Shared posts

05 Mar 12:05

Memo: Bad Handwriting Affects Work Communication, Study Says

by Tyra Wilkes
Martha Austin

Wow! Yes, for me this topic is very relevant. And I can say that there are many controversial issues.
I work in the writing service and I just have to be aware of all the events. Since we are working on all topics.
In general, if you are interested, you can even watch the power point presentation on our website
And there are some great fresh articles too.

Perhaps it’s time to work on penmanship.
05 Mar 11:59

14 Book-Inspired Candles That Make Perfect Reading Companions

by Mishma Nixon
Keep one (or more) in your reading nook.
05 Mar 11:59

How to Get Into Checker Prints Even If Checkers Aren't Your Thing

by Anna Kocharian
While everyone else was buying chess sets, I fell for checkered prints but only the subtle ones!
05 Mar 11:59

Gear Up for Spring Cleaning with Walmart’s Massive Vacuum Sale

by Tim Minerd
Clean up with these deals on Roombas, Shark, and more big brands. READ MORE...