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21 Feb 13:29

Hello, .dev!

Developers, designers, writers and architects: you built the web. You make it possible for the billions of people online today to do what they do. Have you ever tried to register your preferred domain name, only to find out it's not available? Today, Google Registry is announcing .dev, a brand new top-level domain (TLD) that's dedicated to developers and technology. We hope .dev will be a new home for you to build your communities, learn the latest tech and showcase your projects—all with a perfect domain name.

Check out what some companies, both big and small, are doing on .dev:

  • Want to build a website? Both and have you covered.
  • Trying to create more inclusive products? Visit for digital accessibility solutions.
  • Learn about Slack’s helpful tools, libraries, and SDKs at
  • Connect with Women Who Code at
  • Who doesn’t want to do more with their time? offers software solutions that make developers more productive.
  • Want to brush up on your skills (or learn new ones)? Check out
  • Learn how to build apps on the Salesforce platform at
  • Interested in learning how to increase the agility and productivity of your data team? Visit
  • Want to build & deploy serverless apps on a global cloud network? You can do that with Cloudflare at
  • Get a sneak peek of what’s running under the hood of the Niantic Real World Platform at

Like our recent launches for .app and .page, this new domain will be secure by default because it requires HTTPS to connect to all .dev websites. This protects people who visit your site against ad malware and tracking injection by internet service providers, and from spying when using open WiFi networks. With every .dev website that’s launched, you help move the web to an HTTPS-everywhere future.

Starting today at 8:00 a.m. PT and through February 28, .dev domains are available to register as part of our Early Access Program, where you can secure your desired domains for an additional fee. The fee decreases according to a daily schedule. Beginning on February 28, .dev domains will be available at a base annual price through your registrar of choice. To find out pricing from our participating partners, visit

Google has already started using .dev for some of our own projects, like and Visit to see what companies like Mozilla, Netflix, Glitch, Stripe, JetBrains and more are doing on .dev and get your own domain through one of our registrar partners. We look forward to seeing what you create on .dev!

21 Feb 13:29

#1851 – My coffee

by Chris

#1851 – My coffee

21 Feb 13:28

The Peanut Butter Pump

by Erin Carstens
21 Feb 13:28

2 Human 4 Me.

I think I just invented the world's first relatable bot.
21 Feb 13:25

Leaving Neverland

by Jason Kottke

Set to air on HBO starting March 3rd, Leaving Neverland is a two-part documentary film about the experiences of two men who were befriended by and allegedly sexually abused by Michael Jackson as young boys. Here’s the trailer:

Leaving Neverland is a two-part documentary exploring the separate but parallel experiences of two young boys, James Safechuck, at age ten, and Wade Robson, at age seven, both of whom were befriended by Michael Jackson. Through gut-wrenching interviews with Safechuck, now 37, and Robson, now 41, as well as their mothers, wives and siblings, the film crafts a portrait of sustained abuse, exploring the complicated feelings that led both men to confront their experiences after both had a young son of his own.

As this quick timeline of abuse allegations against Jackson notes, both Safechuck and Robson previously denied that Jackson had abused them.

Robson, by this point a choreographer for stars like Britney Spears, testified that he had spent the night at Neverland more than 20 times but that Jackson had never molested him or taken a shower with him.

James Safechuck, who had met Jackson as a young boy in the 1980s when he was cast in a Pepsi commercial, also denied publicly that he had been abused, although he was not called to testify.

David Ehrlich saw the film at Sundance and was completely convinced by the stories of the two men.

It may not be much of a secret that Michael Jackson acted inappropriately with a number of young boys, but there’s no way to prepare yourself for the sickening forensic details presented in Dan Reed’s four-hour exposé. It’s one thing to be vaguely aware of the various allegations that were made against the King of Pop; the asterisks that will always be next to the late mega-star’s name. It’s quite another to hear the horrifyingly lucid testimony that stretches across the entire duration of “Leaving Neverland,” as two of Jackson’s most repeat victims bravely lay bare how a universal icon seduced them away from their realities, splintered their families beyond all recognition, and leveraged their love for him into a disturbing litany of sexual acts.

The eloquent and straightforward “Leaving Neverland” was made for no other reason than to give shape to a nebulous cloud of rumors, many of which were floated in public before they were silenced behind settlements, and none of which a jury was able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. In the wake of Reed’s film and the shattering interview footage that it exists to share with us, there’s no longer a reasonable doubt. There’s no longer any doubt at all. Not only do the documentary’s two main subjects perfectly corroborate their separate accounts in all of the most tragic of ways, but they do so with a degree of vulnerability that denies any room for skepticism.

Other stars who previously had private or ignored abuse allegations leveled against them — Kevin Spacey, Bill Cosby, R. Kelly, Woody Allen, Louis CK — have been judged more harshly and their accusers have taken more seriously in recent years, and it’ll be interesting to see what happens with Jackson after the documentary airs.

Tags: HBO   Leaving Neverland   legal   Michael Jackson   movies   trailers   TV   video
18 Feb 13:14

Comic for 2019.02.13

18 Feb 13:14

Celebrity Then & Now

by Jason Kottke

Ard Gelinck photoshops celebrities posing with their younger selves and posts the results on Instagram.

Celeb Then Now

Celeb Then Now

Celeb Then Now

Celeb Then Now

Tags: Ard Gelinck   remix
18 Feb 13:14

Bathroom Scale Floor Mat

by Erin Carstens
18 Feb 13:14

White House Announces National Emergency Using iPhone Notes App

by John Gruber

Very serious, well-prepared people, the Trump administration.

It’s not even a clean screenshot — Sanders screwed it up with a black dot from the Markup feature while cropping.

12 Feb 16:52

Apostle Tells Educators to be ‘First Responders’ to Students Considering Suicide

Salt Lake City | Friday, 08 February 2019 |

Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles encouraged Church educators worldwide Friday night to “talk to teens about suicide and love them out of considering suicide as a solution to their pain.”

12 Feb 16:52

Retro-Inspired Portable Briefcase Arcades

by Erin Carstens
12 Feb 16:52


by Chris Grabowski
I all seriousness, I really like AOC and I only disagree with her on a couple of issues. Mostly the nintendo thing.


12 Feb 16:51

Thank You

by Reza
12 Feb 16:51

#1848 – Panic

by Chris

#1848 – Panic

12 Feb 16:51

Pam's Art Show in The Office

Pam's Art Show in The Office


This scene in season 3, episode 17, "Business School" of The Office (which happened to be directed by Joss Whedon) is incredibly heartwarming. Pam invited the whole office to come to her art show and no one shows except Oscar who criticizes her work, as she goes to start taking it down Michael Scott shows up and this beautiful exchange takes place. ♥ I'm sure many struggling new artists can relate to this...

Pams Art Show in The Office

Pams Art Show in The Office

Pams Art Show in The Office

Pams Art Show in The Office

Pams Art Show in The Office

Pams Art Show in The Office

Pams Art Show in The Office

Pams Art Show in The Office

Pams Art Show in The Office

Pams Art Show in The Office

Source: You Are Not Alone

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February 12 2019
12 Feb 16:51

3D Printed Original Legend of Zelda Map

3D Printed Original Legend of Zelda Map


Willard McFarland purchased this epic 3D printed version of the original Legend of Zelda map via the Trade Sell Collect Retro Facebook group. The creator of the map spend around six months building the whole thing in Minecraft, and then exported the design into a file that could be used by a 3D printer. After 24 hours of printing non stop and then six hours of painting, the 3D version of the map was complete! (via: Geeks are Sexy)

3D Printed Original Legend of Zelda Map

3D Printed Original Legend of Zelda Map

3D Printed Original Legend of Zelda Map

3D Printed Original Legend of Zelda Map

3D Printed Original Legend of Zelda Map

Source: Willard McFarland

(via: Geeks are Sexy)

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February 12 2019
11 Feb 13:35

Want it All

by Reza
11 Feb 13:35

Me Cookie Monster. Ask Me Anything.

by Tim Carmody


We’ve established that I’m a huge fan of Cookie Monster, the most orally challenged but also the most literarily adept muppet. But even with those cards on the table, this Reddit AMA is something special.

Q: Is there anything you won’t eat? I mean, I’ve seen you eat a typewriter before…

A: Me stay away from anything in Oscar’s trashcan. Otherwise me not picky.

Q: My 7-year-old daughter is about to start selling cookies for Girl Scouts. Do you have any advice for her?

A: Don’t eat the product!

Q: There’s been a lot of famous people who have come to visit you and your friends on Sesame Street! Did any of those guests give you a cookie?

A: Me friends have surprised me with lots of cookies! Sir Ian Mckellan even gave me two cookies!

Q: Who would you most like to sing a “C is for Cookie” duet with?

A: Me would love to sing duet with Lady Gaga. Me and me friends are monsters after all. Me hope she see dis!

Q: What is the optimum number of chocolate chips per cookie?

A: Me always say the more the merrier. Me think me need at least 3.14 chocolate chippies per nom nom. MMM pi

Q: If you could only eat one type of cookie for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A: Wow! Me didn’t realize these question be so hard. If me had to choose just one cookie, me would have to pick me Mommy’s classic chocolate chippie!

Q: We know cookies are your favourite food. What is your second favourite food?

A: Can me say more cookies…?
A2: Me thought it over. Definitely “more cookies.”

Q: My son is your biggest fan in the world. His name is Nico and he’s almost 2. Any words of advice for him???

A: Me think it important to always share your cookies. Me know it hard to do sometimes, but it da kind thing to do.
A2: Oh, and HI NICO! Me love you!

Q: What was it like working with Jim Henson?

A: Me never sure what he did, but he always around to lend a hand and give me cookie!

Q: How’s the rent on Sesame Street?

A: Me think you confused…. Rent played on different street, me think Broadway?

It goes on and on like this. Maybe I’m too much of a softie (probably underbaked… god, it’s contagious), but I love this.

Tags: Cookie Monster   Muppets   Reddit   Sesame Street
08 Feb 19:28

Invisible Formatting

To avoid errors like this, we render all text and pipe it through OCR before processing, fixing a handful of irregular bugs by burying them beneath a smooth, uniform layer of bugs.
08 Feb 12:58

How to tidy up your merge requests with Git

by Ronald van Zon

I've worked on a lot of open source projects and one thing they all have in common is when you create a merge request (or pull request) they will often ask, "Can you clean up your request?" because commits like fix typo should not be included in a Git history.

Now there are a few ways of cleaning up commits and I'll show you what I have found to be the easiest way.

Below is an example scenario where I use a feature of Git that has saved me a lot of time. I have a tiny project seen in the image below.

Git Project

Now I like to run my in a test environment to see if it works as expected. I like to do that by configuring a .gitlab-ci.yml to run Although this is extremely easy, for this example I made sure I increased the number of commits to illustrate my example a bit more clearly. So after some time my commit history looks like this:

Git Project

Here you can see my first three commits add, and .gitlab-ci.yml. A few commits update my gitlab-ci file, trying some stuff out, and fixing typos. There's also a commit that cleans up my gitlab-ci and two more to fix and clean up

Now some of you might see this and think, "Looks good," while others might want to scream at me for making a mess out of my commits.

How do we fix it?

How to consolidate your commits

First, let's revert the last two commits using reset. We don't want to lose our changes so we will use git reset --soft HEAD~2. --soft will keep our changes of the files and HEAD~2 tells Git the two commits from HEAD position should be reverted.

We create a new commit, git commit --fixup 6c29979. This will create a commit called fixup! Add main Python file. When we run git rebase -i --autosquash 24d214a we can see below that our fixup commit has been moved below the commit we referenced with the tag 6c29979. I could save this and the fixup will be merged into the commit above.

Git Project

But if we look at the commits below the fixup, we see that all the commits are related to the .gitlab-ci.yml and by making a small change here, we can clean up my commits in a single go. We will change the pick to fixup for all commits but Add default gitlab-ci (shown in the image below) and we will save this.

Git Project

Checking our Git log, we see that our long list of commits has been reduced to just three. There is a big change that you should be aware of: because I have just rewritten my Git history I will have to use git push --force to update any remote repository.

Git Project

This looks a lot better now; only the relevant commits are left. But could we have prevented this while working on this feature? The answer is yes.

We could have used git commit --amend to add almost every commit behind 19d8353 Add default gitlab-ci. This wouldn't require any new commit for any changes that we were making to our .gitlab-ci.yml file. We would have ended up with the following and we already know how to handle the fixup.

Git Project

Something to keep in mind when using features that rewrite the history of your Git repository: If you already pushed your previous commits to a remote repository you will have to use git push --force to overwrite the history of the remote repository. Bad use of this could cause serious problems, so be careful! If you run into trouble, a useful guide that could help you recover from this is git push –force and how to deal with it.

More Git tips and tricks

08 Feb 12:58

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes


LOL! These flashback memes will bring you back to the 1990's...

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

90s Flashback Memes

Artist: allthegoodnamesweretakenn

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February 06 2019
07 Feb 21:09

The Forgotten Father of Pizza in the USA

by Jason Kottke

A recent series of discoveries have upended the widely accepted story of the history of pizza in America and have the NYC food world in a tizzy. The typical origin story of American pizza is this:

In 1905, Gennaro Lombardi applied to the New York City government for the first license to make and sell pizza in this country, at his grocery store on Spring Street in what was then a thriving Italian-American neighborhood.

But research by Peter Regas (who looked in Italian-language newspapers from the late 19th century) has revealed a previously unknown pizza kingpin behind some of the NYC’s first pizzerias and moves the probable introduction date of the pizza back into the 1800s.

Of this forgotten older generation, one baker stands out. Filippo Milone came to New York in the late 19th century and likely established two of the most famous New York pizzerias that still exist today, Lombardi’s on Spring Street and John’s of Bleecker Street.

Regas explains, “Filippo Milone likely established pizzerias in at least six locations throughout New York City. Of these locations, three later became famous under different names: ‘Pop’s,’ ‘John’s,’ and ‘Lombardi’s.’ Pop’s in Brooklyn closed decades ago, but the other two in Manhattan still exist. Milone, a pioneer in what has become a $45 billion industry, later died in 1924, without children to preserve his story buried in an unmarked grave in Queens.”

Wow! This 1903 advertisement is for a pizzeria of Milone’s on Grand St.:

Pizza Milone

As for Lombardi’s founding in 1905, Regas has the receipts for that too:

While proof of that license has never materialized, Regas has tracked down Gennaro Lombardi’s birth record, naturalization papers, and other supporting documents that tell a different story. Gennaro Lombardi first came to America in November of 1904 at age 17, classified as a “laborer”. If he became involved with the pizzeria at 53 1/2 Spring Street in 1905, it was as an employee not as an owner. By that time, it had already been established as a pizzeria probably by Milone in 1898 but certainly by another proprietor named Giovanni Santillo who followed Milone in 1901.

As Pete Wells writes:

This is as if some other dude we’ve never heard of wrote both the Declaration of Independence and the Federalist Papers and then handed them over to Adams Franklin Jefferson Madison Hamilton etc.

Regas is documenting his research here on an eventual book about all of this, due out sometime later this year. Boy oh boy, they’re gonna have to reprint a lot of NYC pizzeria menus with incorrect origin stories in them… (via @adamkuban)

Tags: Filippo Milone   food   NYC   Peter Regas   pizza
07 Feb 21:08

The Colonization of the Americas Cooled the Earth

by Jason Kottke

A new paper from researchers at University College London argues that the genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americans after Columbus’s landing in 1492 had a significant effect on the Earth’s global climate and was a major cause of the Little Ice Age, the dip in global temperatures from the 16th to the 19th centuries. They estimate that 55 million indigenous people died during Europe’s conquest of the Americas (~90% of the population), and the 56 million hectares of land that they had cleared of vegetation (roughly the area of Kenya) was then reclaimed by forests, which then took in more carbon dioxide, reduced the greenhouse effect, and caused the Earth to cool. From the paper’s conclusion:

We calculate that this led to an additional 7.4 Pg C being removed from the atmosphere and stored on the land surface in the 1500s. This was a change from the 1400s of 9.9 Pg C (5 ppm CO2). Including feedback processes this contributed between 47% and 67% of the 15-22 Pg C (7-10 ppm CO2) decline in atmospheric CO2 between 1520 CE and 1610 CE seen in Antarctic ice core records. These changes show that the Great Dying of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas is necessary for a parsimonious explanation of the anomalous decrease in atmospheric CO2 at that time and the resulting decline in global surface air temperatures.

Little Ice Age Graph

The authors also assert that this effect of human action on global climate marks the beginning of the Anthropocene epoch.

I first heard about this theory from Charles Mann’s excellent 1493, which led me to William Ruddiman’s 2003 paper. I heard about this most recent study from Mann too… he called it “most careful study of the impacts of Euro conquest of Americas I’ve yet seen”.

If you’re not up for reading the paper itself, you can check out the coverage from the BBC, the Guardian, Nature, or the NY Times.

Tags: 1493   books   Charles Mann   global warming   science
06 Feb 15:57

How To: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems

by Jason Kottke

How To Randall Munroe

Randall Munroe, proprietor of the excellent XKCD and author of What If? and Thing Explainer, is coming out with a new book in a few months called How To: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems.

Bestselling author and cartoonist Randall Munroe explains how to predict the weather by analyzing the pixels of your Facebook photos. He teaches you how to tell if you’re a baby boomer or a 90’s kid by measuring the radioactivity of your teeth. He offers tips for taking a selfie with a telescope, crossing a river by boiling it, and getting to your appointments on time by destroying the Moon. And if you want to get rid of the book once you’re done with it, he walks you through your options for proper disposal, including dissolving it in the ocean, converting it to a vapor, using tectonic plates to subduct it into the Earth’s mantle, or launching it into the Sun.

Instant pre-order.

Tags: books   how to   Randall Munroe
06 Feb 15:46

Board Game Friends Comic

Board Game Friends Comic


LOL! Megan Jansen drew this amusing and true comic about how there are no friends when board gaming. Only enemies.

Board Game Friends Comic

Artist: Megan Jansen

(via: Geeks are Sexy)

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February 04 2019
05 Feb 20:32

Comic for 2019.02.04

04 Feb 13:09

Parent Memes

Parent Memes


LOL! A relatable meme dump for all you parents out there...

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Parent Memes

Artist: That One Guy With Glasses

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February 01 2019
01 Feb 15:11

What Time Is the Super Bowl? (According to a Theoretical Physicist)

by Jason Kottke

Ever since the Huffington Post struck SEO gold in 2011 with their post about what time the Super Bowl started, pretty much every online publication now runs a similar article in an attempt to squeeze some of Google’s juice into their revenue stream. My “attempt” from last year: What Time Isn’t the Super Bowl?

For this year’s contest, Sports Illustrated decided to ask theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli, author of The Order of Time, his thoughts on time and Super Bowls.

6:30 p.m. is the time the Super Bowl will start in Atlanta. Most of us are not in Atlanta. So for us, the game will start later than that. You need the time for the images to be captured by the cameras, be broadcasted to air or cable, be captured by my TV screen, leave my TV screen, get to my eyes (not to mention the time my brain needs to process and decode the images). You may say this is fast — of course this is fast. But it takes some time nevertheless, and I am a physicist, I need precision. For most of us, the game will actually start some time later than the kickoff in Atlanta.

Not only that, but time moves at different speeds for each of us:

We have discovered that clocks run at different speed depending on how fast they are moved, and depending on how high they are positioned. That’s right, it is a fact: Two equal clocks go out of time with respect each other if one is moved and the other is kept fixed. The same will happen if one is kept, say, above your head, and the other lower, say, at your feet. All this was discovered by Einstein a century ago; for a while it was just brainy stuff for nerds, but today we are sure it is true. A good lab clock can check this, and it is truly true. Your head lives a bit longer than your feet (unless you spend a lot of time upside down).

So, the clock of the guy up in the high sections of the stadium runs faster than the clock of the referee on the field. And Tom Brady’s clock (if he were to wear one) runs slower, because Tom moves fast (okay, maybe not “fast,” but faster than the people sitting and watching him).

P.S. The Super Bowl starts at approximately 6:30pm EST on Feb 3, 2019. (via laura olin)

Tags: books   Carlo Rovelli   football   physics   science   sports   Super Bowl   The Order of Time   TV
01 Feb 15:11

Comic for 2019.02.01

01 Feb 14:01

A Boy Named Humiliation.

by languagehat

Joseph Norwood cherry-picks the “wonderfully strange” names created by early Puritans; I presume many of us have heard of Praise-God Barebone, but he’s just the tip of the iceberg:

A wide variety of Hebrew names came into common usage beginning in 1560, when the first readily accessible English Bible was published. But by the late 16th century many Puritan communities in Southern Britain saw common names as too worldly, and opted instead to name children after virtues or with religious slogans as a way of setting the community apart from non-Puritan neighbors. Often, Puritan parents chose names that served to remind the child about sin and pain.

Many Puritan names started to die out after 1662, when the newly restored monarch, Charles II, introduced new laws that cracked down on nonconformist religions and consolidated the power of the Anglican Church. Despite this, some of the names have remained in common use in Anglophone countries.

I’ve collected some of the best, worst, and strangest names the English Puritans came up with. Most of these are courtesy of the 1888 book by Charles Bardsley, Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature (seen here on the Public Domain Review’s website), which includes Parish records with details about some of the people who had these names.

Dancell-Dallphebo-Mark-Anthony-Gallery-Cesar! Continent Walker! Humiliation Hynde! (“Humiliation Hynde had two sons in the 1620s; he called them both Humiliation Hynde.”) NoMerit Vynall! Sorry-for-sin Coupard! Kill-sin Pimple!! There’s plenty more where those came from; go visit the link.