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07 Oct 22:58

'Body hacking' for an edge

Jeffrey J. Bloom

While caffeine is easily the most abused substance, young entrepreneurs are now "body hacking," aka using performance enhancing meds--like modafinil (wakefulness), methylphenidate (concentration) & nitrazep-am (anxiety & insomnia relief)--that promise cognitive benefits & improved concentration for executing complex tasks or putting in longer hours.

However, users dread the ensuing crash when the drugs wear off. Entire online forums are devoted to procuring drugs & discussing side effects.

“Stopping usage leads to withdrawal symptoms ... the person will experience a crash ... start to feel dull & have zero motivation,” said Dr. Benegal.

When he quit his comfortable job with an IT firm in 2016 to launch a start-up with four friends, 30-year-old Raj (name changed) braced himself for the ...
07 Oct 22:19

New Open Source 3D Printer Can Print Without Human Intervention

by EditorDavid
Jeffrey J. Bloom

Autodrop3d is an open source system that solves the problem of needing a human to remove a 3D print from its print bed. Implemented as an open source hardware and software system, it allows for web based, multi-user print queue, automatic notifications, and web-based CAD design tools to all be integrated in one open source system. There's a video that shows the hardware in operation and a link to the web site with a Git repository for the software and hardware components.

Autodrop3D is now raising money on Kickstarter, promising to show their support for open source innovation by "releasing all of our documentation, design files, and software prior to the end of this Kickstarter campaign."

Slashdot reader mmiscool shares some videos about "the next step in 3D printing": Autodrop3d is an open source system that solves the problem of needing a human to remove a 3D print from its print bed. Implemented as an open source hardware and software system, it allows for web based, multi-user print queue, automatic notifications, and web-based CAD design tools to all be integrated in one open source system. There's a video that shows the hardware in operation and a link to the web site with a Git repository for the software and hardware components. Autodrop3D is now raising money on Kickstarter, promising to show their support for open source innovation by "releasing all of our documentation, design files, and software prior to the end of this Kickstarter campaign." And for $75 pledges, "we will 3D print an object of your choice and mail it to you.... You will also receive our heartfelt thanks."

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07 Oct 12:51

Concept Note on PBX Hacking

Jeffrey J. Bloom

A PABX/PBX (Private (Automatic) Branch exchange) is telephone equipment that is installed on corporate premises to provide a number of telephone extensions within an offi¬ce and operate as a connection between the business and the external dial-out network. A PBX allows sharing of outside lines and thus significantly reduces the number of such lines needed to be leased from a Telco. PBXs have evolved over time in much the same way that Telcos have evolved, moving from circuit switched to IP-based packet technologies. This Point of view on PBX hacking takes a look at some of the most common methods of hacking PBXs and recommends the preventive steps to counter them.

A PABX/PBX (Private (Automatic) Branch exchange) is telephone equipment that is installed on corporate premises to provide a number of telephone ...
06 Oct 13:40

How bees always find their way home: Scientists pinpoint a complex network of neurons in the ...

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Scientists have unravelled the complexity of in-built sat-navs in bees' brains. Consisting of a complex network of neurons integrating every detail of outbound journeys, they create memories used to plot direct routes back to their hive.

A detailed computer model of a bee's brain was created by studying nerve function via electrodes & microscope images, which could lead to simple lightweight autonomous navigation algorithms not requiring GPS.

... results, together with microscope studies of how the nerve cells are connected, were used to develop a detailed computer model of the bee's brain.
06 Oct 12:15

Is drive-by sex toy hacking a wake-up call for Britain's internet security?

Jeffrey J. Bloom

"Screwdriving," exploits the bluetooth low energy (BLE) protocol, often used by “smart” sex toys, as demonstrated by security consultant Alex Lomas. He also hacked his father’s BLE-enabled hearing aid, altering hearing & putting voices in his head. In February, a teen hacked 150k printers to raise awareness of device exposure online. The FDA recently recalled almost half a million pacemakers due to fears they were vulnerable to hacking.

The internet connects people & IoT connects everything else; your fridge, car, home, cuddly toy, bus, nuclear power station & yes, sex toys. It's happening now ninjas.

Hacking tends to bring to mind compromised bank accounts or infiltrated ... People's homes weren't actually the target – the hackers just used the devices ... In February, a teenager hacked 150,000 printers to raise awareness of the ...
06 Oct 02:12

Ridiculous 'GodMode' pills for gamers promise to make your brain good (but we obviously don't ...

Jeffrey J. Bloom

If you're still unsure about whether you should take GodMode gamer pills, definitely talk to your doctor. If that conversation goes well and you still aren't sold, Boss Level Labs provides a list of "pro users" of its product, which includes a handful of game developers, people who lift weights, someone who is a "celebrity financial advisor and motivational speaker," and a retired Hungarian chess grandmaster named Judit Polgár.

Outside of the benefits you'll undoubtedly feel while gaming, I guess, the website says GodMode "should help you remember where you put your keys."

Ridiculous 'GodMode' pills for gamers promise to make your brain good ... actually levels-up your mind because the formulation is like a brain-hack.".
05 Oct 21:42

Analytic Algorithms May Deliver Bad Data at Real-Time Speeds

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Relying on algorithms without understanding their logic is like script kiddies never learning to code. The math is often unpure, according to mathematician Cathy O’Neil.

Analytic algorithms may be wrong & are reinforcing biases, erroneous information & even their developer's bias. "Algorithms are opinions embedded in code ... we’re hiding behind mathematics as a shield."

"People who create algorithms embed their own definitions of success ... Machine learning doesn’t make things fair, it represents past patterns & automates [them]."

Analytic Algorithms May Deliver Bad Data at Real-Time Speeds ... “Machine learning doesn't make things fair, it represents past patterns and ...
05 Oct 20:57

NVIDIA's Long Game: The Evolution from GPU Maker to AI Computing Company, Part 2

Jeffrey J. Bloom

“It’s been interesting to note in the last couple of years, the trajectory of AI and what it’s done for us that kind of justifies the investment,” said Paikeday. “Like, deep neural networks have been growing; neural network development has been more and more computationally expensive as these networks get smarter, and by consequence bigger … [it’s the] GPU that’s allowed these models to get so big, so extensive, so computationally expensive, because we’re now providing the compute capacity to execute these massively parallelized algorithms that power the biggest neural networks that there are today, with speed that really wasn’t possible until developers way back when started training their models on GPUs instead of CPU servers.”

“Like, deep neural networks have been growing; neural network development has been more and more computationally expensive as these networks ...
05 Oct 20:55

Rasa Core kicks up the context for chatbots

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Rasa Core is available NOW in open source via GitHub! Instead of using Amazon's Mechanical Turk to correct ML models, they built a platform allowing anyone to train & update models via sample conversations.

Context is everything with dialog systems. We take for granted the complexity of even simple conversations. Rasa’s approach allows customers to bootstrap models without training data, only a few dozen sample conversations are needed to get a bot working effectively.

The premise of Rasa Core is similar to the approach of a lot of AI startups that use services like Amazon Mechanical Turk to correct for uncertainty ...
05 Oct 20:30

Best AI software and technologies

Jeffrey J. Bloom

From entire AI platforms that handle every possible task you may need, to one-off apps that recognise speech using ML, AI is all around us & should be celebrated.

1. Microsoft’s Azure Machine Learning Studio is a one-stop-shop for developing your own AI apps & services. Designed for ease-of-use, pre-determined algorithms help you implement AI into whatever you’re creating. There's also a load of machine learning resources available to get you up to speed in no time.

2. Google’s Cloud Speech API is available for developers with a remarkably low 4.9% word error rate. With recognition of 110+ languages & variants it converts speech to text more accurately than any other speech platform.

3. Inbenta is innovating intelligent chatbot technology, using natural language processing & AI to find out the meaning behind search queries & allow for better responses. It’s simple to implement & provides in-depth reports so you can see results.

4. Anodot analyses large datasets & finds anomalies using AI, turning them into key business insights. It makes use of its own patented ML algorithms, isolating potential issues so humans can examine them & take action if needed.

5. makes it possible for anyone to create a model of their business/industry, using prexisting data & ML. You can start generating valuable insights right away on a large scale. Easily slotted into Python, Scala & R environments too, making it an extremely flexible platform for predictive data analysis.

From entire AI platforms that handle every possible intelligent task you may need, to one-off apps that recognise your speech using machine learning, ...
05 Oct 20:01

The Future of ITSM: Get Ready for Artificial Intelligence

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Although ITSM solutions are rapidly evolving, service management will never go away as long as IT exists. However, by implementing AI technology, IT service management will experience a disruptive change that will alter the way humans are involved with the service management process. It is also important to note that these disruptive changes will affect all service management operations, not just IT service management.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises to dramatically improve technology in our homes ... In terms of AI making a positive impact on ITSM, we see key three key ... Creation), automated back-end processes and knowledge management.
05 Oct 20:00

The future will be data-driven

Jeffrey J. Bloom

The way I think, is how I code. I need to converse with those who understand the purpose & goals, before reviewing data sets, notes, binders, xls, doc, pdf, etc.. That's how I shape my frame of reference & perspective, because Machine Learning (ML) algorithms need context to "learn."

Data wrangling currently accounts for ~80% of time spent developing data analytics, due too messy data sets. Automating the process is key, combining data wrangling & analysis into ML algorithms has great potential. But it's a chicken or the egg situation: Is it best for ML to learn from raw data, or train ML to learn desired outcomes before learning from data?

Lives & economies will be transformed by data science & AI. There are challenges in data wrangling as a starting point & in AI as an end point. The future is here, as seen in many retail & healthcare implementations.

When properly implemented, systematic data use benefits every process & as the degree of integration increases, so do possibilities. Of course none of this happens without effective data infrastructure.

The challenge is to explore the future of the big systems, for example in ... Ultimately, data analytics provides the foundations of artificial intelligence.
03 Oct 11:11

Google's AI has nearly twice the IQ of Siri, study says — but a six-year-old child is smarter than both

Jeffrey J. Bloom

In 2016 Google's AI had an IQ of 47.28. It came out ahead of Chinese search engine Baidu (32.92), Microsoft's Bing (31.98) & had almost double the IQ of Siri (23.94).

Notably, none of these systems had a higher IQ than a 6-year-old (55.5), much less an 18-year-old (97), the researchers found.

Google's AI had an IQ score of 47.28, while Siri's score was 23.94, in a ... on Fictitious Economy and Data Science — says that in 2016 Google's AI had ...
03 Oct 11:06

Managing the big data ecosystem requires agility amid disruptions

Jeffrey J. Bloom

AI, machine learning (ML) & even AR & VR, can help manage the onslaught of data from multiple sources into the big data ecosystem to properly gather, mine, prep, store, analyze & help smooth operations.

"The data lake isn't where data goes to die," Gartner analyst Merv Adrian says, "it's where data goes to live." As simplistic as it sounds, it's up to data managers to move beyond traditional data control & into the critical task of improving data quality & delivery -- taking all that raw data & making it useful.

Semantic technology could be a blessing or curse to AI; companies are gearing up for greater big data management deployments & all data must be treated equally in the search to find value.

In some regards, the term big data management can be viewed as an ... In another feature, IoT and machine learning technologies help take the ...
03 Oct 01:27

International competition benchmarks metagenomics software

Jeffrey J. Bloom

"The field of metagenomics needs standards to ensure that results are correct, well validated & follow best practices," Pop said. "For instance, if a doctor is going to stage an intervention based on results from metagenomic software, it's essential that those results be correct. Our work provides a roadmap for choosing appropriate software."

... in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. ... In metagenomics, researchers use algorithms to piece together DNA from ...
03 Oct 01:23

Russia Providing North Korea With Internet Access, Assists Cyberattacks

Jeffrey J. Bloom

The timing of the new connection is particularly curious as US CyberCom was carrying out DoS attacks against state-sponsored hackers in North Korea over the weekend. The attacks were designed to overwhelm the hackers connectivity make their systems impossible to use.

The Russian internet connection to North Korea began less than 24 hours after CyberCom attacks were scheduled to end & is likely to provide the nation with additional protection in case of future DoS attacks.

Russia Providing North Korea With Internet Access, Assists Cyberattacks ... A Russian telecommunications company began providing an internet ... providing North Korea with higher resilience against cyber attacks directed at the ...
03 Oct 01:13

Equifax Says 2.5 Million More Americans May Be Affected By Hack

by BeauHD
Jeffrey J. Bloom

Equifax says about 2.5 million additional consumers may have been impacted by last months cyber attack. Their initial disclosure said personal details of up to 143 million consumers were accessed by hackers between mid-May and July.

As for what led to the breach, Ars Technica reports "a series of costly delays & crucial errors." Chief among them: an Equifax e-mail directing admins to patch a critical vulnerability in the open source Apache Struts Web application framework went unheeded, despite a two-day deadline to comply. Equifax also waited a week to scan its network for apps that remained vulnerable. Even then, the delayed scan failed to detect that the code-execution flaw still resided in a section of the sprawling Equifax site that allows consumers to dispute information they believe is incorrect. Equifax said last month that the still-unidentified attackers gained an initial hold in the network by exploiting the critical Apache Struts vulnerability

According to Reuters, Equifax said about 2.5 million additional U.S. consumers may have been impacted by a cyber attack at the company last month. Last month, the company disclosed that personal details of up to 143 million U.S. consumers were accessed by hackers between mid-May and July. As for what led to the breach, Ars Technica reports it was "a series of costly delays and crucial errors." From the report: Chief among the failures: an Equifax e-mail directing administrators to patch a critical vulnerability in the open source Apache Struts Web application framework went unheeded, despite a two-day deadline to comply. Equifax also waited a week to scan its network for apps that remained vulnerable. Even then, the delayed scan failed to detect that the code-execution flaw still resided in a section of the sprawling Equifax site that allows consumers to dispute information they believe is incorrect. Equifax said last month that the still-unidentified attackers gained an initial hold in the network by exploiting the critical Apache Struts vulnerability.

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03 Oct 01:00

UBC and Microsoft collaboration yields floating, interactive holographic brain

Jeffrey J. Bloom

The Holographic Brain Project is an application run on Microsoft's augmented reality Hololens headset. It projects an interactive 3D brain into the user’s physical environment with brain structures that can be enlarged, isolated or rotated, among many other commands.

The Holographic Brain Project is an application that is run on Microsoft ... looks like a large pair of sunglasses and contains a holographic computer.
03 Oct 00:54

Overseas hackers forget smiley face, miss out on $90000 pay day

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Not to worry, soon AI will accurately tell us the probability of the actual sender writing a message...

Graeme had not been copied in & the smiley faces, normally peppering Giles' emails, were suspiciously absent.

She guessed the scammers identified a large payment was due by reading emails between Giles & Marlborough Vintners over the month prior.

Bank staff identified the account was subjected to "genuine infiltration" by offshore hackers.

International hackers targeting Marlborough grapegrowers tripped ... person – and it appears not to be [someone] in New Zealand – hacking an email.
01 Oct 12:58

NVIDIA Has Its Eye on Smart Cities in China with New Alibaba Partnership

Jeffrey J. Bloom

NVIDIA is partnering with Alibaba--adding to 50+ major tech companies using Metropolis--helping them tap into one of the largest smart city markets on the planet: China.

Launching in May, NVIDIA's Metropolis cloud platform sifts through surveillance & traffic video using AI to manage traffic, parking, law enforcement & other city services.

Metropolis uses several NVIDIA technologies -- including Tesla GPU accelerators, deep learning software & DGX-1 cloud-based supercomputers -- to comb through the vast amount of data collected by a city's security & traffic cameras to make decisions based on what it sees. The platform can monitor video in real-time & view data in video recordings up to 30 times faster than humans can in some cases.

NVIDIA believes that 1 billion cameras will be in service in cities around the world by 2020 & Metropolis' AI will allow local governments to reduce traffic & crime while increasing efficiencies block by block.

NVIDIA Corporation's (NASDAQ: NVDA) artificial intelligence (AI) prospects have continued to grow as the company ... Alibaba Cloud, said last month that "Alibaba Cloud's big data and deep learning technologies have been helping ...
30 Sep 23:49

Equifax breach shows signs of a possible state-sponsored hack

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Insiders say many of the tools used in the hack were Chinese in origin & there are similarities to China-backed breaches targeting the health insurance firm Anthem & the US government's OPM. Also, none of the stolen data has surfaced online -- whoever took it wasn't in a rush to profit. This was a "'get as much data as you can on every American' play," one of Bloomberg's contacts said.

However, sources aware of federal investigations say there's evidence of a state-sponsored attack, not that it points to any one country. Equifax's security consulting partner, Mandiant, wrote as recently as September 19th that it couldn't identify the culprits or where they came from.

The initial group of hackers weren't particularly experienced, according to the ... agreement that was supposed to put an end to hacking campaigns.
30 Sep 23:45

Scientists Just Invented A New Quantum Computing Technique That Could Process Millions of ...

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Existing quantum computers can only handle as many as 12 qubits, the maximum ever manipulated was by Russian researchers which amounted to 51 qubits. Japanese researchers believe their circuit is capable of processing, a million qubits. However, they're still translating their theory into reality. Furusawa said "We’ll start work to develop the hardware, now that we’ve resolved all problems except how to make a scheme that automatically corrects a calculation error." It goes without saying that this possible breakthrough could help solve many great problems of today which include medical research, transportation, electronics & the economy in general.

Quantum computers are already making their way in the twenty-first century based on the assumption that they can process the most complex activities ...
30 Sep 23:36

Hollywood's International War on Kodi Plugins And Video-Streaming Boxes

by EditorDavid
Jeffrey J. Bloom

Kodi's popularity & its plugins providing streaming media, have made it the latest target of Hollywood's copyright enforcement juggernaut. The difficulty facing the TV titans is that neither Kodi sellers, nor those who write or host add-ons, are engaging in unauthorized copying, cases targeting these parties have to rely on other legal theories. These lawsuits seem to have a few goals: to expand the scope of secondary copyright infringement yet again, to force Kodi add-on distributors off the Internet & to destroy open source, freely configurable, media players by focusing on a few bad actors.
The EFF details the specific lawsuits in each region & concludes that their courts "should reject these expansions of copyright liability & TV networks should not target neutral platforms & technologies for abusive lawsuits."

An anonymous reader quotes the EFF: In the past few years, the sale of pre-configured Kodi boxes, and the availability of a range of plugins providing access to streaming media, has seen the software's popularity balloon -- and made it the latest target of Hollywood's copyright enforcement juggernaut. We've seen this in the appearance of streaming media boxes as an enforcement priority in the U.S. Trade Representative's Special 301 Report, in proposals for new legislation targeting the sale of "illicit" media boxes, and in lawsuits that have been brought on both sides of the Atlantic to address the "problem" that media boxes running Kodi, like any Web browser, can be used to access media streams that were not authorized by the copyright holder... The difficulty facing the titans of TV is that since neither those who sell Kodi boxes, nor those who write or host add-ons for the software, are engaging in any unauthorized copying by doing so, cases targeting these parties have to rely on other legal theories. So far several legal theories have been used; one in Europe against sellers of Kodi boxes, one in Canada against the owner of the popular Kodi add-on repository TVAddons, and two in the United States against TVAddons and a plugin developer... These lawsuits by big TV incumbents seem to have a few goals: to expand the scope of secondary copyright infringement yet again, to force major Kodi add-on distributors off of the Internet, and to smear and discourage open source, freely configurable media players by focusing on the few bad actors in that ecosystem. The EFF details the specific lawsuits in each region, and concludes that their courts "should reject these expansions of copyright liability, and TV networks should not target neutral platforms and technologies for abusive lawsuits."

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30 Sep 23:18

10 Best Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning tools (ML) for you

Jeffrey J. Bloom

A 300% increase in AI investment this year? Time to get smart! Here's your top 10 AI & ML (Machine Learning) tools, direct links located at bottom of post:
1. Microsoft Azure - built on ML capabilities of several MS products & services, like Cortana, it also uses proven solutions from Xbox & Bing.
2. AI-one’s "Analyst Toolbox" provides a library, building agents & APIs for developers & can turn data into rule sets, enabling in-depth AI & ML structures.
3. DiffBlue builds an exact mathematical model of any code base, allowing deep semantic understanding of a program's purpose. Its aim is automagically finding & fix weak code.
4. Google’s TensorFlow uses data flow graphs with nodes = math operations & graph edges = multidimensional data arrays (tensors). The flexible architecture deploys computation to one or more device with a single API.
5. Amazon Web Services has 3 AI toolkits: Rekognition adds image interpretation & facial recognition, Polly automates voice to text across 47 voices in 24 languages, & Lex is the Alexa engine, allowing chatbot integration.
6. Protege's suite is ideal for "knowledge-based apps with ontologies" & lets developers create, upload, modify & share apps in an active community, making troubleshooting & collaboration easy.
7. Apache Spark MLlib is a memory cluster based data processing system designed for simplicity, scalability & easy integration with other tools.
8. Nervana Neon - Python-based ML library lets developers build, train & deploy deep learning tech, with lots tutorials & a 'model zoo' housing pre-trained algorithms & example scripts.
9. OpenNN - formerly known as Flood it's aimed at experience developers. It's a source class library in C++ for neural networks, with lots of documentation & tutorials.
10. Apache Mahout - a library of scalable ML algorithms, built on Apache Hadoop & MapReduce paradigm. The project aims to make it faster & easier to turn big data into big information.

1. Microsoft Azure ML:
2. ai-one:
3. DiffBlue:
4. Google’s TensorFlow:
5. Amazon Web Services:
6. Protege:
7. Apache Spark MLlib:
8. Nervana Neon:
9. OpenNN:
10. Apache Mahout:

10 Best Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning tools (ML) for you ... It shares many of the real-time predictive analytics of the new personal assistant ... The flexible architecture allows you to deploy computation to one or more ...
30 Sep 22:26

Brain-Controlled Drones Are Here. What's Coming in the Next Five Years?

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Now a single operator using emerging human-brain interfaces can control a swarm of drones, making possible new classes of applications, according to Panos Artemiadis, director of the Human-Oriented Robotics and Control (HORC) Lab at Arizona State University.

And while Lady Gaga's Super Bowl drones were controlled by a central computer (and filmed in advance of the show), smaller swarms can be ...
30 Sep 22:25

DARPA: Exploring new possibilities in using tech to restore vision and more

Jeffrey J. Bloom

The Neural Engineering System Design (NESD) program aims to develop systems that can electronically communicate with the region of the brain that assists sensory function. In July, DARPA awarded $21.8 million to 6 teams: 4 will focus on vision & 2 will focus on hearing & speech. By next summer, only a few teams will move on to phase 2. By the end of the four-year program, DARPA hopes the tech will mature enough to read activity from 1 million neurons, stimulate 100k neurons & provide closed-loop communication with the brain.

"If you set the bar high, sometimes you get across it," NESD director Brad Ringeisen said. "That’s been the special sauce about DARPA throughout its history." The goals may be lofty for the time frame, but hopefully the tech will advance enough for other organizations to continue what we start here.

“The opportunity was to come to DARPA and develop a whole new technology to connect brains directly to computers in such a way that it would ...
29 Sep 01:15

The war for AI leadership will be 'the biggest battle of our lifetime,' says Applied Materials CEO

Jeffrey J. Bloom

"In the future, you've got transportation, health care, entertainment. All of these will change in amazing ways & create trillions of dollars of economic value. So you also have this war for AI architecture leadership that probably will be the biggest battle of our lifetime," Applied Materials CEO Gary Dickerson said.

Volatility has decreased across industry in the last seven years & that the "war" for leadership in mobile has increased the need for top-performing chips. "The materials that create the power & performance [for chips] come from Applied Materials." So in that war, Applied wins no matter what.

The war over who will create the framework for next-generation artificial intelligence will likely be the biggest corporate battle in the near future, ...
29 Sep 00:28

These Clark Kent glasses will keep you connected to all your devices

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Waves Glasses are a brand new pair of glasses that are both ocular and device-friendly. As glasses, they lower the effect of screen lights on your eyes and can transition to protect them from UV rays. They can also fit any prescription lenses so that anyone can use them. But as a tech tool, they can do so much more.

Waves can connect to any of your bluetooth-enabled devices for a hands-free experience when you're on the go. By tapping on the side of your glasses (think Cyclops from X-Men without the laser eyes), you can answer calls, skip through your playlist, or even ask Siri to cover something for you, all without ever touching your devices.

Of course, knowing all this doesn't help when we spend most of our days making calls on our phones, sending Slack messages on our computers, ...
29 Sep 00:27

Cerebras Founder Feldman Contemplates the AI Chip Age

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Machine learning consists of many simple logic operations needing connectivity, not slow complexity of current CPUs. "Convolutional neural networks" involve recursion, feedback & simultaneous computations feeding into each other. "You want something that is simple on compute, on arithmetic & very intense on comms," says Feldman. A new chip is needed to handle sparse matrix math & emphasize comms for I/O of calculations.

"Workloads are changing dramatically," due to machine learning, "whenever workloads have changed in computing, it always creates an opportunity for new kinds of computing."

"There's going to be a vast new wave of innovation in computer chips," says Feldman. Machine learning is changing the requirements for computer chips.

Optimized for complex logic operations, "CPUs are remarkably poor" at communicating results between CPUs.

I talked with Feldman the other day after his artificial intelligence chip venture came to my attention last week, thanks to a report by Susquehanna ...
28 Sep 21:29

Self-Healing Material Market is expected to grow over the CAGR of around 7 % during the period ...

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Increased product durability & lifetime? Yes please! Imagine not worrying about corrosion or environmental wear & tear on buildings & vehicles.. We're already seeing it, with increased applications of practical Self-Healing Materials across most industries.

The acceptance & proliferation of self-healing material, not to mention its untapped potential, are enough for me to keep my eye on this growth Market.

This use of self-healing material in the construction activities is also facilitating the reduction of the cost incurred for repairing of the damages in the ...