Shared posts

28 Nov 04:35


by C. Minstane

It’s like an angel came down from the Heavens in yoga pants.



28 Nov 04:35

A Spinning Ice Disk Forms on a River

by John Farrier

(Video Link)

I’ve never seen anything like this! An ice disk is a rare ice formation consisting of a thin, circular sheet of ice. With a bit of water pressure or wind, it moves. In the above video, you can watch one that recently appeared in the Sheyenne River in North Dakota. It’s about 55 feet across and slowly rotates. A hydrologist described the phenomenon:

Allen Schlag, a National Weather Service hydrologist in Bismarck, and Greg Gust, a weather service meteorologist in Grand Forks, said a combination of cold, dense air last weekend and an eddy in the river likely caused the disk.

The cold, dense air — the air pressure Saturday in nearby Fargo was a record high for the city for the month of November, according to Gust — turned the river water into ice, but since the water was relatively warm it didn't happen all at once. Floating bits of ice got caught in the eddy and started to spin in a circle.

You can see photos of more ice disks at Colossal.

28 Nov 04:32

Internet Hole

28 Nov 04:32

“We Need to Move the Bird Feeder”

by Georgie

Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy your birds — like this cat!



So close, yet so far…


The post “We Need to Move the Bird Feeder” appeared first on POPHANGOVER.

28 Nov 04:31

Possible Super Smash Bros. Release Date Hinted By GameStop

by Tyler Lee

Possible Super Smash Bros. Release Date Hinted By GameStopNintendo’s upcoming Super Smash Bros. is slated to arrive on the Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo Wii U come 2014, although at the moment no specific dates have been revealed yet, at least until recently when GameStop updated their database and revealed a possible release date which has been set for the 8th of April 2014 for both the 3DS and the Wii U console. We’re not sure if GameStop is speculating on a release date, or if they knew something and might have accidentally let the cat out of the bag a little earlier than expected.

The Spike TV VGX is expected to take place early December and for all we know, perhaps that could be a platform in which Nintendo will use to announce the release dates. If that is the case, it is not entirely out of the question if Nintendo might have given several retailers the heads up before hand, perhaps to allow them to prep their pre-order pages before the official information has been shared with the public. In any case Super Smash Bros. is one of the titles many gamers are looking forward to in the Wii U, which has been criticized for having a lack of triple A titles, at least compared to other consoles. We suggest you not get your hopes up just yet, but check back with us during the Spike TV VGX for the details!

  • Follow: Gaming, Rumors, nintendo, super smash bros,
  • Possible Super Smash Bros. Release Date Hinted By GameStop original content from Ubergizmo.

    28 Nov 04:31

    CyanogenMod Installer Pulled From Google Play

    by Tyler Lee

    CyanogenMod Installer Pulled From Google PlayWe know that when it comes to installing custom ROMs on your Android device is not easy, especially if you’re new to all of this, which is why the CyanogenMod Installer was such a great idea, especially when it was launched on the Google Play store for everyone to download! Unfortunately it seems that the app might have violated some terms and has since been voluntarily removed from Google Play. According to the official CyanogenMod blog, this involved one particular function within the app which was related to sideloading apps which could potentially void warranties of devices.

    Based on the feedback given from the Google Play team, they agreed that while the app was harmless and did not actually violate their Terms of Service (it did violate developer terms), it still “encourages users to void their warranty” and would not be allowed to remain in the store. It is unclear if the Cyanogen Inc. will find a way around this issue, but for now if you want to get your hands on the installer, they have revealed that they will be submitting their app to both the Amazon and Samsung stores.

  • Follow: CellPhones, Android, apps, CyanogenMod,
  • CyanogenMod Installer Pulled From Google Play original content from Ubergizmo.

    28 Nov 04:31

    Fuck trees

    28 Nov 04:30

    This must be Darth Vader's favorite chair

    by Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Jesus Diaz to Gizmodo

    This must be Darth Vader's favorite chair

    I can't decide if this angular Skull Armchair designed by French artist Harold Sangouard is just gaudy or awesome, horrible or pretty, vanguardist or Louis XV/Conan the Barbarian retro, but there's something about it that hypnotizes me.


    28 Nov 04:30

    This is normal after a couple of weeks.

    28 Nov 04:30

    Just a reminder for those stores opening early on Thanksgiving

    28 Nov 04:29

    Scumbag Kim Kardashian

    28 Nov 04:29



    Submitted by: Unknown

    28 Nov 04:29

    No, Guys, THIS Is How You Fry a Turkey

    by Ria Misra

    No, Guys, THIS Is How You Fry a Turkey

    There's no one wrong way to fry a turkey. Nope, there's at least seventeen of them, as we got video proof of today. Fortunately, we also got a few tips on how to fry your turkey the right way.



    28 Nov 04:28

    Obamacare Delayed Again, Small Business Enrollment Postponed Until After 2014 Election

    by Robert Jonathan


    The Obamacare online sign-up portal for small business has been put on hold until after the November 2014 Congressional election.

    Earlier this week, the White House pushed back the Obamacare 2014 open enrollment period to November 15, which is also after the November midterm election. Originally, it was supposed to start on October 15.

    Whether enrollment occurs before or after November 2014, millions of Americans with employer-provided insurance at businesses large and small will face big changes in their coverage, which will likely include sharply higher premiums, increased deductibles, and the possibility of being locked-out of their existing provider network. Some employers may have drop health insurance as an employee benefit entirely, forcing their workers to obtain coverage in an exchange.

    About five million consumers who buy insurance on the individual market have already been booted off their plans because the coverage doesn’t comply with Obamacare regulations. Complicating matters for replacement-insurance seekers, actually accessing the exchange is still problematic. The Obama administration previously postponed the employer mandate until 2015.

    Reporting on this latest delay, the Washington Post explained:

    “The Small Business Health Options Program, known as the SHOP exchange, will not offer online enrollment until November 2014, a one-year delay from a launch that was initially planned for this past October… Small businesses will still have the option to purchase SHOP health insurance plans through a broker or agent, who will assist the employer with filing a paper application.”

    This latest delay does not affect small businesses (i.e., those with less than 50 employees) in those states that have own online exchanges rather than relying on the troubled federal Obamacare web portal.

    With regard to the latest development for the Affordable Care Act, Politico noted:

    “The delay of the small business exchanges comes as little surprise, as the administration had said earlier this week it would offer alternative ways for small businesses to enroll. Still, it undercuts the White House message that it’s beginning to turn around the disastrous rollout of the health care law.”

    In what has developed into a major, ongoing controversy, President Obama repeatedly declared “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan” when he was selling healthcare reform via the Affordable Care Act to the American people.

    Many observers believe politics are transparently at the heart of the postponed enrollment.

    As The Daily Caller observed:

    “Such a delay could be a purposefully timed political strategy aimed at appeasing congressional Democrats facing re-election in 2014. Those that have supported the law before, during, and after its passage have been facing tough questions in their home states recently about unrealistic deadlines, information hiccups, cancelled policies, privacy concerns and general inability to sign up since the fully-fumbled rollout of the law’s major components.”

    Of this latest Obamacare delay, House Speaker John Boehner said:

    “The president bit off more than he can chew with this health care law, and small businesses are now forced to bear the consequences.”

    Separately, it has been reported that a so-called nonpartisan organization called Families USA received a $1 million grant to collect and then funnel positive stories about Obamacare into the media. According to, “the organization is a far cry from ‘non-partisan’ and is extremely close to the Obama Administration and Enroll America — the group leading the efforts to sign people up for Obamacare.”

    Obamacare Delayed Again, Small Business Enrollment Postponed Until After 2014 Election is a post from: The Inquisitr News

    28 Nov 04:27

    Always remember this

    28 Nov 04:27

    The Most Beautiful Moment

    28 Nov 04:26

    8 Foods You've Been Eating All Wrong

    by Meredith Danko

    There's a better way to eat an apple, peel a banana, and put syrup on your pancakes.

    28 Nov 04:25

    I went to the local barbecue joint for lunch. They had a bunch of herbivores on the wall.

    28 Nov 04:24

    When I'm downloading a torrent and the down speed keeps increasing, and increasing, and increasing...

    28 Nov 04:24

    The difference between naptime then and now

    28 Nov 04:24

    Sex and Nudity Nearly Scored NC-17 for ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’

    by Russ Fischer

    Wolf of Wall Street Scorsese 4

    Martin Scorsese rarely holds back when making his films. Some of his work, from Taxi Driver to The Last Temptation of Christ, stands as among the most provocative in mainstream cinema thanks to violence and (to a lesser degree) sex, and the director’s willingness to engage those elements directly.

    Jordan Belfort’s biography The Wolf of Wall Street is a story that is rife with hedonism, as Belfort rode out of the ’80s and into the ’90s making insane amounts of money. Unsurprisingly, some of it was spent on women and sex. Given Scorsese’s tendencies, there’s every reason to expect those elements would be in his film The Wolf of Wall Street as well. The trailers certainly suggest there will be a lot of flesh on display.

    Too much, in fact, as Scorsese had to trim sex and nudity to prevent the film being slapped with an NC-17. Even with those cuts, Wolf clocks in at two hours, fifty-nine minutes, the longest film of Scorsese’s career.

    THR reports on the cuts, and the 179-minute running time, which is the director’s longest by only one minute. Casino ran 178 minutes.

    And while there was certainly a submitted cut of The Wolf of Wall Street that the MPAA thought was too extreme, in reality there’s no way Paramount would agree to release an NC-17 cut of the movie. So, as THR says, the production and the MPAA had some dialogue, and changes were made.

    Will we ever see that footage, perhaps in an unrated blu-ray edition? Almost certainly not. Scorsese isn’t much of a director’s cut kinda guy, with the release cut of his films standing as the definitive version. (Gangs of New York, for example, is a release where people have hoped for a longer cut on home video, since Scorsese supposedly preferred a cut that was 20-minutes longer than the 166-minute theatrical version. That longer release has never materialized in commercial form.)

    28 Nov 04:24

    Photorealism of the Day: Dirds - Dogs Shaped Like Birds

    Photorealism of the Day: Dirds - Dogs Shaped Like Birds

    Submitted by: Unknown (via Eat Liver)

    Tagged: cool , dogs , birds , dirds , photshop
    28 Nov 04:23

    Grumpy CatDoge

    28 Nov 04:23

    Creeper Flaskby StellarCustomImages - $32.00 Ssssssssssss…...

    by thedrunkenmooglestaffblog

    Creeper Flask
    by StellarCustomImages - $32.00

    Ssssssssssss… BOOM!

    28 Nov 04:23

    Alec Baldwin On Martin Bashir: Why Is He Still On MSNBC?

    by Robert Jonathan

    Alec Baldwin wonders why Martin Bashir is still on the air

    Actor Alec Baldwin seems to be questioning why he was sacked by MSNBC while Martin Bashir still has a show on the network.

    MSNBC canceled Alec Baldwin’s talk show Up Late on Tuesday in the aftermath of his recent run-in with a paparazzo. The network initially suspended Up Late for two weeks after Baldwin allegedly shouted homophobic slurs at a photographer trying to take pictures of the former 30 Rock star and his family leaving their Manhattan apartment on November 14.

    On November 15, Martin Bashir made some vile and disgusting scripted remarks about former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on his low-rated MSNBC show. The following Monday, Bashir offered a groveling apology for suggesting someone should defecate and urinate in Governor Palin’s mouth.

    MSNBC has not revealed publicly what kind of discipline, if any, it imposed on Martin Bashir, who is currently on vacation according to a network spokesman

    In an interview with the Gothamist about being canned by MSNBC, Baldwin said “Martin Bashir’s on the air, and he made his comment on the air! I dispute half the comment I made…”

    Baldwin insisted that he never hurled a gay slur at the photographer and partially blamed it on “TMZ’s enhanced audio.”

    The 30 Rock star also slammed two gay rights advocates for the loss of his MSNBC show: “But you’ve got the fundamentalist wing of gay advocacy — Rich Ferraro and Andrew Sullivan — they’re out there, they’ve got you. Rich Ferraro, this is probably one of his greatest triumphs. They killed my show. And I have to take some responsibility for that myself.”

    Rich Ferraro is the vice president of GLAAD while Andrew Sullivan is prominent political commentator.

    MSNBC may have more issues apart from Baldwin and Bashir. According to MediaBistro, MSNBC has lost about 45 percent of its viewers since last November (down 52 percent in the 18-54 cohort), and CNN was down about 59 percent.

    Do you think MSNBC is justified in apparently treating Alec Baldwin and Martin Bashir differently?

    Alec Baldwin On Martin Bashir: Why Is He Still On MSNBC? is a post from: The Inquisitr News

    28 Nov 04:21

    Doritos Dance Tutorial (A Doritos Crash The Superbowl 2014 Entry) [Video]

    by Niel

    doritos dance

    I laughed, I cried and I lost 5 pounds. Amazing!

    Doritos Dance Tutorial (A Doritos Crash The Superbowl 2014 Entry) [Video] is a post from: The Inquisitr News

    28 Nov 04:20

    shortformblog: These are real snowflakes, photographed by...


    These are real snowflakes, photographed by Alexey Kljatov with a macro lens. Truly beautiful stuff in this collection. As a bonus, he’s posted high-res versions too, and they’re all free to download. source

    28 Nov 04:20


    28 Nov 04:20

    Taste Simulator Lets You Sample Virtual Food

    by (Joanne Casey)
    28 Nov 04:19

    Dog Sings Along With Street Musician

    by (Joanne Casey)