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06 Sep 15:58

What Happens When You Give 100 Cameras Out To Homeless Londoners

by Jessica Chou
Last July, London's Cafe Art, a CIC company that assists artists affected by homelessness, gave out 100 disposable cameras to the homeless. They got 80 cameras back, filled with photos of everyday life in London. Now, thanks to a Kickstarter, a few select images will be printed in a calendar.

"Some [of the photographers] are sleeping rough; others have been homeless but are still attending homelessness charities. We contacted them through art groups run by the charities," Paul Ryan, Cafe Art's director, told Refinery29 in an email. "We gave basic training on how to use the camera in the art groups, followed by a training session for anyone who wanted to come, run by The Royal Photographic Society."

In total, 2,500 photos were submitted; the 12 selected for the calendar were chosen by a public vote in August. They include images of a Holi-inspired event, London parks, and a row of telephones. Here, nine photos from the project, and the stories behind them.

"Tyre Break, Hackney," by Desmond Henry

Henry, born in Northamptonshire, captured this image of a woman taking a coffee break in front of a mural by the Brazilian street artists Cranio, Bailon, and Sliks.

Henry attends the Pritchard's Road Day Centre and plays music as a DJ.

"Everything I Own" or "Bags of Life, Strand," by David Tovey.

David Tovey ran across Tony sitting near the Royal Courts of Justice. "It was the first photo I took. He was sitting there in complete contrast to the building across the road," Tovey told Cafe Art.

Tovey, who took a foundation art course at London Metropolitan University in 2013, originally started as a restaurateur. After dealing with health issues, he lost his business and home. He is now a practicing artist and volunteers with Clothing the Homeless and Café Art.

"Colour Festival, Olympic Park," by Goska Calik.

Goska Calik was not new to photography. "I started taking photos when I was five years old," she says. "The first photography I did was with my father. It was with a Zorky 12, a Russian camera. He taught me about light and the zoom and everything. I loved it."

After losing her job to to an illness, Calik got support from Crisis Skylight and is now a part-time support worker.

"Left Boot, East London," by Ellen Rostant.

Rostant, who is 16, has been in temporary housing with her parents and seven siblings for three years. She is attending Sixth Form College.

"Nature's Tunnel" or "Light and the End," Stratford, by Ellen Rostant.

Rostant's second photo to be voted onto the calendar was captured at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. "It’s like you are in a tunnel when you are homeless: It’s a journey, and there’s always going to be light at the end of the tunnel," she says.

Rostant is now studying geography, 3-D graphic design, and photography.

"Tower Bridge PICNIC, Southwark," by Cecie.

Hong Kong-born Cecie, who was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, works with the Crisis art group to help escape her Bethnal Green squat.

She is currently creating a blog about random acts of kindness.

"The Artist, Whitechapel," by Michael Crosswaite.

Michael Crosswaite ran across Aaron Little in Providence Row, a homeless charity. "I didn’t over-think the photo, and perhaps that’s why it worked. The painting is so good, it makes the picture," he says.

"Telephone Row, Lincoln's Inn," by XO.

XO was fascinated by the shorter telephone booths, unique to London. "Although very rarely used these days, I love the fact they're still around. They're synonymous with our capital, and this city wouldn't be the same without them, so I'm happy they're protected," XO told Cafe Art.

"Past & Future, City of London," by Ioanna Zagkana

The Gherkin, built in 2003, and the St. Andrew Undershaft, which survived the Great Fire of London, represent modern and historic London, Zagkana says.

Zagkana, who was a dancer until an accident ended her career, attends Crisis Skylight and Women at the Well and is currently staying with a friend.

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30 Aug 14:36

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M E 

30 Aug 14:35

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BALMUNG 2015-16 Autumn Winter

11 Aug 10:13


11 Aug 09:44

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some of Britney’s best shirts 

28 Jul 11:21

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Fashion, protest and the war from within
Kirsty Hume (1998) wearing Versace, Lawrence Corner and Millets by Tim Walker

Fashion Today, Colin McDowell, Phaidon

27 Jul 18:02

I woke up to this email from my bff Angela, comparing True Detective S2 to Twin Peaks. Angela Brown is a nerd.

(leaving M.Drive and Lost Highway comparisons out for nerd purity sake)

Missing Girl = Missing Girls


Biker James Hurley = viagra biker Officer Paul, “the Kid”


Catherine “The Mill” = Vaughn’s “Construction” land theme


One Eyed Jack Escorts = escort hooker theme


Road House with Julie Cruise = Dive bar singer with guitar


What happened to Agent Cooper’s love in Pittsburgh? What happened to Detective Velcoro’s wife? Both tragedies made the protagonists dedicated to work and willingly single.

Agent Cooper’s recorder Diane = Velcoro’s recorder to his kid


Dr Jacoby = Rick Springfield


Colin “Velcoro” goes to “Another house where Casper brought girls”; music is left playing for days = The cabin where Leo took Laura and Ronnet; music was left playing for days.


The blue diamonds of TD and the Blue Diamond Motel of Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks on the TD escort party invite


Dive bar waitress with cut eye and cheek is two parts Norma and one part Nadine (sans eye patch)


Jacques Renault = club owner with “fuck you” grill


So, my guess is that McAdams will pretend to be an escort/her sister to get into the exclusive private escort party


She’ll have to hide from the Mayor JUST like Audrey Horne had to hide from her Father at One Eyed Jacks


Meaning, they will find McAdams, drug her and Colin and the kid will have to save her, Maybe in disguise…


Oh, and Bob is supernatural spirit and Casper is named after one. (Dork joke for dorks)

25 Jul 23:10

Гик-гик ура: что пить, если ты особенный

Daria Nifontova

"Все сидят в твиттере, вы сидите на Хабре" okay.jpg

С головой ушли в свои интересы и как-то незаметно оказались в вакууме? Гладим вас по головке и помогаем приблизиться к людям — подобрали вино для облегчения процесса социализации.

1. Кулинар

Приметы: Изучаете в инстаграме фото с тэгом foodporn и даже под пытками не сдадите рецепт соленых груздей от прабабушки. А еще завели кулинарный блог с целью нагнуть Джейми Оливера.

Открывать: Мальбек поможет изобразить щедрость и решиться на сближение с соседями. Угостите их фирменной бараньей ногой, а потом слушайте комплименты и осознавайте: да я повар 80-го уровня!

2. Синефил

Приметы: Читали весь архив Кайе дю Синема и раздаете на трекерах фильмы Беннинга. А вместо личной жизни — портрет Ингрид Бергман / Марлона Брандо над кроватью?

Открывать: Проносим бароло 0,375л в кинотеатр — под его фиалки и сливы тут же сойдетесь с эстетом, который выговаривает Апичатпонг Вирасетакул и угорает по пленке 16мм.

3. Айтишник

Приметы: Все сидят в твиттере, вы сидите на Хабре, а больше всего в жизни любите кодить, форматировать и бэкапить. Ну, и еще рубиться в Fallout и GTA 5, да.

Открывать: Кьянти с копчеными вишнями. Раcпиваем с воображаемым другом под бургеры и остаток вечера с ним же спорим — собирать Lego-деревню эвоков из Star Wars или раскрашивать японские комиксы.

4. Балетоман

Приметы: Немногие определят градус вскидывания ноги, когда балерина крутит фуэте, но вы можете. А если кто-то хмыкнет при имени Плисецкой, сходу отвесите хаму в пятак. И правильно сделаете.

Открывать: Изысканно-клубничный пино нуар, залпом. Набравшись вина наглости, зовем к себе весь Facebook — смотреть трансляцию «Корсара» из Мариинки под ваши комменты.

5. Патриот

Приметы: Гордо рассекаете на тюнингованной Волге, пользуетесь русским поисковиком Спутник, а ваш Yotaphone и планшет от Роснано — в чехлах с хохломой Симачева.

Открывать: Красностоп, заедать бородинским хлебом с тушенкой, слушать казачий хор на Youtube, выслать открытку писателю Захару Прилепину с приглашением на борщ.

6. Спортсмен

Хотите стать звездой районной качалки или сорвать ленту на финише Московского марафона. По ночам вздрагиваете и кричите во сне «Есть! Победа-а!», чем пугаете своего пса.

Открывать: Новозеландский совиньон — ваш энерджайзер, делаем глоток и запрягаемся рикшей в парке. Катать пожирательниц пончиков и носителей пивных животов — лучшая тренировка.

7. Меломан

Приметы: Ваша одежда с посудой хранятся в коробках, ведь все шкафы забиты винилом. А ради Fender Stratocaster 56-го года, вы взяли кредиты в трех банках и ничуть не жалеете.

Открывать: Играем каверы на Deftones под терпкий каберне совиньон, при максимальном звуке, пусть весь дом приобщается. Плевать, что 4 утра.

8. Политота

Приметы: Чекинитесь на всех митингах, назначаете свидания 31 числа на Триумфальной и мочите лук в автозаке. Втайне мечтаете о депутатской зарплате.

Открывать: Выверенный, как ваши планы, бордосский ассамбляж — открыть и подумать, что надо сделать для своих избирателей, а не для своей карьеры.

9. Фэшионист(-ка)

Приметы: Отличаете небесно-голубой Ив Сен Лорана от голубого у Dior, а Библию заменили французским Vogue. За место в первом ряду на показах Русской Недели Моды уже подкупили охранника.

Открывать: Мини-бутылка франчакорты отлично влезает в карман пальто или клатч — лайфхак. Принимать для блеска глаз, угощать при случае редакторов глянца, вам нужны связи.

10. Книжный червь

Приметы: Вас узнают продавцы в Фаланстере и букинисты на Китай-городе, а мама волнуется, что у вас нет друзей и зрение за последнюю неделю упало до −5.

Открывать: Мозельский рислинг прибавит решимости. Грузим в рюкзак прочитанные книги и тащим на блошиный рынок — раздавать плебсу людям и способствовать просвещению.

11. Зоофил

Приметы: Вы же не тот самый человек, чьи 11 кошек, хромой пес, попугай и камбоджийские жабы кошмарят соседей по лестничной клетке? Тот? А, ну ок.

Открывать: Грюнер вельтлинер, покровитель флоры и фауны, к вашим услугам. Вдохновиться, а потом толкать перед школотой во дворе речи о животных голосом Николая Дроздова.

19 Jul 11:39

On the Street…La Fortezza, Florence

by The Sartorialist
Daria Nifontova


On the Street…La Fortezza, Florence

13 Jul 11:27


Daria Nifontova


13 Jul 11:24


12 Jul 17:58


by James Kicinski-McCoy
Daria Nifontova

такс такс такс


I am a major fan of brunch. It is one of my favorite things about the weekend, and I love to check out new brunch spots or cook big, late morning meals and host our friends at our house. Bagels and lox, pancakes and bacon, eggs, roasted potatoes, breakfast tacos, Benedict, and, of course, mimosas. Aubrey, the kids, and I went to a new restaurant for brunch recently and they had a Bloody Mary bar—genius if you ask me, and something that I will incorporate at all future morning get-togethers at home.

The secret to a great bloody mary bar is having many, many options to choose from. It all starts with the tomato juice/mixer. We had a mix with clam juice, a spicy mix, and my personal favorite, ZingZang’s— it’s award-winning. You can also make your own from this recipe.


For our bar, we collected all of the pickled and marinated things we could find: marinated artichoke hearts, beets, asparagus, cocktail onions, baby pickles, and okra. We also had a small carafe of pickle juice on the bar to add a little extra pucker to our drinks.


We had two types of olives: bleu cheese-stuffed and regular green with pimentos.


We chopped up some fresh, raw veggies and fruit to “add a salad” to our drinks: cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, lemons, and limes.


To add some fire and extra flavor: Sriracha, Cholula, horseradish, wasabi paste (so good!), pepperocinis, and cherry peppers.


For a little southern flair, we baked up some maple bacon!


We set out various seasoning salts to rim the glasses. Just set out a plate with some water on it to allow guests to wet the edge of their glass and dip into the salt of their choice.


The above are my personal favorite fixings, but you can get very creative when building Bloody Marys. Some like to include little blocks of cheese, oysters, shrimp, boiled eggs, fried chicken, and even mini grilled cheese sandwiches. Kinda weird, but it’s okay!

When it comes down to vodka choices, we like Tito’s because it’s gluten-free, but you can pick your own poison. Kettle One is also very good. Display your garnishes in mini bowls with toothpicks or skewers to build the perfect loaded drink. Have plenty of ice ready on hand, as the drink is best served ice-cold.

To make: Add a handful of ice to glass. Pour 1-2 shots of vodka into your glass, followed by the tomato mix of your choice, to taste. Add a splash of pickle juice, if desired, and stir well. Next, add a stalk of celery and then begin building toothpicks (or skewers) of favorite garnishes and enjoy.

Your Bloody Mary bar is sure to be a hit. Cheers!


The post BUILD A BLOODY MARY BAR appeared first on BLEUBIRD.

11 Jul 22:49


07 Jul 06:26

Чистотехничка: cоразмерное задаче

Daria Nifontova

she's dead to me now

Художественные задачи бывают самых разных размеров. Одни помещаются на рабочем столе кабинета,
другие потребуют высоты двух столов, на которые взбирутся трое.

К каждой сцене нужно подходить со своим объемом техножидкостей:
для большой — взять бутыль АКРИЛАКА, идти с ней в обнимку,
для маленькой достаточно бросить в карман акрилачик и бутылью не надрываться.

Когда УАЙТ-СПИРИТ, а когда и капля уайтаспиритика понадобится.

То же с вазелиновым и льняным маслом и маслицем, бензином и бензинчиком, скипидаром и скипидарчиком...

Здесь обнаруживается одно из назначаний пишмшн — этикетирование.
03 Jul 11:49

barachests: sext: i want to be good for your mental health


sext: i want to be good for your mental health

03 Jul 11:25

orotundmutt: will: no one can do it… no one can kill hannibal…rihanna:

Daria Nifontova



will: no one can do it… no one can kill hannibal…


01 Jul 21:32


01 Jul 21:17

wherewentz: 2007 was so important

Daria Nifontova

I still am struggling with having boobs tbh


2007 was so important

27 Jun 13:25

bettydraperlookingpissed:I’m not like a regular mom, I’m...


I’m not like a regular mom, I’m a cool mom.

23 Jun 20:43

squishyandiknowit: hermionemollycharliepond: cybercitrus: pixe...







A quick tip for your elevator ride up to the office: grab a piping hot cuppa joe at the corner store and stick an egg in it to make a hard boiled morning snack.

just stick your hands in boiling hot coffee. go on. do it. just shove your fingers on in that blistering hot cuppa joe. throw an egg in there. who gives a shit. eat your god damn coffee eggs like the stupid slobbering idiot that you are




convert your office into a horrible disaster

This should be what nsfw means

21 Jun 14:06

twixnmix: Jean-Michel Basquiat photographed by Julio Donoso,...


Jean-Michel Basquiat photographed by Julio Donoso, 1988.

11 Jun 09:42

killtonyabbott: spec ops the line quotes over dogs in sailor...


spec ops the line quotes over dogs in sailor moon cosplay

11 Jun 09:41

intersectionalfascism: Large groups of slavs frighten me because you don’t know if they’re a...


Large groups of slavs frighten me because you don’t know if they’re a spetsnaz Precursor  to an invasion 


Or this

But these two things are exactly the same????

09 Jun 19:21

lindsaychrist: penis-hilton: WHY AM I LAUGHING SO HARD I LOVE...




the oil

09 Jun 12:26

gayemoji:gayemoji:me: *sees bae on tumblr*me: *looks @ phone and sees my text has gone...



me: *sees bae on tumblr*

me: *looks @ phone and sees my text has gone unanswered*

me: “If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we finally die.” - Maya Angelou

me: *sees that bae finally texts back*

me: “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” - Maya Angelou

06 Jun 11:02


Daria Nifontova

literally me every day

04 Jun 15:04


Daria Nifontova


31 May 21:44

liquidlucidstupiddolls: get dragged around


get dragged around

29 May 08:44


15 May 18:18

meanplastic: no money no family 16 in the middle of miami


no money no family 16 in the middle of miami