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27 Oct 12:24

Cthulhu Ski Mask

by nayohme

Cthulhu Ski Mask – It won’t give you the power to consume human souls, but it will keep your face warm, and make a great Halloween costume!

27 Oct 10:43

extrafabulouscomics: scary halloween comic


scary halloween comic

26 Oct 23:40

Photographs of auto mechanics posed in the style of Renaissance masterpieces

by Jason Kottke

Freddy Fabris

Freddy Fabris

From photographer Freddy Fabris, The Renaissance Series, photographs of auto mechanics posed in the style of Renaissance paintings. (via colossal)

Tags: art   Freddy Fabris   photography
26 Oct 23:40

All your Pemberley favorites are in “Muzzled the Musical”!

by Hannah MacLeod

The Kickstarter-funded, Matthew Mercer-created fanciful musical “Muzzled the Musical” is finally here, and it stars a bunch of your favorite Pemberley actors: Ashley Clements, Mary Kate Wiles, Maxwell Glick, Brendan Bradley and more familiar faces from YouTube! Check out the first episode above (and then watch episodes 2 and 3).

What’s Muzzled about, you ask?


To the Royal Kingdom of Serenadia, where singing is power. With the right song, you can bring peace to the downtrodden, bake a delicious birthday cake… even KILL! 

Hence, the Golden King has decreed all Blackhearts must bear the Muzzle: a magic tattoo that punishes those who try to sing.

See, the Kingdom was once ravaged by years of bloody musical warfare waged between the Golden King and the Black Matron. Now, twenty years after the King’s dulcet baritone restored peace to the land, the Matron’s teen daughter Malfalia is determined to shed her Muzzle and sing. So Malf sneaks off to meet her idol, Princess Ambrosia… only for Ambrosia to cruelly trick her into triggering her Muzzle and, quite satisfied, leave her screaming on the cold Kingdom asphalt.
But Malfalia – even writhing, heartbroken and humiliated – is still her mother’s daughter. She sings through the pain, shatters her Muzzle and vows revenge: to masquerade as a princess, infiltrate and destroy royal society… then free her fellow Blackhearts from the tyranny of the Muzzles!
Remember to watch all three episodes of season one, like them and share them with your friends, and tweet at our lovely Pemberley cast members how much you love the show (and the songs!). You can also tune in to Twin Galaxies Live on Twitch at 9EST/6PT TODAY (10/26/2015) for a two-hour live stream with Q&A and live commentary on the episodes!
26 Oct 22:07

ohcaptainmycaptain1918: theinturnetexplorer: well that...



well that neighbor feud took an amusing turn.

Imagine your OTP

26 Oct 22:06

necrophlint: tinytmas: Dr. Temperance Brennan has seen some...



Dr. Temperance Brennan has seen some disgusting and horrifying shit over the years, but I think her daughter and her husband singing this horribly innacurate song might just top the list for her.

The betrayal on her face jfc

26 Oct 20:48

Hooray for teamwork! :Dimage | twitter | facebook | patreon

Hooray for teamwork! :D

image | twitter | facebook | patreon

26 Oct 20:46

Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) released and Download Link added

by ruchi
Dan Jones

I just realized I can't upgrade. I'm still on 14.04, and it won't let me upgrade straight to 15.10 (gotta go 14.10, and 15.04 first), but 14.10 has already reached EOF, I think, so I can't upgrade to that.

I can't believe I let my computer get so far behind on upgrades.

Codenamed “Wily Werewolf”, 15.10 continues Ubuntu’s proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. The team has been hard at work through this cycle, introducing new features and fixing bugs.
Read the rest of Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) released and Download Link added (161 words)

© ruchi for Ubuntu Geek, 2015. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
Post tags: download link ubuntu 15.10, News, Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) released

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26 Oct 17:29


by Robin Rendle

CSSgram is a CSS library by Una Kravets recreating Instagram filters. The filters are pseudo elements on the <figure>, sitting on to of the <img>, using different gradients, opacities, and mix-blend-modes.

This continues her excellent work in experimenting with blend modes and filters, from vintage washouts to 3d image effects.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

CSSgram is a post from CSS-Tricks

26 Oct 16:28

Study finds human DNA in hot dogs, meat in veggie dogs

Study finds human DNA in hot dogs, meat in veggie dogs:

Clear Food, a food-analysis company, recently examined 345 hot dogs and sausages. According to the report, the company found human DNA in 2 percent of the products tested. “Two-thirds of the human DNA samples were vegetarian samples,” the study adds.

Clear Food gave a shout-out to the brands that fared best in their test, including Butterball, McCormick, Eckrich, Hebrew National and Gardein. Meanwhile, Oscar Mayer’s Premium Jumbo Beef Franks took the title of top dog, described as “high quality and good value in a high-visibility national brand.”

It doesn’t say how much human DNA was found in the hot dogs that contained them. If it’s less than 0.1%, e.g., that’s probably less than you would find in most home-cooked meals.

26 Oct 16:28

doodleforfood: So my printer broke today. Site | Store |...


So my printer broke today.

Site | Store | Facebook

26 Oct 16:28

tastefullyoffensive: “If I fits, I sits.” (photo by Oaklawn...


“If I fits, I sits.” (photo by Oaklawn Farm Zoo)

26 Oct 16:28

pokemonpika77: Guys, this is season ONE of the Simpsons.


Guys, this is season ONE of the Simpsons.

26 Oct 16:28

gifak-net: video:  Dog Gets Really Excited While Watching...

26 Oct 16:27

The DMV Is Auctioning Off A License Plate That Reads "Texas AF" - Texas Monthly

The DMV Is Auctioning Off A License Plate That Reads "Texas AF" - Texas Monthly:

As part of its new auction of rare two-character license plate numbers, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles had—among expected stalwarts like “OK,” “EZ,” “XL,” “QT,” or “SA”—opted to include the option “AF.”

26 Oct 13:38

Star Wars Villains Poster Set

by elssah12

star-wars-villains-postersThe Dark Side never looked so good.

26 Oct 12:19

T-Shirts & Apparel : Batman Gloves

Lend a hand. These are practical, real-world Batman gloves. They aren't radiation resistant. They don't let you hide your lockpick set. There aren't any hidden blades. They WILL keep your hands warm in the winter. $14.99
26 Oct 12:19


26 Oct 12:19

T-Shirts & Apparel : Walking Dead Lounge Pants

Elastic waist for that much-needed mobility. With a waist tie, these grey 100% cotton lounge pants remind us of the color we used to think brains were until Walking Dead dispossessed us of that idea. Features a collage of zombies from Kirkman and a Walking Dead logo down the left leg in red. $24.99
26 Oct 12:19

Fake Costumes at Local Halloween Store

Fake Costumes at Local Halloween Store


LOL! Comedian Jeff Wysaski took it upon himself to expand the inventory of a nearby Halloween store with these brilliant fake costumes...

Fake Costumes at Local Halloween Store

Fake Costumes at Local Halloween Store

Fake Costumes at Local Halloween Store

Fake Costumes at Local Halloween Store

Fake Costumes at Local Halloween Store

Fake Costumes at Local Halloween Store

By: Jeff Wysaski

(via: Daily Mail)

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October 25 2015
25 Oct 15:28

The Birth of the Ellipsis.

by languagehat

Alison Flood reports in the Guardian about an exciting discovery (for those of us who find punctuation exciting):

Dr Anne Toner believes she has identified the earliest use of the ellipsis in English drama, pinning it down to a 1588 edition of the Roman dramatist Terence’s play, Andria, which had been translated into English by Maurice Kyffin and printed by Thomas East, and in which hyphens, rather than dots, mark incomplete utterances by the play’s characters.

Although there are instances of ellipses occurring in letters around the same time, this is the earliest printed version found by Toner following her chronological research into the earliest dramas in print.

“This was a brilliant innovation,” she writes in Ellipsis in English Literature: Signs of Omission, a history of the use of dots, dashes and asterisks to mark a silence of some kind, which has just been published by Cambridge University Press. [...]

“It’s interesting to think about whose idea it was to use what turned out to be a very useful resource … was it the translator of the Terence play, or the printer? Who the agent was behind the mark is very unclear,” Toner said. “But you then start to see it being used relatively quickly in dramatic works … in Ben Jonson plays, for example.”

It also appears in Shakespeare. Toner writes of Henry IV, Part I, that “Hotspur dies on a dash”, with his last words cut short: “no, Percy, thou art dust / And food for–”

By the 18th century, said Toner, it “becomes very common in print, and blanking starts to be used as a means of avoiding libel laws”, with series of dots starting to be seen in English works, as well as hyphens and dashes, to mark an ellipsis.

There are some nice images of the books in question at the link.

Also, congratulations to Arika Okrent, winner of the LSA Linguistics Journalism Award!

25 Oct 15:28

Star Wars Oven Mitts

Star Wars Oven Mitts


WANT! These Star Wars Silicone Stormtrooper Oven Mitt and Darth Vader Oven Mit are perfect for taking the Dark Side cookies out of the oven...

Star Wars Oven Mitts Star Wars Oven Mitts

Star Wars Oven Mitts

Star Wars Oven Mitts

Star Wars Oven Mitts

Star Wars Oven Mitts

Star Wars Stormtrooper Silicone Oven Mitt available here!

Star Wars Darth Vader Silicone Oven Mitt available here!

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October 25 2015
25 Oct 13:09

Infographic: The Many Incarnations of the Joker Through the Years

Infographic: The Many Incarnations of the Joker Through the Years made this awesome infographic showing some of the many incarnations of the Joker! (If you're interested, check out another similar Evolution of the Joker Infographic here)...

"For almost as long as Batman has been around to save helpless civilians, the Joker has always there to spread chaos and despair in the city of Gotham. These two characters are so entwined that in every version of the Batman, there has always been a Joker to come along with it. After all, you can?t have a superhero without his arch-enemy. And in the 75 years of his existence, there have been many different interpretations for the Clown Prince of Crime. While he has been portrayed as a psychopath in most of these incarnations, his appearance and origin has changed time and time again. Trying to list all the versions of this character would take more than a couple of pages, so we have compiled a few of his most noteworthy incarnations that have appeared throughout his long history."

[Click the infographic for a larger view...]
Joker Through The Years Infographic
Infographic Created by
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October 23 2015
24 Oct 17:21


Dan Jones

Never play Wii Sports with Superman.


24 Oct 17:21

Puffin Pixels: 8-bit classics

by Jason Kottke

Robin Hood Puffin Pixels

Perhaps attempting to capitalize on the popularity of Minecraft with young boys, Random Penguin1 has released the Puffin Pixels Series of books. The covers of The Swiss Family Robinson, Treasure Island, and four more titles are done in the style of 8-bit video games. The cover illustrations were done by Michael Myers. (via @gavinpurcell)

  1. I know it's Penguin Random House, but Random Penguin would have been more fun.

Tags: books   design   video games
24 Oct 17:21


by Steve Napierski
Pokégone You're telling me that the Fallout and Pokémon series take place in the exact same universe?! I can accept that.

source: deviantART

See more: Pokégone
23 Oct 16:51

This Ingenious Refrigerator Keeps Food Cold Without Electricity

Taking a cue from kangaroos, elephants, bees and even termites, a team from the University of Calgary came up with a clever way to keep food cool without the need for expensive fridges, or even electricity. 

The invention, dubbed WindChill, took first place in the student category in the Biomimicry Global Design Challenge, aimed at finding solutions borrowed from nature to improve the global food system. 

"We thought it would be good to decrease the amount of food waste in the world, and we came up with this design because it's easy to build and the materials are relatively cheap," said team member Michelle Zhou.

The design borrows the burrowing and the fanning techniques employed by some animals, siphoning in air (think elephants ears) that is then cooled by tubes which partially run underground (think digging termites). This helps provide cheap, cold air for food refrigeration.


Jorge Zapote and Michelle Zhou, two of the students behind WindChill, which won a biomimicry design prize aimed at improving the food system. (CBC)

The goal was to build something that could be used in remote locations where electricity, and money, can be scarce. 

"Anywhere from a quarter to half of the world's food goes to waste every year, and in rural populations — about 70 per cent of the people in rural Africa don't have access to electricity," said team member Jorge Zapote. 

"So this at the moment uses a tiny bit of electricity from a solar panel, but the end design is to use zero electricity. So this could really help people in those areas."

The team is now looking forward to creating a prototype for the next round of competition and trying to reach their temperature goal. 

"The 4.5 degree Celsius goal is the temperature that we need for the food to stop spoiling," said Zhou.

23 Oct 11:01


22 Oct 19:36

I received an interesting call just right before I was to leave on vacation, from a...

I received an interesting call just right before I was to leave on vacation, from a client with a website we’d recently completed. The client’s site, which promoted a popular restaurant, had even just recently won an award for its design and generated a lot of traffic. 

Client: Hey! How’s it going? I just wanted to tell you that while I realize was time to renew our year at the hosting company - I called and cancelled it instead.

Me:   …What?

Client: Yeah! Since you told us Wordpress is free - I saw no point in paying that yearly fee to them anymore.

Me: How long ago did you DO this?

Client: Oh, about two weeks ago. But now I can’t find my website online.

I started searching for the site frantically. It was gone. 

Client: Can you make sure it’s up and running correctly? We have a big brunch event coming up we need to take reservations for. 

Thankfully, the hosting company found this story to be SO hilarious, they went back and restored the database and account free of charge, even though it had been closed down two weeks prior. I couldn’t have been more grateful for them not immediately cleaning up the server.

22 Oct 19:06

Great Scott! The Future is Here!

Great Scott! The Future is Here! made another great infographic (also check out 10 Things Back to the Future Got Right and Wrong here) showing the accuracy level of the technology portrayed in Back to the Future II...

"30 years ago, Back to the Future took us on a ride to the past.
4 years later: Back to the Future part II took us to 2015.
But how accurate was it? How close was 1989?s vision of 2015 to reality?"

Back to the Future
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October 21 2015