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13 Oct 12:11

Fixing flavins: hijacking a flavin transferase for equipping flavoproteins with a covalent flavin cofactor

by Marco, Fraaije
Most flavin-dependent enzymes contain a dissociable flavin cofactor. We present a new approach for installing a covalent bond between a flavin cofactor and its hosting protein. By using a flavin transferase and carving a flavinylation motif in target proteins, we demonstrate that ‘dissociable’ flavoproteins can be turned into covalent flavoproteins. Specifically, three different FMN-containing proteins were engineered to undergo covalent flavinylation: a light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domain protein, a mini singlet-oxygen-generator (miniSOG), and a nitroreductase (BtNR). Optimizing the flavinylation motif and expression conditions led to covalent flavinylation of all three flavoproteins. The engineered covalent flavoproteins retained function and often exhibited improved performance such as higher thermostability or catalytic performance. Crystal structures of all three covalent flavoproteins confirmed the designed threonyl-phosphate linkage. The targeted flavoproteins differ in fold and function, indicating that this method of introducing a covalent flavin-protein bond is a powerful new method to create flavoproteins which cannot lose their cofactor, boosting their performance.
13 Oct 09:23

Benzylic C(sp3)−H Bond Oxidation with Ketone Selectivity by a Cobalt(IV)‐Oxo Embedded in a β‐Barrel Protein

by Dong Wang, Aaron A. Ingram, Akira Okumura, Thomas P. Spaniol, Ulrich Schwaneberg, Jun Okuda
Benzylic C(sp3)−H Bond Oxidation with Ketone Selectivity by a Cobalt(IV)-Oxo Embedded in a β-Barrel Protein

Artificial metalloenzymes based on a cobalt cofactor show higher activity than the free cobalt complex for the oxidation of benzylic C(sp3)−H bonds in aqueous medium. The cobalt cofactor is presumably stabilized by the hydrophobic cleft provided by the protein NB4.


Artificial metalloenzymes have emerged as biohybrid catalysts that allow to combine the reactivity of a metal catalyst with the flexibility of protein scaffolds. This work reports the artificial metalloenzymes based on the β-barrel protein nitrobindin NB4, in which a cofactor [CoIIX(Me3TACD-Mal)]+X (X=Cl, Br; Me3TACD=N,N',N''-trimethyl-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane, Mal=CH2CH2CH2NC4H2O2) was covalently anchored via a Michael addition reaction. These biohybrid catalysts showed higher efficiency than the free cobalt complexes for the oxidation of benzylic C(sp3)−H bonds in aqueous media. Using commercially available oxone (2KHSO5 ⋅ KHSO4 ⋅ K2SO4) as oxidant, a total turnover number of up to 220 and 97 % ketone selectivity were achieved for tetralin. As catalytically active intermediate, a mononuclear terminal cobalt(IV)-oxo species [Co(IV)=O]2+ was generated by reacting the cobalt(II) cofactor with oxone in aqueous solution and characterized by ESI-TOF MS.

13 Oct 09:15

Efficient Oxidation of 5‐Hydroxymethylfurfural Using a Flavoprotein Oxidase from the Honeybee Apis mellifera

by Gwen Tjallinks, Alessandro Boverio, Amarins W. Jager, Saniye G. Kaya, Andrea Mattevi, Marco W. Fraaije
Efficient Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural Using a Flavoprotein Oxidase from the Honeybee Apis mellifera

A novel insect-derived flavoenzyme from the honeybee Apis mellifera (beeHMFO) can selectively oxidize 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) to the corresponding dialdehyde 2,5-diformylfuran (DFF), which is an interesting bio-based polymer precursor. Moreover, activity toward a number of other aromatic alcohols is observed. The predicted structure of beeHMFO shows high similarity to other flavoprotein oxidases capable of oxidizing HMF.


The chemical 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) can be derived from lignocellulose and is an interesting bio-based platform chemical as it has the potential to be transformed into numerous valuable building blocks such as the polymer-precursor 2,5-diformylfuran (DFF). To date, only a few oxidases acting on HMF are known and by sampling atypical species, we discovered a novel flavin-dependent oxidoreductase from the honeybee Apis mellifera (beeHMFO). The enzyme can perform the chemoselective oxidation of HMF to DFF but can also readily accept other aromatic alcohols as substrates. The function of the enzyme may well be the antimicrobial generation of hydrogen peroxide using HMF, which is very abundant in honey. The discovery of this insect-derived flavoprotein oxidase holds promising potential in the synthesis of renewable products and demonstrates that insects can be an interesting source of novel biocatalysts.

13 Oct 09:14

Analysing Megasynthetase Mutants at High Throughput Using Droplet Microfluidics

by Farzaneh Pourmasoumi, Sundar Hengoju, Katharina Beck, Philipp Stephan, Lukas Klopfleisch, Maria Hoernke, Miriam A. Rosenbaum, Hajo Kries
Analysing Megasynthetase Mutants at High Throughput Using Droplet Microfluidics**

NRPSs are an important source of pharmaceutically valuable natural products. The large sequence space of NRPS variant libraries requires a robust, high-throughput sorting and screening platform. Here we present a novel high-throughput microfluidic screening platform for the investigation of mutants of NRP producing bacteria in a highly parallel manner. Our results demonstrate the power of this platform for studying large libraries of NRPS variants.


Nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) are giant enzymatic assembly lines that deliver many pharmaceutically valuable natural products, including antibiotics. As the search for new antibiotics motivates attempts to redesign nonribosomal metabolic pathways, more robust and rapid sorting and screening platforms are needed. Here, we establish a microfluidic platform that reliably detects production of the model nonribosomal peptide gramicidin S. The detection is based on calcein-filled sensor liposomes yielding increased fluorescence upon permeabilization. From a library of NRPS mutants, the sorting platform enriches the gramicidin S producer 14.5-fold, decreases internal stop codons 250-fold, and generates enrichment factors correlating with enzyme activity. Screening for NRPS activity with a reliable non-binary sensor will enable more sophisticated structure-activity studies and new engineering applications in the future.

13 Oct 08:30

New insights into controlling radical migration pathways in heme enzymes gained from the study of a dye-decolorising peroxidase

Chem. Sci., 2023, 14,12518-12534
DOI: 10.1039/D3SC04453J, Edge Article
Open Access Open Access
Creative Commons Licence&nbsp This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Marina Lučić, Michael T. Wilson, Jacob Pullin, Michael A. Hough, Dimitri A. Svistunenko, Jonathan A. R. Worrall
We show that radical migration in a heme peroxidase can be controlled and directed to a rationally designed site through simply removing an oxygen atom form the protein structure.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
13 Oct 08:29

Unlocking mild-condition benzene ring contraction using nonheme diiron N-oxygenase

Chem. Sci., 2023, 14,11907-11913
DOI: 10.1039/D3SC04660E, Edge Article
Open Access Open Access
Yuan-Yang Guo, Ze-Hua Tian, ChunHua Ma, Yu-Chen Han, DaChang Bai, ZhiYong Jiang
Benzene ring contractions are thermodynamically challenging and are typically performed under harsh conditions. This study reports a broad scope, enzymatic, one-step and one-pot reaction for benzene ring contraction under mild conditions.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
13 Oct 08:13

Engineering Nucleotidoproteins for Base‐Pairing‐Assisted Cytosolic Delivery and Genome Editing

by Xun Liu, Ziyin Zhao, Wei Li, Yajie Li, Qiang Yang, Ningyu Liu, Yongbing Chen, Lichen Yin
Engineering Nucleotidoproteins for Base-Pairing-Assisted Cytosolic Delivery and Genome Editing

A nucleotidoprotein engineered via facile “green synthesis” exhibits strong electrostatic attraction and hydrogen bonding with complementary base-modified polyethyleneimine to form salt-resistant nanocomplexes with robust cytosolic delivery efficiency. The acidic endolysosomal environment enables traceless restoration of the nucleotidoprotein and consequently promotes the intracellular release of native protein.


Protein therapeutics targeting intracellular machineries hold profound potential for disease treatment, and hence robust cytosolic protein delivery technologies are imperatively demanded. Inspired by the super-negatively charged, nucleotide-enriched structure of nucleic acids, adenylated pro-proteins (A-proteins) with dramatically enhanced negative surface charges have been engineered for the first time via facile green synthesis. Then, thymidine-modified polyethyleneimine is developed, which exhibits strong electrostatic attraction, complementary base pairing, and hydrophobic interaction with A-proteins to form salt-resistant nanocomplexes with robust cytosolic delivery efficiencies. The acidic endolysosomal environment enables traceless restoration of the A-proteins and consequently promotes the intracellular release of the native proteins. This strategy shows high efficiency and universality for a variety of proteins with different molecular weights and isoelectric points in mammalian cells. Moreover, it enables highly efficient delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoproteins targeting fusion oncogene EWSR1-FLI1, leading to pronounced anti-tumor efficacy against Ewing sarcoma. This study provides a potent and versatile platform for cytosolic protein delivery and gene editing, and may benefit the development of protein pharmaceuticals.

11 Oct 08:34

[ASAP] New Strategies for Probing the Biological Functions of Protein Post-translational Modifications in Mammalian Cells with Genetic Code Expansion

by Wenlong Ding, Hongxia Zhao, Yulin Chen, and Shixian Lin

TOC Graphic

Accounts of Chemical Research
DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.3c00460
11 Oct 08:10

[ASAP] Desulfurative Borylation of Small Molecules, Peptides, and Proteins

by Ruiheng Jing, Wyatt C. Powell, Kyle J. Fisch, and Maciej A. Walczak

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c09081
10 Oct 06:57

Third retraction looms for superconductivity physicist

by Dan Garisto
R.B. Leveson-Gower

cease and resist

Science, Volume 382, Issue 6666, Page 19-20, October 2023.
02 Oct 14:38

[ASAP] Electrophilic Selenium-Catalyzed Desymmetrizing Cyclization to Access P-Stereogenic Heterocycles

by Zhi-Chao Qi, Yuke Li, Juan Wang, Lan Ma, Gang-Wei Wang, and Shang-Dong Yang

TOC Graphic

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.3c03524
29 Sep 09:49

Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Cylindrocyclophanes A and F and Merocyclophanes A and D

by Kai-Yue Chen, Hua-Qi Wang, Ye Yuan, Shu-Bin Mou, Zheng Xiang
Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Cylindrocyclophanes A and F and Merocyclophanes A and D

Cylindrocyclophanes A and F and merocyclophanes A and D were synthesized by a chemoenzymatic approach. The synthesis features an enzymatic Friedel–Crafts alkylation, reagent-controlled lithiation–borylation chemistry, cobalt-catalyzed asymmetric hydroboration, and Ni- or Pd-catalyzed alkyl–alkyl cross-coupling.


Incorporating enzymatic reactions into natural product synthesis can significantly improve synthetic efficiency and selectivity. In contrast to the increasing applications of biocatalytic functional-group interconversions, the use of enzymatic C−C bond formation reactions in natural product synthesis is underexplored. Herein, we report a concise and efficient approach for the synthesis of [7.7]paracyclophane natural products, a family of polyketides with diverse biological activities. By using enzymatic Friedel–Crafts alkylation, cylindrocyclophanes A and F and merocyclophanes A and D were synthesized in six to eight steps in the longest linear sequence. This study demonstrates the power of combining enzymatic reactions with contemporary synthetic methodologies and provides opportunities for the structure–activity relationship studies of [7.7]paracyclophane natural products.

29 Sep 07:09

Directed evolution unlocks oxygen reactivity for a nicotine-degrading flavoenzyme

by Mark Dulchavsky

Nature Chemical Biology, Published online: 28 September 2023; doi:10.1038/s41589-023-01426-y

The flavoenzyme nicotine oxidoreductase degrades nicotine in the bloodstream. Now, genetic selection in bacteria has been used to improve the catalytic performance of nicotine oxidoreductase, isolating variants with increased O2 reactivity that were more effective at degrading nicotine in the blood of rats.
28 Sep 14:12

[ASAP] Enhancement of Reactivity of a RuIV–Oxo Complex in Oxygen-Atom-Transfer Catalysis by Hydrogen-Bonding with Amide Moieties in the Second Coordination Sphere

by Tomoya Ishizuka, Taichi Kogawa, Chisato Ogawa, Hiroaki Kotani, Yoshihito Shiota, Kazunari Yoshizawa, and Takahiko Kojima
R.B. Leveson-Gower

The electrons are much more acceptable now 😋

TOC Graphic

DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.3c00377
27 Sep 15:14

[ASAP] Assessment of Four Engineered PET Degrading Enzymes Considering Large-Scale Industrial Applications

by Grégory Arnal, Julien Anglade, Sabine Gavalda, Vincent Tournier, Nicolas Chabot, Uwe T. Bornscheuer, Gert Weber, and Alain Marty

TOC Graphic

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.3c02922
27 Sep 11:48

Catalytic olefin metathesis in blood

Chem. Sci., 2023, 14,11033-11039
DOI: 10.1039/D3SC03785A, Edge Article
Open Access Open Access
Igor Nasibullin, Hiromasa Yoshioka, Akari Mukaimine, Akiko Nakamura, Yuriko Kusakari, Tsung-Che Chang, Katsunori Tanaka
A Ru-based artificial metalloenzyme (ArM) at just 1–5 mol% could catalyze olefin metathesis in blood to construct various molecular scaffolds. The cancer-targeting ArM at a low dosage could elicit tumor growth inhibition by in vivo drug synthesis.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
27 Sep 09:36

Boron Catalysis in a Designer Enzyme

by Lars, Longwitz
R.B. Leveson-Gower


The creation of enzymes containing non-biological functionalities with activation modes outside of Nature’s canon paves the way towards fully programmable biocatalysis. Here, we present a fully genetically encoded boronic acid containing designer enzyme with organocatalytic reactivity not achievable with natural or engineered biocatalysts. This boron enzyme catalyzes the kinetic resolution of hydroxyketones by oxime formation where crucial interactions with the protein scaffold assist in the catalysis. A directed evolution campaign lead to a variant with natural enzyme like enantioselectivities for a number of different substrates. The unique activation mode of the boron enzyme was studied via X-ray crystallography, high resolution mass spectrometry and 11B NMR spectroscopy and opens up the possibility for a new class of boron dependent biocatalysts.
25 Sep 13:17

Imine Reductase Cascades for the Synthesis of Saturated N-Heterocycles

by Nicholas, Turner
R.B. Leveson-Gower

those colour schemes...
cw: gore

Saturated N-heterocycles constitute a vital scaffold for pharmaceutical chemistry, but are challenging to access synthetically, particularly in asymmetric mode. Here we demonstrate how imine reductases can achieve annulation through tandem inter and intramolecular reductive amination processes. Imine reductases were used in combination with further enzymes to access un-substituted, α-substituted and α,α’-disubstituted N-heterocycles from simple starting materials, in one pot and under benign conditions. The work was exemplified in regard to product scope and a new route to the valuable natural product nicotine was demonstrated.
24 Sep 11:35

[ASAP] Retraction of “Reductive Arylation of Arylidene Malonates Using Photoredox Catalysis”

by Rick C. Betori and Karl A. Scheidt
ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.3c03942
21 Sep 07:52

[ASAP] Correction to “Catalysis by a De Novo Zinc-Mediated Protein Interface: Implications for Natural Enzyme Evolution and Rational Enzyme Engineering”

by Bryan S. Der, David R. Edwards, and Brian Kuhlman
R.B. Leveson-Gower

if you wanna make a phosphatase, get suspicious of impurities

DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.0c00012
21 Sep 07:15

Geminal-atom catalysis for cross-coupling

by Xiao Hai
R.B. Leveson-Gower

4 equal contrib, 6 corresonding

Nature, Published online: 20 September 2023; doi:10.1038/s41586-023-06529-z

Heterogeneous geminal-atom catalysts, which pair single-atom sites in specific coordination and spatial proximity, offer a new avenue for the sustainable manufacture of fine chemicals.
20 Sep 11:10

Correction: A two-dimensional MXene-supported CuRu catalyst for efficient electrochemical nitrate reduction to ammonia

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2023, 13,6075-6075
DOI: 10.1039/D3CY90075D, Correction
Open Access Open Access
Creative Commons Licence&nbsp This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Fang Zhao, Guangxin Li, Qianqian Hua, Jianghui Cao, Jiliang Song, Liguo Gao, Tingli Ma, Xuefeng Ren, Anmin Liu
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
19 Sep 13:00

New Window of Opportunities for CvFAP photodecarboxylation by Violet Light Irradiation

by Rodrigo Octavio, Mendonça Alves de Souza
In this study, we describe a light-driven photocatalytic decarboxylation of palmitic acid and related fatty acids using Chlorella variabilis fatty acid photodecarboxylase (CvFAP). By utilizing violet LED light (50 W; 397 nm), we achieved a remarkable conversion efficiency of 99% within just 4 minutes, surpassing the previous 79% conversion achieved in 60 minutes using blue LED light (300 W; 439 nm). Importantly, the use of 50 W violet LED light also resulted with lower enzyme photoinactivation rate when compared to 300 W blue LED. Comparing the whole-cell biocatalyst with the enzymatic extract, we found that the former demonstrated superior catalytic performance and reduced susceptibility to photoinactivation. Furthermore, through fed-batch reactions using three pulses of 13 mM palmitic acid, we achieved the production of 39 mM of pentadecane within 1 hour, highlighting a promising strategy for enhanced productivity. These findings represent a significant advancement in CvFAP photodecarboxylation processes, utilizing an alternative light source, with potential implications for biofuel production.
19 Sep 09:41

Manganese Transfer Hydrogenases Based on the Biotin‐Streptavidin Technology

by Weijin Wang, Ryo Tachibana, Zhi Zou, Dongping Chen, Xiang Zhang, Kelvin Lau, Florence Pojer, Thomas R. Ward, Xile Hu
Manganese Transfer Hydrogenases Based on the Biotin-Streptavidin Technology

Efficient Mn artificial transfer hydrogenases (ATHases) were developed using the biotin-streptavidin technology, which exhibits high activity and enantioselectivity for the transfer hydrogenation of a wide range of aryl ketones. The S112Y-K121 M double mutation and the appropriate chemical structure of the Mn cofactor play critical roles in the reactivity and enantioselectivity of the enzymes.


Artificial (transfer) hydrogenases have been developed for organic synthesis, but they rely on precious metals. Native hydrogenases use Earth-abundant metals, but these cannot be applied for organic synthesis due, in part, to their substrate specificity. Herein, we report the design and development of manganese transfer hydrogenases based on the biotin-streptavidin technology. By incorporating bio-mimetic Mn(I) complexes into the binding cavity of streptavidin, and through chemo-genetic optimization, we have obtained artificial enzymes that hydrogenate ketones with nearly quantitative yield and up to 98 % enantiomeric excess (ee). These enzymes exhibit broad substrate scope and high functional-group tolerance. According to QM/MM calculations and X-ray crystallography, the S112Y mutation, combined with the appropriate chemical structure of the Mn cofactor plays a critical role in the reactivity and enantioselectivity of the artificial metalloenzyme (ArMs). Our work highlights the potential of ArMs incorporating base-meal cofactors for enantioselective organic synthesis.

19 Sep 09:35

Cover Feature: The Cyanido‐Sulfate Anion [SO3CN]− (Chem. Eur. J. 56/2023)

by Thomas Kasperowicz, David Gerven, Mathias S. Wickleder
R.B. Leveson-Gower

conducting reactions with liquid HCN to reduces the chances I have to speak to my PI

Cover Feature: The Cyanido-Sulfate Anion [SO3CN]− (Chem. Eur. J. 56/2023)

Sulfur trioxide acts as a strong oxidizer towards halides as well as pseudohalides. Therefore, reactions of sulfur trioxide with cyanide anions do usually not lead to the formation of cyanido-sulfates anion but to oxidation of the cyanide ion. This problem can be avoided if a sulfur trioxide-pyridine complex is used instead of neat sulfur trioxide. In this way, the oxidation power is sufficiently reduced, and the pyridine molecule can be replaced by the cyanide anion under formation of the cyanido-sulfate anion, SO3CN. Thus sulfur trioxide gets rid of the badly smelling pyridine molecule, however, at the expense of gaining the toxic cyanide anion. More information can be found in the Research Article by M. S. Wickleder and co-workers (DOI: 10.1002/chem.202301761).

18 Sep 14:07

[ASAP] A Benzophenothiazine/Boronic Acid Hybrid Photocatalyst Enables the Single Electron Transfer (SET) to Carboxy Groups: SET-Initiated Cyclization of α,β-Unsaturated Carboxylic Acids

by Taichi Yumura, Takeshi Nanjo, and Yoshiji Takemoto

TOC Graphic

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.3c03662
18 Sep 08:37

A Co(TAML)-Based Artificial Metalloenzyme for Asymmetric Radical-Type Oxygen Atom Transfer Catalysis

by Joost, Reek
Generating artificial metalloenzymes (ArMs) by incorporating a non-natural metallocofactor within a protein host is an attractive strategy to complement homogeneous catalysts and enzymes. In an effort to achieve Co(TAML) catalyzed asymmetric radical-type oxygen atom transfer catalysis, we anchored a biotinylated Co(TAML) cofactor into streptavidin. In the presence of iodosylbenzene and α-methylstyrene, the Co(TAML) based ArM led to the corresponding enantioenriched oxirane, thereby expanding the scope of ArMs that facilitate radical-type transformations. Screening of the Sav library—that included (double) mutations at positions S112 and K121—enabled improvement of both the activity and the selectivity of the Co-TAML-catalyzed epoxidation reaction. Evaluation of the secondary coordination sphere around the Co(TAML) cofactor by analysis of the X-ray structures of two different ArMs: Co(TAML) · Sav WT and Co(TAML) · Sav S112Y, suggested how mutations may affect the catalytic properties.
18 Sep 08:36

[ASAP] Decoding Catalysis by Terpene Synthases

by Joshua N. Whitehead, Nicole G. H. Leferink, Linus O. Johannissen, Sam Hay, and Nigel S. Scrutton

TOC Graphic

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.3c03047
15 Sep 12:22

Self-affirmation increases reemployment success for the unemployed

by Julian PfrombeckAdam D. GalinskyNoemi NagyMichael S. NorthJoel BrocknerGudela GroteaDepartment of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong KongbManagement Division, Columbia Business School, Columbia University, Kravis Hall, New York, NY 10027cDepartment of Leadership, Policy, and Lifelong Learning, College of Education, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620dDepartment of Management and Organizations, Stern School of Business, New York University, New York, NY 10012eDepartment of Management, Technology and Economics, ETH Zurich, Zurich 8092, Switzerland
R.B. Leveson-Gower

you ARE good enough to get that job!

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 120, Issue 37, September 2023.
15 Sep 07:21

Direct visible-light-excited flavoproteins for redox-neutral asymmetric radical hydroarylation

by Beibei Zhao
R.B. Leveson-Gower

Anyone can get a PDF?

Nature Catalysis, Published online: 14 September 2023; doi:10.1038/s41929-023-01024-0

Non-natural photobiocatalysis is attractive but usually involves UV light activation or the formation of electron donor–acceptor complexes. Now direct visible-light excitation of flavin-dependent ene-reductases allows stereocontrolled intermolecular radical hydroarylation of alkenes initiated by single-electron oxidation.