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07 Sep 16:48

IFA 2015: "A világ legszexibb DJ-je" promózta az LG diszkóládáját

Djamila Celina mellett azért a nagy teljesítményű X-Boom OM9550-ről is mutatunk képet.
07 Sep 10:56

Ilyen pendrive-on érkezik a Windows 10

A Microsoft többféle dobozos kiadást készített az operációs rendszerből, és az egyik legkedveltebb a pendrive-os verzió.
07 Sep 09:30

Tiszteletlen bajnok: Hamilton megint magyarázkodhatott

by (Telesport)

hat érdekes tag lesz megint vilagbajnok azért, ok h tud vezetni de ez a buzis szőkeség meg az érdektelenség 110%os megléte, hááát

Elmondása szerint azt sem tudta, hol van pontosan...
07 Sep 07:58

myPhone Halo X - Nicsak, ki beszél?

A lengyel cég egy inkább időseknek ajánlható, érintőkijelzős mobiltelefonnal rukkolt elő, mely könnyen használható, viszont a WiFi hiánya egy ilyen készüléknél is nehezen megbocsátható.
07 Sep 06:14

AMD Radeon Fury X: Potential Supercomputing Monster?

by Nebojsa Novakovic

hát ez az irány pont a neheze az nv miatt azért a serverek meg a programok nem allnak at csakugy de akar meg jo is lehetne oda, legalabbis ugy fest


When AMD launched its Fiji-based graphics cards, all eyes were focused on its performance in consumer applications such as computer games. And while the first results forced Nvidia to launch “Titan Lite” in the form of GeForce GTX 980 Ti, DirectX 12 benchmarks are starting to show different, brighter outlook for AMD, starting with Ashes of the Singularity.

The focus of this article however, is its potential and usage in applications where Fiji GPU will be branded as Fire Pro, and Fire Pro S (Server) – where AMD can take an ASIC and upsell it to commercial clients, with full-speed enabled for Double Precision floating point operations. And AMD (theoretically) has the highest performing piece of silicon of all times – 8.9 billion transistors, 8.6 SP TFLOPS and once unlocked, massive 4.3 TFLOPS Double-Precision (535 GFLOPS DP in this consumer-focused version). In the world where fast processing and low latency means serious money, does AMD have a chance to shine?

Three Key Points of AMD Fiji

Ever since getting our hands on AMD’s newest gaming top of the line GPU, there was a feeling that this is something special. Firstly, it was by far physically the smallest high-end graphics card in, say, a decade? Thank you integrated liquid cooling – with or without the slight noise heard in the Cooler Master’s earlier revisions of the cooling pump.

AMD Radeon R9 Fury X is an incredibly compact card for a high end product. Unfortunately, the liquid cooling solution is everyting but compact, and putting multiple GPUs in a single computer is a pain.

AMD Radeon R9 Fury X is an incredibly compact card for a high end product. Unfortunately, the liquid cooling solution is everyting but compact, and putting multiple GPUs in a single computer is a pain.

Secondly, the integrated AMD-SK Hynix developed High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) – yes, in AMD-Hynix vs. Intel-Micron battle for 3-D stacked memory resulted in AMD being first in the world to deliver a consumer product with the next generation memory. How next-gen? HBM gives the ridiculously wide, all four Kilobits of it – memory bus which allows stunning bandwidth even with low 500 MHz base memory clock for a truly cool and power saving DRAM. 4096-bit bus gives you 512GB/s memory bandwidth, easily beating practically every GDDR5-based product on the market. If AMD clocks up to 1 GHz, which I am sure shouldn’t be too difficult, they we would have a whopping 1 terabyte per second of memory bandwidth for those four Gigabytes of memory.

Following a small modification, you can push both GPU and HBM RAM inside AMD Catalyst - and both show great promise.

Following a small modification, you can push both GPU and HBM RAM inside AMD Catalyst – and both show great promise.

Thirdly, the GPU overclocks lovely – and we don’t mean frames per second in games. I’ve got a decent, stable 9% to 10% overclock that passes all the HPC math benches with flying colours. Right now, AMD does not allow (officially) overclock the integrated 3-D HBM memory for some extra bandwidth too, essential in the scientific and technical computation. Still, even though AMD does not allow it, you can overclock the memory if you know how. In our case, we managed to get 575 MHz stable, resulting in bandwidth going to impressive 589 GB/s. Depending on a card you have at hand, you could clock the HBM memory to 650MHz, and achieve massive bandwidth of 691.2 GB/s, faster than AMD’s dual-GPU card of yesteryear (R9 295X2 had 640GB/s) or Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan Z (672 GB/s).

The integrated liquid cooling has its pros and cons, of course. The shortened card makes insertion into a system a breeze, even if you want to put 2 or 3 of them. The difference is especially obvious in a cramped, cable-rich system as our test configuration. We paired Gigabyte’s X99 Gaming G1 top end mainboard with Intel current high-end, Core i7 5960X (Haswell-E) processor and Thermaltake liquid cooling for the processor, all packed inside the Antec chassis.

The cons? Well, find another spare position for that integrated radiator and fan to fit in. Every Radeon R9 Fury X has its own cooling loop, with 120mm fan at the other end. If you’re looking for a multi-GPU setup, perhaps you should consider buying a 3rd party liquid cooled system, such as Thermaltake DIY section, Swiftec, Aqua Cooling, or EK-Waterblocks. It’s a shame you cannot buy the PCB alone, or PCB with a DIY waterblock, akin to what EVGA goes to NVIDIA cards.

Once AMD goes ahead with its professional, HPC server versions of this platform, a passive air cooled version will be a must – or a flavour with just a local pump module on the card, to be connected via daisy chain to a rack-wide liquid cooling system.

Knowing this is a consumer version nevertheless, without full OpenGL or fully enabled hardware double precision FP, I wanted to try the core number crunching capability of the chip and HBM without relying on the commercial apps which may prefer double precision, yet abstain from SuperPI type little routines.

AMD Radeon R9 Fury X as seen by SiSoft Sandra 2015 SP3.

AMD Radeon R9 Fury X as seen by SiSoft Sandra 2015 SP3.

Thus, our test suite consists out of freshly minted SiSoft Sandra 2015 SP3 suite, which has a number of major financial and scientific computation routines in both single and double FP precision, and with full OpenCL support on both CPU and GPU. In fact, in some cases, it spreads a single benchmark load across both CPU and GPU resources, with interesting (not always higher – darn PCIe overhead, and AMD killed the HyperTransport NUMA GPU in 2010) results.

Scientific Results

SiSoft Sandra 2015 SP3 Scientific Test - showing clear difference between the world's most powerful consumer CPU and GPU.

SiSoft Sandra 2015 SP3 Scientific Test – showing clear difference between the world’s most powerful consumer CPU and GPU.

Here you can see a summary of single precision GPU only OpenCL, GPU+CPU OpenCL (where available), CPU only OpenCL, and CPU only native code.

Wow… the difference approaches hundreds of times (not percent!) in the favour of GPU when running OpenCL code neck-to-neck. And mind you, this is a 3.6 GHz octa-core i7 5960X with four channels of DDR4-2400 CL14 (theoretical: 76.8GB/s), and souped-up 3.2 GHz uncore! Even when running the native code with full AVX2 FMA support, the difference is still like two orders of magnitude (10x, 100x). And no, Broadwell-E in 2016 and Skylake-E in 2017 won’t change the performance significantly.

To see TFLOPS on one side, and GFLOPS on another is a clear defeat for the CPU strategy, and running a CPU-0nly code is starting to look archaic. After all, even Intel is moving away from CPU-only approach with its upcoming Xeon Phi. Mark these numbers; in N-Body Simulation, Haswell CPU achieves 23.17 GFLOPS at the time when Fury X achieves 3.43 TFLOPS. CPU is 148x slower than a GPU.

Financial Results



Same story here – the difference is huge. Over 10 million versus less 150 thousand in high indexes, while Monte Carlo Euro Option shows where high end calculation has gone. Again, mind you, while the Core i7 5960X will set you back for $1,050, it is basically the same CPU as Intel’s Xeon E5 series in their ‘big iron’ workstation and server line-ups – where company achieves most of its profits. Less cores, but faster per-core clock, and basically the same cache & memory system. Not to mention, heavily tuned app and bench codes. Yet, this $650 GPU runs rings around its ring buses, pun intended. Let’s not get into how many figures you would need to spend in order to achieve the same performance using CPU alone. The difference in price is well covered to go and tell the engineers to ‘earn their salary’.

In short, once they go ahead to release the “Pro” version, with DP FP enabled in hardware, in a let’s say dual GPU form with 8 GB of HBM with hopefully higher clock, this could be a runaway hit in the scientific community – even though 4GB per GPU is simply too little for the workload of today.


AMD should launch HBM2 hardware with 8/16/32GB memory per chip sooner rather than later, as Nvidia will likely follow the same approach in a year’s time. Till then, “the little number crunching monster” is a fitting name for Radeon R9 Fury X. If you are in the numbers business, your app runs on OpenCL (or you are willing do so/pay for some coding) and it is in single precision FP, this petite card can dramatically speed up your work. And, most high end PCs or workstations can easily accept 2 or 3 of them without the machine feeling cluttered inside.

More as we expand the app and benchmark suite further.

The post AMD Radeon Fury X: Potential Supercomputing Monster? appeared first on VR World.

06 Sep 21:44

Itt a Grand Theft Auto-film előzetese

Daniel Radcliffe a GTA mellett kardoskodik a Gamechangersben.
04 Sep 09:42

Két GPU-s szörnyeteg a PowerColortól: Radeon R9 390 X2 Devil 13

Két GPU erejét szívja magába a méretes ördögi grafikus vezérlő.
03 Sep 19:05

EVGA and K|NGP|N broke Unigine Heaven Xtreme record

by bobo [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Slobodan Simic)
EVGA and K|NGP|N broke Unigine Heaven Xtreme record

With EVGA motherboard, graphics card and PSU

A well known overclocker Vince "K|NGP|N" Lucido has broken yet another world record in the Unigne Heaven Xtreme running on EVGA hardware.

Running an Intel Skylake Core i7-6700K CPU on EVGA's own Z170 Classified motherboard equipped with 16GB of G.Skill Ripjaws DDR4 memory and powered by EVGA SuperNOVA 1600 T2 power supply, K|NGP|N managed to overclock the Core i7-6700K CPU up to 5.6GHz and EVGA's GTX 980 Ti K|NGP|N graphics card to over 2GHz, allowing him to get a score of 7,893.7 in Unigine Heaven Xtreme benchmark, which is the new single-card world record.

The entire system was drenched in liquid nitrogen and we are quite sure that this not the last world record that we will see on that system.

You can check out more details over at result submission.

evga kingpinunignerecord 2

03 Sep 11:27

Európából tényleg Afrika lesz, de ehhez nem kellenek a bevándorlók



A Jobbik retteghet. Elég csak elolvasni az Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat elemzését.
02 Sep 09:28

Asus GTX 980 Ti: Poseidon soll dank Wakü 30 Grad kühler bleiben

by Wolfgang Andermahr

Angekündigt war die GeForce GTX 980 Ti Poseidon schon lange. Nun hat Asus die Grafikkarte mit dem Luft-Wasser-Hybridkühler offiziell vorgestellt. Laut dem Hersteller soll die GPU-Temperatur 30 Grad Celsius niedriger ausfallen als mit einer traditionellen Luftkühlung – der Vergleich gilt wahrscheinlich für das Referenzdesign.

02 Sep 05:45

Intel Skylake: 46 Prozessoren und die neuen Plattformen im Detail

by Volker Rißka

Im Rahmen der IFA 2015 stellt Intel die Skylake-Prozessorfamilie vom Core M über Xeon Mobile bis zum Desktop heute offiziell in Berlin vor. Der Fokus liegt auf den Notebook-Lösungen, bei denen die gesteigerte Effizienz punkten soll, doch auch im Desktop-Umfeld gibt es viele neue CPUs vom Core i7 bis hinab zum Pentium.

02 Sep 05:45

The Intel Skylake Mobile and Desktop Launch, with Architecture Analysis

by Ian Cutress

Intel’s 6th Generation of its Core product line, Skylake, is officially launching today. We previously saw the performance of the two high end Skylake-K 91W processors, but that was limited in detail as well as product. So it is today that Intel lifts the lid on the other parts from 4.5 W in mobile through Core M, to 15W/28W in Skylake-K, 45W in Skylake-H and then the 35W/65W mêlée of socketed Skylake-S parts. For today's formal launch we will be taking a look at the underlying Skylake architecture, which was unveiled by Intel at their recent Intel Developer Forum this August.

01 Sep 20:57

Metal Gear Solid: 20 Grafikkarten im Benchmark-Test mit Phantom Pain

by Wolfgang Andermahr

Mit Ground Zeroes sollte nur die Vorfreude auf den fünften Teil der Metal-Gear-Solid-Spieleserie geweckt werden. Mit Phantom Pain ist nun das eigentliche Spiel erschienen, das zahlreiche Höchstwertungen kassiert. Doch wie läuft das Spiel auf dem PC? Das klärt ComputerBase unter anderem mit Benchmarks zu 20 Grafikkarten.

01 Sep 08:24

A Google-autókat halálra lehet szívatni egy biciklivel

Az okosautók még túl hülyék a fixihez.
01 Sep 08:22

Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+: plusz méret, plusz tudás, plusz pénz

A nagyítókúrán járt Galaxy S6 edge+ phablet méretben is mutatós és villámgyors készülék, a +1 gigabájt RAM és a kézi kamerafunkciók pedig hasznos, ám drága extrák.
31 Aug 17:16

Ennyivel gyorsabb a Forma-1 kísérőszériáinál (videó)

by ()
31 Aug 08:30

A Konami megint kiakasztotta a rajongókat



A Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain PC-s lemezes változata csak a 9 MB-os Steam Installert tartalmazza.
31 Aug 08:27

Ütközés és duplapontok: Montoya nem lett bajnok

by (Telesport)
Hiába vezette egész évben a pontversenyt
31 Aug 08:22

Vízzel hűti "feljavított" konzolszerű X51 PC-jét az Alienware


elmenne egy ilyesmi xd

Az R3 változat már Skylake processzorral is futhat, és az eredetileg notebookokhoz készített külső VGA-ház is csatlakoztató hozzá.
30 Aug 18:05

The Intel Skylake i7-6700K Overclocking Performance Mini-Test to 4.8 GHz

by Ian Cutress

szépen megtapostak xd

At the time of our Skylake review of both the i7-6700K and the i5-6600K, due to the infancy of the platform and other constraints, we were unable to probe the performance uptake of the processors as they were overclocked. Our overclock testing showed that 4.6 GHz was a reasonable marker for our processors; however fast forward two weeks and that all seems to change as updates are released. With a new motherboard and the same liquid cooler, the same processor that performed 4.6 GHz gave 4.8 GHz with relative ease. In this mini-test, we tested our short-form CPU workload as well as integrated and discrete graphics at several frequencies to see where the real gains are.

28 Aug 10:10

CAT S40 - több mint kilenc élete van

A CAT új „elpusztíthatatlan” okostelefonja szerény specifikációkat rejt, ám a lényeg a külső burkolat szívósságán van, amely ellenáll mindennek, aminek csak egy strapakészülék képes lehet.
27 Aug 12:14

Windows 10 Browsers Benchmarks: Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome vs. IE

by Vygantas
Different hardware shows different results. Now here is a pretty interesting test that was done by the guys at CNET, benchmarking the latest stable versions of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer. What is interesting however is the fact that they tested them on two different laptops: Dell XPS 13, which costs $1,299 and […]
27 Aug 12:12

R9 Nano: AMD bringt Fiji-Vollausbau auf 15 cm mit 175 Watt

by Wolfgang Andermahr

XD HAHA ennyi? oké...

AMD spricht schon seit mehreren Monaten von der Radeon R9 Nano und die Gerüchteküche machte in letzter Zeit deutlich, dass die Vorstellung kurz bevor steht. Nun ist sie da, die Radeon R9 Nano. Erste Tests zu der laut AMD „energieeffizientesten Mini-ITX-Grafikkarte“ wird es jedoch erst nächsten Monat geben.

27 Aug 12:10

Call of Duty Black Ops III Beta тест GPU

by (svl)
bop3 Действие Call of Duty: Black Ops III будет происходить в будущем в 2065 году, спустя 40 лет после событий Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Страны мира разработали новую систему ПВО DEAD, теперь авиация бесполезна и все бои происходят на земле. Наука и техника радикально изменила мир, а также будущее человеческого мира с обществом, пытающимся остановить дальнейшие продвижения, так называемыми учеными как "прогресс"...
27 Aug 12:06

Samsung Galaxy J5 - csók a családnak

A dél-koreaiak középkategóriás terméksorozatának új tagja a Super-AMOLED kijelzővel, az előlapi vakuval és a 1,5 GB-nyi RAM-mal hódíthat, ráadásul szolgáltatói kínálatban is elérhető.
27 Aug 06:20

Magyar expolitikust is találtunk a félrelépős randioldal adatbázisában

Meg írót, lelkészt, nőgyógyászt. Ők fizető vendégek voltak az Ashley Madisonnál, és a hekkertámadás után kikerültek az adataik a netre. Ezek még így is lehetnek hamisak, bizonyítani csak a férjek, feleségek, barátok, barátnők tudnak.
26 Aug 20:45

Humvee helyett ezzel járnak majd az amerikai katonák


elég durva járgány xd

6,7 milliárd dollárból vesznek nekik 18 ezer JLTV-t. Jobban véd majd a terroristák bombái ellen.
26 Aug 15:44

AMD Project Quantum taken apart

by staff [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Fudzilla staff)

ebbe sem a nano került, miért is? ez a cucc úgy ahogy van szégeny lesz hiába parádéznak vele... intel cpu meg a ratyibb fury

AMD Project Quantum taken apart

Shows tightly packed components

Unveiled during AMD's E3 2015 Fury X launch, the Project Quantum PC was quite an interesting concept and today, someone has finally managed to get its hands on one and take it apart.

While it was hands-off during E3 2015 show, Project Quantum stole the show during AMD's Fury X launch at E3 2015 earlier this year. While it did showcase the small 4K/UHD capable system, AMD did not allow anyone to take a peak inside but did share some details about it, including the fact that it is equipped with a dual-Fiji graphics card.

A bit later, it was unveiled that it features a custom ASRock mini-ITX motherboard with Intel Core i7-4790K CPU, Crucial Ballistix RAM and AMD-branded SSD.

While managed to get their hands on one Project Quantum prototype, AMD was careful enough to pull out the dual-Fiji graphics card and replace it with standard R9 Fury X but still, it is quite impressive to see how all the components were squeezed inside such a small case, despite the fact that the PSU is an external unit.

While AMD earlier said that users will be able to choose between Intel and AMD CPUs it is still not clear if and when Project Quantum will actually come to the market. Earlier rumors suggested that Project Quantum might come this fall, as soon as AMD launches its dual-GPU Fiji-based Fury graphics card.

amd projectquantumpcworld 1

amd projectquantumpcworld 4

amd projectquantumpcworld 2

amd projectquantumpcworld 3

26 Aug 10:47

YouTube Gaming, Google's answer to Twitch launching today

Over a couple of months after it was announced, Google's YouTube Gaming service - its Twitch competitor - is set to launch today in the US and UK. At the time of announcement Google said that the service will become available "this summer." " YouTube Gaming will be available on the Web as well as mobile (Android and iOS), with the former set to go live at 10am PT, while the apps will be available starting 1pm ET and 6pm BT. If you aren't in the know, the service will feature gaming-related videos and live streams, powered by what Google calls "the biggest community of gamers on the web." Over 25,000 games will each have their own page containing all the best videos and live streams about that title. There will also be channels from game publishers and YouTube creators. Source |...

26 Aug 10:47

Dell Venue 8 7840 - a karcsúság nem minden

Egyáltalán nem mondható rossz készüléknek a Dell új, nyolc hüvelykes képátlóval és négy kamerával rendelkező tabletje, de a jelenlegi áráért túl sok a hiányosság és túl erős a konkurencia.