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25 Oct 13:46

A General Framework for Multiple Choice Question Answering Based on Mutual Information and Reinforced Co-occurrence

As a result of the continuously growing volume of information available, browsing and querying of textual information in search of specific facts is currently a tedious task exacerbated by a…
25 Oct 13:38

Semantic similarity aggregators for very short textual expressions: a case study on landmarks and points of interest

by Jorge Martinez-Gil
Semantic similarity measurement aims to automatically compute the degree of similarity between two textual expressions that use different representations for naming the same concepts. However, very short textual expressions cannot always follow the syntax of a written language and, in general, do not provide enough information to support proper analysis. This means that in some fields, such as the processing of landmarks and points of interest, results are not entirely satisfactory. In order to overcome this situation, we explore the idea of aggregating existing methods by means of two novel aggregation operators aiming to model an appropriate interaction between the similarity measures. As a result, we have been able to improve the results of existing techniques when solving the GeReSiD and the SDTS, two of the most popular benchmark datasets for dealing with geographical information.
25 Oct 13:35

Framework for Assessing the Smartness Maturity Level of Villages

by Jorge Martinez-Gil
In this work, we have developed the first version of a smartness assessment framework that allows the representatives from a smart village to make a self-evaluation of its current status based on smartness criteria identified by an international group of experts. The framework allows a detailed evaluation of six different aspects including Mobility, Governance, Economy, Environment, Living, People, with weightings of the criteria using the multi-criteria analysis Electre Tri. In addition, the results enable further data analysis and offers an input for different functionality like identification of best practices and collaboration and matchmaking among potential stakeholders. In addition, we show the effectiveness of the proposed framework by means of a case study on a test area around the European Alpine space.
25 Oct 13:35

Top-k Matching Queries for Filter-Based Profile Matching in Knowledge Bases

by Jorge Martinez Gil
Finding the best matching job offers for a candidate profile or, the best candidates profiles for a particular job offer, respectively constitutes the most common and most relevant type of queries in the Human Resources sector. This technically requires to investigate top-k queries on top of knowledge bases and relational databases. We propose in this paper a top-k query algorithm on relational databases able to produce effective and efficient results. The approach is to consider the partial order of matching relations between jobs and candidates profiles together with an efficient design of the data involved. In particular, the focus on a single relation, the matching relation, is crucial to achieve the expectations
25 Oct 13:35

Automated knowledge base management: A survey

by Jorge Martinez Gil
A fundamental challenge in the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Databases consists of developing methods to automatically manage Knowledge Bases which can serve as a knowledge source for computer systems trying to replicate the decision-making ability of human experts. Despite of most of the tasks involved in the building, exploitation and maintenance of KBs are far from being trivial, and significant progress has been made during the last years. However, there are still a number of challenges that remain open. In fact, there are some issues to be addressed in order to empirically prove the technology for systems of this kind to be mature and reliable.