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16 Jul 00:07


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Sathorn Unique, Tailandia

El boom de la economía tailandesa fue a comienzos de los 90. El país se desarrolló enormemente, y se proyectaron multitud de construcciones en la capital Bangkok.

También aumentó mucho la riqueza de la gente, que comenzó a demandar apartamentos nuevos y lujosos. En ese contexto, el Sathorn Unique es uno de ellos.

En principio estaba pensado para albergar 600 apartamentos y tiendas... pero la construcción se detuvo en 1998, y desde entonces ha quedado abandonada.


16 Jul 00:00

Armenia lanza campaña para que cada ciudadano cree una entrada en Wikipedia

by Esteban Zamorano

Una campaña en Armenia llamada "Un Armenio, Un Artículo" busca que los ciudadanos de ese país aumenten el número y la calidad de los artículos en lenguaje armenio en la enciclopedia colaborativa para así promover la cultura del país de Eurasia.

La campaña se está realizando a nivel nacional a través de la televisión armenia desde marzo pasado, y ha logrado aumentar los artículos de la Wikipedia en armenio a más de 390.000 hasta ahora. Uno de los datos para convencer a la población es señalarles que hay unas 102.000 páginas de Wikipedia de sus vecinos de Azerbaijan, y unos 84.000 páginas de Georgia.

Ver en YouTube

En la publicidad se muestran reconocidos artistas, músicos y políticos armenios colaborando con artículos para la Wikipedia. Por ejemplo, aparece el Ministro de Defensa, Seyran Ohanyan, declarando que ya había publicado un artículo acerca del ejército armenio; y luego el aviso recuerda que todas las contribuciones son igualmente valiososas, ya sea de celebridades o de ciudadanos comunes y corrientes.

15 Jul 23:44


by deadmutation

15 Jul 23:43

Long-Exposure Photographs of a New Zealand Cave Illuminated by Glowing Worms

by Christopher Jobson



The twinkling lights dotting the ceiling of this dazzling cave system are the work of arachnocampa luminosa, a bioluminescent gnat larva (also called a glowworm) found throughout the island nation of New Zealand. It is believed that the light, emitted mostly from females, is how the insects find mates. These long-exposure photos by local photographer Joseph Michael capture small communities of worms amongst 30 million-year-old limestone formations on North Island. You can see more shots from the project titled Luminosity, here.








15 Jul 23:42

Candyland and the Nature of the Absurd

Aida Islas Acevedo

Soy Simone <3 *cheers!*

Sartre and Camus told everyone that their falling out was over politics, but really it was mostly over Sartre evoking
15 Jul 23:38

netherden: reapersun: reminder series: bleak yet comforting...



reminder series: bleak yet comforting thoughts.

i specifically chose animals that are (or believed to be) extinct due to human influence: thylacine, great auk, baiji, west african black rhino, golden toad, dodo, passenger pigeon, and quagga. there are many other species i could have included. the plants are also based on extinct species, but i found much less information about extinct plants, unfortunately.

the text doesn’t necessarily relate to each animal or their extinction. it’s all basically the same idea: let’s all be nice to each other, because today, the universe is vast and incomprehensible, we are all suffering, we are all going to die, and we’re all in this together. for today.

i’m busy for a couple weeks with conventions, but after that i’m considering a companion series with ancient extinct animals, so feel free to send me your favorites :)

15 Jul 23:35

Os gatos mais famosos de 2014

by Redação Garotas Nerds

Todos os outros animais que nos perdoem, porque eles também são lindos e amados, mas temos que concordar que os gatos e cachorros realmente dominam a internet! Nas horas de tédio e de procrastinação, os vídeos de gatos e cães é que são os mais assistidos do YouTube, suas fotos são as mais vistas no Instagram, seus perfis os mais amados no Vine e por aí vai. E para fechar o ano de 2014 com chave de ouro, o site Bored Panda organizou uma votação entre seus visitantes para eleger os 20 gatos mais famosos da internet e o resultado é uma explosão de fofura misturada com diferenças, beleza, expressões quase humanas e todo o charme que os gatos sabem ter! ♥

Estão na lista os melhores gatos que já fizeram nossa alegria ao menos uma vez em uma tarde de tédio, como o famoso Grumpy Cat, o fofo Snoopy, o feliz Shironeko e vários outros. Confira abaixo alguns deles e para ver todo o ranking dos 20 gatos por ordem de votação, acesse a página do site Bored Panda.










Monty Cat

Monty Cat

Cole e Marmalade

Cole e Marmelade

Honey Bee

Honey Bee




Lil Bub

Lil Bub

Lil Bub





Grumpy Cat

Grumpy Cat

Grumpy Cat





































The post Os gatos mais famosos de 2014 appeared first on Garotas Nerds.

15 Jul 23:35

alphaaraptor: original post

17 Jun 03:46

The Most Depressing Buzzfeed Article of All Time

by Tim Urban

Here I am, working on my post and trying to figure out if AI is going to let me live forever or make everyone dead—and someone sends me this Buzzfeed article. There are some things that call for a work stoppage, and this is one of them.

The title of the article is 20 Slightly Incorrect Names For Food. The kind of thing your friend sends you and you click on it and read the title and then you’re just like, “Ahh FUCK. Okay fuck let’s scroll down through this whole thing now.” So I started scrolling. Let’s discuss (my thoughts in blue)—

1. Milk snakes

Milk snakes / Getty Images

Okay so the author, Joanna Borns, has started off by taking a name of a food and changing one of the words to an unrelated word that happens to rhyme. It’s unrelated, right? Unless she’s suggesting that the straws resemble snakes? But that can’t be what’s happening, right? I’m probably missing something—let’s move to the next one.

2. Cheese quake

Cheese quake

Hemera Boris Ryzhkov / Getty Images
Okay so it’s confirmed. Joanna Borns has been commissioned by the biggest website in the world to take normal food and change one word to an unrelated word that happens to rhyme.
Time for a scrolldown to see how many of these there are. 
There are 20 of these. Now I’m leaning forward, suddenly fascinated that this is a thing that’s happening.

3. Cinderella steaks

Cinderella steaks

iStockphoto Mark Stout / Getty Images
Interesting. So here, Borns goes a different direction, replacing Mozzarella with Cindarella, presumably because the latter syllables of the two words match. She could have let it go there, but she decides to also change “sticks” to “steaks,” a word that doesn’t rhyme but just kind of sounds the same.
I’m taking a few seconds here to think hard about this. Is there some big thing I’m missing? Is there cheese in the story Cindarella and I’m forgetting? Are all these super clever references and it hasn’t clicked yet and once it does I’ll be like “Ohhhhh okay”? Still not sure.

4. Buffalo things

Buffalo things

iStockphoto Jack Puccio / Getty Images
Buffalo Things. So Borns is back to the “change one word to an unrelated word that happens to rhyme” thing. It’s like she went out of the box on item 3 and then decided to get ahold of herself and go back to the original plan.

5. Pen cakes

Pen cakes

iStockphoto Marie Fields / Getty Images
Alright here we’re just changing the word pan to pen and calling it a day. She worked hard to get a job at Buzzfeed, right? You have to work hard to be a Buzzfeed writer, but then she gets there and she writes Pen Cakes for #5 and just moves on to the next one.

6. Egg bean & dip

Egg bean &amp; dip

iStockphoto Marshall Turner / Getty Images
This one took me a minute. She’s also blurring the lines a bit here. When we were on Cheese Quake and Pen Cakes, Borns made it clear she’d feel no obligation for the changed word to have anything to do with food or the object at hand. But now she’s getting closer to a relevant word—hollandaise is almost dip. Just noting.

7. Peanut boy and jaleel

Peanut boy and jaleel

iStockphoto Jack Puccio / Getty Images
Borns is officially bored. Earlier in the project, she would have said something like “Peanut Butter and Deli” or “Peanut Cutter and Jelly” and kept things in line. But here she changes butter to boy, which is literally her just picking a b-word with no guidelines at all, and then she goes insane and changes jelly to jaleel. Is she dabbling in casual racism? I can’t tell. All we do know is that she apparently felt that “Peanut boy and jaleel” was satisfactory and moved on.

8. Pringles


iStockphoto Raimondas Pocius / Getty Images
Here Borns has taken one food and replaced it with the name of another food that kind of sounds the same. I have a ton to do right now btw.

9. Hum bungalo

Hum bungalo

iStockphoto zokru / Getty Images
I’ve never seen anything cockier than Borns right now. She took “hamburger,” changed a vowel, and then erased “burger” and replaced it with a random b-word. No one has ever given less of a fuck.

10. Peppertony pizzzazz

Peppertony pizzzazz

iStockphoto NicholasBPhotography / Getty Images
As we hit the midway point, Borns shits on our faces by changing Pepperoni Pizza to Peppertony Pizzzazz. There are no rules here. I’ve been trying to hold onto any semblance of structure I could but there’s nothing at all to hold on to. She added a man’s name into the first word, kind of, and then just rejects everything in the world by putting three Z’s in a row in the second word. I’ve lost. Borns has won.

11. Not bones

Not bones

iStockphoto pilipphoto / Getty Images
If I were in a restaurant, and I ordered Pen Cakes, the waiter and I might have a chuckle and he’d bring me my pancakes. But if I ordered Not Bones, the waiter wouldn’t think that was a cute play on the word nachos, he wouldn’t know what the fuck I was talking about. Not a factor for Borns.

12. Blumbos


Fuse Fuse / Getty Images
Tens of thousands of adults just arrived at #12, read the word “Blumbos,” and that’s part of their day now, because Borns doesn’t believe in anything.

13. French friends

French friends

iStockphoto margouillatphotos / Getty Images
You know we’ve reached a dark point when my standards have become so groundbreakingly low that I see that the author has changed French Fries to French Friends and I think, “Oh that’s actually a decent one.”

14. Salmon


Wavebreak Media Wavebreakmedia Ltd / Getty Images
The woman in the picture probably isn’t Joanna Borns. But that’s exactly what I think she looks like right now as she’s typing these titles. She changes Salad to Salmon, which isn’t interesting or funny or clever in any possible way, and then immediately takes a huge bite of salad while she stares at the reader with that face on.

15. Choice plate

Choice plate

iStockphoto Atide / Getty Images
The worst thing about this is the people reading this article who are aspiring writers and would love a chance to write for Buzzfeed. Behind the browser they’re reading this on is a Word doc of the funny, insightful article they spent the last month carefully working on—an article they hope can catch the world’s attention. Meanwhile, the world’s attention is on a cheese plate—one that has been renamed Choice plate.

16. Mega roni & cheats

Mega roni &amp; cheats

iStockphoto rez-art / Getty Images
I have nothing more to say about this article and neither do you.

17. Shhhhh


iStockphoto Kosin_Sukhum / Getty Images
Borns is a bully. She’s bullying the readers and she’s bullying Buzzfeed. Instead of coming up with a title for sushi, she literally writes Shhhhhh in the same voice as that Nazi character in Saving Private Ryan as he slowly stabs the good guy through the chest. 

18. Bong paquito

Bong paquito

iStockphoto CharlieAJA / Getty Images
The only ray of light is I’m sensing that while making it as clear as possible that every person reading this article is a loser, Borns has inadvertently defeated herself too. There’s no way she felt good about writing Bong Paquito here. No winners will emerge from this.

19. Spagine & meats

Spagine &amp; meats

iStockphoto Edster1980 / Getty Images
Ohhh yeah she fucking hates herself right now. That swagger just deflated out of the room in the last two items.

20. Talking


iStockphoto Magone / Getty Images
In one of the darkest moments in human history, Borns finishes by changing Taco to Talking, literally ending everything forever. 
And now, with a permanently lower level of self-esteem, I’ll try to get back to work.

The post The Most Depressing Buzzfeed Article of All Time appeared first on Wait But Why.

15 Jun 01:49

книжные дети

Милая серия рисунков из журнала The New Yorker – Генриетта читает

Чтение художественной литературы выгодно отличается от других способов получения информации тем, что пространство для воображения и эмпатиии в нем очень велико – в этом оно уступает только музыке. Кроме того, чтение в детстве хороших книжек резко облегчает потом поиск хороших людей в социуме.

15 Jun 01:28

Water and ink combine to create beautiful drawings for a good cause

by Caroline Siede

Artist Clément Beauvais uses water and ink to create stunning images in this campaign for humanitarian NGO Solidarités International and its agency BDDP Unlimited. Read the rest

15 Jun 01:25

katherinebarlow: boredpanda: Difficult Wet Folding Technique...

15 Jun 01:24

The High Cost of Acting Happy






“Surface acting is when front line service employees, the ones who interact directly with customers, have to appear cheerful and happy even when they’re not feeling it. This kind of faking is hard work—sociologists call it “emotional labor”—and research shows that it’s often experienced as stressful. It’s psychologically and even physically draining; it can lead to lowered motivation and engagement with work, and ultimately to job burnout.”


Welcome to mah realm

This is also true for customer service people.  So BE KIND. If kindness is too hard, at least don’t be an asshole.  If not being an asshole is too hard, use email so you don’t have to interact with anyone directly. 

This explains why I always felt so fucking drained when I came home from Target, even when I’d had a pretty good day and not stood up for all that long. Huh.

This also impacts people with disabilities, be they physical or mental, and people who are “performing” for a crowd.  By the end of a four-day con, I am so emotionally exhausted that I walk in a ring of handlers, because otherwise improper poking could lead to endless tears.

15 Jun 01:19

Remarkable Footage of Plants That Explode to Disperse Their Seeds

by Christopher Jobson

The Smithsonian Channel just shared this brief new clip of three plant species that use different methods of propulsion to spread their seeds. The filmmakers captured slow motion footage of violets, touch me nots, and poisonous squirting cucumbers (!) as they explode in some pretty incredible ways. (via Boing Boing, The Kid Should See This)


15 Jun 01:11


15 Jun 01:10

Discovery of the K4 Structure Formed by a Triangular π Radical Anion

by Asato Mizuno, Yoshiaki Shuku, Rie Suizu, Michio M. Matsushita, Masahisa Tsuchiizu, Daniel Reta Mañeru, Francesc Illas, Vincent Robert and Kunio Awaga

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b04180