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16 Jan 18:04

Intels 10-nm-Fertigung soll Ende 2015 marktreif sein

Im Conference Call zu den Quartalszahlen ging Intel in der Nacht zum Freitag neben der aktuellen 14-nm-Fertigung auch auf den nächsten Schritt etwas näher ein. Demnach soll die 10-nm-Fertigung zum Ende des Jahres marktreif sein, mehr in die Karten lassen sehen will sich Intel aber nicht.
16 Jan 13:07

Elfogadna 110 000 forintot a mobilcégektől?

Ennyi jutna minden egyes földlakónak, ha szétosztanánk a globális mobilipar éves forgalmát.
16 Jan 13:03

Furgonnal, 241-gyel, Budapesten?

300 ezer forintra bírságolnák a tulajt, mert állítólag ennyivel száguldott 12 éves Ford Transitjával. Egy autós harca a rendőrséggel.
16 Jan 12:29

AMD shows off facial recognition search

by edfu777 [AT] hotmail [DOT] com (Nick Farrell)

lol cim xd

AMD shows off facial recognition search

Organise your video collection

AMD has developed facial recognition technology to enable users to organize and search video clips based on the people featured in them.

AMD executive Richard Gayle demonstrated to Tom’s Guide how AMD Content Manager, uses facial recognition to browse through a group of local videos to find specific faces.

There is an index that displays the people’s faces that have been detected throughout the video clips.

The user can edit the names of the people as well as add keyword tags to help improve future searches for specific people.

For instance, if you are searching for videos that feature one person, you can click on his or her respective face to pull up the corresponding videos.

Additionally, if you want to narrow a search to a specific person combined with a keyword tag, you can drag the face icon and click on the desired keyword.

Once you click on the video you wish to view, a player appears in the right windowpane, along with a timeline displayed at the bottom with a list of all the people who appear in the video.

The timeline is separated into various coloured boxes to mark the exact moment in the video when each person first appears on screen, so you do not have to watch the entire video to see the bit you want.

The application also has facial recognition capabilities that allow users to do some basic editing, such as compiling a single montage video of any individual or individuals.

While this is pretty good technology, it probably does not have any major use yet on its own.

Gayle said it is unlikely that AMD will release Content Manager in its current form but will license it to OEMs that are able to rebrand the application before offering it on their respective systems.

He claimed that only AMD processors have sufficient power to operate the application, because of the processor’s ability to have the CPU, GPU and memory controller work closely together.

15 Jan 19:26

Sanghajban betiltják a jó csajokat

Egy nemzetközi autókiállítás elképzelhetetlen lengén öltözött lányok nélkül – Kínában azonban másképp gondolják.
15 Jan 16:46

Intel to report strong Q4 financial results

by George
Intel is expected to report quarterly numbers unseen since 2003. If you have shares in the company you can anticipate earnings of $0.66 per piece on a projected revenue of $14.7 billion, according to market analysts at FactSet.
15 Jan 16:42

Építs és működtess saját Tesco áruházat!



(x) Az Én Kicsi Tescóm alkalmazás segítségével a játékosok maguk építhetik fel saját Tescójukat, fejleszthetik, szépíthetik azokat, illetve barátaikkal is üzletelhetnek.
14 Jan 11:02

Egy 25 éves film volt 2014 legnézettebb filmje itthon

A Reszkessetek, betörők! karácsonyi sugárzásánál egy filmet sem néztek többen tavaly Magyarországon.
13 Jan 20:45

Isis takes down US Military You Tube and Twitter

by edfu777 [AT] hotmail [DOT] com (Nick Farrell)
Isis takes down US Military You Tube and Twitter

Not the greatest hack all time

The Twitter and YouTube accounts for the US military command that oversee operations in the Middle East were hacked by a hacker group sympathetic to ISIS.

"American soldiers, we are coming, watch your back, ISIS," the hackers posted on the U.S. Central Command Twitter feed, using an acronym for the hardline Islamist group, which has taken control of parts of Syria and Iraq.

Of course, it only managed to take over the Army’s Twitter and YouTube feeds which is annoying rather than important

US officials acknowledged that the incident in which the accounts were "compromised" for about 30 minutes was embarrassing but played down the impact. The FBI said it was investigating.

Pentagon spokesman Army Colonel Steve Warren said the Defense Department "views this as little more than a prank, or as vandalism."

13 Jan 20:45

G.Skill hits 4255MHz record with DDR4

by bobo [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Slobodan Simic)

az mar ugy elmegy xd

G.Skill hits 4255MHz record with DDR4

On Asus Rampage V Extreme motherboard

G.Skill was quite keen to announced that its DDR4 module managed to set a new frequency DDR4 memory record with a 4255MHz frequency at CL 18-18-18 latencies.

Back when it launched, it was quite obvious that we will see some quite high frequency records from DDR4 memory and the new G.Skill record of 4255MHz is definitely a great result, especially considering that it was done on a 4GB module with 18-18-18-64 latencies.

The G.Skill DDR4 module was pushed to 4255MHz on the Asus Rampage V Extreme motherboard paired up with Intel's Core i7-5960X processor.

The entire setup was heavily cooled down to sub-zero temperatures with LN2 and G.Skill was quite happy to supply the CPU-Z validation page link.

GSkill DDR42255 2


12 Jan 18:00

A kínaiak már hamisítják az Apple Watch-ot

Pedig az Apple okosórája még meg se jelent. Csak 27 dollárba kerül, elég vacak, de ennyiért mit várunk?
12 Jan 17:59

Lebukott a világ legbénább csempésze

94 darab iPhone-t szigszalagozott a testére, a kínai határőrök a fura mozgását szúrták ki.
12 Jan 17:58

Mediatek planning to release 12-core CPUs

by Victor
Mediatek is indeed a formidable force in the mobile world. Its chips might not be as impressive as the top-end Nvidia, Samsung and Qualcomm ones, but the Taiwanese manufacturer pretty much dwarfs all competition when it comes to the sheer volume of units it has and can produce. It not only powers the Chinese smartphone [...]
12 Jan 08:07

Android users watch more porn than iOS users

by Conner Flynn
A new report published by Porn Hub reveals that Android users are watching more porn than iOS users. As you likely know, the porn site keeps track of an incredible range of statistics and they can tell us all kinds of things. Last year the site revealed that Windows Phone users looking at porn, take […]

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(C) Copyright 2007-2014 Geeky Gadgets. Republishing of this feed is forbidden without our written permission.

10 Jan 18:45

Aston Martint tört a 15 éves futballkapus


gondolom nem latott ki

Az orosz futballista újévi ajándékként vette magának a sportkocsit. Sokáig nem élvezhette.
10 Jan 09:25

A legmagasabb náci hadi kitüntetést egyetlen ember kapta csak meg

Hans-Ulrich Rudel bombázópilótának az összes létező plecsnije megvolt már, amikor '44-ben újra díjazni akarta Hitler, gyorsan ki kellett találni egy új kitüntetést.
09 Jan 16:00

Hat éve nem bukott ekkorát a Google

Nem volt jó ötlet hagyni, hogy a Yahoo legyen az alapértelmezett kereső a Firefoxban.
08 Jan 18:49

A Duna TV lesz a nemzeti fő tévécsatorna

Nemsokára indul a Petőfi TV és az M4 Sport, a Duna Tv pedig nemzeti főadó lesz.
08 Jan 15:12

Doom Demonstrated Running On Tiny Intel Edison Mini PC (video)

by Julian Horsey
The tiny Intel Edison development platform started shipping during September of last year and provides makers, developers and hobbyists with a Dual-Core Silvermont Atom @ 500MHz + Quark @ 100MHz processor supported by 1GB LPDDR3 RAM. The Intel Edison module retails for around $50 with breakout board kits available as well as an Arduino kit priced […]

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(C) Copyright 2007-2014 Geeky Gadgets. Republishing of this feed is forbidden without our written permission.

07 Jan 22:01

Indul a Leopard 3 harckocsi fejlesztése 

Németország egy új tankkal reagálna az ukrán válság folytatására, akár francia közreműködéssel.
07 Jan 16:56

A Duna TV-re költözik a Forma-1-es közvetítés

Az MTVA csatornáinak új tematikája miatt a szezon elején a „nemzeti főadó” közvetíti a nagydíjakat, de a műsor később átkerül a várhatóan júliusban induló M4 sportcsatornára.
07 Jan 00:12

Telefonnál vékonyabb tévét nézhetünk majd 4K-ban


egyre haszontalanabb dolgokat vékonyítanak el xd tippelni sem merek már, mi lesz a következő elvékonyítandó cucc

Jön a mosógép, amibe egyszerre két mosást is bepakolhatunk, lesz okostűzhely, meghajlanak a tévék és a mobilok. A CES nulladik napján a nagy távol-keleti gyártók próbáltak elámítani minket.
06 Jan 17:46

EVGA teases new GTX 980 Classified K|NGP|N Edition

by bobo [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Slobodan Simic)
EVGA teases new GTX 980 Classified K|NGP|N Edition

Fully custom GTX 980

Both EVGA and Vince k|ngp|n Lucido have released a couple of teasers showing details of what appears to be the upcoming EVGA GTX 980 Classified K|NGP|N Edition graphics card.

Once again, the EVGA Classified K|NGP|N Edition will feature a translucent cooling shroud with a dual-fan cooler. The new GTX 980 Classified graphics card will have a fully custom PCB with massive VRM powered by no less than two 8-pin and single 6-pin PCI-Express power connectors.

While EVGA might rather wait for the GM200 GPU rather than launch the GTX 980 Classified K|NGP|N Edition with the GM204 GPU, which was what MSI did earlier when they decided not to make a GTX 980 Lightning version, we still do not have the exact details. EVGA is currently at CES 2015 show in Las Vegas and we might be able to sneak out few details regarding the new GTX 980 Classified K|NGP|N Edition.

Until we hear more, you can check out some teasers that both EVGA and Vince k|ngp|n Lucido released on their Facebook pages.

EVGA GTX980ClassfiedKingpin 1

EVGA GTX980ClassfiedKingpin 3

EVGA GTX980ClassfiedKingpin 4

EVGA GTX980ClassfiedKingpin 5


06 Jan 06:57

The LG G Flex 2 is the best smartphone of 2015 (so far)

by Joe Levi

csak egy kicsit elhamarkodott xd

Some phone makers have to scramble to combat the wave of people reporting its new models are bending… other manufactures embrace it as a feature! The latter being the case for LG’s latest smartphone, announced at CES 2015, the G Flex 2 – and based on its spec sheet and our hands-on experience, it’s already the best smartphone of 2015.Will it bend?

Continue reading »

The post The LG G Flex 2 is the best smartphone of 2015 (so far) appeared first on Pocketnow.

05 Jan 16:25

Merre haladjon a Far Cry sorozat?

A Ubisoft megkérdezi a rajongókat, hogy szerintük merre haladjon tovább a Far Cry széria.
05 Jan 12:05

A fostos bugybóka lenyomta a fekete rigót


o.o mi ez a cím?

A búbos banka lett az év madara. Népi neve arra utal, hogy a madár ürülékkel védekezik.
05 Jan 09:34

NVIDIA announces Tegra X1 with 1 teraflop performance

NVIDIA has announced their brand new mobile processor for 2015, the Tegra X1. The X1 is the first mobile processor in the world capable of 1 teraflop floating point performance, which almost puts it in the same league as desktop class GPU and current generation gaming consoles. The X1 has a new octa-core CPU cluster, consisting of four Cortex A57 and four Cortex A53 cores with a custom CPU interconnect and cluster migration. The four A57 cores have 2MB of L2 cache between them and the A53 cores have 512KB. On the GPU side, NVIDIA has turned to using its latest generation Maxwell architecture, which we saw on their flagship desktop GPU this year, the GTX 980. Although not quite in the same league performance-wise, the 256 CUDA core GPU in the X1 is twice as powerful as the Kepler-based GPU on the K1. It's also capable of 1 teraflop of floating point performance. To put that into perspective, the Xbox One is capable of 1.3 teraflop while the PS4 can do 1.84 teraflop. The X1 has a 64-bit wide LPDDR4 memory capable of peak memory bandwidth of 25.6GB/s. It is also capable of outputting 3840x2160, that's 4K at 60fps, to an internal or external display with support for HDMI 2.0 and HDCP 2.2. X1 also has improved codec supports and can decode VP9, VP8, H.264, H.265 (10-bit) at 2160p60, along with 600 MP/s (megapixels per second) JPEG encode and decode. Tegra X1 also supports all major graphics standards, including Unreal Engine 4, DirectX 12, OpenGL 4.5, CUDA, OpenGL ES 3.1 and the Android Extension Pack. Along with mobile use, NVIDIA also has planned other applications for the X1, namely in automobiles, with its newly announced NVIDIA DRIVE car computers. The DRIVE PX computing platform will be used for autopilot applications, where two X1 processors will take input from 12 onboard cameras for features such as Surround Vision that lets you see a seamless 360 view outside of your car on your screen and Auto-Valet for automatic parking. DRIVE CX will power your car's infotainment system, such as navigation, digital instrument clusters, audio system, HVAC, and driver monitoring. Mobile devices running Tegra X1 are expected in the first half of 2015 with automobiles leveraging the DRIVE PX and CX in the second half of 2015. Source 1 • Source...

04 Jan 16:28

Két új monitor az Acertől: IPS, G-Sync, 1 ms.


elmenne ilyesmi xd

Közülük az egyik nem mutat igazi újdonságokat, mégis világelső. És valószínűleg nagyon sokan várták már.
04 Jan 12:28

Gyorstalpaló: ezt kell tudni a 2015-ös szezonról

by (Telesport)
Pilóták, versenynaptár, szabályok
04 Jan 10:11

Xiaomi Redmi 2S leaks, sized up against the 1S


redmi kétes xd

2014 was a great year for Chinese maker Xiaomi, the company shooting from near irrelevance to third smartphone manufacturer globally. It appears that the company isn't wasting any time celebrating though as it's already preparing to release its next hot seller. The Xiaomi Redmi 2S has just leaked in several live shots and we even get to learn all of its key specs. The smartphone will sport dual LTE network support allowing it work in both its home market and abroad and will be built around a 4.7" 720p screen. Xiaomi Redmi 2S The chipset at the heart of the Redmi 2S will allegedly be a 64-bit Snapdragon 410 with a quad-core CPU running at 1.2GHz, Adreno 306 GPU and 1GB of RAM. Storage will be 8GB with the microSD card slot enabling further expansion. The rear camera on the Redmi 2S will feature an 8MP sensor, while the front-facing snapper will be a 2MP unit. Android 4.4.4 KitKat will be what the Redmi 2S will run out of the box. Finally, we also got to learn that the will measure 134 x 67.21 x 9.2mm and weigh 132 grams. Xiaomi Redmi 2S next to Redmi 1S The official announcement of the next Xiaomi Redmi smartphone is said to happen tomorrow so we should know if these rumors are true very soon. Source |...