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09 Apr 20:13

'Love is...' Comics

'Love is...' Comics


HJ Story draws these super adorable and heartwarming little pictures of love and happiness! ♥ Here are some of our favorites from their "Love is..." series...

Love is... Comics

Love is... Comics

Love is... Comics

Love is... Comics

Love is... Comics

Love is... Comics

Love is... Comics

Love is... Comics

Love is... Comics

Love is... Comics

Love is... Comics

Love is... Comics

Love is... Comics

Artist: HJ Story

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April 09 2016
09 Apr 00:34

Parent Hacks

by Jason Kottke

Parent Hacks

Asha Dornfest runs the Parent Hacks blog and she's collected some of her best tips into a new book, Parent Hacks: 134 Genius Shortcuts for Life with Kids.

A parent hack can be as simple as putting the ketchup under the hot dog, minimizing the mess. Or strapping baby into a forward-facing carrier when you need to trim his fingernails-it frees your hands while controlling the squirming. Or stashing a wallet in a disposable diaper at the beach-who would ever poke through what looks like a used Pamper?

Dave Pell from Nextdraft tipped me off to the book, writing:

My friend Asha Dornfest has turned her excellent parenting blog into an even more excellent parenting book with 134 ingenious ideas for simplifying life with kids. Parent Hacks is so good that I may even have a few more kids.

Tags: Asha Dornfest   books   Dave Pell   Parent Hacks   parenting
08 Apr 16:40

"Cracked Out" Tater Tot-Chos

by Stephanie @ Plain Chicken
"Cracked Out" Tater Tot-Chos - Bacon wrapped tater tots topped with Ranch dressing and cheddar cheese. Only 4 ingredients and ready in about 30 minutes. OMG! This might be the best thing I've ever eaten! Seriously! These are gone in a flash! I never take home any leftovers.

Tomorrow is A-Day at Auburn University and Alabama has their spring game next weekend. I can't wait for a little taste of college football!! I also can't wait to see all of our football friends and tailgate. As you probably know, I am all about the tailgate food. I am bringing these "Cracked Out" Tater Tot-chos for the game. Bacon wrapped tater tots topped with Ranch dressing and cheddar cheese. OMG! This might be the best thing I've ever eaten! Seriously!

I made this last week and ended up eating them for lunch. I was only going to sample one or two, but I couldn't stop eating them so I just made them lunch. SO good!

I can't wait to share these with our tailgate group. I will bake the bacon wrapped tater tots before the game and then top them with the bacon and cheddar in the parking lot. I have a kitchen torch to melt the cheese. The torch will also help warm up the tots. If you don't tailgate, no worries! These also make a great party appetizer. I promise people will go crazy over them!!

"Cracked Out" Tater Tot-Chos - Bacon wrapped tater tots topped with Ranch dressing and cheddar cheese. Only 4 ingredients and ready in about 30 minutes. OMG! This might be the best thing I've ever eaten! Seriously! These are gone in a flash! I never take home any leftovers.

Follow Plain Chicken's board Taligating Recipes on Pinterest.

Continue reading for recipes--->
08 Apr 15:57

Reddit introduces official app for Android and iOS

by Dima Aryeh

Reddit is a very popular site, calling itself “the front page of the internet.” Indeed it is, as it’s a collection of news, photos, stories, you name it. And it’s the perfect service to use on mobile (and let’s be honest, the desktop site sucks).

Until now, Android users have had to use third-party apps. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as some of those apps were fantastic. iOS users gained a semi-official app when Reddit bought Alien Blue. Now both operating systems are getting their own official apps.

For Android, a new app was designed and released. Reddit was planning to upgrade Alien Blue further, but decided to just create a new app from the ground up. The duo are now available to download on their respective app stores.

If you want to try it out for yourself and see if it can replace your favorite third party app, head to the Play Store to download it. And for iOS users, here’s an iTunes link. Let us know what you think of it in the comments!

08 Apr 15:09

The Interviews

by Enzo
Dan Jones

Get Out!


I'm trying out a new style of drawing and writing. Let's see how it goes.

08 Apr 15:09


by Lunarbaboon
08 Apr 13:11

Exclusive Deal

by Steve Napierski
Exclusive Deal I was working on my computer, last Thursday night, when it abruptly shut down and began installing Windows 10. To the best of my knowledge I never agreed to upgrade, but here we are. There was some initial issues with my NVIDIA graphics card and my Cintiq, but that all seems to be resolved now. Nonetheless, when it happened I was mighty upset. It was 11pm and I was still working. Fortunately, I had recently saved what I had been working on. So there wasn't that much work to redo, after the OS updated, forty-five minutes later.

See more: Exclusive Deal
08 Apr 13:01

Satellite view of a river changing course over time

by Jason Kottke
Dan Jones

I really like the horseshoe lake that forms over time.

River Path Time

Rivers change course as they flow through the years. This is an animation of the fast-changing Ucayali River in Peru built from satellite imagery over the past 30 years.

See also meander maps of the Mississippi River, available as prints from 20x200.

Tags: geography
08 Apr 11:32

How to Work With JSON Data Using Python

by A. Ahmed

This tutorial shows how easy it is to use the Python programming language to work with JSON data.

Before I begin the topic, let's define briefly what we mean by JSON. Let's see how JSON's main website defines it:

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming LanguageStandard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and many others. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language.

Thus, JSON is a simple way to create and store data structures within JavaScript. The reason you see JavaScript in the acronym is due to the fact that a JavaScript object is created when storing data with JSON. But, don't worry, you don't need to know JavaScript to work with JSON files, rather it is about the JSON syntax (format) itself.

In brief, JSON is a way by which we store and exchange data, which is accomplished through its syntax, and is used in many web applications. The nice thing about JSON is that it has a human readable format, and this may be one of the reasons for using it in data transmission, in addition to its effectiveness when working with APIs.

An example of JSON-formatted data is as follows:

{"name": "Frank", "age": 39,
 "isEmployed": true}

In this tutorial, I will show you how to use Python to work with JSON files. So, let's get started!

Python and JSON

Python makes it simple to work with JSON files. The module used for this purpose is the json module. This module should be included (built-in) within your Python installation, and you thus don't need to install any external modules as we did when working with PDF and Excel files, for instance. The only thing you need in order to use this module is to import it:

import json

But, what does the json library do? This library mainly parses JSON from files or strings. It also parses JSON into a dictionary or list in Python and vice versa, that is converting a Python dictionary or list into JSON strings.

JSON to Python

Reading JSON means converting JSON into a Python value (object). As mentioned above, the json library parses JSON into a dictionary or list in Python. In order to do that, we use the loads() function (load from a string), as follows:

import json
jsonData = '{"name": "Frank", "age": 39}'
jsonToPython = json.loads(jsonData)

If you want to see the output, do a print jsonToPython, in which case you will get the following output:

{u'age': 39, u'name': u'Frank'}

That is, the data is returned as a Python dictionary (JSON object data structure). So, will the statement print jsonToPython['name'] return any output? Go ahead, try it out.

Python to JSON

In the previous section, we saw how to convert JSON into a Python value (i.e. Dictionary). In this section, I will show you how we can convert (encode) a Python value to JSON.

Say that we have the following Dictionary in Python:

import json
pythonDictionary = {'name':'Bob', 'age':44, 'isEmployed':True}
dictionaryToJson = json.dumps(pythonDictionary)

If we print dictionaryToJson, we get the following JSON data:

{"age": 44, "isEmployed": true, "name": "Bob"}

So this output is considered the data representation of the object (Dictionary). The method dumps() was the key to such operation.

It is important to note at this point that JSON cannot store all types of Python objects, but only the following types: Lists; Dictionaries; Booleans; Numbers; Character strings; and None. Thus, any other types need to be converted in order to be stored in JSON.

Let's say we have the following class:

class Employee(object):
    def __init__(self, name): = name

Let's say we created a new object abder, as follows:

abder = Employee('Abder')

What if we wanted to convert this object to JSON? That is json.dumps(abder)? In this case, you would get an error similar to the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 8, in <module>
    abderJson = json.dumps(abder)
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/", line 243, in dumps
    return _default_encoder.encode(obj)
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/", line 207, in encode
    chunks = self.iterencode(o, _one_shot=True)
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/", line 270, in iterencode
    return _iterencode(o, 0)
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/", line 184, in default
    raise TypeError(repr(o) + " is not JSON serializable")
TypeError: <__main__.Employee object at 0x10e74b750> is not JSON serializable

But, is there a workaround? Fortunately there is. I like the workaround described on the Python Tips website. To solve this issue, we can define a method similar to the following:

def jsonDefault(object):
    return object.__dict__

Then encode the object into JSON as follows:

jsonAbder = json.dumps(abder, default=jsonDefault)

If you print jsonAbder, you should get the following output:

{"name": "Abder"}

We have now encoded a Python object (abder) into JSON.


From this tutorial, we can notice that Python again and again is proving not only its ability to work with different applications, but also its flexibility to work with different issues while working with an application, as we saw in the last part of the tutorial.

If you want to know more about the json module, you can visit the documentation page.

08 Apr 11:30

The Doughnut Warming Coffee Mug

This mug has been specially crafted with a "plate" set into its rim so you can use your morning cup of coffee or tea to also hold and warm your morning doughnut. The only problem is that I heard your morning doughnut is really, really bad for you. The worst. Like, heart disease with a hole in it. So I'm glad to see mug creator Best Morning Ever has also shown some alternative, healthier options for steam cradle warming. Muffins. Danishes. Mmmm, chocolate chip cookies.

Yeah, yeah, all those carbo-bombs clog your arteries too. What that isn't kale and cauliflower doesn't these days? But the Doughnut Warming Coffee Mug wasn't made for calorie Nazis like my girlfriend, She-Ra: Princess of Power. It was made for people who want to eat food that doesn't taste like Mother Nature blew a snot rocket on it, and to enjoy their ingestion transgressions at their peak possible presentation.

The porcelain mug not only holds and heats baked goods, but also keeps liquid hotter for longer as your pastry plugs its pair of openings and traps the warmth inside. And those dual sipping cutouts are different sizes on purpose, with the smaller intended specifically for bearded Doughnut Warming Coffee Mug enthusiasts. The mug is both microwave and dishwasher safe.

What do you think? As cool as the Floating Mug?

08 Apr 11:30



07 Apr 20:13

#1308 – Screens (No Comments)

by Chris

#1308 – Screens

07 Apr 19:10

Saddest Turtle’s Imaginary Friends

by alex

Saddest Turtle’s Imaginary Friends

07 Apr 19:09

The ‘Star Trek’ Uniform Sweater And Tank Top Is A Great Combo

by Geek Girl Diva


Here’s a good combination. The Star Trek blue women’s costume yoga tank top is good for exercising. Then you can wear the Star Trek blue costume women’s sweater afterwards when it’s time to relax. It even has mesh-see through collar (the blue section) to help keep you cool.

Or, y’know, you can just wear them to look cool as you sit around not working out.

Now I’m picturing Troi and Crusher wearing these during their work out heart-to-hearts.

Check out more pics below.






Product Pages: Star Trek Blue Women’s Costume Yoga Tank Top $27.99 / Star Trek Blue Costume Women’s Sweater $49.99

07 Apr 17:36

Leo J. Burke

"People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one."

07 Apr 17:36

James M. Barrie

"Life is a long lesson in humility."

07 Apr 17:36

Check Out More Cluster Fudge On Webtoons

07 Apr 17:36



07 Apr 17:36

One Big Happy: Thursday, April 07, 2016

One Big Happy
07 Apr 17:36

James Tissot “Women Of Paris: The Circus Lover” 1885. Dialogue #ThePrincessBride 1987. Hello. My name is @PopQuotery. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Or follow, as you wish. #movies #art #popculture #bestmovieever #RobReiner #cinema #cine #cinephilecommunity #cinephile #movieart #80s #comedy #princessbride #caryelwes #robinwright #asyouwish #InigoMontoya #funnyquotes #FilmCommunity #FilmPoster #MoviePoster #CultFilm #CultMovie #FanArt #Moviebuff #sweetdreamsdlf #photoshop

by (Websta)


James Tissot “Women Of Paris: The Circus Lover” 1885. Dialogue #ThePrincessBride 1987. Hello. My name is @PopQuotery. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Or follow, as you wish. #movies #art #popculture #bestmovieever #RobReiner #cinema #cine #cinephilecommunity #cinephile #movieart #80s #comedy #princessbride #caryelwes #robinwright #asyouwish #InigoMontoya #funnyquotes #FilmCommunity #FilmPoster #MoviePoster #CultFilm #CultMovie #FanArt #Moviebuff #sweetdreamsdlf #photoshop


tags#funnyquotes, #photoshop, #movieart, #art, #cinema, #movieposter, #princessbride, #theprincessbride, #bestmovieever, #filmcommunity, #cultfilm, #asyouwish, #robreiner, #robinwright, #fanart, #cinephile, #cine, #filmposter, #movies, #moviebuff, #inigomontoya, #80s, #cultmovie, #comedy, #sweetdreamsdlf, #cinephilecommunity, #caryelwes, #popculture,

location : South San Francisco, California


07 Apr 13:02

Death Battle

by Steve Napierski
Right in the feels.

source: twistedspeedo

See more: Death Battle
07 Apr 13:02


06 Apr 20:29

Thomas Eakins “Taking the count” 1898. Dialogue #ThePrincessBride 1987. Heroes. Giants. Villains. Wizards. True Love. Also it’s now on Netflix! #movies #art #popculture #bestmovieever #RobReiner #cinema #cine #cinephilecommunity #cinephile #movieart #80s #comedy #princessbride #caryelwes #robinwright #asyouwish #InigoMontoya #funnyquotes #1987 #FilmCommunity #FilmPoster #MoviePoster #CultFilm #CultMovie #FanArt #photoshop

by (Websta)


Thomas Eakins “Taking the count” 1898. Dialogue #ThePrincessBride 1987. Heroes. Giants. Villains. Wizards. True Love. Also it’s now on Netflix! #movies #art #popculture #bestmovieever #RobReiner #cinema #cine #cinephilecommunity #cinephile #movieart #80s #comedy #princessbride #caryelwes #robinwright #asyouwish #InigoMontoya #funnyquotes #1987 #FilmCommunity #FilmPoster #MoviePoster #CultFilm #CultMovie #FanArt #photoshop


tags#funnyquotes, #photoshop, #movieart, #art, #cinema, #movieposter, #princessbride, #theprincessbride, #bestmovieever, #filmcommunity, #cultfilm, #asyouwish, #1987, #robreiner, #robinwright, #fanart, #cine, #filmposter, #movies, #inigomontoya, #80s, #cultmovie, #comedy, #cinephile, #cinephilecommunity, #caryelwes, #popculture,

location : San Francisco, California


06 Apr 20:29

Paul Delaroche "Napoléon Bonaparte Abdicated In Fontainebleau” Dialogue #TheGodfather 1972. Leave the gun. Take the cannoli & follow @popquotery #movies #art #popculture #bestmovieever #cinema #cine #cinephilecommunity #cinephile #movieart #drama #MarlonBrando #DonCorleone #oscar #thedon #brando #deniro #francisfordcoppola #alpacino #robertdeniro #CultFilm #CultMovie #FanArt #Moviebuff #photoshop

by (Websta)


Paul Delaroche "Napoléon Bonaparte Abdicated In Fontainebleau” Dialogue #TheGodfather 1972. Leave the gun. Take the cannoli & follow @popquotery #movies #art #popculture #bestmovieever #cinema #cine #cinephilecommunity #cinephile #movieart #drama #MarlonBrando #DonCorleone #oscar #thedon #brando #deniro #francisfordcoppola #alpacino #robertdeniro #CultFilm #CultMovie #FanArt #Moviebuff #photoshop


tags#photoshop, #movieart, #art, #cinema, #oscar, #cinephilecommunity, #deniro, #francisfordcoppola, #doncorleone, #cultfilm, #alpacino, #brando, #thegodfather, #bestmovieever, #robertdeniro, #fanart, #cine, #thedon, #drama, #movies, #moviebuff, #cultmovie, #cinephile, #marlonbrando, #popculture,

location : San Francisco, California


06 Apr 19:55

Fine art gets pop cultured

by Jason Kottke

The Popquotery Instagram account mixes fine art with pop culture quotations, mostly from movies. Here for instance, is Degas + Ferris Bueller:


And Waterhouse + Back to the Future:


How about Gowy + Top Gun:


Tags: art   remix
06 Apr 18:22

After civilization collapses, plants will take over NYC

by Jason Kottke

In this short film, Manhattan becomes Mannahatta again, as the plants take over when the humans leave the city. The early part of the film, before the twist, has a This Is Legend vibe, but it also reminds me of a book I read with my kids, The Curious Garden, about a High Line-like elevated park that spreads across an industrial city. (via colossal)

Tags: NYC   video
06 Apr 16:49

Picnic Table in a Briefcase

You've heard of pop-up dinners, right? Outsunny's portable picnic table is a nifty BYOSeat setup that folds into itself, and then folds again into a briefcase-style block with handle for easy carrying.

The wood table top and bench seats can accommodate up to 4 diners when expanded. Its aluminum alloy frame is durable enough to ensure the table won't collapse, and the BBQ go flying under human weight, but also light enough that you can make your kids carry it back to the car.

Just kidding. That's woman's work.

Additional Outsunny picnic table in a briefcase pluses include quick setup with tilt-and-lock securing posts and legs, and a wipe-and-clean table surface. Tabletop size is 33-1/2" long x 28-1/2" wide x 26-1/2" tall. Max weight capacity for the table (i.e., food and serving items) is 110 pounds, and for each individual seat 220 pounds.

06 Apr 01:38

The Open-Plan Office Paradox

by CommitStrip
Dan Jones

I have an open-plan office, and I'm a big fan. And, although I do use headphones, I don't need any of that extra stuff to keep out distractions.

06 Apr 01:05


05 Apr 21:28

Superman Comic

Superman Comic


Artist Dan Haring drew this heartfelt comic in honor of Superman's 75th birthday, based on how he feels about the character... Superman Comic

Artist: Dan Haring

(via: imgur)

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April 05 2016