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14 Nov 01:31

The NSA's Shadow Brokers Quandary Prompts Top Solution Providers To Warn Customers About ...

Jeffrey J. Bloom

As the Shadow Brokers breach reveals more NSA data, tools & methodologies, the likelihood of zero day threats increases. Companies with slower patching cycles face more risk, even patching with minimal or insufficient testing also puts business operations at high risk.

The Shadow Brokers situation is a good reminder that networks & organizations aren't just attacked via phishing. Officials still don't know whether the NSA is the victim of a hack likely executed by the Russians, an insider’s leak, or both.

Organizations should never allow personally-owned devices to attach carte blanche to the company's secure wireless network.

A "zero day" attack against a major mobile device platform is likely imminent now that the Shadow Brokers organization – the mysterious group behind ...
12 Nov 01:41

Researchers Run Unsigned Code on Intel ME By Exploiting USB Ports

by EditorDavid
Jeffrey J. Bloom

A pair of security researchers in Russia are claiming to have compromised the Intel Management Engine just using one of the computer's USB ports. The researchers gained access to a fully functional JTAG connection to Intel CSME via USB DCI. Different from previous USB DCI JTAG examples from earlier this year. Full JTAG access to the ME would allow making permanent hidden changes to the machine.
"Getting into & hijacking the Management Engine means you can take full control of a box," reports the Register, "underneath and out of sight of whatever OS, hypervisor or antivirus is installed."

"This powerful God-mode technology is barely documented," while The Next Web points out that USB ports are "a common attack vector."

-Twitter 08nov17: Game over! We (I and @_markel___ ) have obtained fully functional JTAG for Intel CSME via USB DCI. #intelme #jtag #inteldci :

-09nov17: Intel's super-secret Management Engine firmware now glimpsed, fingered via USB:

-17jan17: Intel responds to report about hackers gaining access to a debugging interface:

Slashdot user bongey writes: A pair of security researchers in Russia are claiming to have compromised the Intel Management Engine just using one of the computer's USB ports. The researchers gained access to a fully functional JTAG connection to Intel CSME via USB DCI. The claim is different from previous USB DCI JTAG examples from earlier this year. Full JTAG access to the ME would allow making permanent hidden changes to the machine. "Getting into and hijacking the Management Engine means you can take full control of a box," reports the Register, "underneath and out of sight of whatever OS, hypervisor or antivirus is installed." They add that "This powerful God-mode technology is barely documented," while The Next Web points out that USB ports are "a common attack vector."

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12 Nov 01:22

Check Out the Artificial Intelligence-Powered Police Station in China

Jeffrey J. Bloom

The AI powered station will ease traffic bureaucracy which is why there have been simulated driving tests that have been related to the concept station. There's numerous other considerations not taken into account, as law enforcement is hard pressed keeping personnel objective & fully employing the capacity of situational awareness in some scenarios.

AI may not yet be up to the task. After all, not every case in the designated area will relate to car or driving related issues. AI has yet to be proven to have the capability of solving complex disputes. It may not be able to use all of the facts or comprehend the intricate dynamics of human relationships or the damage which can be caused to people, whether it is in the case of molestation or rape & hence, may not have the sensitivity to deal with such scenarios.

Recently China announced the opening of an AI-powered police station in ... As implied earlier, the artificial intelligence system is going to use facial ... not every case in the designated area will relate to car or driving related issues.
11 Nov 05:59

IBM Reaches a Computing Milestone

Jeffrey J. Bloom

On Friday, IBM announced two new quantum computer systems, one using 50 qubits & another using 20 quibits. "It's a big frickin' deal," Dario Gil, director of quantum computing at IBM said. It's a massive leap from 18 months ago, when IBM unveiled a 5-qubit quantum computer. Their new quantum computer can hold a "quantum state" for 90 microseconds, which is a new record!

(Newser) – "We are really proud of this; it's a big frickin' deal," Dario Gil, director of quantum computing at IBM tells MIT Technology Review. But, as ...
11 Nov 05:48

Data science institute develops method to allow mobile users to tap into RF-spectrum

Jeffrey J. Bloom

"In the past couple of years we have demonstrated several RF spectral sensors that generally used off-the-shelf signal-processing approaches with our custom hardware & have demonstrated significant speed & energy benefits. It will be exciting to see how much more progress we can make using new algorithms built on the latest insights in signal processing."

"We'll use all the data-science tools we possess - machine learning, neural networks, algorithms ... It will be exciting to see how much more progress we can make using new algorithms built on the latest insights in signal processing.
11 Nov 05:44

Is Silicon Valley Building the Infrastructure for a Police State?

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Is Palantir, one of the biggest threat intelligence firms, using cutting-edge tech to keep Americans safe, or laying the groundwork for a police state?

The firm's primary backer, Peter Thiel, hopes the technology will help protect civil liberties because, given the massive amounts of Americans' data the government takes in, "if we could help [agents] make sense of data, they could end indiscriminate surveillance." Some insiders credit Palantir for enabling the government to find Osama bin Laden's hideout in 2011.

Edward Hasbrouck of the Identity Project says this tech enables the government to violate civil liberties without necessary checks on its power.

Paul Scharre, a policy analyst who studies AI & defense at the Center for a New American Security, says the public shouldn't fear AI tools just because they're new & unfamiliar. "There's no technology that's just inherently good or inherently bad," says Scharre. "It's about how we're using it, & to what ends."


Thiel believes Palantir's technology will prove crucial in stopping future terrorist ... Paul Scharre, a policy analyst who studies artificial intelligence and ...
11 Nov 05:22

Secret HPE AI chip, TensorFlow updates, neural networks writing themselves – and more

Jeffrey J. Bloom

*HPE's neural network accelerator chip's mysterious "dot product engine" (DPE) architecture is geared toward carrying out matrix operations at speed, very useful for executing AI algorithms quickly. It also uses memristors, which drive HPE's now-defunct Machine computer architecture.

*Google released TensorFlow r1.4, making it easier to use low-level machine-learning framework through Keras, a high level user-friendly interface for programmers. Developers can reach, via Keras, TensorFlow's Estimator API to add common tools like linear classifiers or regressors, to neural networks.

*AutoML has been applied to ImageNet & CoCo, two large datasets containing millions of images, to create a novel architecture called NASNet, a small two-layered model designed purely by Google's code. Achieving a prediction accuracy of 82.7% on ImageNet--on par with SENet, the winning architecture for this year’s Large Scale Recognition Challenge.

*Nvidia has announced new courses, workshops & partnerships to teach more people about deep learning. "The world faces an acute shortage of data scientists & developers who are proficient in deep learning, & we’re focused on addressing that need. As part of the company’s effort to democratize AI, the Deep Learning Institute is enabling more developers, researchers & data scientists to apply this powerful technology to solve difficult problems." Said Greg Estes, VP of Nvidia's developer programs. They're working with Booz Allen Hamilton to train government employees & teaming up with, to create new content that will cover natural language processing, financial trading, & video analytics.

And much much more:

The mysterious chip's “dot product engine” (DPE) architecture is apparently geared toward ... Hence it can do neural network jobs and workloads.
11 Nov 04:56

Elon Musk hints at Tesla self-driving hardware change, Nvidia stock drops

Jeffrey J. Bloom

"We’ll have more to say on the hardware front soon, we’re just not ready to say anything now," Musk said. "But I feel very optimistic on that front... If it does turn out that a computer upgrade is necessary in order to meet the regulatory requirements in that area, we will replace the computer with something with greater power, which is sort of unplugging [one, & plugging] the other one in... But we feel confident of the competitiveness of our hardware strategy.”

Tesla Inc. Chief Executive Elon Musk on Wednesday hinted at a new direction for the company in the hardware it uses for its Autopilot self-driving ...
11 Nov 04:45

Building a Defensible Cyberspace

Jeffrey J. Bloom

It's obvious, right? Defenders should do that which provides the most benefit. It's shocking how often that's ignored, favoring “Check-in-the-box” compliance instead, imposing high costs on defenders & only minor obstacles in the way of attackers. It's the opposite of leverage, or rather it's leveraged TO advantage attackers.

Defensible cyberspace through leverage is the subject of a report from a New York Cyber Task Force comprised of roughly thirty cybersecurity experts, including senior executives in finance, telecommunications, cybersecurity & other companies, along with senior researchers & academics.

Leverage is possible not by implementing new innovations but reducing existing headwinds. Harmonization of cybersecurity regulations could reduce costs & simplify defenses, like recent efforts to standardize the NIST cybersecurity framework.

Other ideas to gain leverage, however, create both winners & losers. Innovations such as liability for software makers, imposing security regulations on network service providers, or creating a new, more secure internet are all ideas worth considering. But they all have significant downsides on innovation, privacy, or costs..

"BUILDING A DEFENSIBLE CYBERSPACE," Report of the New York Cyber Task Force: September 28, 2017:

Presidential Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure:


A new report argues that flipping the offense-defence balance is possible. ... Greg Rattray is director of global cyber partnerships and government strategy for ... Phil Venables is chief operational risk officer at Goldman Sachs.
11 Nov 04:19

Department of Defense Picks AI Software Platform

Jeffrey J. Bloom

“The combination of big data, elastic cloud computing, AI & IoT is becoming the most significant development of the Information Age, & is driving the digital transformation of every industry – including aerospace, government services, & defense,” said Ed Abbo, C3 IoT president & CTO. “With DIUx, the DOD is demonstrating leadership in moving quickly to integrate these leading-edge technologies into the U.S. military for strategic national security.”

The company was selected by Defense Innovation Unit Experimental ... to integrate these leading-edge technologies into the U.S. military for strategic ...
11 Nov 04:16

Getting “Cyber Right for the Department of Defense

Jeffrey J. Bloom

As our understanding of the DOD's role in an ever evolving cyber landscape continues to change, 3 fundamental problems stand out: unclear demarcation of cyber responsibilities, ID of responsible cyber officials & a shortage of skilled cyber workforce competing with non-defense demands. To avoid playing a never-ending game of “catch-up,” here's 3 steps the SECDEF can take:

1. Work to establish DOD's cyber responsibilities smartly.
2. Empower a senior leader for cyber matters & hold them accountable.
3. Reduce the DOD's insatiable demand for cyber workforce talent.

While it may be tempting to draw a narrow set of responsibilities, any solution that limits the DOD & fails to empower them with a broader scope, is short-sighted & ultimately self-defeating.

Yet McCain observes that a primary Defense Department cyber mission is to ... operations, cyberspace workforce, and other related terms, its cyber ...
11 Nov 03:39

NMSU-based NM FAST, City of Albuquerque to host inaugural Navy innovation summit

Jeffrey J. Bloom

“This event provides unprecedented access to multiple Navy program managers who are flying in from Washington, D.C.,” said Dana Catron, program manager for NM FAST. “With the pre-release of DoD’s SBIR/STTR topics, which will occur two weeks prior to the Summit, small businesses will have the opportunity to learn the key factors necessary in creating a strong proposal package. Our goal is to provide small businesses with the tools & resources they need to submit winning proposals, ultimately driving innovation & growth in our state.”

The event will facilitate ground-floor access to Navy NAVSEA & NAVAIR program managers:

Detailed information on panel topics:


... Business Technology Transfer (STTR) funding, will host the inaugural Department of Defense (DoD) Navy SBIR/STTR Innovation Summit (Summit).
11 Nov 03:20

Joseph V. Franco, 94

Jeffrey J. Bloom

RIP "Joe." Commuting to New York City until the early 1970s, he was in charge of construction, real estate & the in-house architect for AT&T. Directed to locate property in New Jersey for the new world headquarters of AT&T & headquarters of long lines, he helped develop the design concept of the long lines building in Bedminster New Jersey. Later after selecting the land for AT&T in New Jersey Joe, Olly & Jim moved to Warren, New Jersey.

Joe remained with “Ma Bell” until his retirement in 1989, when he joined his son Jim’s Architectural firm in New Jersey until his “second retirement” in 2010.

He helped develop the design concept of the long lines building in Bedminster New Jersey. Later after selecting the land for AT&T in New Jersey Joe, ...
11 Nov 03:07

Sex Toy Company Admits To Recording Users' Remote Sex Sessions, Calls It a 'Minor Bug'

by BeauHD
Jeffrey J. Bloom

It's not the size of the bug that counts, it's what you do with it.. Lovense's remote control vibrator app recorded a user's session without their knowledge. "An audio file lasting six minutes was stored in the app's local folder... The user says he or she gave the app access to the mic & camera but only to use with the in-app chat function & to send voice clips on command -- not constant recording when in use." App behavior appears widespread, confirmed by several other users. Lovense says it's only a "minor bug" affecting Android users, no information or data was sent to the company's servers, & the audio exists only temporarily. An update issued today should fix the bug. This isn't their first security flub, earlier this year Lovense's butt plug was found to be hackable via Bluetooth..

*Flashback* Security Researchers Hacked a Bluetooth-Enabled Butt Plug:

-SlashDot: Sex Toy Company Admits To Recording Users' Remote Sex Sessions, Calls It a 'Minor Bug':

According to Reddit user jolioshmolio, Hong Kong-based sex toy company Lovense's remote control vibrator app (Lovense Remote) recorded a use session without their knowledge. "An audio file lasting six minutes was stored in the app's local folder," reports The Verge. "The user says he or she gave the app access to the mic and camera but only to use with the in-app chat function and to send voice clips on command -- not constant recording when in use." The app's behavior appears to be widespread as several others confirmed it too. From the report: A user claiming to represent Lovense responded and called this recording a "minor bug" that only affects Android users. Lovense also says no information or data was sent to the company's servers, and that this audio file exists only temporarily. An update issued today should fix the bug. This isn't Lovense's first security flub. Earlier this year, a butt plug made by the company -- the Hush -- was also found to be hackable. In the butt plug's case, the vulnerability had to do with Bluetooth, as opposed to the company spying on users.

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08 Nov 12:00

Searching for Human Brain Memory Molecules with the Piz Daint Supercomputer

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Molecular & Cognitive Neuroscience (MCN) are interested in processes related to memory performance by investigating the molecular basis of memory. "There's no such thing as ‘the’ memory gene, but rather many variations in the genome that, combined with numerous other factors, form our memory,” says Milnik. Originally studying psychology & Medicine, she transitioned to statistical analysis. She's conducted & collectively amassed over one quadrillion statistical tests!

Analysing such a quantity of data would not be possible without a supercomputer like “Piz Daint”, she notes. Yet her results might significantly simplify future analysis of large datasets in the search for the “memory molecule”.

Another related article:
Brain "ripples" experience into memories when you sleep, study shows. “Identifying the specific neural patterns that go along with memory formation provides a way to better understand memory & potentially even address disorders of memory,” Dr. Gelinas concluded:

“Until now, searching for genes related to memory capacity has been ... mathematicians and computer scientists to applied psychologists,” explains ...
08 Nov 05:12

MY BIZ: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says the future for industry is mixed reality, AI and quantum ...

Jeffrey J. Bloom

We're in the midst of an amazing change. Cloud & mobile revolutions are already taking place, but more than that there is an intelligent edge & cloud ... Our mission is to empower every person & organisation on the planet to achieve more. Other's achievements on top of the technology we build are the true rewards for us,' he said.

However, he allayed fears of humans losing out jobs to machines.

'Technology is a tool. We as a society, government or policymakers will have to make decisions about how we use technology. That is what is going to decide whether we can achieve equitable growth.


Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on Tuesday outlined artificial intelligence, mixed reality and quantum computing as the cutting-edge technologies to ...
08 Nov 05:04

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Talks Cricket, AI & Mixed Reality

Jeffrey J. Bloom

"The three technologies are Mixed Reality, AI & Quantum Computing. The man-machine interface – from graphics to touchscreen & now speech – has made technology more natural ' intuitive." Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft

The three technologies are Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing. The man-machine interface – from graphics to touchscreen ...
08 Nov 04:50

'Quark Fusion' Produces Eight Times More Energy Than Nuclear Fusion

by BeauHD
Jeffrey J. Bloom

A new source of energy, from the fusion of subatomic particles known as quarks--typically produced by colliding atoms at high speeds within the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)--could produce roughly 8 times more net energy than hydrogen fusion releases.
These disassociated quarks also tend to collide with one another, fusing into particles called baryons, producing energy even greater than what's produced in hydrogen fusion. Fused quarks configure into what's called a doubly-charmed baryon require 130 MeV to become doubly-charmed baryons, which, in turn, releases energy that's 12 MeV more energy. Turning their calculations to heavier bottom quarks, needing 230 MeV to fuse, they found resulting baryon fusions produce roughly 8 times more energy than hydrogen fusion releases!

walterbyrd shares a report from Futurism: This new source of energy, according to researchers Marek Karliner and Jonathan Rosner, comes from the fusion of subatomic particles known as quarks. These particles are usually produced as a result of colliding atoms that move at high speeds within the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), where these component parts split from their parent atoms. It doesn't stop there, however, as these disassociated quarks also tend to collide with one another and fuse into particles called baryons. It is this fusion of quarks that Karliner and Rosner focused on, as they found that this fusion is capable of producing energy even greater than what's produced in hydrogen fusion. In particular, they studied how fused quarks configure into what's called a doubly-charmed baryon. Fusing quarks require 130 MeV to become doubly-charmed baryons, which, in turn, releases energy that's 12 MeV more energy. Turning their calculations to heavier bottom quarks, which need 230 MeV to fuse, they found that a resulting baryon could produce approximately 138 MeV of net energy -- about eight times more than what hydrogen fusion releases. The new study has been published in the journal Nature.

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08 Nov 04:29

AI is about to make the hassle of air travel a thing of the past

Jeffrey J. Bloom

At the airport, travelers check in at a face ID kiosk that captures their biometric information & matches that data with their passport details. The system creates an electronic token used at subsequent clearance stages, where facial recognition is employed to verify identity against the token.
The system easily integrates with existing airport infrastructure, like self-check-in kiosks, baggage drop points & boarding gates.
A recent survey revealed 29% of airports & 25% of airlines plan to implement such systems by 2020.

Artificial intelligence appears set to revolutionize the air travel experience for ... Those sophisticated verification systems will improve security while ...
08 Nov 04:13

Shape Security Introduces BlackFish AI to Combat Credential Stuffing

Jeffrey J. Bloom

To detect credential stuffing on a large scale across billions of transactions, we built an AI that can autonomously identify attacks, says Shuman Ghosemajumder, CTO at Shape Security, "What BlackFish does, is take our visibility into the critical login flows of major corporations to automatically detect credential stuffing attacks... Using a bloom filter, the data itself is rendered as a probabilistic model vs. a hashed version of literal passwords & usernames.."

Shape Security launched its BlackFish artificial intelligence technology on Nov. ... said BlackFish will also work in other form factors in the future.
08 Nov 04:02

Flaw Crippling Millions of Crypto Keys Is Worse Than First Disclosed

by BeauHD
Jeffrey J. Bloom

A crippling flaw, possibly affecting hundreds of millions of encryption keys used in highest-stake security settings, is considerably easy to exploit. The critical weakness allows attackers to calculate the private portion of any vulnerable key using nothing more than the corresponding public key, which can be used to impersonate key owners, decrypt sensitive data, sneak malicious code into digitally signed software & bypass protections preventing access or tampering with stolen PCs.

Using commercial cloud services, researchers estimate it would cost about $38 & 25 minutes to break a vulnerable 1024-bit key & $20k & 9 days for a 2048-bit key. Organizations known to use keys vulnerable to ROCA (Return of the Coppersmith Attack), using factorization method, have largely downplayed the severity of the weakness. 

On Sunday, researchers reported developing an attack 25% more efficient than the ROCA researchers, by using Bernstein & Lange factorization in an attempt to increase the time hackers would need to carry out real-world attacks. After creating their more efficient attack, they submitted it to the original researchers.

Unfortunately, the release of the original code may help improve attacks further, but also encourage additional improvements from other researchers.

*Digital ID cards now only work with new certificates:

*‎Millions of High-Security Crypto Keys Crippled by Newly Discovered Flaw:

*‎Coppersmith's attack - a class of cryptographic attacks on the public-key cryptosystem RSA based on the Coppersmith method:'s_attack

*‎2017.11.05: Reconstructing ROCA - case study of how quickly an attack can be developed from a limited disclosure:

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: A crippling flaw affecting millions -- and possibly hundreds of millions -- of encryption keys used in some of the highest-stakes security settings is considerably easier to exploit than originally reported, cryptographers declared over the weekend. The assessment came as Estonia abruptly suspended 760,000 national ID cards used for voting, filing taxes, and encrypting sensitive documents. The critical weakness allows attackers to calculate the private portion of any vulnerable key using nothing more than the corresponding public portion. Hackers can then use the private key to impersonate key owners, decrypt sensitive data, sneak malicious code into digitally signed software, and bypass protections that prevent accessing or tampering with stolen PCs. When researchers first disclosed the flaw three weeks ago, they estimated it would cost an attacker renting time on a commercial cloud service an average of $38 and 25 minutes to break a vulnerable 1024-bit key and $20,000 and nine days for a 2048-bit key. Organizations known to use keys vulnerable to ROCA—named for the Return of the Coppersmith Attack the factorization method is based on—have largely downplayed the severity of the weakness. On Sunday, researchers Daniel J. Bernstein and Tanja Lange reported they developed an attack that was 25 percent more efficient than the one created by original ROCA researchers. The new attack was solely the result of Bernstein and Lange based only on the public disclosure information from October 16, which at the time omitted specifics of the factorization attack in an attempt to increase the time hackers would need to carry out real-world attacks. After creating their more efficient attack, they submitted it to the original researchers. The release last week of the original attack may help to improve attacks further and to stoke additional improvements from other researchers as well.

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02 Nov 11:12

Elon Musk Can't Change The Laws of Physics

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Elon Musk Can't Change The Laws of The Universe.. He just works within them.. very, very, very well! ;)

Creating & innovating is VERY challenging. Fortunately, the systematic Tesla--like the bumble bee--is effectively accomplishing the impossible, rather well, considering.

The reality of achieving the impossible--and getting it done right--takes a bit longer, even for Musk.

He just works within them really well. Really, really well. But he has no magic wand. It's really hard to create something. Whether it's siege machines, ...
02 Nov 10:56

Amid a Cyber Cold War, is the Cyber Mission Force prepared?

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Unfortunately, cyber incidents haven't resulted in necessary disruptive changes--to segmented authorities, processes & cultures--needed to achieve & sustain superior cyberspace dominance.

A stable & vibrant workforce MUST be empowered to operate across the ENTIRE cyberspace domain, currently divided across many departments & agencies.

Decisive application of force MUST be improved! By leveraging the Cyber Cold War for experimentation, with new technologies & processes, top-down management MUST prioritize activities enabling their organic & timely adoption.

As during the original Cold War, the Defense Department is organizing, ... or dramatic change to the nation's capabilities in cyberspace operations.
31 Oct 12:08

This AI uses brain scans to figure out if someone is depressed

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Researchers at University of Pittsburgh & Carnegie Mellon trained an AI to notice the pattern differences in a person’s brain when they’re talking about certain subjects. A depressed person’s brain may show a different light pattern during talks about death than someone who isn’t depressed. While a person can lie, their brain scan can’t.

The AI was able to achieve over 90% accuracy, though more testing is required to demonstrate effectiveness across larger groups. For this tech to go mainstream, there are still hurdles to overcome, like the high cost of brain scans & a patient's willingness to undergo them.

Diagnosing the condition in the future may be far faster, though, as one AI has learned to identify depressed people using nothing more than their ...
31 Oct 11:57

Tesla Cars Will Soon Be Able to Predict Your Destination, Says Elon Musk

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Imagine having a Knight Rider-styled car automagically taking you where you want to go without uttering a word:

All you "David Hasselhoffs" out there, it's time to rejoice! This futuristic AI tech will soon be a reality (Sorry KITT, but Tesla even looks better!). When asked how the car will predict destinations, Musk tweeted "Yeah, don't exactly need to be Sherlock Holmes:"

Musk confirmed updated autopilot hardware & software (titled HW 2.5) is expected to hit markets soon, equipping Tesla with upgrades to attain Level 5 autonomy!

If we go by what Elon Musk just revealed about Tesla's plans, this futuristic technology in a car is soon going to be an actual reality (Sorry KITT, but ...
31 Oct 11:20

Cybercom Establishes Strategic Concepts to Mitigate Cyber Threats to Natl Security

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Establishing the P-DCO (Proactive-Defensive Cyberspace Operations) Board & launching Operation Gladiator Hunter, aligns & synchronizes efforts of multiple organizational resources to create focused & prioritized CPT (Cyber Protection Team) ops to protect the DoDIN.

*Cyber Moonshot: Taking a proactive approach to cybersecurity:

*Shifting from reactive to proactive Insider threat defense:

*Navy Cybersecurity: Anatomy of a Cyber Intrusion:

Cybercom added it developed the “Operational Guidance 3-2: Defensive Cyberspace Operations” and “Operational Guidance for Sensing” documents ...
30 Oct 12:07

This our first look at one of Elon Musk's Boring tunnels

Jeffrey J. Bloom

Musk seems confident his tunnel networks have potential & could significantly cut travel times, though he has warned that getting the necessary regulatory approval could be tricky. Another test site was recently given the go-ahead in Maryland.

If his grand Boaring vision becomes a reality, you'll be able to have your vehicle lowered into the underground network & propelled down a series of tracks to beat even the worst traffic.


*‎Elon Musk says he has verbal approval for an underground NYC-to-DC hyperloop (July 20, 2017) :

Elon Musk says LA is open to his Boring idea: underground traffic tunnels (June 19, 2017):

*Here's how Elon Musk's tunnels will put an end to traffic jams (April 29, 2017):

Read most important stories related to TechRadar headline: This our first look at one of Elon Musk's Boring tunnels. Storyfa puts this story into a wider ...
30 Oct 10:52

This New Kind of AI Can Breach Anti-Bot Security by Thinking Like a Human

Jeffrey J. Bloom

CAPTCHAs are now defeatable by a powerful new type of AI neural network that closely approximates human perception.

A computer model called Recursive Cortical Network (RCN), is able to efficiently deduce the grainy symbols depicted in CAPTCHA tests (aka Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers & Humans Apart).

"Biology has put a scaffolding in our brain that is suitable for working with this world," Said Dileep George, co-founder of AI startup Vicarious, "It makes the brain learn quickly. So we copy those insights from nature & put it in our model."

One of the most widespread security systems used on the internet to prevent non-humans from accessing websites has been defeated by a powerful ...
30 Oct 10:43

Your Windows Login Details Can Be Stolen By Hackers Without User Interaction

Jeffrey J. Bloom

This Windows NTLM attack was exposed by Juan Diego, a Columbia-based security researcher. Reported to Microsoft in April, it was patched 148 days ago in the form of security advisory ADV170014.

To patch this flaw, Microsoft has changed two registry keys to disable NTLM on the system. However, as these keys are available only on Windows 10 & Windows Server 2016, these are the only versions that are being patched.

From time to time, the security researchers continue to make us realize that Windows operating system is full of loopholes that can be exploited by ...
30 Oct 01:10

Uncle Sam Tries to Hire Hackers

Jeffrey J. Bloom

The government has a problem with hackers—but not the kind you think. It's Uncle Sam’s reputation of hostility towards hackers that makes it difficult to hire the sort of people the country needs to tighten up its sprawling computer networks.

While polling hackers & security experts in San Francisco this week, I asked who would ever consider working for the government, fewer than ten hands went up, in a room of hundreds of people.

Unfortunately the crowd attending HackerOne's bug bounty event, are exactly the people needed: Smart & creative techies well versed in hacker culture & capable of protecting the U.S. from cyber attacks.

Reluctance to join the government is two-fold. First there's a long-running mistrust over the government’s persecution of hackers like Aaron Swartz, a young genius who uploaded academic journals from MIT, & Samy Kamkar, who faced a lengthy criminal ordeal over a caper involving the social network MySpace (which he related in humorous detail to the HackerOne crowd).

Second, talented hackers don’t want to trade in plush positions & big bucks at cool tech companies to work for an average salary in the unglamorous world of the civil service.

Fortunately, not everyone feels this way. Like Mike Chung, a former manager at Apple who left to help lead the Digital Defense Service & run programs like “Hack the Pentagon” & “Hack the Airforce,” which offer cash prizes to hackers who find vulnerabilities in military software. Another is Jacob Kaplan-Moss, former director of security at Heroku, but now works for 18F, a government agency that’s helping the likes of the IRS harden its computer defenses.

Both men said their work comes with a sense of mission missing from many corporate jobs & describs the sweeping impact hackers make inside the government. They also made the case that Uncle Sam is overcoming its aversion to hackers & recognizing it needs to accommodate their culture.

Their pitch was persuasive & led some young hackers to ask how to get involved with the government. While many in the room remained skeptical, the good news is that the government appears to recognize they need a few good hackers—& might even do what it takes to get them.

Read more:
*Groundbreaking keynotes, presentations & networking with peers & industry leaders paving the way to a safer internet:

*‎This $40 Million Investment Shows How 'Bug Bounties' Are Becoming Mainstream:

*The Air Force's New Mission: Pay Friendly Hackers:

The U.S. government has a problem with hackers—but not the kind you think ... offer cash prizes to hackers who find vulnerabilities in military software.