Shared posts

12 Oct 19:56

Comic for October 04, 2018

by Scott Adams
12 Oct 19:56

The Mightier

by itsthetie

12 Oct 19:55

Data Pipeline

"Is the pipeline literally running from your laptop?" "Don't be silly, my laptop disconnects far too often to host a service we rely on. It's running on my phone."
12 Oct 19:51

City in Color

by Grant

This comic appears in the latest issue of The Believer magazine. Thanks to art director Kristen Radtke! 

12 Oct 19:48

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Rise of the Machines

12 Oct 19:46

The Frankfurt Four

Turns out Heraclitus was right. Like he said, fire is awesome, or something like that.
07 Oct 19:35

Comic for 2018.09.26

by Emily Explosm  |  2018.09.24
07 Oct 16:52


by Grant
07 Oct 16:51

Good or Bad

by Reza

07 Oct 16:51

Bad Opinions

I thought of another bad opinion! I couldn't find anyone who expressed it specifically, but still, the fact that I can so easily imagine it is infuriating! I'm gonna tell everyone about it!
07 Oct 16:49

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Cure


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

Also effective against consumption, the ague, brain fever, dropsy, and Unspeakable Lady Problems.

Today's News:
07 Oct 16:45

Schopenhauer at the Market

Paper or plastic? PAPER OR PLASTIC you ask me?! Paper is fine.
30 Sep 21:08

funfactcomics:If you were wondering why everyone has been acting...


If you were wondering why everyone has been acting so weird..

30 Sep 21:06


by Saudades do Rio
Nicolao Antonio Facchinetti - Vista da Praia de Botafogo tomada do Morro do Pasmado - 1868

Nicolao Antonio Facchinetti - Vista de Copacabana tomada da Ladeira do Leme 1872

Que beleza a Baía da Guanabara nesta pintura de 1868, de autoria de Henri Nicolas Vinet. O Morro da Viúva sem nenhum prédio, o Pão de Açúcar sem a Urca a seus pés, a Enseada de Botafogo tranquila, tranquila. À direita vemos uma das três pontes de atracação que existiram na Praia de Botafogo (uma perto do Pasmado, outra na altura da Rua São Clemente e a terceira mais perto da atual Rua Marquês de Abrantes).

Sebastien Auguste Sisson - Hotel Pharoux 1850. O hotel pertencia ao parisiense Luiz Pharoux, um francês que veio se fixar na corte e que trouxe em suas instalações, requinte nada usual para os padrões da época. Ao final da década de 1860, Luiz Domingos Pharoux retornou à França e liquidou o prédio, onde mais tarde funcionaria a Casa de Saúde Drs. Catta Preta, Marinho & Werneck. Logo após ser vendido pelo fundador o Hotel Pharou virou o Hotel Waltz. Em 1864, o prédio foi ocupado pela Casa de Saúde N.S. da Glória e só depois pelo Dr. Catta Preta. Alguns anos e várias casas de saúde depois, o prédio voltou a abrigar um hotel, com o nome de Real (ou Royal) e em 1959 foi demolido para a construção da Perimetral.

Robert Streatfield - Lagoa 1850.  Segundo André Delacerda e Diogo Fagundes o Rio de Janeiro é uma cidade cheia de mistérios. Temos a Ibis do Pão de Açúcar e o rosto gigante da Pedra da Gávea. Mas, poucos sabem que a cerca de quase dois séculos atrás havia mais uma pedra que inspirava medo e mistério.

Era chamada de a Pedra Santa ou Pedra da Santa e ficava entre o Clube Piraquê e o bairro de Humaitá. Essa pedra tinha o formato de um rosto que olhava para dentro da Lagoa. Dizem que D. João tinha bastante medo de passar junto a este rosto, tanto que preferia chegar a região de barco. Não se sabe se a Pedra Santa foi esculpida por algum povo mais antigo ou era uma formação natural. Fato é que em 1837, um padre de nome Souto destruiu o grande rosto que deve ter rolado para o que então era a Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, já que boa parte do Jardim Botânico junto a Pedra foi aterrado posteriormente. O mesmo padre solicitou ao Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro a destruição da Pedra da Gávea, mas sem êxito, e para nossa sorte que temos aquele monumento histórico natural preservado.

O caso envolve o Caminho da Cabeça, o "Rio da Cabeça" e a capela de Nossa Senhora da Cabeça, no final da Rua Faro. Pelas ultimas conclusões, esta pedra estava exatamente no sopé da atual Rua Faro, que era exatamente o Caminho da Cabeça. A Rua Jardim Botânico era a antiga Rua do Jardim, que mais próxima ao Humaitá passava a chamar-se Rua do Oliveira. A Lagoa chegava até esses caminhos como se vê na aquarela e em mapas antigos da Fazenda Nacional que ocupou a área antes de 1844.

26 Sep 16:18


26 Sep 02:27

Titans of Mathematics Clash Over Epic Proof of ABC Conjecture

by msmash
Two mathematicians have found what they say is a hole at the heart of a proof that has convulsed the mathematics community for nearly six years. Quanta Magazine: In a report [PDF] posted online Thursday, Peter Scholze of the University of Bonn and Jakob Stix of Goethe University Frankfurt describe what Stix calls a "serious, unfixable gap" within a mammoth series of papers by Shinichi Mochizuki, a mathematician at Kyoto University who is renowned for his brilliance. Posted online in 2012, Mochizuki's papers supposedly prove the abc conjecture, one of the most far-reaching problems in number theory. Despite multiple conferences dedicated to explicating Mochizuki's proof, number theorists have struggled to come to grips with its underlying ideas. His series of papers, which total more than 500 pages, are written in an impenetrable style, and refer back to a further 500 pages or so of previous work by Mochizuki, creating what one mathematician, Brian Conrad of Stanford University, has called "a sense of infinite regress." Between 12 and 18 mathematicians who have studied the proof in depth believe it is correct, wrote Ivan Fesenko of the University of Nottingham in an email. But only mathematicians in "Mochizuki's orbit" have vouched for the proof's correctness, Conrad commented in a blog discussion last December. "There is nobody else out there who has been willing to say even off the record that they are confident the proof is complete." Nevertheless, wrote Frank Calegari of the University of Chicago in a December blog post, "mathematicians are very loath to claim that there is a problem with Mochizuki's argument because they can't point to any definitive error." That has now changed. In their report, Scholze and Stix argue that a line of reasoning near the end of the proof of "Corollary 3.12" in Mochizuki's third of four papers is fundamentally flawed. The corollary is central to Mochizuki's proposed abc proof. "I think the abc conjecture is still open," Scholze said. "Anybody has a chance of proving it."

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26 Sep 01:03

Who Do You Love?

I was talking to the bird...
25 Sep 15:36

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Batocrat


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

This is one of those comics that I mostly mean to just be funny, but will be interpreted as a direct political statement.

Today's News:
25 Sep 15:32

How to Talk "All Fancy Like"

by Scott Meyer

I once read an article somewhere about movies aimed at teenagers. It seems the prevailing theory in Hollywood is that pre-teens and tweens will go to movies aimed at teenagers, but teenagers will not be caught dead going to a movie for pre-teens and tweens. Also, it’s believed that teenage girls will go to movies aimed at teenage boys, but teenage boys will refuse to go to any movie aimed at teenage girls. Therefore, the soundest business strategy is to mostly make movies aimed at teenage boys.

It’s interesting that teenage boys act the way they do out of a wish to appear strong and mature, but the entire industry has been warped by their crippling insecurity.

As always, thanks for using my Amazon Affiliate links (USUKCanada).

24 Sep 16:28


by Doug


Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day! The perfect day to read all my pirate jokes!

23 Sep 21:13


23 Sep 20:40

Too Much

by Reza

16 Sep 02:15


by Reza
Adam Victor Brandizzi

Brazil, 2018.

16 Sep 02:13

Whomp! - Me Myself and Ire


New comic!

Today's News:
16 Sep 02:07

How to Act When You Meet a Celebrity

by Scott Meyer

When I worked at Walt Disney World, I encountered a few celebrities. The only time I made a legit fool of myself was at one of the hotels. I was working the front desk early on a Sunday morning. I had ducked down to organize some of my forms or something, and I became aware that someone was standing in front of the desk. I stood up, started to say good morning, and froze up when I saw that I was face to face with a very famous woman whose work I happen to admire a great deal. My mind ground to a halt, and I stammered at her for what felt like a half hour.

The hope is that someday she’ll want to make a TV show out of one of my books, and we can share a laugh about it. That’s highly unlikely though, and if I did end up in a meeting with her I’d probably just start stammering again.


As always, thanks for using my Amazon Affiliate links (USUKCanada).

16 Sep 01:58


by Reza

16 Sep 01:56


by Lunarbaboon
16 Sep 01:56

Supportive Parent

by Brian

Bonus Panel

The post Supportive Parent appeared first on Fowl Language Comics.

16 Sep 01:55

Sandboxing Cycle

All I want is a secure system where it's easy to do anything I want. Is that so much to ask?
10 Sep 13:06

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Literary Analysis


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

Hey, it's that captain whose leg got stuck in my teeth!

Today's News: