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11 Mar 12:02

Asus pokes fun at the Apple watch with a decision tree

by George
Apple’s Spring forward press event is now behind us and while the launch of the Apple Watch was expected, its pricing still managed to surprise some. Whether it’s justifiable has already proven a pointless discussion, so we’ll steer clear from it for the time being.
10 Mar 22:13

UbuTab is a 1 TB Ubuntu Tablet Originating From Indiegogo; Prices Start at $329 (Video)

by James A.

teljesen valósnak tunik xd nem artana szűrni ezeket a közösségi finanszírozási cuccokat.

There are lots of good Ubuntu-related projects lately and many of them have something to do with mobile devices. There’s also a tablet out there called UbuTab, that started off as an IndieGogo campaign and sounded like a good idea, but it ended before the whole funding was in.


Still you can buy an UbuTab for $329 and up from the UbuTabShop. The product ships in April and the basic version offers a 10.1 inch 1920 x 1200 pixel screen, 64 GB of storage and Android or Ubuntu OS, depending on your choice. There’s also 3 years of warranty in the mix. You can also go with a 1 TB version of the device, with the same screen, plus the same offer of Android or Ubuntu and the same long warranty.


These models are priced at $439 for the 1 TB HDD model and $659 for the 1 TB SSD unit. Other specs include a quad core 1.5 GHz Intel Z3775D processor, 2 GB of DDR3 RAM and Intel HD graphics. There’s also WiFi, Bluetooth, a mini HDMI out and microUSB OTG, as well as a microSD card slot and a 5 MP back camera. The tablet comes with stereo speakers and its battery is an impressive 11.000 mAh unit.  Who wants one?

10 Mar 18:06

Bianchi apja: A felelősök bűnhődjenek

by (Telesport)

jol besikerült az a baleset, mondhatni kinyult

Továbbra is kómában a francia versenyző
10 Mar 18:04

Jelentősen drágábbak lettek az iPhone-ok Magyarországon

by Adam Kovacs

tul olcso volt


Sajnos a dollár és a forint egymáshoz viszonyított aránya az utóbbi időben előbbi felé billent, azaz többet kell fizetni forintban az amerikai valutáért. Ez sajnos azt hozta magával, hog az Apple tegnap jelentősen árat emelt a termékeit tekintve. Ez leginkább az iPhone modellek esetében érezhető, íme az új árak, amelyek a mai naptól elérhetőek az Apple webshopjában.

iPhone 6 16 GB: 247 990 Ft
iPhone 6 64 GB: 286 990 Ft
iPhone 6 128 GB: 325 990 Ft

iPhone 6 Plus 16 GB: 286 990 Ft
iPhone 6 Plus 64 GB: 325 990 Ft
iPhone 6 Plus 128 GB: 364 990 Ft

iPhone 5S 16 GB: 209 990 Ft
iPhone 5S 32 GB: 229 990 Ft

iPhone 5C 8 GB: 134 990 Ft

Az új, frissített MacBook kivitelek is drágábbak, amelyek azt jelentik, hogy drágább lett majdnem az összes. Az egy évvel ezelőtti árcsökkenést sikerült elbuknunk, közel a 2014 eleji árak álltak vissza.

10 Mar 18:02

Az USA szenátora még sosem küldött emailt

Húsz éve dolgozik az államnak, mégis sikerült elkerülnie. A riporter csak röhögött.
10 Mar 17:51

Assassin's Creed Rogue тест GPU

by (svl)
Action Assassins Creed Rogue Assassin’s Creed Изгой – это самая мрачная глава в истории Assassin’s Creed. Станьте свидетелем превращения главного героя из убеждённого ассасина в жестокого охотника за ними. Следуйте вашему собственному кредо и отправляйтесь в захватывающее путешествие по просторам северной Америки, кварталам Нью-Йорка, долинам бурных рек и холодным атлантическим водам.
10 Mar 17:42

THL 4000 - telepi gyerek

A kínai vállalat újdonsága ugyanazt a négymagos MediaTek processzort hordozza magában, mint a konkurensek, ám az energiaforrása 4000 mAh-s, így jól bírja üzemidővel.
09 Mar 13:09

InFocus M512 - ennél élesebb a harc

Az InFocus középkategóriás, NFC és 4G-képes okostelefonjára hardveres szempontból nem lehet panasz, de a szoftverén van még mit csiszolni.
09 Mar 13:09

MediaTek to license AMD graphics

by fudo [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Fuad Abazovic)
MediaTek to license AMD graphics

For high-end SoCs

One of the hottest things we learned at the Mobile World Congress is that MediaTek is working with AMD on mobile SoC graphics.

This is a big deal for both companies, as this means that AMD is getting back into the ultra-low power graphics market, while MediaTek might finally get faster graphics and gain more appeal in the high end segment. The choice of ARM Mali or Imaginations Technologies GPUs is available for anyone, but as most of you know Qualcomm has its own in-house Adreno graphics, while Nvidia uses ultra-low power Maxwell GPUs for its latest SoCs.

Since Nvidia exited the mobile phone business, it is now a two horse race between the ever dominant Qualcomm and fast growing MediaTek. The fact that MediaTek will get AMD graphics just adds fuel to the fire.

We have heard that key AMD graphics people are in continuous contact with MediaTek and that they have been working on an SoC graphics solution for a while.

MediaTek can definitely benefit from faster graphics, as the recently pictured tablet SoC MT8173 powered by two Cortex-A72 clocked up to 2.4GHz and two Cortex-A53 has PowerVR GX6250 graphics (two clusters). The most popular tablet chip Appel's A8X has PowerVR Series 6XT GXA6850 (octa-core) which should end up significantly faster, but at the same time significantly more expensive.  

MediaTek MT6795 a 28nm eight-core with a 2.2GHz clock and PowerVR G6200 GPU at 700 MHz, which is 100 MHz faster than one we tested on the Meizu MX4, which was one of the fastest SoCs until Qualcomm's Snapdragon 810 came out in late February.  

AMD and MediaTek declined to comment this upcoming partnership, but our industry sources know that they both have been working on new graphics for future chips that will be announced at a later date. It's cool to see that AMD will return to this market, especially as the company sold of its Imageon graphics back in 2009 - for a lousy $65 million to Qualcomm. Imageon by ATI was the foundation for Adreno graphics.

We have been reassured some 18 months ago by some AMD senior graphics people, that "AMD didn’t forget how to make good ultra-low power graphics" and we guess that this cooperation proves that.

09 Mar 13:05

Battlefield Hardline für Konsolen in 720p und 900p


remek xd milyen menő lehet 720pben pl nalam 50 colon... mivel nem is arányos, még rosszabb lenne a kép szövegeknél

Am 19. März erscheint Battlefield Hardline für PC und Konsolen. Entwickler Visceral Games bestätigte nun mittels Twitter, dass der Kampf zwischen Bankräubern und Polizei auf der Xbox One und PlayStation 4 nicht in 1080p laufen wird.
09 Mar 13:01

12GB Titan X GPU Unreal Engine 4 Kite Open World Cinematic Demo Released (Video)

by Julian Horsey
Anyone that is considering purchasing the huge 12GB Titan X GPU that was unveiled last week by Nvidia, is sure to enjoy this cinematic demonstration of its power using the Unreal Engine 4 games engine. The demonstration video which is embedded below was generated in real time and was released in addition to the unveiling […]

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09 Mar 06:57

Szavazás végeredmény: A Ferrari a 2015-ös rajtrács legszebb autója!

by (Motorsportal)
09 Mar 06:54

Michelisz hatodik az idénynyitón


két 6. hely kétszer a végéről xd komoly volt neztem is de azért a 2. kicsit uncsi lett

A baljós időmérőt követően Norbi kiváló versenyzéssel küzdötte fel magát a pontszerzők közé.
08 Mar 14:11

Sunyiban bányászott a legnépszerűbb torrentkliens

Az uTorrenttel együtt a figyelmetlen felhasználók még egy programot telepítettek.
08 Mar 09:39

Weekend poll: Vote for your favorite smartwatch – Huawei Watch or LG Watch Urbane

by Vince
At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this year we got to see two very special Android Wear smartwatches – the Huawei Watch and LG Watch Urbane. Now that the congress is over, it’s time to ask for your opinion on which one of the two is best.
05 Mar 21:48

Ennyibe fognak kerülni a top LG LCD tévék

Az amerikai árak viszonyítási alapnak jók.
04 Mar 19:08

Nvidia enthüllt GeForce GTX Titan X mit 12 GByte VRAM

Nvidia hat auf der GDC 2015 vor wenigen Minuten die GeForce GTX Titan X als kommendes neues Flaggschiff vorgestellt. Auf Basis des acht Milliarden Transistoren schweren GM200-Grafikchips wird das Topmodell direkt mit 12 GByte VRAM an den Start gehen.
04 Mar 09:02

A Nokia 1100 with quad-core CPU and Lollipop spotted online


xdd jo h eloszedtek a régi képét

Recently there has been some movement on the Nokia front with the Android-powered N1 tablet selling out by the truck-load in mere seconds. This is perhaps why this alleged leaked benchmark sheet is so exciting. The prospect of Nokia coming back to the mobile front with an Android device, bearing the legendary 1100 model name is an astounding prospect, but also, sadly, highly unlikely. Most of you surely remember the Nokia 1100. Its immense popularity on various markets have turned it into a legend. The 2003 GSM device, complete with flashlight, of course, was even shortly resurrected back in 2009 after an alleged loop-hole in bank security systems ramped old unit prices to as much as $32,000. Since then not much has been spoken of the ancient device, even more so after Microsoft officially acquired Nokia's Devices and Services division. Since then the Finnish company has not been producing any mobile phone devices, apart from an alleged Nokia C1 concept, which, however turned out to a hoax. Out of curiosity, let us look at the revealed specs sheet of what is essentially a low to mid-range offer. It is built around a quad-core MT6582 CPU, clocked at 1.3 GHz. The display has a 720p resolution and oddly enough, memory is reported as 466MB, or in other words probably 512MB of RAM. The device is running on Android 5.0 and that is about as much as we know on the mystery unit. Bear in mind that faking a model number in Android is a revatively simple task and considering the current situation Nokia is in the Nokia 1100 is probably another hoax. Still we are hoping for the best and perhaps the N1's staggering success will help push things toward the resurrection of the legendary Nokia brand on the mobile market. What is your take on the matter? Is the benchmark fake and would you like to see a new shiny Nokia smartphone? Source |...

04 Mar 08:52

NVIDIA: ez a játékpiac jövője!


nagy megleptés xd amiről már beszéltem is, hogy ezzel a soccal mar lehetne konzol

A vállalat bemutatta a Shield konzolt és a GRID felhőt, amivel a nappali meghódítását tervezik.
02 Mar 22:19

Már a dzsungelben is van Street View

Addig mentek a hajók és a szerelők, míg meg nem találták a legjobb helyszínt egy drótkötélpályának.
02 Mar 22:16

Továbbra is Bill Gates a világ leggazdagabb embere

by MTI
Megőrizte vezető helyét Bill Gates a világ leggazdagabb embereinek a Forbes magazin által közzétett listáján.
02 Mar 17:05

Körönként 8 tized a Mercedes előnye?

by (Telesport)

izgi lesz a 3. hely sorsa xd gj f1 2015

02 Mar 13:46

Kim Dzsongunnak saját popbandája van

A Moranbongnál szürreálisabbat popzenében még egészen biztosan nem látott-hallott.
01 Mar 10:06

Xiaomi Mi Note battery life test

by Kyle
Xiaomi Mi Note, the company’s highly anticipated flagship, has come recently to our office and we did an in-depth review. The article is now live at our homepage and you can read all about our encounter right here. If you are to use just one SIM card, the standby time is doubled and thus the [...]
28 Feb 00:23

New screenshots show off GTA V PC graphics in 4K resolution

by Babu Mohan

After breaking the bad news about yet another delay in the release of GTA V for the PC platform, Rockstar Games today shared some new screenshots of the game that show off the kind of graphics you expect on the PC platform, at 4K resolution. The screenshots show off the enhanced visuals compared to the...

The post New screenshots show off GTA V PC graphics in 4K resolution appeared first on VR-Zone.

27 Feb 15:03

Imagination Technologies announces console GT7900 GPU

by peter [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Peter Scott)

ezek lassan érdekesebbekmint az asztali... FP16 mellett a max 1,6 TFLOPS... Az bizony már a mostani konzolok ereje lenne, ha valaki úgy használná fel a chipet. Persze csak FP16, de androidon azt sokszor használják... Meg ez mondjuk majdnem impossible itt mert kurva nagy lenne, de a lehetőség igazából adott.

Imagination Technologies announces console GT7900 GPU

If only there were any Android consoles…

The new Imagination Technologies PowerVR GT7900 GPU is designed for Android consoles, but could it end up somewhere else instead? 

The company announced the oversized GPU yesterday, with some truly impressive performance claims – the GT7900 trounces the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 GPUs in sheer GFLOPs, and even pulls ahead of Nvidia’s GT 730M.

Meet the PowerVR GT7900, a super-GPU

In fact, the company is so proud of the performance that it described the new product as a “super-GPU” for affordable game consoles, which “turns the dial to 11” (Spinal Tap fans will get it).

Imagination highlighted some figures in its bullish press release:

“It includes 512 ALU cores and delivers up to 800 GFLOPS (FP32) or 1.6 TFLOPS (FP16) graphics and compute performance at 800 MHz (16 nm FinFET+); to give you an idea of how it stacks up versus the competition, a Kepler-based GeForce GT 730M from NVIDIA delivers about 550 GFLOPS (FP32) at a comparable frequency.”

The goal is to bring PC performance and hardware support to Android devices, with OpenGL ES 3.1, new shaders, HDR texture compression and tessellation. Of course, the GPU supports UHD/4K resolutions.

Designed for FinFET

The GT7900 will not show up on any planar process, as it is designed for 14nm and 16nm FinFET manufacturing processes.

Despite its performance, the GPU also features a range of solutions designed to reduce power consumption – after all what’s the point of a SoC iGPU if you’ll need active cooling?

The GPU is just part of a bigger platform for hardware makers, with a quad-core, dual-thread I6400 MIPS CPU, which supports Android 5.0. The platform also features video encode and decode processors, a camera processor, audio controller, radio processor with 802.11ac and Bluetooth 4.0 support and other components.

Just for consoles?

The real question we have is whether it will end up just in cheap desktop consoles, or a few more products? Chromebooks come to mind, along with portable consoles, or oversized tablets. 

There is a problem though – Android consoles never took off.

The hardware is there, we already have relatively powerful GPUs and CPUs in mobile SoCs, capable of running good looking 720p and even 1080p games. However, there isn’t a lot of content out there, so there are very few Android games that can utilize the potential of overkill GPUs like the GT7900, or Nvidia’s Tegra X1 for that matter.

Speedy 2x2 MIMO 802.11ac also offers enough bandwidth for streaming, so additional applications are possible as well. However, at this point the market for Android gaming devices is relatively limited.

27 Feb 12:22

Pályán a 2015-ös Force India (KÉPEKKEL)

by (Telesport)

elég jól néz ki, de nem hiszem h sokszor fogjuk latni xd

Hülkenberg máris defektet kapott
27 Feb 10:08

25 millió dollárért vett domént a Google

A cég 25 millió dollárt fizetett a .app webcímért. És még borravalót is adott.
27 Feb 09:54

Meizu m1 note - én elmentem a vásárba

Az m1 note (így, kis betűkkel) szinte minden szempontból csúcskészülék, csak éppen a külső és az árcédula árulkodik középkategóriáról, ám ne becsüljük alá a Meizu jól árazott phabletjét!
27 Feb 09:53

Apple captures record 88.7% of smartphone profits


hátő igen ez az amit nem kell kommentálni, érzékelhető, hol húzzák le a vevőt xd

According to a latest report from market research firm Strategy Analytics, Apple iOS captured a record-high 88.7% global smartphone profit share in Q4, 2014, up from 70.5% in Q4 2013. On the other hand, Android took a record-low 11.3% profit share, down from 29.5% in the same quarter in 2013. In terms of dollars, Apple's Q4, 2014 smartphone operating profits stood at $18.8 billion, up from $11.4 billion in Q4, 2013, while Android manufacturers had operating profits of just $2.4 billion, down from $4.8 billion in the same quarter the previous year. "Apple's strategy of premium products and lean logistics is proving hugely profitable," the research firm said, adding that "Android's weak profitability for its hardware partners will worry Google." Overall, global smartphone operating profit stood at $21.2 billion in Q4 2014, up 31% from $16.2 billion in Q4 2013. Source |...