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01 May 14:01

[ASAP] Uranyl Oxo Silylation Promoted by Silsesquioxane Coordination

by Mikiyas K. Assefa, Guang Wu, and Trevor W. Hayton*

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c00990
17 Apr 12:39

[ASAP] Two-Electron Oxidative Atom Transfer at a Homoleptic, Tetravalent Uranium Complex

by Natalie T. Rice†, Karl McCabe‡, John Bacsa†, Laurent Maron‡, and Henry S. La Pierre*†#

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c02693
17 Apr 12:10

[ASAP] Understanding and Controlling Short- and Long-Range Electron/Charge-Transfer Processes in Electron Donor–Acceptor Conjugates

by Ramandeep Kaur†?, Fabio Possanza‡?, Francesca Limosani‡?, Stefan Bauroth§?, Robertino Zanoni?, Timothy Clark§, Giorgio Arrigoni#?, Pietro Tagliatesta*‡, and Dirk M. Guldi*†

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c01452
04 Apr 10:18

Unveiling the Effects of Hydrolysis‐Derived DMAI/DMAPbIx Intermediate Compound on the Performance of CsPbI3 Solar Cells

by Hui Bian, Haoran Wang, Zhizai Li, Faguang Zhou, Youkui Xu, Hong Zhang, Qian Wang, Liming Ding, Shengzhong (Frank) Liu, Zhiwen Jin
Unveiling the Effects of Hydrolysis‐Derived DMAI/DMAPbIx Intermediate Compound on the Performance of CsPbI3 Solar Cells

This work mainly focuses on materials composition and working mechanism of the hydroiodic acid (HI) hydrolysis‐derived intermediate compound DMAI/DMAPbI x . Importantly, the main component of the CsPbI3 film prepared by such precursor is proved to be still inorganic. Finally, the optimized CsPbI3 film–based device shows significantly enhanced stability in ambient environment with a high power conversion efficiency of 17.32%.


Introducing hydroiodic acid (HI) as a hydrolysis‐derived precursor of the intermediate compounds has become an increasingly important issue for fabricating high quality and stable CsPbI3 perovskite solar cells (PSCs). However, the materials composition of the intermediate compounds and their effects on the device performance remain unclear. Here, a series of high‐quality intermediate compounds are prepared and it is shown that they consist of DMAI/DMAPbI x . Further characterization of the products show that the main component of this system is still CsPbI3. Most of the dimethylammonium (DMA+) organic component is lost during annealing. Only an ultrasmall amount of DMA+ is doped into the CsPbI3 and its structure is stabilized. Meanwhile, excessive DMA+ forms Lewis acid–base adducts and interactions with Pb2+ on the CsPbI3 surface. This process passivates the CsPbI3 film and decreases the recombination rate. Finally, CsPbI3 film is fabricated with high crystalline, uniform morphology, and excellent stability. Its corresponding PSC exhibits stable property and improved power conversion efficiency (PCE) up to 17.3%.

04 Apr 09:34

Improving efficiency and stability of colorful perovskite solar cells with two-dimensional photonic crystals

Nanoscale, 2020, 12,8425-8431
DOI: 10.1039/D0NR00459F, Paper
Zhou Liu, Longlong Wu, Xiao Wang, Qiaofei Xu, Youdi Hu, Ke Meng, Gang Chen
The electron transport layers for perovskite solar cells show two-dimensional photonic crystal structures and vivid structural colors.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
20 Mar 10:26

Solvent Engineering Using a Volatile Solid for Highly Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells

by Guohua Wu, Hua Li, Jian Cui, Yaohong Zhang, Selina Olthof, Shuai Chen, Zhike Liu, Dapeng Wang, Shengzhong (Frank) Liu
Solvent Engineering Using a Volatile Solid for Highly Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells

A strategy is demonstrated for efficacious regulation of perovskite crystallinity using glycolic acid (GA) against nonvolatile thioglycolic acid (TGA) following dimethyl sulfoxide sublimation, resulting in enhanced device performance. A champion power conversion efficiency as high as 21.32% is achieved for the GA‐based device, which is almost 13% or 20% higher than those of the control device or TGA‐based device.


A strategy for efficaciously regulating perovskite crystallinity is proposed by using a volatile solid glycolic acid (HOCH2COOH, GA) in an FA0.85MA0.15PbI3 (FA: HC(NH2)2; MA: CH3NH3) perovskite precursor solution that is different from the common additive approach. Accompanied with the first dimethyl sulfoxide sublimation process, the subsequent sublimation of GA before 150 °C in the FA0.85MA0.15PbI3 perovskite film can artfully regulate the perovskite crystallinity without any residual after annealing. The improved film formation upon GA modification induced by the strong interaction between GA and Pb2+ delivers a champion power conversion efficiency (PCE) as high as 21.32%. In order to investigate the role of volatility in perovskite solar cells (PSCs), nonvolatile thioglycolic acid (HSCH2COOH, TGA) with a similar structure to GA is utilized as an additive reference. Large perovskite grains are obtained by TGA modification but with obvious pinholes, which directly leads to an increased defect density accompanied by a decline in PCE. Encouragingly, the champion PCE achieved for GA‐based PSC device (21.32%) is almost 13% or 20% higher than those of the control device or TGA‐based device. In addition, GA‐modified PSCs exhibit the best stability in light‐, thermal‐, and humidity‐based tests due to the improved film formation.

20 Mar 10:25

Ion Exchange/Insertion Reactions for Fabrication of Efficient Methylammonium Tin Iodide Perovskite Solar Cells

by Pengcheng Wang, Fengzhu Li, Ke‐Jian Jiang, Yanyan Zhang, Haochen Fan, Yue Zhang, Yu Miao, Jin‐Hua Huang, Caiyan Gao, Xueqin Zhou, Fuyi Wang, Lian‐Ming Yang, Chuanlang Zhan, YanLin Song
Ion Exchange/Insertion Reactions for Fabrication of Efficient Methylammonium Tin Iodide Perovskite Solar Cells

Tin fluoride and methylammonium iodide are employed as precursors for the fabrication of methylammonium tin iodide (MASnI3) film via an ion exchange/insertion reactions approach, and a highly uniform, pinhole‐free perovskite film is obtained with a high concentration of SnF2 and a low content of Sn4+. The corresponding solar cell exhibits the highest power conversion efficiency of 7.78% with high reproducibility and stability.


The low toxicity, narrow bandgaps, and high charge‐carrier mobilities make tin perovskites the most promising light absorbers for low‐cost perovskite solar cells (PSCs). However, the development of the Sn‐based PSCs is seriously hampered by the critical issues of poor stability and low power conversion efficiency (PCE) due to the facile oxidation of Sn2+ to Sn4+ and poor film formability of the perovskite films. Herein, a synthetic strategy is developed for the fabrication of methylammonium tin iodide (MASnI3) film via ion exchange/insertion reactions between solid‐state SnF2 and gaseous methylammonium iodide. In this way, the nucleation and crystallization of MASnI3 can be well controlled, and a highly uniform pinhole‐free MASnI3 perovskite film is obtained. More importantly, the detrimental oxidation can be effectively suppressed in the resulting MASnI3 film due to the presence of a large amount of remaining SnF2. This high‐quality perovskite film enables the realization of a PCE of 7.78%, which is among the highest values reported for the MASnI3‐based solar cells. Moreover, the MASnI3 solar cells exhibit high reproducibility and good stability. This method provides new opportunities for the fabrication of low‐cost and lead‐free tin‐based halide perovskite solar cells.

20 Mar 10:21

Resolving spatial and energetic distributions of trap states in metal halide perovskite solar cells

by Ni, Z., Bao, C., Liu, Y., Jiang, Q., Wu, W.-Q., Chen, S., Dai, X., Chen, B., Hartweg, B., Yu, Z., Holman, Z., Huang, J.

We report the profiling of spatial and energetic distributions of trap states in metal halide perovskite single-crystalline and polycrystalline solar cells. The trap densities in single crystals varied by five orders of magnitude, with a lowest value of 2 x 1011 per cubic centimeter and most of the deep traps located at crystal surfaces. The charge trap densities of all depths of the interfaces of the polycrystalline films were one to two orders of magnitude greater than that of the film interior, and the trap density at the film interior was still two to three orders of magnitude greater than that in high-quality single crystals. Suprisingly, after surface passivation, most deep traps were detected near the interface of perovskites and hole transport layers, where a large density of nanocrystals were embedded, limiting the efficiency of solar cells.

22 Feb 07:52

High-performance inverted perovskite solar cells using 4-diaminomethylbenzoic as a passivant

Nanoscale, 2020, 12,6767-6775
DOI: 10.1039/D0NR01142H, Paper
Zhen He, Jian Xiong, Qilin Dai, Bingchu Yang, Jian Zhang, Si Xiao
Grain boundary (GB) and interface passivation of perovskite films impacts the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) dramatically.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
16 Feb 05:41

Interfacial and structural modifications in perovskite solar cells

Nanoscale, 2020, 12,5719-5745
DOI: 10.1039/C9NR10788F, Review Article
Jazib Ali, Yu Li, Peng Gao, Tianyu Hao, Jingnan Song, Quanzeng Zhang, Lei Zhu, Jing Wang, Wei Feng, Hailin Hu, Feng Liu
Interface engineering is an efficient strategy for passivating defects, improving carrier dynamics, suppressing ion migration, and enhancing the performance of perovskite photovoltaic cells.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
09 Feb 08:25

Acetic Acid Assisted Crystallization Strategy for High Efficiency and Long‐Term Stable Perovskite Solar Cell

by Yong Li, Junwei Shi, Jianghui Zheng, Jueming Bing, Jianyu Yuan, Yongyoon Cho, Shi Tang, Meng Zhang, Yin Yao, Cho Fai Jonathan Lau, Da Seul Lee, Chwenhaw Liao, Martin A. Green, Shujuan Huang, Wanli Ma, Anita W. Y. Ho‐Baillie
Acetic Acid Assisted Crystallization Strategy for High Efficiency and Long‐Term Stable Perovskite Solar Cell

Acetic acid (Ac) is used as an antisolvent for preparing perovskite films with excellent optoelectronic properties. Ac is found to not only reduce perovskite film roughness and residual PbI2 but also generate a passivation effect from the electron‐rich carbonyl group. The best 0.159 cm2 devices produce efficiencies of 22.0% for Cs0.05FA0.80MA0.15Pb(I0.85Br0.15)3 and 23.0% for Cs0.05FA0.90MA0.05Pb(I0.95Br0.05)3.


Improving the quality of perovskite poly‐crystalline film is essential for the performance of associated solar cells approaching their theoretical limit efficiency. Pinholes, unwanted defects, and nonperovskite phase can be easily generated during film formation, hampering device performance and stability. Here, a simple method is introduced to prepare perovskite film with excellent optoelectronic property by using acetic acid (Ac) as an antisolvent to control perovskite crystallization. Results from a variety of characterizations suggest that the small amount of Ac not only reduces the perovskite film roughness and residual PbI2 but also generates a passivation effect from the electron‐rich carbonyl group (CO) in Ac. The best devices produce a PCE of 22.0% for Cs0.05FA0.80MA0.15Pb(I0.85Br0.15)3 and 23.0% for Cs0.05FA0.90MA0.05Pb(I0.95Br0.05)3 on 0.159 cm2 with negligible hysteresis. This further improves device stability producing a cell that maintained 96% of its initial efficiency after 2400 h storage in ambient environment (with controlled relative humidity (RH) <30%) without any encapsulation.

09 Feb 08:23

Superior Textured Film and Process Tolerance Enabled by Intermediate‐State Engineering for High‐Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells

by Shubo Wang, Yiqi Chen, Ruiyi Li, Yibo Xu, Jiangshan Feng, Dong Yang, Ningyi Yuan, Wen‐Hua Zhang, Shengzhong (Frank) Liu, Jianning Ding
Superior Textured Film and Process Tolerance Enabled by Intermediate‐State Engineering for High‐Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells

A stable intermediate‐state film is obtained by using teramethylene sulfoxide (TMSO), originating from the formation of stronger coordination bond between TMSO and all perovskite precursors, which extends the annealing window and promotes the formation of a high‐quality film with larger grains and textured surface. 21.14% efficiency is achieved attributable to the improvement of the long‐wavelength response and fill factor.


As the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is increased to as high over 25%, it becomes pre‐eminent to study a scalable process with wide processing window to fabricate large‐area uniform perovskite films with good light‐trapping performance. A stable and uniform intermediate‐state complex film is obtained by using tetramethylene sulfoxide (TMSO), which extends the annealing window to as long as 20 min, promotes the formation of a high‐quality perovskite film with larger grains (over 400 nm) and spontaneously forms the surface texture to result in an improved fill factor and open‐circuit voltage (V oc). Moreover, the superior surface texture significantly increases the long‐wavelength response, leading to an improved short‐circuit current density (J sc). As a result, the maximum PCE of 21.14% is achieved based on a simple planar cell structure without any interface passivation. Moreover, a large area module with active area of 6.75 cm2 is assembled using the optimized TMSO process, showing efficiency as high as 16.57%. The study paves the way to the rational design of highly efficient PSCs for potential scaled‐up production.

09 Feb 08:03

Synergistic Interface Energy Band Alignment Optimization and Defect Passivation toward Efficient and Simple‐Structured Perovskite Solar Cell

by Like Huang, Danli Zhang, Shixiao Bu, Ruixiang Peng, Qiang Wei, Ziyi Ge
Synergistic Interface Energy Band Alignment Optimization and Defect Passivation toward Efficient and Simple‐Structured Perovskite Solar Cell

A polar nonconjugated small molecule ultrathin layer with an intrinsic dipole moment is introduced to modify the work function of indium tin oxide and to optimize the front interface energy level alignment, which contributes to suppressed energy loss and results in a 20.55% efficient electron transport layer–free perovskite solar cell with enhanced open‐circuit voltage short circuit current density and fill factor, simultaneously.


Efficient electron transport layer–free perovskite solar cells (ETL‐free PSCs) with cost‐effective and simplified design can greatly promote the large area flexible application of PSCs. However, the absence of ETL usually leads to the mismatched indium tin oxide (ITO)/perovskite interface energy levels, which limits charge transfer and collection, and results in severe energy loss and poor device performance. To address this, a polar nonconjugated small‐molecule modifier is introduced to lower the work function of ITO and optimize interface energy level alignment by virtue of an inherent dipole, as verified by photoemission spectroscopy and Kelvin probe force microscopy measurements. The resultant barrier‐free ITO/perovskite contact favors efficient charge transfer and suppresses nonradiative recombination, endowing the device with enhanced open circuit voltage, short circuit current density, and fill factor, simultaneously. Accordingly, power conversion efficiency increases greatly from 12.81% to a record breaking 20.55%, comparable to state‐of‐the‐art PSCs with a sophisticated ETL. Also, the stability is enhanced with decreased hysteresis effect due to interface defect passivation and inhibited interface charge accumulation. This work facilitates the further development of highly efficient, flexible, and recyclable ETL‐free PSCs with simplified design and low cost by interface electronic structure engineering through facile electrode modification.

09 Feb 07:57

Recycled Utilization of a Nanoporous Au Electrode for Reduced Fabrication Cost of Perovskite Solar Cells

by Fengjiu Yang, Jinzhe Liu, Zheng Lu, Pengfei Dai, Tomoya Nakamura, Shenghao Wang, Luyang Chen, Atsushi Wakamiya, Kazunari Matsuda
Recycled Utilization of a Nanoporous Au Electrode for Reduced Fabrication Cost of Perovskite Solar Cells

Nanoporous Au film is successfully introduced into perovskite solar cells to replace the typical thermal deposition of metal electrode with a high efficiency of 19.0% on rigid substrate and sustains an excellent bending durability of 98.5% even after 1000 cycles testing on a flexible device, while its facile and recycled utilization significantly reduces the device fabrication cost, noble metal consuming, and environmental pollution.


Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) using metal electrodes have been regarded as promising candidates for next‐generation photovoltaic devices because of their high efficiency, low fabrication temperature, and low cost potential. However, the complicated and rigorous thermal deposition process of metal contact electrodes remains a challenging issue for reducing the energy pay‐back period in commercial PSCs, as the ubiquitous one‐time use of a contact electrode wastes limited resources and pollutes the environment. Here, a nanoporous Au film electrode fabricated by a simple dry transfer process is introduced to replace the thermally evaporated Au electrode in PSCs. A high power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 19.0% is demonstrated in PSCs with the nanoporous Au film electrode. Moreover, the electrode is recycled more than 12 times to realize a further reduced fabrication cost of PSCs and noble metal materials consumption and to prevent environmental pollution. When the nanoporous Au electrode is applied to flexible PSCs, a PCE of 17.3% and superior bending durability of ≈98.5% after 1000 cycles of harsh bending tests are achieved. The nanoscale pores and the capability of the porous structure to impede crack generation and propagation enable the nanoporous Au electrode to be recycled and result in excellent bending durability.

18 Dec 12:39

Enhanced Moisture Stability by Butyldimethylsulfonium Cation in Perovskite Solar Cells

by Bohyung Kim, Maengsuk Kim, Jun Hee Lee, Sang Il Seok
Advanced Science Enhanced Moisture Stability by Butyldimethylsulfonium Cation in Perovskite Solar Cells

The aprotic butyldimethylsulfonium‐driven MAPbI3 perovskite shows a much more pronounced effect on the improvement of moisture stability compared to the protic butylammonium (BA)‐based counterpart. The BA having a potential hydrogen donor, which exists on the surface and/or grain boundaries, is vulnerable to H2O‐induced degradation initiators, resulting in the faster hydration followed by the irreversible degradation of perovskites.


Many organic cations in halide perovskites have been studied for their application in perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Most organic cations in PSCs are based on the protic nitrogen cores, which are susceptible to deprotonation. Here, a new candidate of fully alkylated sulfonium cation (butyldimethylsulfonium; BDMS) is designed and successfully assembled into PSCs with the aim of increasing humidity stability. The BDMS‐based perovskites retain the structural and optical features of pristine perovskite, which results in the comparable photovoltaic performance. However, the fully alkylated aprotic nature of BDMS shows a much more pronounced effect on the increase in humidity stability, which emphasizes a generic electronic difference between protic ammonium and aprotic sulfonium cation. The current results would pave a new way to explore cations for the development of promising PSCs.

18 Dec 12:35

[ASAP] Coordinated Optical Matching of a Texture Interface Made from Demixing Blended Polymers for High-Performance Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells

by Cun Yun Xu†?, Wei Hu†?, Gang Wang†, Lianbin Niu‡, Ahmed Mourtada Elseman†§, Liping Liao†, Yanqing Yao†, Gaobo Xu†, Lie Luo†, Debei Liu†, Guangdong Zhou†, Ping Li?, and Qunliang Song*†

TOC Graphic

ACS Nano
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b07594
30 Nov 00:59

Luminescent down-shifting CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals for flexible Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells

Nanoscale, 2019, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9NR06041C, Paper
Open Access Open Access
Ye-Chan Kim, Ho-Jung Jeong, Sung-Tae Kim, Young Hyun Song, Bo Young Kim, Jae Pil Kim, Bong Kyun Kang, Ju-Hyung Yun, Jae-Hyung Jang
To overcome the parasitic absorption of UV light in the transparent conductive oxide layer of flexible CIGS solar cells, a CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystal based luminescent down-shifting layer was integrated on flexible CIGS solar cells.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
09 Nov 07:31

Modeling Thin Film Solar Cells: From Organic to Perovskite

by Deli Li, Lin Song, Yonghua Chen, Wei Huang
Advanced Science Modeling Thin Film Solar Cells: From Organic to Perovskite

Device model simulation is a macroscopic computer‐assisted tool for modeling organic and organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells. It simulates the underlying physical mechanisms of the electrical characteristics, such as space‐charge‐limited current, injection‐limited current, ohmic contact, short‐circuit current density, open‐circuit voltage, JV hysteresis phenomena, power conversion efficiency in the present of surface recombination, trap/defect dependent recombination, or direct band recombination.


Device model simulation is one of the primary tools for modeling thin film solar cells from organic materials to organic–inorganic perovskite materials. By directly connecting the current density–voltage (JV) curves to the underlying device physics, it is helpful in revealing the working mechanism of the heatedly discussed organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells. Some distinctive optoelectronic features need more phenomenological models and accurate simulations. Herein, the application of the device model method in the simulation of organic and organic–inorganic perovskite solar cells is reviewed. To this end, the ways of the device model are elucidated by discussing the metal–insulator–metal picture and the equations describing the physics. Next, the simulations on JV curves of organic solar cells are given in the presence of the space charge, interface, charge injection, traps, or exciton. In the perovskite section, the effects of trap states, direct band recombination, surface recombination, and ion migration on the device performance are systematically discussed from the perspective of the device model simulation. Suggestions for designing perovskite devices with better performance are also given.

09 Nov 07:28

[ASAP] Radiation Tolerant Nanowire Array Solar Cells

by Pilar Espinet-Gonzalez†, Enrique Barrigo´n‡, Gaute Otnes‡?, Giuliano Vescovi§, Colin Mann?, Ryan M. France?, Alex J. Welch†, Matthew S. Hunt?, Don Walker?, Michael D. Kelzenberg†, Ingvar Åberg§, Magnus T. Borgstro¨m‡, Lars Samuelson‡§, and Harry A. Atwater*†

TOC Graphic

ACS Nano
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b05213
09 Nov 07:19

Efficient, stable solar cells by using inherent bandgap of {alpha}-phase formamidinium lead iodide

by Min, H., Kim, M., Lee, S.-U., Kim, H., Kim, G., Choi, K., Lee, J. H., Seok, S. I.

In general, mixed cations and anions containing formamidinium (FA), methylammonium (MA), caesium, iodine, and bromine ions are used to stabilize the black α-phase of the FA-based lead triiodide (FAPbI3) in perovskite solar cells. However, additives such as MA, caesium, and bromine widen its bandgap and reduce the thermal stability. We stabilized the α-FAPbI3 phase by doping with methylenediammonium dichloride (MDACl2) and achieved a certified short-circuit current density of between 26.1 and 26.7 milliamperes per square centimeter. With certified power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of 23.7%, more than 90% of the initial efficiency was maintained after 600 hours of operation with maximum power point tracking under full sunlight illumination in ambient conditions including ultraviolet light. Unencapsulated devices retained more than 90% of their initial PCE even after annealing for 20 hours at 150°C in air and exhibited superior thermal and humidity stability over a control device in which FAPbI3 was stabilized by MAPbBr3.

02 Nov 08:41

[ASAP] Orbital Character Effects in the Photon Energy and Polarization Dependence of Pure C60 Photoemission

by Drew W. Latzke†‡?, Claudia Ojeda-Aristizabal*#?, Jonathan D. Denlinger§, Ryan Reno#, Alex Zettl†‡?, and Alessandra Lanzara*‡?

TOC Graphic

ACS Nano
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b04536
02 Nov 07:04

Plasmon enhanced up-conversion nanoparticles in perovskite solar cells for effective utilization of near infrared light

Nanoscale, 2019, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9NR08432K, Paper
Jiyoon Park, Kihyeun Kim, Eun-Jung Jo, Woochul Kim, Hyeonghun Kim, Ryeri Lee, Jun Young Lee, Ji Young Jo, Min-Gon Kim, Gun Young Jung
The power conversion efficiency of perovskite solar cells is enhanced by the combined effects of the utilization of NIR in UCNPs and surface plasmon resonance phenomena at the UCNP/top gold electrode interface.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
02 Nov 07:03

Hot electron injection into semiconducting polymers in polymer based-perovskite solar cells and their fate

Nanoscale, 2019, 11,23357-23365
DOI: 10.1039/C9NR06297A, Paper
Jesús Jiménez-López, Bianka M. D. Puscher, Werther Cambarau, Rainer H. Fink, Emilio Palomares, Dirk M. Guldi
Injection of hot electrons into low band-gap semiconductor polymers results in a charge carrier loss pathway in perovskite solar cells.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
26 Oct 00:44

A thiourea additive-based quadruple cation lead halide perovskite with an ultra-large grain size for efficient perovskite solar cells

Nanoscale, 2019, 11,21824-21833
DOI: 10.1039/C9NR07377A, Paper
Jyoti V. Patil, Sawanta S. Mali, Chang Kook Hong
Controlling the grain size of the organic–inorganic perovskite thin films using thiourea additives now crossing 2 μm size with >20% power conversion efficiency.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
21 Oct 12:33

Interfacial Energy Level Tuning for Efficient and Thermostable CsPbI2Br Perovskite Solar Cells

by En‐Chi Shen, Jing‐De Chen, Yu Tian, Yu‐Xin Luo, Yang Shen, Qi Sun, Teng‐Yu Jin, Guo‐Zheng Shi, Yan‐Qing Li, Jian‐Xin Tang
Advanced Science Interfacial Energy Level Tuning for Efficient and Thermostable CsPbI2Br Perovskite Solar Cells

An all‐inorganic mixed‐halide perovskite solar cell with a power conversion efficiency of 16.42% is realized by using a Cs2CO3‐doped ZnO electron transport layer, which ascribes to the interfacial energy level tuning for reducing ohmic loss at the contact and enlarging the built‐in potential. A high thermostability is simultaneously obtained via surface defect passivation for improving the CsPbI2Br film against phase transformation.


Inorganic mixed‐halide CsPbX3‐based perovskite solar cells (PeSCs) are emerging as one of the most promising types of PeSCs on account of their thermostability compared to organic–inorganic hybrid counterparts. However, dissatisfactory device performance and high processing temperature impede their development for viable applications. Herein, a facile route is presented for tuning the energy levels and electrical properties of sol–gel‐derived ZnO electron transport material (ETM) via the doping of a classical alkali metal carbonate Cs2CO3. Compared to bare ZnO, Cs2CO3‐doped ZnO possesses more favorable interface energetics in contact with the CsPbI2Br perovskite layer, which can reduce the ohmic loss to a negligible level. The optimized PeSCs achieve an improved open‐circuit voltage of 1.28 V, together with an increase in fill factor and short‐circuit current. The optimized power conversion efficiencies of 16.42% and 14.82% are realized on rigid glass substrate and flexible plastic substrate, respectively. A high thermostability can be simultaneously obtained via defect passivation at the Cs2CO3‐doped ZnO/CsPbI2Br interface, and 81% of the initial efficiency is retained after aging for 200 h at 85 °C.

19 Oct 11:00

A sandwich-like electron transport layer to assist highly efficient planar perovskite solar cells

Nanoscale, 2019, 11,21917-21926
DOI: 10.1039/C9NR07876B, Paper
Zhichao Lin, Jingjing Yan, Qingbin Cai, Xiaoning Wen, Hongye Dong, Cheng Mu
Co-modification of an electron transport layer (ETL) with metal oxides and organic molecules can optimize the structure of the ETL and improve the performance of perovskite solar cells (PSCs).
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
14 Oct 00:42

Towards efficient and stable perovskite solar cells employing non-hygroscopic F4-TCNQ doped TFB as the hole-transporting material

Nanoscale, 2019, 11,19586-19594
DOI: 10.1039/C9NR05719F, Paper
Hannah Kwon, Ju Won Lim, Jinyoung Han, Li Na Quan, Dawoon Kim, Eun-Sol Shin, Eunah Kim, Dong-Wook Kim, Yong-Young Noh, In Chung, Dong Ha Kim
Designing an efficient and stable hole transport layer (HTL) material is one of the essential ways to improve the performance of organic–inorganic perovskite solar cells (PSCs).
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
29 Sep 12:15

[ASAP] High-Efficiency Solar Cells from Extremely Low Minority Carrier Lifetime Substrates Using Radial Junction Nanowire Architecture

by Vidur Raj*†, Kaushal Vora‡, Lan Fu†, Hark H. Tan*†, and Chennupati Jagadish†

TOC Graphic

ACS Nano
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b06226
21 Sep 06:58

An 18-member carbon ring

by Szuromi, P.
21 Sep 06:36

Interfacial recombination kinetics in aged perovskite solar cells measured using transient photovoltage techniques

Nanoscale, 2019, 11,20024-20029
DOI: 10.1039/C9NR06278E, Paper
Jesús Jiménez-López, Emilio Palomares
The reduction of interfacial charge recombination kinetics in perovskite solar cells is key to increase device photovoltaic efficiencies.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry