusters with handheld controls. Wearers can activate Human Torpedo Mode with a squeeze, and achieve speeds of 6+ mph.

The x2 Sport Underwater Jetpack uses a 24000mAh Li-ion battery that provides 15 minutes of constant, full power per charge. The power comes from a pair of 1800W digital motors able to deliver 30kg of thrust.

Read more about the x2 Sport and, if you've got the cash, pledge for your own on IndieGoGo through the end of October 2105.

24 Sep 18:59

Darth Vader Stove

Dutchman Danny Kemkers has designed and brought to life this Darth Vader fireplace for the garden. And, and! He is raffling it off on his Facebook page. And, and! All you have to do to enter the drawing is Like his message, Like his page, and Share the word of the Empire striking the patio. Kemkers will draw a winner on October 30, 2015.

Unfortunately, the post doesn't say much else about the Vader stove, like what it's made of or what it burns. My guess: made of Sith alchemy, burns the Force out of promising Jedi Younglings. For those interested in purchasing their own garden stove, Kemkers also provides his contact information on his Facebook page--follow the link to Kemkers Speciaalbouw below.

24 Sep 18:59

The Evolution of the Joker [Infographic]

The Evolution of the Joker [Infographic]


The Evolution of the Joker [Infographic] made this epic infographic showing some of the many evolutions of the Joker! They also have a wonderful Harley Quinn evolutions infographic as well!

"No superhero and supervillain duo embody the eternal struggle of good and evil better than Batman and the Joker. Where Batman embodies justice, order, and all that is good, The Joker is the personification of evil, anarchy, and chaos. The Joker and Batman have been going at it since the 1940s, and will continue to do so through 2016 with the release of Suicide Squad. His origin in the real world is as mysterious as it is in the comics, with three different men claiming to have had varying degrees of responsibility in creating him. A character that was meant to be a one-off appearance eventually evolved into one of the most recognizable villains in popular culture.

Over his 75 year history the Clown Prince of Crime has appeared in cartoons, live action television, movies, video games, and comics. Explore his inspirations and how he has changed with this awesome evolution infographic."

[Click the infographic for a larger view...]
 Evolution of the Joker Infographic
Image Created by
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September 24 2015
24 Sep 13:04


24 Sep 13:04

Not that I read past 100.image | twitter | facebook

Not that I read past 100.

image | twitter | facebook

24 Sep 13:04


by Lunarbaboon

24 Sep 13:04

Super Siri'al

by Sarah Yoshimura
Dan Jones

Now you know

Artist's Note:

I've never used Siri before. I just tried it the other day, and I am utterly terrified to ask it the weather. 

...there is something beyond horrifying about the idea of something knowing my ENTIRE LIFE. Yet I have a smartphone. Geezus.

Writer's Note:

Somehow, in the world of consumer technology, convenience and privacy have become inversely related. And I'm not sure it'll ever go back.

Also, thanks to some last-minute line changes, I made a hideous typo in the text of the second panel. Admittedly there's quite a lot of text to sift through, but one sentence is clearly in dire need of an additional "you".

See if you can spot my mistake -_-

Yoshi note: Fixed the typo! So stop searching. ^v^

24 Sep 13:04

#1186 – Snacks (3 Comments)

by Chris

#1186 – Snacks

I mean… the bag was already in my hand so…
24 Sep 13:04

DIY Programmable Fiber Optic Fairy Wings

by Sean Fallon


Holy crap. Look at that!

And how about this…


And this…


As far as we’re concerned, the technology used to build these programmable fiber optic fairy wings is basically magic—magic that you can harness. Instructables user MikaelaHolmes notes:

For this latest experiment I applied the idea to some relatively simple fairy wings, hoping to create a sparkling enchanting fiber optic costume piece fit for a real fairy. To power my wings I made an easy lighting module with leds, a battery and a microcontroller that allows me to program the color of the fibers, or give them different patterns or fades.

Head on over to Instructables for the step-by-step on how to make your own pair.