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08 Feb 11:06

'The Sun' acusa a Murcia de acumular en secreto "reservas masivas" de lechugas iceberg

En la Jungla. El tabloide británico habla de "pánico" en los supermercados del Reino Unido por la falta de verduras y hortalizas procedentes del Levante español.

08 Feb 11:04

Catro de cada dez galegos que están no paro levan nel máis de dous anos

by X.M.P.
Por volta de 88.000 persoas no noso país están en desemprego desde hai máis de 24 meses. 
08 Feb 11:04

A couza da pataca afecta xa 31 concellos e ameza con seguir a estenderse

by A.V.
Preocupación en goberno e produtores.
08 Feb 11:03

“Compramos en Galicia a Moura e Roxa, dúas vacas únicas, por 15.000 euros”

by Campo Galego

A empresa catalá Pujol´s especializada en maduración “dry aged” de carne de vacún comprou o pasado mes de decembro dous exemplares en Galicia, Roxa e Moura, por 15.000 euros. ¿Unha cantidade desorbitada? “O consumidor está disposto a pagar máis pola carne galega de vaca porque ten un sabor e unha calidade que non teñen nada que ver coa carne importada”, responde, Ferrán Pujol, propietario desta empresa pertencente ao grupo de distribución integral para a hostalería Euroestrellas.

Case todos os animais, fundamentalmente vacas, adquírenos en Galicia, “porque aínda hai gandeiros que manteñen a alimentación tradicional das vacas”. Pero advirte: “Hai que frear aos que venden carne de importación como galega”

Por que se especializou a súa empresa na compra de carne de vaca adulta?
A nosa empresa é especialista en maduración “dry aged” de carne de vacún. O obxectivo deste sistema de maduración é principalmente potenciar o sabor da carne polo que, no caso da carne de vacún, interésannos sobre todo a vaca e o boi; é dicir, animais adultos de máis de 4 anos. Buscamos carne cun potencial de sabor importante.

Os consumidores valoran o sabor e a tenrura. Con Pujol´s os consumidores que busquen o sabor auténtico da carne de vaca ou de boi, van atopalo. Coa nosa maduración “dry aged”, onde se perde ao redor dun 10% de peso do lombo, deshidratando a carne e potenciando o auténtico sabor a carne, buscamos aos consumidores amantes da carne de vaca.

A tenrura é un factor que valoran moitos consumidores. E as reses novas como a tenreira, o añojo ou o xato ofrecen carne moi tenra, pero non teñen tanto sabor, así que para o noso obxectivo de potenciar o sabor non son os animais máis axeitados.

Para min está claro que o que busca sabor, amará a vaca. E o que busque tenrura, amará a tenreira.

Presumen de adquirir as reses en Galicia. ¿Que características diferenciais atopan na carne das vacas criadas nesta comunidade?
Basicamente a diferenza da carne galega con respecto a outras carnes doutras rexións en Europa atópase na alimentación das reses. Persoalmente creo que a xenética dun animal dáche o potencial dunhas características determinadas, pero o aproveitamento deste potencial dácho a alimentación.

 “A alimentación tradicional fai que a carne de vaca galega sexa única”

Así que cando adquirimos as reses sempre buscamos esa alimentación natural que en poucos sitios do mundo existe xa que require unha climatoloxía concreta, unha forma de facer as cousas non moi industriais, pero sobre todo un agarimo especial do gandeiro cara ao animal.

¿Pódese falar de que en Galicia mantense un tipo de crianza destes animais de forma tradicional, que xa está en vías de desaparición?
Si, sen dúbida. Pero, por desgraza, este tipo de crianza está en vías de desaparición porque desde o punto de vista económico non ten moito sentido. Porque esa cría e engorde tradicional tan típica en Galicia non se basea no rendemento económico, senón en amar o traballo de gandeiro e amar o campo.

De todos os xeitos, en Galicia van saíndo mozos que seguen ese tipo de crianza tradicional co obxectivo de conseguir unha vaca ou un boi excepcional, así que quizais podemos estar esperanzados con que no futuro continúe esa tradición.

¿Cales son os seus provedores en Galicia, como chegan ás pequenas ganderías que crían estes animais?
Pujol´s ten unha relación moi estreita con Frigoríficos Bandeira, o gran especialista en localizar, seguir e comprar estes animais excepcionais. Entón é Bandeira quen fai o seguimento día a día e quen nos informa de que animais dispoñibles hai en cada momento. Ao final, un pequeno gandeiro vende o animal cando lle interesa así que hai que estar alí día a día porque ti podes saber que tal persoa está a criar dúas vacas excepcionais pero de súpeto un día é cando decide vendelas.


Jesús Vilares, gandeiro de Oroso, con Roxa e Moura, que vendeu a Pujol´s por 15.000 euros

¿Cales son os exemplares que adquiriron que consideran máis excepcionais? ¿E os maiores prezos que pagaron?
A mediados de decembro adquirimos xunto a Frigoríficos Bandeira, a Moura e a Roxa, dúas vacas excepcionais por 15.000 euros. Se preguntas a algúns pequenos gandeiros tradicionais, todos coñecían as vacas de Jesús Vilares, un gandeiro de Oroso (A Coruña). Non hai outras agora e tardarán en saír outras iguais. Quizais dentro dun tempo sairán máis.

“Adquirimos Moura e Roxa, dous exemplares únicos, por 15.000 euros”

Unha vez que chegan os animais á súa empresa, ¿Cal é o destino da distintas partes? ¿Que partes son máis valiosas e cales son os seus principais clientes?
Os dianteiros utilizámolos para picar e facer hamburguesas. Saen brutais cun sabor excepcional e non teñen nada que ver cunha hamburguesa normal. En canto aos traseiros, utilizámolos para facer cecina.

E por suposto, a parte máis importante, os lombos, poñémolos a madurar na nosa sala de maduración “dry aged”. Aquí non hai présa. Coas vacas máis excepcionais facemos maduracións dun mínimo de 3 ou 4 meses ata máis de 1 ano. Porque se o gandeiro non tivo ningunha présa na súa cría, ¿como imos ter présas nós agora?

¿Pódese dicir que se está incrementado o consumo deste tipo de carnes diferenciadas?
Si, rotundamente si. O motivo é que hai un segmento de mercado que buscan sabor, sabor e sabor. Grazas a ese grupo de consumidores que cada día aumenta, podemos pagar o que vale a carne. O que o consumidor ten que ter claro é que o prezo da carne galega é un pouco máis alta que a carne de importación (Alemaña, Dinamarca, Polonia….) pero que non ten comparación en canto a sabor.

“O sabor da carne galega non ten nada que ver coa importada”

¿Ve probable a creación de ganderías especializadas en criar este tipo de carnes? Na súa opinión, ¿Como deberían traballar para poder ser rendibles?
Si e de feito algúns o tentaron, aínda que non é fácil. O problema é que quen crea unha gandería con fins económicos non poderá conseguir nunca o que consegue un pequeno gandeiro que, nin conta as horas, nin os quilogramos de millo natural que lle dá aos seus animais. Hai ganderías moi bonitas, pero eu sempre preferirei un animal dun pequeno gandeiro que lle dá para comer o que a el lle parece e cando a el lle parece.

¿Como valora a creación dunha IXP para carne de vaca criada en Galicia?
Pode ser interesante. Pero o que creo que é prioritario para a carne de Galicia é frear o pirateo que hai coa carne galega. Moitas empresas, e algunhas moi importantes no sector, venden carne de importación como carne galega. Isto é así. Non hai un control estrito neste tema e son partidario de facer controis para asegurar que a carne que se vende como galega realmente salga de matadoiros de Galicia.

É unha práctica moi estendida. Xa non vou falar de que moitos venden vaca por boi, pero para min é moito máis grave que unha carne se comercialice baixo unha orixe, neste caso Galicia, cando en realidade ten outra orixe e procede doutras partes de Europa.

“Hai que frear aos que venden carne de importación como galega”

Neste sentido, en Pujol´s todos os lombos saen coa etiqueta do matadoiro e, ademais, na nosa propia etiqueta poñemos toda a información que temos do animal: idade, número de crotal, raza, orixes, días de maduración…. É un esforzo moi grande porque seguir a rastrexabilidade de toda a carne ten un custo para a empresa, pero cremos firmemente na honestidade.

Pero a realidade é que apostamos pola carne galega porque realmente cremos que é a mellor carne do mundo, sobre todo para a maduración “dry aged”, xa que é a única carne que cando maduramos só nos ofrece matices positivos, a diferenza doutras orixes.

La entrada “Compramos en Galicia a Moura e Roxa, dúas vacas únicas, por 15.000 euros” aparece primero en Campo Galego.

08 Feb 10:59

How To Declutter Your Life, Assuming You Can Afford To Buy New Possessions At Any Time

by Loretta Donelan

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all the things that clutter your home and mind? Decluttering is a great way to improve your quality of life as long as you can buy new versions of whatever you just threw out that you really shouldn’t have thrown them out in the first place. Here are some proven methods of eliminating all that stuff, assuming that you have enough disposable income to buy anything you need, at any time.


If You Haven’t Worn It In The Past Six Months, Toss It!

A tried and true decluttering method from Oprah, a billionaire, is to turn around the hangers of items in your closet that you’ve worn so that you can evaluate what you actually wear. Anything that you haven’t worn in the past three months doesn’t belong in your closet, even including all dresses that you only wear to weddings. This is presuming that you’ll be able to buy new clothes next time you have to go to a wedding or the seasons change. Now all your problems are gone!


Face It: You’re Never Going To Use All That Stuff You Bought In Bulk

Buying things in bulk can be an easy temptation: it’s cheaper, which might make you think that you are getting more for your money. Wrong! There’s no better way to clutter up your house than buying large quantities of food and toilet paper, and honey, you can afford the couple of dollars you save. Of course you can – everyone is rich!


Does It Serve A Purpose Or Bring You Joy? If Not, Get Rid Of It

Take a page out of Marie Kondo’s book and evaluate your clutter based on its ability to bring you joy. If, God forbid, what brings you joy happens to change in the future, like when you’re sinusitis returns or you go up a pant size, you can always buy another humidifier or another pair of $200 pants, presupposing you are the kind of person who has a savings account with lots of money in it and no sense of value for the things you own. Don’t you feel better just thinking about it?



Each Month, Get Rid Of 12 Items You Don’t Need

Your apartment is a vast quagmire of possessions, and you definitely do enough shopping that you need to re-evaluate your clutter on a regular basis. The simple act of going through your messy home and getting rid of a few items can bring you peace of mind, especially that bicycle that you won’t need until you total your car six months from now.


Before you know it, you’ll no longer be bogged down with all that stuff you don’t need in the next week or two that you can immediately order again on Amazon. Thankfully, you make enough money that owning things feels like a burden!

08 Feb 10:43

Merriam-Webster Just Added These 30 Food Words to the Dictionary

by Mayukh Sen

This morning, Merriam-Webster announced it just added a whopping 1,000 new entries to its dictionary. Some of the additions are turns of phrase that have only more recently become part of wider, mainstream cultural vernacular, from "ghosting" to "throwing shade"; others are such phrases as "safe space" and "microaggression."

Food Words I Still Can't Pronounce
Food Words I Still Can't Pronounce by Sarah Jampel

Included in this slew of new faces are 30 new food-related words. Browse the list below at your own leisure. I'm honestly a bit flummoxed as to how a good number of these of these weren't in the dictionary already. Oh, well. Welcome to the club, kids.

1. acai

2. Alfredo sauce

3. American chop suey

4. arancini

5. artisanal

6. calamondin

7. chef’s knife

8. chicken mushroom

9. chicken of the woods

10. circus peanut

11. coconut milk

12. coconut water

13. d’Anjou

14. elderflower

15. EVOO

16. farro

17. flatbread

18. food secure

19. food insecure

20. food truck

21. immersion circulator

22. macaron

23. Minneola tangelo

24. noni

25. olericulture

26. red bliss

27. santoku

28. secret sauce

29. Shirley Temple

30. strata

Genuinely curious—what food words would you nominate for next year's batch? Let us know in the comments.

08 Feb 10:35

¡Punk rock riot! Dead Kennedys y la revuelta en San Luis Obispo

by Lady X

A Morris Samuel, el promotor del concierto de Dead Kennedys en San Luis Obispo y antiguo convicto por tráfico de heroína, no le gustó la llegada de los agentes de policía. La multitud, varios centenares de personas, se agolpaba fuera, en los exteriores del local donde tenía lugar el concierto de Dead Kennedys, una banda que entonces era considerada una de las más famosas y potentes en la escena punk y hardcore estadounidense. Morris sospechaba que la aparición de la policía significaría problemas. Y así fue. Al día siguiente, 11 de octubre de 1985, los periódicos amanecieron con titulares que rezaban: «Punk Rock Riot».

Incidentes a las puertas del concierto de Dead Kennedys

Incidentes a las puertas del concierto de Dead Kennedys

Dead Kennedys estaban en el ojo del huracán. Aquel año, la banda se tuvo que enfrentar a varias demandas y una polémica que no hacía más que crecer. Fueron a San Luis Obispo a presentar Frankenchrist, su nuevo disco y el que les enfrentaría con el Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC), una organización conservadora estadounidense para la defensa de la moral y las buenas costumbres que puso precio a la cabeza de Jello Biafra, cantante y compositor de las letras.

Jello Baifra

Jello Baifra

El país vivía una ola de conservadurismo ultracristiano y Biafra se convirtió en uno de los rostros más populares del descontento. Pero las ondas expansivas de Frankenchrist no acabaron con la PMRC: la portada, una fotografía de un desfile que muestra a cuatro miembros de la Antigua Orden Árabe de los Nobles del Relicario Místico (una organización de masones patrióticos), todos ellos mutilados de guerra, conduciendo pequeñísimos automóviles, dio lugar a otra demanda de estos contra la banda.

Frankenchrist (Alternative Tentacles, 1985)

Frankenchrist (Alternative Tentacles, 1985)

Nunca se supo con certeza cuál fue el origen de la revuelta. Lo cierto es que todo más o menos discurría con la «normalidad» de un concierto de Dead Kennedys (los fans se arremolinaban frente al escenario, invadido por parte del público, que se lanzaba desde este). Se dice que surgieron varias peleas y que, por este motivo, hizo aparición un destacamento de agentes formado por los hombres del sheriff y la patrulla de carreteras, entre otros, que porra en mano no dudaron en golpear a los primeros fans que se encontraron. Esta versión asegura que las llamadas comenzaron a sucederse alrededor de las 21:45 y que, un poco después, a las 22:15, se estaban produciendo varias peleas, que inicialmente fueron repelidas por la seguridad del local, que calmó los ánimos.

Ventanas rotas en el museo dedicado a los veteranos de Vietnam

Ventanas rotas en el museo dedicado a los veteranos de Vietnam

Otras versiones apuntan a que no fueron llamados, sino que los agentes aparecieron por iniciativa propia, nerviosos por la «invasión» de jóvenes punks en una ciudad tan conservadora y tradicional como San Luis Obispo y tras presenciar el tipo de baile que tenía lugar frente al escenario. Incluso se dice que los problemas llegaron cuando varias decenas de fans no pudieron entrar al concierto porque no lograron hacerse con una entrada.

No tardó en desatarse el caos. Decenas de jóvenes se enfrentaron a los agentes con piedras y botellas, que cayeron una y otra vez sobre ellos, para luego desplazarse por la ciudad destrozando escaparates y mobiliario público. El mayor destrozo se produjo en el museo dedicado a los veteranos de Vietnam, que sufrió daños valorados en diez mil dólares. Veintiún personas fueron detenidas, dieciocho de las cuales pasaron a disposición judicial. El promotor, sin embargo, fue absuelto.  

Exteriores, en la actualidad, del museo dedicado a los veteranos de Vietnam

Exteriores, en la actualidad, del museo dedicado a los veteranos de Vietnam

La revuelta fue descomunal. A la mañana siguiente, la ciudad amaneció destrozada. La policía, una vez más y como venía siendo habitual desde finales de los setenta y primeros ochenta, había arremetido con violencia contra los punks, aunque sin llegar a la habitual brutalidad de los agentes de Los Ángeles con los fans del punk rock. A comienzos de los ochenta, la prensa comenzó a utilizar la expresión «punk riot» para referirise a conciertos de bandas como Fear, TSOL, Black Flag, Weirdos o los mismos Dead Kennedys, tras algunos incidentes en salas de conciertos de Hollywood. En varias ocasiones, los promotores Golden Voice o Better Youth Organization acabaron pagando varios miles de dólares en destrozos de todo tipo.


«A comienzos de los ochenta, la prensa comenzó a utilizar la expresión "punk riot" para referirise a conciertos de bandas como Fear, TSOL, Black Flag, Weirdos o los mismos Dead Kennedys, tras algunos incidentes en salas de conciertos de Hollywood»

Los disturbios de San Luis Obispo se convirtieron en inolvidables. «La policía trató a la audiencia igual que a Rodney King», confesó Biafra años más tarde. 

Mucho tiempo después, ya en solitario, Jello Biafra volvió a actuar en San Luis Obispo y en medio del show, recordó aquella noche:

08 Feb 00:01

6 Famous Movies You Probably Didn€™t Notice Are Propaganda

By Jordan Breeding  Published: February 07th, 2017 
07 Feb 23:05

How "I'm not a Robot" checkboxes work

by Mark Frauenfelder

Zuck That says, "Have you ever been on the Internet when you came across a checkbox that says “I’m not a robot?” In this video, I explain how those checkboxes (No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHAs) work as well as why they exist in the first place."

I mention CAPTCHA farms briefly, but the idea behind them is pretty straightforward. If a company wants to create an automatic computer program to buy 1,000 tickets to an event or make 1,000 email accounts, they can make a script that fills out the form one at a time, and when the program gets to a CAPTCHA, it will send a picture of it to a CAPTCHA farm where a low-wage worker will solve it and send the answer back to the computer program so that it can be used to finish filling out the form.

07 Feb 03:28

13 Women In Long-Term Relationships Talk About How Often They Initiate Sex

by Holly Riordan
Milly Cope
Milly Cope

1. “I’m always climbing onto his lap. Pressing my butt against him when we cuddle. Walking around the apartment in my towel. I don’t know if that counts as me initiating or him. I feel like I tease him and then he technically makes the first move.” — Jess, 24

2. “I have a suuuuper low libido. So I really only have sex when my boyfriend initiates it. Otherwise, sex doesn’t even cross my mind.” — Kayla, 21

3. “I don’t mind making the first move. I do it just as much as he does. The only thing is, if I have to initiate more than three times in a row, I get self-conscious. I feel like he isn’t interested in me anymore. And then I just get depressed and all the horniness goes away.” — Lauren, 26

4. “Oh, I do it all the time. When I’m bored, I’ll get on my knees and blow him. And when I’m wet, I’ll grab his arm and order him to eat me out. I’m blunt like that.” — Jasmine, 25

5. “I probably initiate about thirty percent of the time. It’s not often. But it’s not rare. Like, if I catch him singing (he has an amazing voice) or if he plays the guitar for me, then I’m all over him. Or if he cooks for me… There are certain triggers that make me want him. I’m sure it’s like that with every girl.” — Veronica, 25

6. “I start kissing him first all the time. But it’s not because I want sex. I just want kisses. And then he usually turns it into sex. I’d be happy with just a make-out session. But I think that still counts as me initiating it?” — Tiffany, 19

7. “He’s actually complained to me about the fact that I never make the first move. Said it makes him feel unattractive. Like I’m having sex with him as a chore instead of doing it for fun. I’m glad he talked to me about it, because our sex life is better now. I make a point to initiate at least once or twice each month.” — Bailey, 30

8. “I’m shy, so I try to hint that I want sex by snuggling up close to him. Or I’ll text him to meet me in the bedroom. It’s easier to say what I want over text. I do that pretty much every week.” — Monica, 28

9. “I’m actually more… sexual adventurous, I guess is the phrase. So I try to initiate sex all the time when we’re out in public. At home, not so much.” — Lisa, 23

10. “It’s 50-50 with us. I initiate half the time. He initiates the other half. Is that a boring answer? I don’t know. It’s the way it works with us, though.” — Jacqueline, 22

11. “I probably make the first move three or four times per month. It’s always during those few days before my period starts. That’s when I get horny. The rest of the month, he’s the horny one, so he typically initiates.” — Chelsea, 29

12. “I do all the initiating. 100% of it. But it’s because I’m a control freak. Whenever he wants sex, I turn him down. I like planning out when it’s going to happen. Thankfully I’ve found someone that doesn’t consider my schedules psycho.” — Cheryl, 20

13“I have no clue who starts it half the time. It just happens. Like our brains are connected and we had the same idea at the same time. One second we’re sitting side by side. The next second we’re fucking.” — Evelyn, 22 TC mark

06 Feb 23:51

5 Iconic Resistance Movements You're Picturing Exactly Wrong

By Vincent Pall,Steven Assarian,Adam Pilarski  Published: February 06th, 2017 
06 Feb 23:47

Scientists Engineered the Perfect Song to Make Babies Laugh

by Cari Romm
baby listening to headphones

Q: How do you make a baby laugh?

A: Get a professional musician together with some psychologists, brush up on the baby-laughter literature, write some tunes, write some lyrics, and cobble it all together into a research-backed piece of sonic science.

There are easier ways, sure, but this one’s still...More »

06 Feb 22:31

Ciudadanos elimina de su ideario la socialdemocracia y la razón humana

by Kike García
Rechazando de plano su origen humano, la Asamblea de Ciudadanos ha respaldado este sábado la apuesta de Albert Rivera por redefinir ideológicamente el partido y ha votado a favor de eliminar de su ideario cualquier conexión con el raciocinio de los hombres y responder al fin a los designios irracionales que condujeron a la fundación de
06 Feb 22:29

Study: Majority Of Humans Happiest When Rest Of Family Still Asleep

AMES, IA—Saying the findings were consistent across all demographic groups, a study published Monday by researchers at Iowa State University found that the vast majority of humans are happiest when the rest of their family is still asleep. “Nearly 90 percent of people experience their greatest feelings of delight and contentment on occasions when they wake up early and get to spend time alone in their quiet house while their spouse and children are still in bed,” said study co-author Bethany Zane, adding that 67 percent of respondents said unexpected moments of alone time during weekdays before work made them instantly more cheerful, while 78 percent said there was no greater joy than having the house to themselves for an hour or so on a Sunday morning. “Of those who linked their good spirits to being awake while their loved ones slept, roughly half said their happiness chiefly derived ...

06 Feb 21:24

The Alt-Right’s Favorite Diet

by Oliver Lee Bateman

Silicon Valley billionaire and Donald Trump backer Peter Thiel follows the paleo diet in hopes of reaching the ripe old age of 120, according to  Bloomberg. Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders ate "paleo before paleo was a thing," per a  People profile. But does paleo—which in its broadest sense refers to a diet centered on nuts, vegetables, and organ meats—lean in one political direction?

The Paleo Manifesto, a 2014 book about the diet, traces paleo's nutritional profile through a series of historical vignettes, explaining how our bodies haven't yet adjusted to the shock of the wheat-based "agricultural revolution." The book is apolitical, aside from its place in academic debates over the value of evolutionary psychology and evolutionary medicine. But John Durant,  Manifesto's Harvard-educated author, is not:  he's firmly on the alt-right.

Durant characterized the paleo diet that he champions as less avowedly political than previous iterations of the movement against processed foods.

"After World War II, pretty much all Americans ate the same processed food," he told me. "Historically, left-wing political polarization of the food movement happened first. The early organic movement was closely aligned with vegetarianism, and both were politically polarized as left-wing. And even today, not a lot of right-wing [people are] vegans. But that meant if non-liberals wanted a healthier real food identity—and identity is an important source of long-term motivation—it basically didn't exist. So paleo provided a real food identity that was less politicized than the dominant left-wing plant-based movement."

Read more on Motherboard

06 Feb 21:22

Every Insult the Right Uses to Troll Liberals, Explained

by Justin Caffier

America's political divide has never been wider and, with a historically unpopular president already digging his heels in with a flurry of controversial executive orders, that chasm is only guaranteed to grow.

Unsurprisingly, the protests and pushbacks have only galvanized the Trump faithful's commitment to their leader. And they aren't at all afraid to share their opinions of those standing in opposition to the Trump team's whims, be it online or in person.

Should you be on the receiving end of their vitriol—and as the majority of the country and world is anti-Trump, you likely will—you may need help deciphering some of the more arcane zings sent your way. Here's a little cheat sheet.


There's a sizable Venn diagram overlap between Trump supporters and dudes who got sucked into the icky world of pickup artistry. In the PUA realm, thanks to complete misunderstanding of wolf pack hierarchies, "beta" has come to be used as a catch all term for anyone who is not an assertive, overbearing alpha type (mostly liberals). This insult has begun to wane in popularity as the more popular "cuck" is used to the same effect.

Blue Pill

In The Matrix, Neo was offered a red pill and a blue pill by Morpheus. The red pill would wake him up to the hard truths of the world, and the blue pill would keep him in the more comfortable fantasy world.

Some on the right see themselves as Red-pillers, who have taken on the burden of enlightenment and having so-called epiphanies about why the races should not mix.

Don't feel too bad if if it's ever suggested that you've taken a blue pill. It's as hack a sentiment as "wake up sheeple" and red pillers are inextricably linked with impotent misogyny. 


Referencing the propensity for feminists, SJWs, and other disliked groups to dye their hair bright pastel colors, this insult is, itself, a splash of color usually thrown in to modify a base slur.


Ever the gracious winners, Trump supporters celebrate electoral, legislative, or endorsement victories with BTFO, which is shorthand for "blown the fuck out." This is as much a cheerful rallying cry among one another as it is a taunt to the defeated adversary.

Coloring Book

Referencing a few colleges' misguided efforts to soothe the burn of Trump's victory with offerings like puppies, hot chocolate, and coloring books, this insult insinuates that young people on the left are infantilized and ill-equipped to deal with issues outside of their familiar bubbles that challenge their worldview.

CTR (Shill) 

After the International Business Times reported that Hillary Clinton's campaign had potentially violated FEC laws by donating $280,000 to Correct the Record, a super PAC that engages in generating online political discussion, correction, trolling, etc., many pro-Clinton comments in various online threads were accused of being the work of "CTR shills." "CTR" is not as popular an insult as it once was—what with Clinton having lost and all—but "shill" is still thrown around with regularity to impugn a particular commenter and suggest they're being paid off by a cabal backing the opposing viewpoint.


You already know this popular one. To the insulter, liberal ideology is akin to another man fucking your wife. How'd we get from point A to B there? Setting aside the potential projection issues, the simplest reason is that a cuck is regarded as a simpering doormat of a person. "Cuck" is basically just "pussy" rebranded.

While not always the case, some usages of cuck have a racist element added. The wrinkle lies in the fact that a fair amount of cuck porn features a black man or men having intercourse with a white woman while her white husband watches. Liberal ideologies, traditionally more tolerant and beneficial to minorities than those of conservatives, are therefore regarded as a sort of political cucking. 


Comedian John Oliver frequently (OK, maybe too frequently) makes jokes along the lines of "it's 2017, why are we still having to argue for the womens' rights?" This irked segments of the right who believed that pointing to a date on a calendar was not a sufficient argument for a stance.

"It's [CURRENT YEAR]" eventually simmered into the reduction "CURRENT YEAR" and is now employed to mock liberals who think that maybe gay marriage should maybe be legal in the same epoch in which we're gearing up to colonize Mars.


Feminism advocates for equal treatment of the sexes. Some people, men's rights activists in particular, insist that the philosophy actually seeks to diminish men. They're wrong, of course, but this hasn't stopped the word from becoming an insult that only has teeth when read or heard by others who are also anti-feminism.


There are legitimate debates to be had over the economic ramifications of globalism. Unfortunately, anti-globalism is also linked to nationalism, which is pretty much next-door neighbors with "the races should not mix." If someone is calling you a "globalist" online, there's certainly a chance they're doing so with corporate taxation in mind. But given the nature of the medium, it's quite likely they're also concerned with the far more slippery slope of "national identity."


A portmanteaux of liberal + retard. Pretty uninspired tbh.

Low Energy

Donald Trump called Jeb Bush "low energy" throughout the course of the primaries, and now those who oppose Trump—who is high energy—are also tarred with that brush.

Participation Trophy 

Usually wielded by an older individual, a reference to a participation trophy is meant as a slam on the perceived inherent entitlement of millennials and the left.

In 80s California, a task force gave kids from poor communities trophies to boost their self-esteem. Before long, T-ball leagues and elementary schools around the country were handing out golden prizes to everyone who participated in a particular activity.

What the participation trophy invoker fails to grasp is that the recipients never once asked for these baubles. Baby boomers were the ones who decided to hand them out to a bunch of kids who unenthusiastically accepted them before putting them on a shelf and never thinking about them again.


Short for "politically correct" and a vestige of the last century, PC isn't used too much as a personal attack these days as it's been supplanted by the far snazzier "SJW." That said, "PC culture" is still bemoaned as the invisible shackles that prevent people from "telling it like it is" or using terminology others find offensive.

Regressive Left

The term was coined by British politician Maajid Nawaz as a label for those on the left who would jump at the chance to attack an idea or person for expressing an idea. Calling any challenge of Islamic beliefs as "Islamaphobia," in particular, is considered part and parcel with regressive lefties.

Agree with the sentiment or not, Nawaz presented his measured argument for the phrase reasonably and soberly. Naturally, all nuance has since been divorced from the term, and it is now indiscriminately used against any utterance of the left. 

Safe Space

Recently, college student groups have set up "safe spaces" as refuges from debating hot-button issues. The right, wrongly insinuating that the "real world" has no such sanctuaries, has taken to using the term sarcastically or as a suggestion of where liberals ought to return to.


Short for "social justice warrior," what once was an insult reserved for those so itching for a morality fight that they'd be willing to attack those on their own side, is now just a catch all term for anyone opposing a conservative ideology.


The current blue-ribbon insult of the right, "snowflake" refers to the presumption that everyone on the left believes the world owes them something on account of their individuality.

Though plenty has been written on the fact that it—ahem—actually originated as an anti-abolitionist insult, the sentiment of the modern usage is 100 percent lifted from a Fight Club monologue containing the lines, "You are not special. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake."

Ironically, these insulters who fancy themselves sage Tyler Durden truth-tellers are often the same ones simply aghast at the actions of the Black Bloc.


When sharing stories containing references or descriptions of graphic content like rape, suicide, or other upsetting material, people often attach "trigger warnings." Meant as a courtesy to readers who might have lived through the described situation and might experience PTSD, anxiety, or general displeasure if forced to mentally relive the experience.

Insulters on the right co-opted the trigger warning for mocking usage if a lefty is upset about something, even if justifiably so.

Tolerant Left 

Imagine enormous 128-pt quotation marks around the word tolerant here, and you'll best understand the right's sarcastic usage of this term, reparations for decades of being told THEY were the intolerant ones.


A term relatively interchangeable with "SJW," Tumblrina is an insult aimed at young, alt-looking lefty women, as Tumblr is a social media platform containing multitudes of liberal-minded youngsters who can occasionally lay on the self-righteousness a little thick. That probably has more to do with kids being obnoxious than political ideology.

Follow Justin Caffier on Twitter.

06 Feb 21:13

Your Personality Changes When You Move to a New Place

by Natalie Jacewicz

When people move across state lines, they usually think about what their new place will be like, their new neighbors, their new town — in short, all the other changes that come with a change of address. But what most people don’t consider is the way that the move will...More »

06 Feb 21:11

The Philippine president says he’s going to hell for his vicious drug war. And he’s proud of it.

by Lindsay Maizland

The Philippine Catholic Church condemned President Duterte’s drug war. Duterte responded by saying he’s going to hell.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has broken the fifth of the Ten Commandments, “Thou shall not kill.” Now he believes he’s going to hell for his vicious crackdown on the drug trade, which has left more then 7,000 people dead in the past seven months.

Since taking office in June 2016, Duterte has initiated and completely supported the killing of purported drug dealers and addicts by uniformed police and masked paramilitary gunmen as a way to stop crime. Over the weekend, he invited other Catholics in the country who support his crackdown to join him in hell.

“You Catholics, if you believe in your priests and bishops, you stay with them. If you want to go to heaven, then go to them,” he said in a press briefing. “Now, if you want to end drugs … I will go to hell. Come join me.”

Duterte is known for his blunt comments and strong personality. He previously cited Hitler as a positive role model and admitted to personally killing criminal suspects when he was mayor of his home city of Davao.

Duterte’s comments came in response to the Philippine Catholic Church’s condemnation of his war on drugs. Reuters reported that a pastoral letter read in congregations across the country Sunday “said it was disturbing that many people in the majority Catholic nation were indifferent to the killings, or even approved of them.” The letter specifically called Duterte’s drug war a “reign of terror.”

Despite the tough words, the Catholic Church itself has been slow to condemn the killings occurring in the Philippines’ poorest neighborhoods. The letter is the first official response, as reported by the Washington Post.

The country’s Catholic Church isn’t the first to criticize the president. Philippine Sen. Leila De Lima has called for Duterte’s impeachment. Former United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned the extrajudicial killings in June 2016 when he was still the secretary general, saying they were “illegal and a breach of fundamental rights and freedoms.” The International Criminal Court has even said it’s watching for signs of Duterte’s officials “ordering, requesting, encouraging or contributing” to crimes against humanity.

Amnesty International also recently released a report confirming that a vast majority of killings have been unlawful extrajudicial executions and that most drug-related killings victims were poor and lived in urban areas. On average, 34 people have been killed every day under Duterte’s presidency by police officers or other gunmen.

Duterte has also recently butted heads with the Catholic Church on contraceptive issues. In January, the president signed an executive order that would give 6 million women free, government-distributed contraception and reproductive health services. The executive order calls for the immediate enforcement of the 2012 law expanding access to contraception and health services. The law has yet to be broadly enforced in part because of the Catholic Church’s efforts to block it.

Though the Catholic Church came out against that executive order, it was unable to stop it. The country’s Catholic leadership may not have any more luck persuading Duterte to abandon his personal war.

06 Feb 20:48

The Banana Republics

by Miss Cellania

We've postedbefore about banana republics, but the story is a long and sordid one, so there are always details you didn't know about. Sam O'Nella Academy (previously at Neatorama) colorfully explains how the banana republics came into being. Contains NSFW language.  

(YouTube link)

This overview, while both entertaining and horrifying, barely scratches the surface of the violence and misery these trade wars brought to Central and South America. The 'nanners must flow! -via reddit

06 Feb 20:36

How Much Do You Hate the Sound of People Chewing?

by Mayukh Sen

For those who suffer from misophonia, a rare neural condition that corresponds to acute sound sensitivity, the sound of someone chewing isn’t a mere annoyance. Misophonia—literally, hatred of sound—results in near-paralyzing anger and anxiety. Your heart goes haywire; you sweat profusely.

Finally, Here's Some Good News About Garlic Breath
Finally, Here's Some Good News About Garlic Breath by Mayukh Sen

For the past 17 years, the scientific foundations of misophonia, along with its credibility as a genuine disorder, were unproven. Most in the scientific community, along with society writ large, were skeptical of misophonia's validity as an actual ailment that called for rigorous treatment.

Last week, scientific journal Current Biology published the findings of a study conducted by researchers at Britain's Newcastle University in which scientists examined the brains of 20 participants with misophonia and 22 without. All participants were fed trigger noises, from loud crunching and heavy breathing, along with merely unpleasant noises, like the sound of wailing children. The trigger noises resulted in visible trauma in the misophonia sufferers, from hypertension to sweating; the unpleasant noises didn’t evoke the same reaction in them. Contrast this with the control group, who didn’t exhibit the same quantifiable distress after hearing those trigger sounds.

The head researcher of the project, Dr. Sukhbinder Kumar, attributed misophonia's roots to the existence of traumatic memories from childhood. After numerous surveys, he gleaned that those who suffer from misophonia begin noticing the symptoms around the age of 12. For some, it's a disorder burrowed so deep that it prevents them from eating with family members or going to the movies. This study’s findings may only be the beginning of understanding misophonia's breadth and complexity. Kumar hopes that his team's conclusions will allow them to map out more precise causes for misophonia, and, ultimately work towards a solution.

Read the full report from Current Biology here. Do you suffer from misophonia? Let us know in the comments.

06 Feb 20:27

When I hear "the art of the possible" I reach for my revolver

by mondo dentro
Why Republicans Are Impressive: "Republicans don't look at polls and think 'we need to moderate our platform because Americans don't support starving the poor to death, and we'll get negative media coverage'; they work hard over the course of many years to shape public opinion until it says what they say. They know that if a major US political party puts out a consistent and coherent message for long enough, the polls will change and the media coverage will change."

More from Michael Kinnucan: The Hypocrite Reader.
06 Feb 20:27

Unprecedented: Japan's population has declined by 1 million in 5 years

by Cory Doctorow

Rich countries have low birthrates (in part because they have more rights for women, and women who can control their bodies and fates choose to have fewer children on average than women who live in poor countries with fewer rights for women); Japan, one of the most xenophobic of all the rich countries, has the killer combination of a near-total ban on immigration from poor countries (where all the young people are) and a high standard of living. (more…)

06 Feb 04:08

Castromil: a derruba da vergonza

by quique alvarellos
O edificio da «proporción áurea», en 1926

06 Feb 04:03

Dani Rovira se ha puesto tacones para hablar de la representación femenina y la gente no está muy contenta

by Alfredo Murillo

Quizá para ayudar a la representación femenina habría estado bien una mujer.

En su discurso, hemos podido oír frases como "siguen haciendo falta mujeres que hagan películas" o hablar sobre la desigualdad de candidatos a los Premios Goya, con 303 actores y 230 actrices. O en dirección, con 78 directores contra 18 directoras en el año 2016.

Para hacerlo, se ha subido en un par de tacones rojos. Porque claro, todas las mujeres llevan zapatos de tacón de aguja rojos y eso no es la visión masculina del asunto. Para nada.

Para hacerlo, se ha subido en un par de tacones rojos. Porque claro, todas las mujeres llevan zapatos de tacón de aguja rojos y eso no es la visión masculina del asunto. Para nada.


Además, el hecho de que haya sido un hombre, en una gala presentada por un hombre, en la que la mayoría de candidatos son hombres, el que haya tomado la palabra para hablar sobre la representación femenina no ha sido lo más adecuado.

Además, el hecho de que haya sido un hombre, en una gala presentada por un hombre, en la que la mayoría de candidatos son hombres, el que haya tomado la palabra para hablar sobre la representación femenina no ha sido lo más adecuado.


Las actrices presentes no tenían cara estar entendiendo muy bien lo que pasaba.

Las actrices presentes no tenían cara estar entendiendo muy bien lo que pasaba.


View Entire List ›

06 Feb 03:51

34 Girls Recall That Special Moment They Realized, ‘OMG, I’m Dating A Moron!’

by Lorenzo Jensen III
kondensstreifensurfer /
kondensstreifensurfer /
Found on AskReddit.

1. He thought cheese grew on trees.

“He thought cheese grew on trees. It took a long time to convince him otherwise.”


2. He gave himself a concussion by running into a board. Twice.

“My ex-boyfriend gave himself a concussion by running into a board. Twice. It was the same board. It hadn’t moved.”


3. He insisted that women cannot be doctors, only nurses (and vice versa).

“He insisted that women cannot be doctors, only nurses (and vice versa). He said that the two are the exact same thing except one is male and one is female….He was in his early 20s.”


4. He legitimately thought it was ‘meadow pause.’

“A 31-year-old man legitimately thought it was ‘meadow pause.’”


5. He called me ‘half Asian and half Vietnamese.’

“Me: I’m Vietnamese

Him: So you’re half Asian and half Vietnamese??

We were in our junior year of college…”


6. He thought China was a continent and that Asia was a city.

“He thought China was a continent and that Asia was a city.”


7. He wouldn’t go to a doctor because Noah never did and he lived to be 900 years old.

“‘No, I don’t need to go to the doctor, Noah never went and he lived to be 900 years old.’”


8. He tried to use Fig Newton bars as evidence against the existence of figs.

“I once had to convince my boyfriend that figs existed. For some reason he tried to use Fig Newton bars as evidence against the existence of figs.”


9. He didn’t know women’s breasts produced milk.

“I dated a guy for about a month until I found out that he didn’t realize that women’s breasts made actual milk to feed their babies. He thought ‘breast feeding’ was just a way to hold a baby while giving it a bottle.

‘I told him he was an idiot and he said, with a disgusted sneer, ‘I didn’t know that because I have never known any woman, who had or would, breast feed their child.’

I told him that I had breast fed my son and he called me a child molester.”


10. He thought ducks couldn’t lay eggs because they were birds.

“My boyfriend and I got into a serious argument because he thought ducks were not birds, therefore could not lay eggs.”


11. He thought Leonardo Dicaprio was retarded because he played a retarded person in a movie.

“‘It was a great movie! I didn’t know Leonardo DiCaprio was retarded. How did he act normal in all his other movies?’”


12. He thought my organ donor card meant I’d already donated an organ.

“When I was 17 years old I got my license and registered to be an organ donor, which is displayed on the front of the license. I showed my ex-boyfriend my license and he said, ‘Oh my god, what organ did you donate?’”


13. He told me that ‘daft’ wasn’t a ‘real word.’

“I told him, ‘Don’t be so daft.’ He told me to use real words.”


14. He told me hot water bottles didn’t exist anymore.

“When he told me hot water bottles didn’t exist anymore because central heating had been invented.”


15. He blankly looks at me and asks, ‘what is Holocaust?’

“We passed by the Holocaust museum. I made some comment about it. He blankly looks at me and asks, ‘what is Holocaust?’”


16. He thought Washington, DC was in Washington State.

“When we were driving in DC and I remarked off-hand, ‘Lovely day in the nation’s capital’ and he looked at me all confused. He did not know the capital of the US was Washington, and we were both 25 at the time.”


17. He had no idea toes had prints just like fingers.

“He had no idea toes had prints just like fingers. We were at a pool and he was looking at my feet in awe for a good 10 minutes.”


18. He said the sun was a planet and then told me not everyone is into astrology.

“He said the sun was a planet and then told me not everyone is into astrology.”


19. He wanted to start a business called ‘barista on a bike.’

“My homeless ex who was living with my parents wanted to quit his job to sell coffee from a bike, he called it ‘barista on a bike.’”


20. He argued with the waitress that the ‘special’ ravioli should be cheaper.

“When he argued with the waitress that the special ravioli ought to be cheaper than the regular menu ravioli, because it was ‘special.’ It was on special offer as an entree size, while on the regular menu it is an appetizer half the size.

He could not understand the simple notion that it cost more because there was twice as much food.”


21. He thought you could only get sick from cold weather.

“He didn’t believe me when I told him that you get sick from being exposed to viruses and bacteria. He thought you could only get sick from cold weather. Because apparently people don’t get sick in the summer ever? He was 27 at the time.”


22. He didn’t know the difference between Mexico and New Mexico.

“He asked me what was the difference between New Mexico and Mexico. Also, instead of saying, ‘Speak Spanish,’ he said ‘Speak Mexican.’”


23. He tried to convince me there were 12 hours in a day and 24 hours in 2 days.

“When I was 15 I dated a 19-year-old high school dropout. He tried to convince me there were 12 hours in a day and 24 hours in 2 days. When I tried to argue otherwise, he told me he was older than me so that meant he knew more than me.”


24. He told me that Criss Angel could do actual magic, not illusions.

“When he told me that Criss Angel could do magic. Like, not illusions. Wizardry.”


25. He said he didn’t believe in the planets because he couldn’t see them in the sky.

“He said he didn’t believe in the planets because he couldn’t see them in the sky.

‘The stars are farther away, but we can see them. It’s a conspiracy.’”


26. He would say, ‘you look like a deer caught with its headlights on.’

“I have a friend who used to say ‘you look like a deer caught with its headlights on.’ Instead of you look like a deer caught in the headlights.

He also used to call Elmer’s Glue ‘Elmo’s Glue.’

I made a entry for him. Here it is.”


27. He thought boobs got bigger when women were aroused.

“He made some offhand comment about how my ‘boobs were getting big’ while we were messing around. I was like…hold up, what? This man believed that women’s breasts got larger when they got aroused. We were both 25 years old.”


28. He thought ‘surreal’ was ‘so real.’

“We were driving around this weird part of Las Vegas and I said, ‘This is surreal.’ He said, ‘I know. It’s so real.’ I repeated, ‘Surreal’ and he repeated, ‘So. Real.’”


29. He thought the Grand Canyon was in Tennessee.

“When I mentioned how I’d like to see the Grand Canyon someday, and he responded that he didn’t want to because he doesn’t want to go to Tennessee.”


30. He said, ‘I wonder how women in ancient times fed their babies without baby bottles.’.

“My ex-boyfriend and I were talking about babies and formula and he looks at me and goes, ‘I wonder how women in ancient times fed their babies without baby bottles.’”


31. He said 9/11 led to World War I.

“Asked him what event resulted in WWI. His response was 9/11. He was serious.”


32. He thought I was talking about his friend when I used the phrase ‘elephant in the room.’

“When I used the phrase ‘elephant in the room’ and he got mad because he thought I was talking about his best friend.”


33. He shot himself in the leg twice while cleaning his gun.

“He shot himself in the leg twice while cleaning his gun. The same gun. 2 weeks apart….Shot himself in the calf the first time, then took out his kneecap the second time, same leg. Took months of surgeries to fix it.”


34. He truly believed that you regrow your virginity after 6 months of no sex.

“He truly believed that you regrow your virginity after 6 months of no sex….This was a conversation we had a year in (so no, this wasn’t the first indicator of idiocy) with two of our friends. His belief had nothing to do with the hymen or religious constructs. He just thought six months of no sex = poof virginity!”

PaGoodman TC mark

Read This: 34 Guys Recall That Special Moment They Realized, ‘OMG, I’m Dating A Moron!’

05 Feb 19:10

Law, Oppression, Focus, Compete, and Ruin

by blue_beetle
5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters. The "system" comes with a number of refined and subtle processes designed to make sure the complaints of the few get ignored by the many. First, all you have to do is ...
05 Feb 19:09

"almost always the highlight of my RSS feed"

by scruss
Kev, the curator of long-time MeFi favourite aggregator of silliness Nothing To Do With Arbroath (previously) has passed away.

Some previous highlights posted here as a memorial of a more joyful time: bat infestation, pink chaddis, pants optional, some pig, rickrolling the baby and urban scarecrows.
04 Feb 14:24

La Sexta contra HazteOir y el Yunque por combatir la tiranía de género y el aborto

by Gabriel Ariza

El programa de investigación emitido anoche dejó claro que el único objetivo de la televisión de extrema izquierda era, con la ayuda de algunos incautos, asestar un golpe a una asociación que defiende la vida y combate la dictadura LGTB.

La Sexta emitió anoche el programa de investigación que, tras meses de preparación, aseguraba que revelaría muchas cosas sobre HazteOir y el Yunque. Tras ver el programa, la conclusión de quienes esperaban ver algo novedoso fue la de siempre: El objetivo no era otro que, con la ayuda de algunos incautos, hacer daño a la defensa de la vida y de la familia.

El programa, de una hora de duración, era la suma de varios testimonios pobremente defendidos, con afirmaciones que ya todo el ámbito católico conoce, pero que ellos han convertido en su causa personal.

  • El de Luis Santamaría, un sacerdote, responsable de prensa de la diócesis de Zamora, que muchos se preguntan qué demonios hace prestándose al juego de una televisión de extrema izquierda para combatir a una asociación católica. ¿Es que vale todo, Padre?
  • El de José Luis N. Quijada, autor de un blog sobre el Yunque, y que denunciaba que le habían pedido tirar vísceras de animales contra una clínica abortista y que, por negarse, había sido víctima de ellos.
  • El de un periodista de poca talla que es conocido por su guerra personal contra Ignacio Arsuaga.
  • El de José Manuel Vidal, un cura rebotado, conocido por sus ataques permanentes y constantes a la Iglesia Católica y a los mejores obispos. Por cierto, ¿quién permitió que en el coro de una iglesia grabaran una entrevista los de La Sexta con uno de los más agresivos enemigos de la doctrina católica?
  • Juan Andrés Perelló, un eurodiputado socialista, que se victimizaba por haber recibido una figura de plástico de un bebé de “7 meses”: Se refería al Bebé Aído, la réplica de un bebé de 12 semanas, que Derecho a Vivir fabricó para explicar visualmente la crueldad del aborto.

Al final, el resultado del programa era retratar a la gente de Yunque/HazteOir como unos tipos misteriosos, algo sectarios, pertenecientes a un grupo secreto, y con objetivos similares a los que debería perseguir, en política, cualquier católico comprometido.

El error del Yunque: no haber salido del armario hace años

La reflexión que se impone tras haber visto el programa es la dificultad para entender por qué la gente de Yunque no se anticipó varios años a todo esto, por qué no salieron del armario, un armario cuyas puertas son de cristal: ya todo el mundo sabe quiénes son y qué supone en su vida la pertenencia a Yunque.

¿Con qué entonces habrían podido atacarles desde La Sexta si ellos mismos hubieran explicado qué es el Yunque, qué objetivos tiene, por qué actúan secretamente, y quiénes son sus responsables.

La actitud de muchos ante Yunque y sus asociaciones es la que explican los obispos mejicanos, que conocen la asociación desde sus inicios: “dejadles trabajar”. Sin embargo, para otros, todo vale contra el de al lado, incluso recurrir a La Sexta, una televisión en cuya línea editorial se encuentra fuertemente arraigada la defensa firme del aborto, y la imposición de la ideología de género.

La entrada La Sexta contra HazteOir y el Yunque por combatir la tiranía de género y el aborto aparece primero en Infovaticana.

04 Feb 14:01

15 Women On How Often They Expect Their Man To Eat Them Out

by Holly Riordan
God & Man
God & Man

1. “It depends, really. The more I go down on him, the more he goes down on me. To return the favor I guess. Let me think… I’m pretty sure he ate me out twice this week so far.” — Gina, 22

2. “Pft. I don’t expect anything. We’ve been together for eight years. When I get oral, I’m happy. But I don’t wake up thinking it’s going to happen.” — Brandy, 29

3. “Call me greedy, but I expect to have an equal amount of orgasms as he does. Unfortunately, I can only orgasm from oral, which means he goes down on me a lot. It’s not like I’m forcing him though. He’s happy to do it.” — Ashlee, 20

4. “Three times a year. On my birthday. On our anniversary. And on Valentine’s Day. Unless I’m on my period during those days. Then I’m screwed.” — Zoe, 25

5. “Oh, I don’t keep track of those things. It happens when it happens. Sometimes, he goes down on me multiple times in a day. Other times, we don’t touch each other at all for a full week.” — Felicia, 27

6.“Every few months. But it’s not like I never orgasm. I orgasm whenever he’s inside of me. So I don’t really mind the lack of oral or whatever.” — Kylie, 23

7. “Ummm once a month maybe? He usually does it when he wants something from me. Or when he’s trying to apologize. It’s like being handed flowers. Always makes me skeptical.” — Natasha, 26

8. “Whenever I feel the urge to push his head down there. He never offers on his own. But he always obliges when I ask. So don’t be afraid to initiate, ladies.” — Tara, 24

9. “How about never? He’s never gone down on me. Doesn’t like the taste, he says.” — Valeria, 19

10. “Every week seems like a good amount. I won’t complain if it doesn’t happen, though. Sometimes life gets in the way.” — Brenda, 29

11. “About three times per week. And we have sex about six times per week. Basically, he eats me out before sex half the time. The other half, we just jump into it without much foreplay.” — Daisy, 21

12. “We don’t even have penetrative sex that often. Lucky if it happens once a week. So oral? Only once in a blue moon.” — Cynthia, 30

13. “I’d let him give me oral every damn day if he wanted. But I’m not going to force him into anything. He knows I always want it. So if he wants to give it to me, he can.” — Sierra, 22

14. “God… I can’t remember the last time he was down there. A few months ago, maybe? I must not expect it often, then, I guess.” — Emma, 24

15. “I go down on him every day of my period, which typically lasts four days for me. So, I figure, he should balance it out by going down on me at least once per week. That’s four times a month. Minimum.” — Jillian, 20 TC mark

04 Feb 13:36

I don't want to get into your politics, but Boris Johnson is a big wan...

by ambrosen
Somewhat miffed that The Netherlands got in first (previously), German late night show Neo Magazin Royale decided to give every European country a chance to pitch to take second place. Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Lithuania, Netherlands & Portugal with more to come after they're aired. Videos in English with subtitles, introductions in local languages, some jokes pretty gross (looking at you, Belgium).